
Who defeated katherine or the dark kingdom. What caused the death of the main character of the play

    "There is something refreshing and encouraging in" The Thunderstorm ". This" something "is in our opinion, the background of the play, indicated by us and revealing the precariousness and the imminent end of tyranny. ...

    The name of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is one of the most glorious in the history of Russian literature and Russian theater. In 1812 the great Russian writer A.I. Goncharov, greeting Ostrovsky on the 35th anniversary of his literary career, said: "You ...

    A. N. Ostrovsky was the successor and continuer of realistic traditions in Russian literature. In his works, the playwright reflected the reality of his day, the types, images characteristic of that time, showed the existing orders, their ...

    Ostrovsky in his work has repeatedly addressed the theme of patriarchal merchants. His most striking work on this topic is the drama "The Thunderstorm", written in 1859. "Thunderstorm" is without a doubt the most decisive ...

    From the very first scenes of A. Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm" we find ourselves in the gloomy atmosphere of a special world, which, with the light hand of N. A. Dobrolyubov, was called "the dark kingdom." In the merchant world of the city of Kalinov, where dramatic events unfold, ...

    The drama The Thunderstorm, written in 1859, at a time of social upsurge on the eve of the peasant reform, as it were, crowned the first stage of Ostrovsky's creative activity, a cycle of his plays about the “dark kingdom”. This play was extremely popular. The drama was staged ...

The play "The Thunderstorm", written by A.N. Ostrovsky in 1859, on the very first evening of its production became the subject of many disputes between critics, who spoke about the work from different positions. There are several important issues in the play, one of which is the death of the main character and the attitude towards her. Someone is sure that this is a forced death, others believe that her death is a release from the oppression and torment that Katerina experienced. I will try to consider the image of the girl in more detail and answer this question.

Katerina is Tikhon's young wife and Kabanikha's daughter-in-law.

The order in which she grew up and lives does not differ from each other, but the conditions differ. In the parental home, Katerina was a beloved daughter, who was looked after and cared for, in the Kabanikha's house she was only a daughter-in-law, obliged to obey her husband and mother-in-law. Kabanikh's playfulness and dreaminess did not approve and condemn, because the girl, being in a kind of captivity, "wilted completely." Katerina does not feel deep love for her husband and was married off to him by her parents, she did not even resist marriage and took it for granted. However, then the girl falls in love with Boris, then the contradictory nature of her nature manifests itself. Her love is so strong that she, a married woman, meets a strange man during her husband's departure. Although Katerina is very devout and understands that it is sinful to do this and that it will not bring her happiness, she still goes to the meeting. But she is not motivated by the idea of \u200b\u200btreason, she just wants to feel at least a little happy and be with her beloved person, who, in turn, also loves her.

Only then it turns out that her beloved, like Tikhon, is a weak person who is not able to fight for her happiness with all her might. Katerina is in the "dark kingdom": she is surrounded by weak-willed, deceitful, selfish and cruel people who look to blame in others, but not in themselves. Our heroine, on the other hand, is fighting for happiness, which shows her strong character, she does not try to blame someone for her troubles and admits that she is sinful, she immediately wants to tell Tikhon about her betrayal, but Varvara makes her remain silent. At the end of 4 acts, the girl is no longer able to hide the deception, since her heart is tormented, and the fear of punishment from above fills her soul, she regrets what she has done. The lies that appeared in Katerina's life are hard and unbearable, and in order to get rid of this burden, she tells the whole truth, hoping to be punished and thus cleansed.

And now everyone knows about the deception, which means that, like in Kabanikha's house, and in Kalinov in general, she will not live. Katerina still clings to happiness and tries to persuade Boris to take her with him, but he refuses her. Hope for the best dies, unable to bear the next cruelty, the heroine decides on the most terrible sins - suicide. Thus, Katerina is freed from the oppression and torment of her soul and finds peace.

