
"People's Intercessor" Grisha Dobrosaklons (on the poem N. A. Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia"). The image and characteristic of Grisha Dobrosaklon in the poem "Who in Russia live is good": Description in quotes The main features of Grisha Dobrozlonov

Grisha Dobrons - a key figure in Nekrasov's poem "Who lives well in Russia." Let me tell you a little bit about him. Grisha was born in the family of poor Deca, a man of lazy and mediocre. Mother was the type of the most female image drawn by the author in the head of the "peasant". It has already determined his place in the life of Grisha already 15 years. Not surprisingly, after all, a hungry childhood, a heavy laborian, donated by the Father; strong character, wide soul inherited from the mother; The feeling of collectivism, the resilience, incredible persistence, brought up in the family and the seminary, eventually resulted in a sense of deep patriotism, moreover, responsibility for the fate of the whole people! I hope I explained the origins of Grisha's origin?

And now let's look at the real-biographical factor of the appearance of Grisha. Perhaps you already know - the prototype was Dobrolyubov. Like him Grisha - a fighter for all humiliated and offended, stood for peasant interests. He did not experience thrust to the satisfaction of prestigious needs (if anyone remembers the lectures on social studies), i.e. In the foreground, he is not careful about his personal well-being.

Now we know something about Dobrosaklon. Let's reveal some of his personal qualities, with what would find out the degree of importance of Grisha as a key figure. To do this, we just need to highlight from the above words that characterize it. Here they are: the ability to compassion, solid beliefs, iron will, unpretentiousness, high performance, education, magnificent mind. Here we are with you, imperceptibly for ourselves, approached the value of the crosophone Grisha. See: these qualities are quite enough to reflect the dominant idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem. Hence the conclusion is as prosaic, as well as concise: Grisha reflects one of the main ideas of the poem. This is this idea: in Russia to live well only in such a fighters for the happiness of the oppressed people. Explain why I can hardly be possible - the question of philosophical and requires knowledge of psychology. Nevertheless, I will try to give an example: when you save someone's life, then the feeling appears, as if you are strong and kind, servant King, father of soldiers, ... Yes? And here the whole people save ...

But this is only the consequence, and where it began to be as before to figure out. Let us indulge in we know that since childhood Grisha lived among the unfortunate, helpless, despised people. What put forward it in such a height, which made him sacrifice himself for the sake of a simple people, because in front of, competent and educated, talented young man opened, directly say, unlimited possibilities. By the way, it is a feeling, quality or feeling, call as you want, the creativity of Nekrasov, it was determined by the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem, the origins of patriotism, a sense of responsibility. This is the ability to compassion. The quality with which Nekrasov possessed and entered them a key figure of his poem. It is quite natural that patriotism is followed by a person from the people, well, and a sense of responsibility to the people.

It is very important to determine the era in which the hero appeared. Epoch - raising social movement, multimillion people rises to the fight. Look:


the power in it is uncomplicable ... "

The text is directly proved that the happiness of the people is possible only as a result of the nationwide struggle against oppressors. The main hope of revolutionary democrats, to which Nekrasov belonged to the peasant revolution. And who raises the revolution? - revolutionaries, fighters for the people. Nekrasova was Grisha Dobrons. Hence the second idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem or, or rather, it has already left, we only have to highlight it from the total thread of reflection. The people, due to the direction of the reforms of Aleksandra II, remains still unhappy, oppressed, but (!) Protest forces are growing. The reforms pushed in it aspiration for a better life. You paid attention to words:

"... Pretty! Ended with the past calculation

It is over the calculation of Mr.!

Located with the forces of the Russian people

And learns to be a citizen! ... "

The transfer form was songs, performed by Grisha. In words, just reflected those feelings that are endowed with a hero. It can be said that the songs were the crown of poems because they are reflected everything that I spoke. And in general, they instill hope that the Motherland will not die, despite the suffering and misfortunes, soaked it, and the comprehensive revival of Russia, and most importantly - changes in the consciousness of a simple Russian people.

Nekrasov, a great Russian writer, created many works in which he sought to open something new to the world. An exception is not the poem "Who lives well in Russia." The most important thing for the disclosure of the theme hero is Grisha Dobrons, a simple peasant with difficult desires and thoughts.


The last to mention, but the first image of the poem "Who in Russia live is good" is Grisha Dobrons. According to the sister of the poet Butkevich A. A., the Hero became the artist Dobrolyubov. Butkevich claimed so no accident. Firstly, such statements made Nekrasov himself, and secondly, this is confirmed by the consonance of the names, the character of the hero and the attitude of the prototype to the selfless and purposeful fighters speaking on the side of the people.

