
The use of olive oil. Olive oil for the face. Preparation and application

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Valuable fat is pressed from fresh olives. Ideally, the pulp of olives is crushed within a few hours of harvest, which lasts from November to March. Otherwise, high-speed oxidation spoils the raw material and the final product.

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Chemical composition

The calorie content and BJU of the product (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) are similar to all vegetable oils.

Per 100 grams - 884 kcal. We give the composition according to the main expenditure unit in nutrition - for 1 tablespoon which contains 14 grams of oil.

  • Calorie content of 1 tablespoon - 120 kcal.
  • Fat - 14 grams
  • Proteins and carbohydrates - 0
  • Vitamin E - 10% DV
  • Vitamin K - 10% DV
  • And scanty inclusions of minerals - up to 0.3% DN.

*DN - average daily burrow for an adult with a diet of 2000 kcal.

Note, according to the US Department of Agriculture natural product does not contain vitamins A and D, the myth about which is widespread in Runet.

With an eye to the BJU of the product, the healing properties of olive oil seem to be an exaggeration. Just liquid fat, where there are no proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, trace elements and moderate amounts of vitamins E and K. Why do nutritionists strongly recommend it for salads and other dishes, especially extra virgin olive oil?

Beneficial features

What is the benefit of olive oil? Let's talk about the best image - unrefined first cold pressing.

A short list of very valuable characteristics for human health.

  1. There is no harm from skewed in omega-6 fatty acids.
  2. Polyphenols as powerful antioxidants and protectors against inflammation.
  3. Oleic fatty acid is a healing omega-9 for the cardiovascular system.

Therapeutic polyphenols

These are complex organic substances with a wide spectrum of action. Studies show that polyphenols from extra virgin olive oil help reduce blood viscosity and harmonize the lipid profile in high cholesterol.

Also, these biocompounds have pronounced antioxidant properties, protect the cell membrane and help fight inflammation.

Harmony omega without distortion in class 6

Excellent health property! And the main positive difference from other oils popular in Russia (sunflower, corn, sesame).

Important! Only oils where omega 6 fatty acids are less than 30% can be taken daily without harm (olive, almond, peanut, peach kernels).

  • Oleic (omega 9 fatty acids) - from 60 to 80%
  • Linoleic (omega 6 fatty acids) - from 5 to 14%
  • Palmitic and others - from 15%
  • A scanty amount of omega 3 fatty acids - up to 1%

The modern diet is oversaturated with omega 6. This leads to accelerated age-related inflammation. Reducing omega 6 fatty acids and enriching the diet with omega 3 fatty acids makes a huge contribution to our mobile and healthy longevity.

Versatile protection for the heart and blood vessels

The benefits of oleic acid and oleocansal have been studied in depth.

  • Reducing inflammation of the inner lining of blood vessels. This is the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • Protection of low density lipoproteins from oxidative processes - up to 72%. It also insures the heart and blood vessels against heart attack and stroke.
  • Decreased thrombus formation and blood pressure.
  • Containment of autoimmune reactions in all organs and systems. This means fewer allergies, severe arthritis, and other diseases where immune cells mistakenly attack the body's own tissues.

An interesting study about 30 tablespoons of olive oil. The strength of the therapeutic effect is equivalent to the 1st adult dose of Ibuprofen. Including in the diet 2-3 tbsp. spoons daily, we regularly receive microdoses of the anti-inflammatory complex. ()

Benefits during pregnancy and in the children's menu

The benefits of olive oil during pregnancy and in the nutrition of children are significant.

Let's repeat about omega: you should strive for a ratio of omega 3 and 6 as 1:4. In the usual diet of contemporaries, this proportion is about 1:20.

There are two ways to reduce the harm from excess omega-6s:

  1. Remove redundant;
  2. Add omega 3.

When a pregnant woman switches to an omega-6 neutral oil, she insures herself and the baby from many troubles. By introducing this product, and not the popular sunflower, into baby food, we create the best table for the child with the correct proportion of fatty acids.

Don't forget to fortify your omega-3 menu with fish oil containing at least 450mg of DHA. We drink 1 teaspoon of this. Every day for the whole family.

An all-in-one treatment for skin and hair

Olive oil is a valuable ingredient in cosmetology. Softens, nourishes, rarely leads to blockage of pores. Ideal for hair care, including brittle and dull. In summer, healing fat helps to achieve a smooth tan. One of the best remedies for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy. This is largely due to vitamin E and polyphenols.

Use a quality (=expensive) cold-pressed food sample, not store-bought creams with added oil. Strong properties only in pure natural ingredients.

Compare Popular Vegetable Fats

What is more useful olive or sunflower? The answer lies on the surface if you read the information above.

Forget about vitamin E and oleic acid! Yes, in sunflower there is more than the first and there is also the second. Yes, it is a product of our latitude. But the positives are negligible compared to the harms of skewed omega-6s.

It is detrimental to health that sunflower oil is a linoleic fatty acid - omega-6 - up to 54%. Such a high percentage makes sunflower oil an enemy of health. It dramatically increases the risk of myocardial infarction, provokes inflammation and depression, and increases the risk of oncology.

In search of an answer to the question of what to replace sunflower oil with and whether it should be done, rely on the omega profile in vegetable fat. Make no mistake.

Our choice is to at least replace salad oil with olive oil. Even better - switch to a combination of coconut and olive for all dishes as much as possible.

Olive oil on an empty stomach - good or bad

Let's figure it out. Any oil on an empty stomach will cause an active outflow of bile. Any liquid in the amount of 1 glass or more will lead to a sharp activation of the biliary tract. And when drinking at a contrasting temperature, the effect will be even stronger.

Important! People with stones in the biliary tract should not drink oil on an empty stomach or a temperature-contrasting liquid.

Hence the beneficial effects of the olive "panacea" with lemon and honey for constipation. Strengthening peristalsis - the promotion of the food bolus - the release of gases and emptying the intestines. Exactly the same effect will cause sesame, sunflower, almond - any! - oil. The good news is that olive oil does not overload us with omega-6s.

In addition, we are wary of honey in the diet of children, allergy sufferers and people with hyperinsulinism. And allergies and disorders in the metabolism of carbohydrates are the mass problems of contemporaries. For ourselves, we see no reason to supplement the menu with sugars on an empty stomach. Therefore, the morning choleretic in our routine is 1-2 glasses of pure water, cool or warm, depending on the particular family member.

Gastritis olive oil before meals also does not heal. If your stomach is bothering you, you need a gastroenterologist and a Helicobacter pylori test. Diet is extremely important in treatment. If an infection is found, do not be afraid of antibiotics under the guidance of a competent doctor.

Contraindications and possible harm

1) Remember the high calorie content.

Olive oil is the highest calorie liquid fat. 1 tablespoon is capable of covering more than 16% of the average daily energy requirement.

If this figure seems insignificant to you, imagine eating two or even three generously seasoned meals a day. Getting overweight with such a diet is a piece of cake.