Katerina appears to us as a "ray of light in the kingdom of darkness", whose inhabitants are trying to extinguish him, because he is different from others. Although the girl tries to resist this, her attempts are in vain, since she does not feel support and is increasingly weakening. In my opinion, after desperate and unsuccessful attempts to resist the society that surrounded her, Katerina's torment became so heavy that she took such a difficult step in the hope of salvation. Thus, her death brought her deliverance from torment, and hence liberation.

The drama "Thunderstorm" is the pinnacle of Ostrovsky's work. In his work, the writer shows the imperfection of the patriarchal world, the influence of the order on the morals of people, he reveals before us society with all its vices and shortcomings, and at the same time he introduces into the drama a hero different from this community, alien to it, reveals the influence of society on this person, how the character enters the circle of these people. In The Thunderstorm, Katerina becomes this new, different from the others hero, the “ray of light”. She belongs to the old patriarchal world, but at the same time enters into irreconcilable conflict with it. Using her example, the writer shows how awful it is to be in the “kingdom of despots and tyrants” for a person with such a pure soul as Katerina. The woman comes into conflict with this society, and, along with external problems, internal contradictions are brewing in Katerina's soul, which, together with fatal circumstances, lead Katerina to suicide.
Katerina is a woman with a strong character, but meanwhile even she cannot resist the “kingdom of tyrants and despots”.
Mother-in-law (Kabanikha) is a rude, domineering, oppressive, ignorant nature, she is closed to everything beautiful. Of all the characters, Marfa Ignatievna exerts the strongest pressure on Katerina. The heroine herself admits: “If it weren’t her mother-in-law! .. She crushed me ... she made me sick and tired of the house: the walls are even disgusting”. Kabanikha constantly accuses Katerina of almost all mortal sins, reproaches and finds fault with her about and without reason. But Kabanikha does not have the moral right to scoff and condemn Katerina, because the inner qualities of her son's wife in their depth and purity cannot be compared with the hardened, callous, low soul of Martha Ignatievna, and meanwhile Kabanikha is one of those through whose fault Katerina comes to thoughts of suicide. After the death of the main character, Kuligin says: "... the soul is now not yours: it is before a judge who is more merciful than you." Katerina cannot come to terms with the oppressive, oppressive atmosphere that reigns in Kalinov. Her soul strives for freedom at any cost, she says, "I will do whatever I want," "I will leave, and I was like that." With her marriage, Katerina's life turned into a living hell, this is an existence in which there are no joyful moments, and even love for Boris does not relieve her of longing.
In this "dark kingdom" everything is alien to her, everything oppresses her. She, according to the customs of that time, did not marry of her own free will and to an unwelcome person whom she would never love. Katerina soon realized how weak and pitiful her husband was, he himself could not resist his mother, Kabanikha, and, naturally, was unable to protect Katerina from constant attacks from her mother-in-law. The main character tries to convince herself and Varvara that she loves her husband, but nevertheless later confesses to her husband's sister: "I feel sorry for him very much." Pity is the only feeling she has for her husband. Katerina herself understands perfectly well that she will never love her husband, and the words she uttered when her husband left (“how I would love you”) are words of despair. Katerina was already seized by another feeling - love for Boris, and her attempt to grab hold of her husband in order to prevent misfortune, a thunderstorm, the approach of which she feels, is futile and useless. Tisha does not heed her, he stands next to his wife, but in his dreams he is already far from her - his thoughts about drinking and walking outside Kalinov's border, he himself says to his wife: “I cannot understand you, Katya!” Why should he “make out” it! Katerina's inner world is too complicated and incomprehensible for people like Kabanov. Not only Tikhon, but also his sister says to Katerina: "I don't understand what you are saying."
In the "dark kingdom" there is not a single person whose spiritual qualities would be equal to Katerinins, and even Boris, a hero singled out by a woman from the whole crowd, is not worthy of Katerina. Her love is a turbulent river, his love is a small stream that is about to dry up. Boris is only going to take a walk with Katerina during Tikhon's departure, and then ... then it will be seen. He is not too concerned about how the hobby will turn out for Katerina, Boris is not even stopped by Kudryash's warning: “You want to ruin her completely”. At the last meeting, he says to Katerina: “Who knew that for our love we suffer so much with you,” because at the first meeting the woman told him: “Ruined, ruined, ruined”.
The reasons that prompted Katerina to commit suicide are hidden not only (and not even so much) in the society around her, but in herself. Her soul is a precious stone, and the invasion of foreign particles is impossible. She cannot, like Barbara, act according to the principle “if only everything was sewn and covered”, she cannot live keeping such a terrible secret in herself, and even confession in front of everyone does not bring her relief, she realizes that she will never atone for himself, and cannot accept it. She took the path of sin, but she will not aggravate it by lying to herself and everyone, and understands that the only deliverance from her mental anguish is death. Katerina asks Boris to take her to Siberia, but even if she runs away from this society, she is not destined to hide from herself, from remorse. To some extent, Boris understands this and says that “only one thing should be asked of God, so that she would die as soon as possible, so that she would not suffer for a long time!” One of Katerina's problems is that “she cannot deceive, she cannot hide anything”. She cannot deceive or hide from herself, much less from others. Katerina is constantly tormented by the consciousness of her sinfulness.
Translated from Greek, the name Catherine means “always pure”, and our heroine, of course, always strives for spiritual purity. All kinds of lies and untruths are alien to her, even when she finds herself in such a degraded society, she does not betray her inner ideal, she does not want to become the same as many people of that circle. Katerina does not absorb dirt, she can be compared to a lotus flower that grows in a swamp, but, in spite of everything, blooms with unique snow-white flowers. Katerina does not live to see a lush bloom, her half-blooming flower wilted, but no poisonous substances penetrated it, he died innocent.

