
Whole wheat bread: the easiest and fastest recipe. Whole grain bread without yeast on kefir Whole grain bread recipe without yeast

Hello! Today I will share a recipe for crispy whole grain bread made from rye flour without yeast. The composition includes: hercules, wheat bran, sunflower seeds, sesame and flax. All of these products have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, normalize bowel function, and help eliminate toxins.

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 15 pieces.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • whole grain rye flour - 60 g;
  • instant oatmeal - 30 g;
  • wheat bran - 30 g;
  • sunflower seeds - 30 g;
  • white sesame - 15 g;
  • flax seeds - 15 g;
  • salt - 1/3 tsp;
  • cold water - 180 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml for the dough and 10 ml for greasing the parchment.

Step by step recipe for bread at home:

  1. Weigh the dry ingredients on a kitchen scale. Combine whole wheat flour, bran, sesame seeds, oatmeal, seeds and salt in a bowl.
  2. Pour in cold water and refined vegetable oil, mix with a fork. You will get a slurry, the consistency of which is reminiscent of thick sour cream.

  3. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and grease it with a little vegetable oil, smooth the dough. The layer thickness is approximately 3-5 mm.

    Important! Parchment must be of high quality, so that later it is easy to remove ready-made rye bread from it. Siliconized is best.

  4. With a knife, spatula or using a special roller, divide the layer into small rectangles. This is necessary so that after baking it can be easily broken into even portioned pieces.

  5. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven on the middle rack. Bake for 20 minutes at 170-180 degrees. Don't dry it out too much! As soon as the edges are browned, then it's time to take out the whole grain bread.

  6. Allow the products to cool slightly, then carefully remove them from the paper, break them into separate portions. Store in an airtight container to keep moist. If this still happened, then dry a little on a baking sheet, and they will crunch again.

As you can see, making bread rolls at home is not difficult at all. They make a great snack or substitute for bread. You can serve them in addition to soup, salad, all kinds of pates or dips (the combination with soft goat cheese will be especially successful). Happy crunch!

Whole grain bread without yeast - a recipe at home with step by step photos

Hello! Today I will share a recipe for crispy whole grain bread made from rye flour without yeast. The composition includes: hercules, wheat bran, sunflower seeds, sesame and flax. All of these products have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, normalize bowel function, and help eliminate toxins and toxins.

Training 10 minutes

Cooking 20 minutes

Total time 30 minutes

Dish for: Breakfast

Cuisine: Russian

Persons: 15

Calories: 715.65 kcal


  • 60 Whole grain rye flour
  • 30 y. Instant oatmeal
  • 30 y. wheat bran
  • 30 y. Sunflower seeds
  • 15 g. White sesame
  • 15 g Flax seeds
  • 1/3 tsp Salt
  • 180 ml. Cold water
  • 30 for dough and 10 for greasing parchment ml. Sunflower oil
With a knife, spatula or using a special roller, divide the layer into small rectangles. This is necessary so that after baking it can be easily broken into even portioned pieces.

Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven on the middle rack. Bake for 20 minutes at 170-180 degrees. Don't dry it out too much! As soon as the edges are browned, then it's time to take out the whole grain bread.

Allow the products to cool slightly, then carefully remove them from the paper, break them into separate portions. Store in an airtight container to keep moist. If this still happened, then dry a little on a baking sheet, and they will crunch again.

Final word

As you can see, making bread rolls at home is not difficult at all. They make a great snack or substitute for bread. You can serve them in addition to soup, salad, all kinds of pates or dips (the combination with soft goat cheese will be especially successful). Happy crunch!

It is believed that the most useful bread is obtained from whole grain flour. And if it is also baked without yeast, then its benefits are undeniable!

Complexity: below the average.

Cooking time: 40-45 minutes.


    Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.

    Salt - to taste

    Sugar - to taste

    Baking powder for dough - almost a full tsp.

Cooking progress:

We take a chicken egg, wash it well with soap or soda. Then we break it into a deep cup, in which we will knead the dough.

Sprinkle whole grain flour into a bowl. There we also put an incomplete teaspoon of baking powder for the dough.

Then add some sugar. I put in a little less than half a teaspoon. Although, in principle, sugar can not be added. Then we put salt. I added as much salt as sugar. Salt must not be excluded, otherwise the bread will be fresh.

Mix the ingredients and add a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Sunflower oil can be replaced with olive, linseed or any other.

Now add some water or whey. Knead a tight dough.

