
The author of the theory of generations x y z. What skills to apply in managing employees of generations X, Y and Z? The fundamental property of the new generation

The theory of generations is closely connected with the economic cycles of the development of states. Rise, stability, recession, crisis, then rise again. Technologies develop, society changes, needs grow, new professions and even entire industries appear and die, but historical turns remain unchanged. Each of these periods influences the formation of generational values. Neil Howe and William Strauss, the founders of the theory of generations, traced these cycles in the development of American society since the time of Columbus. More than 500 years of history of one state formed the basis of their theory. According to them, each period lasts approximately 20 years. Chronological intervals differ from state to state, this is due to the fact that the economies of the countries of the world are developing differently, somewhere there is a crisis, and somewhere there is prosperity. We will talk about the peculiarities of the generations of Russia in the last century, that is, about those with whom we live side by side, work, remember and honor the past and build the future. In our country, RuGenerations, the "Russian school of the Theory of Generations", is studying this issue, its publications are easy to find on the Internet, and 2 Russian books have already been published. 4 economic cycles in the theory of generations are named after the seasons. The pre-crisis period is autumn, the crisis is winter, then spring recovery and, finally, summer stability. People born in this or that period are united not only by a set of values, but also by a historical mission.

Representatives of each of these generations have their own peculiarities of worldview, values, outlook on life, each has its own mission and destiny. Of course, the structure of personality is formed under the influence of various factors: family, society, environment, profession. But still, people of the same generation are united by certain fundamental features. Generational values ​​are formed under the influence of the largest, most significant events in the country and the world, under the influence of the media, the education system adopted in society, and the deficit. A good example is the children of war, they still do not allow themselves to throw away food, they always have a supply of food and they do not like it when food remains on the plate. Their values ​​were formed in the conditions of famine and, despite the 80 years that have passed since then, modern abundance and prosperity, they cannot accept the waste in relation to food. Because the core values ​​don't change. They are formed up to about 21 years and remain with a person for life. This is the very core that defines consciousness.

So, the last five generations of Russia:

Born from 1923 to 1943 - The Silent Generation. Generation of Winter. Archetype - Creators. They were born just before the war, survived all its horrors, saw how heroes fight - born in the economic autumn. Their families suffered from mass repression. The purpose of this generation is to survive and glorify those who accomplished the feat. Spring always comes after winter. The silent generation, growing up, begins an economic boom.

Born in 1943-1963 - Baby Boomers; Spring Generation. Archetype - Prophets . Their basic values ​​are formed in the era of economic growth, the flowering of ideology. They grew up in the world superpower, under the influence of the "thaw", admired the conquest of space. They have a winning mentality. They are optimistic, collectivism and team spirit are important for them. The main task of this generation is to strengthen the formed values ​​and the ideology created before them.

Born in 1963-1986 - Generation X; Summer Generation. Archetype - nomads . The task of the nomads, on the contrary, is to shake up the previous ideology, creating conditions for a paradigm shift. What is happening now. You can have different attitudes, for example, to the existing political situation, but you cannot ignore it. Today we see that the country is run by people from the Baby Boomer generation, and the representatives of Generation X provide the real ideological opposition. The nomads are fulfilling their mission.

Born in 1986-2003 - Generation Y; Autumn Generation. People born in the pre-crisis period, when everything collapses, are carriers of the archetype of heroes. Their only historical task, their great destiny, is to accomplish a feat when the time comes. No matter how we treat the Ygreks, they are heroes. Their key value is the improvement of life. It is important for them to prove that changes are needed always, everywhere and in everything. Let's hope that their heroism will not be accompanied by such bloodshed as the previous Autumn, during the Second World War.

Born in 2003-2024 - Generation Z. Generation of Winter . Their values ​​are formed during the crisis period. There are tough political battles, the redistribution of territories. They will someday glorify generation Y. What these people will be like is not yet fully known - the generation is only being formed. But now they are considered special. Indigo children. Extraordinarily gifted, with a special philosophy and worldview, creators, children born with gadgets in their hands. They will have to ensure economic growth in our country.

Representatives of all five generations today form our society. We will not talk about the Silent Generation, since these are already elderly people over 75 years old. They practically do not affect any social processes, they have not been working for a long time (with the exception of some individual representatives of the intellectual or creative professions).

The last four generations are socially active and closely interact with each other. And ... far from always they can boast of mutual understanding. Let's see what they are.

There is a discussion in society about the fact that modern children - representatives of generation Z - do not read books, walk a little on the street, they prefer playing football on a computer. Two-year-olds are easier and more expert with technology than their Baby Boomer grandmothers. This frightens not only the elderly, but also quite young parents of Xs and even Ys, whose childhood was spent on the street. They are in a state of constant confrontation with children, limiting time at the computer, driving them out into the street, forcing them to read long, serious books.

You should not do it so fanatically, aggressively and uncompromisingly. Of course, you need to protect your eyesight, you need to develop children physically, but you should not forget that this generation is preparing for its time. The computer is their natural habitat. The fact that they do not read books in large volumes is normal, this is not their source of information. Generation X, partly Y, grew up in libraries, with books in hand, in constant search for information. Generation Z does not need to collect data bit by bit, they always have it at hand in their smartphone - Google knows everything. These children need to learn how to process information. They are much more interested in science than at the same age generation Y or X were interested. Please note that now even the most popular children's programs and cartoons are all with a scientific bias. There is always something to explain. Z is creators, hard workers, creators. This is the future of Russia.

The younger generation, whose representatives are now from 16 to 32 years old, is Y. There are a lot of talks, myths, and discussions around them. Employers see them as lazy, with high expectations and demands that are not backed up by real skills. All this is true, but there is a golden mean. You just need to understand what kind of generation it is and how it was formed.

