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Retelling and brief description of the work "Yushka" by A.P. Platonov. Platonov, analysis of the work of yushka, plan Thesis plan of the story of yushka

Platonov is a writer who has often described in his works the singularity of each person, who is magical through the number of people, who knows more about the soul. Yogo hero - simple people, simple people - Yushka - the hero of Platonov's creation "Yushka".


Announcement of Platonov Yushka

Pratsuyuchi over the work of "Yushka" Platonov and his analysis, varto mean the genre of the robot and the whole process. Let me tell you how we see the history of the same people: kind, chuy, who knows how to love a lot, do not care about it. Until then, the history, as we will show the horror of people, as it could not be intelligent, but also to love and how to love just like that. Here we are bachimo unsociability, horror, mercy of people, and also the author has shown us that the middle is good people, who are in the radiance of the beauty of nature, who can talk about the neighbor.

Hero of the message Yushka

From the main heroes of the announcement of "Yushka" the author will know us on the very cob і tse Yukhim Dmitrovich. True, he didn't click yo, for all of them he got Yushkoy. Tse buv a forty-year-old cholovik, which the ailment has aged for a while. Winning ailments on dry land. Having poured the win at the farrier, vikonuyu routine to the robot, for the yak, having cut off the kopecks. Having become even more old, so how could one drink one another, drink water instead of drinking tea, but live in the kitchen in the farmer's apartment.

All the buzz of nothing, from only because of the kindness of his soul, may be a happy gift of love, Yushka having screwed up to himself the respect and everyone wanted to form, viclikati conflict, vdariti. He was constantly imitated as grown-ups, so the children, stirring up their anger, but Yushka himself revived those who stink like that, just like they didn’t find love. Having venerated the goodness of a man so much, he did not imitate him. Children, depriving them of saying: “What do you, my dear ones, who do you, little ones! Vi, mabut, do you love me? Why do you all need me? "

In Platonov's announcement of "Yushka" and a short snake of bachimo, it’s not just people who are put on good and love, who must be perceived by nature as a matter of necessity, and I’m bachimo, if I don’t want to smell do not zipsuvati їkh beauty to your dikhannyam. Bachimo, as a child, the bugs and lumps died out, they see themselves as an orphan without them, as I feel like drinking birds and bunnies.

Unimportant to the horror of those who feel sick, the wine did not sacrifice its humanity, but if we were, twenty-five rockies over him were moaning, and once, the sound of the Chergov pass, as if by beating Yushka, ended in tears for Yukhim Dmitrovich. Vin zaginuv. Yogi was praised, and all the places came to the funeral. Moreover, people saw a great waste, and even with death they lost the stench of love. The stench has been absorbed by the light, the stink of the one who doesn’t blow the skin from them.

Another heroine is an orphan, a dvchina, about yak mi diznaєmosya in kintsev. Vona came to see Yushka, she didn’t just provide, but vilikuvati yogo. From the beginning of the development, Yushka took the girl out of his krilo. Win, vidmovlyayuchi in vivshy sob, wrying in vivchita devchin, bringing me pennies for now, and now, having finished university, vivshis on the doctor, came to him for help. Ale, she didn’t stand up, so she didn’t find him alive. Tse buv, melodiously, one of a ludin, a yak in a fair love, with his heart, his soul, Yushka. For his life, Yushka zumіv navchit dіvchinu to love people, to work good for them, to that, won’t be left in the world and without payment of people who were sick on dry land.

Yushka's plan

1. Knowing about Yukhim Dmitrovich - Yushkoy. Description of your robot and minds of your life
2. The high rate of children by their relationship to Yushtsi
3. Daddy Yushkoy play with his children for the filthy behavior
4. Hardness of grown-ups
5. Rozmova with Dasha - the farrier's daughter
6. Yushka's choric trip. The malaise of nature and the wounds of Yushka from the place of the yogo inhabitants
7. I know a robot and I know a lot
8. The ailment will progress
9. Transient becoming the cause of death of Yushka
10. Funeral of Yushka
11. Orphan - Yushka's daughter is named
12. Dіvchina-lykar, yaka for free lіkuvala ill for tuberculosis

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The genre of the work is a story. The main character is Yushka, the blacksmith's henchman. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of Yushka's life, his work in the smithy. With the development of the action, the reader learns about how the people around him treated Yushka, and also that Yushka has some kind of relatives, to whom he leaves every summer. The culmination - an argument with a drunk passer-by and the death of Yushka. The denouement is the arrival of Yushka's adopted daughter and a story about her future fate.

