
Characteristics of the main actors of the play of the Ostrovsky Thunderstorm. Characteristics of the main characters of the product of thunderstorm, Ostrovsky. Their images and descriptions. Vanya Kudryash - Beloved Var

Piece "Thunderstorm" - the most famous creation of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. Each hero of this work is a unique person who occupies its place in the system of characters. Noteworthy in connection with this is the characteristic of the Tikhon. "Thunderstorm", play, the main conflict of which is built on the confrontation of strong and weak, is interesting for his oppressed heroes, our character includes our character.

Piece "Thunderstorm"

The play was written in 1859. The place of action is the fictional city of Kalinov, who stands on the banks of the Volga. Time actions - summer, all the work covers 12 days.

According to its genre, "Thunderstorm" refers to the socially dome. Ostrovsky has paid a lot of attention to the description of the household text of the city, the characters of the work enter the conflict with well-established orders, have long been outrageous, and the degradation of the older generation. Of course, the main protest expresses Katerina (the main character), but her husband is also occupied by the last place in the Bunte, which confirms the characteristic of the Tikhon.

"Thunderstorm" is a work that tells about human freedom, about the desire to escape from the shackles of obsolete dogma, religious authoritarianism. And all this is depicted against the background of the failed love of the main character.

System images

The system of images in the play is built on opposition of self-masses who are accustomed to everyone to command (Kabaniha, Wild), and young people who want to finally gain freedom and live by their mind. He heads the second camp of Katerina, only she has enough courage to open confrontation. However, other young characters seek to get rid of the Iiga of the dilapidated and meaningless rules. But there are those who resigned, and not the last among them is Katerina's husband (the detailed description of the Tikhon is presented below).

"Thunderstorm" paints the world of the "Dark Kingdom", only the heroes themselves can destroy it or die, like Katerina, incomprehensible and rejected. It turns out that those who captured the power of self-director and their laws are too strong, and any riot against them leads to the tragedy.

Tikhon: characteristic

"Thunderstorm" is a work where there are no strong male characters (for the exclusion of wild). So, Tikhon Kabanov appears only a hazard, weak and intimidated mother, unable to protect his beloved woman. The characteristic of Tikhon from the play "Thunderstorm" shows that this hero is the victim of the "Dark Kingdom", he lacks the determination to live by his mind. Whatever he did and wherever he went - everything happens by the will of the mother.

As a child, Tikhon was used to follow the orders of Kabani, and this habit was preserved in it and in mature years. And so this need to obey that even the thought of healing imperts it into horror. That's what he himself speaks about this: "Yes, I, Mama, and I don't want to live my will."

The characteristic of Tikhon ("Thunderstorm") speaks about this character as a person, ready to demolish all the mockery and rudeness of his mother. And the only thing that he is driving, - the desire to escape from the house to try. This is the only freedom accessible to him and liberation.

Katerina and Tikhon: Characteristics

"Thunderstorm" is a play, where one of the main storylines is love, but as close as it is our hero? Yes, Tikhon loves his wife, but in his own way, not as whatever Kabaniha wanted. He shares with her, does not want to rule over the girl, intimidating it. However, Tikhon does not understand the Katerina and its spiritual suffering. Its softly affects the heroine. Be Tikhon a little courageous and possess at least some will and ability to fight, Katerina would not need to look for all this on the side - in Boris.

The characteristic of the Tikhon from the Pieza "Thunderstorm" exhibits it in a completely unsightly light. Despite the fact that he reacted to the treason of his wife calmly, he is unable to defend her by any mother or from other representatives of the Dark Kingdom. He leaves Katerina alone, despite his love for her. The non-interference of this character in many ways was the cause of the final tragedy. Only realizing that he lost his beloved, Tikhon is drunk to an open riot against his mother. He accuses her in the death of a girl, no longer fear of her nominities and power over him.

