
When to take clenbuterol pre-workout or post-workout. Clenbuterol for weight loss. Fat mass and obesity

Drying is a very important moment for those who want to achieve grooved muscles, prepare for exhibition competitions and emphasize their ideal physical shape. This process is a decrease in the amount of water in the body. Initially, your muscles are still hidden and not very prominent, but after drying they will look just perfect, every inch of your body will look like cast steel. Naturally, many want to achieve a similar effect, but it is very difficult to do it on your own - in this case, you will most likely cause serious damage to your body. You should not act in this case on your own - firstly, consult knowledgeable people, control your health, and secondly, use special tools that will allow you to achieve the desired result much faster. One of the best drugs in this case is Clenbuterol, which you can find in specialized stores. But before you immediately start drinking unfamiliar pills, you need to find out as much information as possible, focusing on how to take Clenbuterol.

What is this drug?

So, before moving on to the most important question of how to take Clenbuterol, you need to deal with more general points. For example, you should find out what kind of drug it is, because initially it had nothing to do with bodybuilding and drying. The fact is that this medicine was used to treat bronchial asthma - in principle, it is used for this now. However, at some point it became known that Clenbuterol perfectly burns fat, after which it immediately began to be used everywhere for drying. Naturally, doctors do not recommend such use, but there are not many side effects from it, so in most cases people continue to "dry" with it. Moreover, sometimes it is even referred to as a special sports supplement, although in fact it is not. Therefore, remember that Clenbuterol is primarily an asthma drug, a medical drug, so you need to be very careful about its use and seriously study how to take Clenbuterol.

Operating principle

If you are not yet sure that this drug will not harm your health, before learning how to take Clenbuterol, you need to figure out exactly how it works on your body. As mentioned earlier, it is an excellent fat burner, which is why bodybuilders use it - this drug is ideal for drying. But at the same time, it also creates a certain protection of muscles from atrophy and destruction, which is quite important when an athlete "dries" his body - burning fat can damage your muscles, so the use of Clenbuterol can even be called useful in the drying process. Especially considering that its main function (the fight against bronchial asthma) facilitates breathing, which is guaranteed not to be attributed to disadvantages. Now you are most likely convinced that you should not be afraid when you use Clenbuterol. How to take this drug for drying? Now you will know about it.

Effects of application

Please note that this drug can be taken in combination. For example, one of the most common is Clenbuterol and Ketotifen. How to take this combination and what additional benefits it provides will be discussed a little later, but for now you need to understand in more detail what effect this drug itself has on your body so that there are no questions left. Naturally, first of all, it is necessary to highlight and - this is exactly why bodybuilders and athletes buy Clenbuterol. But other effects are also worth noting, such as a temporary increase in strength and an increase in body temperature. Don't be surprised if you don't feel like eating for a while after taking this drug - it affects your appetite. Well, also do not forget about the actions that were described above - the drug protects your muscles during the drying period, when they are at risk, and also has an anabolic effect, although it is very weakly expressed. If you are ready for all this, then you need to buy pills or "Clenbuterol" - a syrup for weight loss. How to take this drug? Now you will know everything about it.

Basics of taking the drug

So, it's time to get acquainted in detail with how to take Clenbuterol correctly. To begin with, it is worth designating the limits that you should not go beyond - do not take more than 140 micrograms of the drug per day so that there is no overdose. The course of "Clenbuterol" should be two weeks, after which the body develops addiction, so you have to take a break - it should also be at least two weeks, and even better - more. If you take Ketotifen in parallel with Clenbuterol, then you can leave the break for 14 days, but taking a pure drug obliges you to double or even triple the break. There is also another version of the course, which has the shape of a pulse: take the drug two days later, but you should pay attention to the fact that the effectiveness is slightly reduced. The most important thing to keep in mind is a constant supply of protein to the body (without it, you increase the risk of unpleasant effects, as well as reduce the effectiveness of the remedy itself). With protein, the effect of "Clenbuterol" on your body will be faster and more obvious. Naturally, there is a separate theory on how to take Clenbuterol for girls, but the fairer sex is much less likely to want to dry their bodies in the same drastic way as men, so the courses are mainly focused on the stronger sex.

Course without "Ketotifen"

To begin with, it is worth talking about how best to take this drug in its pure form, that is, without the use of additional substances. So, for the first five days, the dosage should be increased by 20 micrograms each day, given that the course begins with a dose of 20 micrograms. Thus, by the sixth day, the dosage will reach its maximum - 120 micrograms, it is this indicator that must be maintained until two days remain until the end of the course (two weeks). On the penultimate day of the course, you need to sharply reduce the dosage to 80 micrograms, and on the last day - to 40 micrograms. The best time to take small doses of Clenbuterol is in the morning, as one of the side effects of the drug can be insomnia, and taking it in the evening can lead to unpleasant consequences. Also, its effectiveness in the morning will be higher. When the dose increases, you need to divide the intake into two parts - in the morning and in the afternoon.

Course with "Ketotifen"

Much more popular is the method of using Clenbuterol along with Ketotifen. This drug perfectly complements Clenbuterol, restoring the sensitivity of your body to its effects. Accordingly, you can extend the course from two weeks at once to eight, speeding up the drying process by about 10-20 percent. But how to take Clenbuterol with Ketotifen correctly? Naturally, the dosage of the drug will be different from the one indicated above. As a matter of fact, the beginning of the course remains the same, but only on the fifth day you need to take 1 milligram of "Ketotifen", and on the sixth - already two. And after that, the course does not change until the 27th day with a monthly course. Then there is a decrease in the dosage of both one drug and the other.

Course with "Yohimbine" and "Thyroxine"

Another incredible combination is Thyroxine, Clenbuterol and Yohimbine! How to take this mixture? Everything is quite complicated here, so you'd better ask a specialist for help. take arbitrary units as a basis.For "Clenbuterol" it is 40 micrograms, for "Thyroxin" - 25 micrograms, and for "Yohimbine" - 5 milligrams. Until the ninth day, you need to raise the dosage from 1 unit to 2 every three days, and then every three days to lower it by half a unit.As a result, in the last two days (20th and 21st) you need to take one quarter of a unit of each drug.

