
The writing "The characteristic of Lisa in the comedy" grief from the mind. Sophia and Lisa in Comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" Description Lisa in a comedy grief from the mind

First we get acquainted with Liza. Not even with Lisa, but "Lisanka", as it is indicated in the author's remarks of the 1st phenomenon and in the list of actors. It seems that such a diminutive form of the name, and the name itself is not accidental. All the contemporaries of Griboedov still had a fresh heroine in memory of N.M. Karamzine "Poor Lisa" - a peasant woman who has fallen a victim of the frivolity of the nobleman Erast.

Griboedovskaya Lisanka is the direct opposite of its Karamzin teesake, a melancholic, thoughtful, timid, overly trusting. Lisanka sweezing, active, invariably merry and ridiculous (Famuses: "After all, Eka Salaunya are you girls"; Molchanin: "Merry creature you! Live!").

Her judgments, her replicas, scattered throughout the comedy, mock and accurate. Estimates that she gives Famusov, silence, scalovebus and even Chatskom, talk about her observation, knowledge of life.

At the same time, Lisanka is not the Moliere subretka - a typical character of the French comedies of the era of classicism.

Lisanka is the classic type of Russian maid, "a fortress girl attached to the lady and enjoying it confidence" (Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko). Life in Moscow, in the House of Famusov, polished her, but did not corrupt. She rejects the harassment of the Famusov, does not close on the gifts of Molchally: "You know that I do not miss the interests." The limit of her dreams is a bag of Petrusha, then this "hero" in his bold frills she does not go. With all its cattleness, Lisanka is superstitious, it is afraid of "houses" and "living people." "Amur damned" does not have such power over it, as over Sophia ("And I ... I'm just love to death to death").

However, Lisanka is not so naive so that nothing is a pony mother in those "amourous" affairs and stories that all the time unfold with her eyes. Life in the house of Famusov, constant communication with him, with silence, with Sofia, the dependent position of the fortress girl to some extent determines the rules and norms of its behavior, its everyday morality: "Sin does not matter, it's not good."

Knowing well the unprincipledness and dodging of the silence, the sentimentality and the gullibility of Sofia, Lisanka foresees the possible end of their novel ("... in love will not be in this program // or either in the eyelids"), his comic, even a farce junction. Fortunately, for examples, it was not necessary to walk.

The heart of Lisanka on the side of the Chatsky, although it is forced to hide a date from him Sofia with silence and even help them in the "amourous" affairs. She always stands at the guard of the interests of their "young ladies in love", and in the scene with Famusov, bravely burns out Sofia ("I'm driving in front of him, I do not remember that the lords").

What Magiznov says about Lisanka ("Oh! Potion, Balovnitsa"; "modest, and nothing but //proving and the wind on the mind"), not quite far from the truth, but one-sided. Lisanka is really "to herself on the mind", a wiggy, agile, pursuit. Yes, and no wonder. She constantly has to be lavailed between "Barsky Angel" and "Barlain Love", felt from the barefares of Molchalin, causing the whims of Sofia Power Supplies.

Lisanka is perfectly aware of the danger of his position, understands what can pay for the devotion of his Mrs. ("And what, in response for you, of course, I get"). So happens. "Barsky Anger" did not pass her. In the final, the furious Famuses does not know either condescension, nor mercy, makes Lisa the main culprit of the "conspiracy".

Sophia and Lisa in the comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Women's images in the comedy Griboedov "Woe from Wit" play an important role in the realization of the relevance and artistic peculiarity of the comedy. Sophia and Lisa are typical amplua classic comedy. But these images are ambiguous. They occupy an intermediate position in the system of characters. Lisa Schitra, intelligent, smart, i.e. Its character meets the requirements of a classic comedy. She is subrete, participates in a love intrigue, and is a kind of resonant, i.e. gives characteristics to some heroes. She also owns some winged phrases. Sophia, according to the laws of classicism, would have to be the perfect character, but its image is ambiguous. On the one hand, she received typical education of the 19th century girls. On the other hand, it is smart, has its own opinion.

Both Sophia and Lisa possess a living mind. Sofya brought up with Chatsky, it is formed, has its own opinion. For example, it may appreciate the personality of the groom: "He did not speak the words of the smart one, I don't care what kind of neh, that in the water." Lisa, maybe not as formed as Sophia, but has a practical mind. She very accurately notices: "MOUNT US WOMEN OF ALL SUBSTELLS AND BARSKY ANGVER, AND BARSKY LOVE."