Images of Tikhon and Boris

The comparative characteristic of Boris and Tikhon ("Thunderstorm") allows us to conclude that they are in many ways similar, some literary critics even call them twin heroes. So, what about them in them, and what are they different?

Without finding the necessary support and understanding of Tikhon, Katerina appeals to Boris. What did he attract the heroine in it? First of all, it differs from other residents of the city: Educated, graduated from the Academy, dresses to the European manner. But this is only an outer side, and what inside? In the course of the story it turns out that it depends on the wild just like Tikhon from the Kabani. Boris is lost and inactive. He says he holds him only inheritance, having lost whom his sister will be a hopeless. But all this seems to be an excuse: too submissively he demoling all the humiliation of uncle. Boris sincerely falls in love with Katerina, but it does not care that this love will destroy the married woman. He, like Tikhon, is worried about himself. In words, both of these hero sympathize with the main heroine, but they lack the strength of the Spirit to help her, protect.

Events in Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" unfold on the coast of the Volga, in the fictional city of Kalinov. In the work, a list of acting persons and their brief characteristics, but they are still not enough to better understand the world of each character and reveal the conflict of the plays in general. The main heroes of the "thunderstorms" is not so much.

Katerina, girl, main heroine plays. She is pretty young, her early gave her married. Katya was brought up in accuracy according to the traditions of the housework: the main qualities of the wife were respect and humility to their spouse. At first, Katya tried to love Tikhon, but nothing but pity could experience him. At the same time, the girl tried to support her husband, help him and not to reproach him. Katerina can be called the most modest, but at the same time the strongest character of "thunderstorms". Indeed, the form of the character of Kati does not appear. At first glance, this girl is weak and silent, it seems as if it is easy to break. But it's not at all. Katerina is the only one in the family that opposes the kabani attacks. It is opposed, and not ignores them like Barbara. The conflict is rather internal character. After all, Kabaniha is afraid that Katya can affect her son, after which Tikhon will cease to obey the will of the mother.

Katya wants to fly, often compares himself with a bird. She literally chips in the "Dark Kingdom" Kalinov. Feeling in love with the arrival of a young man, Katya created a perfect image of love and possible release. Unfortunately, her ideas had little in common with reality. The girl's life ended tragic.

Ostrovsky in the "thunderstorm" by the main character makes not only Katerina. The image of Kati is opposed to the image of Martha Ignatievna. A woman who keeps in fear and straining the whole family does not cause respect. Kabaniha strong and despotic. Most likely, the "Brazuds of the Board" she took after the death of her husband. Although it is likely that in the marriage of Kabaniha did not differ in humility. Most of all came from her Kate, daughter-in-law. It is Kabaniha indirectly guilty of the death of Katerina.

Varvara - daughter Kabanihi. Despite the fact that she learned for so many years, the reader still sympathizes to her. Varvara is a good girl. Surprisingly, deception and cunning do not make it similar to the rest of the city. She comes as she likes and lives as she wants. Barbara is not afraid of the wrath of the mother, because it is not authority for it.

Tikhon Kabanov fully complies with its name. It is quiet, weak, imperceptible. Tikhon cannot protect his wife from the mother, because he himself is under the strong influence of the Kabani. His riot in the end turns out to be the most significant. After all, it is the words, and not the escape of the barbarians make readers think about the entire tragedy of the situation.

Kuligina the author characterizes as self-taught mechanic. This character is a kind of guide. In the first action, he seemed to lead us according to Kalinov, telling about his inels, about families who live here about the social setting. Kuligin seems to know everything about everyone. His estimates of others are very accurate. Kuligin himself is a kind person who is used to living on well-minded rules. He constantly dreams of a general good, about Mobility-Mobile, about the threshold, about honest labor. Unfortunately, his dreams are not destined to be realized.

Wild has a clerk, Kudryash. This character is interesting because the merchant is not afraid and can tell him what he thinks about him. At the same time, Kudryash, as well as wild, trying to find benefits in everything. It can be described as a simple person.

