
Tolstoy's main idea of ​​war and peace briefly. War and peace discussion of the novel. Artistic originality of the novel

L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910). Brief biographical information

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in the estate Yasnaya Polyana. Both maternal and paternal, he belonged to to the ancient aristocracy. The future writer lost his parents early. He was educated at home, then studied at Kazan University, first at the oriental faculty, then at the law faculty. Young Tolstoy was keenly interested in philosophy, especially fond of writings J.-J. Rousseau, his idea of ​​"natural man".

Tolstoy left the university without graduating. The future writer really wanted to test his strength in different fields. Tolstoy was unusually different active nature. He tried to carry out transformations in Yasnaya Polyana; he entered the civil service, then left it.

The constant search for the meaning of life is a trait inherent not only in Tolstoy's heroes, but also in the writer himself. Since 1847 and till the end of one's days Tolstoy led diary, which became creative laboratory writer.

For two years (1851-1852) Tolstoy lived in the Caucasus, where his older brother Nikolai served. Writer was a participant in the Caucasian war- first as a volunteer, then was promoted to officer.

In the Caucasus, Tolstoy wrote a story "Childhood" (1852) which was published in "Contemporary" and immediately became an event of literary life. The main thing in this story is the writer's interest in the inner world of man. Later, Tolstoy will create two more autobiographical novels - Boyhood and Youth.

In 1854 Tolstoy went to the Danube army. Since the beginning of the Crimean War, he has been in Sevastopol. Tolstoy was participant in the defense of Sevastopol. The writer's army impressions were reflected in the stories "The Raid" (1852), "Cutting the Forest" (1855), "Sevastopol in the month of December", "Sevastopol in May", "Sevastopol in August" (1855). The truth about the war, about its horrors is the main content of essays about Sevastopol. In them, Tolstoy showed the patriotism and heroism of ordinary soldiers. It goes back to the Sevastopol essays heroic theme of the people, which received further development in War and Peace.

Since 1855, Tolstoy has lived in St. Petersburg, where he became close to writers - employees of the Sovremennik magazine. Tolstoy writes stories, essays, creates novel "Family Happiness" (1859)- development experience "family thoughts". The writer's interest in folk theme expressed in the story "Cossacks" (1863), where Tolstoy comprehends the idea of ​​"natural man". The life of ordinary Cossacks, close to nature, is opposed to secular life.

At the turn of the 1860s, Tolstoy lived in the countryside. He devotes a lot of energy to the school for peasant children. In 1862 Tolstoy marries Sofia Andreevna Bers. Tolstoy had large family, eight children.

The era of the 1860s is a turning point in the history of Russia. Tolstoy tries to comprehend the contradictions of contemporary life through an appeal to history. Hence the idea of ​​the novel "The Decembrists" and the beginning of work on it. Interest in the fate of the Decembrist who returned from exile served as an impetus for the creation of the epic novel War and Peace.

The main idea of ​​"War and Peace" is the spiritual unity of people. In the war of 1812, Tolstoy saw an example of the unity of the Russian people in the fight against a foreign enemy.

Tolstoy inexorably faced the problem: is such a unity possible in modern times? The central work of the 1870s is Anna Karenina- gives a negative answer to this question. "Anna Karenina" - a piece about crumbling human ties about the disunity of people.

Late 1870s in the spiritual evolution of Tolstoy occurs fracture. If before the fracture Tolstoy stood on the positions of the patriarchal nobility, believed in the possibility of agreement between the nobility and the peasantry, now the writer was disappointed in these illusions. Tolstoy becomes on the position of the patriarchal peasantry. The writer's work acquires accusatory character. He opposes private property, the autocratic state, church foundations. Tolstoy's rejection of the Orthodox dogma eventually leads to conflict with church authorities.

The most famous works of art by Tolstoy of the late period of creativity are the novel "Resurrection" (1899), the story "Hadji Murad" (1904).

"War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy as an artistic whole. The main themes, problems and ideas of the novel

"War and Peace" is a work written by in the 1860s. It was the writer's lively response to the problems of his contemporary era.

However, Tolstoy comprehends the actual problems through the lens of history. Hence the meaning themes of the war of 1812, the heroic theme of the people. No less important in the novel and nobility theme. Covering these topics, Tolstoy draws a broad picture of life in Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century.

At the same time, “War and Peace” is a work philosophical. They occupy a large place in it universal problems. Here the writer embodied his ideas about the world, about man , about the meaning of life, about faith in God and about unbelief.

Reflecting on these problems, Tolstoy showed many spheres, "worlds" in which people live.

It is original, unique the world of the individual; it family, estate, nation; it the world of all people living on earth; finally it nature in her independent existence.

With all the significance of each of these "worlds", the reader is given the author's perception of life as a whole- a brilliant gift of Tolstoy the artist.

Closeness to nature, naturalness this or that character or life phenomenon, as a rule, causes a positive assessment of the author. Here, undoubtedly, the influence on Tolstoy of the idea of ​​the “natural man” J.-J. Rousseau.

Tolstoy sympathizes with his "natural" characters. No wonder the favorite heroine of the writer is Natasha Rostova. In it, “real life” (Tolstoy’s expression), naturalness, love of life, a sense of the joy of being are expressed more fully than in any other character. Almost always natural characters representing the common people. A striking example is Platon Karataev.

On the contrary, the faces from the highest St. Petersburg society are unnatural; they are distinguished by falsehood, hypocrisy.

However, naturalness is not some kind of absolute moral criterion for Tolstoy. For example, Anatole Kuragin is quite natural in his passion for Natasha. Nevertheless, such “naturalness” destroys the lives of other people, entails misfortunes and suffering.

Tolstoy's favorite heroes live simultaneously in many "worlds": in the world of family, class; they feel their belonging to all mankind, their unity with nature.

Finding the meaning of life heroes of Tolstoy is, first of all, a process their comprehension of spiritual connections with other people. At the same time this and overcoming individualism, isolation within one's own "I", the path of knowledge true love for God and neighbor.

So, Andrei Bolkonsky initially wanted to win the love of other people through power over them. He wanted to become a great military leader like Napoleon. However, after being wounded at Austerlitz, he realized the vanity of his dream. The hero comprehends the true connection with other people during the war of 1812, uniting in the defense of the motherland with all the people. And already before his death, an all-forgiving love for people reigned in the soul of Andrei Bolkonsky, he was reconciled with God.

Pierre Bezukhov also comes to spiritual unity with the people and true faith in God. This was greatly facilitated by the trials he experienced during the war, the hardships of being in captivity, communication with ordinary soldiers, with Platon Karataev.

Tolstoy believed that spiritual ties between people are superior to all other ties. It was in the spiritual unity of the Russian people that Tolstoy saw the way to overcome the contradictions of his contemporary life, to a better future for the Russian people. In this idea of ​​his, Tolstoy was close to Dostoevsky.

Like Dostoevsky, Tolstoy believed that the path to harmony with other people, with the world is unthinkable without faith in God. It is no coincidence that Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov go through a painful path from unbelief to faith in their searches.

Meanwhile, Dostoevsky, affirming in his work the ideal of the spiritual unity of the Russian people in the Orthodox faith, understood that in earthly life this ideal can only be partially embodied - for example, in the exploits of the righteous: Dostoevsky was far from social illusions.

The active nature of Tolstoy was looking for an ideal in reality. It was important for Tolstoy to show a concrete historical case in which the unity of the Russian people was manifested. Such a thing has become war of 1812. In the patriotic feat of the Russian people, Tolstoy saw a historical example of the spiritual unity of the nation.

Let's draw conclusions. In the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy, covering many spheres of human existence, covering the most important events of Russian history in the first quarter of the 19th century, primarily the events of the war of 1812, expressed the two main ideas of his work - the idea of ​​the natural existence of man and the idea of ​​the spiritual unity of Russian people .

"People's Thought"

"War and Peace" is a work of the 1860s. This is a turning point in the history of Russia, in the life of the peasantry, the nobility, other classes - the entire Russian nation. Not by chance the theme of the people became one of the central ones in the literature of the 1860s. A.N. Ostrovsky recreates the “resolute folk character” in the drama “Thunderstorm”. The heroes of I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” are arguing about the Russian people. N.A. Nekrasov creates a whole epic of peasant life (“Who should live well in Russia”). F.M. Dostoevsky in his novel "Crime and Punishment" focuses on the spiritual foundations of folk life.

The originality of Tolstoy's approach is in understanding the topic people through history. It is no coincidence that Tolstoy emphasized that in "War and Peace" he "I loved the thought of the people as a result of the war of 1812."

The people in the novel "War and Peace" are peasantry, and the nation as a whole. The people are and spiritual category. The people appear in the work as the bearer of moral values. So attitude towards the people is the most important criterion for evaluating a person at Tolstoy. For example, Natasha Rostova is intuitively close to the people. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov go through a painful path to the people. Representatives of the highest Petersburg society are infinitely far from the people, hostile to them.

Connected with the theme of the people genre originality works of Tolstoy. "War and Peace" develops from a novel into an epic novel primarily thanks to the heroic theme of the people.

In the epic novel, the story of historical events becomes the basis for conjugation of numerous storylines reflecting the fate of families, the personal fate of the characters.

In addition, extensive philosophical digressions acquire special significance in the epic novel, where the reader finds the author's understanding of the role of the masses and the individual in history, other historical, philosophical and moral issues.

In Tolstoy's understanding of the theme of the people, several aspects can be distinguished. This historical and philosophicalaspect: writer explores the question of the role of the masses and the individual in history. This specific historical aspect: Tolstoy depicts people in the war of 1805-1807, in Patriotic war 1812, as well as in everyday, peaceful life. This and moral aspect: the writer reveals spiritual values,carrier which is people.

The role of the masses and personality in history. Images of Kutuzov and Napoleon and their ideological and artistic significance 1

In all his work, Tolstoy asserts important role of the masses in history. At the same time, the writer takes very minor role of personality in historical events. The reason for this approach is fatalism Tolstoy. In the third volume of War and Peace (Part One, Chapter One), Tolstoy writes: “Man consciously lives for himself, but serves as an unconscious instrument for achieving historical, universal goals.<…>The higher a person stands on the social ladder, the more he is connected with great people, the more power he has over other people, the more obvious the predestination and inevitability of his every act. "The heart of the king is in the hand of God." The king is a slave of history».

In addition, Tolstoy introduces moral criterion evaluation of the activities of historical persons.

The question of the role of the individual in history, as well as the problem of the moral assessment of historical figures, Tolstoy comprehends on the example Kutuzov and Napoleon. Tolstoy believes that the commander in all his actions is forced to obey historical necessity. However, he or acting blind, or becomes conscious conductor of historical necessity.

Kutuzov it is given to understand the meaning of historical events due to the fact that it close to the people, feels the "spirit of the army." Tolstoy writes about Kutuzov: "He alone, contrary to the opinion of everyone, could guess so correctly the meaning of the people's meaning of the event."

The first episode of the epic, where Kutuzov is depicted, - view at Braunau. Tolstoy emphasizes closeness of the commander to the soldiers. Kutuzov is easy to handle; he sincerely sympathizes with tired, weary warriors.

Blessing Bagration for a feat in the battle of Shengraben, Kutuzov reveals such traits of his personality as deep faith in God and love for a comrade in arms. Here is how Tolstoy describes this episode: “Well, prince, goodbye,” he said to Bagration. “Christ is with you. I bless you for a great feat."<…>He pulled Bagration to himself with his left hand, and with his right hand, on which there was a ring, crossed him with an apparently habitual gesture.

In the scene of the military council before the Battle of Austerlitz Kutuzov is opposed to Emperor Alexander and the Austrian generals. Comparing Kutuzov with Weyrother, Tolstoy emphasizes such features of the Russian commander as simplicity and naturalness contrary to the conventions of court etiquette. Kutuzov, with his characteristic wisdom and foresight, understands that the battle of Austerlitz will be lost, and submits to the will of God.

Spiritual unity of the commander with ordinary soldiers pronounced in the episode prayer service to the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God on the eve of the Battle of Borodino. During the battle itself, Kutuzov, clearly understanding the historical and moral meaning of this event, realized that the main force in the battle with the enemy is army spirit. He "watched this power and directed it, as far as it was in his power."

Napoleon in the image of Tolstoy becomes the embodiment extreme individualism, selfishness, inhumanity. He is solely concerned with himself. Because of this, Napoleon does not understand either the meaning of the war he is waging against Russia, or the reasons for the inspiration of the Russians during the Battle of Borodino. The Moral Blindness of Napoleon, according to Tolstoy, becomes reason for his limitations as a commander.