Between 1986 and 2003, the country actually changed. There was no USSR, the formation of a new state system began. Children saw how their parents lost their jobs, were left without money and the usual stability. This is the time when a surge of terrorist attacks began: explosions of houses, metro, seizures of schools, theaters, aircraft. What had always seemed like a Hollywood movie fiction, suddenly became so close, became a reality. The old ideology has already been trampled on and a new one has not yet formed. The system of Soviet education was completely destroyed. Many experiments began and not all of them were successful. And exactly under them falls generation Y. All this together: uncertainty about the future, fear of terrorist attacks, confusion in education - completely changes the idea of ​​​​how to raise a child. Parents begin to show overprotectiveness, simply because they are scared for the child. If for generation X, a mother meeting from school is a big shame in front of friends, then for Y it is the norm. Moreover, the norm, elevated to the rank of the rules of some educational institutions. Guardianship has no boundaries. Control begins to extend to the lessons. Tutors are hired almost from the first grade. Parents (Generation X) take their role very seriously. They act exactly according to the books. Xs, who love to learn, develop, and are prone to self-reflection, began to read a lot about how to raise children and did it with their characteristic fanaticism. It is important for them to achieve professionalism in everything, parenthood is no exception.

The attitude towards the child in the family and society has changed dramatically. From childhood, he is instilled with the idea that he is a person. They begin to seriously consult with him. They begin to constantly praise him, even if he did nothing. Praise simply for what it is. Let's remember what X had to do as a child for a Baby Boomer parent to praise? Child Y is in constant interaction with the parent. He knows that he is valuable in himself. And now add hypercontrol and the desire of parents to give their child everything that he did not have. Remember how you used to buy gifts: "I'm buying this now, but it's also for my birthday." And if the toy is expensive, then immediately for all the holidays of the year. X's don't save on kids. The result is a generation of people who are uncompromisingly confident in their worth. They come to the interview and say: "I want a salary of 100,000." To the question: “What can you do? What can you give the company for this money? calmly answer: “So far, nothing, but I am ready to learn. I calculated, I need so much. They are convinced that they are expected everywhere.

The players are absolutely sure of themselves. By this they are very annoying Xs, who are characterized by constant doubts and the need to prove something. Imagine an interview, just a question: “What can you do?”. Applicant X will begin to talk, demonstrate professionalism, and Y will make it clear that here they should be glad that he just came. Among other things, this generation develops a critical idealism. On the one hand, a person idealizes himself, on the other hand, he criticizes everything around. These are people of complete mental freedom. Fantasy no longer exists. They are sure that everything that can be thought of can be done, it's just a matter of time. They grew up in a collapsing system, so they have a global attitude of responsibility for the world. They vote for global projects. After a couple of days at a new job, they can openly declare how bad everything is, and they need to improve immediately. True, this is often not followed by action. Optimism and courage - that's their motto. They are sure that you can criticize everything around. However, the Ygreks lack the ability to build relationships and analyze information. They know how to collect it from different areas, but not to dive deep. This deprives them of the opportunity to draw the correct causal relationships.

They are characterized by a rapid loss of attention and concentration. Perseverance and determination are no longer values. Changing jobs because something didn't work out here is the norm. Why prove? Why fight? You can just try again. For this they are considered frivolous and even dreamers. They avoid long-term goals and do not know how to plan. These are the people of today. At the same time, Y can be extremely productive if a large project for them is broken into pieces and constantly carried out intermediate control, marking the result. For the most part, Xs categorically do not tolerate this, for whom trust and independence are important.

I thought a lot about how to manage the Ygreks, and developed my own "coaching-authoritarian" style. Feedback in the style of coaching, help in understanding the goals and areas of development. Also, the players should be given the opportunity to make a mistake themselves and learn from it, but with the help of analysis through coaching, help to understand the consequences.

It is important to constantly maintain interest in the project. If you can sell them a routine as something incredibly interesting, they will show great results. Players need a mentor, so it's important to demonstrate your expertise. A mentor leader is an important part of managing the Games.

From the traditional, authoritarian system, leave tight control, a system of rewards / punishments, and authoritarian decision-making. In planning, you need to rely on the visualization of plans and results. Players need to see their actual result, otherwise they tend to overestimate it or ignore mistakes. Classical control and reporting also remain. Moreover, Y reports must be compiled by themselves, so they will learn how to analyze information. And finally, "punishment" with an explanation. Ys are very loyal to themselves, and often Xs begin to “play” with them in caring parents at work. But it is important for Ygrek to show that there are consequences for a mistake, they are real and justified. It is necessary not only to talk about responsibility, but, indeed, to “punish”. For example, to make it clear: until you complete this project, I will not give you a new one, the one you want.

Remember that Generation Y is superficial. This, by the way, is noticeable in the way the sphere of educational services is developing. If among the Xs there are many people with several higher educations and the concept of “gaining experience” is the norm for them, then the Ys are increasingly choosing short courses aimed at developing specific skills. This is no longer the future, this is the present, it can only be understood, accepted and lived in it.

Over the past decades, marketing campaigns around the world have been aimed at millennials - easily trained, narcissistic, struggling for social status. Literally in a few years, a new generation will become solvent - generation Z. How it differs and how to work with it - read below.

Five generations that defined the marketing of the century

American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss developed the theory of generations in 1991, according to which a new generation of people appears every 20-25 years. The new generation differs from the previous ones in habits, character, values ​​and goals.

Neil Howe

Every eighty years, the characteristics of a generation coincide, so today's teenagers resemble people born between 1923 and 1943. Scientists have painted the periodicity since the first half of the fifteenth century, but the last five generations are of the greatest interest to the public.