Our bread will be with garlic. Peel the garlic and cut into small cubes or strips. Garlic can also be crushed in a garlic press or grated.
If you do not have fresh garlic, but have garlic powder, and you want to add it to bread, then it is better to put it directly into the flour, and not into the finished dough.

Mix well so that the garlic is evenly distributed.

Now we take out a baking sheet and grease it with sunflower oil. We form a round bun from the dough. Lay it on a baking sheet. Sprinkle flour on top. I sprinkled with regular fine wheat flour because I ran out of whole grain flour. In general, you can sprinkle bread with any flour.

Now we take a knife and make small cuts in the form of a lattice or a Christmas tree on our bun, you can also draw some kind of geometric pattern. Incisions are made so that the bun bakes better and faster.

We turn on the oven at 200 degrees and place a baking sheet inside with our bread. After about half an hour (sometimes earlier), the bread will brown and can be removed.

Now cover it with a towel and let it cool. That's all, bon appetit!

This garlic bread is great for sandwiches. For example, I make this bread specifically for sandwiches with cheese and garlic.

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I recently started baking sourdough bread. There is absolutely no yeast in this bread! Not a drop, not a pinch, not a single yeast granule! :-)

Today we will bake bread from whole grain flour without yeast - on rye sourdough. It is lean: it does not contain butter, eggs, so such bread can be baked in fasting.

The bread is large (960 g), very tasty. The only negative is that it takes a long time to bake such bread.

Who does not know how to make sourdough, you are here -.

To prepare whole grain bread without yeast in the oven, we will prepare the products according to the list.

I usually start making yeast-free whole wheat bread in the evening.

At 13-14 o'clock I feed the sourdough (for example: 20 g of sourdough, 20 g of water and 20 g of rye flour). I leave it for 8 hours at room temperature. Such a leaven is called "refreshed".

By 22 o'clock the sourdough is active, you can cook the dough.

What does "sourdough active" mean? This means that she must live! How she lives - can be seen in the photo. It has a lot of bubbles, the surface is loose, it has increased its volume by 2-3 times from its original size. This is an active starter.

We make dough for yeast-free bread from whole grain flour.

We take the required amount of active rye sourdough, mix it with water and whole grain flour. Mix well. Cover the jar with a lid and leave at room temperature for 12-16 hours.

Why such a discrepancy in time? This is because the temperature in the room is different for everyone. You understand: the warmer, the faster the dough will come to life.

If the dough was set at 10 pm, then by 10-13 o'clock it will be ready.

This is what you should see in the morning. The dough has increased in size and is ready to go.

Let's get to the test.

Put all the dough into the bowl, add water.

Then - two types of flour and salt.

Knead the dough for 10 minutes in a stationary mixer or 15 minutes with your hands. The dough will turn out quite sticky, tender, but at the same time it should keep its shape well.

Flour may need more or less than the indicated amount.

We spread the dough in a bowl, greased with oil, cover with a film and leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours.

During this time, the dough will not increase much in size.

We crush him. Put in a proofing basket. No basket - lay in any baking dish, greased with oil. In this form, then you will bake.

Cover with foil and leave again in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.

This is how the dough will rise after the specified time.

We spread it on a baking sheet covered with parchment, make cuts with a blade or a sharp knife.

When I laid out the dough from the proofing basket, it caught on the edge a little and it turned out to be such an uneven circle. It didn't affect the taste, of course.

We bake whole grain bread without yeast in the oven, heated to 220-230 degrees, 40-45 minutes. The first 10 minutes - with the ferry. Those. at the bottom of the oven you need to put a bowl of boiling water or throw a few ice cubes. After 10 minutes, remove the bowl of boiling water (the ice cubes will have evaporated by that time).

This is how bread is made.

Cool it completely on a wire rack.

It is advisable to let him lie down for at least five hours.

And this is how unleavened whole wheat bread looks like in a section 5 hours after being taken out of the oven.

Tasty and healthy bread for you!

My family hardly eats bread, so if I did buy it, it was always only at the farmers' market: fresh, in the morning.

Such homemade bread usually costs from $4-6, depending on the fillers.

Then I thought: why spend extra money on something that you can perfectly do yourself?

My bread does not contain anything superfluous, has a wonderful crispy crust and is rich in all the useful vitamins due to the seeds that are present there. You can also add nuts and raisins for a richer taste.

Simple and very tasty recipe! Ready? Let's try!

We will need:

1 cup (250 ml) whole wheat flour

3/4 cup white flour

1/2 cup oatmeal

1/2 teaspoon baking soda (I use baking powder)

1 st. teaspoon chia seeds (optional)

1-2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower seeds

1 st. a spoonful of flaxseed

1 cup almond milk + 2 teaspoons lemon juice or vinegar

Salt (optional)

Preheat oven to 205C/400F.