For the first time Tolstoy shows us Napoleon on the field of Austerlitz. Napoleon, who was a hero in the eyes of Andrei Bolkonsky, now appeared before him in everything insignificance its imaginary greatness.

Episode Polish Lancers crossing the Viliya River reveals such a feature of Napoleon as contempt for subjects. He indifferently watches the death of the Polish lancers, who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the emperor.

In the scene of Napoleon's meeting with Balashov, everything confirms the insignificance of the "great" commander: his appearance, his manners, and his speech. “The whole purpose of his speech,” writes Tolstoy, “was only to exalt himself and offend Alexander.”

On the eve of the Battle of Borodino, Napoleon poses in front of a portrait of his son, takes the form of "thoughtful tenderness." He is sure that his every word, every gesture will go down in history.

During the Battle of Borodino, Napoleon cannot understand the reasons for the impotence of the French in a fight with Russian troops.

The writer sharply criticized those historians who justified the actions of Napoleon. Tolstoy wrote: “For us, with the measure of good and bad given to us by Christ, there is nothing immeasurable. AND there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth».

About Kutuzov Tolstoy writes that this "a simple, modest and therefore truly majestic figure".

In this way, moral criterion in assessing the activities of historical figures becomes decisive for Tolstoy. According to the writer, Napoleon's individualism deprives him of historical insight and the talent of a great commander. Make an outstanding commander Kutuzov his high spirituality, closeness to the people.

Depiction of the War of 1812 and prior historical events

Patriotic War of 1812, fair war, liberation war, Tolstoy contrasts the war of 1805–1807, whose goals were alien to the Russian people. The attitude of the soldiers to this war is transmitted through the position of Kutuzov. Its task is to save people from senseless death, to alleviate their plight. However, already in the depiction of the events of the war of 1805, it begins to sound heroic theme of the people.

A particularly striking example of the heroism of the Russian army is Battle of Shengraben. In an effort to save the army from defeat, Kutuzov sends a detachment of four thousand Bagration to detain the enemy, who was eight times stronger, and enable the Russian troops to unite. Kutuzov blesses Bagration for a great feat.

The motive of an incredible feat, familiar to us from the works of the ancient Russian military epic, is embodied by Tolstoy in the scenes of the Shengraben battle. Tolstoy shows how this feat was accomplished: in the attack of the sixth chasseur regiment, in the attack of Timokhin's company, in the actions of Tushin's battery.

Noting the personal courage of Bagration, Andrei Bolkonsky, Tolstoy emphasizes that battle heroes primarily simple soldiers.

In the image of the Shengraben and Austrellitsky battles, we observe the principle antitheses. In scenes battle of austerlitz and the episodes preceding it are dominated by accusatory motives. The writer reveals anti-national nature of the war, shows criminal ignorance of command. It is no coincidence that Kutuzov was essentially removed from decision-making. With pain in his heart, the commander realized the inevitability of the defeat of the Russian army.

Despite the accusatory motives in the depiction of the Battle of Austerlitz, its climax is heroic. The heroic motif is especially pronounced in feat of Andrei Bolkonsky who led the attack with a banner in his hands. Tolstoy shows that the defeat at Austerlitz was a disgrace to the Russian-Austrian generals, but it was not a shame to ordinary Russian soldiers.

In picture wars of 1812 the central place is occupied by the Battle of Borodino. The story about him is preceded by some episodes that are important for understanding the "people's thought" in Tolstoy's novel.

In the story about leaving Smolensk close-up shown trader Ferapontov, who gives all his supplies to the retreating soldiers so that the enemy does not get anything.

In contrast to the Smolensk episode, Tolstoy draws scenes of Petersburg life- salons of Helen Bezukhova and Anna Pavlovna Scherer. The hypocritical attitude of court circles towards Kutuzov is a striking detail in the characterization of high society.

Story about patriotic impulse of Muscovites shaded a satirical description of a secular evening at Julie Drubetskaya where French speakers were punished with fines.

The chapters on the battle of Borodino are climax narratives about historical events in Tolstoy's epic. At the same time this and peak moment in spiritual quest Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov.

In the story about the Battle of Borodino, the reader is fully revealed feat of ordinary soldiers, is revealed the true greatness of Kutuzov as a commander.

The story of the Battle of Borodino is preceded by historical and philosophical digression containing the author's reflections on the meaning and significance of this event. Tolstoy emphasizes that the battle took place by the will of providence, and not at the arbitrariness of Kutuzov or Napoleon.

Most of the events of the Battle of Borodino are given in the perception of Pierre Bezukhov.

On the eve of the battle, Pierre meets cavalry regiment with songbooks ahead. In a cheerful soldier's song, the enthusiasm of the soldiers before the battle is conveyed. The general mood of the Russian troops on the eve of the battle is reflected in the words of a wounded soldier who says to Pierre: "All the people want to pile on, one word - Moscow." Pierre also watches militias having fun working on a huge mound. The sight of ordinary soldiers preparing for battle had a strong effect on Pierre.

An important episode on the eve of the battle - prayer service to the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. Close-up showing Kutuzov, humbly kneeling before the icon and kissing the image of the Virgin. Deep faith in God makes Kutuzov related to the people, testifying to the spiritual unity of the commander with ordinary soldiers.

Kutuzov and Napoleon depicted according to antitheses. It is no coincidence that Napoleon is shown before the battle in a completely different way than Kutuzov. Napoleon posing in front of a portrait of his son, takes the form of thoughtful tenderness. He is sure that his every word, every gesture will go down in history.

On the eve of the battle Pierre meets Andrei Bolkonsky. Andrei tells him that the success of the battle does not depend on the balance of forces of the opponents, but on the feeling that is in Andrei himself, in Timokhin, in every soldier, that is, on the spirit of the army. Andrei Bolkonsky declares: “Tomorrow, no matter what, we will win the battle!” Pierre felt "hidden warmth of patriotism", which was present in each participant in the battle.

Andrei and Pierre are opposed Boris Drubetskoy and Berg- military careerists, whose main goal is to curry favor with the authorities, to receive awards.

The tale of the decisive day of the battle opens majestic landscape. Pierre is delighted with the beauty of the spectacle. Bright light, purity of the morning air, lightning reflections on the water and on the bayonets of the troops, the enchanting beauty of the whole panorama - these are the features Tolstoy characterizes the battlefield. The landscape emphasizes the writer's idea that Borodin's day is bright and solemn. This is the day great feat.

The central episode of the Battle of Borodino is the scene on the Raevsky battery. Pierre becomes a witness and participant military feat of artillery soldiers. Friendly, fun activitymain feature characterizing the Russian soldier in battle. This activity becomes a manifestation of that inner fire that flares up more and more in warriors.

Scene at Napoleon's disposition draws an approximation catastrophes, hanging over the French. Napoleon cannot understand why the slender masses of his troops are returning in disorganized, frightened crowds. However, he is well aware that a battle not won in the course of eight hours was a lost battle.

Corresponds to the scene in Napoleon's disposition scene at Kutuzov's location. Kutuzov, unlike Napoleon, clearly understood the meaning of the battle. He realized that the main force in the battle with the enemy is the spirit of the army. Kutuzov knew that “the battle is not decided by the orders of the commander-in-chief, not by the place on which the army stands, not by the number of guns and killed people, but by that elusive force called the spirit of the army, and he followed this force and led it, as far as it was in his authorities." The main thing for Kutuzov was to prevent the thought of defeat in the minds of the army. Kutuzov, without stepping back, made everyone understand that the battle was won.

However, the story O Andrey Bolkonsky wounded, description dressing station, scary view of the battlefield covered with the bodies of the dead and wounded, emphasize the idea of ​​Tolstoy about the unnaturalness, anti-humanity of war.

Concluding the story of the Battle of Borodino, the writer speaks of her historical significance. “A direct consequence of the battle of Borodino was the causeless flight of Napoleon from Moscow,<…>the death of a five hundred thousandth invasion and the death of Napoleonic France, on which for the first time near Borodino the hand of the strongest enemy in spirit was laid.

Leaving Moscowhigh epic theme. Tolstoy shows that as a result of the Battle of Borodino and the entire course of the campaign, the question of leaving Moscow was a foregone conclusion. However, Kutuzov was the only one who called the inevitable prospect of this event by his own name. At the council in Fili, he declared: "By the power entrusted to me by my sovereign and fatherland, I order a retreat."

The firm position of Kutuzov is opposed by the vain and useless actions of the Moscow Governor-General Rostopchin. Drawing the image of Rastopchin, Tolstoy exposes the criminal tyranny of the authorities. It is Rostopchin who gives an innocent person, Vereshchagin, to be torn to pieces by the crowd.

In the chapters devoted to Moscow, the narrative takes on calm and majestic. Landscape becomes radiant and solemn. The enemy invasion did not bring Moscow to its knees. It was abandoned by the inhabitants and reminded dying hive.

Fire Moscow has in the work symbolic meaning. It's a symbol popular anger that ruined the French invasion.

The main theme of "War and Peace" is partisan movement, "club of the people's war", according to Tolstoy.

The writer tells about the actions of the detachments of Denisov and Dolokhov, about the tragic the death of Petya Rostov.

Narrating the guerrilla war, Tolstoy close-up shows the figure Tikhon Shcherbaty. In the image of this man, Tolstoy embodied the features avenging people. Tikhon was one of the most needed people in the detachment. He carried weapons more for laughs, but he wielded an ax like a wolf with his teeth.

In the depiction of guerrilla warfare is essential episode with french drummer by the name of Vincent, whom the Russian soldiers called "Spring". Showing ruthlessness to the enemies, the partisans sincerely sympathize with the captive boy, do not transfer their revenge on him.

The people as the bearer of moral values. Platon Karataev and the idea of ​​a peasant "world". Other characters are representatives of the people. Rebel people (Bogucharov rebellion)

The "thought of the people" is embodied in Tolstoy's work not only as a heroic theme. It is connected with the writer's comprehension of spiritual values, the bearer of which is the peasantry. In this regard, an important figure in "War and Peace" is Platon Karataev.

Karataev personifies simplicity and truth of people's life, characteristic of the people sincere faith in God and in Divine Providence.

This is especially pronounced in Plato's story about the innocently injured merchant who ended up in hard labor for a murder he did not commit.

The dominant character trait of Plato is love for all people, for all living things.“He loved his mongrel, loved his comrades, the French, loved Pierre,” writes Tolstoy. Plato became for Pierre the personification of "everything Russian, kind and round."

If we compare two figures in the novel - Napoleon and Platon Karataev, then we will see that it is two poles in Tolstoy's understanding of the problem of the individual and the general. Napoleon personifies extreme individualism, Karataevcomplete dissolution of individuality in common life. Getting acquainted with Pierre, Plato speaks of himself in the plural: "Soldiers of the Apsheron regiment", "Karataevs". Plato's life, according to Tolstoy, had no meaning as a separate life. She was part of the whole.

The national character of Karataev emphasizes the fact that he says proverbs: "An hour to endure, and a century to live"; “Where there is judgment, there is untruth”; "Not by our mind, but by God's judgment"; “A wife for advice, a mother-in-law for greetings, but there is no dearer mother”; "Never give up the bag and the prison."

Thanks to Karataev, Pierre joined the spiritual values ​​of folk life, recognized not only her heroic side, but also her everyday, everyday.

In "War and Peace" a string of artistic images of ordinary people. This nanny Natasha Rostova, Tikhon, Alpatych and other courtyard people in the Bald Mountains, Princess Mary's nanny, Princess Mary's "God's people", Bogucharov's peasants, Danila and other hunters in Otradnoe, Anisya Fedorovna, coachman Balaga, orderly Rostov Lavrushka and many others.

A bright representative of the people - the serf of the Rostovs Danila. A passionate hunter, an expert in his field, he does not hide his annoyance with regard to the inept master who allowed the hardened wolf to leave.

A memorable figure in the novel is the uncle's housekeeper Anisya Fedorovna. She acts as the guardian of the old way of life. Her unpretentious but plentiful table does not know city dishes. Anisya Fedorovna expresses that natural, simple and healthy abundance that the Russian land, Russian nature contains.

In Tolstoy Tikhon, the valet of the old prince Bolkonsky, as in Pushkin's Savelich, an uncomplaining attitude to insults from the master is emphasized. Here the moral ugliness of feudal relations is manifested.

At the same time, the character of Tikhon is covered with extraordinary warmth. In the nature of this character, such a trait is revealed as sensitivity to a person, to his inner life. Tikhon studied the character of the old prince, selflessly takes care of his master.

Coachman Balaga- bright national character. Russian heroic prowess is combined in it with wild revelry, as well as with the depravity of a slave, fawning over the masters and ready under their protection for any crime.