2) We exclude the choleretic effect if there are stones in the gallbladder or cholecystitis.

We do not take on an empty stomach! We adjust the amount in dishes - up to 2 tbsp. spoons a day.

3) Ideally, it's still better not to fry food on the extra virgin version.

Because heating destroys healing polyphenols. And in general, frying food is not the best choice for cooking. Only a savage from a tropical island has not heard of this.

If we discard the importance of preserving polyphenols, then we can rely on the latest safety studies. They answer the question What kind of olive oil can be used for frying. The average heat in a frying pan is no more than 170 degrees. This means that it does not provoke the formation of carcinogens in high-quality cold-pressed olive oil. After all smoke point extra virgin version not the lowest - from 191 to 215 degrees.

Even safer refined olive oil- 240 degrees. But this is a "dead version" of superfood. Useful biocompounds are completely destroyed by refining.

Our choice is to steam recipes more often and drizzle with oil after removing from the heat. Simmer over medium heat with water. Eat more salads with fresh vegetables.

Personal experience

For yourself, you can look for another combination of solutions, how to reduce omega-6 in the diet and remove trans fats. Do it if you want to live longer and healthier!

If you really want to fry, then the best choice is. It contains no more than 3% PUFA. The abundance of trans fats simply has nothing to form from. And you can stew with water on both vegetable fats - from olives and from coconut.

Today we are trying to replace both sunflower and corn oil. The opinion is not trivial, but is based on modern knowledge of nutraceuticals and longevity medicine.

Types of olive oil and dosage

The daily dose varies according to age and goals. On average - from 1 to 4 tablespoons per day for an adult. From 0.5 teaspoon for children, starting with complementary foods at 7-8 months.

Important! If you simply add superfood to unhealthy foods, there will be no healing effect.

The composition of the product determines the place where the olives grow and the technology. Below Brief information about each type which can be found for sale. You will learn which olive oil is best for salad and which characteristics are important.

Type of oil /

What is important

extra virginVirginRefinedOlive oil, pomace, light, pure, purified and others
How to produceFirst cold pressed, predominantly green olivesOnly less valuable ripe olives, cold pressed, incl. repeatedRefining (heating from 200 degrees Celsius, including with the use of hexane)Not ideally extracted fat, which is scarce, diluted with refined, cheap rapeseed or sunflower, or refined, enriched with synthetic vitamins, etc.
AcidityUp to 0.8%Up to 2%Up to 0.5%Up to 3.3%
How better


Ideal for salad dressing without heating and in cosmetologyAcceptable for salads, preservation and bakingCheap option for frying, incl. fast foodBest not to eat

How to choose and store

Let's focus on the healthiest version of extra virgin.

A quality product is not cheap. The price in Europe starts from 8 euros for 500 ml.

The main producers are Italy, Spain, Greece. This does not always mean that the fruits were grown in the same country. Italian oil is often pressed from Turkish and Tunisian raw materials.

Most polyphenols contain unripe (green!) Olives. But it is easier to squeeze out of ripe ones. Therefore, the cheaper the product on the shelf, the higher the likelihood that the fat was extracted from ripe, and not green, fruits.

Olives that grow on young trees are inferior in saturation with polyphenols to similar fruits from aged trees. The most healing raw materials are unripe fruits from old trees on the Greek island of Crete.

It is also important how the fruits were harvested from the trees, how the preparation for squeezing took place, how long the workpiece was stored before processing. This directly affects the content of polyphenols. Long-term storage and rough automatic cleaning reduce the cost of oil, and, accordingly, reduce its quality.

From air, heat and sunlight, fat becomes rancid. Import in Russia is carried out from the Mediterranean countries. It is difficult to say just by the type of bottle, under what conditions and for how long the transportation took place.

Conclusion. The inscription "extra virgin" on the label is a necessary but not sufficient quality condition. "Extra virgin" only talks about how the pomace went, but not about what raw materials were used, how it was obtained, and what happened to the oil after bottling.

won't help and product coloring. There is no relationship between the color of olive oil and its quality. Only the level of chlorophyll in olives affects. In close analogues, the color varies from light yellow to bottle green.

Storage periods. Most often, 2 years is indicated on the packaging. They reflect the maximum time for which good oil does not have time to go rancid. However, after a year there are significantly fewer useful compounds.

Houses should be kept olive oil in a tightly closed dark bottle in a cool place. After opening, let's say a refrigerator. When refrigerated for a long time, a good sample will form a cloudy precipitate. This is a simple quality test.

Personal experience and 6 rules for choosing a brand

For ourselves, we have developed a few rules for finding the best olive oil.

  1. "No!" for products in colorless glass and plastic, or with any words other than "extra virgin oil".
  2. "Yes!" bottle of dark glass and Greece as the country of origin. Tight fitting lid and less than 6 months old spill date. The point of sale is a large supermarket with an active turnover or a popular "grocery boutique", where the goods are also not stale.
  3. The bottle must be marked with acidity - up to 0.8%.
  4. We buy without a stock, each time checking the expiration date (“expiry date”). There must be at least a year and a half left before graduation.
  5. When olive oil is bitter, this is normal. The peak of perfection is a light, barely noticeable bitterness with an admixture of a grassy aroma, like the smell of green tomatoes or freshly cut grass. If the smell is like rotten sausage or old socks, the sample is rancid and there are no polyphenols in it.
  6. The taste of olive oil can be said to be “clean”, “fresh”, “herbaceous”. Olive oil should be bitter. But the degree of bitterness, like color, depends on the feedstock.

As you can see, choosing among worthy samples is like deciding on the taste of your favorite wine or coffee. Depends on personal preference.

In addition to general rules, it is not superfluous to inquire about the results of recent market research. In 2014, the Russian agency NITs NPE "Test" led a comprehensive comparative examination of 11 brands of extra virgin olive oil.

Got the highest score ТМ Mana Gea, Premium, Borges. The trade mark Maestro de Oliva became a good one. The rest of the samples did not meet the high quality criteria.

We will be glad if we could clearly and fully tell about the healing product. How to take olive oil, the benefits and harms, contraindications for taking, a scientifically based foundation of beneficial properties and selection rules will definitely come in handy on your way to a healthy diet in terms of fats. May the shopping luck be with you!

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For high-quality oil, selected olives without damage are used. Spoiled fruits can ferment and spoil the taste of the oil. Olives should be harvested no more than 24 hours before going to the oil mill, as they spoil quickly. Therefore, oil is produced where olives grow: Greece, Spain, Egypt, Italy. Spain is the leader in production.

Extra virgin olive oil is produced in 3 steps:

  1. Ripe fruits of the olive tree, along with the seeds, are crushed, and the resulting mass is mixed until smooth.
  2. "Porridge" is placed in centrifuges, which, rotating, squeeze out the liquid.
  3. The oil is separated from the water and settled for 30-40 days.

