
The author of the painting is three princes of the underground kingdom. Description of the painting V. M. Vasnetsova "Three princes of the underground kingdom. Tsarevna precious stones

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is known for writing paintings based on various Russian legends, which are particularly common among ordinary people. In the eight hundred in the eightieth year, by order of the Russian entrepreneur, the artist created a cloth called "Three Tsarevna Underground Kingdom", which was based on the fairy tale of "Underground Kingdoms". This picture had two versions: in a thousand eight hundred and eighty-fourth year Vasnetsov a little changed the position of the hands of one of the princes to give her more calm and majestity.

In the center of the canvas, three magnificent figures of girls are depicted against the background of gray dull cliffs and gently blue sky, on which pale pink clouds sail. All the back plan only adds beauty to the main character. Each heroine is the richness of the middle of the earth. The girl standing up to the left of others is dressed in a luxurious golden dress embroidered by traditional Russian patterns, and a golden session is banging on his head, which includes several gems.

Despite the whole majestic look, it behaves quite modestly, without showing its superiority. Her sister, which stands in the center, is not inferior to that in beauty and royality. All of the outfit consists of precious stones, even the crown fully consists of them. But it is also an example of royal pride and modesty. Two sisters are majestic and know what position is occupied. But here is the third sister that stands to the right of them, is not at all similar to his relatives. Instead of a bright, dresses destroyed by jewels on a girl wearing a relatively modest black dress, and the head of the girl does not adorganize the crown, nothing else. In addition, her hair freely falls on the shoulders and add it peculiar ease and tenderness. From the girl does not come by the same regal force, as from her sisters, but for some reason it is still impossible to tear his eyes away.

It is its modesty, unobtrusive and calm confidence that it attracts attention and significantly exceeds two other representatives. It enclosed the image of a real Russian girl who never exposes its advantage outside, but behaves restrained and without finance. Also, in addition to the three princes of the underground kingdom, two men are depicted on the canvas that are on the right side. They bowed their knees in front of majestic images. However, girls do not even notice these ordinary people. The heroines simply froze in their poses and do not pay the slightest attention to what is happening around. Perhaps this happened for the reason that they were on Earth, and not in their usual environment. But it is precisely this static attachment adds a magnificent appearance that makes people admire them.

Thus, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov at his picture "Three Prince of the underground kingdom" depicted majestic girls, each of which is a certain kind of fossils that can be found in the depths of the Earth.

1884. Canvas, oil. 164 x 297 cm. State Museum of Russian Art

Description of the painting Vasnetsova V.M. "Three princes of the underground kingdom"

In 1880, V. Vasnetsov receives an order from Savva Mammont's patron to writing three paintings to decorate the station Donetsk railway. The artist whose creativity is inextricably with the epics, legends and fairy tales, and this time stopped the choice of fairy plots. Soon the pictures of the "carpet-plane", the "Battle of Scythians with Slavs" and "Three Queens of the Underground Kingdom" were ready.

The painting "Three Queens ..." was written by the latter and was intended to decorate the Cabinet of the Railway Board. According to the master of the master, the picture was to become an personification of unmeasant wealth stored in the land of Donbass. The heroine of the folk fairy tale was the embodiment of these treasures - underground princesses. According to the fairy tale there were only two - gold princesses and precious stones. But in favor of industrialists, the artist was written by the third - coal princess.

Three girls shining the dazzling beauty of the face and outfits, and became the main character characters. In the center depicted printed precious stones. Majestic and proud, it stands with a highly raised head, demonstrating their noble origin. It is extremely beautiful, her outfit: embroidered with a bizarre ornament, an expensive dress attracts a look, fascinating the emerald, pinkish, turquoise, red and yellow overflows of precious stones that make up the pattern. Heavy beads on the chest and the crown of gems on the head complement the image of the underground treasure cuddle. Her face beauty is not inferior to the attractiveness of stones: scarlet lips, a burning blush and sobular eyebrows - a true princess.

To the left of the queen precious stones costs as major gold princes, which is easy to find out on the sparkling golden robe. The intricate pattern of the gilded fabric is complemented by the scattering of gems, adorning the sleeves, buttons and the hem of dresses. Shines with glitter gems and Crown-Kokoshnik on the royal head, and beads on the neck of the queen. But her beautiful face is sad and sad, longing is hiding in her lowered eyes.

Several apart from majestic sisters, the viewer will see a robust coal princess. In her dress, there is no stripping and magnificent royalness, as not and arrogantly in her face. Modest, but exquisite black brocade dress, beautiful black hair, freely dropping on the shoulders, open, powerlessly lowered hands, sadness on a snow-white face - such created Vasnets the younger of Tsareven. Estimated against the background of sisters with its simplicity and modesty, it seems more cute, native, close and human.

