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Section of philology 11 letters crossword puzzle. What does philology study and what sections does it include. Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word romance

Many people perceive the philological sciences as something very vague and abstract. They know that this process is related to the study of languages, but they do not have more detailed information. And only those who graduated from the Faculty of Philology can accurately and fascinatingly reveal all aspects of verbal science.

Science concept

Philology - which studies the spirituality of different peoples, analyzes their writing, comprehends in detail the features of a particular language, and then collects the knowledge gained into a single whole.

It is known that written texts are one of the sources reflecting the history of the people. The first of these appeared in the form of comments on complex words found in dictionaries, treatises, and religious writings. Homer was the first whose notes were scrutinized.

Philology includes many subjects, and each of them deals with its own branch. Romano-Germanic philology, for example, is the most widespread in the world, as it deals with the analysis of Romance and Germanic languages.

Romance languages ​​include:

  • French;
  • Italian;
  • Spanish and others.

The German group is among many studying English and German, one of the most common languages ​​today.

History of development

Philological sciences appeared long ago, back in ancient Greece. First there was their emergence, then development (during the Middle Ages), and already in the Renaissance - flowering in full force. The very concept of "philology" began to take shape in the 18th century. Then it was only about the classical branch, after which the Slavic one subsequently arose. The founder of the Slavic branch is the Czech scientist Dobrovsky Yosef.

It is easy to understand the reason why the development of philology began. Europeans became interested in their national roots, sources, development trends. This was facilitated by the formation of a romantic worldview at that time, as well as the beginning of the struggle against the Turkish invaders.

As for other types of science: each of them studies a certain branch and the peoples related to it in great depth. There are many public organizations in the world that are engaged in one common cause, gather from time to time and exchange their achievements.

Complex of Sciences

For a complete understanding of what philology does, it is worth revealing which philological sciences are its components:

  • Linguistics. The second name is linguistics, which studies the very essence of the language, its function, structure.
  • Literary criticism. Considers the history of literature, its development and influence on the culture of the people.
  • Folklore. Folk art, folklore, myths and legends are the main subjects of study.
  • Textology. The focus of her attention is the works of various authors, the history of their appearance and further fate.
  • Paleography. This science studies the manuscripts of antiquity, their forms, styles, time and place of creation.

As can be seen from this information, the philological sciences study the language from all possible sides.

Notable philologists

Who is a philologist? He is a linguist. This figure studies in depth the specifics of a particular language, draws conclusions about the spiritual heritage of the people who speak it. Russian philologists made a huge contribution to the creation and development of the Russian language.

  • Lomonosov M.V. was the founder of Russian grammar. He was one of the first to lay down the style of the language. What we now know about parts of speech is the merit of Mikhail Vasilyevich. Being a skilled poet, he laid the foundation for different styles.
  • Vostokov A.Kh. studied grammar exclusively and wrote many books on the subject.
  • Potebnya A.A. studied Russian and Ukrainian languages, paid much attention to grammar.
  • Shakhmatov A.A. studied the origin of the language. Wrote several works on the topic of the syntax of the Russian language.
  • Peshkovsky A.M. singled out intonation in speech as a grammatical tool that helps to correctly express thoughts.
  • Shcherba L.V. was the discoverer of the words of the category of state and discussed the role of the noun and the verb in the sentence.
  • Vinogradov V.V. studied the history of Russian linguistics. Wrote many books about the styles of the Russian language used in their writings by various writers. His contribution to the lexicology and phraseology of the language is especially valuable.
  • Karamzin N.M. engaged in the study of the church Russian language, significantly brought closer the literary and colloquial style of communication.
  • Ushakov D.N. studied spelling, lexicology, dialectology. Wrote 4 volumes of an explanatory dictionary containing 90,000 entries. Work on this project was carried out for 6 years.
  • Dal V.I. known to everyone as the author of the Great Explanatory Dictionary, which in itself shows the depth of his study of the Russian language.

Philology of the Russian language

Russian philology is part of a huge Slavic section that studies the Russian people and their heritage. Back in the 17th century, the collection of data on ancient manuscripts was started, which was carried out by Count Rumyantsev.

In the XVIII century, Lomonosov wrote two famous books on the grammar of the language and the advantage of the church language, which continued the study of stylistics. Until now, Russian philologists do not stop working, continuing to analyze various styles, dialects and phraseological units. Only now they are already modern figures who not only write works, but also share their discoveries with university students. After all, most of the philologists work in higher educational institutions and research institutes.

