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The image of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov - characteristic of the hero (character) (crime and punishment Dostoevsky F.M.) who is such a split crime and punishment

The central hero of Roman F M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is Rodion Raskolnikov. It is he who makes a crime in the work, it is the punishment that the main content of the novel is collapsed. I thought for a long time about what the causes of the crime committed by this hero. And here are my considerations.

Hero of Dostoevsky is distinguished by huge susceptibility. Wandering in St. Petersburg, he sees the terrible paintings of the life of the big city and the suffering of people in it. He is convinced that people cannot find out of social tunic. Unbearable grave life of workers, doomed on poverty, humiliation, drunkenness, prostitution and death, shakes him.

Dostoevsky passed it with such a hot, agitated sympathy that the novel became a ruthless sentence with a society based on social injustice. Meeting with Marmaladov, as well as with Sonya, forced to kill his youth and sell herself, so that her family does not die with the famine, gives rise to the main character in the soul of the main hero. Raskolnikov becomes a kind of avenger for deprivable people. The human sufferings perceived in particularly reveal in the symbolic dream of Skolnikov from the V head of the novel, where the horse beating the horse growing into the picture of the greatest human torments is drawn.

Another reason is completely! And the crime is the hopelessness of its own position of Raskolnikov. A student of the Faculty of Law, Raskolnikov is so "crushed by poverty," which is forced to leave the university, because he has nothing to pay for training. It is angry with the hero. He reaches his knowledge, he is looking for applications of his abilities, wants to rejoice in earthly, existence. "I want to live myself," he says.

Poverty and humiliation of Raskolnikov, of course, strengthen its protest. Interestingly in this regard, the comparison of Raskolnikov with Herman from the "peak lady" Pushkin. He also goes to killing the old woman. But between them there is a significant difference. If the goal of Hermann becomes wealth, then the splitters are least committed to this. It is noteworthy that he did not take advantage of the money taken and the values \u200b\u200bof the old women, although also intended to fix his plight.

Also the cause of the sickness of the murder becomes the distress of loved ones and native Skolnikov, people who lived outside of St. Petersburg. He received from Mother, Pulcheria Aleksandrovna, a letter from which he learns about insults transferred to his sister of the Duni in the house of Svidrigaylov, and about the decision to marry a naulus to save the mother and brother from inevitable misfortunes. Rodion can not accept this victim. He says the sister and mother: "I do not want your sacrifice, Dunechka, I do not want a milf! I will not be while I am alive, not to happen!" But the splitters at the same time can not help them nor themselves. And the ego again complicates the conflict of Raskolnikov with the world around him.

But there is one more, a very important reason that pushed Raskolnikov for a crime. This is his theory, a philosophical idea that justifies crimes at all. Its essence comes to the reader first in the article of the hero, then in his reflections and, finally, in disputes with Porphyria Petrovich.

What is this idea? The Hero of Roman is convinced that all people are divided into two discharges: to the lower (ordinary people), that is, the material that serves for the origin of themselves like, and the highest, that is, people of extraordinary having a gift or talent say in the environment of their new word. "Ordinary people are those who live in obedience, these are" trees trembling ", which are obliged to be obedient and worthy of contempt." Unusual "people are destroyers. These are strong people. From have the right to break the law, silently adopted by the majority, and therefore - Pere across the corpses, through blood. To this category of people include Likurg, Solon, Napoleon. They do not stop before victims, violence and blood. The world is so arranged that the "creatures of trembling" by Napoleon are taken. Raskolnikov does not accidentally turn to the Napoleon figure as It was Bonaparte who did not stop before the death of many of many thousands of people. He sacrificed in many lives, seeking to achieve his goal.

This coloring theory is trying to apply in relation to itself, wanting to identify his own place in life. Hence his recognition of Sona: "I needed to know then ... Did I like everything, or a man? Can I step over or can not? Do I dare to burn and take it or not? Whether I have a trembling or right?". By applying this theory to yourself, the splitters intend to test it first, to conduct an experiment, and then widely embody in real reality. This will help, according to the hero, besides everything, to approve himself. He says this: "That's what: I wanted Napoleon to do, because I killed ..."