The hard-chlebov I. Yu believes that the image of Grisha Dobrosaklon is a certain cast of the features of such famous figures, like Belinsky, Dobrolyubs and Chernyshevsky, who in the amount of the ideal of the hero of the revolution. It should also be noted that Nekrasov did not disregard the new type of public figure - populist, who combined the features of both a revolutionary and religious activist.

Common features

The image of Grigoria Dobrosoblonova demonstrates that this is a bright representative of the propagandist of the revolution, which seeks to prepare the masses to the fight against capitalist obscures. In the features of this hero, the most romantic features of revolutionary youth were embodied.

Considering this hero, it should also be borne in mind that Nekrasov began for its creation in 1876, i.e. at the time when "walking in the people" was already complicated by many factors. Some scenes of the work confirm that Grisha was preceded by "stray" propagandists.

As for the relationship of Nekrasov to the simple workers' people, here he expressed its special attitude. His revolutionary leads he lived and grew on Vakhlachin. The folk intercessor Grisha Dobrons is a hero who knows his people well, understands all the troubles and sadness who struck him. He is one of them, so it is no doubt or suspicion of a common man. Grisha is the hope of the poet, his rate on representatives of the revolutionary peasantry.


The poet himself notes that in the image of Grisha, he captured the features that were characterized by revolutionary youth of the 1860-1870s, French communaras and progressive representatives of the peasantry. Researchers argue that the image of Grisha Dobrozlon is somewhat schematic. But it is easily explained by the fact that Nekrasov created a new historical type of hero and could not fully portray everything that wanted. This was affected by the conditions related to the creation of a new type, and the historical features of the time.

Nekrasov reveals his vision of a public figure, concretizing the deep historical roots of the people's struggle, depicting the spiritual and political connection of the hero with the fate and the hopes of the people, systematizing them in images of specific individuals and individual characteristics of the biography.

Characteristic of the hero

The image of the people's intercessor Grisha Dobrosaklon describes a simple guy from the people who craves to fight with the established social layers. It stands on the same level with simple peasants and no different from them. Already at the very beginning of his life path, he learned what a need, hunger and poverty, and realized that these phenomena should be resolved. For him, orders who reigned in the seminary were the result of an unfair social structure. Already while studying, he realized all the seminar life and was able to comprehend them.

In the 60s of the XIX century, seminarians grew on the writings of the woln-loving Russian authors. Many writers, for example, Pomonyovsky, Levitov, Chernyshevsky and others emerged from the medium of pupils of clerics. Revolutionary hardening, proximity to the people and natural abilities make the image of Grisha Dobroblon with a symbol of a folk leader. In the nature of the young seminar, characteristic youthful features are collected, such as the immediacy, the shyness that combined with dedication and solid will.

Hero feelings

Grisha Dobrons is full of love, which he pours to his mother-sufferer, to his homeland and the people. In the poem, there is even a concrete mapping of his love for ordinary people, whom he helps "as much as". He wants, mowing, sows and celebrates holidays along with simple peasants. He likes to spend time with other guys, wander through the forest and collect mushrooms.

He sees his personal, personal happiness in the happiness of others, in the peasant joy. Not so easy to protect the humiliated, but Grisha Dobrozlon is doing everything, just to alleviate the fate of the disadvantaged.

Disclosure of the image

Grisha opens his feelings through songs, and through them also indicates the path to happiness of a simple man. The first song is addressed to the intelligentsia, which the hero seeks to encourage the defendant people, is the whole Grisha of Dobrons. The characteristic of the next song is simply explained: he motivates the people to fight, seeks to teach the peasants to "be a citizen". After all, it is precisely this purpose of his life - he is eager to improve the life of a poor class.

The image of Grisha Dobroblon is revealed not only in songs, but also in his noble, radiant hymn. The seminarist dedicates himself to chanting time when a revolution will be possible in Russia. To explain, there will be a revolution in the future or she has already launched the first sprouts, Nekrasov used the image of the "third-seater", which in the poem is mentioned four times. This is not a historical item burned down the city - the symbol of the overthrow of serfs.


Awareness of stray men who are trying to find out who to live in Russia well, how to use their strength to improve the life of the people, is the result of the poem. They realized that the only way to make people happy was to eradicate the "fastener", to make everyone free - they are pushing the Grisha of Dobrons. The characteristic of his image emphasizes the existence of two main problem lines: who is "happier" and who is "sinner", which are permitted as a result. The most happy for Grisha are fighters for folk happiness, and the sinners are traitors of the people. Gregory Dobrosaklons is a new revolutionary hero, a historical force engine that will secure freedom.