Balaga is favorably opposed to Anatole Kuragin. In contrast to the stupidity of the master, sharpness, a subtle peasant mind are visible in him.

Depicted in humorous colors Lavrushka- the cunning orderly of Nikolai Rostov. A striking episode that reveals this image is Lavrushka's meeting with Napoleon. Lavrushka initially pretended not to recognize Napoleon, and then acted out a scene of indescribable delight from a personal acquaintance with the emperor.

The episodic image of a peasant girl is also important. Malasha. Kutuzov's personality is accessible to simple, ingenuous people. The child involuntarily pushes away from Bennigsen and unconsciously reaches out to grandfather Kutuzov. The image of Malasha combines the charm of a childish character with simplicity and sincerity of feeling.

Bogucharov rebellion reveals the "people's thought" from an unusual side for "War and Peace". The theme of the oppression of the people, the theme of popular anger against the landowners is in the background in the novel in relation to the heroic theme. And yet Tolstoy shows the hidden discontent of the peasants towards the landowners, which manifested itself in the episode of the Bogucharov rebellion.

In the episode of the riot, two images of peasants are shown close-up. This is a man Carp followed by the peasant poor, and the headman Drone, a fist oscillating between the peasant world and the landowners' power.

Depiction of nobility

Along with the theme of the people nobility- one of the broadest themes of "War and Peace"

At the beginning of the novel and in the subsequent narrative, Tolstoy depicts a high-society environment. Elite depicted by the writer in bright satirical tones.

SalonAnna Pavlovna Sherer and then salonHelen Bezukhova- the center of the St. Petersburg aristocracy. The owners and guests of these salons are distinguished by such features as a complete break with the interests of the people, oblivion of national traditions, the Russian language, admiration for the French aristocracy.

Visitors to the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer are also characterized by unnaturalness, the absence of any living principle.

No wonder the writer compares it with a spinning workshop. The main principle of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg salons is the observance of external decency while internal lack of spirituality.

Characteristically, after the break with Helen, Pierre is declared insane, and Helen is taken under the protection of Anna Pavlovna's circle. After the scandal caused by the duel between Pierre and Dolokhov, Helen remains in the highest aristocratic circle.

During the war of 1812, the salon of Anna Pavlovna, true to the traditions of legitimism, remained hostile to Napoleon. Salon Helen was the focus of those layers of the aristocracy who sympathized with the French. However, differences in views only superficially separated these two circles. So, Prince Vasily Kuragin, while in the salon of Anna Pavlovna, spoke in the spirit of patriotism, and in the salon Helen adhered to the French orientation. But at times he got confused and said to Anna Pavlovna what should have been said to Helen.

Bright representatives of the highest Petersburg society are members of the Kuragin family.

Prince Vasily Kuragin- embodiment falsehood, hypocrisy. in character Helen Tolstoy notes such features as debauchery, oblivion of all moral norms. With a living husband, Helen is looking for new suitors. It is no coincidence that her craving for Catholicism, which was in vogue in the highest aristocratic circles.

The main plot link, covering the life of St. Petersburg salons, is connected line of "golden youth". Tolstoy denounces perversity Anatol Kuragin, cruelty Dolokhova, orgies, the participants of which even got away with crime.

Fedor Dolokhov is a contradictory character. In the first two volumes of the novel, he is depicted as breter, card sharper, started a single company of "golden youth". Individualism, selfishness Dolokhov - the dominant features of his character. They are especially clearly revealed in the scenes of a quarrel and a duel between Dolokhov and Pierre Bezukhov. Dolokhov shows cruelty towards Nikolai Rostov, having beaten him in cards for forty-three thousand rubles. Dolokhov is a participant in the conspiracy of Anatole Kuragin to kidnap Natasha Rostova (although he is trying to dissuade Anatole from this undertaking). Dolokhov appears in the novel as a "little Napoleon".

At the same time, the character of the hero is not as unambiguous as it might seem. Dolokhov turns out caring son, loving brother.cruel individualist Dolokhov extends his hand to his rival Pierre as a sign of reconciliation before a great event. standing up at the head of a partisan detachment, Dolokhov continues to be a man courageous and at the same time cruel. Unlike Denisov, he does not leave French prisoners alive.

The development of the theme of high-society salons is also the characteristic of the St. Petersburg freemasonry.

Tolstoy emphasizes that from under the conditional covers of Masonic rituals, selfish, selfish interests Petersburg aristocracy. Participation in the activities of Freemasons was for many only a form convenient for succeeding in the world, and not for the search for truth.

Adjacent to the circle of the aristocracy, concentrated in high-society salons, is diplomatic environment. Here it should be noted a striking figure Bilibin. This is an extraordinary personality. Bilibin smart, it is distinguished by a thin wit. However, Bilibin tends to total lack of patriotism, which seems to him a sign of naivety and can only cause irony. If Bilibin is distinguished by an extraordinary mind, then Ippolit Kuragin embodies mental and spiritual degradation aristocracy.

The highest administrative circles also come under Tolstoy's field of vision. Close up Tolstoy shows Arakcheeva and Speransky, and the figure Speransky outlined most clearly.

Speransky cannot be attributed to the aristocracy. This clergyman. Nevertheless, he is associated with the highest circles of St. Petersburg. Speransky - peculiar symbol of the bureaucracy. The futility of Speransky's undertakings lies in their isolation from the realities of the Russianlife. It is no coincidence that Andrei Bolkonsky quickly becomes disillusioned with Speransky's activities.

Speransky is distinguished falsehood and hypocrisy. Even in the family circle, he does not take off his mask. laughing he unnatural, how bad actor on stage.

The characteristics of the St. Petersburg world, diplomatic, Masonic, administrative circles have one thing in common: people cut off from living life, who have lost touch with the people, are doomed to a meaningless existence; their human face is replaced by a soulless, hypocritical mask.

Petersburg high society in the novel is opposed Moscow nobility.

The Moscow nobility is shown by Tolstoy primarily through the example Rostov, their relatives, guests.

Rostovs are distinguished cordiality,hospitality. Unlike representatives of the Petersburg nobility, the Rostovs keep national traditions; they have genuine patriotism.

At the same time, Tolstoy does not idealize the Rostovs. The writer shows mismanagement old Count Ilya Andreevich, his extravagance,idle pastime caused by the habit of living at the expense of serfs.

Around the Rostov family, a wide panorama of characters, typical of the Moscow nobility of the early 19th century, opens up. Here we meet such faces as the society wit Shinshin, narcissistic Berg, limited hussar colonel Schubert rich bride Julie Karagina looking for suitors.

The picture of ancient noble Moscow reminds us of scenes from A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”.

The brightest figure from the Rostov circle - Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova. The power of nature connects to it with a straight mind and simplicity appeals.

Marya Dmitrievna is peculiar unhypocritical faith in God, willpower, firmness and courageous attitude to life. She doesn't grieve that her four sons are in the army. “And you will die lying on the stove, and God will have mercy in the battle,” she says, expressing her thought with a proverb. Akhrosimova sharply and implacably opposes the high society nobility with its licentiousness of morals and separation from the national tradition. Akhrosimova does not recognize French and speaks only Russian.

Marya Dmitrievna shows firmness of character and determination in the episode with the attempted kidnapping of Natasha Rostova by Anatoly Kuragin.

The Rostov family is associated in the novel and the image local nobility.

Hunting scene, Christmas divination emphasize the unity of the Rostovs with the life of nature, their closeness to the people. The rural way of life is fundamentally different from the life in the capital. This arrangement depends on nature life, subordinate church calendar circle.

The national character of the hunting scene is complemented a picture of patriarchal life in the uncle's estate.

The scenes in Otradnoye are important for understanding the character of Natasha Rostova. It is here that Natasha imperceptibly assimilates the “Russian spirit” that is found in her during the dance at her uncle’s, as well as in the episode of Christmas divination, which reminds us of the traditions of Zhukovsky and Pushkin.

The life of the local nobility is associated with the image of not only the Rostovs, but also Bolkonsky.

V Bald Mountains noticeable influence of the way of landlord life, which was formed in the 18th century.Mind,education,independence of judgment and the true nobility of the old prince Bolkonsky combined with manifestations authority and tyranny.Patriotism Suvorov general is intertwined in the prince with despotism towards others, even towards his own daughter.

It is characteristic that the old man Bolkonsky was hostile to the hypocritical court nobility of the reign of Alexander and looked with contempt at the flattering Prince Vasily Kuragin and the loafer Anatole.

WITH Catherine's era connects the main narrative in the novel and imagedyingCount Bezukhov. The count himself does not appear in the work as a character, he is only mentioned in the author's narration and in the replicas of other characters. Tolstoy paints a majestic picture of the extinction of the well-known nobleman, with whom the past century forever disappears into the past.

The image of noble life is closely connected with the image Alexandra I. Emperor Alexander depicted in Tolstoy's novel "the ruler of the weak and crafty"(Pushkin).

Tolstoy shows him self-confident and narcissistic on the eve of the battle of Austerlitz, bewildered and miserable after the defeat in it. In bright satirical colors, Alexander is shown in Tilsit, at the moment of his "friendship" with Napoleon.

The failure of Alexander I as a commander was clearly manifested at the beginning of the war of 1812. Not without reason, under pressure from patriotic forces, Alexander abandoned the role of commander in chief and entrusted it to Kutuzov. A sharp satirical touch to the portrait of Alexander I is the episode with biscuits that the tsar throws into the crowd.

So, we see that when depicting the nobility, Tolstoy clearly contrasts the patriarchal, patrioticMoscow and localnobilitythe highest circles of St. Petersburg, torn off from national roots and taking anti-national positions.

"Family Thought"

Family, according to Tolstoy, the most organic community of people. family worldthe most important area of ​​human existence. In the family, the formation of personality takes place. In the family, in children, a person finds true happiness. Happy, harmonious family- significant limit moral ideal of Tolstoy.

Expanding the theme of the family in his novel, Tolstoy enters controversy with nihilistic views, widespread in the 1860s, in accordance with which the family as a social institution has become obsolete. From here polemical sharpness of the theme of the family at Tolstoy especially in the epilogue novel.

"Family Thought" Tolstoy reveals first of all on the example of the Rostov, Bolkonsky, Kuragin families. Other families in Tolstoy's novel are also related to these families.

The most detailed coverage in the novel life the Rostov family. This family is represented in the work Count Ilya Andreevich, his wife Countess Natalia, their children Nikolai, Vera, Natasha, Petya, their niece and pupil Sonya.

The Rostov family reigns "life of the heart". Rostovs are distinguished mutual love, kindness towards each other and towards others, breadth of soul, hospitality.

Naturalness, ease- characteristic features of the Rostov family. Vera Rostova, with her unnatural behavior, only sets off Natasha and other family members.

The younger generation of the Rostovs is distinguished artistry. Both Natasha and Nikolai sing wonderfully.

Rostov is peculiar love for nature. This feature is especially pronounced in the hunting scene in Otradnoye.

Rostov honor national customs, traditions. The scene of Christmas divination is vividly depicted by Tolstoy.

Proximity to the people, to national roots inseparable from patriotism Rostov. Nikolai Rostov chooses a military field, joins the army, because he wants to serve the fatherland. This distinguishes Nikolai from his friend Boris Drubetskoy, whose main goal is a brilliant career. During the abandonment of Moscow, the Rostovs give their carts to the wounded, dooming themselves to final ruin. At the time of the partisan attack, Petya Rostov, the youngest member of the family, dies.

Paying tribute to the spiritual generosity, naturalness, national identity, patriotism of the Rostovs, Tolstoy does not idealize this family. Count Ilya Andreevich was distinguished mismanagement. Nicholas sometimes happens cool with yard.

The limited mental and spiritual interests of the Rostovs especially clearly manifested in Nicholas. The thought of spiritual quests is alien to him. The hero feels best of all in the regiment, where the authorities decide everything for him.

If the “life of the heart” prevails in the Rostov family, then in the Bolkonsky family"mind life". intellectual atmosphere the Bolkonsky family is inseparable from educational traditions of the 18th century, Catherine's times. The constant work of the mind distinguishes and old prince Nikolai Andreevich, and Andrei Bolkonsky. The old prince and prince Andrey were influenced by 18th century rationalism and turned out far from believing in God. Princess Mary, against, deeply religious person wholly immersed in the spiritual life.

Members of the Bolkonsky family, like the Rostovs, are distinguished mutual love. but family relationships are not so natural and direct like the Rostovs. Despotism the old prince suppresses Princess Marya, her aspirations and impulses. Princess Marya is distinguished from Natasha Rostova stiffness, self-isolation. The heroine's love for her neighbor is manifested in the deep gaze of her radiant eyes.

