
The plot and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story after the Bala. Analysis of the story L.N. Tolstoy "After Bala". Studying a new material

Block lessons of literature in grade 8

Plekhanova T.A. (Teacher of Russian Language and Literature)

Subject: "L.N. Tolstoy "after the Bala".

Objectives: 1) introduce students with basic biographical information about the writer;

the history of creating a story "After Bala";

2) reveal the compositional features of the work through the analysis and analysis of individual episodes;

development of a connected speech of students, the ability to select material on the topic and connect the thoughts;

work on language products;

H) the formation of schoolchildren with the concept of person's personal responsibility for everything he performs in life.

Lesson number 1

"L. N. Tolstoy. Personality and fate of the writer. "

During the classes:

1) organizational moment

(greeting students, setting lesson goals)

2) study of a new material

Teacher's introductory word

Creativity L. N. Tolstoy - one of the bright pages in the history of Russian literature. The writer told us about Russian life almost as much as all the rest of our literature.

Over two hundred works are written. Each of them is the reflection of the whole era of Russian reality. Who is this amazing person, what life did he live?

We learn about this from the articles of the textbook "Artist, Thinker, Man."

Reading, drawing up an article plan from the textbook on the biography of the writer.

Exemplary plan

1) rich life experience writer, the uniqueness of his personality.

2) Interest in the Word, the poetry arose from Tolstoy already in early childhood

3) In his youth, Tolstoy realized his recognition. The story "Childhood" is a writer's literary debut.

4) Life in a clear clearing, interest in pedagogy, to agriculture, the life of peasants.

5) The active life position of the writer, its versatile interests.

b) a sharp fracture in the worldview of the writer. The consciousness of the moral illegality of the position of the landlord.

7) The desire for truth is the basis for the formation of the personality of Tolstoy.

H) consolidation of the studied

Conversation on issues

1) What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe article?

Lion Tolstoy was great not only as a brilliant Creator,

but both as a person as a person.

2) Remember the Personal Childhood Pages. What are the features of the image of her main character Nicholya?

3) as the illustration of the writer's photo of the writer correlates

Tolstoy in this photo? What struck you in

the appearance of the writer?

Selective retelling of the article.

(Disclose one or two points of the plan)

4) the results of the lesson

Repetition of the concept of "story" and the genres of epic.

Lesson number 2.

Subject : Contrast as a reception, revealing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "After Bala".

During the classes:

1) Org. moment

Greeting students, setting the goals of the lesson.

2) Repetition of the studied

Frontal survey

Why is this a work of his genre is a story?

What is said about the main hero at the beginning of the story? Ivan Vasilyevich - all the respected person, he recalls the days of his youth, when it was in love.

What thought does Ivan Vasilyevich assert in the first lines of the work?

He is confident that not only the environment can affect the fate of a person, but also the case.

What event is described in the work? Ball in the house of the provincial leader, the in love of the hero, the shock from the cruelty after the ball, disappointment.

What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthis story?

Personal responsibility of a person for everything committed by him.

The era of the Board of Nicholas I, the 40s of the 19th century, the time when soldiers were brutally punished in the tsarist army for the slightest guilt.

H) study of new material

Group work on cards

Task: Using a plan given in the card, write down the key words-epithets from the text of the story.

At the end of this work, transfer the content of the episode,

using writing words.

1 group - episode "on the ball"

2 Group - Episode "After Bala"

Explain why all what is happening on the ball our hero perceives with enthusiastic loss?

He is in love, fascinated by the atmosphere of the holiday, called dinner. Hero next to his beloved Varnika; Everything is filled with a feeling of happiness, youth, beauty.

So, after analyzing these two episodes, draw conclusion about how they relate.

These two episodes are opposed to each other.

Word W. Guys, such a reception in the disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, in which events or heroes are opposed to each other, is called contrast.

Conversation with dispute elements

Is it possible to argue that the colonel is a hypocritical and dual man?

What spiritual qualities exhibits a colonel to his daughter during dance?

He sincerely loves her, cares about her.

What is the part in the appearance of the Colonel Most of the main character?

Consider (unwitting boots)

What qualities of the officer exhibits a colonel in the penalties stage?

Colonel is sincerely as an officer, he believes in the need for cruel violence. Colonel, not arguing, conscientiously performs his duty.

What item in the appearance of the colonel draws attention to the main character?

Consider (suede glove, which colonel hit the face of a soldier)

Where, in what episode, we already met the same detail - a suede glove?