Boris comes to Kalinov in cases: he needs to urgently establish relations with wild, because in this case he will be able to get the money legally. However, neither Boris nor wild want to even see each other. Initially, Boris seems to readers such as Katya, honest and fair. In the last scenes, this is refuted: Boris is not able to decide on a serious step, take responsibility, he simply escapes, leaving Katya alone.

Some of the "thunderstorms" heroes are a wander and maid. Feclusha and Head are shown as typical inhabitants of Kalinov city. Their darkness and uneducation sincerely amazes. Their judgments are absurd, and the horizon is very narrow. Women are judged by morality and morality on some kind of perverted, distorted concepts. "Moscow is now Gulbishchi da playing, and the streets of Indo rumbled, the moan stands. Why, Mother Marfa Ignatievna Mother, Fiery Zmia began to bargain: Everyone, you see, for the sake of speed, "so the fecusch responds about the progress and reforms, and the" Fire Zmiem "woman calls the car. Such people are alien to progress and culture, because it is convenient to live in a confined limited peace of calm and dimension.

This article presents a brief characteristic of the heroes of the Pieza "Thunderstorm", for a deeper understanding, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with thematic articles about every character "Thunderstorm" on our website.

Test on the work

He opened the "constipation" of two rich merchant houses of the city of Kalinov - Houses of Kabanova and Sawa Dickόgo.

Kabaniha. Haste and cruel, the old woman Kabanova represents the living personification of the rules of false, Hangeesky "piety": she knows them well, she herself performed them and steadily demanding their execution from others. These rules are the following: the youngest in the family must submit the older; they have no right to have naughtopinion, theirdesire its ownthe world, - they must be "impersonal," must be mannequins. Then they must "be afraid", live in fear. "If there is no fear in life, then, according to her conviction, the world will stop standing. When Kabanova convinces his son, Tikhon, act to his wife "fear", he says that he does not want to be at all that Katerina "was afraid" him, "he is enough if she will" love him. " "What should I be afraid? She exclaims, - what should I be afraid? Yes, you crushed, or what? You will not be afraid - me and yes! What is the order of it in the house? After all, you, tea, do you live in the law? Ali, in your opinion, the law does not mean anything? ". Finally, the third rule is not to introduce anything "new", stand behind the old days in everything, - in the views on life, in human relations, customs and rites. She crushes that "old man is displayed." "What will happen like an old man? How will the light stand, I don't know! " - She says absolutely sincere.

A. N. Ostrovsky. Storm. Spectacle

Such are the views of Kabanova, and in the way they are holding their cruel nature. It presses all with their own power; She does not know any self and refuse. She not only "wind" for the fulfillment of its rules - she invades them in someone else's soul, it makes faith to people, "sharpening" them with any of them ... And all this is done with the full consciousness of their "right", With the mind of "need" and with constant concerns about the outer detention ...

Despotism and self-marsh of Kabani is much worse than that, which shows the treasures of the ends in the play "Poverty is not a vice", or wild. Thus, there is no support, and therefore they can still, although it is rare, skillfully playing their psychology to make the time to become ordinary people, as it does Love ends with her brother. But there is no strength that kabanov would be knocked down: in addition to his despotic nature, she will always find a support and support in those lifestyles that she considers an inviolable shrine.

Saved wild. This is not the other "Samodor" of this drama - the merchant Sawa Dikόi. This is the native brother of Gordy Torotov: - Rude, forever drunk, who considers himself to have the right to scold everyone because he is rich, wild despotic not "according to the principle", like Kabanova, and from a whim, from whim. There are no reasonable reasons for its actions - this is unbridled, devoid of all sorts of logical grounds, arbitrariness. Wild, by the definition of Kalinovsev, - "Warrior": according to his own words, he, "at home there is constantly war." "You are a worm! I want to give me, I will want to give it! " - Here, the basis of his relationship to those people who are weaker, or poorer. The characteristic echo of the antiquity affected one line of him, - twisted during his peasants - he was "on the courtyard, he bowed him in the dirt, - at all ... I bowed!" ... In this "nationwide repentance" a glimpse of respect for Once the highest moral order of things established by ancient.