From his family Andrei Bolkonsky endured the desire for tireless mental work, for social activities. Honesty, nobility, high moral principles are also the most important features of Andrei Bolkonsky, brought up in the family.

At the same time, in the process of spiritual quest, Andrei I had to overcome individualism, rationalism, and unbelief. This process was long and painful.

The Bolkonskys, like the Rostovs, are distinguished true patriotism. Prince Andrew shows courage and heroism both in the war of 1805 and in the Patriotic War of 1812. True patriotism is also revealed by Princess Marya. She categorically refuses to remain under the rule of the French.

Rostov and Bolkonsky in Tolstoy's novel are opposed Kuragins. This Prince Vasily Kuragin, Princess Kuragin, their children Helen, Anatole and Hippolyte.

"Heartless, Vile Breed", - says Pierre Bezukhov about them. Falseness, rudeness, callousness, selfishness, hypocrisy are characteristic features of this family.

Kuragins hard to call a family, so they disunited are far from each other. Prince Vasily does not love his sons. “Ippolit is at least a dead fool, and Anatole is restless,” he says of them.

Anatole alien to any mental and spiritual interests. He spends all his time in revelry, card game, debauchery.

Helen- embodiment dishonesty, debauchery. With her husband alive, she discusses plans for her second marriage. To simplify the divorce procedure, she is ready to accept Catholicism. Helen's attitude towards children is characteristic: she does not want to have them, she does not need them. It is no coincidence that Anatole and Helen are the culprits of Natasha's break with Prince Andrei, her emotional drama.

Hippolyte- embodiment poverty of mind, intellectual limitations, characteristic of all Kuragins.

Patriotism- a feeling that is completely alien to Kuragin. Anatole's dismissive attitude towards service is characteristic, which, by the way, outrages the old prince Bolkonsky during the visit of Prince Vasily and his son to him. Helen, at the height of the war with Napoleon, heads the pro-Bonapartist salon. The life of the people, their fate is of no interest to the Kuragins and their entourage.

Rod Kuragin at Tolstoy escheated. Anatole dies from a wound on the Borodino field. Ellen dies. We know nothing about the fate of Hippolyte. The life of the Kuragins turns out to be meaningless and fruitless.

To name a few more young families, whose images deepen the “family thought” in the novel, set off the images of the Rostov and Bolkonsky families.

Andrei Bolkonsky is unhappy in marriage. His wife Lisa, an outwardly attractive and quite decent woman, lives in the interests of the world and very far from spiritual aspirations her husband. However, Andrei himself is not always attentive to his wife, sometimes arrogant and contemptuous towards her. lack of love- main reason lack of happiness in this family. After the death of his wife, he blames himself for mental callousness towards the deceased wife.

Family of Vera and Berg opposed to the Rostov family. This is a prime example arranged marriage. Newlyweds do not want to have children; their goal is to "live for society".

Marriage of Boris Drubetskoy and Julie Karagina also concluded by calculation. Caring for Julie, Boris is well aware that he does not love his bride, but he strives to receive a huge dowry. Julie understands this too. All this, however, does not prevent them from playing a sentimental, melancholic romance.

Young families are depicted in a completely different way in the novel. Natasha and Pierre, Marya Bolkonskaya and Nikolai Rostov. In these families reign love, respect for each other, care for children.

The depth of Marya's soul makes up for some of Nikolai's limitations.

Natasha is attached to Pierre, she sincerely approves of her husband's activities, even without fully understanding its content.

Natasha Rostova is depicted at the end of the novel as "a strong, beautiful and prolific female". This definition is somewhat shocking to the reader. However, it must be borne in mind that in his novel Tolstoy argued with those who argued that the family as a unit of society has outlived its time, that the purpose of a woman is social activity. Contrary to such opinions Tolstoy affirms the ideal of a mother of many children, the keeper of the family hearth.

So, we see that "family thought", along with "people's thought", occupies an important place in the novel "War and Peace". Tracing the fate of the Rostovs, Bolkonskys, Kuragins and other families, Tolstoy defends the very idea of ​​the family, affirms the ideal of a harmonious family worldthe center of eternal spiritual values.

female characters

The female characters in "War and Peace" are inextricably linked with the problems of the novel, with "people's thought" and "family thought".

Turning to the eternal problems of love, marriage, family, happiness, Tolstoy on the example of female images gives an answer to the burning questions of his time, in particular to the question of female emancipation, the place of women in society.

Central female characters novel is Natasha Rostova, Marya Bolkonskaya, Helen Kuragina. They also correlate with such characters as Natasha's sister faith and their cousin Sonya,Julie Karagina, Anna Pavlovna Sherer, Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova, wife of Andrei Bolkonsky little princess Lisa and many others.

Natasha Rostovafavorite heroine of Tolstoy. « Real life», love of life embodied in Natasha Rostova more fully than in any other character. Natasha is "overflowing" with life, she inspires people with her optimism saves them from death, fights for their lives.

Naturalness, immediacy- the most important character traits of Natasha, brought up in her by the entire Rostov family structure.

The image of Natasha is shaded by the way Faith. Natasha's sister unnatural, cold, it's like someone else's child in the Rostovs' house. Unlike Vera, Natasha is not endowed with external beauty, but she is unusually charming. Her beauty is inward.

Love, life and poetry are inextricably linked in Natasha's nature. One of the most important features of the heroine is her artistry. Natasha sings wonderfully. This facet of the heroine's nature is especially vividly manifested at the moment when Nikolai returns home, having lost at cards. He hears his sister singing and realizes that there is more to life than his misfortune, his shame.

The heroine has not only a delicate ear for music, but also an absolute ear for the spiritual movements of those around her. Hence her amazing tact towards people.

Love for one's neighbor is Natasha's dominant character trait.“The essence of her life is love,” writes Tolstoy. Natasha is a loving daughter, caring sister.

Until the last moment, Natasha takes care of the wounded Prince Andrei. Having lost a loved one, she comes back to life in order to save her mother with love. We know that the news of Petya's death shocked all the Rostovs, the old countess was in despair. And although Natasha thought that her own life was over, “love for her mother showed her that the essence of her life - love - is still alive in her. Love woke up, and life woke up.

Natasha, like any beloved hero of Tolstoy, fallible. So, being under the spell of the empty, but outwardly attractive Anatole Kuragin, Natasha cheats on her fiancé: she is ready to run away and secretly marry Anatole.

After a spiritual insight, Natasha is having a hard time with her break with Prince Andrei, she is on the verge of suicide, and only care from her neighbors and deep faith in God, awakened in the heart of the heroine, save her from despair.

Natasha tends to spontaneous popular feeling. Being in Otradnoye, the heroine feels close proximity to the people. This is manifested both in the hunting scene and in the scene of Christmas divination.

While visiting her uncle, Natasha performs a Russian dance as if she was born a simple peasant woman.

The heroine is endowed with high patriotic feeling, inseparable in her soul from feelings of love and compassion. At the moment of leaving Moscow, Natasha supports her father in his desire to give carts to the wounded.

Natasha, being a wonderful daughter and sister, becomes wonderful mother. In marriage, in motherhood, in raising children, Tolstoy saw the true destiny of a woman. From this point of view, Natasha is opposed to Sonya, who, by the will of fate, did not marry, remained, in the words of Tolstoy, “ empty flower».

Princess Marya Bolkonskaya also Tolstoy's favorite heroine. A lot of things bring her closer to Natasha Rostova: love for neighbors, selflessness, purity of moral feeling.

Externally Princess Mary ugly, however, it is endowed with an extraordinary inner beauty. This is evidenced by the deep gaze of her radiant eyes.

If in Natasha Rostova the external and internal principles are harmoniously combined, then Princess Marya lives almost exclusively a spiritual life. She deeply religious person. Her love for her neighbor borders on self-denial, self-sacrifice. The true spirituality of Princess Marya is opposedhypocrisy, hypocrisy her girlfriends Julie Karagina. The goal of the latter is to find a profitable groom. Spiritual interests for her only fashion mask.

Princess Marya is also opposed to a companion mademoisellebourien- externally attractive, but very superficial and frivolous Frenchwoman.

Unlike Natasha Rostova, Princess Marya is somewhat constrained, devoid of immediacy in dealing with people. It is no coincidence that at the first meeting with Natasha, Princess Marya cannot appreciate the liveliness of her future daughter-in-law's character.

Like Natasha Rostova, Princess Marya is characterized by true patriotism. It manifests itself especially clearly in the episode on the eve of the Bogucharov rebellion, when the princess categorically rejects the proposal of Mademoiselle Bourienne to remain under the rule of the French.

Like Natasha Rostova, Marya Bolkonskaya acquires true happiness in the family, in the upbringing of children. The deep spirituality of the heroine makes up for some of the spiritual limitations of her husband Nikolai Rostov. The role of Princess Marya in the upbringing of Nikolenka Bolkonsky, the son of his deceased brother, is extremely important.

Helen Kuragina, in marriage Bezukhov, combines the disgusting features of the entire Kuragin family - falseness, hypocrisy, spiritual callousness, selfishness, debauchery, the absence of any shame.

Heroine externally very beautiful but completely unspiritual. Her bare shoulders are a detail that testifies to external brilliance with internal emptiness.

Helen is not distinguished by love and selflessness in relation to her neighbors. She is preoccupied exclusively with her own selfish interests. No wonder Tolstoy calls Helen "Napoleon in a skirt."

This heroine far from the ideals of family life. Having married for convenience, she despises her husband, frankly, not embarrassed by anyone, makes lovers. With her husband alive, Helen considers remarriage, hesitating between two potential suitors. Characteristically, Ellen does not want to have children. She is more attracted to an unspiritual secular life than family life.

Heroine indifferent to faith. For selfish purposes, she is ready to convert to Catholicism. Helen renders corrupting influence on others. It is she who contributes to the rapprochement between Natasha and Anatole. “Where you are, there is debauchery, evil,” Pierre denounces his wife after the story of Natasha's attempted kidnapping by Anatole.

Helen alien sense of patriotism. During the war of 1812, she was the mistress of the pro-Bonapartist salon in St. Petersburg. The interests of the motherland, the people do not excite her at all. The heroine dies without leaving any offspring. Her life turns out senseless and barren.

Consider some other female characters.

Anna Pavlovna Sherer, the hostess of the St. Petersburg salon, embodies falsehood and hypocrisy high society life. Unnatural,mechanicalness her behavior reflects the general atmosphere of lies, duplicity reigning in the highest circles.

Anna Pavlovna Scherer is appropriate to oppose the influential Moscow lady Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova(see above).

Andrei Bolkonsky's wife Lisa- beautiful society woman, far from the spiritual interests of her husband.

To name a few female images of representatives of the people. A striking figure is the housekeeper of Uncle Rostov Anisya Fyodorovna. She acts as a representative Russian patriarchal world.

On the pages of the novel, characters and other remarkable ordinary Russian women. This nanny Rostovs,Princess Mary's nanny, Natasha Rostova's maid Dunyasha, other characters.

Tolstoy speaks of ordinary peasants and in connection with the heroic theme of the people. So, in the story of the partisan movement, he mentions elder Vasilisa, "beat" hundreds of French.

So we see that in his novel Tolstoy claims ideal of a woman-mother, homemaker. indignant against secular licentiousness and debauchery, Tolstoy claims bright image of a Russian woman, personifying high moral values: deep faith in God, spiritual purity, chastity, selfless love, patriotism.

Spiritual quest of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov

"War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy is a heroic epic that tells about the nationwide feat in the war of 1812. The historical fate of the Russian people, especially the nobility and peasantry, constitute the main content of the work. At the same time, the author talks about life paths of individual heroes, which defines the genre specificity of "War and Peace" as novel.

Favorite characters of TolstoyAndrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov- undergo a complex, contradictory path of spiritual quest.

Heroes of Tolstoy looking for the meaning of life and happiness.Meaning of life, according to Tolstoy, consists in a person gaining spiritual unity with other people, in a deep, sincere faith in God.

However, finding the meaning of life, according to Tolstoy, is unthinkable without personal happiness. earthly happiness the writer sees in love, in creating a family, in raising children.

Not all Tolstoy's heroes are capable of spiritual pursuits. This quality is extraordinary personalities,striving for moral perfection.

Ability for spiritual exploration is an important personality assessment criterion at Tolstoy.

It is important for the writer to show not only the ultimate goal of the heroes’ spiritual quest, but also complex, contradictory path of these searches: from finding the meaning of life to its loss, from happiness to unhappiness and vice versa.