Creating the poem "", Nikolai Nekrasov wanted to devote her to the people, a simple and selfless. Sings often observed the people who fought for their freedom to their last, for their happiness. That is why, in his poem, the author decided to create an image of a wrestler who will give everything to the people.

This character becomes Gregory Dobrons. He was born and lived in such a poor family that his mother shed his bread with tears. Father Grigory, a nickname, was even poorer the most unfortunate peasant. Therefore, the boy from an early age seemed on horrors of hungry life.

At fifteen years, he firmly knew who would give his life for. Gregory Dobrozlon seeks to help all those in need. He appears where he can hear the mountain, where there is a call for help.

The hero is not thinking about his personal wealth and well-being. The real revolutionary is ready at least to say goodbye to his life now to change the fate of the people for the better. And in his thoughts Grigory was not alone. Many people were ready to participate in protest against such a "dog" life.

Dobroslonov do not frighten all the difficulties that may arise on the path to freedom. Grigory to the last believes to the power and victory of the people who was on the verge, at the last boiling point. The idea that multi-million folk protests will soon float the Russian lands, Techit and pleases it. The speeches and words of Dobrosqulon are settled by the crowd, they have a magical effect on others, inspiring on the struggle and victory.

Gregory Dobrozlovov - a strong, brave, volitional hero of the Nekrasovskaya poem. Such a person can be a real leader and lead a popular uprising. He considers his vocation to be the struggle for the rights of oppressed and disadvantaged. After all, how many common people you can bend your backs for others as you can endure humiliation and will obey.

To the main question of the poem about who still lives well in Russia, Nikolai Nekrasov answers: "Fighters for popular happiness."

The image of the "folk intercessor". They are a seminarist Grisha Dobrosaplons - the son of "Bathers unrequited" and rural dehydra who lived "the poorer of the latter's last peasant." Hungry childhood, harsh youth brought him with the people, accelerated spiritual maturation and determined the life path of Grishes:

... Fifteen Gregory Cherdo already knew already.
What will live for happiness
Ivogo and dark native corner.

Many dammes of her character, Grisha reminds Dobrolyubov. Like Dobrolyubov, Grisha Dobrons - a fighter for folk happiness; He wants to be the first there, "where it is difficult to breathe where the grief hears."

Grigory Nekrasov gave the answer to the question: what to do wrestling for popular interests?

Go to humiliated
Go offended
You need you.

Gregory becomes in the ranks of those. Who is ready "on the fight, for labor for the depressed, for the oppressed." The thoughts of Grisha are constantly addressed "to all Russia mysterious, to the people." In his soul "With love for a poor mother, love for all the christmas was merged." Grigori-true son of the people. In the image of Grisha Dobrosaklon Nekrasov sees a representative of the labor folk mass, the blood with her connected: "No matter what the Vakhlachin is dark," Oka, "blessing, delivered such a messenger in Grigoria." He is alien to care for personal well-being, for him "the proportion of the people, happiness of him, the light is freedom first."

The Nekrasovsky Revolutionary is ready to give his life to "every peasant himself lived voluntarily throughout Saint Rus."

Grisha is not alone. At the "honest ways," hundreds of people like him have come into battle for the "honest case". He, like other fighters,

Fate prepared
The path is nice
name is a loud of folk upright,
Cahotku and Siberia.

But Gris is not frightened by the upcoming tests, because he believes in the triumph of the case that he dedicated his life. He knows that his homeland "destined to suffer a lot," but believes that she will not perish, and therefore feels "in the chest of their strength." He sees that the multi-million people are awakened to the fight:

Rails rises
Not profitable!
Power in it will affect
This thought fills his soul with joy and confidence in victory.

On the main question of the poem - who in Russia live well? - Nekrasov is responsible for Grisha Dobrozlon, a folk assistant. That is why the poet says:

To be our wanderers under the roof.
If you could know that they were going on with grisha.

It is difficult, but the path for which Grisha Dobrozlov is coming. On this path they enter the "only souls are strong, loving". It is waiting for a person with genuine happiness, for only he can be happy, says Nekrasov who gives himself a struggle for the benefit and happiness of the people.