Tikhon Kabanov. In the family of Kabanova, the younger generation is represented by her son Tikhon, a bride, Katerina and daughter Barbarian. On all these three persons, the influence of the old woman of Kabanova was reflected in different ways.

Tikhon is a completely frantic, weak creature, an impersonal mother .. He, an adult man, will obey her, like a boy, and, afraid to disobey her, ready to humiliate and insult his beloved wife. The desire for freedom has a miserable, cowardly drunkenness on the side and the same cowardly hatred of his home home ...

Varvara Kabanova. Varvara - Natura is more brave than brother. But she is not under the open struggle with his mother, the face of the clit. And she conquers freedom to be deceived and cunning. "Rallying", hypocrisy covers her rampant life. Oddly enough, the girls in the city of Kalinov looked through the fingers: "When and take a walk, like not in the girls!" - Says Kabanova Sam. "Sin does not matter, Solva is not good!" - said Famusov in a circle. The same point of view and here: publicity, according to Kabanova, everything is terrible.

Barbara tried and Katerina to arrange the same "fraudulent happiness", which herself enjoyed with a calm conscience. And this led to a terrible tragedy.

Feclusha. The wanderer-mantis fecusch is in the "thunderstorm" the opposite of the inquisitive mechanics of Kuligin. A stupid and tricky, ignorant old woman, she pronounces the accusation against all the new cultural life - glimpses of which will be disturbed by the "Dark Kingdom" of its novelty. The whole world, with his bustle, seems to her the "kingdom of flesh", the "kingdom of antichrist". Who serves the "world," he serves the devil and ruins the soul. From this point of view, it converges with the boa and with many other inhabitants of Kalinov and the entire island "Dark Kingdom".

In Moscow, there is some life, they fuss, hurry, it is precisely looking for something - tells the fecles, and opposes this "bustle" the world and silence of Kalinov, with a sunset dive into sleep. Feklusha according to ancient explains the causes of the "city bustle": the devil invisibly scattered the "seeds of the Pleallov" in the heart of human, - and people moved away from God and serve him. All novelty scares the feculus in her like-minded people, - the steam locomotive she considers the "fire-haired snake," the old woman of Kabanova agrees with her ... And at that time, here, in Kalinov, Kuligin dreams of Perpetuum Mobile ... What a disagreeable contradiction of interests and worldviews !

Boris. Boris Grigorievich is a wildheard of wild, - the educated young man who, with a light, polite smile, is listening to the enthusiastic speeches of Kuligina, because it does not believe in PERPETUUM MOBILE. But, despite its education, in culturally, it is lower than Kuligin, which is armed and faith, and by force. Boris does not apply his education to anything, and he has no strength to fight life! He, without a fight against conscience, is fond of Katerina and without fighting people, leaves her for his fate. He is a weak man, and he fascinated by Katerina sim simply because "On the deserted and thomas - nobleman." Some cultural gloss, cleanliness and decency in manners, that's what Catherine is idealizing Boris. Yes, and the innerpege was to live her, there would be no Boris, - she would idealize the other.

Events in Drama A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" unfold on the coast of the Volga, in the fictional city of Kalinov. In the work, a list of acting persons and their brief characteristics, but they are still not enough to better understand the world of each character and reveal the conflict of the play as a whole. The main heroes of the "thunderstorms" is not so much.

Katerina, girl, main heroine plays. She is pretty young, her early got married. Katya was brought up in accuracy by traditions of the housework: the main qualities of the wife were respect and humility

his spouse. At first, Katya tried to love Tikhon, but nothing but pity could experience him. At the same time, the girl tried to support her husband, help him and not to reproach him. Katerina can be called the most modest, but at the same time the strongest character "thunderstorms". Indeed, the form of the character of Kati does not appear. At first glance, this girl is weak and silent, it seems as if it is easy to break. But it's not at all. Katerina is the only one in the family that opposes the kabani attacks.
It is opposed, and not ignores them like Barbara. The conflict is rather internal character. After all, Kabaniha is afraid that Katya can affect her son, after which Tikhon will cease to obey the will of the mother.