Combine milk and lemon juice. The composition should curl up.

Mix all dry ingredients.

Pour in the milk and stir. If necessary, add a little more flour if the dough is too runny.

Put the dough into a mold. If desired, sprinkle with additional seeds.

Bake for 40 minutes. The bread should rise slightly.


Have a good and healthy appetite!

Bread has become the staple food of man.

However, modern bread does more harm than good.

Let's figure out what's wrong with bread, and how it should be.

It is believed that bread is the head of everything, it should always be on the table.

There is a big difference between what was called bread before and what it has become now.

So, what is the harm of modern bread, which is littered with shelves of shops and supermarkets?

  • Harm number 1. Flour of the highest grade.
  • Harm number 2. Yeast.

Now let's look at each item separately.

Harm flour of the highest grade.

A grain of wheat consists of a shell, a germ (the place where the stem comes from) and a starchy core.

All the most valuable (nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, trace elements) is in the embryo and shell. And in the core of the grain is a minimum of useful.

To increase the shelf life, the grain is cleaned from the germ and shell. That is, all the most valuable is removed, leaving a useless starchy mass. This is called premium flour, from which so many flour products are made, including bread. This flour is “empty”, because everything most valuable and useful for the human body has been removed from it.

It is worth noting that sometimes synthetic vitamins are added to bread. However, due to their artificial origin, such vitamins are absorbed much worse. And in general, this is stupid: first to spoil the product, and then try to restore it.

Due to the fact that premium bread is made from a useless starchy core, there is practically no benefit from it. That is, you can eat, in principle, but harm will be done to the body. Why harm? It's simple: the germ and shell dilute the starchy mass of the core of the grain, thereby giving the body useful substances and helping with digestion. But bread made from white flour of the highest grade in the stomach turns into a sticky substance that clogs the channels and slagging the body, preventing normal digestion. A person is affected by frequent colds, rashes on the face, skin, and constipation.

What to do? It is best to eat bread made from whole grain flour. It preserves to the maximum the benefits that are inherent in nature itself. Bread with bran is also much healthier than premium bread, since bran is the shell of the grain. But whole grain bread is the most beneficial for our body.

The harm of yeast bread.

Baker's yeast is used to speed up the process of making bread. Of course, no one thinks about the health of the consumer.

So what is yeast? These are unicellular fungi. When baking bread, most of these mushrooms do not die, as they are not afraid of high temperatures. When we eat yeast bread, we plant these uninvited guests in our intestines, because our body is also unable to digest them. Why is that bad?

2) Yeast disrupts the natural balance of the intestinal microflora. Yeasts are artificially bred fungi, they do not exist in nature. When these uninvited guests enter the intestines, they begin to inhibit the beneficial microflora. The development of putrefactive flora begins. That is, the yeast competes with the good inhabitants of our body, displacing beneficial bacteria and occupying the vacant place. As a result, not only the absorption of nutrients from food worsens, but also human health as a whole. After all, a healthy intestine is the basis of strong immunity, and where yeast is not health, but rot.

3) Yeast is harmful on its own. Judge for yourself - GOST 171-81 for "pressed baker's yeast" provides for the use of:

– sulfuric acid technical or battery
— microfertilizers for agriculture in the southern regions of the USSR
- building lime, chlorine and bleaching
- liquid detergent "Progress"

Horrible, right? And this is only a small part of the heap of chemical rubbish that is used to produce yeast.

The harm of yeast bread is obvious. Of course, it all depends on the quantity and frequency of consumption of such bread. Therefore, it is definitely not worth abusing it.

What to do?

✅ First, you can buy yeast-free bread. The demand for it is growing, so every year there are more and more offers.

✅ Secondly, you can make yeast-free bread yourself. On the Internet there are recipes for making bread without yeast, a wagon and a small cart.

Personally, I make healthy bread without any recipes. I add water to whole grain flour, get the dough, and make cakes out of it. I bake cakes in the oven or grill (the time is selected individually - depending on the thickness of the cake). It turns out very tasty - such bread can be eaten without anything, because it is really tasty. Real jam! Well, the realization that it is useful also warms the soul.


Healthy bread is whole wheat bread without yeast. If it is not possible to eat such bread, then you can choose either bread without yeast, or from whole grain flour. But still better - it's when 2 in 1! In general, friends, the most useful is the use. The bigger, the better!

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