This is the most “favorite” occupation of the Russian classics - to look for a “hero of our time”. Ostrovsky searches for his hero on Katerina. Katerina is a female image who has entered into a struggle with dark forces and dooms herself to certain death. Among the victims, Katerina stands out for her open character, courage and directness. Everything I have written in the composition is the reason for the further fate of Katerina.
Katerina is a young married woman who was born and spent her childhood in another city or village with her mother. Catherine was free in childhood and flew like a bird. Mamma doted on her, she dressed me like a doll, didn't force me to work. Having married the son of a tyrant, this light went out. Living in Kabanikha's house, Katerina's personality is suppressed. Everyone humiliates Katerina, that is, Kabanova. Kabanova is one of the representatives of this gloomy dark corner, and he believed that he was the only one. She shows everyone that she is a saint, and wants everyone to be such. Kabanova lived and made Katerina live according to a book about home economics. It is like dragging a ray of light into a dark realm. No wonder the Russian proverb says that a house for a woman is hard labor.
To everything else is added the bonfire of love for Boris, into which someone constantly adds oil. Katerina's idea of \u200b\u200blove is rooted in the patriarchal idea of \u200b\u200blove as a criminal, demonic obsession, since Katerina is a woman of the patriarchal way of life and she was devoted with all her heart husband Baranov. And Tikhon himself is a small person by type. The cruel Kabaniha suppressed everything in her son that is inherent in a man. He is looking for a small hole to break free and live a normal life. In fact, Kabanov traded his wife for the opportunity to get drunk. He refuses to understand her, and under the influence of Barbara she commits a sin. And then, having betrayed Tikhon, an internal conflict arises in Katerina's soul, everything begins to collapse like a house of cards .. I would compare Katerina with a teapot that stands on fire, where fire is the jealousy of her husband and Kabanikh. The kettle boils, boils, and then water spills and ...
Katerina is unfaithful to her husband during his departure with Boris. Only a fleeting romance with Boris roused her, but even then, tormented by emotions, she told her husband about her adventure ... And she could not hide her feelings from her worst enemies, primarily from Martha Ignatievna. She, as a person who differs from her peers, the young residents of Kalinov, by her inner disposition, does not accept lies and opportunism, which the people around her have accepted as an integral part of their life. Cheating on her husband was also a great sin. Some, probably, of course, cheated in marriage, but this did not frighten them.
Catherine thinks about the Thunderstorm, that this punishment of God, and all the time hides from it, and when a thunderstorm over the city, the most terrible things happen to her. It is during a thunderstorm that she faints and after this natural phenomenon, she decides to commit the most terrible sin for a person, to commit suicide. According to the Christian faith, a person who committed suicide will be roasted in hell for the rest of his life. No wonder Katerina cried out: "O fiery hyena!" ...
Kabanikha makes his son hostile to her, and Dikoy sends Boris to Siberia. Left alone, Katerina thought for a long time what to do. Katerina is exhausted, wants to die. She runs away from home and runs to the Volga, remembering Boris's caresses. Katerina is at a fork in two roads: love, which means death and shame, or a painful life under the yoke of Kabanikha, which forced her to do what she herself did with pleasure. And in the middle is the high bank of the river, from which Katerina rushed, pushed by the "thunderstorm", that is, the ever-growing conflict between these two worlds. She did not have a friend who would understand and support her, perhaps Katerina would not jump. She then presents the grave from an aesthetic point of view. And despite the fact that suicide is a huge sin in Christian beliefs, Katerina remembered the proverb "He came out of the earth, entered the earth", looking at the chirping birds, Katya made her last choice. Katerina begins to go crazy and commits suicide. After that, the whole Kabanov family suddenly got hurt.
If the hero commits suicide, then everyone pity him, but in the drama of N.A. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" one can only be glad for the death of Katerina. Indeed, the death of Katerina is an open protest of a person brought to the chapel against all forms. Having committed suicide, Katerina believes that this is the only solution in her situation. It is not clear what caused this murder: a mental state or not wanting to submit to the dark kingdom. Making mistakes, for which you pay later, our conscience torments us, and we often do not find a better option than to shoot ourselves, hang ourselves or drown ourselves. Death by suicide is better than moral death from the kingdom. Nobody understood Katerina, and she died of her despair.