Finally, we note the last reason. Raskolnikov intends to solve the problem of moral: whether it is possible to break the laws of a hostile person of society, come fortunately?

So, the hero committed the murder "on theory." And here the painful suffering of Skolnikov began. The tragedy was that he, according to the theory, wants to act on the principle of "everything is permitted", but in his heart he lives the fire of sacrificial love for people. The theory of Raskolnikov and his act brings him with a scoundrel of nudge and villain Svidrigailov, which is why Rodion suffers from immensely.

The Raskolnikov tragedy is enhanced because the theory, which, as he hoped, will bring him out of a dead end, started him in the most hopeless of all possible impasses. He feels full pesting of peace and people, can no longer be with his mother and sister, not rejoicing nature. Rodion understands the failure of its "strong man" theory.

The final formation of the hero on the path of repentance and redemption is made along the road to the office, where he will have to make a terrible recognition. He is still tormented by doubts. An intermittent inner monologue, full of self-propelled, testifies to the collapse of the person to the part, one of which is accomplished by the actions, the other will appreciate them, the third endures the sentence, the fourth monitors his own thoughts. Suddenly, the Raskolnikov faces a beggar, asking alms. Feeding her the last penny, he hears the usual answer in such cases: "God will save you!" But for him this answer is filled with deep meaning.

The hero recalls the Sonya Council: "Look at the intersection, worship the people, the kiss of the earth, because you also sinned it, and tell everything around the world out loud:" I am a killer! "And the Raskolnikov goes to the Sena Square, where it stands in front of the whole world on his knees and Makes a cleansing rite of land kissing. There is an instant transition from the mental state of fragmentation into the state of the inner unity of the person. Rodion calmly refers to ridicule and pursuing the crowd, he experiences a sense of pleasure and happiness. Everything that happens in these moments of clarity is "times forever".

Dostoevsky-psychologist revealed the tragedy of Skolnikov, all directions of his mental drama, the immense of his suffering. The writer led his hero to repentance and moral cleansing. Very sensible, in many ways, the prophetic understood the Dostoev role of the ideas of public life. The great Russian writer showed everyone that it is impossible to joke with ideas. They can be both beneficial and devastating for humans and society as a whole.

The literary character Rodion Raskolnikov is an image of difficult. Many consider him the most controversial character of Russian literature XIX century. What is this hero, what is the essence of his mental throwing and what kind of crime he committed? Let's figure it out in this.

Who is the parents of Raskolnikov

Before considering the image of Rodion Skolnikov in the novel F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", it is worth learn about his biography.

Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov is a student of the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University, age 23 years old. He is beautiful, smart and formed. Being a hablighted burglary family, Raskolnikov at the age of 21 came to the northern capital of Russia.

Since his father died a few years earlier, and the mother and sister live very modestly, the young man had to count on their strength.

Life and study in St. Petersburg was quite expensive, and to earn, the young provincial gave private lessons to noble children. However, the fatigue and depletion of the body led to the fact that the young man seriously fell ill and fell into a deep depression.

After stopping teaching, Rodion lost the only source of income and was forced to quit his studies. Being in a serious moral condition, he planned and carried out the murder and robbery of the old-year older. However, due to the appearance of an undesirable evidence, the young man had to kill her.

Most of the romance of the Raskolnikov analyzes its act from different sides and tries to find himself as an excuse and punishment. At this time, he saves his sister from marriage imposed and finds a worthy and loving spouse for her.

In addition, he helps the family of a prostitute named Sonya Marmaladov and falls in love with her. The girl helps the hero to realize his guilt. Under its influence, Rodion gives up the police and goes to the cautious. The girl goes after him and helps the Raskolnik to find strength for future accomplishments.

Who was the prototype of the main hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

The image of Raskolnikova F. Dostoevsky was taken from real life. So, in 1865, a certain Gerasim of Chists in the process of robbery killed with a toporem of two women maids. It was he who became the prototype of Rodion Raskolnikova. After all, the chists were an old-handed order, that is, the "splitter" - hence the surname Hero of Roman.

Theory of own chosenness as a protective reaction to the injustice of the world

Analyzing the image of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment", first of all it is worth paying attention to how a good-natured young man from a decent family decided to become a killer.