    • The poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia" occupies a special place both in the history of Russian classical literature and in the creative heritage of the poet. She represents the synthesis of the poetic activity of Nekrasov, the completion of the many years of creative work of the poet revolutionary. All the fact that Nekrasov was developing in separate works for thirty years, was collected here in a single plan, a grandiose in content, scope and courage. It merged with all the main lines of his poetic quest, most fully [...]
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    • The result of twenty years of work was the poem for Nekrasov "To live well in Russia." In it, the author voiced the most important issues of the era, described the national life of the Foreign Russia. Critics call this poem with an epic of people's life. In it, Nekrasov created a multi-faceted plot and introduced a large number of actors. As in the works of folklore, the narration is built in the form of a path, travel, but the main question is one: to find out the idea of \u200b\u200bthe happiness of the Russian person. Happiness is a complex concept. This includes social [...]
    • The poem "Who in Russia live well" became one of the central in the work of N. A. Nekrasov. The time when he worked on the poem is the time of big change. The society was boiling passion for representatives of revolutionary-democratic flows. The best part of the intelligentsia supported the interests of "populists." The poet has always worried the fate of the people. The folk intercessor is the one who does not just regret, sympathizes the peasants, but serves the people, expresses his interests, actions and actions confirming it. The image of such a person is not [...]
    • Above the creation of the poem "Who in Russia live well" Nekrasov worked until the end of his life. The central hero of this poem is the people. Nekrasov truthfully portrayed the dark side of the life of the Russian peasantry. Even the names of the villages speak of a poverty, the poorness of the Russian reality: we are a guys of power, from temporarily obliged, tightened by province, empty parish, from adjacent villages: Nestetova, Neelova, Patosted, Dryryavina, Burleok, Holvorukino, Nordime! ...]
    • Continuing the tradition of A. S. Pushkin, N. A. Nekrasov dedicated his creativity to the people. He himself wrote about himself: "I dedicated to the people to Liru." But unlike Pushkin and other poets of this period, Nekrasov has its own, special. It is not similar to the sophisticated secular ladies who inspired poets of the pore. She appears in front of us in the image of a simple peasant girl, women. In 1848, at the very beginning of his creative path of Nekrasov, he wrote a false poem "Yesterday, hour in the sixth ...", [...]
    • N. A. Nekrasova can rightly be considered a popular poet, because it is not by chance that the motifs of his lyrics are united by its artistic structure. Poems tell about the life of peasants and urban poor, about the severe female share, about nature and love, about high citizenship and the appointment of the poet. The skill of Nekrasova was primarily in realism, in truthful image of reality and in the involvement of the poet himself to the national life, attachment and love for Russian [...]
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    • Creativity Nekrasov coincided with the flourishing of domestic folkloristic. The poet was often in Russian skeins, in practice he studied a common language, a speech of soldiers, peasants. She became his speech. Folk images in his works are not reduced to a simple borrowing, Nekrasov used folklore freely, rethought him, creatively subordinating his own artistic tasks, his style. The poem "Frost, Red Nose" is written by a professional writer, and there is a plate of literary and traditionally poetic [...]
    • Each writer produces a peculiar style based on its artistic tasks. Depending on the topic and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, there is a selection of expressiveness. In the poem "Frost, a red nose" is a very big role playing a poetic reservoir. The poem is devoted to the description of the life of the peasants, their everyday life, recreation of the People's Spirit. Therefore, folklore images, artistic agents characteristic of folklore organically appear in it. Natural metaphors play a big role. Darya's deceased husband is like falcon in [...]
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    • N. A. Nekrasov created a whole epoch in poetry. Not one generation of the best people in Russia was brought up on the works of the poet. From children's years, Nekrasovsky images are included in our consciousness, unique sounds of his poetic speech. In the face of Nekrasov, a sensible time demand, poetry sought to spread their limits. The poet confesses to society, considers himself responsible before him. From the highest moral positions, he judges his imperfections, execute himself for the slightest oscillations and weaknesses. His political [...]
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  • Menu Articles:

    Many works have not lost their relevance and in our time. This, perhaps, is because most of the problems and difficulties in a person's life can be taken out of the time and development of humanity in general. People have always been difficult to find their place in society, someone lacked money to get a proper education, to someone to look properly (a man in a dilapidated costume did not perceive the times or now). The problem of the arrangement of life, the provision of foods at all times occupied the minds of people, especially lowest weight. How to get out of a closed circle of such problems and is it possible to make it an honest way? This question is trying to give the answer N.A. Nekrasov in his unfinished poem "Who lives well in Russia."

    Many images could serve as a visual example for the disclosure of this topic, but still the main array of information on this issue falls on the image of Grisha Dobrozlon.