Side effects

Of course, Clenbuterol is one of the best and most recommended drugs for burning fat and cutting, it has a lot of positive effects for which everyone advises it. But do not forget that all people are different, and each body can react differently to this drug. Therefore, you should immediately familiarize yourself with the side effects that may occur when taking Clenbuterol. The most common side effect is trembling throughout the body - it occurs in 20 percent of cases and manifests itself in the first days of administration, after which it gradually subsides. Immediately note that this disadvantage, like many others, is eliminated by combining with Ketotifen, so you are better off taking this combination, and not pure Clenbuterol. Less often, but still quite often, there are insomnia, which was already discussed above, excessive sweating, anxiety, heart palpitations, increased pressure, and even a violation of the stool, expressed in diarrhea. The most rare side effects are nausea and convulsions.

"Clenbuterol" and alcohol

You can combine alcohol and Clenbuterol, but this will reduce efficiency, increase the load on the muscles and heart, and also increase the likelihood of side effects.

Hello friends! Today we are talking about one interesting and effective fat burner - clenbuterol. I will tell you in detail how to take clenbuterol for weight loss and other interesting practical points.

This year, for the first time, I used clenbuterol. Never before have I used any fat burners, well, except for coffee, which I really love.

This year I wanted to get a practical case on how to use various kinds of fat burners, and how they affect the process of losing weight. I am sure that the information will be of interest to you, friends.

First, I propose to understand what clenbuterol is.

Clenbuterol(from the English “Clenbuterol”, or “maple” among bodybuilders) is an adrenomimetic, i.e. a drug that is used in medicine for the treatment of bronchial asthma.

Clenbuterol DOES NOT belong to the class of anabolic steroids, I repeat, it is an adrenomimetic (a medicine for bronchial asthma).

For us, it is interesting in the first place not for this.

Clenbuterol is used in bodybuilding because of its ability to burn fat by stimulating beta-2-adrenergic receptors.

Do not be alarmed if you come across incomprehensible words, the mechanism of action is quite simple.

Clenbuterol for weight loss. Mechanism of action

Clenbuterol binds to type 2 beta receptors in human muscle and adipose tissue. After that, a series of biochemical reactions are launched that increase the synthesis of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).

Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) activates enzymes that mobilize fatty acids from adipose tissue cells (adipocytes).

Additionally, clenbuterol, acting on beta-2 adrenoreceptors, promotes the production of adrenaline (hormone of fear) and norepinephrine (hormone of rage), which give a fat-burning effect.

The secretion of thyroid hormones, which are natural fat burners of the body, is also enhanced.

Clenbuterol affects lipoprotein lipase, inhibiting its activity, thereby making the process of deposition of fat in adipose tissue impossible.

As a result of all the above reactions, the level of basal metabolism increases by 20-30%.

Is the mechanism of action clear in terms of weight loss? Let's briefly explain again.

Many recent studies, such as Lee P. 2015 on formoterol (a selective beta-2 agonist), talk about the anti-catabolic effect of clenbuterol, i.e. about ITS ABILITY TO PRESERVE MUSCLE TISSUE while losing weight.

Human experiments in 2015 confirm the ability of clenbuterol to keep muscles lean and accelerate protein synthesis, which makes the drug relevant for bodybuilding.

I am sure that my experience with clenbuterol will be useful to you. I will describe it in great detail towards the end of the article, but for now let's look at some of the effects of using this drug.

Positive Effects of Clenbuterol

Based on research, the use of clenbuterol gives the following positive effects:

  • Fat burning, muscle drying.
  • Increase in strength and endurance.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Prevention of muscle catabolism.
  • Slight anabolic effect (mild muscle growth).
  • Sufficiently low frequency of side effects (irreversible effects are practically absent).

At the bottom of the article, I will write in detail about my experience and feelings from the use of clenbuterol, I am sure many will benefit from my experience.

One of the well-known authors, Yuri Bombela, claims that in high doses (more than 250-300 mcg / day) clenbuterol can destroy muscles, contributing to the subsequent hypertrophy of muscle tissue, but this statement is not true, because neither research, nor, moreover, no empirical justification was given. These are just the author's guesses. Yes, and taking this drug in such dosages is simply stupid. Later you will understand why.

In 2010, a study was conducted that shows the synergistic effect of the use of clenbuterol on the course of anabolic steroids (if you use them, of course).

Side Effects of Clenbuterol

Despite the fact that the drug has practically no irreversible side effects, the most common of them should be indicated so that you are aware of:

  • Cardiopalmus(you can eliminate beta-1 blockers, 5 mg of bisoprolol or 50 mg of metoprolol in the morning). To be honest, my heart was beating like crazy, at first I even thought about stopping taking it, I stopped at the working dosage of 120 mcg.
  • Tremor(shiver). I noticed only in the first days of taking it, until about 5-6 days, then it gradually fades away. Can be eliminated with ketotifen.
  • sweating. Clenbuterol slightly increases body temperature, so you are constantly hot, you sweat, and in general a semi-ill state.
  • Insomnia. If you take clenbuterol in the late afternoon, then insomnia is possible, but it is eliminated by ketotifen 1-2 mg at night.
  • Anxiety. Periodically there is a feeling of excitement. Although it is difficult to notice, especially for impressionable people. Eliminated by ketotifen.
  • Increase in blood pressure. It is eliminated by beta-1 blockers, 5 mg of bisoprolol or 50 mg of metoprolol in the morning.
  • Diarrhea(violation of the stool). Possible in the first days of taking the drug.
  • Nausea. Very rare, but still possible.
  • Seizures. Usually with an overdose or at the initial stage of taking the drug. Dangerous thing, because The heart is also a muscle. I took clenbuterol during the swimming season, I was afraid that it might bring something when you are far from the coast. The problem is solved by asparkam or panangin 2-3 times a day with meals.
  • Sometimes, headache. It is most commonly associated with high blood pressure.

Contraindications to taking clenbuterol

Based on the side effects, clenbuterol has contraindications that you MUST pay attention to if you still want to use this drug.

  • Thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease) and hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • Tachycardia and tachyarrhythmia (rapid non-rhythmic heartbeats).
  • Subaortic stenosis of the aorta (non-inflammatory disease of the muscle tissue of the left ventricle of the heart, which is characterized by a sharp narrowing of its cavity).
  • Acute period of myocardial infarction.
  • Pregnancy.


Friends, my heart is beating like crazy, I'm serious, and I'm a person with a completely healthy heart. No need to take risks because of a couple of three extra pounds.

Perhaps one of the most important questions for a person who decides to take clenbuterol.

Clenbuterol is available in syrup and tablets. We are interested in tablets, because. the syrup is full of sugar, which contributes to the rapid production of insulin and stop fat burning.

Tablets are sold, as a rule, in a dosage of 0.04 mg (40 mcg), clenbuterol hydrochloride. Also, there are tablets of 20 mcg and even 10 mcg. The dosage is indicated in MICROGRAMS (mcg), pay attention to this.

And in general, never rush to stuff something into yourself without understanding the dosage.

So, three main and two additional DANGEROUS (marked with *) regimens for taking clenbuterol:

Clenbuterol solo course

Perhaps the most common course, and, in my opinion, the best. The best, because you do not need to increase the duration of application and continue to stuff yourself with clenbuterol.

So, as a standard, the dose of clenbuterol should increase by a slide during the first week (or rather, the first five days). Then the working dosage is kept for 7 days, and after two days it decreases.

  • Working dosage of clenbuterol for men: 100 to 160 micrograms.
  • Working dosage of clenbuterol for women: 60 to 100 micrograms.

I have indicated the RANGE of working dosage for a simple reason. Because ALL PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT, and someone will already feel very unwell on day 4-5, that it will be impossible to continue, and some will feel a very weak effect even from 160 mcg.

In general, 120 micrograms on days 6-12 is fine for most men, while 80 micrograms will be sufficient for most women.

I always adhere to the rule: LESS IS BETTER. Not a single tablet will replace your correct, competent training and diet.

The course of clenbuterol solo for 2 weeks looks like this (based on the fact that one tablet in the package will be equal to 40 mcg):

  • Day 1: 20 mcg (0.02 mg or half a tablet).
  • Day 2: 40 micrograms (0.04 mg or one tablet).
  • Day 3: 60 micrograms (0.06 mg or one and a half tablets).
  • Day 4: 80 mcg (0.08 mg or two tablets).
  • Day 5: 100 mcg (0.10 mg or two and a half tablets).
  • Day 6: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 7: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 8: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 9: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 10: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 11: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 12: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 13: 80 mcg (0.08 mg or two tablets).
  • Day 14: 40 micrograms (0.04 mg or one tablet).

IMPORTANT! How to use:

  • As long as the dosage has not exceeded 80 mcg(at 80 it is still possible), then we drink at ONE TIME, from the very morning 15-30 minutes BEFORE BREAKFAST!
  • When the dosage exceeded 80 mcg, then SHARE THE DOSAGE by 2 times! 80 mcg in the MORNING on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before meals, the rest (20 or 40 mcg) at 12-14 hours 15-30 minutes BEFORE DINNER!

Girls need to plan a course of clenbuterol for 5-6 days of the cycle (i.e. at the very end of menstruation), so you have time to complete the course before the next menstruation. For girls, I DO NOT RECOMMEND to exceed the working dosage of 80-100 mcg (instead of 100-160 mcg for men).

Before use, CHECK YOURSELF FOR CONTRAINDICATIONS! Side effects and contraindications I indicated above. In short, who has heart problems, it is better not to.

Another tip, from the first day of taking clenbuterol, start drinking asparkam (or panangin, but it is more expensive, asparkam is enough), 1 tablet after meals 3 times a day.

To extend the course of clenbuterol up to 30 days, you can include the drug ketotifen in the course.

Course of clenbuterol with ketotifen

Ketotifen is a mast cell membrane stabilizer that increases the sensitivity of beta-2 adrenergic receptors.

Honestly. I DON'T SEE THE POINT to prolong the course of clenbuterol and thereby increase the load on the heart, liver and other organs. But quite often people use clenbuterol along with ketotifen.

As a result of this, the course of clenbuterol can be extended for a month.

I could barely stand two weeks because there was a rapid heartbeat, a constant feeling that you were getting sick and sweating. Why be in this state for a whole month, when you can perfectly burn excess fat with the help of training and diet, I don’t understand.

This option is only suitable if you specifically did not have time to dry by the right time, you have one month left, and you decide to speed up the process a little.

The course of clenbuterol + ketotifen for a month looks like this (based on the fact that one tablet in a package will be equal to 40 mcg):

  • Days 6-27: 120mcg clenbuterol (0.12mg or three tablets) + 2mg ketotifen at night.
  • Day 28: 80mcg clenbuterol (0.12mg or three tablets) + 2mg ketotifen at night.
  • Day 29: 60mcg clenbuterol (0.12mg or three tablets) + 1-2mg ketotifen at night.
  • Day 30: 40mcg clenbuterol (0.12mg or three tablets) + 1mg ketotifen at night.
  • This should be followed by at least a two-week break!

Ketotifen is taken at night, and clenbuterol in the morning. The dosages of clenbuterol are the same (if the dosage is more than 80 mcg, then we divide the dosage into two doses). For girls, do not exceed the dosage of 80-100 mcg.

Clenbuterol course + rest with ketotifen

A slightly exotic scheme, but in the West they speak very positively about it.

A BREAK WITHOUT KETOTIFEN IS USELESS! The susceptibility of beta-2 adrenoreceptors to clenbuterol will recover on its own only after 2-3 months.

This regimen is very similar to the first regimen (solo), but after a course of clenbuterol, a two-week recovery with ketotifen (2 mg at night) follows.