Consider (in the ball stage, when the colonel before the start of the dance with his daughter puts on this glove to his hand)

Output: Colonel is sincere and in the Bala scene, and at the Place, during brutal violence.

Why did the main hero intervene in what is happening on the places?

Consider (he was stunned, could not explain what happened, he was ashamed)

How has the hero's life changed after what he saw?

Gradually, he cooled to Varna, Love was faded, refused a military career.

What was the meaning of the life of the chief hero?

Search for truth and good. The hero lives in harmony with his conscience, instructing the closest to the path of good.

Is Ivan Vasilyevich, who considered Varnka involved in the evil who made his father?

4) consolidation of the studied


1) Which artistic acceptance is the basis of the composition of the story "after the Bala"?

a) sequence of events

b) contrast

c) cyclical events

2) What sense describes the protagonist scene

"At the ball"?

a) Outrage

b) neglect

c) delight

H) in what dress was the dress on the ball?

a) white dress with a pink belt

b) velvet push (dark brown)

c) Pink

4) With which artistic part is the author

proves the sincerity of the feeling of Colonel to his daughter?

a) White mustache and bundlebards

b) suede glove

c) brilliant eyes and joyful smile

d) Homemade Owing Boots

5) Determine the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story

a) condemnation of despotism

b) condemnation of mindless execution of rules

c) human personal responsibility idea

b) on the eve of which holiday the ball was satisfied in the house

gubernsky leader

a) Maslenitsa

b) Christmas

7) Why Colonel, kind and sensitive during the ball,

it turns out to be cruel and heartless

to soldiers?

a) conscientiously fulfills his duties

8) What sounds, melody are heard during cruel

rafting with a runa soldier?

a) sounds pipe

b) whistle flutes and drum fraction.

5) the results of the lesson

So, summarizing the lesson, remind which reception uses L. N. Tolstoy in the story "After Bala" to achieve an understanding of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work? The author uses the reception of contrast, opposing the events on the ball and after the ball.

House. the task: The abstract article of the textbook "Composition of a Artwork", prepare for the composition, choose the necessary actual material.

Lesson number Z.

Essay by creativity L. N. Tolstoy

1. Morning changed life .


1. Life sources of the story "After Bala". The story about one morning, which changed the life of a person, was launched by the author of the midnight. A similar story happened to Brother L. N. Tolstoy. How is artically transformed a real case?

2. Aero story. Memories of an elderly person - emphasizes the meaning that this story had in his life. The sincerity and truthfulness of the story of "all respected" Ivan Vasilyevich, his great life experience - confidence in the hero at the reader. Retrospective:

young, handsome, rich man with a brilliant future, loved and loved. Z.composition and its role. A contrast image of two episodes: a ballast and punishment of a soldier. The opposition of these episodes and the organic relationship between the relations of the uniform artistic idea. Each episode highlights, distinguishes the other - it is exposed to externally prosperous, elegant validity.

4. Morning as a wreck of love and life itself. Morning description occupies about a quarter of volume. Telling the horror concentration of reality. The discrepancy between tradition - usually the morning symbolizes the beginning, here - the end.

5. Bits between parts: fog, which gradually dissipates and shows everything in the present light; "Their house", that is, the house of the Colonel, not far from which the hero sees a terrible picture; Suede Colonel Glove, his White Mustache and Bengnebard; Music motive.

b. Colors and sounds. Something big, black, "" Many black people "," Black uniforms "," Something ... Western ... red "," Flott and drum "sounds", "Other, hard, bad music", " Unpleasant sughs melody ", whistling sticks and their slap on the back of a soldier. The contrast of these colors and sounds with white-pink, shiny paints.

7. Syntactic agents. Reints, abundance of undetermined pronouns, repetition of direct speech.

8. Hero feelings. "Physical, reaching for nausea longing", confusion, insecurity as

consequence seen.

9. The consequences of a terrible morning. Failed career, fading love. "The whole life has changed from one night, or rather morning," the hero himself closely connects the magic night and terrible morning.

10. Is it all in the case of\u003e? Reflections about true causes changed human life.

II. Colonel on the ball and after the ball.


1. Hero standing. Colonel Peter Vladislavovich - Father of the girl in which the hero is in love with the story. For the first time at the "high, statutory figure of her father of the Colonel" specifies Varena.

2. The appearance of the colonel. "Beautiful, state, high and fresh old man." "Affectionate joyful smile, like a daughter." The daughter resembles a colonel, the colonel resembles Nicholas 1- logical conclusion: the daughter resembles Nicholas 1 (of course, indirectly, unconsciously).