Both truths. Sophia openly tells Chatskom that she does not like him, his father express dissatisfaction with the fiance. Lisa, in the open, rejects the courtship of Famusov.

Both are participants in a love plot. Chatsky Sophia Molchanin Lisa Petrusha.

Both have the same ideals of men - a man-pier.

But, despite the fact that both of these heroines are young girls, their ideas about life are very different. Sophia is romantic. She grew up without her mother and became very interested in love novels. Throughout the book, it represents himself the heroine of the French novel. When Molchanin falls from a horse, Sofya behaves like a loving heroine of the novel - it faints. "Fell! Killed! " Sophia is naive, believes that Molchanin really loves her. He seems to her timid, modest, gentle and smart. Lisa soberly looks at life. She has a simple maid and managed a lot to see their lives. She understands people. Lisa understands that Molchanin only plays with Sofia for his position. She sees his graciousness and trick.

Further fate will also be in different ways. Sophia is likely to submit to the rules of the Famus society and marriage to the rich plenty of the groom. Liza will marry a man of his circle, but for love.

Although Sophia and Lisa are similar in some of their personal qualities, but the different position in society and education determine their different fate.


To prepare this work, materials from the site http://www.bobych.spb.ru/ were used

Women's images in the comedy Griboedov "Woe from Wit" play an important role in the realization of the relevance and artistic peculiarity of the comedy. Sophia and Lisa are typical amplua classic comedy. But these images are ambiguous. They occupy an intermediate position in the system of characters. Lisa Schitra, intelligent, smart, i.e. Its character meets the requirements of a classic comedy. She is subrete, participates in a love intrigue, and is a kind of resonant, i.e. gives characteristics to some heroes. She also owns some winged phrases. Sophia, according to the laws of classicism, would have to be the perfect character, but its image is ambiguous. On the one hand, she received typical education of the 19th century girls. On the other hand, it is smart, has its own opinion.

Both Sophia and Lisa possess a living mind. Sofya brought up with Chatsky, it is formed, has its own opinion. For example, it may appreciate the personality of the groom: "He did not speak the words of the smart one, I don't care what kind of neh, that in the water." Lisa, maybe not as formed as Sophia, but has a practical mind. She very accurately notices: "MOUNT US WOMEN OF ALL SUBSTELLS AND BARSKY ANGVER, AND BARSKY LOVE."

Both truths. Sophia openly tells Chatskom that she does not like him, his father express dissatisfaction with the fiance. Lisa, in the open, rejects the courtship of Famusov.

Both are participants in a love plot. Chatsky Sophia Molchanin Lisa Petrusha.

Both have the same ideals of men - a man-pier.

But, despite the fact that both of these heroines are young girls, their ideas about life are very different. Sophia is romantic. She grew up without her mother and became very interested in love novels. Throughout the book, it represents himself the heroine of the French novel. When Molchanin falls from a horse, Sofya behaves like a loving heroine of the novel - it faints. "Fell! Killed! " Sophia is naive, believes that Molchanin really loves her. He seems to her timid, modest, gentle and smart. Lisa soberly looks at life. She has a simple maid and managed a lot to see their lives. She understands people. Lisa understands that Molchanin only plays with Sofia for his position. She sees his graciousness and trick.

Further fate will also be in different ways. Sophia is likely to submit to the rules of the Famus society and marriage to the rich plenty of the groom. Liza will marry a man of his circle, but for love.

Although Sophia and Lisa are similar in some of their personal qualities, but the different position in society and education determine their different fate.

    The heroine that violates the moral foundation.

    The comedy was an acute and angry satire on the life and morals of the Nobility of Russia, indirectly showed the struggle between the conservatism of destroyers, the backward self-containing and new moods.

    The problem of mutual understanding of the "century of the current" and "century past".

    The comedy "grief from the mind" was created in the early 20s. XIX century The main conflict, on which the comedy is built, is the confrontation of the "century of the current" and "century past". In the literature of that time, the classicism of the era of Catherine is also power.

    N.Sheleva. After the war of 1812, there was a split of the Russian nobility for two camps: conservatives and reformers. Griboedov, of course, could not not worry the opposition of the reactionary and advanced nobility. Being a progressively thinking person and sharing in many ways of the conviction of the future Decembris ...

    Sophia's behavior with silence was unknown! And moreover: it was scandalous and thaled in itself! The fact that should be comprehended from the point of view of his place in the plot of the play.

    The only character conceived and fulfilled in the comedy "grief from the mind," like a close Cartov, is Sophia Pavlovna Famusov. Griboedov wrote about her: "The girl herself is not stupid prefers a fool to a smart person."