  • Day 1: 20 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.02 mg or half a tablet).
  • Day 2: 40 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.04 mg or one tablet).
  • Day 3: 60 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.06 mg or one and a half tablets).
  • Day 4: 80 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.08 mg or two tablets).
  • Day 5: 100 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.10 mg or two and a half tablets).
  • Day 6: 120 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 7: 120 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 8: 120 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 9: 120 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 10: 120 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 11: 120 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 12: 120 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 13: 80 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.08 mg or two tablets).
  • Day 14: 40 micrograms of clenbuterol (0.04 mg or one tablet).
  • Break for two weeks, taking KETOTIFEN AT NIGHT, 2 mg.
  • After a break, a two-week course of clenbuterol solo can be repeated.

There is another scheme for taking clenbuterol, but it is extremely dangerous, because. greatly increases the risk of side effects.

Clenbuterol course with yohimbine

Honestly, I did not use this course, because I was not comfortable with clenbuterol either.

Yohimbine blocks ALFA-2 adrenoreceptors (which promote fat accumulation), while clenbuterol stimulates BETA-2 adrenoreceptors (which trigger lipolysis).

The scheme is simple, along with the course "Clenbuterol Solo" 3 times a day with meals, you need to take 5-10 mg (one or two tablets) of yohimbine hydrochloride.

In this case, our wolves are full and the sheep are safe. Alpha-2 adrenergic receptors are blocked (fat does not accumulate), Beta-2 adrenergic receptors are stimulated (lipolysis is accelerated).

Fat burning is faster, but again, I do not advise you to do this, because. even in the instructions for yohimbine it is written in contraindications, SIMULTANEOUS RECEPTION WITH ADRENOMIMETICS!

I explain, together with clenbuterol it is IMPOSSIBLE!

Clenbuterol course with T3 and yohimbine

T3 is a biologically active form of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland.

If T3 or triiodothyronine is used in conjunction with clenbuterol, then all this begins to work as a fat burning machine. So effective that you can eat sweet, fast food. But still lose weight.

Because, after taking them, a “withdrawal syndrome” occurs, but not the same as when taking steroid drugs (when your glands fall asleep while taking them, and wake up after withdrawal).

Here the return of our own production of T3 and T4 may not happen! In this case, you will be forced to swallow expensive drugs all your life in order to maintain your thyroid gland in a sane state.


I'll tell you for informational purposes or for completely frostbitten people:

The following content of initial substances is taken as one unit:

  • Clenbuterol - 40 mcg.
  • Thyroxine - 25 mcg.
  • Yohimbine - 5 mg.

The dosage is a multiple, i.e. if 1.5 units are indicated, then all values ​​\u200b\u200bmust be multiplied by 1.5.

  • Day 1-3: 1 unit.
  • Day 4-6: 1.5 units.
  • Day 7-9: 1 unit in the morning, 1 unit in the afternoon.
  • Day 10-12: 1.5 units.
  • Day 13-15: 1 unit.
  • Day 16-19: 0.5 units.
  • Day 20-21: 0.25 units.

To soften the heartbeat, you need to add 2 mg of ketotifen at night.

Questions about taking clenbuterol

Let's look at the main issues that arise when taking clenbuterol.

Should I take clenbuterol if I just started exercising?

No. At the beginning of training, progress is already going by leaps and bounds, there is no need to take clenbuterol. Instead, focus on putting together a good training and nutrition plan, and stick to it. This will give much more and stable progress than the course of clenbuterol.

After the course is over, will I gain back the same kilograms?

No. I did not notice such an effect. As a rule, after a course of clenbuterol, fat burning slows down a little, i.e. you begin to lose weight at the same rate with which you lost weight before the course. But it all depends on your diet and genetic characteristics.

Why take asparkam?

Taking clenbuterol creates a potassium deficiency in the body. Aspartic acid preparations (asparkam and panangin) increase the content of potassium and magnesium ions in the body, compensate for the deficiency of aspartic acid, improve skeletal muscle tone, antioxidant effect. In short, the cramps disappear.

It's one thing if you bring your leg or arm together. What if the heart breaks? It's the same muscle. Better, as they say, to be overdressed than underdressed.

Drink asparkam and more water (from 3 liters per day, on average).

If you stick to a diet, do strength and cardio workouts, will the effect be better?

Diet, competent strength and low-intensity cardio training will only improve the result from taking clenbuterol.

It also plays an important role how clenbuterol itself will affect you. The susceptibility of beta-2 adrenoreceptors is initially different for everyone.

Cardio can REALLY speed up your fat loss if done right. Read MANDATORY my article on how it should be composed. The link has a lot of cool practical information!

How much can I lose on the Clenbuterol Solo course?

It all depends on your individual susceptibility to clenbuterol, gender, age, the severity of your diet and training. Also, there are different manufacturers of clenbuterol. Each of them works differently. I used clenbuterol from Balkan.

Is it true that Clenbuterol causes periods to disappear?

Clenbuterol is not the reason for the loss of menstruation. The reason may be a sudden weight loss. Some girls lose weight relatively quickly (up to 3-4 kg per week). The body perceives this as stress, and insures itself by stopping the cycle. It's not even about the lost kilograms, BUT THE SPEED of their loss. And in general, the problem with a broken cycle in girls is quite common, even without clenbuterol.

My feelings on the course of clenbuterol

I used the clenbuterol solo course.

On the 1-7th day of admission, tremors were felt in the fingers. Then she disappeared.

At the beginning of the reception, I began to notice small cramps in the legs and calves, bought Asparkam, drank 3 times a day after meals, the cramps disappeared.

On day 5 (100 micrograms of clenbuterol), my heart was beating like crazy and I felt, to put it mildly, “not a fountain”! I thought that was enough. I was afraid to increase the dosage more. But still, the next day, I increased the dosage to 120 mcg, and adhered to this dosage for the 12th day inclusive.

Lost 4 kg in one course. I can't say it's all thanks to clenbuterol. In addition to him, I followed a strict diet, did cardio 4 times a week after strength training, which I had 4-5 times a week.

Remember that without a diet, clenbuterol is nothing more than an asthma treatment! To eat everything in a row, do nothing, eat pills and lose weight, it doesn’t happen! I mean rational ways.