WITH Andrei Bolkonsky we meet for the first time in St. Petersburg, in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. Then Tolstoy shows the hero at the moment of a conversation with Pierre in the St. Petersburg apartment of the prince. Andrei explains to his friend why he goes to war. Hero dissatisfied with social life. He does not feel family happiness.

We will learn about the main reason for the departure of Andrei Bolkonsky to the army later. Prince Andrey dreams of fame. He wants to be like Napoleon, find your "Toulon".

Once in the war, Andrei Bolkonsky is gradually disappointed in his dreams of glory. So, the real hero of the Shengraben battle, Captain Tushin, almost fell out of favor with his superiors. During the battle of Austerlitz, Andrei Bolkonsky commits feat, leading the attack with a banner in hand. Being seriously wounded, Prince Andrei lies on the field of Austerlitz and sees Against the background of the endless sky, the insignificant figure of Napoleon. Dreams of glory turn out ghostly. The sky of Austerlitz reminded Prince Andrei of eternal. However, remembering the icon given to him by Princess Marya, Andrei Bolkonsky realizes that he still far from true faith, from God, from that mystery, the existence of which reminded him of the endless sky.

Birth of a son and death of a wife- joyful and mournful events - opened new stage spiritual quest of the hero. Prince Andrei decided from now on " live for yourself' for their loved ones. However, a quiet, calm life cannot satisfy the hero.

The first step towards the spiritual awakening of Prince Andrei is his meeting with Pierre in Bogucharovo, their subsequent conversation on the ferry. For Pierre, who was carried away by social activities under the influence of Freemasonry, faith in God was revealed a little. Andrei sympathizes with Pierre's faith, but still does not yet find a place for her in his heart. And yet fracture in the mind of Andrei Bolkonsky has begun. Tolstoy writes about this: “A meeting with Pierre was for Prince Andrei an epoch from which, although in appearance it was the same, but in the inner world, his new life began.”

The next important moment in the life of Andrei Bolkonsky is meeting with Natasha Rostova in Otradnoe.

This meeting is preceded by episode with the old oak. Andrei Bolkonsky, looking at the old and gnarled oak, sadly thinks about the bygone youth, about the meaninglessness of the present.

In Otradnoye, the hero involuntarily overheard Natasha's nightly conversation with Sonya, imbued with the joy of life, optimism coming from Natasha.

On the way home, Prince Andrei embraces spring feeling of joy at the sight of a transformed old oak. In the soul of the hero, faith in the possibility of activity, happiness and love is revived again.

Arriving in St. Petersburg, Andrei Bolkonsky takes an active participation in the reform activities of Speransky. At first, this activity captivates the hero.

Meeting Natasha again at the ball and falling in love with her, Prince Andrei disappointed in the activities of Speransky, and Speransky himself seems to him vulgar and insignificant. Love for Natasha fills the life of Andrei Bolkonsky joy and bright hopes.

The happiness of love did not last long. Natasha cheating again plunges Andrei Bolkonsky into a state mental crisis. In this state, the hero meets the year 1812.

The need to defend the homeland gradually brings Prince Andrei out of his spiritual stupor. Refusing to serve at the headquarters, he commands a regiment, deserves the love and respect of soldiers and officers. On the eve of the Battle of Borodino Prince Andrei tells Pierre about his spiritual unity with ordinary soldiers.

Not finding his own destiny in ambitious ambitions, Andrei Bolkonsky comes to true understanding of the meaning of life which opens to him in unity with the people. This moment can be called culminating in the spiritual quest of the hero.

fatal wound again radically changes the fate of Prince Andrei. By the will of Providence, he meets Natasha again and forgives her. Before death Andrei Bolkonsky feels estrangement from everything earthly and the joyful lightness of being. He opens Faith in God - Start eternal love and eternal life.

The son of Andrei Bolkonsky, Nikolenka, depicted in the epilogue, inherits the best features of his father: intelligence, honesty, spiritual nobility, high impulses.

WITH Pierre we also meet for the first time in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. From Pierre's emotional statements we learn that he defender of the ideas of the Enlightenment.In Napoleon he sees a great man, eminent statesman, curbed the extremes of the French Revolution. Pierre's words shock the salon's visitors.

At the same time, Pierre leads wild life in the bachelor company of Anatole Kuragin and Dolokhov.

Then in Pierre's life comes turn. After the death of his father, he becomes a rich heir, his "marry" Helen Kuragina. Pierre's wife turns out to be empty and depraved woman. After duel with Dolokhov and breakup with wife Pierre is able mental crisis.

On the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg at the Torzhok Pier station meets freemason Osip Alekseevich Bazdeev. It turns out that Pierre does not believe in God. Bazdeev is trying to awaken faith in Pierre.

Soon Pierre joins the Masonic lodge. Then he goes to his estates in the Kiev province, trying to free the peasants. And although Pierre is deceived and the position of the peasants remains the same, the very desire of the hero to do good deeds is important. The meaning of life is again revealed to Pierre.

On the way home, Pierre calls on Prince Andrei in Bogucharovo. going famous conversation between Andrey and Pierre on the ferry.Sincerefaith Pierre into God, his desire to do good make an indelible impression on Andrei Bolkonsky.

However, Pierre soon lost interest in Freemasonry, seeing in it the continuation of secular life with its falsehood, hypocrisy, selfish interests. Pierre breaks with the St. Petersburg Freemasons. He leads again scattered existence again dissatisfied with life.

Participation in the fate of Natasha after Anatole's attempt to kidnap her and break her with Prince Andrei awakens Pierre's moral strength. Pierre falls in love with Natasha and at the same time realizes that their joint happiness is impossible.

Capable of mental confusion Pierre is watching comet- a harbinger of great upheavals in the life of the country and in the fate of the hero himself.

Start of the War of 1812of the yearawakens Pierre to life. Like most Russian people, he is engulfed patriotic impulse. Pierre takes an active part in the formation of the militia. Then he himself rushes to the place of decisive events.

On the eve of the Battle of Borodino Pierre is watching everyone spiritual uplift. In the actions of soldiers and militias, in the words of Andrei Bolkonsky about tomorrow Pierre feels the "hidden warmth of patriotism." During the battle, Pierre is on the Raevsky battery, observes the feat of artillery soldiers, feels involved in a great event, feels a spiritual connection with the people. After the battle, at an inn in Mozhaisk, Pierre realizes that he wants to be like them wants to be a simple soldier. In this way, battle of Borodino becomes one of the highlights in Pierre's spiritual quest.

The feeling of belonging to the "common life", the consciousness of the need to subordinate one's freedom to the Divine will, was reflected in Pierre's dream which he sees in Mozhaisk. Pierre takes possession the idea of ​​conjugation of everything that exists in the moral being of man.

Upon Pierre's return to Moscow, he is seized by the idea of ​​what exactly is destined for him. kill Napoleon. Pierre remains in the city captured by the French. The hero fails to kill Napoleon, but he does noble deeds: on fire saves the child,protects from the abuse of the French woman.

Pierre gets into captivity. Saves him from being shot meeting with Marshal Davout. Pierre and Davout exchanged glances, humanly understood each other, and Pierre was saved from death.

Captured by Pierre meets Platon Karataev. Thanks to Karataev Pierre joins the spiritual life of the people feels connected to other people. However, unlike Karataev, Pierre does not loseown individuality. He gains harmony of the personal and the general.

An important moment in the spiritual life of Pierre becomes another hero's dream - about a wonderful globe. In this dream, he comes to the feeling that life is god.The meaning of human existence is to love life, love God. But harder and happier love this life in your own suffering.

Globe image, who appeared in a dream to Pierre, symbolizes unity of the individual with the world and with God.

At the end of the novel, we learn that Pierre has found not only the meaning of life, but also earthly happiness.Love of Pierre and Natasha crowned happy family life.

V epilogue Pierre appears before us as secret society member. He is indignant at the reaction and Arakcheevism. In a polemic with Nikolai Rostov, Pierre upholds civic ideals. From now on life principle Pierre - "active virtue".

V dream who sees at the end of the novel Nikolenka Bolkonsky,image of Pierremerges in children's view with the image of the deceased father child. Pierre appears in this dream as Fighter for justice a bearer of high moral ideals.

Let's draw conclusions. Tolstoy's favorite heroes - Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov - are long and hard way spiritual quest.

As we can see, the search for the meaning of life for these heroes is, first of all, the process of their comprehension of spiritual ties with other people, with their people. At the same time this and overcoming individualism, isolation within one's own "I", the path of knowledge true love for God and neighbor.

Human and nature

Man and nature are the most important philosophical problem of the novel "War and Peace". Nature appears in the novel as independent world living a wonderful life.

closeness to nature is an one of the main criteria for assessing personality at Tolstoy. Tolstoy's favorite characters, such as Natasha Rostova, are close to nature. Others, on the contrary, do not feel nature, do not understand its beauty.

Pictures of nature accompany the most important battle scenes in Tolstoy's work.

Finally, the images of nature serve as an important means of revealing the inner world of the characters.

Unity of man with nature- essential facet of Tolstoy's moral ideal. The writer sympathizes with his "natural" characters. For example, Natasha Rostova is initially close to nature. This is especially evident in episodes. hunting in Otradnoe. Talking about the hunt, Tolstoy remarks: “Natasha, without taking a breath, squealed joyfully and enthusiastically - so piercingly that her ears rang. With this screech she expressed everything that other hunters expressed with their one-time conversation. Natasha feels her connection with nature and, succumbing to the general mood, gives vent to emotions.

On the contrary, during theater visits Natasha does not understand the meaning of what is happening on stage. Natasha "couldn't follow the progress of the opera, couldn't even hear the music... it was all so pretentiously false and unnatural that she felt ashamed of the actors, it was funny. The people sitting around her fill her with fear and bewilderment. Natasha does not feel comfortable in this false and hypocritical environment.

unnatural According to Tolstoy, Petersburg world life. Its representatives are infinitely far from nature. For instance, conversations in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer resemble monotonous work spinning workshop.

Against, the life of the people, according to Tolstoy, always natural. This is evidenced by the vivid images of Platon Karataev, Anisya Fedorovna, Danila, and other representatives of the people. Ordinary people living in the countryside do not separate themselves from the natural world, they live in accordance with its laws.

Nature theme tight in the novel connected with theme of war 1812. Pictures of nature side by side with description battle scenes, set off and complement them, contribute to the disclosure of the inner state of a person on the battlefield.

The most striking landscape associated with the theme of war - panorama of the Borodino field. “Pierre looked ahead of him and froze in admiration before the beauty of the spectacle,” writes Tolstoy. Bright light, purity of the morning air, lightning reflections of the sun's rays on the water and on the bayonets of soldiers, the white church, the roofs of Borodin's huts - this is how the writer characterizes the panorama of the battle. The beautiful landscape of the Borodino field emphasizes the writer's idea that the day of the battle is bright and solemn, this is the day of a great feat. At the same time, the landscape helps Tolstoy to affirm the thought of the unnaturalness, anti-humanity of war. The contrast between beautiful nature and terrifying scenes of battle helps the writer to expose the arbitrariness of a man who started a senseless bloody massacre.

Prince Andrey during the battle of Borodino feels his unity with nature. Tolstoy notes that the prince, in anticipation of an attack, plucked "wormwood flowers growing on the boundary, and rubbed these flowers in his palms, and sniffed the bitter, fragrant, strong smell." Looking at a grenade ready to explode, the hero thinks longingly about the beauty of the world around him: “I can’t, I don’t want to die, I love life, I love this grass, earth, air.”

Majestic description of nature opens a story about Moscow abandoned by its inhabitants. The landscape becomes radiant and solemn. The enemy invasion did not bring Moscow to its knees.

Images of nature are one of the most important means of psychological analysis at Tolstoy. Nature seems to feel the state of man and reacts to it.

So, one of the most important stages of the spiritual quest of Andrei Bolkonsky is the wound on the field of Austerlitz. Being seriously wounded, Andrey lies on the battlefield and sees over his head endless sky. The hero reflects: “How quiet, calm and solemn, not at all like I was running ... clouds are crawling across this high, endless sky not at all like that. How could I not have seen this lofty sky before? And how happy I am that I finally got to know him. Yes! Everything is empty, everything is a lie, except for this endless sky. Nothing, nothing but him. But even that is not even there, there is nothing but silence, calmness. And thank God!.."

Against the background of this beautiful sky, Prince Andrei sees the insignificant and pitiful figure of Napoleon. Napoleon, who had recently been a hero in the eyes of Prince Andrei, now appeared before him in all the insignificance of his imaginary greatness. Nature awakens in the prince philosophical reflections on the frailty of human existence, about the vanity of dreams of glory.

