
How to cook crow's feet cookies from cottage cheese according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Cookies "Goose feet": a recipe for cooking Cookies goose feet from cottage cheese

Fast, simple and tasty crow's feet cookies Easy to cook with kids. In particular, my six-year-old daughter almost completely made these cookies, the only thing I kneaded the dough, because it is physically difficult for a child to do this.

There are a lot of different recipes for these cookies, this is what I like about the fact that it has more cottage cheese than flour, and eggs are not used at all, so the cookies turn out to be airy and light.

The total cooking time for cookies is a little over an hour, and 30 minutes of them are required to stand the dough.

For the Houndstooth Cookies you will need:

  • Cottage cheese. 250 gr. The fat content of cottage cheese is not critical.
  • Flour. 1 glass.
  • Butter. 100 gr.
  • Baking powder. 1 teaspoon.
  • Vanilla sugar or vanilla extract.
  • Sugar. 3-5 tablespoons.
  • Salt. on the tip of a knife.

We bake "Houndstooth" cookies.

First of all, 100 grams of butter is about half a small pack, leave it in a warm place so that the butter softens. We do not melt the butter, but only let it become completely soft.

In a suitable container for dough, beat soft butter with 2 tablespoons of sugar and a small pinch of salt, literally on the tip of a knife. Also add a bag of vanilla sugar or a few drops of vanilla extract.

You can beat with a whisk or a fork, it’s easier with a fork, because in the future you won’t mix the dough with a whisk, but with a fork - quite - accordingly, there are fewer things to wash. So we give the child a fork, after which we observe the process.

Put 250 gr. in whipped butter. cottage cheese and carefully mix the butter with cottage cheese. It’s already hard for a child to do this, so we take the reins of government into our own hands.

When the cottage cheese with butter is thoroughly mixed, pour 1 cup of flour and 1 teaspoon of baking powder into it. You can, instead of baking powder, use half a teaspoon of baking soda, slaked with lemon juice or vinegar.

Chop the dough with a spatula or knife until a soft dough is obtained. I use the same fork and knead the dough with it.

Wrap the dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, we start cooking cookies.

Turn on the oven to heat up to 200ºС.

We take the dough out of the refrigerator and remove the film from it.

You can roll out the whole dough into a large layer about 5 mm thick with a rhinestone, and use a saucer to cut circles from the dough with a diameter of about 8-10 cm. The rolling board and rolling pin must be powdered with flour, since the dough is soft and slightly sticky.

My daughter and I do things differently. We take a small piece of dough and roll it into a ball, the size of a walnut or slightly smaller than a ping-pong ball.

Roll the ball of dough lightly in a saucer with flour, then roll it into a circle.

Sprinkle half of the mug with sugar.

Fold the circle in half, sugar inside, and again sprinkle the semicircle with sugar.

Fold the semicircle in half again. Sprinkle the upper part of the quarter-circle with sugar, you can make small cuts to imitate crow's feet. You can simply pour sugar into a saucer and dip the dough into sugar.

Hello my dear readers! Do you have such sweets that you love throughout your life? For example, I just adore my mother's yeast pies with apricot jam and curd cookies crow's feet. Pies are a lot of work and I don't cook them very often. And cookies from cottage cheese dough in the form of crow's feet require a minimum of time, food and effort - I bake them regularly and in large quantities.

Crow's feet are eaten instantly. Sometimes even a certain amount of cottage cheese cookies has to be hidden so that the household does not dare in one sitting. And then in the evening they will start asking to bake again! Here I get something hidden under the general delight! Bake a large portion at once - there are never too many crow's feet!

Cottage cheese cookies crow's feet - recipe with photo


  • 400 g fresh fatty cottage cheese.
  • 400 g butter.
  • 500 g flour.
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder or 1 teaspoon baking soda.
  • 10-15 g vanilla sugar.

How to cook

My remarks

  • In different recipes, there are different ratios of cottage cheese, butter and flour. I like the taste of cookies most of all, in which these products contain approximately the same amount or a little more flour. With this ratio, the cookies are more “layered” and tasty in my opinion.

Cookies are well stored in tightly closed tins - in this form they can be sent to sugar-suffering students, if they are in your family.

Here you can watch a video on how to make goose paws cottage cheese cookies. The recipe is different, but also good.

All delicious pastries and good evening!