Beautiful princesses are saddened. And the reason for their sadness can be seen here on the canvas. In the lower right corner, the artist wrote two Ivan-Tsarevich's brothers, the hero of the fairy tales, inspired by the artist to create a picture. According to the plot, Tsarevichi betrayed his brother: kidding underground beauties and rescuing her mother, they cut the rope and left him to die under the ground. In their hands you can see the rope, and the knife to which it was cropped. Both brothers are shown at the moment when they affected by beauty and the article princess, in a stupor, bends in front of them in the earthly worship.

Monumentality gives the picture and red sunset sky, and block black cliffs. The contrast combination of the sky and the earth, at the intersection of which the abducted girls are shown, emphasizes their anxiety and excitement.

Despite the beauty of the canvas, the railway workers refused to redeem the picture, referring to the alien industry a fairy plot. As a result, the work of the Great Artist was acquired by a collector and the patron of I. Tereshchenko.

The best paintings Vasnetsova V.M.

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Every Wednesday you can visit the permanent exposition "Art of the twentieth century" in the new Tretyakovka, as well as temporary exhibitions "Dar Oleg Yahont" and "Konstantin Istomin. Color in the window ", held in the engineering case.

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In 1880-1881, Savva Mammoth ordered Viktor Votnetsov three paintings for the Cabinet of the Donetsk Railway.
Vasnetsov wrote "three princes of the underground kingdom", "carpet-plane" and "Battle of Scythians with Slavs". As the basis of the picture taken a fairy tale. The painting "Three Prince of the Underground Kingdom" personifies the wealth of the subsoil of Donbass, for which a slightly changed the plot of fairy tales - it shows the coal princess.

Victor Vasnetsov.
Three princes of the underground kingdom.
1879. First option. Canvas, oil. 152.7 x 165.2.
Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Board members did not accept Vasnetov's work on a fabulous topic as inappropriate for office space. In 1884, Vasnetsov writes another version of the picture, while changing the composition and color. The painting acquires the Kiev collector and Messenat I.N. Tereshchenko.
In the new version, the position of the hands of the coal printed coal has changed, now they lay along the body, which gave the figure to calm and magnifier.
In the painting "Three Tsarevna underground kingdom", one of the characters - the third, younger princess - will be further developed in female images. The casual soul sorrows of this humbly proud girl will also meet in its portraits, and in fictional images.

Underground kingdoms
Russian folktale

At a long time, when the world was filled with Leshem, the witch and mermaids, when the rivers flowed dairy, the shores were kindergarten, and fried roasted partridges were flying, at that time, there was a king named Pea with Queen Anastasia, beautiful; They had three sons-Tsarevich.

And suddenly, the trouble was a lot of trouble - the unclean spirit dragged the queen. Says the king of the eldest son: "Batyushka, bless me, I will go find a mother!" Went and disappeared; For three years, there was no behavior or hearing. Became the second son to ask: "Batyushka, bless me in the road, perhaps it will be lucky for me to find and brother, and Mother!" The king blessed; He went and was also missing - as if she was going to the water.

The younger son comes to the king, Ivan-Tsarevich: "The kind of father, bless me in the road, maybe we break and brothers, and the mother!" - "Go, Son!"

Ivan-Tsarevich went into an alien side; I was driving and came to the blue sea, I stopped on babe and thinks: "Where to keep the way now?" Suddenly they flew to the sea of \u200b\u200bthirty three colpins, laid out and became red girls - all are good, and one is better than everyone; Section and rushed into the water. A lot of whether they never had a bathe - Ivan-Tsarevich burst, took from that girl that everyone painted, a cushache and hid behind the sinus.

The girls bathed, went ashore, began to dress - there is no dusty. "Ah, Ivan-Tsarevich," says Beauty, "Give me a cushache!" - "Tell me before, where is my mother?" - "Your mother has my father lives - Voron Voronovich. Go up the sea, the silver bird will come to you - the Golden Khokholok: where she flies, there and you go!"

Ivan-Tsarevich gave her a cushache and went up the sea; Then he met his brothers, greeted them and took with him.

They go together by the shore, they saw a silver bird - the golden jokolok and ran after her followed. The bird flew, flew and rushed under the slab iron, in the pit of the dungeon. "Well, Brothers, - Go-Worit Ivan-Tsarevich, - Blessed me instead of the Father, instead of Mother: I'm omitted to this pit and find out what the earth is an innumenny, whether our mother!" The brothers were blessed, he rides the rope, and climbed into that pit a deep, and no longer descended, no less than three years; descended and went through expense.