In the oil, which is obtained by cold pressing, 90% of useful substances remain, since the olives are not subjected to thermal and chemical processing. This oil has a rich aroma, has a high cost and is called Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

The residues from the first pressing of the oil are purified in organic solvents and refined olive oil is obtained, which is odorless and free of impurities. There are few useful substances in refined oil.

Pure Olive Oil is considered the purest and consists of cold pressed oil and refined olive oil. This oil has a mild flavor and is suitable for frying.

Composition of olive oil

When vegetable oil or fat is heated, fats and proteins decompose with the release of carcinogens. The temperature at which fat and protein decompose into carcinogens is called the smoke point. Carcinogens are substances that cause irreversible processes in cells, and as a result, cancer. For this reason, fried foods are considered unhealthy.

A distinctive feature of olive oil from other oils is its high smoke point. For cold-pressed oil - 210 ° C, for refined - 250 ° C. Frying with olive oil is safer for health: the risk of overheating the oil and “saturating” foods with carcinogens is very small.

The high smoke point is not the only advantage of the product. 1 spoon contains a complex of substances and compounds:

  • omega-9 oleic fatty acid;
  • linoleic acid;
  • antioxidants;
  • squalene and squalane;
  • phenols;
  • oleuropein;
  • monosaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins A, B, D, K, E, F;
  • carotene;
  • tocopherol;
  • estrone

If you regularly use oil for food, the body will thank the owner with well-functioning work and health.

Prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques

Clean vessels are a prerequisite for a healthy heart. The omega-9 oleic acid contained in olive oil prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques that clog blood vessels and create blood clots on the walls. For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, regularly consume the product along with salads.

Makes the skin look young

The benefits for the face are due to the presence of squalene, a natural hydrocarbon of youth. It was first discovered in the livers of deep-sea sharks, which live up to 100 years or more, have strong immune systems, and age slowly. Then squalene was found in oils, including olive oil. Based on pure squalene, face creams are produced. You can replace purchased cosmetics with two drops of olive oil.


Among the products of youth and beauty, one of the first places is occupied by olive oil. The oil contains substances with a rejuvenating effect: phenols and vitamin A. Vitamins help each other to be better absorbed. Vitamin E prevents the body from aging quickly, A - gives hair shine, nails strength, and skin radiance and hydration.

Strengthens hair

The product is used in the creation of masks. They moisturize, restore and strengthen curls.

Improves memory

The spectrum of action of olive oil affects the central nervous system. Linoleic acid, which is part of the composition, improves blood circulation in the brain, stimulates the production of nerve cells. Thanks to the properties of linoleic acid, olive oil improves coordination, memory and reaction speed.

Refreshes fabrics quickly

Linoleic acid helps wounds heal faster, renews tissues and promotes the rapid growth of new cells, as it speeds up metabolic processes and improves blood circulation.

Accelerates the digestion of food

Olive oil has a beneficial effect on the stomach and gallbladder. The substances included in the composition reduce the secretion of aggressive gastric juices and increase the secretion of bile. Olive oil is indicated for patients with ulcers and gastritis, as it relieves pain attacks. Oil helps to digest heavy food, remove waste materials, thanks to the ability to "drive" bile.

Relieves constipation

Lack of regular stools is a common cause of poor health. A spoonful of olive oil will help to establish bowel movements. The benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach is that the substances that make up the composition envelop the walls of the intestine and soften the stool. In severe cases, oil-based enemas are used.

In ancient times, olive trees were considered to be of divine origin. The ancient Greeks called the oil from the fruits of these trees "liquid gold", which was due not only to its deep golden color, but also to its unique beneficial qualities that were valued on a par with gold. Today, olive oil is still popular and appreciated all over the world. It is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and nutrition. In addition, it is an excellent way to treat and prevent various diseases.

Beneficial features.
Now you can often hear about the beneficial properties of olive oil. It is recommended to use it in the form of salad dressings, vegetable additives, etc. The benefits of this product are due to its composition, which contains all the vitamins and minerals that are vital for our body, which are perfectly absorbed by it. Cold-pressed natural olive oil is an excellent preventive measure against diseases of the cardiovascular system, including heart attacks and strokes, as well as diabetes and obesity. It does not contain harmful cholesterol for our body, and thanks to its fatty acids, this product, with regular use, significantly reduces its level in the blood. At the same time, it does not have any harmful effect on the so-called beneficial cholesterol, thereby maintaining the optimal balance of the most important elements in the body.

Olive oil is a great helper for our digestive system. It helps to improve the functioning of the stomach, intestines, has a healing effect on duodenal ulcers. In addition, this product is effective for people suffering from hemorrhoids and frequent constipation, as it gives a slight laxative effect.

Unlike animal fats, olive oil brings a lot of benefits to our body - it prevents the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens bone tissue, is an excellent choleretic agent, and beneficial acids, which are very much contained in its composition, are the building material of cell membranes. This product is considered dietary due to the oleic acid it contains, which favorably affects the absorption and processing of fats. That is why this product is an integral element of almost any diet. In addition, this acid helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.

Olive oil has regenerative properties, thanks to which it helps to accelerate the healing process of various wounds. The substance oleocanthal, which is part of it, also provides this product with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. In its effect, the oil is similar to ibuprofen and other similar drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, due to the content of linoleic acid in it, vision and coordination of movements are significantly increased.

Olive oil also has immunostimulating properties. Regular inclusion of this product in your diet helps to strengthen the immune system. In addition, this oil heals and rejuvenates our body, due to the presence of vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids. In addition, olive oil prevents early aging of the body. By the way, it has been scientifically proven that the fatty acids of this product dull the feeling of hunger in humans, which significantly reduces the amount of food consumed.

According to recent studies, olive oil prevents the development of skin cancer, so it is recommended to use it after sunburn. The oleic acid contained in it normalizes lipid metabolism in the skin, making this product effective in the prevention of cellulite.

Olive oil is effective in the care of dry and sensitive skin, retaining moisture in the skin cells and softening it. It is useful to add it to various face masks. In addition, the oil is also useful in hair and scalp care, it cleanses dead cells, prevents hair loss and appearance, and fights dandruff. As a result, the breathing of the skin is significantly improved and the secretion of the sebaceous glands is normalized. The use of oil can moisturize dry hair and reduce their fragility.

More recently, scientists have found that oleic acid, present in large quantities in olive oil, effectively fights the most aggressive form of breast cancer. To do this, you must follow a special diet, including vegetable salads, greens, fish, nuts, low-fat cheese, fruits, and always olive oil as a sauce and dressings.

The benefits of olive oil.
As already noted, the benefits of olive oil lies in the content in its composition of a huge number of fatty acids and vitamins. The constant use of this oil in food at least in the amount of a teaspoon per day not only strengthens the body as a whole, including the immune system, but also is a means of preventing various diseases, in particular, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes. Olive oil is especially useful for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, liver and gallbladder. In addition, it is effective in the treatment of diseases that are chronic and caused by inflammatory processes.