Houndstooth is a very tasty biscuit that doesn't require a lot of expensive and rare ingredients. It should be noted that this delicacy is made quite easily. Moreover, there are several options for its preparation. We will present only the most popular and least complex ones.

General information about the dessert

If you are tired of cottage cheese pastries in the form of various casseroles, as well as cheesecakes, but you cannot refuse this granular dairy product, then we suggest making quick Hose's feet cookies.

It should be noted that such a dessert is not only tasty, but also healthy. After all, it is no secret to anyone that cottage cheese contains a large amount of calcium and other necessary elements.

A detailed recipe for "Crow's feet" with a photo of finished products

Sometimes it is very difficult to get a child to eat cottage cheese. To prevent this situation, we recommend adding this product to sweet pastries. After all, no child can refuse delicious and fragrant cookies.

A delicacy called "Crow's feet" is familiar to many from childhood. This is due to the fact that at a time when there was not a large selection of sweets in stores, many mothers very often prepared such a dessert for their children. We suggest you make it for a pleasant family tea party. For this we need:

Cooking the dough

Before preparing the dessert "Goose feet" from cottage cheese, you should make a soft and homogeneous dough. To do this, put the cooking oil in a bowl and melt it in a water bath. Next, the oil needs to be put aside and wait for it to cool completely. At this time, you can start preparing the other part of the base. For it, you should strongly beat the fine-grained medium-sized cottage cheese in a blender, and then add a rustic egg, one large spoonful of sugar to it and repeat the mixing procedure again. After that, it is required to pour chilled melted butter into the dairy product and gradually add light flour, previously mixed with baking powder.

As a result of long kneading, you should get an elastic and soft dough that sticks well from your hands. To make it fit, it should be tightly closed in a container or wrapped in cling film and kept in this state for about 25-35 minutes.

Formation process

To prepare curd “Goose feet”, you should not only knead the base well, but also form the products correctly. To do this, the risen dough must be removed from the container, and then sprinkled with flour and rolled out on a board into a sheet 5 millimeters thick. Next, it must be cut into circles with a diameter of 7-8 centimeters. To do this, you can use a regular glass, and a special pastry knife.

After the entire base has been cut, put 5 large spoons of sugar on a plate and dip one side of each circle into it. Next, it needs to be bent in half, flavored with sugar again and folded again. As a result, you should have a rather lush multi-layered triangle. If desired, you can sprinkle it with sugar on top.

By the way, in order for the formed products to fully correspond to their name, it is recommended to crush their wide part a little with an ordinary fork. As a result, you will get real "crow's feet".

Baking in the oven

As you can see, Houndstooth cookies are formed quite easily and quickly. To bake it, all prepared products must be placed on a greased baking sheet (can be lined with parchment paper) and sent to the oven. Bake the curd dessert for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 205 degrees. After this time, the cookies should increase in size, and also become soft and ruddy.

How to serve homemade cookies to the table?

The baked dessert called "Houndstooth" should be carefully removed from the oven and placed on a large plate. It is recommended to serve such a homemade delicacy to the table along with tea or hot chocolate. Bon Appetit!

Delicious and crumbly dessert "Goose feet": a recipe without cottage cheese

Sometimes you really want to quickly prepare a delicious dessert for a family tea party, but the refrigerator does not have the set of ingredients that you need. What to do in this situation? Go to a shop? I don't really want to. In this regard, we bring to your attention an alternative recipe for "Goose feet".

We already know how to cook cookies using cottage cheese. But if you didn’t have such a product at hand, we’ll tell you how you can do without it. For this we need:

  • margarine for making lush pastries - about 200 g;
  • high-calorie mayonnaise - about 200 g;
  • light wheat flour - about 2.5 cups;
  • village large eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • table soda and vinegar - 2/3 dessert spoon each;
  • medium-sized sugar - 1 full glass.

Base preparation

We talked about how to make Houndstooth curd products above. But experienced chefs know that instead of the classic recipe for this cookie, you can use a modified one that does not include the addition of a granular dairy product.

Before you bake a delicious dessert "Houndstooth" without cottage cheese, you need to make the dough. To do this, you need to beat the village eggs hard so that you get a fairly lush mass. Next, add sugar, mayonnaise to it and repeat the procedure of intensive mixing again. After that, cooking oil must be added to the resulting sweet mass. Moreover, the margarine must be frozen. But in order for the dough to turn out homogeneous, it must be introduced into the egg mass by rubbing it on a coarse grater.