What caused the death of the main character of the play?

The drama "Thunderstorm" is the pinnacle of Ostrovsky's work. In his work, the writer shows the imperfection of the patriarchal world, the influence of the order on the morals of people, he reveals before us society with all its vices and shortcomings, and at the same time he introduces into the drama a hero different from this community, alien to it, reveals the influence of society on this person, how the character enters the circle of these people. In The Thunderstorm, Katerina becomes this new, different from the others hero, the “ray of light”. She belongs to the old patriarchal world, but at the same time enters into irreconcilable conflict with it. Using her example, the writer shows how awful it is to be in the “kingdom of despots and tyrants” for a person with such a pure soul as Katerina. The woman comes into conflict with this society, and, along with external problems, internal contradictions are brewing in Katerina's soul, which, together with fatal circumstances, lead Katerina to suicide.

Katerina is a woman with a strong character, but meanwhile even she cannot resist the “kingdom of tyrants and despots”.

Mother-in-law (Kabanikha) is a rude, domineering, oppressive, ignorant nature, she is closed to everything beautiful. Of all the characters, Marfa Ignatievna exerts the strongest pressure on Katerina. The heroine herself admits: “If it weren’t her mother-in-law! .. She crushed me ... she made me sick and tired of the house: the walls are even disgusting”. Kabanikha constantly accuses Katerina of almost all mortal sins, reproaches and finds fault with her about and without reason. But Kabanikha does not have the moral right to scoff and condemn Katerina, because the inner qualities of her son's wife in their depth and purity cannot be compared with the hardened, callous, low soul of Martha Ignatievna, and meanwhile Kabanikha is one of those through whose fault Katerina comes to thoughts of suicide. After the death of the main character, Kuligin says: "... the soul is now not yours: it is before a judge who is more merciful than you." Katerina cannot come to terms with the oppressive, oppressive atmosphere that reigns in Kalinov. Her soul strives for freedom at any cost, she says, "I will do whatever I want," "I will leave, and I was like that." With her marriage, Katerina's life turned into a living hell, this is an existence in which there are no joyful moments, and even love for Boris does not relieve her of longing.