Silent Generation (born 1923-1943)

The last representatives are now 80-90 years old. The silent generation is law-abiding, conservative, patient. Best of all, he manages to work, people born in this period of time prefer to adapt to conditions rather than change them. The generation seeks to save money, the main expenses are food, printed books, interior details. Marketers attract the silent generation with care and attention.

Baby Boomers (born 1943-1963)

Compared to the previous one, a much more active and cheerful generation. They tend to idealize the world, work hard, try to follow the right lifestyle and love self-medication. Money for them, first of all, is the key to status. They often spend more than they can afford. The optimal marketing images for them are bright pictures of a brighter future.

Generation X (born 1963-1984)

A pragmatic generation willing to pay more for speed and comfort. They treat their health in a completely different way - unlike previous generations, in case of a disease they prefer the removal of symptoms, rather than a full-fledged treatment, all for the sake of maintaining working capacity. The first of a generation ready to shop both in malls and online. In order to interest generation X, the marketer needs to show the variety of characteristics and the possibility of choice. Non-loyal consumers will always have to fight for their attention.

Generation Y (born 1984-2004)

Millennials are fickle, narcissistic, ambitious, but they don't always take life seriously. Stable work for the sake of money does not attract them; representatives of this generation are looking for pleasure and entertainment. They trust well-known brands, they are loyal. Marketing campaigns for millennials do not show a product, but a way of life. A company without a website with a user-friendly interface and groups on social networks will not inspire confidence in them.

Generation Z (those born in 2004 and younger)

It is not yet possible to form a definitive portrait of the generation, but certain characteristic features are already clearly visible. The idols of the generation are in social networks, the line between real and virtual life is completely erased, they are practically immune to traditional advertising, but they are still eager to buy.

What is Generation Z doing?

Generation Z requires a significant revision of approaches to advertising companies and a change of platforms - from contextual advertising and landing pages to social networks. On the one hand, this is problematic - many worked out concepts become ineffective. On the other hand, social media marketing is much cheaper than traditional marketing, so modern marketers can achieve high results at minimal cost. To know how to redesign your advertising campaigns for the new generation, it is worth remembering the difference between Z and Y.

Smartphones are ahead of computers

Unlike the previous generation, which preferred laptops and computers, generation Z prefers to be online from a smartphone. The statistics below are from the Global Web Index.

During the day, Generation Z spends more than seven hours online - 3:45 on a computer and 4:01 on a phone. Millennials spend roughly the same amount of time online, with 4:01 online from a computer and only 3:38 from a phone. watch less TV.


  • Fill free time: 51% - Z, 44% - Y.
  • Find entertainment content: 47% - Z, 40% - Y.
  • Stay connected with friends: 46% - Z, 43% - Y.
  • Stay up to date with the latest events: 42% - Z, 42% - Y.
  • Share photos and videos: 38% - Z, 36% - Y.

Search for information

Generation Z in search of information about goods and services leaves traditional sites for social networks - compared to the previous generation, search activity in them is 6% higher. The frequency of using mobile applications for the same purposes increased by 2%, indicators for other methods decreased.

Top 5 information search channels:

  • : 51% - Z, 45% - Y.
  • Search engines: 48% - Z, 49% - Y.
  • Mobile applications: 30% - Z, 28% - Y.
  • Consumer reviews: 29% - Z, 33% - Y.
  • Websites for brands and manufacturers: 25% - Z, 29% - Y.


The new generation attaches great importance to social status, which affects brand preferences.

Top 5 smartphone brands.

  • iPhone: 52% - Z, 45% - Y.
  • Samsung: 42% - Z, 40% - Y.
  • Huawei: 16% - Z, 19% - Y.
  • Xiaomi: 15% - Z, 13% - Y.
  • Sony: 11% - Z, 11% - Y.

Desires and ability to pay

Due to their age, generation Z is not yet very solvent, so its representatives cannot afford much of what millennials have. The only exception is smartphones.

Top 5 gadgets in possession

  • Smartphone: 96% - Z, 84% - Y.
  • Computer/laptop: 68% - Z, 74% - Y.
  • The tablet: 29% - Z, 37% - Y.
  • Smart TV: 25% - Z, 34% - Y.
  • game console: 23% - Z, 23% - Y.

Opinion leaders

Generation Z is immune to traditional ads and tired of contextual ads. For advice, they turn to opinion leaders who advise on their social networking pages what cosmetics to choose and where to book a hotel.

Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing:% of users who said they opened new brands after being endorsed by celebrities or celebrities.

Total: 14%

Men: 13%

Women: 15%


16-24 - 17%

25-34 - 16%

35-44 - 12%

45-54 - 9%

55-64 - 6%


Bottom 25% - 13%

Middle 50% - 14%

Top 25% - 15%

How is Generation Z different from other generations?

  • Generation Z does not separate real life from virtual life, but carefully maintains the line between private and public life, which is why many have two social media accounts.
  • According to Millvrad Brown less than a quarter of this generation respond positively to advertising. They are especially aggressive towards intrusive advertisements, such as pop-ups.
  • Decision-making is influenced by opinion leaders - celebrities, bloggers. The more subscribers, the higher the credibility. At the same time, authorities should be as sincere as possible - generation Z is looking for honesty in promotion.
  • They quickly switch attention. Millennials can hold their attention for an average of twelve seconds, Gen Z shortens it by another four seconds.
  • Generation Z wants to be involved, they want to be sure that their opinion matters. They easily communicate with the brand, are ready to participate in surveys and leave feedback. Drawing up a portrait of the target audience of this generation will be easy, but thanks to well-established communications, additional threats for marketers arise - information about a failed advertising campaign will scatter very quickly.
  • Unlike Millennials, who are focused on career success and financial independence, Generation Z pays more attention to self-realization. They believe in the ease of achieving popularity and wealth by watching peer bloggers monetize their channels.
  • Generation Z tends to actively spend their free time. because life experience is becoming the new social currency. Positive and bright emotions are something that will certainly involve representatives of the generation.
  • Values ​​are shifting further and further from material to intangible. Exclusive designer handbags are going out of fashion, but health care and natural products are making a comeback.