Z. Details. The suede glove of Colonel - "We need to be done by law" - on the ball, he puts it on, dancing with his daughter, and after the ball: "A strong hand in the Suede Glove beat a face of a frightened little calm soldier." "Non-mode, homemade" colonel boots, who were tired of the main character on the ball; White mustache and bundbard.

4. Colonel on the ball. Constantly smiles, nicely drawn with his daughter, deftly dancing, Boyko grims in Ma - Zurka. Brilliant eyes and lips, blush. It makes the impression of the old servants: "Not decorated with orders" breasts, "vintage" boots.

5. Entilly - gentle feeling of the hero to the Colonel. On the ball and after the ball (before the episode with a soldier), the hero seems to see Varnaka "paired with his father", connects "His and her in one gentle, dying feeling."

b. Colonel after Bala. The gradual recognition of the hero of the Colonel (sharp contrast with how he looked at the ball).

7. Feelings of heroes. "The physical, reaching the nausea of \u200b\u200bthe longing", shame - "as if I was standing in the most defined act."

8. The consequences of what have seen. Failed career:

"I have not served anywhere and nowhere. . . Not suitable. " Fading love.

9. Daugs: Was there a colonel to a double man, a hypocrite?

III. What is the honor, duty, conscience in my understanding.


1. Defining concepts (using an intelligent dictionary).

2. Communication of these concepts: one implies the other.

Z. Examples from literature. Petr Grinev and Masha Mironova from the "Captain Daughter"; The concept of honor

debt, conscience, not allowed the hero of "after the Bala" to serve.

4. Examples from our own life experience.

Reasoning: Are these concepts not obsolete?

Balu I. after bala" Poetry ... " Word about the poet. Historical subject In the work of the writer. Reading poems ... by heart. 2. Points on races. L.N. Tolstoy« After bala»3. Analysis of the episode. (Leskov "...

A distinctive feature of the creativity of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy is a constant search for answers to moral issues that inevitably arise in the life of every person. We offer to consider the analysis of the work of L. N. Tolstoy "After Bala", which will be useful to students of the 8th grade when preparing for a lesson on literature. In the story "After Bala", the analysis includes the full disclosure of the topic, as well as the features of the composition, genre and directions.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1903 year.

History of creation - The plot is based on a real story that happened to the brother of the writer. He, being in love with the Military Head Daughter, was going to make a girlfriend offer. However, changed his mind when he witnessed the extreme cruelty of her father towards the soldier.

Subject - The main theme of the work is morality, which fully reveals the problem of the organization of society in Tsarist Russia.

Composition - The composition is built on the antithesis - the opposition of the ball and the scene of punishment of a runaway soldier.

Genre - Story.

Direction - Realism.

History of creation

The story "After Bala" Lev Nikolayevich wrote in 1903, but he was published after the death of the writer, in 1911. As the basis of the plot of Tolstoy took the story of a native brother, Sergey Nikolayevich, whom he shared with him in his youth.

Sergey Tolstoy was passionately in love with Vammentka - a charming girl whose father was held by the post of military city holder. The intentions of the young man were serious enough, and he was going to tie himself to the Uzami marriage with his beloved. However, these plans were not destined to come true. Sergey Tolstoy accidentally witnessed the brutal appeal of his future testing with a runaway soldier. The spectacle of cruel violence over the unfortunate so much shook the young man that he overnightly changed his mind to marry.

Lev Nikolayevich was shocked by the heard history, but he was able to present it on paper only years later. It was not immediately able to decide with the name of his work, exposing criticism each of the options. Among them were "Father and Daughter", "the story of the ball and through the order", "and you say ...".

Meaning of the name "After the Bala" lies in ambiguity and contradictory of life. After a bright lights of the ball, people find themselves face to face with realities of reality. For the external magnificence and the gloss, the unjustified cruelty and caskoruzness of human hearts are hidden, and not to come to accept this fact.


The work, despite the small volume, fully reveals problemsmoral and philosophical, which has always been close to Lion Nikolayevich.

Central theme "After the Bala" - morality. The author puts questions about the reader: what are the honor, dignity, decency, justice? For many generations, they worried and continue to excite Russian society.

Based on conflict The works lies the dual nature of the colonel. This is a stateless, beautiful, mature man who attracts attention to your boyfriend and military straightening. The aristocratic essence is emphasized by immaculate manners, a beautiful speech and a pleasant voice. The colonel could easily arrange anyone - so cute and courtesy he pointed himself during the ball.