Olive oil is very beneficial for the skin. It perfectly protects the skin from the adverse effects of negative environmental factors. In addition, this product serves as an excellent emollient and moisturizer that eliminates irritation and flaking of the skin, while it does not clog pores. The antioxidant properties of this product prevent premature aging of the skin.

It is very useful to include olive oil in the diet of children. Firstly, it stimulates the growth of bone tissue, and secondly, the fatty acids that are present in abundance in the composition of this product are very close to the fats that are part of mother's breast milk. Also, this product regulates the fixation of the skeletal system, preventing the loss of calcium, and also forms and strengthens bone tissue in adults and children.

However, you should not get carried away with this product, especially if you are on a diet, since oil is still a high-calorie product. Everything needs a measure. Therefore, two teaspoons a day is quite normal for the health of the body and the beauty of the skin.

This product also has a beneficial effect on the hair, making them thick and shiny. That is why Spanish and Italian girls are famous for their luxurious thick and shining hair.

Olive oil helps with back pain. Its external application in combination with molten wax greatly relieves these pains. In addition, this product has a positive effect on male power and treats mental illness. And it also increases the likelihood of conception, helps lower blood pressure, treats the musculoskeletal system (in particular, it helps with arthritis, arthrosis, gout, osteochondrosis), and also positively affects the condition of our internal organs.

The use of olive oil prevents the development of diseases such as ulcers and gastritis. This is due to the fact that this product has the ability to reduce the level of stomach acid. In addition, it activates the process of bile secretion, normalizes the process of releasing the gallbladder and reduces the risk of stones forming there. Useful trace elements contained in this most valuable natural product improve kidney function, facilitating the process of cleansing the body of toxins. By the way, recently it became known that olive oil has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain. It is also useful for muscle tone, normalizes the functioning of connective tissue and is involved in the process of restoration of articular cartilage cells. Due to the content of vitamins C and E in olive oil, free radicals do not accumulate in a diseased joint, as a result of which the development of joint tissue disease is prevented.

Application of olive oil.
Olive oil has found its application in cosmetology, cooking, canning industry, etc. This product is a frequent component of cosmetic products (creams, masks, shower gels, hair balms, emulsions, soaps, shampoos, etc.), used in medicine for the manufacture of vitamin solutions and injections. Among other plant products, it has the highest nutritional value. It is completely digested and well tolerated even by those who have digestive problems, liver and gallbladder diseases. By the way, the ancient Greeks took a small amount of olive oil on an empty stomach, eating a spoonful of honey in order to fill the genitals with male power.

Olive oil was used for lighting in the Middle Ages. In the traditions of Christianity, it (spruce) was used in the rites of worship. It is considered the most valuable dietary product due to the high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols in its composition. It is used in pickling, retains the original taste of the marinade. Olive oil is also used in the preparation of hot and cold sauces.

Thanks to its rejuvenating effect, with daily use, it smoothes wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. Olive oil-based cosmetics include a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins. In particular, vitamin E helps the skin to better absorb vitamins A, D, K prevents cell aging, increasing the tone and protective properties of the skin.

As already noted, this oil is especially useful for dry and sensitive skin, and is also an excellent massage tool. For this purpose, you can use the oil in its pure form or enrich it with a few drops of the most suitable essential oil for your skin. According to experts, such a massage has a complex effect on the entire body. It nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin, and also alleviates the condition with osteochondrosis and salt deposits. In addition, such a massage has a calming effect on the nervous system and improves blood circulation.

However, it is worth the fate that only extra virgin olive oil has all the qualities described above.

Due to its choleretic effect, it is not recommended to use it in patients with cholecystitis. In addition, this oil should not be heated, but should be used exclusively fresh, because when heated, it loses its beneficial qualities and becomes harmful to our body.

Purchase. Which oil is better.
Your choice when buying olive oil should stop on the brand of extra-class Extra Virgin olive oil. This category is considered the best and most expensive. The content of fatty acids in it should not exceed 1% (the lower this indicator, the higher the quality of the oil). This product is unrefined and obtained by cold pressing. There is no heat treatment, so this oil retains all the vitamins and beneficial qualities, in particular polyphenols and squalene, which determine its unique properties. There are no impurities in this oil, it has a delicate yellow-green color and a pleasant aroma. The taste can be compared to the taste of fresh olives. When buying, it is very important to pay attention to the expiration date, because over time the oil loses its properties. Therefore, it is advisable to use it within a year. Olive oil should be stored in a dry, cool (but not in the refrigerator, otherwise it will thicken), dark place, well corked, as it can absorb all foreign odors.

In addition to the extra class, there are other varieties of olive oil:

  • Virgin olive oil - oil, which is obtained by a second cold pressing without the use of chemicals or from the pulp - the substrate used to obtain Extra virgin olive oil. This oil is significantly inferior to the oil obtained during the first cold pressing.
  • Olive oil - obtained by chemical extraction of oil distilled from the pulp. In order to increase the value, some manufacturers add Extra virgin olive oil or Virgin olive oil to it. However, it does not have any taste or nutritional value that are inherent in the first two varieties of oil.
  • Pure olive oil is the second name for regular olive oil. Very often, manufacturers indicate this name on bottles with ordinary oil, which was obtained by a second cold pressing or using chemicals, or distilled from the pulp. This name can only say that there are no impurities of other oils (rapeseed, sunflower, etc.) in such an oil. It does not differ in special properties and taste.
  • Pomace oil is an oil identical to Olive oil. Quality olive oil is never added to this category of oil. Its main purpose is lamp lighting, soap production and use in technical industries.
The best and highest quality oil is Greek, in particular Cretan olive oil. Italian varieties also have good characteristics. The leading producers of Italian olive oil are the regions of Apulia, Calabria, Campania and the island of Sicily. There are other areas of olive oil production: for example, oil from Tuscany - used for dressing pasta and rice without tomato sauce, for cooking bean and grain soups, grilled meat; from Umbria - for making sauces and as an additive to meat dishes; Puglia, Calabria and about. Sicily - oil-sauce is used for vegetable dishes and meat cooked on a spit; from Liguria - for making Pesto sauce, dressing vegetable salads and cooking meat products from poultry; Gardesano - for fish dishes.

Olive oil is not only a tasty and healthy product, but also helps in the treatment of various diseases, serves as an excellent means of skin care and prevention of its aging. Include this product in your diet, and be healthy and beautiful!

Olive oil is one of the most beneficial foods for the human body. But it is important to learn how to use the popular tool correctly. For certain diseases, different dosages are needed. If you figure out how much and how to use olive oil, then it will only benefit.

What is olive oil

Olive oil is obtained from the fresh fruit of the olive plant. The color and smell of the product may vary, as these properties depend on the region where the tree grows, weather conditions, and so on. Most often, the oil has a rich aroma and a pronounced golden color. It is often used in cooking, the product from the olive is especially appreciated in Greece.