How to sell to Generation Z?

  • To engage the new generation, you need to use all available channels of communication, in particular - to be active in the digital environment. Generation Z does not know the world without digital technologies, so they use them intuitively.
  • Social media groups, mobile apps and brand websites should offer quality informative content, such as details of manufacturing processes. Generation Z advocates usefulness and openness, so these methods can win loyalty.
  • Emotional involvement, working with the imagination is the key to successful interaction with Generation Z.
  • On average, Gen Z users work with five devices, so it is important to create cross-platform advertising campaigns. If your site looks great on a laptop, but is completely unreadable on a phone, it will not inspire confidence.
  • Technology should become a natural part of the marketing process - virtual reality, augmented reality, multi-screen and cross-platform are becoming significant factors.

“Each generation has a goal in itself, carries justification and meaning in its own life, in the values ​​​​created by it and in its own spiritual upsurges, and not in the fact that it is a means and tool for subsequent generations ...” (Nikolai Berdyaev).

The worldview and values ​​of a person are influenced by the family, close environment, as well as the social and economic environment of the period in which he was born. Each next generation absorbs the values ​​of a new era, builds life in the direction corresponding to the modern rhythm of life, trends. We are not like our fathers and great-grandfathers in relation to life, we know how to use innovative gadgets and know what the essence of the Internet is.

The transformations of the world leave an imprint on each new generation: we become more relaxed, free, self-confident, we know a lot and have little need for things that were a priority for our ancestors. When several generations meet in the same office, the manager has to face an obvious problem. Managing older employees is absolutely incompatible with the methods that need to be applied in managing young workers.

Consider the situation. The company employs two employees. Vera is 35, she has a good position, to which she has been working for a long time, studying new technologies and adapting to changes. The young employee Artur is a newcomer, he is 20, but he is already showing good results and is confidently moving up the career ladder. A few years later, he occupies a position similar to Verina, does not slow down and moves on. Vera cannot understand why she spent so many years on the long-awaited position, while it took Arthur only two years?

Both employees live in the same world, but grew up in different ones. Their approach to work, accomplishment of tasks, search for effective methods for solving problems is fundamentally different. There are such employees in every company, and the older generation is significantly different from the younger one. This does not mean that some are good and others are bad. They are different, and each generation is smarter and stronger than the previous one.

Fathers and Sons: A Unique Theory

In the nineties of the last century, American scientists W. Strauss and N. Howe created a theory related to the problems of different generations. It was based on research of several generations, their values ​​and worldview. Scientists have suggested that people born in different eras differ from each other more significantly and deeper than the standard problem of misunderstanding "fathers and children." People of the same generation are united not only by the economic or social context. They have their own system of priorities and personal views on life, developed under the influence of many environmental factors of the era, and the change in these values ​​is periodically repeated.

The researchers conditionally divided people into categories according to their age and the period in which they were born, and identified the following generations:

  • Great ("heroes") - people born in the period from 1900 to 1923
  • Silent ("artists") - born from 1923 to 1943
  • Baby boomers ("wanderers") - 1943 ... 1963
  • Generation X ("prophets") - 1963 ... 1984
  • Generation Y ("heroes") - 1984 ... 2000
  • Generation Z ("artists") - early 2000
  • Generation Alpha - children born after 2003

What generations do Vera and Arthur belong to?

Vera is from the heroic Generation Y, while Arthur is from the progressive Generation Z. Until recently, older Generation Y included people born before the 2000s. However, professors and experts, having carried out a series of studies and observations, revealed an obvious imbalance and disproportionateness of the created "tree of generations". They are more inclined to believe that it is not entirely logical to unite modern twenty-year-olds and thirty-year-olds, since there are significant differences and contradictions between them, indicating the beginning of the formation of a new circle of social evolution.

Their perception of the world was influenced by the development of mobile and Internet technologies, the financial and economic crisis. Therefore, representatives of generation Z can be considered as children of generations X and even Y. It is quite logical that misunderstandings between Vera and Arthur arose due to their inequality of views, and the reason for this is the attitude towards different generations, even despite a small difference in age.
Each generation grew up in a period of certain economic and social circumstances that shaped its attitude towards money, work, luxury. Today, the labor market is dominated by representatives of the baby boomer generations, X and Y - they make up the lion's share of the workforce of any modern company. However, if representatives of Generation Y believe that only colleagues from their era will prevail in the state of the company, then this is not so. Representatives of Generation X and Baby Boomers are sure to meet them on the way, and in the form of managers, employees or clients.

Generation X: independence and self-confidence

People born in 1963-1984 went through an era of global political change and technological innovation. They are able to think alternatively, learn new things, adapt, choose. Most of them started working early, they know very well what difficulties, independence and survival are. Generation X values- workaholism, individualism, the ability to compete, the desire for professional growth, profitability, pragmatism.

This category of people has an excellent education, is aimed at achieving goals, and is able to solve complex problems. Generation X employees are the “golden” personnel group. These are energetic and responsible people who are ready to engage in constant self-education, actively developing their careers. They understand that learning new technologies and information is the key to their success.
For the company, Generation X employees are of significant value. They are not difficult to train and do not need to be retrained, they have a solid knowledge and experience base, are focused on achieving high results in their activities, and are actively introduced into the tasks of any company.

