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A break in taking contraceptives - should it be, with what regularity, and what will happen if you take pills without a break?

Most popular drugs in Russia are designed for 21 days of use. After a seven-day break is made in taking hormonal contraceptives, and during it the woman begins a menstrual-like reaction. Then a new package is accepted.
In some cases, when treating endometriosis, for example, the doctor may prescribe to drink three cycles of tablets continuously. Also, a woman herself may not take a break from taking oral contraceptives (OC) once to delay menstrual bleeding. This is especially true during the summer holidays, if menstruation falls on it. But we must also take into account the fact that with such a continuous intake of the drug, a woman increases the risk of intermenstrual and even very intense bleeding, which can spoil the vacation much worse ...

It is also worth mentioning that there are preparations containing not 21, but 28 tablets in one blister - of which 7 tablets are essentially pacifiers. And the manufacturer usually stands out in a certain color. Taking such a drug, in no case should you make a mistake and drink a “dummy” in the first 21 days of admission. This may cause a decrease in the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. By the way, getting pregnant after taking birth control pills is much easier than not taking them. It is believed that after the end of taking hormonal drugs in a woman in the first months, ovulation occurs more often, thus increasing the likelihood of pregnancy.

Is it necessary to take a break when taking birth control pills for a month or more, or can you drink them constantly, following the instructions (21 + 7)? Previously, doctors recommended taking breaks every 3-4 months. But this was due to the fact that the pills contained a high concentration of hormones and could really have a negative effect on the female body. There are even research results proving the relationship between oral contraceptives and breast cancer.
Modern drugs have a much more balanced composition. And doctors may recommend taking them as much as is required for the purpose of contraception, if there are no contraindications and risk factors for complications (smoking, liver disease, kidney disease, etc.). And to prevent the development of endometriosis and the prevention of endometrial hyperplasia, it is generally long-term, for several years, until the onset of menopause. Often, only hormonal drugs help a woman avoid surgery to remove the uterus.

It should also be said that a change in the drug or a break in taking it can lead to increased menstrual bleeding if a woman has endometriosis. In addition, if you take breaks in taking pills, the risk of side effects increases. such as intermenstrual discharge.

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Today they are one of the most reliable and popular methods of contraception. In addition to the contraceptive effect, they have a number of other health and beauty benefits for women. However, many women are worried about whether it is possible to take it for a long time, are there any restrictions on the duration of the intake, is it worth taking breaks? Obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Novosad answers questions.

Many women stop taking oral contraceptives prematurely: more than a third of women stop taking birth control pills within a year of starting taking them, the vast majority within 6 months (and most often 2 months after starting taking them). According to European studies, about 42% of women stop taking COCs without consulting a doctor, 19% of them stop without choosing a new method of contraception, and 70% - choosing a less effective contraceptive method.

What worries women and how justified are their fears?

Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences

How long can birth control pills be taken?

From a medical point of view, women can take birth control pills for as long as necessary, up to the onset of menopause, but provided that they do not have contraindications, as well as such a bad habit as smoking.

Is it possible to get pregnant after taking oral contraceptives for a long time?

Yes, sure. Oral contraceptives are even used to prevent the development of infertility. According to a number of studies, after stopping the use of modern COCs, no delays in the onset of pregnancy are observed.

Women who take birth control pills for several years may be protected from infertility by reducing the risk of developing salpingitis or pelvic inflammatory disease, as these drugs thicken cervical mucus, acting as a barrier and preventing bacteria from entering the cervix.

Hormonal contraceptives are also used in the treatment of endometriosis (a condition in which the tissue lining the inner layer of the uterus grows outside of this layer), which can cause infertility.

Women who use oral contraception as the main method of family planning have a 40% lower risk of developing endometrial and ovarian cancer compared to women who have never used OCs. This protective effect persists for up to 20 years after the cessation of COCs. There is also evidence of a 20% reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer in women taking contraceptives compared to women who have never taken COCs.

Are there specific medical indications for taking breaks in birth control pills?