In those years, the labor "Life of Julia Caesar", written by Napoleon III, was popular in Russia. The author claimed that people are divided into ordinary and personality, creating history. These selected can ignore the laws and go to your goal without stopping before murder, theft and other crimes.

This book in the years of writing "Crime and Punishment" was very popular in the Russian Empire, and therefore many intellectuals imagined themselves with these "elected".

So there was a splitter. However, his passion for the ideas of Napoleon III had another oppression. As mentioned above, the hero was a provincial, quite recently arrived in the capital. Judging by his good moral, which he (contrary to his own desires) often demonstrates in the novel (helped Sona with a funeral, saved a stranger girl from a scoundrel), initially a young man was full of brightest hopes and plans.

But, having lived in the capital for several years, was convinced of the immorality and the sale of its inhabitants. Being a highly moral person, Rodion Romanovich could not adapt to such a life. As a result, it turned out to be on her side: sick and without money.

At this point, the sensitive youthful soul, unable to take the surrounding reality, began to search for a repel, which was for her the idea of \u200b\u200bchosenness expressed by Napoleon III.

On the one hand, this faith helped the Raskolnikov to accept his reality surrounding and not to go crazy. On the other hand, it became poison for his soul. After all, wanting to test yourself, the hero decided to murder.

Murder as checking yourself

Having considered the prerequisites for committing the crime by the main character of the novel, it is worth moving towards the murder itself, which has become a turning point that influenced Rodion Skolnikov.

Taking on the mission, Raskolniki MNIT, which makes a good cause, because it eliminates the humiliated and offended from the factors-torching person. However, the highest strength shows the hero of all the insignificance of his act. After all, because of his diffusion, the unbearable sister of the old woman becomes a witness of the murder. And now, in order to save your skin, Rodion Raskolnikov is forced to kill her.

As a result, instead of becoming a fighter with injustice, Raskolnikov becomes a banal coward, no better than his victim. After all, for the sake of his benefit, he deprives the life of an innocent Lizaveu.

Crime and Skolnikov's Punishment

After a perfect image of Rasolnikov in the novel acquires some kind of division, as if the hero is at the intersection.

He is trying to understand whether he can continue to live with such a stain on conscience or he needs to admit and redeem the blame. Tormented by the flour of conscience, Rodion is increasingly aware that he is not as his heroes, sleeping peacefully, sent to the death of thousands of innocent people. After all, having killed only two women, he turns out to be able to forgive himself.

Feeling his guilt, he is distinguished from people, but at the same time looking for a relative soul. She becomes Sonya Marmaladov - a girl sent to the panel in order to save from the hungry death of relatives.

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmaladova

It is its sinfulness that attracts Skolnikov. After all, like he, the girl sinned and feels his guilt. So, experiencing shame for the deed, she will be able to understand it. These arguments are the reason that it is recognized as a girl in murdering Rodion Raskolnikov.

The image of the marmalade wintion at that moment is opposed to the main character. On the one hand, she regrets and understands it. But on the other hand - calls Rodion to admit and suffer punishment.

During the second half of the novel, and especially in the final, there is opposition: Raskolnikov is an image of a siene. Having loved birth and forcing him to admit, the girl takes part of his guilt. She will voluntarily go to Siberia, where she is exiled her beloved. And despite his disregard, continues to take care of him. It is its dedication and helps Raskolnikov (entangled in his wise and moral self-suming) to believe in God and find the forces to live on.

Rodion Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov: Two sides of the same medal

To better reveal the delusion of the main character, Dostoevsky introduced into the novel "Crime and Punishment" the image of Svidrigaylova. Although his ideals seem to differ from the Rodionov, the main driven principle: it is possible to do evil if the ultimate goal is benefit. In the case of this character, his evil deeds are far from one: he was a shoeler, unassignedly killed the servant and, perhaps, "helped" his wife will go to the world.

At first it seems that he is not as a splitter. The image of it is the complete opposite of Rodion as in the appearance (old, but well-groomed and incredibly well-friendly), and in the manner of behavior (it has the right links, perfectly understands the psychology of people and knows how to seek his own). Moreover, for a long time, Svidrigaylov successfully convinces and Skolnikov, and himself is that he is alien to the feeling of guilt, and its only weakness is his irrepressible desires. However, closer to the final, this illusion is dissipated.