She walked, walked, walked, saw a copper kingdom: Thirty-three maids are sitting in the yard, embroidered with towels with cunning patterns - cities with suburbs. "Hello, Ivan-Tsarevich! - says the princess of the copper kingdom. - Where are you going where you keep the way?" - "I go to my mother!" - "Your mother at my father, Voron Voronovich; He is a cunning and wise, in the mountains, dollars, on the verteps, flew along the clouds! He is you, good well, kill! Here's a tangle, go to my middle sister - that she is You will tell you. And back to you, do not forget me! "

Ivan-Tsarevich swept the tangle and went after him. It comes to the silver kingdom, and here they sit thirty-three gods. Says Tsarevna Silver Kingdom: "Delieleeva of the Russian Spirit was not to see the view, do not hear a layer, but now the Russian spirit manifests itself! What, Ivan-Tsarevich, is you trying to try?" - "Ah, Red Maiden, I go to look for a mother!" - "Your mother in my father, Voron Voronovich; and heter he, and wiser, in the mountains, flew on dolt, on the verteps, rushed on the clouds!, Eh, Tsarevich, because he will kill you! Here's the tangle, go-ka You're to younger my sister - what will she say to you: Do you go back to come back? "

Ivan-Tsarevich comes to the Golden Kingdom, and here they sit thirty-three girls, the towels are embroidered. All above, all the best prince of the Golden Kingdom - such a beauty that neither in a fairy tale to say or write to the pen. She says: "Hello, Ivan-Tsarevich! Where are you going where you keep the way?" - "I go to Mother to look!" - "Your mother in my father, near Voronovich's crow; and heter he, and Muder, in the mountains, flew in dolt, on the verteps, rushed on the clouds. Eh, Tsarevich, because he will kill you! On you the tangle, go to the pearl kingdom : There your mother lives. Seeing you, she will rejoice and immediately order: "Nanniki-mothers, give my son green wine!" And you do not take, ask you to give you a three-time wine that it costs in the cabinet, yes burner crust on the snack . Do not forget: my father has two sauna of water in the yard - one is strong, and the other is poor; cease them from place to place and put a strong water; and when you fight the crow to Voronovich and defeat him, ask him only the meeting - I am good. "

For a long time, Tsarevich was talked to the princess and so fell in love with each other, which they do not want to part, but nothing to do - Ivan-Tsarevich said and went on the road.

She walked, comes to the pearl kingdom. I saw his mother, delighted and shouted: "Mom nyanki! Serve, my son is green wine!" - "I do not drink simple wine, give me a three-year one, and for a snack burned crust!" He drank Tsarevich three-time wines, bit the burner crust, went to the wide yard, rearranged the chains from place to place and began to drink severe water.

Suddenly, Raven Voronovich arrives; He was leveled as a clear day, but I saw Ivan Tsarevich - and got dark at night; Sounded to the chane and began to pull the powerless water.

Meanwhile, Ivan-Tsarevich fell to him on the wings; Raven Voronovich signed highly highly, wore it in dolt, and in the mountains, and on the verteps, and on the clouds and began to ask: "What do you need, Ivan-Tsarevich? Do you want to make a treasury?" "" I don't need anything to do anything to me, just give me a peony! " - "No, Ivan-Tsarevich! Painfully in wide Sani sitting!"

And again the raven suffered on the mountains and dollars, over the verteps and clouds. And Ivan-Tsarevich holds tightly; Like all his severity and slightly unbridled his wings. Crew raven Voronovich: "You don't break my wings, take a feather bed!" Gave the Tsarevich to the bed-feather, he himself became a simple raven and flew to the steep mountains.

And Ivan-Tsarevich came to the pearl kingdom, took his mother and went to the opposite way; It looks - the pearl kingdom of the glomerulo curled yes after him rolled.

He came to the Golden Kingdom, then in silver, and then in Copper, took the three beautiful princes with his three beautiful princes, and those kingdoms curled with glomers, and they rolled them. Suitable for a rope and cried into the golden tube: "Brothers are relatives! If you are not allowed alive!"

The brothers heard the pipe, grabbed the rope and pulled the soul on the white light - the Red Maiden, the Copper Kingdom of Tsarevna; They saw her and began to quarrel in themselves: he does not want to give it to each other. "What are you beating, kind well done! There is even better than me Red Maiden!" - says Tsarevna Copper Kingdom.

Tsarevichi lowered the rope and pulled the princess of the silver kingdom. Again began to argue and fight; One says: "Let me get!" And the other: "I do not want! Let mine be!" - "Do not quarrel, good well done, there is still a male girl there," says Tsarevna Silver Kingdom.

Tsarevichi ceased to fight, lowered the rope and pulled out the princess of the Golden Kingdom. Again, they began to quarrel, and the Tsarevna-Beauty immediately stopped them: "Your mother is waiting!"

They pulled their mother and lowered the rope for Ivan Tsarevich; Raised it up to half and climbed the rope. Ivan-Tsarevich flew into the abyss and firmly hurt - six months lay without memory; Having woke up, looked around, I remembered everything that Gallosha, took out a feather-feather pocket and hit them about the ground. At the same moment there were twelve wellms: "What, Ivan-Tsarevich, order?" - "Take me to free light!" Well done picked up him under his arms and brought to free light.