Katya wants to fly, often compares himself with a bird. She literally chips in the "Dark Kingdom" Kalinov. Feeling in love with the arrival of a young man, Katya created a perfect image of love and possible release. Unfortunately, her ideas had little in common with reality. The girl's life ended tragic.

Ostrovsky in the "thunderstorm" main character makes not only Katerina. The image of Kati is opposed to the image of Martha Ignatievna. A woman who keeps in fear and straining the whole family does not cause respect. Kabaniha strong and despotic. Most likely, the "Brazdes of the Board" she took after the death of her husband. Although it is likely that in the marriage of Kabaniha did not differ in humility. The most of all came from her Kate, daughter-in-law. It is Kabaniha indirectly guilty of the death of Katerina.

Varvara - daughter Kabanihi. Despite the fact that she learned for years for so many years, the reader still sympathizes her. Varvara is a good girl. Surprisingly, deception and trick do not make it similar to the rest of the city. She comes as she likes and lives as she wants. Varvara is not afraid of the Mother's wrath, because it is not authority for it.

Tikhon Kabanov fully complies with its name. It is quiet, weak, imperceptible. Tikhon cannot protect his wife from the mother, because he himself is under the strong influence of the Kabani. His riot in the end turns out to be the most significant. After all, it is words, and not the escape of the barbarians forcing readers to think about the whole tragedy of the situation.

Kuligina the author characterizes as self-taught mechanic. This character is a kind of guide.
In the first action, he seemed to lead us according to Kalinov, telling about his inels, about families who live here about the social setting. Kuligin seems to know everything about everyone. His estimates of others are very accurate. Kuligin himself is a kind person who is used to living on well-minded rules. He constantly dreams of a general good, about Mobility-Mobile, about the threshold, about honest labor. Unfortunately, his dreams are not destined to be realized.

Wild has a clerk, Kudryash. This character is interesting because the merchant is not afraid and can express what he thinks about him. At the same time, Kudryash, as well as wild, tries to find benefit in everything. It can be described as a simple person.

Boris comes to Kalinov in cases: he needs to urgently establish relations with wild, because in this case he will be able to get the money legally. However, neither Boris nor wild want to even see each other. Initially, Boris seems to readers such as Katya, honest and fair. In the last scenes, this is refuted: Boris is not able to decide on a serious step, take responsibility, he simply escapes, leaving Katya alone.

Some of the "thunderstorms" heroes are a wander and maid. Feclusha and Head are shown as typical inhabitants of Kalinov city. Their darkness and uneducation sincerely amazes. Their judgments are absurd, and the horizon is very narrow. Women are judged by morality and morality for some kind of perverted, distorted concepts. "MOSCOW is now Gulbishchi yes playing, and the streets of Indo roar goes, the moan stands. Why, Mother Marfa Ignatievna, Fiery Zmia began to bargain: Everyone, you see, for the sake of speed "- so the fecusha speaks about the progress and reforms, and the" Fiery Zmiem "woman calls the car. Such people are alien to progress and culture, because it is convenient to live in a confined limited peace of calm and dimension.

This article is given a brief description of the heroes of the Pieza "Thunderstorm", for a deeper understanding, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with thematic articles about every charm "thunderstorms" on our website.

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Events in Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" unfold on the coast of the Volga, in the fictional city of Kalinov. In the work, a list of acting persons and their brief characteristics, but they are still not enough to better understand the world of each character and reveal the conflict of the plays in general. The main heroes of the "thunderstorms" is not so much.