A tormented wines for the death of a spouse Hero pursue hallucinations with her way. In addition, the character not only keeps the mystery of Rodion (without requiring anything in return), but also helps the money of the Sonechka, as if to see that he was not able to accept punishment at one time.

Pretty interesting lines of Raskolnikov and Svidrigaylova looks quite interesting. So, having loved Sonya, Rodion takes part of his flour on her, telling her the truth about his crime. Their relationship can be described by Shakespeare: "She loved me for flour, and I am her compassion for them."

The relationship of Svidrigaylov with the dunge begins on a similar note. Tarling well in female psychology, a man depicts a redemption looking for villains. Sorry him and dreaming to instruct the true path, the Danny falls in love with him. But realizing that she was deceived, hiding from the beloved.

During the last meeting, Arkady Ivanovich managed to achieve a kind of recognition of his feelings. However, realizing that, despite their mutual love, they had no future because of his past, Svidrigaylov lets the Dunya, deciding to answer for their sins alone. That's just, unlike Rodion, he does not particularly believe in the atonement and the possibility of the beginning of a new life, so cums with me.

What is the possible future of the heroes of the novel

F. Dostoevsky left the open finale of his novel, only having told readers that the protagonist repented in the deed and believed in God. But did Romanovich Romanovich changed? From his idea, chosenness for the great feat, he did not refuse, only adapting it to the Christian faith.

Will it have enough strength to start a really new life? Indeed, in the past, this character has repeatedly demonstrated the loyalty of his convictions and the tendency to paste before difficulties. For example, with financial problems, instead of looking for ways to solve them, threw and stopped working. If it were not for Sonya, he may not admit, but she shot himself, on Brucershaft with Svidrigallov.

With this not at all optimistic future, one hope for the love of the Sonchi. After all, it is she who demonstrates real faith and nobility. Fighting financial difficulties, the girl does not fall into philosophizing, but sells his honor. And becoming a prostitute, she is struggling to keep his soul.

Taking responsibility for his beloved man, she gets a chance to start life at first - Svidrigaylov provides money to her relatives, and the girl herself provides financial assistance, knowing about her intention to go to Rodion to Katorga. And being at the Katorga, among the banks of society, Sonya is trying to help each of them. In other words, this heroine does not prepare himself to a certain great feat for the benefit of mankind, and his daily makes him. Her "love ... Active is the work and excerpt ...", while Rodiona is "a dreamy, eager for a rage quick, quickly satisfied, and that everyone looked at it." Does Rodion learns the wisdom and humility from Sony or will continue to dream of a feat? Shows time.

Artists who embodied the image of Rodion Raskolnikov on the movie screen

Roman "Crime and Punishment" is one of the most famous Dostoevsky among heritage.

Therefore, it has not been filled with more than once, not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The most famous executors of the role of Rodion Raskolnikova is Robert Ossein, George Taratorkin and Vladimir Koshevoy.

101 Biography of Russian celebrities, which were never Belov Nikolai Vladimirovich

Rodion Raskolnikov

Rodion Raskolnikov

Rodion Romanovich Romanov, the protagonist of Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", was born from under the writer's pen in 1865-1866. These were not the best years in the life of the Great Writer, while constantly experiencing material need. The native brother of the classic and his first wife died, closed the magazine "Epoch", in the publication of which the Dostoevsky brothers took an active part. In addition, there were several thousand debts on the writer, and he was forced to rent housing in the poor quarters of St. Petersburg.

Poverty acted adversely on the consciousness of the writer, which was the result of the emergence of the novel "Crime and Punishment" and his main character, a poor, almost poor student of the law faculty of Rodion Raskolnikov, in schizophrenic heat who daring to kill the old woman and the maid Lizaven in schizophrenic heat. What, actually, the conflict of work?