Ivan-Tsarevich became about his brothers to explore and learned that they had long married: Tsarevna from the copper kingdom married a middle brother, Tsarevna from the Silver Kingdom - for the elder brother, and his infant bride does not go for anyone. And he decided on her the old man to marry himself: gathered the Duma, accused his wife in the fact that the Council holds with evil spirits, and ordered her head to cut off her; After execution he asks Tsarevna from the Golden Kingdom: "I get married for me?" - "Then I will go for you when you wish the shoes without measure!"

The king ordered the cry clicked, everyone and everyone ask for everyone: WHAT WILL WHAT WILL WHAT CAREVER SHOBERS WITHOUT MERCY? At that time, Ivan-Tsarevich comes to his state, hired by one old man in workers and sends him to the king: "Stay, grandfather, take it on this matter. I am a shoe shoes, just don't tell me!" The old man went to the king: "I'm ready for this job to take!"

The king gave him the goods to a couple of shoes and asked: "Do you have a spectature, an old man?" - "Do not be afraid, sovereign, I have a son of Chebotar!"

Going home, I gave the old product to Ivan Tsarevich, he cut off the goods in pieces, threw out over the window, then he took the golden kingdom and took out the finished shoes: "Here, grandfather, take, take to the king!"

The king glanced, sticks to the bride: "Soon to go to the crown?" She replies: "Then I will go for you when you saugh" me a dress without measure! "

The king again bothers, it takes all the masters to himself, gives them a lot of money, just that the dress was sewn without measure. Ivan-Tsarevich says the old man: "Grandfather, go to the king, take the matter, I don't tell you a dress, only for me!"

The old man was shoved to the palace, took the atlas and velvet, grown home and gave Tsarevich. Ivan-Tsarevich immediately for scissors, cut off all the atlas and velvet on the shreds and threw out over the window; Occashed the golden kingdom, took from there that neither is the best dress and gave an old man: "Carrying up to the palace!"

Tsar Radohonek: "What, my beloved bride, is it time for us to go to the crown?" Tsarevna is responsible: "Then I will go married for you, when you take the son of the Son and Male in the milk to cook!" The king did not think, gave an order - and on the same day they collected from all the yards on the bucket of milk, poured a large Chan and boiled on a strong fire.

Lied Ivan-Tsarevich; He began to say goodbye to everyone, to bow to the ground; Throw it into Chan: He drew himself, the other dived, jumped out and became so handsome that he had to say in a fairy tale nor to write. Says Tsarevna: "Look, king! For whom I marry me: for you, old, or for him, good well done?" The king thought: "If I swim in milk, I will do the same handsome!" Rushed in Chan and welded in milk.

And Ivan-Tsarevich went with the princess to marry; They married, he sent his brothers from the kingdom and began to live with the princess living, and eat yes.

Vasnetsov V.M. Tri Tsarevna underground kingdom.
1884. The second option. Canvas, oil. 173 x 295. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev, Ukraine.

This work was performed by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov by order S. Mamontov, at that time the chairman of the board was built by Donetsk Railway. The idea was based on the fact that through the fabulous topics on the canvas should be reflected by the ideas of the Russian people on the deep earthly departments of the Donbass of indiscreaded wealth.

The initial plot of the folk narration was Vasnetsov changed. Two main princes remained in place - gold and precious stones. In favor of industrialists on the canvase, another character appeared - coal princess.

Three girls are depicted on the canvas, two of them, personifying gold and precious stones, dressed in richly decorated ancient-Russian outfits of the corresponding colors. On the third, a simple dress of black color is thrown, her hands are pale and open, hair is simply dissolved and stretched along the shoulders.

It is noticeable that in the coal of the coal, there is no turning distance that in the rest of the heroes, nevertheless, it is as attractive as the rest. In the version of this picture made in 1884, Vasnetsov changed the position of the girl's hands in a black dress, placing them along the body, and other girls left their hands with modestly closed in front, which gave them great magty to their possession.

In the background, the paintings blushes a sunset sky, the girls are surrounded by threads of dark rocks. When writing the initial version, the author used a yellow-orange palette along with black shades. The 1884 facility is shot by more rich colors, the palette shifts red tones. Also in the lower right corner of the picture, the author drawn two men in common armored shoes claping princesses.

However, as a result, the Board of the Railway refused to buy a picture, so it was bought by a direct customer - S. Mammoths.

In addition to the description of the painting V. M. Vasnetsov "Three Tsarevna underground kingdom", there are many and other descriptions of paintings of various artists, which can be used as in the preparation for writing an essay in the picture, and simply for more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.


Weaving from bead

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