On the way to the Ryazan estates of his son, Andrei Bolkonsky sees oak, who “was an old, angry and contemptuous freak standing between smiling birches. Only he alone did not want to submit to the charm of spring and did not want to see either spring or the sun. Looking at the old oak, Prince Andrei sadly thinks about the past youth, about the meaninglessness of the present. “Yes, he is right, this oak is a thousand times right,” thought Prince Andrei, “let others, young people, again succumb to this deception, and we know life, our life is over!”

In Otradnoye, Andrei Bolkonsky involuntarily overheard night conversation between Natasha and Sonya, imbued with the joy of life and optimism emanating from Natasha. This conversation is preceded by description of a beautiful spring night. Tolstoy writes: "The night was fresh and motionless-light." Above all was "an almost full moon in a bright, almost starless spring sky." On this night, Natasha feels unity with nature. She cannot fall asleep and enthusiastically says to Sonya: “So I would squat down, like this, I would grab myself under my knees - tighter, as tight as possible, I need to strain, and I would fly.” Andrey heard this conversation, and Natasha's words excited him. “Suddenly, such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes arose in his soul, contradicting his whole life,” writes Tolstoy.

Returning home, Prince Andrei meets again Withoak. But now before him appears completely different picture. Tolstoy writes: "An old oak, all transformed, spread out like a tent of juicy, dark greenery." Prince Andrei "suddenly found a causeless spring feeling of joy and renewal." The hero recalls “all the best moments” of his life, and faith in the possibility of activity, happiness, and love is awakened in him again. “No, life is not over at thirty-one,” Andrey decides. The picture of the spring awakening of nature reflects the rebirth of the hero's soul.

Another hero of Tolstoy, Pierre Bezukhov, in a state of mental confusion, watches cometsymbol of the future in the life of the country and in the fate of the hero himself.

So, we see how important the question of the connection between man and nature is in War and Peace. Proximity to nature is an essential criterion for the moral assessment of a person in a novel. The theme of the war of 1812 correlates with nature: pictures of nature complement the battle scenes. Nature, moreover, is an important means of revealing the inner world of the characters.

Artistic originality novel "War and Peace"

genre 1

Tolstoy's work connects own traits novel and epics.

As you know, the basis of the novel is fate before the whole individual, and the epic is a work in which fate is comprehended whole nation.Tolstoy combined both principles in his work - both epic and romantic.

The main thing in the work of Tolstoy is heroic theme of the people. It is she who defines the meaning of "War and Peace" as epics.Recreation of grandiose historical events, pictures of great battles, primarily the Battle of Borodino, majestic landscape, extensive historical and philosophical digressions of the author reveal the features of "War and Peace" as epics.

"War and Peace" contains traditions works of ancient Russian literature, in particular military story.The motive of the nationwide feat in the name of the salvation of the Russian land brings together the work of Tolstoy with "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

Moscow Theme also appears in "War and Peace" as epic theme. Tolstoy draws closer to the people's consciousness in relation to Moscow as the heart of Russia.

At the same time, it is important for Tolstoy the novelist to comprehend the formation and development of the personalities of individual heroes in their independent existence.

originality"War and Peace" as a novel is that it has not one or two main characters, but many heroes linked by personal destinies.

"War and Peace" has features of the historical novel. It tells about real historical events and persons.

The originality of "War and Peace" lies here in the fact that the paintings of the era of the Napoleonic wars are not the background of the narrative, but independent element of the composition. Let us recall the significance of the images of Kutuzov, Bagration, Napoleon, Alexander I in Tolstoy's work.

"War and Peace" also has family romance features. Here are told family history Rostovs, Bolkonskys, Kuragins.

It's novel philosophical, in which Tolstoy comprehends the most general issues(life and death, the meaning of human existence, the philosophy of history).

This and psychological a novel marked by the writer's close attention to the inner world of the characters.

"War and Peace" as a novel and "War and Peace" as an epic are closely related. The general course of the narrative in Tolstoy's work is determined by the development of historical events. According to the exact observation of A.A. Saburov, climax of historical narrative- the story of the heroic feat of the people in the war of 1812 - is at the same time the decisive moment of the interweaving of the destinies of individual heroes in their highest development.


Narrationthe most important element of the composition"War and Peace". It has in the novel, in accordance with the classification proposed by A.A. Saburov, many varieties; this is, in particular, a historical documentary narrative, a narrative based on fiction, a narrative that recreates the processes mental life heroes; Of particular note here are such forms of narration as epistolary(for example, Marya Bolkonskaya's correspondence with Julie Karagina) and diary(diary of Pierre Bezukhov, diary of Countess Marya Rostova) varieties of narration.

In addition to the narrative, the most important elements of the composition of "War and Peace" are the author's descriptions and reasoning.

stage episodethe main element of the composition of "War and Peace". It consists of stage dialogue and copyright remarks. Stage episodes in their sequence form narrative flow. Between the stage episodes there are other compositional elements - the author's narration, as well as descriptions and reasoning.

In "War and Peace" many storylines.

Two main storylines given in the very title of the novel. The first part of the first volume refers mainly to the theme of the world. It serves as an exposition of the main storylines of the work. Here, pictures are drawn of the life of the social circles to which the most important heroes belong. Tolstoy depicts the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, introduces the reader to Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, shows the life of Moscow, the Rostov family, the dying Count Bezukhov, then takes the reader to Lysy Gory. The first transition from peace to war is marked by the line between the first and second parts of the first volume of the novel. In the second part of the first volume, the heroic theme of the people is outlined, which will be developed in the third and fourth volumes.

The second volume is almost entirely devoted to peace, the third volume to war. Starting from the third volume, the themes of war and peace are constantly intertwined. The personal life of the heroes is included in the flow of events in 1812. In the fourth volume, the theme of war is on the wane, the theme of peace again begins to dominate.

Within the two main lines, the line of war and the line of peace, the novel highlights private story lines. Let's call some of them. This is the theme Petersburg nobility, the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, the circle of Prince Vasily Kuragin and Helen, the circle of Anatole Kuragin and Dolokhov. These are storylines connected with destinies Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. This Rostov family line.

Separate storylines reflect the fate Natasha Rostova and Nicholas Rostov. Let's also call the storyline associated with life in the Bald Mountains, with the history of the old Prince Bolkonsky, with the fate of Princess Marya. In addition, we note lines of Kutuzov and Bagration, Napoleon and the French, as well as freemasonry theme.

Transition from one storyline to another is carried out, as a rule, according to principle of antithesis. Antithesisthe most important compositional technique in War and Peace.

important in Tolstoy's novel acquires landscape. Landscape in Tolstoy is always an element of a large and integral picture of life.

An important place in the composition of "War and Peace" is occupied by author's digressions - historical, journalistic, philosophical. So, at the beginning of the third volume, Tolstoy considers the question of the role of the individual in history. An important role is played by the author's reflections before describing the Battle of Borodino. At the beginning of the third part of the fourth volume, a digression about the originality of guerrilla warfare is of particular interest. A significant part of the epilogue is occupied by the philosophical digressions of the author. Copyright digressions enhance the epic beginning"War and Peace".

"Dialectics of the soul" (principles and means of psychological analysis)

The term "dialectics of the soul" was introduced into Russian criticism by N.G. Chernyshevsky. In a review of Tolstoy's early works, Chernyshevsky noted that the writer was most concerned with "the mental process itself, its forms, its laws, dialectics of the soul to be expressed in a definitive term.

"Dialectics of the soul", according to Chernyshevsky, is direct depiction of the "mental process".

In addition, there is also a broader understanding of the "dialectics of the soul"."Dialectics of the Soul" general principles and specific means of psychological analysis in the works of Tolstoy.

Consider some general principles"dialectics of the soul" in "War and Peace".

Tolstoy portrays the inner world of man is in constant motion, in contradictory development.“People are rivers, man is a fluid substance,” wrote Tolstoy. This thesis can be illustrated by the example of the spiritual quests of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. Heroes are constantly looking for the meaning of life, their inner world is constantly changing. The depiction of the state of mind of Andrei and Pierre is an important aspect of the “dialectics of the soul”.

We also note Tolstoy's interest in turning points, crisis moments in a person's spiritual life. The inner world of Tolstoy's heroes is often revealed precisely at such moments (Pierre in Torzhok, Andrei Bolkonsky under the sky of Austerlitz).

The most important feature of Tolstoy's psychologism is close connection of external events with the internal life of the characters. Let us note, for example, the significance of such events as the birth of a child and the death of his wife for Andrei Bolkonsky. Let us recall the role of the war of 1812 in the spiritual life of the heroes.

We also note some specific means and methods psychological analysis in Tolstoy.

The main means of psychological analysis in Tolstoy's novel is internal monologue. Let's give examples.

After a break with his wife and a duel with Dolokhov, being in a difficult state of mind, Pierre leaves Moscow and goes to St. Petersburg. Stopping at the post station in Torzhok, the hero sadly reflects on his life: “What's wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live, and what am I? What is life, what is death? What power governs everything?

Carried away by Anatole Kuragin, Natasha is in a state of mental confusion. "Oh my God! I died! she said to herself. How could I let this happen?

Being seriously wounded, Andrei Bolkonsky reflects on his new view of the world. “Yes, a new happiness has opened up to me, inalienable from a person,” he thought, lying in a half-dark quiet hut and looking ahead with feverishly open, stopped eyes. “Happiness, which is outside the material forces, outside the material external influences on a person, the happiness of one soul, the happiness of love!”

Sometimes the character's internal monologue turns into "mindflow", that is a chain of memories, impressions, logically unrelated to each other. For example, Tolstoy conveys the inner state of Nikolai Rostov during his first battle on the Enns River: “There is so much happiness in me alone and in this sun, and here ... groans, suffering, fear and this ambiguity, this haste ... Here again shouting something, and again everyone ran somewhere back, and I run with them, and here it is, here it is, death, above me, around me ... A moment - and I will never see this sun, this water , this gorge.<...>“And the fear of death and a stretcher, and the love of the sun and life - everything merged into one painfully disturbing impression.”

An important means of psychological analysis in Tolstoy is monologues and dialogues heroes. Communicating with each other, Tolstoy's heroes often share their innermost thoughts. For example, the words of Andrei Bolkonsky addressed to Pierre sometimes take on the character of a confession. At the beginning of the first volume, Andrei Bolkonsky explains to his friend why he goes to war: “For what? I do not know. So it is necessary. Besides, I'm going... I'm going because this life I'm leading here, this life, is not for me!”

Let's take another example. In a conversation with Andrei on the ferry, Pierre expresses his opinion about the meaning of life: “This is what I know, and I know for sure, that the pleasure of doing good is the only true happiness of life.”

An important means of psychological analysis are also letters heroes. Let us cite as an example the correspondence between Princess Marya Bolkonskaya and Julie Karagina. Princess Marya's letter reveals spiritual world Christian girls, her sincere faith in God and selfless love for her neighbor. On the other hand, the discussions about the newfangled mystical teachings that we find in Julie's letter seem empty and full of secular mannerisms.

An essential means of revealing the inner world of the hero can also be called diary. A vivid example is the diary that Pierre kept during the period of passion for Freemasonry. By the way, there is an autobiographical moment here: from 1847 until the end of his days, Tolstoy himself kept a diary, which became the writer's creative laboratory. In Pierre's diary we find the hero's innermost thoughts about life and death. It reflects his emotional experiences, dreams, memories. We also note diary Countess Marya Rostova, fragments of which are given at the end of the work.

Dream- a special means of psychological analysis in the novel "War and Peace". Of particular note Pierre's two dreams. One of them he saw in Mozhaisk after the Battle of Borodino, the other - in captivity. These dreams have a symbolic meaning.

The dream that Pierre saw in Mozhaisk conveys a sense of belonging to the "common life", the consciousness of the need to subordinate one's freedom to the Divine will. Pierre is seized by the idea of ​​conjugation of everything that exists in the moral being of man.

An important moment in Pierre's spiritual life is another dream - a dream about a globe, seen by the hero in captivity. In this dream, Pierre comes to the feeling that life is God. The meaning of human existence is to love life, to love God. But it is more difficult and blissful to love this life in one's own suffering. The image of the globe, which appeared in a dream to Pierre, symbolizes the unity of the individual with the world and with God.

We also note dream of Nikolenka Bolkonsky at the end of the novel.

An important means of psychological analysis in the novel "War and Peace" is the image discrepancies between the internal state of the hero and the external manifestation of this state.

For example, Nikolai Rostov, having lost a huge amount of money in cards to Dolokhov, cheekily informs his father about this, although in his heart he feels like the last scoundrel.

Let's take another example. After the break with Natasha, Andrei Bolkonsky talks with Pierre about politics, but in his heart he continues to experience this gap. At the same time, Pierre feels that his friend's thoughts are not at all about politics.