The leaving from the allocated family, who stays in a difficult material situation, Rodion Raskolnikov is unable to make discomfort of its position in the Nishchen Kamork in St. Petersburg. The constant poverty and the inability to get out of it give rise to the inflammation of the Napoleonic ideas of changing the situation by violence against those who are thin can survive in the serious economic situation of Russia in the middle of the XIX century. For a sick Skolnikov, an unfortunate older-percentage age becomes such an object, which gives money at percent. It is a splitter comes to her to give a ring, giving him the sister to the sister. The most tender feelings are connected with the mother and sister.

In other words, the Raskolnikov is a loser man, how does the writer himself feel like himself during this period of life, who, like his hero, needs to rehabilitate his spiritual essence through the inner resolution of the moral and ethical conflict. Still, he, the hero of Dostoevsky, also an educated person who cannot just go crazy or go to meaningless, which is essentially a romance crime. He, this hero, need a philosophical-ethical base to explain everything in his soul. This is busy with the hero of Dostoevsky Raskolnikov almost throughout the novel.

Raskolnikov gets acquainted with the family of impoverished and degrading, knocking a penny, former employees of Marmaladov. Mammeladova's daughter Sonechka, good creation, to save the family from hunger forced to go to the panel. And this fallen physically, but not fallen spiritually, the girl becomes the nearest girlfriend who killed for nothing about that the man of Rodion Raskolnikova. Sonechka, as well as Raskolnikov, deprived of its education for life, but it suffers less from this, finding the point of support in the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal love for mankind, which he tries to instill.

Flies of conscience of Rodion should stop if he advises him Sonchka, he will kneel in front of humanity and ask for forgiveness from him for his crazy idea to experience himself "Whether he is trembling or right". The question arises: what is the right? Yes, on a decent moral and physically, and therefore, economically life, which is deprived of most of the residents of Russia of that time. In principle, the Bunkolnikov Bunk is a riot of a person who does not want to put up with that mud and poverty, in which he is forced to stay and the people around him. Just a riot, losing in the perverted form in a murder of a chance in the patient of the Hero's consciousness by the personification of the evidence of the old-year-older. In fact, it is easier to raise your hand on the one who does not respond to the blow to try to revive economically Russia.

"As people live in St. Petersburg the XIX century, people can not live!" - As if shouting through the description of the external life of his hero Dostoevsky. But Christian education and belonging to the educated class, which in principle is designed to serve the existing authority, do not allow the writer to openly oppose the policies of the Government of Russia, and Fedor Dostoevsky together with its hero of Raskolnikov arranges the inner Drama of the hero 'confrontation with himself and the eternal idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil. In the country, even eliminate, and in souls, first of all, the revolutionary situation formed by Russia, the writer Dostoevsky, who once climbed on the scaffold with Petrashevs, and he himself understands. And this, his little riot is poured into the creative embodiment of the Drama of Rodion Raskolnikov, which is entirely involved in the internal thumbnails, searching for a response to the question of how to live and for what to live. Knowing about the perfect state of society and without seeing this around, the splitters in some way flows into the insanity, killing an old woman who does not obey him and randomly caught her cook with the cook Lizaven.

Dostoevsky, who sees that the existing power voluntarily changes voluntarily, it is imposing that changes will come through bloodshed. And they will behave for this bloodshed the same as Raskolnikov who daring to cross through the Christian principle "not kill" within themselves. But the splitters just did not cross. He was drawn to the Christian element of the worldview in the essence of the Bludnica Sonya Marmaladov.

But the writer, despite the idyllic ending, when the splitters, who, under the influence of Sofia, went and admitted his crime, his life feels again, still understood the false position of the hero. In a later novel of Dostoevsky "Demons", such as splitters will already be killed for the sake of the imaginary idea of \u200b\u200bthe "salvation of mankind".

It is known that prototypes for their novels Fyodor Dostoevsky took from newspaper criminal chronicles and criminal cases. Additional access to these cases was opened by friendship and communicating with a lawyer Koni. The real prototype of Raskolnikova served Customer Gerasim Chistov, who killed an ax in January 1865 in Moscow in Moscow (the kitchen and launch) in order to rob their mistress, the bureaucrats of Dubrovina. Chistov at that time was 27 years old. This was reported to the newspaper "Voice" for September 7-13, 1865. Another prototype was a relative of Aunt Dostoevsky A. F. Kumanina Moscow Professor of Universal History A. T. Neophytes. This person was held in the case of subsidizers of tickets of a 5% internal loan. From him, Dostoevsky took the desire for his hero to get rich quickly and immediately. The ideological means of the killing of Skolnikov was developed under the influence of the ideas of the Frenchman Pierran Francois Lasner, the presentation of the process over which in the 1830s was published on the pages of the second issue of the journal Dostoevsky "Time" (1861). Lazener argued that for him to kill a person how "drinking a glass of milk." This man in his memoirs also argued that he was a victim of society, avenger and a fighter with public injustice in the name of a revolutionary idea.