“Dry muscle growth” when taking clenbuterol, I prefer not to consider it at all, because if there is any small effect in this regard, then it is so mild that it is hardly worth talking about it seriously.

Here are my results:

After clenbuterol (photo 10 days after the start of the course, i.e. after the photo above; by the end of the course, the result became even better).

Then it was still insufficiently dried, but the difference in fat content is visible. Minus 4 kilograms in total.

However, why should I take my word for it. Here is my form, two and a half weeks after the photo above (no clenbuterol, diet + workout):

Is it worth it? I believe that the ABSOLUTE MOST DOES NOT NEED THIS!

It is not necessary because excellent results can be achieved without using anything at all. Just a well-designed diet and training, a little sports nutrition. The vast majority of this will be beyond their eyes, because not many dream of achieving incredible heights in bodybuilding.

Here is my proof, absolutely dry (never used steroids and other stimulants):

Draw your own conclusions, friends.

But more and more I come to one single conclusion that you DO NOT NEED TO HOPE FOR PILLS, and look for some kind of magic remedy for muscles. A balanced diet will be much healthier. And natural results will be enough for most.

You need to plow in the hall, and in general in life.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, !

Clenbuterol is a drug for the treatment of bronchial asthma, which is widely used in fitness and bodybuilding. With the right regimen, clenbuterol significantly accelerates fat burning. However, it has a number of side effects, for which it was blacklisted for potent drugs.

Its closest analogue is . Unlike ephedrine, clenbuterol is considered less dangerous for the body, but in practice, the side effects from their use are almost the same.

Structurally, clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist, a compound that activates receptors in adipose tissue, and thereby accelerates the breakdown of fat. In addition, clenbuterol increases the synthesis of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which also has a positive effect on weight loss.

Previously, it could be bought at a pharmacy. The recipe for its purchase is conditional, which made clenbuterol one of the most popular fat burners. At the moment, finding clenbuterol in pharmacies is extremely difficult, even in private ones.

Clenbuterol remained available in the form of a syrup, but its use is unjustified and ineffective for weight loss, so we will not consider this form of the drug.

How does Clenbuterol work? Action on the body.

A person loses weight on clenbuterol due to the complex action of the drug:

  • Elevated body temperature increases calorie expenditure
  • A huge surge of adrenaline increases the rate of fat breakdown
  • Pronounced excitation of the nervous system suppresses appetite and increases endurance
  • Temporarily blocking the process of fat deposition
  • Decreased breakdown of muscle tissue, tk. the body obtains energy primarily from fat, not muscle

Taking clenbuterol in action resembles a strong pre-workout complex. You want to move more, you cannot sit still. Training is easier due to the excited nervous system. In addition, the appetite decreases. You eat less, move more, and exercise more productively, which makes it easier to lose weight in total.

What does a person feel when taking clenbuterol?

The action of the drug begins gradually. Here are the main steps:

    • Decreased appetite, which is especially easy to notice in the morning when taking the drug on an empty stomach
    • Increased pulse, heartbeat becomes more pronounced and distinguishable even when touching the chest area
    • Excitation of the nervous system, as if you had drunk 3 cups of strong coffee
    • The desire to move, jump and do something, you get bored of sitting, monotonous work becomes unbearable
    • Cold sweat, as if you were very frightened, as if you left your purse with documents and money in the subway
    • Strong trembling of the hands, it is difficult to hold a small object, for example, to write something with a ballpoint pen. Typing on a computer keyboard does not deteriorate, which cannot be said about using a smartphone. Your touches will be past the keys of the touch phone.
    • Slow extinction of all the above effects (within 3-5 hours, depending on the dosage, duration of clenbuterol intake and stomach fullness)

Where to buy clenbuterol tablets?

Clenbuterol tablets have not been sold in pharmacies for several years. Bodybuilders and fitness professionals use websites that sell illegal steroids.

Almost all doping manufacturers that distribute it through their own channels produce their own clenbuterol. It can be Pharmacom, Balkan, Vermodje, Lyka, Olimp, Alpha-Pharma, etc. There are no differences. The standard dosage of clen from these manufacturers is 40 mcg, in the pharmacy version of the tablet, 20 mcg.

It is rather problematic for a beginner who does not have connections in professional sports to buy clenbuterol in tablets. There is no guarantee that you will not fall victim to scammers. Non-pharmacy variants of clenbuterol may turn out to be a banal fake.

At best, a pacifier will be slipped to a non-professional, and at worst, secondary chemical raw materials, which will worsen health and disrupt hormonal levels.

How to take clenbuterol for fat burning and weight loss

In professional fitness circles, a popular regimen for taking clenbuterol tablets is based on a gradual increase in dosage.

If you were somehow able to get clenbuterol tablets, you need to apply the long-known dosage regimen in fitness circles, based on a gradual increase in dosage.

Clenbuterol is originally a cure for asthma, as a result of which the drug has a pronounced biological activity. The body tries to quickly minimize the negative effects of taking it, and accelerates adaptation, getting used to the chosen dosage of clenbuterol literally within 2-3 days. After addiction, the drug does not have the same effect, including does not help to lose weight.

Clenbuterol regimen:

Day one - 20 mcg (half a tablet of classic clenbuterol)
Day 2 - 20 mcg
Day 3 - 40mcg
Day 4 - 40mcg
Day 5 - 60mcg
Day 6 - 60 mcg
Day 7 - 80 mcg, etc.
Day 16 - 160mcg

The step of increasing the dose is 20 mcg (half a tablet), that is, every 2 days it is taken 20 mcg more. Having reached 4 full tablets (160 mcg), bodybuilders complete the course of taking clenbuterol.

The duration of the drug is strictly limited - 14-16 days. You can not infinitely increase the dosage, because the more clenbuterol a person takes, the stronger the effect of the drug, including the negative one.

As a rule, at dosages above 120 mcg per day, hand trembling becomes noticeable even to others.

Precautions for use

WARNING: The indicated dosages are suitable for experienced athletes, and those who are already familiar with strength training and interval cardio. Newbie women should stop at 120 micrograms (3 tablets). That is, by increasing the dose to 3 tablets, they continue to drink 3 tablets per day until the end of the course.