After all the described actions, the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then the table soda must be extinguished in them and the high-grade flour should be slowly added. As a result, you should have a fairly dense, but soft and elastic mass, which will easily come off your palms. To make it fit, it is recommended to place it in a bag and keep it warm for about ¼ hour.

How to form cookies correctly?

If you don’t want to come up with something new, then you can form a dessert from such a dough in exactly the same way as described in the previous recipe. However, this requires the additional use of ground cinnamon, in which you need to dip each circle of the base.

If this cooking method seems not very original to you, then we recommend trying another method. To implement it, you should remove the margarine base from the bag and divide it into small equal pieces. After that, each ball must be passed through a fine meat grinder. When the dough comes out of the device in the right amount, it must be picked up by hand and beautifully laid out on a sheet greased with oil or lined with baking paper. Similarly, it is required to process all other balls.

In order for the finished cookies to live up to their name, it is recommended to lay out the patterned base on a baking sheet, giving it a triangular shape.

Before baking in the oven, all formed products can be additionally sprinkled with ground cinnamon, chopped nuts or other ingredients.

Heat treatment

After filling the baking sheet with products, it must be immediately placed in a preheated oven. It is recommended to bake products at a temperature of 195 degrees for 25-30 minutes. During this time, the cookies should be well browned, become crispy.

Serving homemade dessert

After the Houndstooth dessert is baked, it must be carefully removed from the sheet or baking paper, and then placed on a plate. It is advisable to serve sand products to the family table along with hot chocolate, tea or cocoa.

Summing up

In the presented article, we told you in detail about how you can cook cottage cheese and shortbread cookies without much effort in a short time. It should be noted that such a dessert turns out to be sweet and satisfying. But if you want to make it even tastier, then the recipe for "Crow's feet" recommends forming cookies from dough, mixed not only from a standard set of products, but also using any additional ingredients (for example, chopped nuts, chocolate chips, candied fruits, raisins, etc.).

Sugar-sprinkled cookies Goose paws in childhood were an invariable attribute of tea drinking, and today many housewives are looking for the same recipe, like their grandmother's, in order to return to childhood at least for a while.

Crow's feet are easy to make - everyone can knead the dough, and you will need a minimum set of products. If you want to revive the classic recipe a little, then in the selection for you are apricot and lemon varieties of cookies.

Arrange a small holiday for yourself, bake cookies and dedicate an evening of pleasant nostalgia. A cup of fragrant tea and curd biscuits Goose paws will help you plunge into memories.

Cottage Cheese Cookies

This sugar cookie melts in your mouth. Try to cook tender, slightly crunchy pastries. Choose high-quality cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat so that the dough is airy. Rustic cottage cheese is ideal.


  • 350 gr. flour;
  • 200 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 200 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 1 tsp vanillin.


  1. Grind cold butter with cottage cheese. You should get crumbly crumbs.
  2. Sift flour. Mix it with vanilla and baking powder.
  3. Enter the flour into the curd-butter mixture.
  4. Knead the dough with your hands. It should be homogeneous. Form a ball. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for an hour.
  5. Roll out the dough into a layer 2-3 mm thick.
  6. Cut out circles with a shape or glass.
  7. Pour sugar into a bowl. Roll each circle in sugar on both sides.
  8. Fold the circle in half, and then in half again. You should get triangles. Press them with your finger at the edge so that the "legs" do not open.

Crow's feet with apricot jam

A small amount of jam diversifies the taste, makes it more interesting. The cookies turn out quite sweet, so do not roll them heavily in sugar.


  • 350 gr. flour;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 200 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 150 gr. apricot jam.


  1. Grind cold butter with cottage cheese. You should get crumbly crumbs.
  2. Sift flour. Mix it with vanilla and baking powder.
  3. Enter the flour into the curd-butter mixture.
  4. Knead the dough with your hands. It should be homogeneous. Form a ball. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for an hour.
  5. Roll out the dough into a layer 2-3 mm thick.
  6. Cut out circles with a shape or glass.
  7. If the jam is thick enough, beat it with a mixer.
  8. Spread a little jam in the center of each circle. The optimal amount is a large weighty pea. When you fold the cake in half, the jam will spread, so there should not be much of it, otherwise it will flow out of the dough.
  9. If you have a pastry bag, it is more convenient to squeeze the jam out of it.
  10. Fold the circle in half, and then in half again. You should get triangles. Press lightly with your hand. You can not pinch the corners - the jam will stick the edges of the cookies.
  11. Sprinkle the tops with sugar.
  12. Bake cookies for 30 minutes at 180°C.