No, there are no such indications for breaks. Moreover, if there is a risk of an unwanted pregnancy during a break in taking COCs, then taking such a break is not recommended. During breaks, an unwanted pregnancy occurs in every fourth young woman. According to some reports, the beneficial effect of COCs on the reproductive system increases as the duration of their use increases.

As a rule, the minimum therapeutic effect of hormonal contraception is achieved within 3-6 months from the moment you start taking the drugs.

Regardless of the duration of admission, it does not have a negative effect on reproductive function, does not accelerate the onset of menopause. Most women recover within a few weeks after stopping COCs. Most women taking these drugs can become pregnant within a year of stopping them.

How to choose the right drug?

The safe use of OK depends, first of all, on the correct selection of drugs individually for each woman. For most healthy, non-smoking women, long-term use of OCs is not harmful and is an effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancies, and therefore safe to use throughout their reproductive lives.

If you are still not sure whether to continue taking the pills, then you should definitely discuss this issue with your doctor, who knows you and your health well.

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Contraception: Do I need to take breaks in taking COCs?

More than one generation of gynecologists defended their case, but opinions on this matter continue to be extremely diverse, and doubts are still in the air. Let's try to figure out what the female body should still rest from.

First, some facts: hormonal contraception has a relatively short history. It was invented just over 50 years ago, and the first generation of birth control pills contained giant (150 mcg) doses of estrogen. This is approximately 10 times more than what is contained in current microdosed preparations.

And precisely in order for the body to take a break from the estrogen load, the 21 + 7 scheme was developed. It was assumed that during a 28-day cycle, a woman takes pills containing hormones for 21 days, and then takes a seven-day break, during which “withdrawal bleeding” occurs. But even with those doses of hormones, a week break was enough.

Over the past decades, the doses of hormones in combined oral contraceptives have decreased significantly. Numerous studies have shown that when the instructions and contraindications are followed, COCs are a safe and reliable means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. It is no coincidence that this is the most popular type of contraception in developed countries. Unlike Russia, where abortion is still the most popular method of contraception.

To understand what interruptions in taking COCs can be fraught with, you need to know what processes are triggered when you start taking the drug. The hormonal balance of the body is the most complex mechanisms of interaction between glands, organs and tissues. When hormones begin to come in regularly from the outside, the body gets used to the fact that its efforts in this process are not needed. And over time, stops the independent production of hormones. The ovaries are immersed in a state of functional rest, ovulation stops (until the moment when the woman stops taking COCs, for example, for the purpose of pregnancy).

A break in taking or changing the drug becomes stressful for the body, it is forced to adapt to the changed conditions and re-establish the disturbed hormonal balance. There is no “rest” in this, and without a serious reason and consultation with a doctor, it is better not to make such decisions.

The cessation of ovulation and the cyclic hormonal fluctuations associated with them gives rest to the reproductive organs, protects the body from exhaustion by monthly preparation for pregnancy. Moreover, long-term use of COCs significantly reduces the risk of developing estrogen-dependent cancers - ovarian, breast, endometrial and others. The protective effect persists even after discontinuation: it is generally accepted that, on average, a year of COC use provides a protective effect for 10 years in advance. It is the long-term and stable use of suitable COCs that provides the body with the most comfortable and gentle condition.

From the point of view of potential pregnancy, taking COCs also serves as a favorable factor. After discontinuation of the drug, the “rested” ovaries are included in the work with greater intensity, increasing the chances of pregnancy (the so-called rebound effect). This scheme is even used to stimulate reproductive function in cases where a couple has difficulty conceiving. The rebound effect, by the way, is another argument against "preventive" breaks: the chances of an accidental pregnancy during this period are especially high.

Many women take a break or even stop taking COCs at the stage of adaptation to the drug. It lasts, as a rule, from one to three cycles, and side effects may occur during this period. This is a temporary and absolutely natural state, due to the fact that the body needs a period of time to get used to the action of COCs, and not at all because the drug is “not suitable”.