    The power and novelty "grief from the mind" was precisely the fact that the most plot was a huge vital, public, historical meaning. "Strong place in the plot" is a fiction about Chatsky's madness.

    The plot of the Comedy Griboyedov itself is already quite original and unusual. I can not agree with those who consider him banal. At first glance, it may seem that the main in the story is the story of the love of Chatsky to Sofye.

    "The grief from the mind" is the greatest work of Russian and world literature, which occupies a prominent place in domestic drama, along with such works, as "inexpensive" Fonvizin, "Auditor" and "Marriage" of Gogol, "Masquerade" Lermontov.

    In the 18th century, a lot of wonderful people worked in the field of literature, among them - writer and historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. His Peru belongs to such a story like poor Lisa. In the center of the story two characters: the peasants of Lisa and the nobleman of the Erast. The characters of heroes are manifested in their attitude to any ...

    "Woe from the mind" is one of the most prominent works of Russian literature of the 19th century. By definition of Belinsky, this is the noblest humanistic work. The comedy seizes the long period of Russian life - from Catherine to Emperor Nicholas.

    One of the outstanding works of the first half of the XIX century is the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Each hero of the play, which is a typical image, possesses at the same time unique individual features.

Women's images in the comedy Griboedov "Woe from Wit" play an important role in the realization of the relevance and artistic peculiarity of the comedy. Sophia and Lisa are typical amplua classic comedy. But these images are ambiguous. They occupy an intermediate position in the system of characters. Lisa Schitra, intelligent, smart, i.e. Its character meets the requirements of a classic comedy. She is subrete, participates in a love intrigue, and is a kind of resonant, i.e. gives characteristics to some heroes. She also owns some winged phrases. Sophia, according to the laws of classicism, would have to be the perfect character, but its image is ambiguous. On the one hand, she received typical education of the 19th century girls. On the other hand, it is smart, has its own opinion.

Both Sophia and Lisa possess a living mind. Sofya brought up with Chatsky, it is formed, has its own opinion. For example, it may appreciate the personality of the groom: "He did not speak the words of the smart one, I don't care what kind of neh, that in the water." Lisa, maybe not as formed as Sophia, but has a practical mind. She very accurately notices: "MOUNT US WOMEN OF ALL SUBSTELLS AND BARSKY ANGVER, AND BARSKY LOVE."

Both truths. Sophia openly tells Chatskom that she does not like him, his father express dissatisfaction with the fiance. Lisa, in the open, rejects the courtship of Famusov.

Both are participants in a love plot. Chatsky Sophia Molchanin Lisa Petrusha.

Both have the same ideals of men - a man-pier.

But, despite the fact that both of these heroines are young girls, their ideas about life are very different. Sophia is romantic. She grew up without her mother and became very interested in love novels. Throughout the book, it represents himself the heroine of the French novel. When Molchanin falls from a horse, Sofya behaves like a loving heroine of the novel - it faints. "Fell! Killed! " Sophia is naive, believes that Molchanin really loves her. He seems to her timid, modest, gentle and smart. Lisa soberly looks at life. She has a simple maid and managed a lot to see their lives. She understands people. Lisa understands that Molchanin only plays with Sofia for his position. She sees his graciousness and trick.

Further fate will also be in different ways. Sophia is likely to submit to the rules of the Famus society and marriage to the rich plenty of the groom. Liza will marry a man of his circle, but for love.

Although Sophia and Lisa are similar in some of their personal qualities, but the different position in society and education determine their different fate.


To prepare this work, materials from the site http://www.bobych.spb.ru/ were used

In the satirical comedy Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov "grief from the mind", Lisa plays a secondary, but very important role.

Lisa is a cheerful, young maid who lives and works in the Famousov House. She is a typical subtrake, which helps her hostess Sofye in love affairs. It can be said that Lisa is smart and very intelligent. She easily and virtuoso twists in front of the Famusov, and then talks about this Sofye: "Here your father went here, I measured; I'm glad before him, I do not remember what was the lurch. " Famuses and Solvelin show interest to her, but Lisa is a bold girl: the first one gives a rebuff, and the second reacts in the lowestness and meanness. Although it remains in the soul, it remains: "Maid us the forests of all the seafood, and the Barsky anger and Barsky love." Lisa itself believes in light and clean love, she sympathizes parsley lacquer, but is afraid of his feelings.

Lisa has the ability to evaluate other characters, it gives all the exact characteristics. I want to believe that the fate of Lisa change, as she is clean and not spoiled by the Famovian society.

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