Katerina, girl, main heroine plays. She is pretty young, her early gave her married. Katya was brought up in accuracy according to the traditions of the housework: the main qualities of the wife were respect and humility to their spouse. At first, Katya tried to love Tikhon, but nothing but pity could experience him. At the same time, the girl tried to support her husband, help him and not to reproach him. Katerina can be called the most modest, but at the same time the strongest character of "thunderstorms". Indeed, the form of the character of Kati does not appear. At first glance, this girl is weak and silent, it seems as if it is easy to break. But it's not at all. Katerina is the only one in the family that opposes the kabani attacks. It is opposed, and not ignores them like Barbara. The conflict is rather internal character. After all, Kabaniha is afraid that Katya can affect her son, after which Tikhon will cease to obey the will of the mother.

Katya wants to fly, often compares himself with a bird. She literally chips in the "Dark Kingdom" Kalinov. Feeling in love with the arrival of a young man, Katya created a perfect image of love and possible release. Unfortunately, her ideas had little in common with reality. The girl's life ended tragic.

Ostrovsky in the "thunderstorm" by the main character makes not only Katerina. The image of Kati is opposed to the image of Martha Ignatievna. A woman who keeps in fear and straining the whole family does not cause respect. Kabaniha strong and despotic. Most likely, the "Brazuds of the Board" she took after the death of her husband. Although it is likely that in the marriage of Kabaniha did not differ in humility. Most of all came from her Kate, daughter-in-law. It is Kabaniha indirectly guilty of the death of Katerina.

Varvara - daughter Kabanihi. Despite the fact that she learned for so many years, the reader still sympathizes to her. Varvara is a good girl. Surprisingly, deception and cunning do not make it similar to the rest of the city. She comes as she likes and lives as she wants. Barbara is not afraid of the wrath of the mother, because it is not authority for it.

Tikhon Kabanov fully complies with its name. It is quiet, weak, imperceptible. Tikhon cannot protect his wife from the mother, because he himself is under the strong influence of the Kabani. His riot in the end turns out to be the most significant. After all, it is the words, and not the escape of the barbarians make readers think about the entire tragedy of the situation.

Kuligina the author characterizes as self-taught mechanic. This character is a kind of guide. In the first action, he seemed to lead us according to Kalinov, telling about his inels, about families who live here about the social setting. Kuligin seems to know everything about everyone. His estimates of others are very accurate. Kuligin himself is a kind person who is used to living on well-minded rules. He constantly dreams of a general good, about Mobility-Mobile, about the threshold, about honest labor. Unfortunately, his dreams are not destined to be realized.

Wild has a clerk, Kudryash. This character is interesting because the merchant is not afraid and can tell him what he thinks about him. At the same time, Kudryash, as well as wild, trying to find benefits in everything. It can be described as a simple person.

Boris comes to Kalinov in cases: he needs to urgently establish relations with wild, because in this case he will be able to get the money legally. However, neither Boris nor wild want to even see each other. Initially, Boris seems to readers such as Katya, honest and fair. In the last scenes, this is refuted: Boris is not able to decide on a serious step, take responsibility, he simply escapes, leaving Katya alone.

Some of the "thunderstorms" heroes are a wander and maid. Feclusha and Head are shown as typical inhabitants of Kalinov city. Their darkness and uneducation sincerely amazes. Their judgments are absurd, and the horizon is very narrow. Women are judged by morality and morality on some kind of perverted, distorted concepts. "Moscow is now Gulbishchi da playing, and the streets of Indo rumbled, the moan stands. Why, Mother Marfa Ignatievna Mother, Fiery Zmia began to bargain: Everyone, you see, for the sake of speed, "so the fecusch responds about the progress and reforms, and the" Fire Zmiem "woman calls the car. Such people are alien to progress and culture, because it is convenient to live in a confined limited peace of calm and dimension.

This article presents a brief characteristic of the heroes of the Pieza "Thunderstorm", for a deeper understanding, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with thematic articles about every character "Thunderstorm" on our website.

Test on the work