How to manage people of generation X?

Employees in this category will show a high level of labor efficiency if the company has the prospect of stability, professional growth and the right motivation. They will gladly accept the conditions of corporate training, because they know that they need to increase their competence in order to break through and survive in the face of a sudden crisis or a global problem.

Generation X employees need to be retained in the company and provided with strategic information to clarify the company's goals, involving them in management decisions regarding the development of the enterprise. They make up the most dynamic group of the company's personnel, but if they are not satisfied with motivational programs, they will look for a new job even during a crisis, increasing their material well-being no matter what. Employees of this age category know what difficulties are and are ready to overcome them, regardless of the circumstances.

Generation Y: freedom and aspiration

Modern Generation Y(birth period 1984...2000) - free and relaxed people, adapted to changes, sociable and positive. Their maturation took place during a period of powerful technological progress, they easily master computer control, communicate easily, and know what virtuality is. Generation Y values were formed under the influence of economic recovery, they are distinguished from their predecessors by high computer literacy, freedom of choice, broad interests, and, most importantly, the absence of a template approach to activities.

They find themselves in creativity, freelancing, are well versed in fashion trends, respect personal freedom and independence. They have good learning abilities, they choose large companies that are well-known in the market to work. These are good employees, easy-going: they quickly adapt to changes, participate in the corporate life of the company, they are more often sent on business trips and to field events.

Vera was born and grew up at a time when there was no Internet, but she knows how to use it perfectly. Her parents worked at a state enterprise, and built a career throughout their lives. Vera knows perfectly well what independence and diligence are, because “Without labor you cannot pull a fish out of a pond.” She studies everything new, not only because it is interesting to her, but with the aim of applying it in her activities.

Such people are aimed at building a fast and successful career: a long rise "from the bottom" to the "top" does not appeal to them. Generation Y employees want to rapidly grow professionally, receiving high fees right away. They can master several professions at the same time, study remotely and cover several streams of versatile information.

How to manage people of generation Y?

Employee Y will work actively if the enterprise has a clear and interesting corporate culture, the company's mission, values, and traditions of the enterprise are highlighted. Tasks must be set specifically and clearly, indicating the nuances of the task.

Consider examples:

The management sets the task: make a report on sales of mobile phones. Arthur's actions: he will "google" how to make a report, he will find several options, but he will not choose the right solution. He will do anything to take the burden off his shoulders. Job done poorly.
The correct version of the problem statement for Arthur: by Wednesday, you need a report on the sale of mobile phones for the past six months. Sveta has the sales data, Vlad has the calculation algorithm. The report is required for an urgent presentation. This is important and urgent. You will give the work to Tanya for verification.
Such a detailed version is acceptable for Arthur. He will make it according to the instructions, and thanks to the Web he will find some kind of creative design and apply it in his work. The task was excellently done.
The leadership sets a similar task for Vera. She diligently searches for sources, forms a report, as she was taught. The report turns out to be dry and standard - there is no creativity and freedom, a successful presentation. Faith redoes several times. With a "creak" the report was accepted. How can Vera help? To the diligence developed by diligent years of study, you just need to add freedom and creativity - the qualities that Arthur has. Moreover, unlike him, Vera does not need to carefully describe each action: with her characteristic speed of perceiving information, she will easily complete a difficult task, and a non-standard approach and interesting “free” thoughts will help bring the project to perfection.

Generation Z: our future is in your hands

Generation Z has already been born into the digital world. They cannot imagine themselves without a mobile phone or modern gadgets, they already know and can do a lot. This is a rapidly maturing generation, growing at a rapid pace, children are geniuses. They are brought up on information technologies, quickly process information and are guided in innovative developments. A child of 5-6 years old can already use the Internet independently, performs several tasks at the same time.

Artur grew up in the digital era. He does not use a landline phone, he draws any information from the Internet, does not write by hand and does not know how the cassette and pencil are connected. He is free to choose: if he does not like the job, he will not tolerate it, but simply quit and find another. Artur is superbly versed in the vastness of the network, covers a huge amount of information and knows how to apply it in everyday life.

People born in the period 2003 and beyond are still very young to show their talents and professional power. Technologies and values ​​are changing rapidly, and it is still difficult to say what will be their priority and what will be the next generation of employees. According to research by Millennial Branding, generation Z values will be reduced to free communication, perception of the world with enthusiasm. The predominant qualities of this generation will be the desire for constant learning and self-education, creativity. It is assumed that the growing generation will be interested in innovative technologies and science, biomedicine, art, robotics.

How to manage people of generation Z?

The main directions of the company, in which the children of the new era will work, will be innovative activities, in the foreground - the encouragement of creativity, freedom, and a non-standard approach to completing tasks. Their main motivation is the opportunity to work on important and interesting projects, such as developing a new vaccine or creating unique technologies to solve global problems.

In the last webinar by Vladimir Tarasov, a question was asked from a listener: What skills need to be applied in managing the new young generation Z? . commented on the issue like this:

“All leaders have definitely encountered the fact that Generation Z workers have such a concept as "want", but there is no concept necessary". It is impossible to work with them through the “must”, but only through the “want”. While the old (in terms of mentality) cadres are used to the fact that workers know “necessary”. What do young people want? They want to have fun, travel, and make a career that “wouldn’t hurt.”

How to manage them correctly?