But early in the morning, all this grace was broken, like a mask, during the punishment of a runaway soldier. Varenkin Father appears to Grozny, the cruel head capable of the most terrible act.

The protagonist in love is the main character, becoming a witness to this reincarnation, is no longer able to still experience bright feelings for the girl. The spectacle of the inhuman execution of a soldier forever changes his worldview. He comes to the conclusion that it is not able to be a sort of evil, and refuses his personal happiness.

The basic idea Works - the exposition of false and intake complacent of society, followed by cruelty in relation to people who are dependent. If there is no possibility to change this world for the better and defeat evil, then every person is able to make a conscious choice - to take part or not in this evil. Be honest in relation to yourself - this is what the work of Tolstoy teaches ..


The story story lays into the framework of one night, steeply overwhelmed the whole life of the main character. The composition of the work is a "story in the story", and consists of several parts: exposure (dialogue, appropriate to the events described), strings (scene of the ball), climax (scene of the soldier's punishment) and the junction (the final replica of the narrator).

The main feature of the composition is the opposition of two main parts: the ball and punishment of the soldier. At first, the reader opens up all the charm of the sparkling ball - a real holiday of love, beauty and youth. Easy and sparkling, like a spray of champagne, he grieves his head and fascinates.

But the next morning the figure of the reader opens a completely different picture. Against the background of thickening dark paints and under the accompaniment of a supervisory, harsh music, a cruel punishment of a soldier occurs. Such a sharp contrast as an artistic means, as it is impossible, it helps to reveal the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

main characters


The prosaic work "After the Bala" is written in the magnitude of the story. This is evidenced by a small volume and disclosure of one storyline (one case from the life of one hero). Since the work has the form of a "story story", it describes two epochs - the 40s of the 19th century, and the sunset of the 19th century. This technique used by the author is designed to show the reader that during this time the problems in society have not changed.

The story is realistic, because in its foundation there is a really occurred by the life case, which through the prism of the experiences of the main character reflects the weaknesses of society.

Test on the work

Rating Analysis

Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 881.

The story "After Bala" is small in volume, however, it raises the problems of the general philosophical and moral level associated with the world-up-way, having seen in a simple plot of a deep contradiction between the external and internal, what lies on the surface, and what is hidden from prying eyes. The disorder in feelings and deeds becomes the object of the stable attention of the writer, exploring the area of \u200b\u200ban afflicted human soul.

The plot was based on a real story, which, according to one of the versions, at the time of his student of Tolstoy heard Sergei from his brother. The basis of the future story was the case that occurred with Sergey Nikolayevich. In love with the daughter of the Military Head - Barbar Koreish, he was going to make her an offer, but seeing the cruel punishment of the soldier who commanded the father of the girl, he refused his intention.

She saw him, and the story herself did not give peace for a long time, the Lion Tolstoy, embodied the plot into the story only years later. Published the work was one year after the death of the writer.

Meaning of the name

The story did not immediately get my final name. Tolstoy considered several draft options, among whom were "the story of the ball and through the order", "Father and Daughter", "And you say ...". The result of long searches was the title "After Bala".

The meaning of the name "after the Bala" is ambiguous. Tolstoy in many of his works raised the problem of man and society. The object of his interest is the circumstances affecting human solutions and actions, as well as principles, rules and motives, which he is guided in the choice. On the one hand, the name emphasizes the two of one of the main characters, the unnaturalness of his life, in which the change in the decorations occurs. After the ball, the masks change. The behavior of the hero is changing, and his life itself, ugly on an inside, having nothing to do with the glitter and splendor of the title side. On the other hand, after the Bala, there is an understanding of the hero of the narrator of the people with whom he wanted to associate his life, awareness of the controversialness of life, in which unreasonable cruelty coexists peacefully with elegant and imaginary nobility.

Genre and direction

"After the Bala" - the work prosaic; It is written in the story genre and leaves one single event from the context of life, which has become a turning point for him, ambiguous for both the character himself and readers.