In the name and surname of Rodion Romanovich Skolnikov, symbolic instructions on their homeland, religious and inner split on it and the Romanov dynasty are seen. The policy of one of the royal dynasty of Peter's first led Russia to a religious split and artificial planting of the European style of life, as many Slavophiles believed, which distorted the natural course of Russia's development, which may have been more spiritual and not so badly tied on money. The symbol of the spiritual degeneration of Russia and was for the writer, also not alien Slavophilic ideas created by Peter the first artificial imperial city of St. Petersburg, where he placed his unfortunate criminal Rodion Romanovich Skolnikov. In the mythology of St. Petersburg, built almost on the bones of the peasants who died during its construction, the bodies of which were not even decently buried, there is a belief that the hungry souls of those killed in the marshes of the Neva still fly through the former imperial city, instilling bad states in the soul. One of the victims of these hungry souls could be called Raskolnikov, if in reality it was so.

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Before murder

Raskolnikov is a former student living in a big poverty in St. Petersburg, he has a mother and sister. Poverty and developed by Rodigan Raskolnikov "Theory of Exception" pushed him to kill the old woman's percentagers. According to Raskolnikov, people, uncompromisingly walking on the heads of other people, achieve moral and material success - only you need to discard faith and prohibitions. As a result, he plots the murder, which should be the first step of him on the way to moral and material vertices.

Raskolnikov - a wonderful mind man, he deeply and finely feels capable of constant intellectual analysis of his and other people. He is a vivid example of an intellectual, too fascinated by reflections and reflects. As a result, he loses any landmark in his life - the ability to see everything and all throughout does not help him with self-determination. He is ready for the awareness of his insignificance, to discover himself with sand on the shore of life, but all the time hopes that it will be "chosen".

Dostoevsky repeatedly emphasizes the physical perfection of Raskolnikov, which symbolizes its rich spiritual resources, but, like moral ideals, this quality "disfigured" poverty and painful search for the meaning of life. But he puts the goal - to become an excellent fully soul, mind and body, which requires a passage from him through all sorts of suffering and research.

In the head, the Raskolnikov matures the idea, in his opinion, irrefutable - all people are divided into two categories: "Ordinary" - those who just have to swim by the flow of life, not trying to change anything; And "extraordinary" - like Napoleon, those who are allowed, even murder.

Raskolnikov is not solved for a crime for a long time. He is sure that knowing all the subtleties of the murder and, relating to the people of "extraordinary", will be able to cross over himself and continue the calm, happy life, destroying the "loss" (we are talking about the older percentage), preventing everyone to live.

His plan is subtly thought out how he himself seems to the little things.


He killed an old-headed older to the head on his head, tried not to blur in the blood, pulled out the key from the upper right pocket, opened the laying, cut off the wallet from the neck. Hearing how someone screamed, returned to the room and discovered Lizaven. Then also killed her ax.

After the murder

Dostoevsky study in detail the thoughts, feelings, experiences of the hero. Raskolnikov is covered by a sense of fear, the danger of exposure. He loses control of himself, falling into fainting at the police station, sick with nervous fervor. In Rodion, painful suspicion is developing, which gradually turns into a sense of loneliness, rejection from all. The writer finds a surprisingly accurate expression that characterizes the internal state of Raskolnikova: he "as if scissors sliced \u200b\u200bhimself from all and everything." It would seem that there is no evidence against him, the criminal appeared. You can use money stolen money to help people. But they remain in a secluded place. Something prevents the Raskolnik to take advantage of them, calmly live on. This is definitely not repentance in the deed, no pity for the murdered to Lizawa. Not. He tried to cross through his nature, but could not, for a normal man is alien to bloody and murder. The crime burned him away from people, and a person, even so secretive and proud, as a splitter, cannot live without communication. But, despite the suffering and flour, he is by no means disappointed in his cruel, inhuman theory. On the contrary, she continues to rule over his mind. He is disappointed only in itself, believing that he could not stand the test for the role of the Lord, and therefore, alas, refers to the "Tarry trembling".