Tolstoy in his work, as a rule, does not give detailed psychological portraits of the characters. Hence the special meaning psychological detail. Usually, it's a recurring detail.

Let's give examples. The radiant eyes of Princess Marya Bolkonskaya reflect the depth of her faith in God and selfless love for her neighbor. The cold look of Dolokhov testifies to the selfishness and cruelty of the hero. The bare shoulders of Helen Kuragina are a detail that emphasizes the lack of spirituality of the heroine with her outward beauty.

Often the internal state of the hero is transmitted through description of nature.

For example, the sky of Austerlitz is a symbol of eternity, against which the vanity of his dreams of glory becomes clear to Andrei Bolkonsky.

Two encounters with an old oak convey Andrei's state of mind before and after his first meeting with Natasha Rostova. Andrei Bolkonsky, looking at the old and gnarled oak, sadly thinks about the bygone youth, about the meaninglessness of the present.

In Otradnoye, the hero involuntarily overheard Natasha's nightly conversation with Sonya, imbued with the joy of life, the optimism emanating from Natasha. On the way home, Prince Andrei is overwhelmed by a feeling of joy at the sight of a green old oak tree. In the soul of the hero, faith in the possibility of earthly happiness is revived again.

Let's draw conclusions. Tolstoy appears in the novel "War and Peace" as a writer-psychologist. The image of the inner world of a person in constant motion, contradictory development, interest in turning points, crises in the spiritual life of a person, the close connection of external events with the inner life of the characters are the most important principles of the “dialectics of the soul”.

Tolstoy uses in his work such means of psychological analysis as internal monologue, monologue-confession, dialogue, letters, dreams, diary entries. The writer depicts the discrepancy between the internal state of the hero and the external manifestation of this state, conveys the movements of the hero's soul through descriptions of nature. An important role in the psychological characteristics of the characters is played by a recurring detail.

Questions and tasks

1. Where and when was Leo Tolstoy born? What class did he belong to? Tell us about the writer's childhood, his upbringing and education. The writings of which philosopher were of particular interest to the future writer? What idea of ​​this philosopher was close to the young Tolstoy? What role did his diary play in Tolstoy's life and work? In what period of his life did he lead him? Tell us about Tolstoy's participation in the Caucasian War and in the defense of Sevastopol. In what year and in what magazine was the first story from Tolstoy's autobiographical trilogy published? What was her name? What side of Tolstoy's writing talent was already evident in his first story? Name two other works from this trilogy. What works of Tolstoy were devoted to the defense of Sevastopol? What theme becomes the main one in the Sevastopol essays and then one of the leading ones in the novel "War and Peace"? What topics are comprehended by the writer in the novel "Family Happiness" and in the story "Cossacks"? What significance did these themes have in Tolstoy's subsequent work? What major work does Tolstoy create in the 1860s, and what is his main idea? How is this idea conceptualized in Anna Karenina, Tolstoy's central work of the 1870s? What was the turning point in Tolstoy's worldview at the end of the 1870s? What are the most significant works written by Tolstoy after the fracture?

2. What is the originality of Tolstoy's understanding of the problems of his contemporary era in "War and Peace"? Outline the main themes of the novel. What "worlds" did the writer recreate in his work? Formulate the main ideas of Tolstoy, embodied in War and Peace, and comment on them. Why does not the idea of ​​the natural being of man become an absolute moral ideal in Tolstoy? How is the idea of ​​the spiritual unity of Russian people comprehended in the novel? What is the difference between Tolstoy and Dostoevsky in understanding this idea?

3. What is the originality of the embodiment of the "thought of the people" in the novel "War and Peace" in comparison with the works about the Russian people of other writers - Tolstoy's contemporaries? What did the writer understand by the word "people"? What facets of this concept are revealed in "War and Peace"? How is “folk thought” related to the genre of the work? What aspects of "people's thought" does Tolstoy comprehend in his novel?

4. How did Tolstoy's fatalism manifest itself in the comprehension of historical events? How, in what words does the writer formulate his understanding of the role of the individual in history? What criterion does Tolstoy introduce into the evaluation of historical figures? What episodes describing Kutuzov and Napoleon reveal the author's position in relation to these persons? What conclusions does Tolstoy draw about Kutuzov and Napoleon?

5. What is the meaning of Tolstoy's opposition of the war of 1805-1807 to the war of 1812? How does the writer portray the Shengraben and Austerlitz battles? Name the most important episodes of these battles and comment on them.

6. Tell us about the episodes of the war of 1812 preceding the battle of Borodino, and about their interpretation by Tolstoy. What is the meaning of the author's digression immediately preceding the story of the Battle of Borodino? Tell us about the impressions of Pierre Bezukhov on the eve of the battle. What is the meaning of the two episodes describing Kutuzov and Napoleon before the battle - the prayer service to the Smolensk icon of Our Lady and the posing of the French emperor in front of the portrait of his son? How does Tolstoy paint the morning landscape before the battle? What episode in the depiction of the Battle of Borodino is central? How are ordinary soldiers and Pierre described in this episode? How does Tolstoy portray Napoleon and Kutuzov during the battle? What pictures show the cruelty, unnaturalness of war? What conclusions does Tolstoy make about the results of the Battle of Borodino?

7. Why can the abandonment of Moscow be called a high epic topic? How does Tolstoy paint an autumn landscape at the moment of leaving the ancient capital? What is the symbolic meaning of the picture of the burning of Moscow?

8. With what metaphor does Tolstoy define the partisan movement? How does Tolstoy draw its participants? From what side does Tolstoy show the people in the face of Tikhon Shcherbaty? In what episodes did the humanity of the partisans, ordinary Russian soldiers, appear in relation to the French?

9. What aspects of the Russian national character are revealed in the image of Platon Karataev? What is the basis of the worldview of this character, his attitude towards others? How does the figure of Karataev correlate with the figure of Napoleon in the ideological content of the novel? What can you say about Plato's speech? What role did Plato play in the life of Pierre Bezukhov?

10. Name other representatives of the common people in the novel "War and Peace", briefly describe them. What ideological load does the depiction of Bogucharov's rebellion carry in Tolstoy's work?

11. What layers of the Russian nobility does Tolstoy depict in the novel "War and Peace"? On the example of what characters does the writer show the highest Petersburg society? What exactly does Tolstoy denounce in the representatives of high society? How does Tolstoy draw "golden youth"? What is the ambiguity of the image of Dolokhov? In what way is Freemasonry shown in the novel? What are the highest administrative and diplomatic circles in the image of Tolstoy? Stop at the images of Speransky and Bilibin.

12. What is the originality of the life of the Moscow nobility, the Rostov family and their environment? How is the life of Muscovites fundamentally different from high-society life in St. Petersburg? What characters of Moscow residents does Tolstoy create in his novel?

13. Tell us about the life of the local nobility on the example of the Rostovs and Bolkonskys. What is the peculiarity of the estate life of each of these families?

14. What is the symbolic meaning of the image of the dying Count Bezukhov? What role does the image of Emperor Alexander I play in the novel? From which side does Tolstoy show it?

15. What was the meaning of “family thought” for Tolstoy? Why was the problem of the family so relevant in the 1860s? What was Tolstoy's position regarding the family in the public disputes of that time? What is the originality of the family world of the Rostovs and Bolkonskys? What traits bring these two families together? What is the identity of each of them? Why is it difficult to even call the Kuragins a family? Why can the Kuragin family be considered escheat? How does Tolstoy portray young families in the novel? How is the ideal of a woman-mother related to the theme of the family in Tolstoy?

16. List the most significant female images in the novel "War and Peace". Tell us in detail about Natasha Rostova and Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. What features bring together and what distinguishes these two heroines? How do the images of Vera Rostova, Sonya, Julie Karagina compare with them? What is Helen Bezukhova shown by Tolstoy? Briefly describe Anna Pavlovna Sherer, Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova, Andrei's wife Bolkonsky Lisa, as well as female characters from the people.

17. In what does Tolstoy see the meaning of the spiritual quests of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov? What are the heroes looking for in their lives? What are they striving for? Name the main stages of the spiritual quest of Andrei and Pierre, comment on them. What spiritual values ​​does each of the characters acquire: Andrei - before his death, Pierre - in the epilogue of the novel? What role does the content of Nikolenka Bolkonsky's dream at the end of the work play in understanding the results of the spiritual quest of the two characters?

18. Tell us what role nature plays in War and Peace. How does Tolstoy's thought about the natural being of man relate to the theme of nature? Determine the main functions of descriptions of nature. Name and comment on several landscapes in the novel.

19. Analyze the genre originality of War and Peace. How does the work combine the features of the novel and the epic? What other features literary genres are we watching here?

20. Consider the composition of "War and Peace." What types of storytelling can you point out here? What is the main compositional element of "War and Peace"? What does it consist of? Name and comment on the main plot and thematic lines of Tolstoy's novel. What role do descriptions of nature play in the work, author's digressions? Give examples of author's digressions of different content.

21. Which of the Russian critics first used the term "dialectics of the soul"? What did he understand by this? Is the concept of "dialectics of the soul" considered more broadly?

Name and comment on the main principles of Tolstoy in depicting the inner world of a person.

List the means of psychological analysis used by Tolstoy in War and Peace. Give examples from the text of the novel.

22. Make a detailed outline plan

"War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy is the greatest epic novel, considered an unforgettable classic not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Based on the work of Tolstoy put theatrical performances and make films, write pictures. "War and Peace" does not leave anyone indifferent.

Meaning of the novel's title

The title of the novel "War and Peace" has several meanings. First of all, it is a designation of peacetime, which is being replaced by a military period. However, critics look deeper, meaning by the word world "society". For Tolstoy, war is the most terrible evil on earth, crippling human souls and bodies, therefore war as a destroyer is opposed to the peaceful coexistence of people.

Genre features

L.N. himself Tolstoy could not determine the genre of his work. It has elements of a chronicle, a novel, an epic. It is impossible to call “War and Peace” a chronicle in the full sense of the word, since it is not the description that occupies a greater place in the work. event series but reflections on historical events.

The designation chronicle is more suitable for family topics. The novel presents several generations of the Rostov, Bolkonsky, Bezukhov, Kuragin, and Drubetsky families. It is no coincidence that the first three families, for whom the most important thing is the feeling of unity and love with each other, became related at the end of the novel.

However, reducing the work only to a family chronicle is also not worth it. L.N. Tolstoy compared his work with the Odyssey, thereby bringing to the fore its epic beginning.

The problem and the idea of ​​the novel

The main idea of ​​the novel "War and Peace" is the idea of ​​unity, which is manifested in almost everything: in family and national unity. Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov and Marya Bolkonskaya are open to people, friendly and believe that everyone around them perceives the world in the same way as they do.

Andrei Bolkonsky is the most cynical of all goodies. At first, he does not understand the value of unity at all and lives as if by himself. But the meeting with Natasha, a dreamy and deeply sincere girl, the scene with a green oak give him the opportunity to open up to the world, thereby finding harmony.

At the same time, for Tolstoy, kinship is not at all important for unity. People can be close to each other on a spiritual level.

The problem of naturalness

The second obvious problem with the novel is naturalness. All the heroes of the work are divided into two large groups: natural, natural, on which the world rests, and artificial, transforming, causing wars and destruction. The first include the Rostovs, Pierre, Marya Bolkonskaya, the second - Kuragins, Napoleon, Alexander.

For me, the novel "War and Peace" is not just a book, it is a real textbook of life, revealing the intricacies of human existence, the secrets of the meaning of life, the human tragedy of the state of war. Tolstoy portrayed human soul in all its manifestations. That is why the work is so appreciated all over the world.

The main idea of ​​the novel "War and Peace" can be expressed in the following words of the author himself: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth." This idea was expressed not only in the opposition of Kutuzov and Napoleon, but also in all the smallest details of the struggle between the Russians and the French. Tolstoy in every possible way elevates the Russian people, who fought a defensive war and were strong in their spirit, faith in truth and goodness; the French were defeated because they were not convinced of the rightness of their cause. All the scenes of private life depicted by Tolstoy have the same goal - to show how people suffer and rejoice, love and die, lead a family and personal life, the people whose highest ideal lies in simplicity, kindness and truth. The voice for the simple and the good against the false and the predatory forces Tolstoy to condemn not only the French, blinded by the False idea of ​​greatness, but also the majority of persons from the upper class of the Russian people, who, under the elegant forms of outward propriety, harbored an abyss of deceit, frivolity and ...

