
Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drygola after the show "Bachelor". How was the fate of the winners of the show "Bachelor" on TNT Show bachelor?

Ladies, tremble: in the new season of the show "The Bachelor" the main character will be Yegor Creed. True, not one of the finalists of the show "Bachelor" has married the chosen one from the TV show. Evgeny Levchenko and Olesya Ermakova broke up six months after the completion of the project. Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola held out for a year and a half. Timur Batrutdinov and Daria Kananukha also failed to create a family. And Alexey Vorobyov did not choose any of the brides at all! What are the finalists of the popular TV show doing?

Olesya Ermakova and Evgeny Levchenko

The relationship between Levchenko and the winner of the first season, Olesya Ermakova, did not last long: the couple met for only six months. On the show, Eugene chose Olesya out of 26 other applicants, but, apparently, made the wrong choice, since the couple did not get to the wedding.

« Every fairy tale comes to an end. So our relationship with Olesya ended, - wrote Levchenko, who at that time lived in Holland. - The main reason is distance. Life in different countries, constant flights and employment turned out to be an obstacle for us. We part without quarrels, peacefully, remaining friends. "

Skeptics said that the relationship broke up not because of the distances, but because of the end of the contract with the channel. Olesya, after that, married a man whom she had met in her youth. Now she is expecting her first child, works as a show producer and maintains a fashion blog.

Irina Volodchenko

Irina Volodchenko reached the final, but lost to Olesya. Now Irina's work is connected with politics. The girl is a member of the coordinating council of the public organization "Young Guard". Irina travels a lot, meets famous people, she documents all this in her microblog. Irina openly supports United Russia and often publishes political appeals on her social networks. Like Olesya, after the end of the show, Irina entered into a relationship with her longtime lover.

“I believe that it was no coincidence that we did not succeed in the project. Each had to have its own story. After the show ended, there was no thought to resume the relationship: I think you can't enter the same river twice. As for him, I do not know, I think that now he is alone. Everything is fine with me - I have a soul mate. I knew my beloved for a long time, but only after the "Bachelor" did the relationship begin to be established. "

Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola

“I hope to meet my future wife at the Bachelor,” Maxim assured before the start of the show. The businessman is known for his marriage to Anna Sedokova, in which the singer gave birth to a daughter, Monica. It seems that Monica is now the main and only love of an entrepreneur, since the relationship with Maria broke up quickly enough. The couple broke up after a year and a half, despite Maxim's initial assurances about the imminent wedding.

Maria, as before the project, continued to work in her father's law firm. She goes in for sports, travels and does not have new romances yet.

Alena Pavlova

Maria's rival, Alena, after "The Bachelor" went to conquer other TV shows. She went to look for love on the show "Dom-2", but in the project, too, nothing happened. Six months later, she left the TV set, talking about nervous exhaustion. But she still managed to arrange her personal life - Alena recently got married, as the media learned about from the photos that she posted on her Instagram.

Timur Batrudinov and Daria Kananukha

This union also did not work out. Obviously, for Timur it was just participation in the show, he played by the rules of television. At first he flirted with Daria, and then with another participant, Galina. In general, the bachelor ruffled the nerves of both the organizers and the participants of the program. Of course, there was no wedding.

Dasha announced her separation from Batrutdinov in November last year. The girl says that Timur is to blame for the breakup, who, in her opinion, did nothing to save the relationship. But the girl's career took off. After graduation, Daria became the director of the studio for etiquette and personality development. She works as a model, regularly participates in various projects, gives lectures.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya

The finalist of the 3rd season did not manage to become Batrutdinov's wife, but she remained in excellent relations with him. The girl's personal life quickly improved. Rzhaksenskaya's beloved Eugene proposed to her, the couple celebrated their engagement in Dubai, and soon they got married.

Alexey Vorobyov

The 28-year-old musician Alexei Vorobyov came up with his own version of the ending: he never chose anyone, arguing that it is dishonest in relation to himself, first of all, to declare his chosen one a girl whose feelings he is not sure of. None of the finalists convinced him of their feelings, and he decided to stay alone.