Olive oil has an incredibly rich aroma and pleasant taste.

Store the oil in a dark bottle, preferably in a place protected from light. In this case, the air temperature should not exceed 25 ° C.

It is interesting that the inhabitants of the countries where the olive grows look much younger than their years. This is due to the regular consumption of oil and cosmetics based on it.

Chemical composition of the product

Extra virgin olive oil mainly consists of mono-unsaturated fatty acids:

  • 60-80% of all fatty acids belong to oleic acid, omega 9;
  • 4-14% linoleic acid, omega 6;
  • 15% palmitic and other saturated fatty acids (steatico, palmitelaiko);
  • 0.01-1% omega 3;
  • 0.0–0.8% peanut and fragrant.

Extra virgin olive oil is produced from fresh fruits, so its chemical composition is very rich in nutrients.

The product also includes:

  • polyphenols, phenols and phenolic acids (antioxidants that prevent premature aging);
  • squalia (prevent the development of oncology, especially breast cancer);
  • sterols and β sitesterol (found only in olive oil, prevent the formation of cholesterol);
  • tocopherols (vitamin E);
  • extra virgin olive oil contains vitamin A, D, K.

Useful properties of olive oil for the human body

  1. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Regular consumption of olive oil prevents the development of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
  3. Fights skin aging. Especially effective for the first wrinkles.
  4. Helps accelerate hair growth.
  5. Prevents the development of cancer. Olive oil prevents the growth of cancer cells due to the presence of oleic acid in its composition.
  6. Helps to improve the quality of nails.
  7. Strengthens the muscles of the intestines and the skeletal system.
  8. When applied externally, it contributes to the rapid healing of burns, since.
  9. Improves coordination of movements.
  10. Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.
  11. It is a mild laxative.
  12. Due to its healing properties, olive oil is good for gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as gastritis.
  13. Helps fight excess weight due to the ability to reduce appetite and speed up metabolic processes in the body.
  14. Gently promotes the outflow of bile.
  15. Normalizes high blood pressure.
  16. Ointment with the addition of natural olive oil is excellent for back pain.
  17. Contributes to the normal development of the child during pregnancy.
  18. It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin due to the presence of vitamin E in its composition.
  19. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes dry skin.
  20. Helps fight cellulite and stretch marks.
  21. Reduces pain after heavy physical exertion.
  22. Renders, returns elasticity to thin and brittle curls.
  23. Prevents hair loss.
  24. Helps to increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, making them less permeable.

Application in traditional medicine

Olive oil is used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for medicinal purposes. There are many diseases in which the product will be very useful.

For liver cleansing

With the help of olive oil, you can quickly and effectively cleanse your liver. But before the process itself, you have to properly prepare the body. A few days before cleansing, include freshly squeezed juices in your diet. It is good if they are sour (from grapefruit, green apples, etc.). Also, try to eat more grains, lean meats, and vegetables. Forget about junk food for a while. Eat small meals every 3-4 hours. Thanks to the preparation, the body will better endure the cleansing. Remember that such a serious procedure can be done no more than once every six months and only if necessary.

Before cleansing the liver with olive oil, you must include freshly squeezed juices in your diet.

Stages of cleansing

  1. On the day you decide to have the procedure, you only need to drink juices. The last appointment should be at two o'clock in the afternoon.
  2. After 60 minutes, take one No-shpa tablet.

    "No-shpu" can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, so you can easily purchase a drug for the cleansing procedure

  3. Then be sure to warm the liver area with a heating pad. Half an hour is enough.
  4. After this time, it is necessary to make an enema, and then take one No-shpy tablet again.
  5. After an hour, you can start cleansing with olive oil. Everything that you have done before is just preparation for the main process.
  6. Take one glass of oil and the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Every 15 minutes, drink a tablespoon of each ingredient until they run out. Between receptions of oil and juice, you must lie on your side (any). You can safely jump and walk. The liver should always be kept warm. If you feel nauseous, don't be afraid. These are normal sensations during such a serious procedure.
  7. Around eleven o'clock in the evening, the intestines will begin to clear. Do not be afraid of all sorts of secretions, because they have no place in your body.
  8. Until morning, you should keep the liver warm, as the cleansing process will take a long time.
  9. Have apple juice diluted with water for breakfast. During the day after cleansing, eat only berries, fruits, and oatmeal. In this case, the latter can be cooked exclusively on water.

    The best lunch after a liver cleanse is oatmeal with berries

Contraindications to cleansing the liver with olive oil

  1. period of menstruation.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Hypotension.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Any heart disease.
  6. Inflammatory diseases.
  7. The presence of large stones in the gallbladder.

For the stomach

Olive oil is an excellent remedy for stomach ulcers. To carry out a healing procedure, you will need a glass of the product and the same amount of aloe juice.

Aloe juice is very useful for the stomach, as this product perfectly relieves any inflammation.

Combine the ingredients and leave to infuse for three days. Then you need to bring the mixture to readiness. To do this, add 10 grams of honey to a small container. Pour a little water into the sweet ingredient and heat it up. Combine the resulting substance with the present composition. Take one tablespoon of the remedy 30 minutes before meals four times a day. Course - 1 month. If necessary, you can repeat the treatment after 60 days.

For even better results, you can additionally take one tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach. You can do this daily, without interruption.

For the nose

Due to its tonic and emollient properties, olive oil is often used to treat the nose for colds. To prepare a healing agent, you need to purchase a dry wild rosemary. Pour a tablespoon of flowers with olive oil (100 g) and leave for 3 weeks. Then squeeze the rosemary. Bury the resulting substance into the nose in a few drops. Up to four such procedures can be done per day. The course of treatment is 8 days, if necessary, repeat in a week.

Ledum is often used for colds, as it quickly helps to cope with its main symptoms.

From cholesterol

Olive oil can significantly lower blood cholesterol levels. To do this, add the product to salads or other dishes. The daily norm is 2 tablespoons. Make sure that the dishes are not too hot, otherwise the oil will lose its beneficial properties. You can also take the drug on an empty stomach in the same amount. After two weeks, take tests, cholesterol levels should drop significantly.

Salad with olive oil will help to cope with bad cholesterol

For vessels and heart

The use of olive oil significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. To achieve this effect, you must include two tablespoons of the product in your daily diet. In this case, you can add olive oil to salad, pasta, and so on. The dish should not be hot, otherwise the beneficial properties of the medicinal product come to naught.

For daily use, it is very important that the olive oil is of the highest quality, i.e. first cold pressing.

From hemorrhoids

Olive oil has a softening and wound-healing effect. Due to this, the product is often used to treat hemorrhoids. There are several ways to apply.


To facilitate bowel movements, you need to take a tablespoon daily. Soon you will forget about such a problem as constipation. Use the product until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.


Combine four tablespoons of olive oil, one raw egg yolk and a glass of warm water. Use this composition to make an ordinary enema. This method will help reduce pain and. Doing enemas is recommended no more than three times a week, breaks are not needed.