The story is realistic, because the plot is based on a real, even everyday case reflecting the inner world of the hero and, at the same time, asking socio-public tone.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. Ivan Vasilyevich - the narrator. Already being old, he talks about the events of the last youth. The main character at the time of the described event was a provincial student, but rich and beautiful fart. It is distinguished by conscientiousness, sense of justice and impressionability. He could not forget about the beating of Tatar and therefore did not bind his life with his beloved girl. The young man was very emotional: he almost rushed when he walked home after the spectacle seen.
  2. Varegnka. - Beloved the main character. It is a high, state and "magnificent" Silent girl who conquered the cavaliers of a captivating and affectionate smile. She had a royal look, but she didn't give her a good soul to her to rob in the presence of a heroine. She also favored the courtships of the storyteller.
  3. Colonel (Peter Vladislavich - Tolstoy Salphography Saved) - Cute and Static Military. High and ruddy elderly man with a tender smile and pleasant manners. For the sake of daughter saves on itself: only government boots, for example, wears. However, in the scene with corporal punishment, the hero looks evil and cruel: he hits the face of a soldier who weakly struck the blows to the tatar.
  4. Topics and problems

    The story of the story can be considered immediately at several levels, taking as a basis both the socio-psychological and general philosophical aspect and the deepest - moral, ethical, personal.

    In the first case is considered the problem of man and his environmentwhich he can obey or, on the contrary, to oppose. Is the medium fully forms a person, or is there a different entity that is in the suppression is free and capable of fighting that it seems to her wrong and alien? Tolstoy speaks here against the equation of personality and violation of its natural rights. The right to independently decide for yourself, what to consider good, and what is bad, the writer leaves every person capable of free choice.

    Another external topic is slave position of soldier During the reign of Nicholas. Full of a simple man of a simple person, the hardest conditions of service and corporal punishments, who were subjected to those who served the Motherland, return not only to the topic of personality suppressions, but also to the problem of social inequality in Nikolaev Russia.

    The question of the moral, personal level of understanding of this work is entirely connected with the manner of the military. Double-deceased and hypocrisy Colonel, family man and a caring father, on the one hand, on the other hand, a merciless and ruthless commander indifferent to someone else's pain. The horror of the situation for the character of the narrator is not so much that the colonel suits the torture of an innocent soldier as in his calm indifferent attitude towards what is happening. Trephability in relation to the daughter coexists in it with unacted cruelty. The ratio of these parties in one person is impossible to imagine, so great inconsistency of one with another. Tolstoy shows a rare, but due to no less steady human type of masks capable of cruelty, covered by showing faithful.


    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "After Bala" - in concerning humanistic ideals, addressing truly good feelings, in which the universal one should prevail. It is possible to counteract the evil beginning only by self-improvement, the search for real, not blown out the imagination and a false impression of meanings. Stayed by a man Tolstoy calls even in those situations where to afford the lawlessness can be due to status and position.

    It is no coincidence that the story of the story becomes ashamed of what he saw. He feels his concern for what is happening, responsibility for the cruelty of the other. According to Tolstoy, it should be. The lawlessness begins with a separate person, the fight against it is the task of each it is not indifferent to someone else's grief.

    The creative method of Tolstoy, based on the study of the contradictions of the human soul, has always deserved high marks. Psychologist of the story, emotional saturation and actually artistic style of the writer make a relatively small product with a carrier of many meanings, contradictory, as well as the human nature itself.


    L.N. Tolstoy known to the ordinary reader as a great master of the word, a writer, who entered Russian literature as the creator of monumental psychological novels. However, its influence on Russian literature and culture is much deeper than can be represented. Tolstoy is not just a major writer, but also a thinker, founder of religious-philosophical teachings. The desire for moral improvement, the ideal of sacrificial love expelled the fear - the program of the Tolstoy, who seen the meaning of life in a disinterested ministry, based on pure perfect love. These thoughts he brings to the public through the story "After Bala", where the hero did not turn away from someone else's grief, could not accept him. In his refusal to get acquainted with a cruel military leader, a fair reaction of society, which should show it to members, how to behave.

    The conclusion is simple: it is necessary to be responsive and fair in any situation, even if a personal interest is on horse. The hero was passionate about the daughter of the commander, but made a choice in favor of moral debt. Also, it is also impossible to abuse the high position and justify the vices.

    Interesting? Save on your wall!

Lev Nikolaevich


Story "After the ball"

Biography of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born September 9, 1828 in the manor Clear Polyana not far from Tula. Among the ancestors of the writer in the father's line - the companion of Peter I - P. A. Tolstoy, one of the first in Russia received a county title. The participant of the Patriotic War of 1812 was the Father of the writer Count N. I. Tolstoy. By the maternal line Tolstoy belonged to the nature of the princes of Bolkonsky.

Mother writer - M.I. Bolkonskaya

Father - Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy

With the manor, the whole life of the writer is connected with the manor.

Clear glade during the life of a writer.

Yasnaya Polyana

these days.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy received education in Kazan University first on the east, then at the Law Faculty.

Tolstoy enters military service on Caucasus where the officer rank gets.

Participated in the Crimean War.