Foreign philology

This is aimed at the study of foreign languages, their history and features. Literary heritage, works are studied in detail, a detailed analysis of styles and dialects is made, knowledge of which greatly affects a person's ability to speak and understand a native speaker of the language being studied. A large role is given to the practice of translation.

You can study the rules of spelling, grammar and phonetics for a long time, but without practical speech training you will not be able to speak and translate correctly.

How to become a philologist

You can become a philologist and devote yourself to the most interesting of the sciences by entering the Faculty of Philology. There are many educational institutions offering such specialties. Some of them have departments dealing with different branches of linguistics: it can be Slavic, Indo-European, Romano-Germanic philology.

Choosing a direction, each student decides for himself which language and people are most interested in him and whose spirituality he will be curious to study. The best philological faculties in Russia are famous for such educational institutions as:

  • Moscow State University;
  • Russian State University for the Humanities;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Dobrolyubov;
  • South Federal University;
  • Irkutsk Linguistic State University;

This is a list of the most popular establishments among young people. But there are still many faculties in other universities where you can study your favorite direction.

At the level of a single person, the paradox of the process of cognition is that the more you delve into some subject area, the more questions and misunderstandings you have. In childhood and early adolescence, we tend to perceive the world as a whole. Tricky questions and insoluble contradictions appear later.

The words "Philology and Linguistics" written next to each other are perceived as quite a familiar combination of words. But if you dig a little deeper, it suddenly turns out that everything is not so simple. Firstly, philology itself is traditionally divided into two large sections: literary criticism and linguistics. In addition, it turns out that philology is not just one closed area, but a whole complex of scientific disciplines, which includes: linguistics, literary criticism, source studies, paleography, ethnography, folklore, textual criticism, etc. That is, first of all, everything that is connected with the analysis and study of texts.

What is closer to me as a professional translator, namely modern translation studies and the theory of translation in general, has also been largely reduced to literary and stylistic analysis, thereby narrowing the viewing angle.

We are accustomed to perceive philology and linguistics as a kind of given. But at the same time, even the very content and boundaries of philology as a subject area, it turns out, are not interpreted by all scientists in the same way. What in Russia is usually called modern philology, which includes such disciplines as English, Germanic, Slavic, etc., is referred to as linguistics in the Western tradition.

Here, try to figure out what is included in what? Linguistics (linguistics) into philology or philology into linguistics? As I said at the beginning of this article, for me these are two different views of related phenomena. For a linguist, the subject of study is language as such, and for a philologist, sources and texts created on the basis of this language.

(To be continued)

Section of Philology

First letter "r"

Second letter "o"

Third letter "m"

The last beech is the letter "a"

Answer for the clue "Philology section", 11 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word romance

The totality of sciences about Romance languages, literature and folklore

Philology field

Romance philology

Branch of philology that studies Romance languages ​​and literature and folklore

Word definitions for romance in dictionaries

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
the field of philology that studies the Romance languages ​​and literatures, folklore and culture of the Romance peoples. R. originated in the Middle Ages, but was developed in the Renaissance. One of the first philologists and novelists was Dante. In the treatise "On popular eloquence" ...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
novelists, pl. no, w. The totality of philological sciences involved in the study of the culture of the Romance peoples; Romance Philology.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.
-and, well. The totality of sciences about Romance languages, literature and folklore.

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Romance, or Romance philology, is a field of Indo-European philology that studies the Romance languages ​​and literature, as well as the folklore and culture of the Romance peoples of the Old and New Worlds. Romance originated in the Middle Ages, mainly as an adjacent ...

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. The totality of philological sciences dealing with the study of Romance languages, the culture of Romance peoples; Romance Philology.

Examples of the use of the word romance in literature.

It turns out that determinism as a principle of approach to explaining the world and man and psychologism is a remarkable achievement. romance of the last century - are firmly connected with bourgeois ideology and must share the fate of this latter, so that the literature of the new society can do without, say, psychologism, and philosophy without determinism.

So, I really think that in the historical romance plagiarism is better than invention, even if it is successful and based on sophisticated intuition.

Based on the precious experience of the native and world classical historical romance, the historical genres of Soviet literature are developing in an irreconcilable struggle with modern bourgeois-decadent historical-biographical literature, where history is used only as a decorative background for the development of intriguing plots of a sensational and entertaining nature, where the meaning and laws of the development of human society are emphatically neglected and shamelessly distorted.

Only a few, the most significant works of our multinational Soviet historical romance received such unanimous recognition and approval from writers, literary critics and scholars, not to mention the general readership, which for more than thirty years has been excitedly meeting the appearance of each new book of this multi-volume novel.

That is why in a detailed literary work devoted to the ideological and creative problems of our historical romance, in the monograph S.