1. provide good career line, which should be combined with a horizontal career, and not just in terms of finances. Work should be interesting: it can be entertaining projects, a large area of ​​responsibility;
2. in the future they should have the ability to travel. For example, business trips or training in another country;
3. Another important motive is people Generation Z wants to be a person, something different (not for yourself, but for others). It is important to give them the opportunity to be unique, and for others to see it. For example, quote their statements, indicate authorship. If we do all this, they feel very good. If they do not fall into such conditions, they begin to show their personality in a different way: tattoos, piercings, etc. ... "

What generation Z will be like also depends on what base we will form today, what knowledge and skills we will transfer to them. Of course, they will also question our principles, just as we did not accept and did not understand the priorities of our ancestors. However, I would like to hope that it is they who will make our world a better place and create all the conditions for the prosperity and life of our beautiful planet.

In Russia, there is a lot of talk about Generation Y - people who were born between 1981 and 1995. Who they are, what they love, how to please them - all because millennials in modern Russia are a key audience for the e-commerce sphere: there are many of them, they are solvent and active on the network.

In developed countries, generation Z is gradually coming to the fore, and they are already beginning to adapt their strategies to them. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the e-commerce market in the United States is developing more rapidly, and secondly, due to historical and economic features in Russia, the gradation of generations has been shifted by several years. Many Western trends resonate with us (often with a delay of 3-5 years), so it is important to understand where we will be relatively soon and what to do about it.

To begin with, a little theory: according to the American classification, there are 4 main generations in the world that are significant for the e-commerce sphere:

baby boomers- those who were born immediately after the war. They are characterized by optimism, interest in personal growth, a worthy reward for their work, at the same time collectivism and team spirit. Boomers are now gradually mastering the Internet (including Russian ones: in 2017, the number of Runet users reached 90 million people, which is 73% of the population of the Russian Federation), but they are not doing it so intensively as to be of wide interest to e-commerce representatives.

Generation X- people who appeared during the decline in the birth rate, after the population boom. They are ready for change, appreciate the opportunity to choose, strive to learn throughout their lives. They rely primarily on themselves and believe in gender equality. "X" - the last witnesses of the world before digital technologies and the only ones who can fully appreciate how it was "before" and how it became "after". According to research, they mostly trust traditional media: 62% read newspapers, 48% listen to the radio and 85% watch their favorite TV shows. People of this generation are not fanatical Internet users, so, like baby boomers, they are not the target audience of online retailers.

Generation Y, also known as, differ markedly from their parents in high self-esteem, digital literacy and unwillingness to work as hard as previous generations. In Russia, it refers to those who were born from 1985 to 2000 in the new socio-economic conditions and grew up, watching perestroika and the collapse of the USSR. In the USA, this generation includes people born in 1981-1995, as they rely on a sharp rise in the birth rate that began in 1982 - that is why retailers in Russia are still focusing on generation Y. While in the States they are already actively working with Generation Z, or post-millennials.

Generation Z have not seen a world without the Internet, it is normal for them to be online 24/7. They do not think at all about the fate of their homeland and have much more in common with their friends than with the citizens of their country. Often irresponsible and subject to fashion trends. In 2017, 74 million post-millennials were born in the United States, now generation Z makes up 23% of the total US population.

What is Generation Z?

We conducted a study of representatives of generation Z around the world to find out: who are they, what do they need and how to make them fall in love with you?

  • Involved

Technology has evolved along with the post-millennials, so this generation is characterized by a deep immersion in the digital space. With the help of smartphones, they explore the world and will not think about buying until they consult with their friends. The Zetas in the States spend more time online on mobile than all other generations.

  • Curious

Although Gen Z sees their smartphone as a remote control, tactile sensations and personal experience are important to them, and so far online shopping has not completely satisfied their thirst for knowledge.

  • Convinced

Their life principles are instilled in social authorities (the inner circle, bloggers, public figures) and are unshakable - this, of course, is a minus for retailers. But! Now in America, the Zetas are just entering the maturation stage: soon they will be able to manage their own money and therefore are open to new brands and brands - this is a plus.

What factors are important for buyers when shopping online

The Zetas value the opportunity to get to know the product in person, which is why they are comfortable with webrooming: the opportunity to first study all the available information on the Internet, and then buy the product in a physical store - according to our research, 34% of respondents prefer this mechanic. 23% regularly do the opposite: they see a thing in a store and buy it online. Interestingly, the “click&collect” format currently developing in Russia (ordered online, picked up at the pickup point) is not so close to post-millennials around the world: only 34% of them regularly use this service.

Mobile communication largely determines the life of post-millennials around the world, they spend a large proportion of their time in social networks: 49% log in several times a day, almost the same number actively (43%) use Snapchat, which is still not at all popular in Russia. The Zetas spend 42 hours a week streaming video and are generally attracted to any video format.

Their relationship with retail? It's Complicated

The Zetas admit that the modern realities of e-commerce do not satisfy them: 45% say that it is difficult for them to find a product they like online, 43% say that it is not so comfortable for them to buy on the Internet. In general, generation Z can be called the most dissatisfied generation of all. What can retailers do to engage post-millennials and increase their sense of satisfaction?

Don't forget about offline

Despite the title of "digital generation", post-millennials are ready to interact with the world without the use of various devices, because they are young and mobile. Therefore, the presence in physical stores will help increase the credibility of the brand and provide an opportunity to examine the product in person. 71% of the world's Zetas say they enjoy shopping to see what's on trend, and 80% like to visit new outlets. At the same time, the unusual design of the premises and the uniqueness of the presented goods are extremely important for them.

Number of post-millennials using social media multiple times a day

Example 1 Sephora has found a way to diversify the shopping experience in offline stores by installing touch screens that help with the selection of cosmetics. As part of the master classes, clients can do free makeup from stylists, and using screens, test various foundations, concealers, perfumes and much more without having to open numerous jars. So the beauty retailer leaves an expert assistant in the store, but optimizes the choice from a variety of products.