Impressions of the writer from the Caucasian War

reflected in the stories "raid" (1853),

"Wood cutting" (1855), "demoted" (1856).

In the early 1860s. For decades, the order of life of thick, his life is established.

In 1862, he married the daughter of the Moscow doctor Sophie Andreevna Bers .

In the autumn of 1859, the writer opened

in a clear Polyana school for peasant children.

In this school, the guys learned to write,

in social science, Russian history

drawing, singing.

In Casual Polyana, Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote his most famous

novels: "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina".

By 1890, Tolstoy came to the complete denial of his preceding

literary activities, engaged in physical labor, Pakhl, sewed his boots, moved to vegetarian food.

Popping the Barsky Life Strait in the manor

Polyana. Health 82-year-old writer

did not stand travel. He was catching up and, Ill, on November 20, died on the way at the station Astapovo Ryazan-Ural Railway.

"After the ball"

  • What is the genre of the work?
  • What is a story?

Story - This is an epic genre. The basis of the story is usually constituted one event or incident Although there may be more voluminous topics covering long periods of time, even the whole life of the hero .

  • How many plot lines in the story?

Usually, one storyline .

History of the creation of a story

The story was written in 1903.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy writes about

fortieth yearXix century, about the time of government Nikolai I, nicknamed Nikolai Palkin .

Introduction Nicholas I on the throne

associated with such historical

event as a Decembrist uprising.

Why Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in old age returned to memories of their youth , Laying them for the basis of the story of the story "After Bala"?

Tolstoy addressed K. events of seventy years ago to show that during this time, almost nothing has changed : in the army, arbitrariness and cruelty reigns, at every step, justice and humanity are violated . Most of all was worried that "educated people are convinced that it is necessary" for a good, right life. " He exclaims: " What a terrible moral sister should occur in the minds and hearts of such people! »

Name story

Initially, the story had

several draft names: "Story about the ball and through the order", "Daughter and Father", "And you say ...".

What do you think the writer stopped on the title "After the ball"?

Recall the word Hero story, Ivan Vasilyevich: " All life has changed from one night, or rather, in the morning " The main thing in the story is what happened early in the morning, after the ball : The narrator saw the soldier torture, and he commanded the execution of his beloved.

Problem problem

What socio-moral problems raises Tolstoy in his story "After the Bala"?

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of Tolstoy - passionate protest against hypocrisy and violence, against humiliation of human dignity .

In the fate of a modest and unassuming decent person shown in thickness, the phenomenon was reflected, the value of which It does not open immediately, but, in fact, it is very large and does not decrease, but increases in the course of human history. The shock, experienced by Ivan Vasilyevich, freed him from a narrow textural morality, with her legalized inhumanity in relation to the lower : He was disturbed by Molba Tatar for mercy, compassion and anger, sounding in the words of the Blacksmith; he himself unwell, he shares the highest human laws of morality.


1. What is the contrast (as artistic reception)? Give a definition.

2. In the text examples of contrast in the story of L.N. Tolstoy.

Subject: "L.N. Tolstoy "after the Bala".

Objectives: 1) introduce students with basic biographical information about the writer; The history of creating a story "After Bala";

2) reveal the compositional features of the work through the analysis and analysis of individual episodes;

development of a connected speech of students, the ability to select material on the topic and connect the thoughts;

work on language products;

H) the formation of schoolchildren with the concept of person's personal responsibility for everything he performs in life.

Equipment lesson:

1. Computer presentation. Illustrations for creativity L.N. Tolstoy;

2. Classroom design:

    Tables with a tablecloth, on the tables of tomiki books with the story "After Bala".


– “Through a clear pool, the moral meridian of the world ";

– “Without his clear clearing, I can hardly imagine Russia and my relation to it "- (L.N. Tolstoy);

– “Tolstoy really a huge artist "(V. Korolenko);

– “There is no more than a worthy name of the genius, more complex, controversial and in all beautiful "(M. Gorky);

    Portraits L.N. Tolstoy:

set of photos "Clear Polyana"

    To the left of the board is the "corner of Lev Nikolayevich", different publications of books L.N. Tolstoy.

    It is also worth the "lonely candle", which in the last minutes of the lesson, the student will light up as a symbol of the eternal and intransigent memory of the Great Talent of the Great Writer.

3. In the course of the lesson, musical accompaniment is used:

Type of lesson: Teacher's story, heuristic conversation on issues (during the conversation there is a "opening" of new knowledge), commented reading, expressive reading, students of students.