In this "dark kingdom" everything is alien to her, everything oppresses her. She, according to the customs of that time, did not marry of her own free will and to an unwelcome person whom she would never love. Katerina soon realized how weak and pitiful her husband was, he himself could not resist his mother, Kabanikha, and, naturally, was unable to protect Katerina from constant attacks from her mother-in-law. The main character tries to convince herself and Varvara that she loves her husband, but nevertheless later confesses to her husband's sister: "I feel sorry for him very much." Pity is the only feeling she has for her husband. Katerina herself understands perfectly well that she will never love her husband, and the words she uttered when her husband left (“how I would love you”) are words of despair. Katerina was already seized by another feeling - love for Boris, and her attempt to grab hold of her husband in order to prevent misfortune, a thunderstorm, the approach of which she feels, is futile and useless. Tisha does not heed her, he stands next to his wife, but in his dreams he is already far from her - his thoughts about drinking and walking outside Kalinov's border, he himself says to his wife: “I cannot understand you, Katya!” Why should he “make out” it! Katerina's inner world is too complicated and incomprehensible for people like Kabanov. Not only Tikhon, but also his sister says to Katerina: "I don't understand what you are saying."

In the "dark kingdom" there is not a single person whose spiritual qualities would be equal to Katerinins, and even Boris, a hero singled out by a woman from the whole crowd, is not worthy of Katerina. Her love is a turbulent river, his love is a small stream that is about to dry up. Boris is only going to take a walk with Katerina during Tikhon's departure, and then ... then it will be seen. He is not too concerned about how the hobby will turn out for Katerina, Boris is not even stopped by Kudryash's warning: “You want to ruin her completely”. At the last meeting, he says to Katerina: “Who knew that for our love we suffer so much with you,” because at the first meeting the woman told him: “Ruined, ruined, ruined”.

The reasons that prompted Katerina to commit suicide are hidden not only (and not even so much) in the society around her, but in herself. Her soul is a precious stone, and the invasion of foreign particles is impossible. She cannot, like Barbara, act according to the principle “if only everything was sewn and covered”, she cannot live keeping such a terrible secret in herself, and even confession in front of everyone does not bring her relief, she understands that she will never atone for himself, and cannot accept it. She embarked on the path of sin, but she will not aggravate it by lying to herself and everyone, and understands that the only deliverance from her mental torment is death. Katerina asks Boris to take her to Siberia, but even if she escapes from this society, she is not destined to hide from herself, from remorse. To some extent, Boris understands this and says that “only one thing should be asked of God, so that she would die as soon as possible, so that she would not suffer for a long time!” One of Katerina's problems is that “she cannot deceive, she cannot hide anything”. She can neither deceive nor hide from herself, much less from others. Katerina is constantly tormented by the consciousness of her sinfulness.

Translated from Greek, the name Catherine means “always pure”, and our heroine, of course, always strives for spiritual purity. All kinds of lies and untruths are alien to her, even when she finds herself in such a degraded society, she does not betray her inner ideal, she does not want to become the same as many people of that circle. Katerina does not absorb dirt, she can be compared to a lotus flower that grows in a swamp, but, in spite of everything, blooms with unique snow-white flowers. Katerina does not live to see a lush bloom, her half-open flower wilted, but no toxic substances penetrated it, he died innocent.