Raw yolk is very useful for hemorrhoids, as it has a binding and wound-healing property.


Lubricate your hands with olive oil and gently press them on your stomach, making massage movements. The procedure can be done daily, without interruption. Soon the pain will decrease, and constipation will pass.


Combine olive oil and honey in a 1:1 ratio. Moisten the resulting mixture with cotton wool and apply to the inflamed area. The procedure can be performed up to three times a day until the pain is completely gone.

Honey combined with olive oil quickly relieves pain from hemorrhoids

Olive oil can be gently applied to the anus after each bowel movement. The irritation will pass quickly.

For joints

By regularly consuming olive oil, your bones will become visibly stronger. The joints will gain flexibility and elasticity, as a result of which you will forget about fractures and osteoporosis. Olive oil promotes the synthesis of osteocalcin. This substance is the main indicator of bone strength.

Interestingly, in countries where it is customary to use olive oil, people rarely suffer from osteoporosis.

To maintain healthy bones and joints, it is enough to eat two tablespoons of the product daily. But if you want to solve the problems that have already appeared, then you need to take additional measures. For example, massage of diseased joints.

For the procedure you will need:

  • 400 ml of olive oil;
  • 20 g dried echinacea root.

Echinacea root combined with olive oil helps with joint pain

Grind the root into a powder and pour it with olive oil. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath. After half an hour, strain the remedy. Lubricate them with sore joints daily. At the same time, try to make massage movements. Do not allow discomfort, the procedure should be comfortable. The course is 12 sessions. If the pain persists, you can repeat the treatment after four weeks.

For the pancreas

If you suffer from any diseases associated with the pancreas (for example, pancreatitis), then it is not recommended to include olive oil in the diet. During the period of exacerbation, it is completely forbidden to use this product, since it is very fatty and can aggravate the situation. But a month after the relapse, you can carefully add olive oil to your menu. The maximum daily dose is one tablespoon. If after this the disease worsens again, then it is better to completely exclude olive oil from the diet.

From snoring

To get rid of unpleasant night sounds, it is enough to use a tablespoon of olive oil per day. The product moisturizes the muscles of the throat, making snoring less noisy or disappear altogether. You can use the tool constantly.

For sure to get rid of the night sickness, take a tablespoon of olive oil right before bed every day.

For psoriasis

Due to its powerful moisturizing effect, olive oil is often used to treat skin diseases. Psoriasis is no exception. To eliminate inflammation, lubricate the affected areas with olive oil several times a day. Very soon, the skin condition will improve significantly, the itching will pass, and the peeling will become almost invisible. You can use the tool daily, you do not need to take breaks.

For the treatment of psoriasis, it is necessary to use olive oil. Others can cause severe irritation and worsen the situation.

for ears

Olive oil has long been used to reduce pain during the fight against ear infections. The product relieves inflammation and protects the sink from the penetration of bacteria. There are several ways to use olive oil for the ears.

Humidification of the auricle

Place a bottle of olive oil in a bowl of hot water. This will warm up the product and make it ready for use. Gently pour one drop into the ear. This must be done twice a day. The oil should be warm, but not hot. You can perform the procedure daily, because it does not cause harm.

Removal of excess earwax

Soak a plain cotton swab with olive oil. Place the resulting device in the auricle. Remember that oil must not leak. Rinse your ears after five minutes. The procedure can be performed no more than once every three weeks.

For pain relief

You need to take a teaspoon of cinnamon and combine it with the same amount of olive oil. Heat the resulting mixture for five minutes over low heat. Cool the composition a little and pour it into the auricle. A few drops should be enough. Then place a cotton swab in your ear. It is advisable to do this before going to bed, and in the morning you need to wash the affected areas with hydrogen peroxide. Repeat the process until you feel improvement. This will most likely happen in a couple of days.

Cinnamon will quickly relieve ear pain, especially if you dilute it with olive oil.

From kidney stones

To get rid of kidney stones, you need to prepare a mixture based on olive oil. First you need to squeeze the juice from three large lemons. Then combine it with two cups of olive oil and the same amount of cabbage brine. The resulting composition must be taken once every half an hour, 100 ml.

Pain in the abdomen with such cleansing is normal, so do not be alarmed.

Lemon juice combined with olive oil and cabbage brine is a powerful cleanser

After some time, the stones will gradually leave your body. This can cause severe pain. Drink an infusion of chamomile, it helps a lot in such situations. If there are large stones, in no case do not take them out yourself. It is worth noting that the day before the procedure you can not eat, you can only drink non-carbonated water in unlimited quantities. Purification is performed once, if necessary, repeated after a year.

From burns

Olive oil is excellent for burns, as it has wound healing, soothing, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. Just lubricate the affected areas with the product and very soon you will notice an improvement in skin condition. You can also do compresses. To do this, apply gauze soaked in olive oil to the burn. After 15 minutes, gently wash the affected area.

Olive oil for burns should be applied several times a day to the skin until the redness subsides.

From diabetes

Olive oil lowers blood sugar, so it is highly recommended for diabetics. Due to the content of monounsaturated fats in the product, the patient's condition gradually improves, and insulin returns to normal. Olive oil lacks trans fats and cholesterol, unlike butter. Diabetics are advised to consume up to 5 teaspoons of the product per day. In addition, the inclusion of oil in the diet will be useful for healthy people. The thing is that the tool is also an excellent prevention of diabetes.

For immunity

Olive oil contains many antioxidants that significantly strengthen the immune system. The recommended daily allowance is two to three tablespoons of the product. This is enough to boost the immune system. You will notice how rarely you will get sick with colds and other diseases.

Interestingly, no other oil contains as many antioxidants as olive oil.

Women's Health Benefits

  1. Daily use of olive oil reduces breast density, thereby significantly reducing the risk of developing breast cancer.
  2. Olive oil helps a woman stay young and beautiful longer. The thing is that the product contains healthy fats, thanks to which the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves markedly. Fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and curls acquire a healthy shine.

    Thanks to the regular use of olive oil, the skin remains firm and elastic longer.

  3. Olive oil. Include this product in your daily diet, two tablespoons will be enough. Olive oil promotes gradual weight loss and reduction of body fat, as it speeds up the metabolism and dulls the appetite.
  4. Supports a woman's health during physical and emotional overload. In such a situation, olive oil is simply irreplaceable. It does not allow the menstrual cycle to go astray, even with heavy loads and severe stress.
  5. Everyone knows that when a woman does not consume enough fat, her body stops working normally. The first sign is a violation of the menstrual cycle. If this happens too often, then there is reason to think about your diet. Add two tablespoons of olive oil per day to your menu and very soon the menstrual cycle will return to normal.
  6. If you regularly take care of your hair with olive oil, they will become healthy and beautiful.

  7. Olive oil has a good effect on the reproductive function of women. In addition to restoring the menstrual cycle, the product fights infections, restores the microflora of internal organs, and helps with thrush. In the latter case, you can lubricate the entrance to the vagina (but not inside) with olive oil, since the product has an antibacterial property. In other situations, it is enough to use the product daily for a few tablespoons.