During the classes:

1) organizational moment

(greeting students, setting lesson goals)

Teacher's introductory word

Creativity L. N. Tolstoy - one of the bright pages in the history of Russian literature. The writer told us about Russian life almost as much as all the rest of our literature.

Over two hundred works are written. Each of them is the reflection of the whole era of Russian reality. Who is this amazing person, what life did he live?

We learn about this from your posts prepared at home.

2. Rossing d / s "L. Tolstoy - Man, Thinker, Writer"

3. Increased new material. Contrast as a reception, revealing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "After Bala".

Epigraph to the lesson: "Here you say that a person can not understand himself that it's good that it's bad that the whole thing is in the environment that the medium is stuck. And I think it's all about ... "

(L.N. Tolstoy, from the story "After Bala")

-Association. Today's lesson we will start with music. Listen and try to present the situation: Where and when can we hear this music?

The music of P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz colors from the ballet" Nutcracker "sounds.

Student responses after listening ( main answer: on the ball)

What kind of music is, characterize it, pick the epithets.

( Record on blackboard: Magic, exciting, air, light, good, etc.)

What is it possible to hear on the ball? (Easy rustling of dresses, slippaths on the floor, conversations, fun, etc.)

What do you think today is the lesson?

Education of mercy, humane attitude to man, rejection of violence against personality.

4. Checking the knowledge of the text of the work.

Survey method"Faithful and wrong questions"

- The story is conducted on behalf of Ivan Vasilyevich (yes).

- He was very in love with Vamment B. (yes).

- Ball took place at the Gubernsky leader for Christmas (no, on the last day of the carnival).

- I did not like Ivan Vasilyevich (no, "the ball was wonderful").

- All evening I. V. Dancing with Volya B. (No)

- Mazurka Varnka danced with her father (yes).

- In the 3rd hour Night danced Kadril (yes).

- After the ball, the narrator could not sleep (yes).

- Walking in the early morning, I. V. saw in the field of the scene of punishment of soldiers (yes)

- Tatarin shouted: "Help!" (Yes)

- Near the colonel B. and rubbed one soldier (yes)

I. V. married Varna B. and went to military service (no).

5. Question student:

You remember that at first the story was called "the story about the ball and through the order", "Daughter and Father", "And you say ...". Why change the name of the story?

("The whole life changed from one night or rather morning," "says Ivan Vasilyevich, it means that the main thing in the story what happened in the morning, after the Bala,").

What events are described in the story?

(Two main events: the Ball of the provincial leader and the scene of the punishment of the soldier after the Bala).

5.1. Conversation on the content of the story


What is the conversation at the beginning of the story?

(That is good, that bad, about the circumstances of life).

What two main events underlie the story of Tolstoy?

Ball at the governor and the scene of the punishment of a soldier.

Let's start with the ball.

5.2. Time to the genre of the work. Frontal survey

Why is this a work of his genre is a story?

- What is the feature of building a story, his composition?

Highlight the main parts of the story.
(The following main parts are allocated in the story: Introduction, Ball, after the ball, conclusion. The story is thus concluded in the "frame". This composite reception is called "story in the story", because the work is written so that we will find out about all events from narrator)

What is said about the main hero at the beginning of the story?

Ivan Vasilyevich - all the respected person, he recalls the days of his youth, when it was in love.

What thought does Ivan Vasilyevich assert in the first lines of the work?

He is confident that not only the environment can affect the fate of a person, but also the case.

What event is described in the work? Ball in the house of the provincial leader, the in love of the hero, the shock from the cruelty after the ball, disappointment.

What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthis story?

Personal responsibility of a person for everything committed by him.

What historical era is depicted by the author in the work?

The era of the Board of NicholasI. , 40s 19th century, time, when soldiers were brutally punished in the royal army for the slightest guilt

6. Group work on cards. View a video clip.

Task: Using a plan given in the card, write down the key words-epithets from the text of the story.

At the end of this work, transfer the content of the episode,

using writing words.

1 group - episode "on the ball"

2 Group - Episode "After Bala"

(The ball wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the buffet is magnificent, the musicians are famous, the funny motive of music sounds continuously.) (In the spring wet mist, something black motley, wet; soldiers in black uniforms, unpleasant snegory melody.)


Let us and we, together with the heroes of Tolstoy, we will bow in the solemn and exciting atmosphere of the Bala.

    Who gave the ball described in Tolstoy's story?

    Give a description of the BALA (music sounding on the ball). What epithets use tolstoy?

    Describe the appearance and mental state of the characters of the story during the ball:

    Ivan Vasilyevich;


    colonel Peter Vladislavovich.