In his books, Platonov does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary actions, the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relationships. On the basis of these relations, the writer tries to look deeper into the human soul, to touch the strings that have not yet been touched. The heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here is the hero of this story - a blacksmith's henchman, who was the subject of universal ridicule, turning into hatred. The whole life of this man was spent in work.

Yushka was killed. An accidental drunk passer-by did it because of the anger that was choking him. After Yushka's death, however, they began to notice that everyone lacked him.

Gone is the gentleness that he was the embodiment of. Kindness and gentleness disappeared. The fact that people of this kind are carriers of true human values, for some reason, becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushka left behind him the same kind person - an orphan girl learned with the money he saved and became a doctor, helping the sick day and night. Here's a paradox: Yushka lacked understanding and compassion of people, and his adopted daughter generously carried them to people.

There are not so many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people do not take out anger, their life failures, inexplicable hatred accumulated over many years on such people. The attitude towards people who require compassion is an indicator of a person's solvency as a carrier of high moral qualities.


A portrait of Yushka and a story about what his work consisted of. His financial situation. The attitude of children to Yushka. Adults, just like children, offend and maim Yushka. Every summer Yushka takes a vacation and leaves for a month. Yushka began to weaken and this year he did not go anywhere. A bystander kills Yushka. Everyone comes to say goodbye to the person they tormented. After Yushka's death, life around him changed. Yushka's adopted daughter arrived, began to look for him and told where he went every summer. Grieving, the girl stayed in this city forever in order to work as a doctor. Throughout her life, Yushka's daughter brings good to people.

Platonov is a writer who very often in his works described the ordinary everyday relationships of people, trying through these relationships to get to know a person and his soul deeper. His heroes are ordinary people, and Yushka, the hero of Platonov's "Yushka", was a common man.

Platonov's story Yushka

While working on Platonov's work "Yushka" and its analysis, it is worth noting the genre of this work and this is a story. A story that tells us the story of one person: kind, sympathetic, who knew how to love sincerely, no matter what. In addition, this is a story that shows us the cruelty of humanity, which could not understand what it is to love and how to love it just like that. Here we see the inhumanity, cruelty, mistakes of people, and the author also showed us that among all this there are good people who know how to enjoy the beauty of nature, who can take care of their neighbors.

Heroes of the story Yushka

The author introduces us to the main character of the story "Yushka" at the very beginning and this is Efim Dmitrievich. True, no one called him that, for everyone he was Yushka. He was a forty-year-old man who had been prematurely aged by an illness. He was ill with consumption. He worked for a blacksmith, doing the dirty work for which he received a penny. He was very poor, since he could not even afford new clothes, drank water instead of tea, and lived in the kitchen in the blacksmith's apartment.

Everything would be fine, but out of the kindness of his soul, having a real gift of love, Yushka attracted attention to himself and everyone wanted to offend him, provoke a conflict, hit him. He was constantly offended by both adults and children, taking out their anger on him, but Yushka himself believed that it was they who were showing their love for him, just no one else taught them to love in another way. This is exactly what this kind person thought, so he did not insult in response. To children, he only said: “What are you, my dear, what are you, little ones! You must love me? Why do you all need me? "

In Platonov's story "Yushka" and a brief summary, we see that not only he treats people with kindness and love, he also treats nature with a feeling of tenderness, and we see this when he bends down to inhale the scent of flowers, not breathing, so as not to spoil their beauty with their breath. We see how he picks up dead bugs and insects, feeling himself orphaned without them, how he enjoys the singing of birds and grasshoppers.

Despite the cruelty of those around him, he did not lose his humanity, and meanwhile, for twenty-five years everyone bullied him, and one day, a meeting with another passer-by who beat Yushka ended in disaster for Efim Dmitrievich. He died. He was buried, while the whole city came to the funeral. Maybe because people felt a great loss, because with his death they lost love. They have lost something light, have lost what each of them lacks.

Another heroine is an orphan, a girl whom we learn about at the end of the work. She came to visit Yushka, and not just to visit, but to cure him. From her story, we learn that Yushka took the girl under his wing. Denying himself everything, he managed to teach the girl, bringing her money for her studies, and now, having graduated from the university, and having studied to be a doctor, she came to help him. But, she did not have time, since she did not find him alive. This was probably the only person who truly loved Yushka with all his heart, with all his soul. During his life, Yushka managed to teach a girl to love people, to do good for them, therefore, she remained in the city and treated people who were sick with consumption for free.