Cookies goose feet without cottage cheese

It would seem that this biscuit without cottage cheese loses its “zest” and completely changes in taste. In fact, kefir makes the dough even more tender, and the cookies become softer, acquire a creamy flavor.


  • 500 gr. flour;
  • 150 ml. kefir;
  • 180 gr. butter;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Grate the cooled butter on a coarse grater.
  2. Stir in the sifted flour. Grind both ingredients - you should get a crumb.
  3. Whisk eggs with sugar. Pour into crumbs.
  4. Add baking powder, salt the mixture a little. Pour in kefir.
  5. Knead the dough with your hands and let it rest in the refrigerator for an hour.
  6. Roll out a layer 3 mm thick.
  7. Cut out the circles with a glass or a shape.
  8. Pour sugar into a plate. Roll on both sides of each cake. Fold them in half twice to make triangles.
  9. Lay out on a baking sheet. Bake for half an hour at 180°C.

Crow's feet with lemon

These cookies can also be made with margarine, but only buy a good product that will allow the dough to rise during baking. Citrus taste and aroma will amaze your guests.


  • 350 gr. flour;
  • 100 gr. margarine "Domashniy";
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 150 gr. lemon jam;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 180 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 30 gr. lemon peel.


  1. Chilled margarine chop with a knife. Grind into crumbs along with cottage cheese.
  2. Sift flour. Mix it with baking powder. Combine with cottage cheese and margarine.
  3. Break the egg into the dough. Stir. Add lemon zest. Knead the dough with your hands. Put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  4. Remove the dough and roll out into a layer 2-3 mm thick.
  5. If the jam is thick, then beat it with a mixer.
  6. Cut out circles from the dough with a glass. Roll each in sugar, and squeeze a little lemon jam into the center. Try not to overdo it, otherwise the jam will spread, and the cookies will not look aesthetically pleasing.
  7. Fold the cakes in half. Roll again. You will get triangles. Press lightly with your hand.
  8. Bake for half an hour at 180°C.

These simple and delicious cookies will become your family's favorite treat. You will need a minimum set of products. If you make the dough ahead of time, you can make cookies in minutes.

Houndstooth Cottage Cheese Cookies #1: The tastiest egg-free cottage cheese cookie ever made. And it’s also very cute, and it’s quite easy to prepare, so if you have some cottage cheese, be sure to cook this yummy!

It turns out baking is soft and tender, with a bright creamy-curd taste. Perfect with a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa. The only negative is that dessert is eaten very quickly, no matter how much you cook 😉

And this recipe for cookies from cottage cheese "Goose paws" is suitable for those who do not like to mess around with the dough, but still want to treat their loved ones with delicious homemade cakes. There are no difficulties in preparing the dough itself - everything is quite simple. Well, so that you surely succeed, this recipe with step-by-step photos will help you!


  • Curd - 300 g
  • Butter - 180 g
  • Baking powder - 10 g
  • Flour - 250 g
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g

Recipe for cottage cheese cookies Crow's feet with photo

Butter melted.

Cottage cheese mashed with a fork. I had a fairly dry farm product. You can also use the store, the main thing is that it be of good quality. And if it is more wet, then you will need to add more flour than is given in the recipe.

She poured the cottage cheese into the butter.

Then gradually (half a cup) began to add flour and immediately knead the dough with your hands. I poured in flour until the dough began to lag behind my hands. In total, I added 250 g. If your cottage cheese is too wet, then you can add 50 g more, and knead well too. It is not necessary to fill the cottage cheese with flour too much - otherwise the finished product will be hard, and we want to get delicate pastries.

With the last batch of flour, I added baking powder.

Well kneaded.

I rolled it into a ball, covered it with a bag and put it in the cold for 1 hour.

Here is such a beauty:

An hour later, I cut off a small piece, rolled it out, cut out mugs with a glass.

How many came out of 1 piece.

She folded the circle in half, then in half again.

Dipped in sugar. And so did the whole test.

In principle, such triangles can be left as they are, or you can make “paws” - make 2 cuts with a knife.

These are the crow's feet we get:

Lined a baking sheet with parchment paper and greased it with oil. And laid out future cookies.

I set it to bake for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180.

And after this time I had such handsome men.

That's all, Cottage Cheese Cookies are ready!

Happy tea!