2 part

1. What did Ivan Vasilyevich heard, coming out of the house?

2. What did Ivan Vasilyevich see, coming out of the house?

3. In what time of day, Ivan Vasilyevich witnesses a terrible picture - beating Tatarin?

Morning, symbolizing, as a rule, the beginning of a new life, in this case, acts as a wreck of hope, love.

The magic night, described in the 1st part, is opposed to the realities of the morning.

What do you think: Colonel - a two-room person? Where is it real: on the ball or after the ball?

Why caught the colonel, seeing Ivan Vasilyevich, turns away and pretends to do not recognize him?

What made the colonel to be cruel? ("Military chief of type of old servants of the Nikolaev sentence", confident that "it is necessary to do everything by law", Colonel is sincere in both scenes.)

Why didn't love Ivan Vasilyevich and Varniki?

Why did Ivan Vasilyevich refused a military career?

Having decided not to serve anywhere, Ivan Vasilyevich makes his moral choice. He does not want to be as cruel as a colonel. Tolstoy was concerned that the army reigns arbitrariness and cruelty. To preserve the body, Ivan Vasilyevich refuses the career of the military.

What composite acceptance is the basis of the story of Tolstoy? Prove your statement

So, after analyzing these two episodes, draw conclusion about how they relate.

These two episodes are opposed to each other.

Word W. Guys, such a reception in the disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, in which events or heroes are opposed to each other, calledcontrast.

What kind of two parts do you consider the main maintenance of the main content of the work?
- Why did the writer need the first part?
- What is the name of this technique?
(Antiteza - opposition. The story contrast compared the main plot moments - the Bala scene and execution).

Execution - Procedure for the execution of Telamp. Punishment or mortal. execution.

What images, situations are opposed to the writer?
(Ball at the provincial leader \u003d execution,

hall at the leader \u003d Description of the street, the owners of the ball \u003d soldiers, Varnka \u003d punished).
The whole story was built on contrasts - the description of the events of the ball and after, the psychological state of heroes.

Has helped the contrast to reveal the author's intent?

The story composition gives the reader the opportunity to feel the whole horror, all the injustice of what is happening, precisely because the punishment scene is shown after the delightful, complete love and joy of the ball. Having entered the events in this order, L. N. Tolstoy helped us better and deeper to understand the idea and meaning of the story.

At what time of year, Ivan Vasilyevich witnesses an abuse of man?

In the spring, in the carnival week. Maslenitsa is a preparatory week to a great post. It is devoted to the Christian sense of one goal - reconciliation with the neighbors, forgiveness, preparation for repentance. Maslenitsa is the time you need to devote to good communication with your neighbors, relatives, friends, charity.

7) consolidation of the studied


1) Which artistic acceptance is the basis of the composition of the story "after the Bala"?

a) sequence of events

b) contrast

c) cyclical events

2) What sense describes the protagonist scene

"At the ball"?

a) Outrage

b) neglect

c) delight

H) in what dress was the dress on the ball?

a) white dress with a pink belt

b) velvet push (dark brown)

c) Pink

4) With which artistic part is the author

proves the sincerity of the feeling of Colonel to his daughter?

a) White mustache and bundlebards

b) suede glove

c) brilliant eyes and joyful smile

d) Homemade Owing Boots

5) Determine the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story

a) condemnation of despotism

b) condemnation of mindless execution of rules

c) human personal responsibility idea

b) on the eve of which holiday the ball was satisfied in the house

gubernsky leader

a) Maslenitsa

b) Christmas

7) Why Colonel, kind and sensitive during the ball,

it turns out to be cruel and heartless

to soldiers?

a) conscientiously fulfills his duties

8) What sounds, melody are heard during cruel

rafting with a runa soldier?

a) sounds pipe

b) whistle flutes and drum fraction.

8. Compiling Sinwaway.

What discoveries did you manage to do in today's lesson? What was particularly important?

What took for yourself from this lesson?

9. Results of the lesson

Each of you will ever have to make a choice. I would like him to be correct. We studied the content, structure and artistic features, we saw in Ivan Vasilyevich partly the author himself, in his eternal and desperate desire to destroy all evil in people ...

We will light this "lonely candle" not just as a symbol of the eternal and intransigent memory of the Great Talent of the Great Writer. We will light the candle to keep the image of a real living person in your hearts forever, who managed to be an artist, thinker and man at the same time.

10. Movement Task

    Make a comparative characteristic:

2. Reply to Questions No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pp. Textbook