ATTENTION: be sure to eat at least 1200 kcal per day. If clenbuterol is taken against the background of a starvation diet, then after the drug is discontinued, the body will increase appetite by 400-500%, as a result of which the recipient will pounce on food like a hungry wolf.

The body will feel the fear of starvation. A person can easily eat 1000 kcal and even 1500 kcal at a time. Therefore, on clenbuterol, you can not arrange complete hunger strikes in order to lose weight faster.

Drink clenbuterol in the morning, immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach, washing down the tablets with a large glass of water. During the day, it is important to drink plenty of clean water without gas.

The combination of clenbuterol with other fat burners and carnitine

  • With sports fat burners, thermogenics or complex - it is possible, but only with frequent training 4-5 times a week. In small doses and for a short time. After completing the course of clenbuterol, you need to stop drinking any supplements, including fat burners. There is a risk of overtraining.
  • With light fat burners - can be used safely, especially with supplements without stimulants, be it caffeine, guarana or yohimbine. The best option: carnitine
  • With yohimbine - not recommended. Depression of the nervous system and loss of strength against the background of convulsions, even during training.
  • With ephedrine - it makes no sense and is dangerous. The drugs are very similar in structure and effects. Mixing them will not speed up weight loss, but the risk of side effects will increase significantly.
  • Thyroid hormones (t3-t4, thyroxine and other synonyms) - it is not recommended to use thyroxine and its analogues, since interference with the thyroid gland can end in failure, especially for women.

Side Effects of Clenbuterol

Overloading the cardiovascular system, overloading the central nervous system, stress, working to failure, overtraining, the phenomenon of increased hunger 5-6 hours after taking the pills and much more - this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Clenbuterol is a safe drug, but this is only true when taken in therapeutic doses as directed for asthma. In fitness, huge doses are used that do not pass without a trace for the body. If you want to lose weight without harm or health risks, then forget about clenbuterol.

Ketotifen, an anti-allergic drug that, due to its synergistic effect, will temporarily reduce the stress of taking clenbuterol, can temporarily save many side effects.

It should be started in the second week of the "maple". 1 mg at night, at bedtime. Trembling hands and sweating will go away almost immediately. Help with ketotifen is relevant only for 7-10 days. A long period of taking it will also cause adaptation.

The most notable side effect is muscle cramps. With each increase in the dosage, you will suffer from such attacks, both at night and during the day.

Decided to raise your arms and stretch up a little as a warm-up? - cramp. Strongly yawned in front of the bed? - cramp. Sharply bent over in search of fallen keys? - cramp.

There are plenty of such episodes, and for some reason articles about clenbuterol are silent about this. The negative effect is caused by the characteristics of the drug. Fortunately, cramps do not appear during training, but only when resting.
Experienced bodybuilders, thanks to cramps, determine whether they are using real clenbuterol. Are there convulsions? - means the drug is not a fake.

Can Clenbuterol Help You Lose Weight?

If you are losing weight with your current nutrition and training, then you have created a calorie deficit sufficient for weight loss. By adding clenbuterol to this, you can speed up weight loss, but in return you will take a toll on your health. Many people think that they will take a course of clenbuterol only once, and the harm from taking it will be minimal, but such a scheme does not make sense, since it will not give a long-term effect.

Taking clenbuterol is justified in preparation for fitness or bodybuilding competitions, when the athlete needs to reduce the percentage of fat, but at the same time preserve the muscles for a short period of time - go on stage and show the result.

Immediately before the competition, the athlete uses clenbuterol and reaches the peak of his form, and after 2-3 days returns the previous percentage of fat.

For fitness enthusiasts, for those who build a beautiful body in the long term, clenbuterol will not be a panacea. Its effect is observed only during the reception. It will not work for a long time, therefore, the result will be short-lived.

What does a day look like with clenbuterol?

In the morning after waking up, the selected dosage is drunk. Let's say this is the 5th day of the course - 1.5 tablets, which are washed down with water. Stimulation helps to wake up and eliminate night hunger. Next, according to the plan, an easy low-intensity jog (slow run) from 30 to 50 minutes. Thanks to clenbuterol, even after a workout, you will not suffer from hunger.

An example of a diet with clenbuterol for 1500 kcal:

Breakfast - skip - 0 kcal

Lunch: 604 kcal

Borscht with meat -1.5 servings (280 kcal)
- Black bread - 3 large slices (270 kcal)
- A glass of orange juice (75 kcal) or a cup of coffee with sugar and cream (100 kcal)

Dinner: 843 kcal

Portion of dumplings - 200g (572 kcal)
- Greek salad - 120g (192 kcal)
- Tea with sugar (2-4 teaspoons) (80 kcal)

Many find it difficult to skip breakfast at first, but taking clenbuterol makes it easier to get used to. I note: 2 large meals of 600+ kcal make the diet psychologically easier. It seems to a person that he eats a lot, and at the same time loses weight. Small portions of 300 kcal even 4-5 times a day will not give a similar effect, and a person will suffer from eternal hunger.


Should You Take Clenbuterol? - for the beach season or for yourself, definitely not. In this case, the game is not worth the candle. The damage to health is not worth such an amateur goal. If you perform in a fitness bikini or in similar sports disciplines, then taking clenbuterol is the place to be.

You should not look towards clenbuterol if you do not want to follow a diet or if you are not motivated to exercise. This is not a magic wand that will allow you to lose weight and sit on the couch. This is just a fat burning “accelerator”, the intake of which is closely related to your own health.

I, as a practicing trainer, consider taking clenbuterol unjustified. Convulsions, tremors, fluctuations in arousal, sweating, recessions in the feeling of hunger, and much more - does not color the drug, and does not make it useful.

Pharmacological support for an athlete is not limited to anabolic steroids for mass gain or cutting. In fact, you can name a huge number of drugs that can be conditionally attributed to doping, or, more simply, to stimulants of progress. Among such assistants, one can single out a wonderful drug. clenbuterol, which is widely used in medicine to combat bronchial asthma.

What is Clenbuterol?