Yushka's composition plan

1. Acquaintance with Efim Dmitrievich - Yushka. Description of his work and his living conditions
2. Cruelty of children towards Yushka
3. Parents scare their children with Yushka for bad behavior
4. Adult cruelty
5. Conversation with Dasha - the daughter of a blacksmith
6. Yushka's annual hike. Enjoying nature and resting Yushka from the city and its inhabitants
7. More work and more bullying
8. The disease progresses
9. A passer-by caused Yushka's death
10. Funeral of Yushka
11. An orphan - the named daughter of Yushka
12. The girl doctor who treated tuberculosis patients free of charge

The genre of the work is a story. The main character is Yushka, the blacksmith's henchman. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of Yushka's life, his work in the smithy. With the development of the action, the reader learns about how the people around him treated Yushka, and also that Yushka has some kind of relatives, to whom he leaves every summer. The culmination - an argument with a drunk passer-by and the death of Yushka. The denouement is the arrival of Yushka's adopted daughter and a story about her future fate.

In his books, Platonov does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary actions, the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relationships. On the basis of these relations, the writer tries to look deeper into the human soul, to touch the strings that have not yet been touched. The heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here is the hero of this story - a blacksmith's henchman, who was the subject of universal ridicule, turning into hatred. The whole life of this man was spent in work.

Yushka was killed. An accidental drunk passer-by did it because of the anger that was choking him. After Yushka's death, however, they began to notice that everyone lacked him.

Gone is the gentleness that he was the embodiment of. Gone are kindness and gentleness. The fact that people of this kind are the bearers of true human values, for some reason, becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushka left behind him the same kind person - an orphan girl learned with the money he saved and became a doctor, day and night helping patients. Here's a paradox: Yushka lacked the understanding and compassion of people, and his adopted daughter generously carried them to people.

There are not so many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people do not take out anger, their life failures, inexplicable hatred accumulated over many years on such people. The attitude towards people demanding compassion is an indicator of a person's solvency as a carrier of high moral qualities.


  1. A portrait of Yushka and a story about what his work consisted of.
  2. His financial situation.
  3. The attitude of children to Yushka.
  4. Adults, just like children, offend and maim Yushka.
  5. Every summer Yushka takes a vacation and leaves for a month. Material from the site
  6. Yushka began to weaken and this year he did not go anywhere.
  7. A bystander kills Yushka.
  8. Everyone comes to say goodbye to the person they tormented.
  9. After Yushka's death, life around him changed.
  10. Yushka's adopted daughter arrived, began to look for him and told where he went every summer.
  11. Grieving, the girl stayed in this city forever in order to work as a doctor.
  12. Throughout her life, Yushka's daughter brings good to people.

The genre of the work is a story. The main character is Yushka, the blacksmith's henchman. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of Yushka's life, his work in the smithy. With the development of the action, the reader learns about how the people around him treated Yushka, and also that Yushka has some kind of relatives, to whom he leaves every summer. The culmination - an argument with a drunk passer-by and the death of Yushka. The denouement is the arrival of Yushka's adopted daughter and a story about her future fate.

In his books, Platonov does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary actions, the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relationships. On the basis of these relations, the writer tries to look deeper into the human soul, to touch the strings that have not yet been touched. The heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here is the hero of this story - a blacksmith's henchman, who was the subject of universal ridicule, turning into hatred. The whole life of this man was spent in work.

Yushka was killed. An accidental drunk passer-by did it because of the anger that was choking him. After Yushka's death, however, they began to notice that everyone lacked him.

Gone is the gentleness that he was the embodiment of. Gone are kindness and gentleness. The fact that people of this kind are the bearers of true human values, for some reason, becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushka left behind him the same kind person - an orphan girl learned with the money he saved and became a doctor, day and night helping patients. Here's a paradox: Yushka lacked the understanding and compassion of people, and his adopted daughter generously carried them to people.

There are not so many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people do not take out anger, their life failures, inexplicable hatred accumulated over many years on such people. The attitude towards people demanding compassion is an indicator of a person's solvency as a carrier of high moral qualities.


  1. A portrait of Yushka and a story about what his work consisted of.
  2. His financial situation.
  3. The attitude of children to Yushka.
  4. Adults, just like children, offend and maim Yushka.
  5. Every summer Yushka takes a vacation and leaves for a month.
  6. Yushka began to weaken and this year he did not go anywhere.
  7. A bystander kills Yushka.
  8. Everyone comes to say goodbye to the person they tormented.
  9. After Yushka's death, life around him changed.
  10. Yushka's adopted daughter arrived, began to look for him and told where he went every summer.
  11. Grieving, the girl stayed in this city forever in order to work as a doctor.
  12. Throughout her life, Yushka's daughter brings good to people.