Example 2 The BUTIK online store, looking for channels to attract a new audience, decided to figure out what drives their customers who choose offline or online shopping, what are the points of their “digital intersection”. With the help of our technologies, the retailer was able to analyze customer data from the Internet and set up personalized targeting. As a result, the conversion increased by 27%.

And about online

Virtual space is the natural habitat of post-millennials. Get the full picture with a website with quality photos and product descriptions, optimized for smartphone, mobile app and social media presence. Generation Z should know that the brand is on the same wavelength with them.

Average number of hours per week spent across generations watching video content

Example. Maybelline used an interesting technique to engage in online shopping: to personalize online communication with customers, the beauty giant launched an application that allows you to virtually apply makeup. The face is scanned, analyzed according to more than 60 characteristics, and then the retailer offers products that will allow you to create a similar look in reality.

Work for individuality

The Zetas love the personalized approach. Take a step forward by analyzing customer information and recommending the right product: 36% of post-millennials consider recommendations necessary. One of the UK's top retailers, clothing retailer New Look, after analyzing big data and personalizing recommendations for its products, received 4 times more orders, reducing the cost of customer acquisition by 74%.

How post-millennials buy

To attract them, the products must be presented in the window in the best possible way - ideally, they should be presented in a limited collection. For the Zetas, the design of a store is often the deciding factor for visiting a store. So, customized fairs, which take place in unusual places, markets, stylized retail zones, where “zetas” get the opportunity to pick up a handmade item for themselves, are becoming a new word in retail. Also, the results of our study suggest that the Zetas are the most tactile of all generations, it is extremely important for them to feel the product by touch.

At first glance, Generation Z may seem like children whose purchases depend on the opinions of their parents. However, this will not always be the case. Very soon, Russian post-millennials will start earning money and making decisions on their own. It is important to start understanding the intricacies of this generation now so that in 3-5 years we can offer them an optimal shopping experience. Well, don't forget that already now the older generation consults with their children when choosing gadgets and equipment - so it's time for IT retailers to focus on the "zetas".

Generation - a group of people who were born in a certain period of time and experienced the same influences of the same upbringing and events, have similar values. We do not notice all these factors that act inconspicuously, but they determine our behavior in many respects: how we build teams and resolve conflicts, communicate, develop, how and what we buy, how we set goals, what motivates us.

Sociologists distinguish generation X, Y and Z. After reading this article, you will find out which people should be attributed to one or another of them, as well as what are the characteristics of each of these groups. Of course, only very conditionally it is possible to single out generations X, Y, Z. However, each of them has its own characteristic features, in which they differ from each other. The XYZ generation theory is becoming very popular today. We invite readers to get to know her. Let's start with the oldest group, which is distinguished by the theory of generations.

Generation X

These are people born between 1965 and 1982. The term itself was proposed by Jane Deverson, a British researcher, as well as Charles Hamblett, a Hollywood reporter. The writer fixed it in his work Events that influenced - "Desert Storm", the Afghan war, the beginning of the era of computers, the First Chechen war. Sometimes people born in these years are already referred to generation Y, and sometimes to Z (although the latter were not in the project either). The letter X sometimes combines generation Y and Z.

Features of representatives of generation X

People X in the United States are usually those who were born during the period of the post-population decline in the birth rate. In 1964, Jane Deverson conducted a study focused on British youth. It revealed that people belonging to this group are not religious, enter into intimate relationships before marriage, do not respect their parents, do not love the queen, and do not change their surname after marriage. Womans Own magazine declined to publish the results. Then Deverson went to Hollywood in order to publish a book with Charles Hamblett. He came up with the name "Generation X". Douglas Copeland, a Canadian writer, appreciated this spectacular title. In his book, he fixed it. Copeland's work focuses on the anxieties and fears of people who were born between 1960 and 1965.

Generation Y

Different people can be attributed to this generation, if you rely on different sources. Some argue that this is everyone born since the early 1980s. Others believe that the border should be drawn from 1983 to the end of the 1990s. And some also capture the early 2000s. Another option (perhaps the most convincing) is from 1983 to the late 1990s.

It should be noted that for this reason, 2 people who were born with a difference of only 1-3 years can be attributed to different generations. More like the truth is that even two people born on the same day can belong to different generations. It depends on the cultural context, growing up environment, technological, educational and social opportunities of these people.

Generation Y traits

The term "Generation Y" was coined by a magazine called Advertising Age. The formation of the worldview of its representatives is believed to have been influenced by the collapse of the USSR, perestroika, terrorism, the dashing 90s, wars (in Chechnya, Iraq, etc.), the international financial crisis, unemployment and rising housing costs, pop culture, television, video hosting and torrent trackers, the development of the Internet and mobile communications, social networks, computer technology, video games, meme and flash mob culture, the evolution of devices, online communication, etc.

The main thing that can characterize this generation is its involvement in digital technologies, as well as the philosophical paradigm of the millennium (new millennium). In addition, it is characterized by a new round of division into conservative and liberal views. Perhaps the most important is the desire to delay the transition of its representatives into adulthood, which is actually the concept of eternal youth (not without depressive interludes).

Today in sociology there is an acute question of what should be considered adulthood. Larry Nelson suggested that generation Y, because of the negative example of their predecessors, are in no hurry to take on the obligations of adulthood. On the one hand, this is true and logical. However, on the other hand, this does not take into account the fact that Y people already have different brains. Evgenia Shamis suggested that generation Y does not and cannot have heroes, but there are idols, and later representatives of this generation will become heroes for new ones. Also, people belonging to Y have a special attitude towards corporate culture. They expect benefits and results from work, prefer a flexible schedule, strive to adjust working conditions to fit their lives, etc. They realized that life is diverse and beautiful, and hierarchy is a convention.