When the torment of Raskolnikov reaches the highest point, it opens with a marmalady, admitting it in his crime. Why exactly her, unfamiliar, unwasply, not thrilled by a girl, which also belongs to the most pitiful and despised category of people? Probably because Rodion saw an ally in it for a crime. After all, she also kills himself as a person, but she does it for his unhappy, starving family, refusing to himself even in suicide. So Sonya is stronger than Skolnikov, stronger than its Christian love for people, readiness for self-sacrifice. In addition, she manages his life, not someone else's. Sonya finally refutes the theoretical view of Raskolnikov on the world around. After all, the Sonechka is not a humble victim of circumstances and not "trembling creature." In terrible, it would seem, hopeless circumstances, she managed to stay with a clean and highly moral person seeking to do good people. Thus, according to Dostoevsky's thought, only Christian love and self-sacrifice are the only way to transform society.


Rodion Romanovich Skolnikov - The main acting character of Roman Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

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Rassengers in the novel

Raskolnikov - a former lawyer's lawyer from St. Petersburg, because of the lack of funds forced to leave an institution at the university. Lives extremely poor.

"He decided to kill one old woman, a titular adviser who gives money to interest.

The old woman is stupid, dechah, sick, greedy, takes huge interest, evil and stranger someone else's century, torturing his younger sister in his female workers. "She is not good anywhere," "for what she lives?", Is it useful at any time? ", So." .

"Gives four times less than a thing worth it, and percent of five and even takes one month and so on." ( ).

The crime, however, is not solved until he receives a letter from the mother, which refers to the preparing marriage of his sister with a certain Mr. Study. Understanding that the sister does not like the future husband, but sacrifices the sake of the well-being of the family and, to a greater extent, for the sake of Skolnikov himself, he penetrates the old woman in the apartment, kills and robs her, in the same apartment as a random witness.

Having his theory that people are divided into ordinary people floating along the flow, and people like Napoleon, which are permitted by everything, Raskolnikov to the murder ranks themselves to the second category; However, after the murder, it discovers that fully refers to the first.


By the way, he was remarkably good, with beautiful dark eyes, dark-rus, rusting above average, thin and built ... He was badly dressed that another, even the usual person, would advise the day to go out in such rags to the street.


1. Gerasim Chistov.

Claudist, a splitter of the 27th year, who killed an ax in January 1865 in Moscow in Moscow (the kitchen and launch) in order to rob their mistress, the bureaucrats of Dubrovina. Money, silver and gold things were abducted from the iron chest. The killed were found in different rooms in the puddles of blood (the newspaper "Voice" 1865, September 7-13).

2. A. T. Neophyte.

Moscow Professor of Universal History, a relative of the maternal line of the dostoevsky checkpone A. F. Kumanina and along with Dostoevsky one of her heirs. Neophytes took place in the case of subsidizer subsidizers of 5% of the internal loan (compare the motive of instant enrichment in the Consciousness of Raskolnikov).

The French criminal for whom the murder of man was the same that "drink a glass of wine"; Justifying your crimes, Lazener wrote poems and memoirs, proving them as if he was a "victim of society", Avenger, a fighter with public injustice in the name of a revolutionary idea, allegedly suggested by the Socialists-Utopists (the presentation of the Socialist Socialists (the presentation of the process of Lazener in the 1830s on the pages of Dostoevsky magazine "Time", 1861, # 2).

Literary critic about the character

Historical prototypes Raskolnikova

Mikhail Bakhtin, pointing to the historical roots of the Raskolnikov image, noted that it was necessary to make a significant correction: it's about the "prototypes of ideas" of these personalities rather than about them, and these ideas are transformed in public and individual consciousness according to the characteristic features of the Dostoevsky era.