Clenbuterol - popularly maple– is not an anabolic steroid. Yes, it is worth declaring this fact right away, as some still manage to doubt. In reality, clen belongs to the group of adrenomimetics, which affect the body and lead to the excitation of beta-2-adrenergic receptors. As a result, our sympathetic nervous system begins to work actively due to the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Starts the process of fat reduction - lipolysis. It was opened relatively recently, but immediately came to the attention of the sports environment. Clen gained popularity and began to be used as a fat burning agent. Clenbuterol did not pass the test for anabolic effects. The only thing is that the drug is able to influence the burning of fat and the preservation of muscle mass, that is, it has an anti-catabolic effect. Thus, clenbuterol entered the frequent practice of bodybuilders on cutting, as well as in those sports where it is important to stay within your weight category. On a low carb diet clenbuterol turns out to be a real outlet for bodybuilders. After all, fat remains a powerful source of energy. It is only important to force the body to oxidize these fats, which is what our maple helps with. Clenbuterol helps to lose weight. The main purpose of clenbuterol- this is the oxidation and conversion of fat into energy, fat burning, and the preservation of muscle mass while cutting calories. It is used in the pre-competition period to achieve relief and venousness. Also maple can be used simply to fall into the category of martial artists or powerlifters. However, maple can be used by people who just want to put themselves in order for some event or “sand scene” - the beach. In view of its action to expand the bronchi (the original purpose of the drug), clen is used before starts in the minimum effective dosages. A fairly common maneuver is the use of maple in ski sports.

Effects of Clenbuterol

1. Fat burning. In sports, the main focus of clen is in lipolysis - the breakdown of the fat layer - fat burning. This happens by acting on the nervous system and stimulating the production of adrenaline along with norepinephrine. 2. Strength increase. It all happens in the same way through the production of certain hormones that increase the activity of an athlete - adrenaline, norepinephrine. As a result, there is a rapid reaction and transmission of impulses to the muscles. 3. Powerful anti-catabolic. Indeed, clenbuterol, in addition to burning fat, has the ability to preserve muscle structures from destruction. Although clen is not an anabolic, it suppresses cortisol and exhibits anti-catabolic effects, which makes the drug extremely relevant for cutting and even after a mass-gaining steroid cycle. 4. Decreased appetite. Due to the activation of the nervous system, clenbuterol clearly suppresses the desire to eat. The problem is that appetite is not always healthy, hunger is not always an identifier of the need for food. So clenbuterol greatly reduces appetite without worsening morale - quite the opposite. 5. Stamina Boost. Clenbuterol is used by many even instead of pre-workout complexes. And quite justified. The release of adrenaline and noradrenaline provides an increase in endurance, which is used by representatives of the relevant sports disciplines. In bodybuilding, this effect is also positive and bodybuilders are happy with it with a low-carb diet, when there is already little strength for a productive workout. 6. Clenbuterol expands the bronchi. The original medical purpose of the drug lies precisely in this effect. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. In sports, this effect is used in functional sports, with only a small caveat. To increase endurance and expand the bronchi, clen is used in fairly low dosages. 7. Stimulation of the nervous system. Adrenaline and norepinephrine - hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands, significantly increase the body's metabolism and vitality, drive. 8. The desire to exercise. Clen is consumed before training for the emergence of courage, which significantly increases the productivity of training and the return from it. 9. Acceleration of metabolism. An important factor in weight loss. Clen not only affects the activation of the breakdown of fats, but also accelerates the metabolism, forcing the body to work more efficiently. 10. Temperature increase. Due to this effect, more calories are consumed, heat is released. General feeling from taking clenbuterol is to increase vitality and energy. The effect begins literally 40 minutes after use, from the first time. And from the very first day, the process of fat burning starts. Endurance increases, it becomes easier to breathe, strength increases and the nervous system is activated. Therefore, you should use the drug in the morning (before 14:00) to avoid problems with insomnia.

How to take clenbuterol

There are several effective strategies for consuming clenbuterol. One of them is based on the half-life of the drug. But in all cases, it is necessary to start with a minimum dosage of 20 mg and gradually increase, based on your own tolerance. First scheme looks like "two by two". It is easy to guess that we are talking about a two-day intake and the same break period. Drink for two days, rest for two days. This cycle can last up to two months. However, performing bodybuilders are limited to 1-1.5 months before performances. We start with a dosage of 20 mcg and add 20 mcg each time, evaluating how you feel. If everything is going well, then it will be adequate to increase the dosage of clen to 120 mcg. If not, refrain from increasing and allow the body to adapt. Fat burning will still occur. Second scheme as follows. We start with 20 mcg and take the drug daily, increase the dosage by 20 mcg every day. On day 6, we go to a dosage of 120 mcg. 6-12 days - 120 mcg. Day 13 - 100 mcg. Day 14 - 80 mcg. The chart shows that we increase the dosage to 120 micrograms and drink clen for a total of 2 weeks, every day. After the end of the 2-week intake of clenbuterol, it is necessary to take a break of the same duration. Then the cycle is to be repeated.

What do you associate clenbuterol with?

Clenbuterol really cost-effective to include in cutting cycles, with appropriate anabolic steroids. For example, it is interesting to include clenbuterol in a steroid cycle consisting of Side Effects Fat burning agents often come with a bunch of side effects. In fact, a healthy body easily tolerates the action of clenbuterol, it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations. 1. Take clenbuterol in the morning to avoid insomnia. 2. Drink more plain water, as clen has a slight diuretic effect. 3. Include vitamins and minerals in your diet. 4. Take drugs to strengthen and maintain the heart - fish oil, l-carnitine, amino acids, blood thinners. 5. Increase dosages only by listening to your individual feelings.

What tricks do not go people who want to lose weight! They exhaust themselves with physical education, refuse delicious food, and are even ready to become participants in unpredictable experiments with a pharmaceutical bias. In the latter case, we are talking about taking medications that, to one degree or another, contribute to weight loss. These include Clenbuterol.