Generation Z

Until recently, Generation Y also included people who were born before the early 2000s. And only now, after a series of studies, many university journalists and professors, realizing the discordance of the "tree of generations", began to understand that it is incorrect to combine today's twenty and thirty-year-olds into one group, since significant differences between them are visible.

Generation Z - people who were born in the early 1990s and in the 2000s. It is believed that their social and philosophical outlook was influenced by the global economic crisis, the development of mobile technologies, Web 2.0. Its representatives are considered children of generation X, and sometimes Y.

The fundamental property of the new generation

The fundamental property of the new generation is that it has high technology in its blood. It treats them on a completely different level than even representatives of Y. This generation was born in the era of postmodernism and globalization. It accumulated features of predecessors close in time, as well as features that we already feel, but are not yet able to articulate precisely. It will be easier for us to do this in 10-20 years. However, the "building material" is the denial of hierarchy, arrogance, narcissism and selfishness.

Possible Scenarios for Generation Z

It is still not easy to look beyond the horizon in order to understand why these qualities are needed for human evolution. It is likely that they will begin to serve something that is not fully understood even by today's thirty-year-olds. One can only tentatively assume at the present time that, having recovered from illnesses, this generation accused of narcissism and selfishness will take steps towards a balanced lifestyle of the future. It is characterized by work for social benefit and creative pleasure, the creation of a family out of personal feelings, and not because being alone is considered indecent in society, the decision to have a child not in order to avoid loneliness in old age, but in order to convey life values ​​to him. For generation Z, negative scenarios are also possible.

Much can only be clarified by time. After all, the oldest representatives of this generation were barely 18 years old. However, they are already infamous. Marketing companies and the media announced that this generation is "screen-dependent" and their attention span is very poor. The salvation of the world and the need to correct the mistakes of the past are also thrown on their shoulders.

Note that the theory of generations often does not have sufficient scientific accuracy, and research in this area is a confusing process. This also applies to recent scientific articles. Many recent studies focusing on the theory of generations are full of stereotypes and prejudices. Generation Z doesn't deserve to be treated so unfairly. Already now, this group makes up about a quarter of the population, and by 2020, about 40% of consumers will fall on it. Therefore, it is extremely important for companies to understand this generation.

"Eight Second Filters"

If recent research is to be believed, it can be noted that generation Z has reduced attention span to 8 seconds. They cannot focus on anything for a longer time. However, it would be more correct to speak, rather, about "eight-second filters". Representatives of this generation grew up in a world where the possibilities are simply endless, but there is not enough time for everything. That is why they have adapted to the need to evaluate and sift through huge amounts of information very quickly. In mobile apps and the web, they rely on sections and tabs for the most recent and trending content.

Follow the Curators

Representatives of this generation follow the curators. They trust them, trying to figure out where the most relevant information and the best entertainment is located. All of these tools are essential to Generation Z in order to reduce the potential choice from a multitude of options.

However, if this group finds something worthy of their attention, its representatives can become dedicated and very focused. The Internet in their era allowed to study any topic deeply and learn a lot from like-minded people.

This generation's radar is set to find what's worth their time. In order to win their attention and overcome these filters, you need to provide experiences that are immediately beneficial and highly entertaining.

Social interactions

Generation Z is often portrayed in the media as a group of socially inept netizens. Older people cannot understand why young people spend so much time online. However, in reality, this generation is under enormous pressure: they need to be able to manage both professional and in order to be able to fit into reality and stand out at the same time.

Influence of social media

Generation Z on a personal level strives to be immediately accepted and approved through social media. It is here that important conversations take place, where their peers are. With the help of social media, they manage multiple identities in order to be able to satisfy each of the audiences, as well as reduce the risk of conflict.

Generation Z, on a professional level, is very attentive to the negative stereotypes that plague Generation Y. They strive to stand out by being able to survive and work hard offline.

Gen Z is caught between two forces: they need social media to build their personal brands, but they don't want social media to define who they really are. Those who belong to generation Z strive for the approval of society, but do not want to be differentiated in the sense of the profession.

Entrepreneurial spirit

Generation Z has also been dubbed the "entrepreneurial generation" by the media. This emphasizes the desire of their representatives to build their startups, and not be immersed in a corporate routine. Although this generation values ​​self-employment, many people in the Z group tend to be risk-averse. They are pragmatic and practical. The entrepreneurial spirit allegedly inherent in them is more a kind of survival mechanism than an idealistic pursuit of wealth or status.

While Generation Y has often been criticized for not being focused enough, Generation Z wants to plan for the long haul. Parents belonging to X (individualists who rely on themselves) strongly influenced them. They want to avoid the mistakes made by their Y predecessors.

In order to get rid of their inherent anxiety, they want to find work in growing areas that are not very actively automated: medicine, education, sales, etc. In doing so, they develop fallback options in order to apply them if the labor market will change quickly.

The truth is in the middle

Society tends to either criticize youth for doing things differently or romanticize it. However, in reality, the Zorro generation (Z) is somewhere in the middle. Its representatives are faced with problems that arise at a certain stage of life for everyone: separation from parents, the beginning of a career, the formation of a personal identity. However, they have to do it in a fast paced technological age.

So, you briefly got acquainted with such an interesting topic as the theory of generations. In Russia, it was adapted in 2003-2004. a team led by Evgenia Shamis. This theory itself originated in the United States. William Strauss and Neil Howe are considered to be its authors. In 1991, the Howe-Strauss theory of generations was created.