Natalia Gorozhanova

Natalia was not surprised by Alexei's decision. She felt that the singer would not hand her the ring, as she herself admitted that she did not feel love for the guy. The girl said that the whole project was stressful for her and she is glad that it is over. Now she continues to work as a model and look for her love.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina

In the fifth season, actor Ilya Glinnikov chose Ekaterina Nikulina. The couple did not hesitate, like the other finalists of the show, but moved in immediately after filming ended. The star of "Interns" admits that he lives with Katya in perfect harmony.

“We do everything together: we watch films, read books, talk for 10 hours or argue in what year the novel“ One Hundred Years of Solitude ”was written. I'm surprised how Katya took care of me when I was on crutches. She cooks divinely. In the morning I eat the most delicious cereals, and for dinner - just restaurant food. We got two griffin dogs after watching the movie "It Can't Be Better". They were named Una and Chaplin. These lovely creatures are now peeing on our sofa, ”Glinnikov said in an interview.

The lovers are planning a wedding in Georgia and a magnificent wedding. True, the bride has not yet decided on her future profession, although the groom even suggested that she open her own business.

Daria Klyukina

Daria was one of the brightest participants in the project, who, by the way, left him herself, realizing that she would not find love here. But skeptics say the girl was looking for fame and admirers, not love. Some argue that Daria has a young man. Now Daria is finishing her studies and making plans for the future. The girl has her own business in Sochi - a small coffee shop, in addition, she is now constantly invited to model projects.

So, out of five seasons of the TV show, only one couple found their love. Maybe the new bachelor Yegor Creed will also succeed?

On June 3, 2018, the finale of the 6th season of the show "The Bachelor" will take place on the TNT channel. While Yegor Creed stands at a crossroads, we recall how the fate of the winners of the previous seasons of the romantic show developed.

Five seasons - not a single wedding

For five seasons of "The Bachelor" not a single wedding was played between the participants in the project. All couples who seemed so prosperous sooner or later parted. Among the reasons: incompatibility of characters, distant living, busyness of heroes.

Psychologists believe that it is really possible to fall in love on such a project, but it is much more difficult to maintain feelings. During the filming, the efforts of many people create a romantic atmosphere, conditions that are not so common in real life. Participation in the project is a kind of holiday, after which ordinary everyday life sets in, and the participants begin to get to know each other from new sides. The contrast is amazing.

Season 1 - Olesya Ermakova

Fragile, tender Olesya Ermakova and courageous Evgeny Levchenko seemed like an ideal couple, but after the end of the project they were together for only 9 months. They parted by mutual agreement. Distance became an unbearable test for the heroes: constant travel between Holland and Russia undermined relations, which never had time to get stronger.

The footballer wrote about the breakup with Olesya on his Facebook page: he said that their fairy tale ended peacefully, without quarrels and scandals, they remained friends.

Today Olesya has been married for 4 years. In 2014, she accepted an offer from her longtime London fan, and this time the distance was no problem. Olesya avoids publicity, does not advertise his personal life.Eugene is in a civil marriage, and in April 2016 he became a father.

Season 2 - Maria Drigola

Charming brunette Maria Drigola and charismatic businessman Maxim Chernyavsky were able to maintain a relationship for 1.5 years. But they did it mostly remotely - the Atlantic Ocean stretched between them. Maxim did not rule out that Maria could become his wife. But she did not manage to move to him in America, as it was said "for personal reasons," and the union fell apart.

Currently, Mary's heart is free. She works in the family business and travels a lot. She is not a public person, she does not strive for popularity, she even closed her Instagram profile.

Maxim, too, has not yet parted with the status of a bachelor. The main girl of his life is his daughter Monica.

Season 3 - Daria Kananukha

The third season was a complete disappointment for the audience: the winner Daria Kananukha and the bachelor Timur Batrutdinov never had mutual feelings. This information appeared on the show's official page shortly after the finale. The message said that the couple was just working out the contract. Immediately after the show, Timur returned to work at the Comedy Club, and the girl left for her hometown - Kazan. They did not appear anywhere together, nothing binds them.