In March 1865, the book of French Emperor Napoleon III "Life Julia Cesar", where the right of "strong personality" is defended to violate any moral standards, mandatory for ordinary people, "without stopping and before blood." The book caused a fierce controversy in Russian society and served as an ideological source of Raskolnikov theory. "Napoleonic" schemes of the Raskolnikov's image are undoubtedly traces of the impact of Napoleon's image in the interpretation of A. S. Pushkin (conflicting the mixture of tragic magnifies, genuine generosity and immeasurable egoism, leading to fatal consequences and collapse, - Napoleon, "Hero" poem, as However, the imprint of the epigonian "Napoleonism" in Russia ("We all look at Napoleon" - "Eugene Onegin"). Compare the words of Raskolnikov, secretly brought himself with Napoleon: "Suffering and pain is always mandatory for a wide consciousness and deep heart. True great people, it seems to me, should feel the great sadness in the world. " Also compare the provoking-ironist response Petrophry Petrovich "Who is in Russia in Russia now does not consider himself?" Replica Zetovova also parods the pathetic passion "Napoleonism", which became a vulgar "common place": "Isn't that Napoleon, what the future of our Alena Ivanovna last week has stopped the ax?"

In the same way as Dostoevsky, "Napoleonic" theme resolved L. N. Tolstoy ("Napoleonic" ambitions Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Probrelov and their full disappointment in Napoleonism). Dostoevsky, of course, took into account, in addition, the comic aspect of the image of Napoleon, captured by N. V. Gogol (chischiki in profile - almost Napoleon). The idea of \u200b\u200b"Superman" was finally developed in the book of M. Stinsner "The only and his property", which was in the library of Petrashevsky (V. Sevvsky) and served as another source of the Territory theory, because it was written by Petrovich Petrovich, " One book ": This may be the book of Styrner (V. Kirpotin), Napoleon III (F. Evnine) or TRA TS DE Queens" Murder as one of the elegant arts "(A. Alekseev). Just as Magomet in Hira's cave experienced the flour of the birth of a new faith, the splitters triggers the "idea of \u200b\u200bpassion" (according to the expression of the lieutenant of gunpowder, Raskolnikov - "Ascetic, Monk, hermit"), considers himself a prophet and prostineer "New Word". Magomet's law, according to Raskolnikova, the law of force: Magomet Raskolnikov is with a saber, it is a palette from the battery ("blowing in right and guilty"). The expression of Mohamomet about a man as a "trembling creature" becomes the leitmotif of the novel and the peculiar term theory of Skolnikov, who shared people on "ordinary" and "extraordinary": "Do I tremor or right I have?< …> Melting Allah, and obey, "trembling" creature! " (Compare: "And I came with the banner from your Lord. Be peace for Allah and obey me," - Cor., 2.44.50). Compare also A. S. Pushkin: "Love orphans, and my coran // Preaching the trembling creature" (V. Borisov). For Dostoevsky, Christ and Magomet - antipodes, and the splitters disappeared from God, what Sonya Marmaladov says: "You have moved away from God, and God struck you, devils!".

Literary precursors Skolnikov

  • Biblical Jobs (V. Etov). Similarly, the "last" issues in a state of crisis decide the "latest" questions, rebellious against the unfair world order. In the epilogue of Roman Dostoevsky meant that the splitters, like Job, would acquire God.
  • Corsair, Lara, Manfred - Heroes Buntari Lord Bairon.
  • Jean Svagar - Hero of the eponymous novel Sh. Nodier, noble robber and individualist.
  • Acapplement from the novel Georges Sand, pirate, who has become wealth and glory to the price of a crime.
  • Rastinyak O. Balzac.
  • Julien Sorel from the Roman Standal "Red and Black".
  • Medroad is the hero of the novel of the corrugation "Elixirs of Satan".
  • Faust - Höta tragedy hero.
  • Hamlet is the main character of Shakespeare tragedy.
  • Franz and Karl von Moore - characters of one of the favorite works of F. M. Dostoevsky Drama F. Schiller "Robbers".

In the image of the latter, the ethical problems of the novel is especially closely connected: Karl Moore and Raskolnikov equally drive themselves into moral deadlock. "Karl Moor," wrote