Contraindications and possible harm

Contraindications to the use of olive oil are:

  1. Individual intolerance to the product.
  2. Cholecystitis. Olive oil has a choleretic effect, so with this disease, its use can aggravate the situation.
  3. Great overweight. Olive oil is very high in calories. That is why if you are overweight, it is not recommended to consume more than two tablespoons of the product per day.
  4. Pancreatitis in the acute stage.
  5. Intestinal infections.
  6. Poisoning.
  7. Stomach upset.

With proper use and the absence of contraindications, olive oil cannot harm the body. But otherwise, allergies and pain in the abdomen are possible.

Video: positive and negative properties of olive oil, product selection features

Today, a healthy lifestyle is gaining special popularity. One of the substances that are considered very useful and necessary for the human body is olive berry oil. People have long used it in many ways, and once again proved the correctness of their choice. Let's look at all the useful properties of this product and learn how to use it correctly.

Undoubtedly, olive oil is a useful product. Its effectiveness is due to the combination of active ingredients that nature itself has enriched the olive tree. And since the use of oil does not go in vain for the body, there are cases in which it may be contraindicated.

  • Due to the powerful choleretic effect the product is not recommended for oral use in cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. Excessive production of bile in violation of the functioning of the body can only lead to an exacerbation of diseases.
  • But olive oil is not at all contraindicated for persons without pathological changes in the gallbladder. Conversely, regular intake of the product is prevention of the formation of stones and stagnation of bile.
  • It can also be used for gastritis and peptic ulcer. The secreted bile will cope with the digestion of food without unnecessary production of gastric juice, which can irritate the inflamed stomach wall.
  • Olive oil also has a beneficial effect on the liver, it cleanses it of toxins and toxins.
  • The linoleic acid contained in the natural oil product restores tissues and accelerates the growth of new cells, which contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and damage to various tissues of the whole body.
  • Acid provokes the formation and development of new nerve cells, which are necessary for the normalization of mental health.
  • Improving blood circulation in the brain guarantees good memory, reaction speed and coordination of movements.

In the 21st century, a common cause of death for mankind is oncology and cardiovascular diseases. Healing oil can save a person from deadly diseases.

  • The complex of active ingredients cleanses the body of toxins that provoke mutations at the cellular level. In studies, it was noted that olive oil to a large extent reduces the risk of developing neoplasms in the mammary glands.
  • Due to the enveloping effect on the intestines 1 tbsp. l. oil, taken on an empty stomach, gently and painlessly relieves constipation. But it is not recommended to use it for diarrhea, so as not to provoke an already frequent stool.
  • Children who take olive oil orally have much stronger bones. Since the components of the oil prevent the loss of calcium, which is the prevention of dislocations and fractures that can occur with high activity in children.

After all of the above, it can be summed up that olive oil is undeniably good for health. But before using it, it is recommended to consult a doctor to exclude chronic diseases of the gallbladder.

How to take olive oil?

Due to its beneficial effects on the body, it is increasingly used as an addition to salads. But frying in olive oil won't do any good. Under the influence of high temperatures, useful substances are destroyed.

In order to rid the body of various diseases, it is better to use oil on an empty stomach. One teaspoon of a natural product, drunk every day, can cure many diseases. After a month, you can notice an improvement, and after three - to conclude that the disease is receding.

Benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach

There is an opinion that for greater benefit, it is necessary to take vitamin-rich foods in the morning. Also with olive oil.

This statement is explained by the fact that in the first hours after waking up, the human body maximally absorbs the components it needs that are in the products used.

This technique contributes to a more effective cleansing of all organs and systems from harmful toxins throughout the day. If you drink olive berry oil on an empty stomach, you can get rid of gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as chronic constipation.

The oil helps:

  • skin renewal, increase its elasticity, strengthen hair follicles
  • cleansing of arteries, veins and small vessels from cholesterol deposits
  • pressure stabilization
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes, which helps to get rid of extra pounds
  • creates an enveloping effect on the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by the removal of inflammation, healing of ulcers and erosions
  • stimulate the gallbladder and cleanse the liver of toxins
  • beneficial effect on brain function
  • prevent the progressive development of cancer cells
  • boost immunity

The benefits of olive oil for the body and body

The natural product can be used internally and topically. As a result of internal reception, the positive changes described above occur.

But in order to achieve noticeable external changes faster, external procedures can be carried out. You can bring the skin of the face and the whole body into tone, cleanse it of acne, acne, rashes, and also tighten wrinkles with olive oil, applying it during the following procedures:

  • massage
  • applying masks
  • rubbing with lotions
  • peeling scrubs

Combining a complex of external procedures with an internal intake of olive oil, you can improve the condition of the skin and its appearance in a short time. A similar effect is observed when caring for hair.

Benefits of olive oil for face

The skin of the face throughout the day is the most affected by physical factors, so it needs the most care. Violation of metabolic processes and blood supply in it can occur due to cold, wind, high temperature, dry air. By combining olive oil with various components, you can correct the condition and return the face to its previous appearance.

  • To smooth wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, it is enough to combine 1 tablespoon of oil with lemon juice and apply on the face for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
  • To cleanse oily skin, fight acne and other rashes, you can prepare the following mask - 1 tbsp. l. carrot juice, 1 tbsp. l. kefir and a few drops of olive oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to the skin. Wash off after 20-25 minutes.
  • With excessive dryness, tightness and peeling, it is recommended to apply masks with olive oil and clay. Combine the ingredients in equal amounts and hold for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Normal skin, no less oily or dry, requires a caring attitude. If you do not clean it and do not nourish it with useful substances, you can observe a deterioration in the condition. Therefore, to maintain tone, freshness and saturation of the skin with vitamins, it is necessary to use the following mixture:

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp low-fat cottage cheese
  • a few drops of parsley juice

Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face for 15 minutes. All procedures must be carried out regularly. The course requires 10-15 masks with a frequency of 1-2 days. In a month, everything can be repeated.

Benefits of olive oil for hair

What woman does not dream of smooth, shiny and elastic hair? You can easily have them using olive oil. It is recommended to apply it heated to the entire length of the hair, rubbing into the roots. You can also add a few drops to your shampoo or combine with citrus, jojoba, coconut or argan essential oils.

Such hair masks are very useful, they nourish them with the necessary substances, eliminate dryness, strengthen and accelerate growth. It is necessary to apply them for 15 minutes, and with dry hair, the time can be increased up to 25 minutes.

In order to wash off the oily mixture, at the end of the time, apply a large amount of shampoo to the hair and lather it well. Then just rinse. Wash your hair at least three times.

After thoroughly washing and applying the conditioner, you can rinse your hair with this solution: dilute the juice of half a lemon in two liters of warm water. The acid breaks down the oil and will wash away any remaining oil.