The side effects of the adaptation period include the following manifestations: blood smearing, headache, irritability, soreness of the mammary glands. Simple actions aimed at healing the body will help smooth out discomfort. Refusal of bad habits, sleep and wakefulness, regular physical activity are well-known, but not always acceptable recommendations. If the side effects persist for longer than 3-4 months, then this is already a reason to cancel or replace the drug (preferably with the participation of a doctor).

The latest generation of contraceptives (the so-called "natural" oral contraceptives with a "female formula") use a special - dynamic - dosing regimen. Together with natural estrogen, the dynamic dosing regimen provides a mild and gentle effect on the body. Thanks to this delicacy of action, the adaptation period passes almost imperceptibly.

Pleasant side effects of most modern drugs include reducing the amount of bleeding and alleviating the symptoms of PMS. This is not a cause for alarm, but a small additional convenience associated with taking COCs. Another step towards comfort and freedom.

For a whole year, I trained in the gym, from Monday to Friday, without a single pass. Because it's summer now: 07/08/2015 I decided to take a planned rest (break) in my bodybuilding training, pampering myself (after all, it will also benefit “in terms of pumping”: D).

That's how the topic for my blog was born =) when friends, relatives and just acquaintances who are interested in this sport began to bombard me with questions in the style of what else is a “planned break”, “what is it for”, “what he gives”, “did he harm”, etc.))

Scheduled break- the most important aspect of long-term progress in bodybuilding, the essence of which is to deliberately (according to the plan) completely stop pulling the pieces of iron (training), causing “controlled detraining”.

In general, controlled detraining is of two types:

  1. When you significantly reduce working weights in your workouts(let's say you trained for a week/month or some time with maximum 100% working weights, and now for a week/month or some time with 30-50% of a hundred, in general, typical periodization).
  2. When you do not exercise at all (completely eliminated training), this is just our case (planned break in bodybuilding).

In both cases, you are specifically invoking TRAINING (controlled).

What does it give, many will ask?

The fact is that when you train with light weights (with an easy load for you, this is point # 1. above) or do not train at all (point # 2. above), your muscles become weaker and, accordingly, their level of adaptation to stress is significantly reduced. This means that later, when you return to your working weights, they will again be a great stress for your muscles, which means that the muscles will adapt to this stress, and therefore grow. ComprendO? =)

This is the whole essence (chip) of planned rest. That's exactly why I made it.

How to train after a planned break?

This is an extremely important nuance that you will need to take care of.

Training program, number of approaches, exercises, etc. may remain the same, it is not as important as the working weight (weight) in a particular exercise. In other words:

It is very important (this is the whole point) to start training not at the limit of your capabilities.

Some people skipped 1-2 weeks of training (some didn’t even miss it as planned, it just happened to them, for example, a business trip or something else sudden) and when they return, they immediately start working as before (with the same working weights ).

For example, a person did a bench press of 80 kilograms, missed 2 weeks of training, then ran to the gym and again, from the very first workout, he began to press his maximum (those same 80 kg).

You can’t do this (it’s wrong / unacceptable). If you do not take this into account, your planned break in training loses its meaning, because:

Firstly, after a break in training = any load (even the smallest one), this is stress for your body (organism). But imagine, you immediately take 100% working weights, what do you think, what is your body (organism) like? ... if anyone does not understand, you are only harming yourself.

And secondly, not only will you harm yourself, you will also deprive yourself of the possibility of a regular progression of loads, without which muscle growth is basically impossible. In bodybuilding, constant progress is important (even if it is very scanty, even insignificant, but progress), and not MAXIMUM at a time. In other words, it is much better to increase working weights from training to training for months / years than to take and squeeze the maximum at a time (training).

In general, it is very important to start training with 30-40% of your maximum and gradually progress the load from training to training. Well, for example, if you benched 80 kg (this is your maximum), then after a scheduled break, you will need to start benching no more than 30-40 kg. And gradually, increase, from workout to workout, that is: 35 kg in one workout, 40 kg in another, 45 kg in the third, 50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg and off we go. Do you understand?