What is Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is a drug that doctors prescribe to people to treat respiratory problems. Bronchial asthma, chronic lung diseases, spasms in the bronchi - all this is an indication for taking the medicine. Its action is based on the activation of beta-adrenergic receptors - substances that can be catalysts for various biochemical reactions, which ultimately have a relaxing and expanding effect on the bronchi, and it becomes easier for a person to breathe.

But this is not why people fell in love with Clenbuterol, seeking to get in good physical shape in the form of relief muscles or simple weight loss. They decided to arm themselves with the drug in the fight for a beautiful body because of its hidden features. It turned out to be easy to do. The fact is that the very beta-adrenergic receptors that Clenbuterol affects cause the body to take energy not from muscle cells, but from fat cells.

Hollywood stars were the first to try this use of the drug, after which it was appreciated by the sports community, and everyone else followed them - not only figuratively, but literally. Today, Clenbuterol is considered one of the most effective fat burners in fitness circles.

How Clenbuterol Helps You Lose Weight

Clenbuterol affects the body in a complex way. Here is what begins to happen in the human body after taking the drug:

  • body temperature rises, as a result, metabolism accelerates;
  • more adrenaline is released, which burns fat;
  • the body tries to transform any food into energy fuel, thus, the maximum benefit for the body is extracted from all products, respectively, the appetite is dulled, and you can forget about the feeling of hunger;
  • lipase is actively produced - an enzyme that prevents the body from making fat reserves;
  • the thyroid gland begins to actively produce hormones, which increases metabolism.

Thus, taking Clenbuterol, a person can speed up his metabolism by about a third of the usual rates. Naturally, at the same time, he will begin to lose weight. That's why this drug is so respected by the regulars of the gym - it allows them to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

How to take Clenbuterol for weight loss

If you think you can change your physical form just by taking Clenbuterol like regular vitamins, then we are in a hurry to disappoint you. The action of the drug will have an effect only if a certain scheme of its administration is observed. Currently, several options for using the drug for weight loss have been experimentally developed:
1. Reception of Clenbuterol in its pure form, built on the principle of a pyramid. The drug should be drunk for two weeks, first gradually increasing the dose, and then reducing it. The scheme looks like this (we take into account that 40 mcg is one tablet):

  • day 1 - 20 mcg;
  • day 2 - 40 mcg;
  • day 3 - 60 mcg;
  • day 4 - 80 mcg;
  • day 5 - 100 mcg;
  • days 6-12 - 100 micrograms for women, 120 to 140 micrograms for men;
  • day 13 - 80 mcg;
  • day 14 - 40 mcg.

The course is repeated after 14 days, during which you remove the side effects of Ketotifen. If you are recovering without additional pharmaceuticals, then it is better to take a break from the fat burning course for at least a month. Thanks to taking the drug according to this scheme, you can lose up to 10 kg.

2. Taking Clenbuterol at the same time as Ketotifen, a drug whose task is to neutralize some of the side effects of the main drug.

Due to this, the duration of the course is significantly increased - up to 4 weeks. Ketotifen will not allow the receptors to adapt to the constant artificial effects on them and neutralize the effect of addiction.

  • day 1-4 - the reception is similar to the previous scheme;
  • day 5 - 100 mcg of Clenbuterol is taken along with 1 mg of Ketotifen;
  • day 6-27 - 120 micrograms of Clenbuterol and 2 ml of Ketotifen;
  • day 28 - 80 mcg of the main drug and 2 ml of the auxiliary drug;
  • day 29 - 50 micrograms of Clenbuterol and 2 ml of Ketotifen;
  • day 30 - 30 micrograms of Clenbuterol and 1 ml of Ketotifen.

There are less workable schemes: take drugs according to the 2 + 2 scheme (two days of the course alternate with two days of rest, or replace two weeks of taking a fat burner with two weeks of taking a neutralizer).

Basic rules for taking Clenbuterol

  • The drug is available in two forms - tablets and syrup. If your goal is not treatment, but weight loss, then choose pills, because there is too much sugar in the syrup, and in the process of getting rid of kilograms, you don’t need extra calories.
  • At the same time, you can take no more than 50 mcg of the drug. If your daily dose is 100 micrograms or more, then the intake should be divided into several parts during the day.
  • It is more expedient to take Ketotifen in the evening, before going to bed, and Clenbuterol, on the contrary, in the morning - this time is considered the best for burning fat.
  • During the course you can not take alcohol.
  • Before starting your personal pharmacological experiment with Clenbuterol, be sure to consult your doctor. Remember: excess weight can be eliminated in various ways, including without miracle pills, but you have one health, and you should not take it lightly.

Side effects of taking Clenbuterol

The effect of taking Clenbuterol will certainly come. And this is good. The bad thing is that it will be both positive and negative. Among the advantages of using the drug, one can note the achievement of the goal - in most cases, weight decreases, fat melts, appetite decreases, and muscles are drawn with regular training. True, for this you will have to pay a special price, the amount of which is determined by the side effects of the drug Clenbuterol. And this is a very serious reason to seriously think about whether you need it. So, are you ready for:

  • due to increased body temperature, you will sweat;
  • because of the rapid heartbeat, you will have to put up with a constant feeling of anxiety and physical discomfort;
  • due to increased blood pressure, a headache may occur;
  • you will suffer from insomnia, nausea and diarrhea;
  • trembling in the limbs and even convulsions, swelling, skin rashes and other allergic manifestations are not excluded.

This is a list of possible side effects that, in combination, will give, according to those who have experienced the effect of the drug, the “zombie effect”. It is not known which of them you will be “lucky” to experience for yourself. Maybe taking the drug for you will pass without any consequences at all. It all depends on your individual tolerance to Clenbuterol, the intensity of diets and training, as well as the quality of the drug itself. The end result is also individual: according to the reviews of those who lose weight with Clenbuterol, you can lose 7–10 kilograms in two weeks. But if you have problems with the heart, thyroid gland, arteries, liver and stomach, then this drug is contraindicated for you.

In fact, whether or not to drink Clenbuterol for weight loss is up to you and your doctor. But keep in mind that not a single miracle pill will give you as much joy and satisfaction as a quality workout. And not a single drug can replace a properly built nutrition system.