Lemon juice can also be replaced with natural apple cider vinegar, two tablespoons per 2 liters of water is enough. After a few procedures, improvements will be noticeable to others.

Olive oil benefits for skin

Taking olive oil inside promotes cell regeneration of all body tissues. You can speed up the process of improving the condition of the skin of the whole body with the help of cleansing and nourishing procedures.

  • For peeling, olive oil can be combined with coffee grounds, ground oatmeal, sugar or salt. It is also recommended to add a few drops of any essential oil to such a scrub. The action of the product is as follows: abrasive particles of a solid substance as a result of massage movements can exfoliate keratinized and dead cells. And the oil component, in turn, will be able to penetrate even deeper into the layers of the epidermis, providing a restorative effect.

  • You can nourish dry skin and increase its elasticity by combining a spoonful of olive oil with the pulp of one banana. The resulting mass must be evenly applied to the skin and kept for 30-35 minutes.
  • For oily skin, masks are prepared using lemon juice and honey. All components are taken in equal amounts and thoroughly mixed. With time, too strictly - after 20 minutes. after application, the mixture must be washed off with warm water.
  • To combat pimples and acne 1 tsp. olive oil combined with whipped protein and a few drops of lemon juice. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.

You can also add olive oil to your body tonic and use it only on previously cleansed skin.

Benefits of Drinking Olive Oil

The intake of olive oil has a beneficial effect on the entire body due to its unique composition. The active ingredients contained in it are known for the following action:

  • Unsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega-3, Omega-6 and others, remove cholesterol from the vessels and prevent its re-accumulation.
  • Phenols have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Monounsaturated fats cleanse the body of toxins and toxins that promote the formation and regeneration of cancer cells.

  • Linoleic acid contributes to the rapid healing of damage to various tissues and stimulates the brain.
  • Vitamins A, B, E and K strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to disease, and prevent calcium loss. As a result, the bones remain strong longer, and the risk of developing osteoporosis is also reduced.

Benefits of olive oil for women

As you know, women love to take care of themselves. They visit beauty salons, spas, and also agree to radical plastic surgery methods to prolong youth. But with olive oil, everything is much simpler. It is not only known for its regenerating effect on the hair and renewal of the skin, but also for its beneficial effect on the entire female body.

This uniquely useful product should also be consumed by women during pregnancy and lactation. During this period of a woman's life, the body directly requires a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances.

Taking olive oil during pregnancy has a positive effect on the formation and development of the fetal brain and its functions.

The following effects of olive oil on the body of a pregnant woman are also known:

  • Vitamin E prevents abortion and is involved in the development of the fetus.
  • As a result of taking a product rich in vitamins, appetite is reduced, which prevents weight gain.
  • The work of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract is normalized. Olive oil during pregnancy is a wonderful prevention of constipation and hemorrhoids before and after childbirth.
  • The oil promotes the rapid opening of the cervix. It must be taken in the last two weeks of pregnancy.
  • And, of course, the enrichment and filling of the child's and mother's body with the necessary vitamins and other useful substances.

Taking a natural and high-quality remedy during breastfeeding ensures that the growing body of the baby is supplied with the necessary components that prevent the development of many diseases, and also prevent constipation. Yes, and children's colic of the first three months of life is easier.

For women of any age, olive berry oil is an excellent prophylactic against breast cancer.

Benefits of unrefined olive oil

It is believed that unrefined olive oil is the healthiest. Since the refining process includes three stages of purification. As a result, the final product comes out devoid of many useful components.

Neutralization, bleaching and deodorization are the stages after which olive oil no longer has a pronounced taste, smell and color, as well as benefits, including. High-quality oil should have a pronounced taste with the aroma of olives, fruits and herbs.

In a natural product, slight sedimentation is acceptable, which is due to the settling of small particles. Good olive oil cannot be cheap. Since it is necessary to harvest from trees in winter manually. One plant produces no more than 8 kg of berries, and 5 kg of olives are needed to produce one liter of oil.

Cold pressed olive oil benefits

Cold-pressed oil is considered the most valuable. The natural product obtained in this way contains all the vitamins and other valuable substances that were in the berries.

It has been proven that any vegetable oil, including olive oil, loses all its healing properties during heating, and useful components turn into carcinogens. A product that has not undergone any heat treatment retains the maximum amount of useful substances.

Olive oil for the liver: benefits

The choleretic property of olive oil helps to open the ducts, regular production of bile and cleanse the liver and gallbladder. One tablespoon of oil, drunk on an empty stomach with a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, perfectly cleanses the liver, removes toxins and toxins.

Lemon juice contains a large amount of ascorbic acid - vitamin C, which irritates the walls of the stomach, increasing the secretion of the liver and gallbladder. Vitamin also softens the effect of fatty consistency on the body and strengthens it.

In a similar way, you can take olive oil for cleansing the liver, replacing lemon juice with a glass of tomato juice. It contains the same dose of ascorbic acid, which is necessary to start the cleansing processes.

It should be remembered that a contraindication to cleansing the liver with olive oil are diseases of the gallbladder and cholelithiasis.

Benefits of olive oil for weight loss

Losing weight is not very easy, but olive oil can be an indispensable tool in the fight against hated centimeters in figure volumes. Although it is considered high-calorie, 1 tablespoon contains 120 kcal, yet the product helps to get rid of extra pounds.

Oleic acid, mixing with gastric juice and bile, speeds up the metabolism in the body, contributing to the efficient digestion of consumed foods, stimulating nerve endings and transmitting a signal to the brain about the saturation of the stomach through neurons in the brain. Even the aroma of a natural olive remedy can reduce the feeling of hunger by significantly increasing the level of the hormone serotonin. Using various diets for weight loss, the simultaneous intake of natural olive oil will help get rid of constipation.

The benefits of olive oil for men

Even in ancient times, the inhabitants of ancient Greece used olive oil to increase sexual desire in men. Since the product helps to lower cholesterol levels, therefore, the passage of blood through the vessels of the whole body improves, which also actively affects sexual function. The natural product stimulates the work of the endocrine glands, strengthening men's health.

Previously, men even used the following recipe, which is no less effective today. Unrefined olive oil, natural flower honey and walnuts were combined in equal amounts and infused for some time. Such a cocktail, rich in vitamins, significantly increased male strength.

Benefits of olive oil for children

The forming and developing children's organism especially needs vitamins and biologically active substances. A pregnant woman who consumes olive oil is more likely to give birth to a healthy baby.

Since during pregnancy, the beneficial components of the oil have a beneficial effect on the bone and nervous system and strengthen them.

If you give olive oil to a child, he will have strong bones and better developed memory, reaction speed and coordination of movements.

Olive berry oil is an indispensable product in the daily diet of everyone. The exception is people with gallbladder disease and individual intolerance. And do not forget that following all the warnings and dosages will help you get rid of many diseases and contribute to the restoration and excellent functioning of the whole organism.

Video: Olive oil - benefits and harms