It is very important. This is the whole point. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO IMMEDIATELY COME AND REPEAT THE MAXIMUM. It won't do any good, only harm. I hope I explained everything in an accessible way, because, as I said earlier, this is an extremely important aspect.

Do I need to take scheduled breaks from training or not?

Regardless of your training experience, definitely yes. But, you need to do it CORRECTLY (according to the mind), and not when and how much horrible.

Mind means: a break for a short period of time (1-2, well, a maximum of 3 weeks, no more) and not systematically (not often), I personally do 1-2 times a year, not more often, and usually this is summer (in general, summer is ideal period of time, but not dogma).

P.s. many take a break from training when they are stuck in progress (when they can no longer progress the load, their working weights do not grow, etc.). As I said earlier, if there is no progression of the load, then the muscles do not grow. Consequently, going to the gym becomes meaningless, which is why the guys take a break when they have a plateau (stagnation).

pps. It just so happened that I now have SUMMER and besides, progress has stalled (weights do not grow, I can’t progress at all), so I decided to take a rest (arrange planned detraining). Thanks to her, I deliberately take a step back, in order to then take two steps forward (to progress). Do you understand? This (as I said earlier, in other words) is the whole point of “scheduled rest”.

There can be no talk of any long break (1 month or more) and when you feel like it (10 times a year) (this is not at all, don’t think / confuse). Reread the above as many times as necessary. Well, actually that's all. I have nothing more to say.

Sincerely, administrator.

Find out if you need to take a break from training or if you should train endlessly. Important tips and advice about physical activity for a beautiful figure and good health.

Many wondered whether it is necessary to take a break from training and how often?. After all, there are days when you don’t want to train, but you go to the gym, the body gets a load, but you don’t get much pleasure, everything goes on moral and volitional qualities, even if it doesn’t happen often, but everyone had such a state, agree.

Let's look at the main questions below and give answers to thoughts that torment the mind, what and how to do it right:

Do you need to take a break sometimes?

Do not even think about this question - you need to. Any activity after a long work requires rest. Over time, desire decreases, motivation decreases, training is not carried out at full strength, the exercise technique is lost, and in the end the famous state attacks - “breaking to do something”.

Also don't forgetthose that workouts put a load not only on the muscles, but on the ligaments, tendons, joints, cartilage, the fatigue of the musculoskeletal system increases from month to month, so it requires.

Even fitness and bodybuilding stars take a break in training, which means that this is definitely necessary for ordinary amateurs. Imagine that the car will constantly drive under load without rest, the engine will fail faster, like this with our body, in the end it will finish it and the results will begin to fall.

How often to take a break and when?

Here you should focus on personal feelings and the state of the body. If you have a series of injuries - sprains, joints ache, general fatigue of the body that lasts for a long time or falls and the results are poor. At the same time, the whole body hurts from aching pain, and this is not always the case.

Even if you are full of strength and energy is in full swing, give your body a holiday 2 times a year, and instead of working in the gym, actively include on rest days, riding or stretching, do not worry, you will not weaken, but the body will get a rest and when you return to training, it will thank you with new sports results.

How long should the break be?

It depends on the general depletion of the body, each body has a unique system, someone recovers faster, someone slower, but in any case, it should be at least 7 days and not more than 30.

If there are no injuries, then the break should not be long; with injuries, the duration increases, because if you start training without recovering from an injury, you can fly out of your sports life for a longer period.

In any case, you should understand that the longer the break lasts, the harder it will be to enter into a sports rhythm, the muscles will need more time to gain their former strength and endurance.

Should I stop exercising completely?

This is the choice of everyone, someone is more, someone is less obsessed with sports, for some, breaking starts from a lack of physical activity, and
others simply enjoy idleness and relaxation.


How much rest and how it is a personal matter for everyone, but I recommend resting for at least 7 days and no more than 30. Remember, if you worked hard for a year, then a break will only be good and will only improve strength, mass and endurance.

Who is not too lazy to tell us in the comments who prefers what type of vacation, good luck friends 😉