    Name and prototype

    In the literature, the names of the heroes are often symbolic. Their names and surnames in most cases are a brief characteristic of a literary personality. If the question of assigning namechairs, in view of the details of their personal qualities, controversial, the question of the meaning is almost always solved in favor of symbolism. The authors of the past centuries took the basis of the names widespread in society, in particular, the described estate was taken into account. The name of the hero should have been close and familiar readers. The names of the characters were invented by the authors on their own. It is from the associations with the surname and there was a further development of the image. It was based either in the game in contrasts, or to enhance the effect of personality personal qualities.

    The Poet and Publicist Nikolai Alekseevich Dobrolyubov became the prototype of Grisha Dobrozaplonov. In society, he heard a person of unique hardworking and giftedness - at the age of 13 he was already engaged in the transfer of Horace, successfully wrote literary-critical articles. Combines Dobroblon with the Dobrolyuby Tragedy of Childhood - the death of a mother who caused an indelible impression for both the first and second. Surgious qualities also arise in their social position - the desire to make the world is kinder and better.

    As you can see, Nekrasov took the name of the literary figure as a basis by seeing it, but it should not be rejected by its symbolism. The name of the character also displays his personal qualities. It is based on the name of the noun "good", which corresponds to the overall characteristic of Grisha. He is a really kind person in his nature, full of good aspirations and dreams. The second part of his surname is formed from the verb to "inclined". I.e,

    Age, appearance and generation of Gregory Dobros

    In the way, Gregory Dobros clone reader gets acquainted in the last parts of the poem - partially in Pira on the whole world and, in more detail, in the epilogue of the poem.

    We do not know about the exact age of the hero, the fact that at the time of the story he learn in the seminary, gives the right to assume that his age is about 15 years old, the author confirms the author, saying that the boy is "fifteen years old."

    Mother Gregory called the domain, she died early:

    Was careful,
    But durability
    God did not give her.

    His father is called Trifon, he was a devil, in other words was on the lower stage of the core stairs of the church. Family revenues were never high - the mother tried to change this situation with all his might and give proper education to their children - Grisia and Sawve. The woman often helped the fellow villagers to feed the children, so she

    Bathers unrequited
    For everyone who is something
    Helped her on a black day.

    Naturally, heavy physical labor and bad living conditions extremely adversely affected the health of women and soon she dies. Grigory is hardly experiencing a loss of mother - she was kind, good and caring, so at night the boy "Turned about Mother" and quietly sang her song about salt.

    Life after the death of the mother

    After the death of the domain, the life of the family has deteriorated significantly - "the poorest of the steroid / last peasant / lived trophone." There have never been enough food in their house:

    There are no cows, no horses,
    There was a dog toadushka
    There was a cat - and those gone.

    Grigoria with keys often feed fellow villagers. The brothers are very grateful to men for it and try not to stay in debt - somehow help them:

    They paid the young people.
    As much, work,
    On their divids
    Cerented in the city.

    Nekrasov gives a scant description of Grisha. He has a "bone wide", but he himself does not look like a hero - "his face is too echudual." This is because he is always halfland. Being in the seminary, he woke up in the middle of the night from hunger and waited for breakfast. The Father is also not bruised, he is the same forever hungry as his sons.

    Gregory, like his brother, "marked by God's seal" - the abilities to the sciences and ability to lead the crowds, so "the Dyachie was boasting children."

    Studying in the seminary for Gregory is not joying there, "dark, cold and hungry", but the young man is not going to retreat, there is still training at the university in his plans.

    Over time, the image of a mother and a small homeland merged together, soon they decided on the desire to serve as a simple people, to make the life of ordinary men better:

    Gregory knew firmly already,
    What will live for happiness
    Illegal and dark
    Native corner.

    Gregory dreams not about personal wealth or benefits. He wants all people to live in good and prosper:

    I do not need silver,
    Neither gold, and let the Lord
    To countrymen mine
    And every peasant
    Huggly fun
    On all Saint Rus.

    And the young man is ready to do everything that is possible to come close to the execution of his dream.

    Dobrons is optimistic, it is especially noticeable in the texts of his songs, where he tries to touch the love of life, outline the beautiful, cheerful future.

    The fate of Gregory is typical - sad, hungry childhood, sad memories of training in the seminary. What will happen next? This is quite predictable, the fate of such people is always the same:

    His fate prepared
    Path nice, Name Loud
    Folk intercession
    Cahotku and Siberia.

    Summarize. The image of Gregory Dobroblon is optimistic. The young man is full of beautiful aspirations - he is a future revolutionary, ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of the good of other people. Gregory is moving the good intention to improve the lives of ordinary people, the same as he himself, to provide them with decent, not a beggar life.