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/ Works / Tolstoy L.N. / War and Peace / Composition of the novel "War and Peace"

Composition of the novel "War and Peace"

"War and Peace" is a broad historical epic, the main character of which is the Russian people. The diaries of S. A. Tolstoy contain direct statements about this by L. N. Tolstoy. “I try to write the history of the people,” he said. “For a work to be good, one must love the main, basic idea in it. So... in "War and Peace" I loved the thought of the people..."
The main idea of ​​the work is the invincible power of people's patriotism. The theme and ideological orientation of the work here, as elsewhere, determine its genre, composition, figurative system, language.
“War and Peace” vividly reflects the life of Russia and partly Western Europe first two decades of the 19th century. Great historical events shift the course of action from Russia to Austria, Prussia, Poland, the Balkans, from Smolensk to Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Russian and German villages, from the royal ...

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The main idea of ​​the novel War and Peace

The main idea of ​​the novel is War and Peace.

"Deep knowledge of the secret movements of psychological life and the direct purity of the moral feeling, which now gives a special physiognomy to the works of Count Tolstoy, will always remain essential features of his talent" (N.G. Chernyshevsky)
L.N. Tolstoy is known not only as brilliant writer, whose works have long been included in the fund of Russian classics, but also as a person who tried to understand the problems of being. Roman L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" opened to the world a gallery of immortal images created by the writer-psychologist. Thanks to his subtle skill, we can penetrate the complex inner world of the characters, learning the dialectics of the human soul.
An epic novel - such a genre is defined by criticism for "War and Peace". Epic - because the pages of this work reveal the complex inner world of a great many heroes. Each of them has a life filled with events that, according to the idea ...

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In Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace", the key word is "peace". It is contained in the very title of the work. In what sense did the author use it in the title? The question arises because in the modern Russian language there are two homonymous words "world". In Tolstoy's time, they differed in writing as well. The main meanings of the word "mip", according to the dictionary of V. Dahl, were: 1) the universe; 2) the globe; 3) all people, the human race. "Peace" was used to denote the absence of war, enmity, quarrel. In the work, episodes of war are replaced by episodes of peace, that is, peacetime. And at first glance, it seems that the title contains one antithesis: war is peacetime, and that the word "peace" should be understood only as an antithesis to the word "war". But with Tolstoy, things are much more complicated. The title of the novel reflects the main meanings of the word "world". In addition, even these meanings given above do not exhaust the use of the word "world" in the novel.

First of all, it was important for Tolstoy to show...

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The idea of ​​a heroic life in the novel "War and Peace". Military theory of Tolstoy

/ Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov (1828-1896). War and Peace. Composition of Count L.N. Tolstoy.
Volumes I, II, III and IV. Second edition. Moscow, 1868. Article one /

It is very difficult to state, even in general terms, the idea of ​​deep artwork, it is embodied in it with such completeness and versatility that its abstract exposition will always be something inaccurate, insufficient - it will not, as they say, completely exhaust the subject.

The idea of ​​"War and Peace" can be formulated in various ways.

It can be said, for example, that the guiding thought of the work is the idea of ​​a heroic life. The author himself hints at this.

The artist ... directly declares to us that he wants to depict for us such a life, which we usually call heroic, but - to depict it in its real sense, and not in those wrong images that antiquity bequeathed to us; he wants us to wean ourselves from these false notions, and for...

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In Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" the main, basic and favorite thought for the author, penetrating all the chapters of the novel from its beginning to the epilogue, was "the thought of the people." This thought lives not only in every hero, in every big stage novel "War and Peace", but also in every episode, in every detail. Tolstoy is trying to prove the people not as a large group of people, but as a single and indivisible whole, inspired by their own life, incomprehensible to many nobles, their thoughts, goals, qualities. According to Tolstoy main reason The victory of the Russians in 1812 was this “people’s thought”, this is the unity of the people in the struggle against the conqueror, his huge unshakable strength that has risen, dormant for a time in the souls of people, which with its bulk overthrew the enemy and forced him to flee.

The reason for the victory was also in the justice of the war against the conquerors, in the readiness of every Russian to stand up for the defense of the motherland, in the people's love for their fatherland. In the novel "War and Peace" this unanimous impulse of the Russians becomes, as it were, even stronger against the background of Tolstoy's brilliant depiction of high society, full of intrigues, gossip, selfish interests, many of whose representatives do not understand the danger and the difficult situation in which the people are, and do not they see or do not want to see how the people unanimously rise to the struggle. “The cudgel of the people’s war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength and, without asking anyone’s tastes and rules, with stupid simplicity, but with expediency, without understanding anything, rose, fell and nailed the French until the entire invasion died.” This is how the "people's thought" is shown in action.

The people's war was a surprise for the French, who were used to fighting according to all the rules, when "the defeat of one army, one hundredth of all the forces of the people, forced the people to submit." The Russians, on the other hand, were guided not by rules invented by someone, but by the noble goal of liberating their homeland, and for the sake of this goal they did everything. Tolstoy surprisingly accurately depicted the war of 1812 as a duel between two swordsmen, "one of whom, feeling wounded - realizing that this was not a joke, concerns his life, threw down his sword and, taking the first club that came across, began to toss with it." This "club of the people's war" made a huge contribution to the victory, which was shown by the Battle of Borodino. The battle for Moscow, the city-symbol of Russia, the symbol of the motherland. For this symbol, the Russians fought to the end, carrying in their souls the fire of love, “hidden warmth that shone on all faces,” which Pierre felt so strongly. The success of the case depended on this feeling, and it was largely because of this feeling that the Russians won. They were ready for anything, they were ready to stand to the end, "to fight harder and feel less sorry for themselves." This feeling united the army, it was "an irresistible, mysterious connection that maintains the same mood throughout the army, called the spirit of the army and constituting the main nerve of the war." The feeling of "soldier brotherhood", the consciousness that your goals coincide with the goals of everyone around, further strengthened the spirit of each person. "All the people want to pile on, one word - Moscow." People fought, realizing that the fate of their children, mothers and all of Russia depended on it, showing great heroism and stamina. This courage is shown by the example of Raevsky's battery, from which "crowds of wounded, disfigured by suffering, walked and rushed on a stretcher," but the battery did not give up. “The Russians won a moral victory, one that convinces the enemy of the moral superiority of their enemy and of their impotence.”

This victory was the goal of Kutuzov's activity, "the most worthy goal and most of all coinciding with the will of the whole people."

Kutuzov, according to Tolstoy, was the historical figure closest to the people, he himself was by nature a simple Russian person. He understood and had in his soul a feeling that "lies in the soul of every soldier." The soldiers felt this, so they loved Kutuzov very much. He was a comrade for them, a father, his speech was understandable to everyone. "The commander-in-chief stopped talking, a simple old man spoke." "He seemed to be the simplest and most ordinary person and said the most simple, ordinary things." Even his appearance was simple: “the usual features of an old man”, “there is nothing from the ruler of peoples in this full, flabby old man, in his stooped figure and diving heavy gait.” This man was able to "guess so correctly the meaning folk sense events that never betrayed him in all his activities. According to Tolstoy, "the source of this extraordinary power of Insight and the meaning of the phenomena that took place lay in the popular feeling that he carried in himself in all its purity and strength." All his activities were aimed at the good of Russia, at defeating and expelling the enemy, "easing, as far as possible, the disasters of the people and troops." He understands that the fate of the battle is decided by the spirit of the army, “he watches this force and directs it, as far as it is in his power. He will not invent anything, will not undertake anything ... but he will listen to everything, remember everything, put everything in its place, will not interfere with anything useful and will not allow anything harmful. For Tolstoy, Kutuzov is the ideal of a historical figure, the ideal of a Russian person.

Also a huge contribution to the victory was made by the partisan movement, this "club of the people's war", with which the Russian people "nail enemies until the feeling of insult and revenge in their soul is replaced by contempt and pity." According to Tolstoy, the main engine of war is the spirit of the army, “that is, a greater or lesser desire to fight and expose themselves to the dangers of all the people who make up the army, completely regardless of whether people fight under the command of geniuses or non-geniuses, in three or two lines, clubs or rifles firing thirty times a minute. People who have the greatest desire to fight will always put themselves in the most favorable conditions for a fight ...

The most favorable conditions for the Russians were "to break up and attack one by one when the opportunity presents itself." Because "the spirit is raised so that individuals beat without the order of the French and do not need coercion in order to expose themselves to labor and danger." “The guerrillas destroyed the great army in parts. They picked up those fallen leaves that fell of their own accord from a withered tree - the French army, and sometimes shook this tree ... There were parties that adopted all the methods of the army; there were only Cossack, cavalry; there were small, prefabricated, on foot and horseback, there were peasants and landowners "not known to anyone." Guerrilla warfare took on enormous proportions. Tolstoy showed the actions of the partisans on the example of the detachments of Denisov and Dolokhov, they considered it possible and did what "the heads of large detachments did not dare to think about." Courage, patriotism, more flexible maneuverability of the small detachments of Denisov and Dolokhov contributed to successful actions. Their detachments, imperceptible to the enemy, carried out unusually risky, but successful operations, designed for surprise. An example of which is the capture of French transport.

The most important role in the partisan detachments was played by the peasants. And Tolstoy showed one of them in a closer view. This man is Tikhon Shcherbaty, a typical Russian peasant, as a symbol of the avenging people fighting for their homeland. He was “the most useful and brave man” in Denisov’s detachment, “his weapons were a blunderbuss, a pike and an ax, which he owned like a wolf owns teeth.” In the detachment of Denisov, Tikhon occupied exceptional place: “when it was necessary to do something especially difficult and ugly - turn a wagon in the mud with your shoulder, pull a horse out of the swamp by the tail, skin it, climb into the very middle of the French, walk fifty miles a day - everyone pointed out, chuckling, to Tikhon". Tikhon feels a strong hatred for the French, so strong that he can be very cruel. But we understand his feelings and sympathize with this hero.

He is always busy, always in action, his speech is unusually fast, even his comrades speak of him affectionately with irony: "Well, clever," "what a beast." The image of Tikhon Shcherbaty is close to Tolstoy, who loves this hero, as he loves all the people, as he loves "the thought of the people in the novel." Even the very image of the "club of the people's war" has folk poetic origins, rooted in folklore. This is evidenced by the expression "go out with a cudgel" and truly folk song"Oh, cudgel, let's go." The cudgel as a symbol of protecting one's home, one's homeland from the enemy, which, if necessary, can turn into a weapon of attack, is an amazingly accurate image that reveals Tolstoy's views on the driving forces of history better and more subtle than whole pages of other theoretical works.

The main and main idea in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

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"War and Peace" as an epic novel. The genre of "War and Peace" is unusual. Tolstoy himself renounced the genre definition of his majestic work, sometimes preferring to call it simply “a book”. “What is War and Peace? the writer asked

And he answered: “This is not a novel, even less a poem, even less a historical chronicle.”

In this regard, Tolstoy quite rightly recalled that Russian literature since the time of Pushkin has generally been distinguished by the spirit of the most daring innovation in the field of form: “Starting from” dead souls"Gogol and before Dostoevsky's House of the Dead, in the new period of Russian literature there is not a single artistic prose work that is a little out of mediocrity, which would fit perfectly into the form of a novel, poem or short story."

Really. traditional genre definitions: family-household novel, socio-psychological novel,

Philosophical, even historical, etc. did not cover the entire richness of the content of "War and Peace", did not convey the essence of the writer's innovation. L. Tolstoy made an artistic discovery that required a new genre framework. M. Gorky remembered the words of the author himself about his work: "Without false modesty - it's like the Iliad."

There is still no unity among literary critics in defining the genre nature of War and Peace; nevertheless, the term that A. V. Chicherin insists on: epic novel, seems to be the most preferable. For the first time in the history of Russian literature, a work was created that combines a narrative of events of national significance and a story about the personal fate of people, pictures of morals, and a wide panorama of European life, vivid types of folk and secular environment, an image of the very course of history and philosophical reasoning about such complex theoretical concepts. like freedom and necessity, chance and regularity, the role of the individual in history, etc.

The main idea of ​​the work. its main idea is, in the words of the writer himself, “the thought of the people.” Also in early work Tolstoy was keenly worried about the fate of the people, about the relationship between the noble intelligentsia and the people (military stories, “Morning of the landowner”, “Cossacks”). In "War and Peace" he for the first time artistically revealed the great role of the masses in historical events. The people became the protagonist of his epic; popular consciousness determined the author's concept of history and modernity, which was already reflected in the title of the work.

The name is ambiguous. The world can be perceived both as a phenomenon opposite to war, and as a human community (peasant peace), and as the universe. In any case, it is something that resists violence and destruction. The idea of ​​universal human unity, the brotherhood of people in the name of counteracting war as a terrible, unnatural evil, permeates the entire epic novel, reflecting the people's worldview.

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