In 2016, Daria met a lawyer Mikhail Zhelaev, and on July 22, 2017, their wedding took place. The wedding took place on the banks of the Volga; the main theme in the design of the ceremony was water.

Timur for some time kept in touch with the second finalist - Galina Rzhaksenskaya, but soon they parted. Batrutdinov is still free.

Season 4 - No Winner

The most shocking was the finale of season 4, when bachelor Alexei Vorobyov parted ways with both finalists.

First, Yana Anosova went home, to whom Alexey said that he was not able to make her happy. And then it was Natalya Gorozhanova's turn to hear the words that were not at all those she had expected. The fault was her confession on the last date with the bachelor: the girl said that she did not love Alexei.

Natalia made several attempts to renew relations with Alexey after the project, but the singer was adamant. Now Gorozhanova leads a social life, periodically publishes photos with luxurious bouquets in the microblog, but she keeps the name of her chosen one a secret.

Alexey also has not yet tied himself to marriage obligations.

Season 5 - Ekaterina Nikulina

1 season

The show's debut season was released in 2013. The star bachelor was then football player Yevgeny Levchenko, and the winner was Muscovite Olesya Ermakova, who worked as the creative producer of the Top Gear Live project.

In the final of The Bachelor, Levchenko put a ring on Olesya's finger, but 9 months after the end of the show, the “lovers” announced their separation.

Olesya was not lonely for long and soon received an offer from an Englishman, and Levchenko lives with a Ukrainian model and TV presenter Evgenia Koblenko, two years ago the couple had a son.

Maxim Chernyavsky

Season 2

After a divorce from Anna Sedokova, Maxim Chernyavsky became a participant in the show "The Bachelor". With the winner of the second season, Maria Driloga, he parted almost immediately.

And three years ago, the chosen one of rapper Timati Anastasia Reshetova introduced Chernyavsky to Daria Sidorova. Not so long ago, Daria gave birth to a daughter from Maxim, but there is no rush to propose to her beloved single businessman.

Timur Batrutdinov

Season 3

For many years he says in interviews that he dreams of a family and children, but dreams are still dreams. Among all the applicants for the third season, "Bachelor" Batrutdinov singled out Daria Kananukha, but the relationship with the winner of the project did not work out. The showman still hasn't found his one, and his heart is still free. Every now and then he is credited with new novels, but he himself tries not to bring his personal life to public discussion and says that he has no permanent relationship.

Alexey Vorobyov

Season 4

Alexey Vorobyov did not choose anyone in the final, saying that he did not have feelings for any girl. But after the project, Alexey was not bored for long. At various times he met with Anna Chipovskaya, Victoria Daineko and Oksana Akinshina. And in recent months, he confessed to reporters that he was happy in his personal life, but refused to show his chosen one.

Ilya Glinnikov

Season 5

The star of the TV series "Interns" admitted that initially he did not believe in the reality of the project, he thought that relations in such TV programs were built according to a strict scenario. But it turned out that he was wrong. On the project, he really fell in love with Katya Nikulina. The couple was going to get married, but in the end, nothing came of it. According to Katya, they did not agree and decided to remain friends. After parting with Catherine, the actor did not go out for a long time and did not publish a photo, and then rumors appeared that Glinnikov had an affair with another participant in the show, Madina Tamova.

Egor Creed

Season 6

Creed turned out to be the most enviable bachelor of all seasons: the youngest, the richest, and even the most decent, but as soon as the next season of The Bachelor was over, rumors immediately spread: that Yegor had parted with the winner Daria Klyukina. The couple was not noticed anywhere together, and Yegor himself said that "Dasha is good and kind, but we are just good friends."

After participating in the "Bachelor" project on TNT, the fate of many of the participants changed: someone got married, and some girls are still in search of true love. In any case, the girls only benefited from participating in the show. We will tell you how the personal life of the winners of 5 seasons after the show developed.

Olesya Ermakova

Model, well-known blogger Olesya Ermakova from Moscow in 2014 married a businessman from Great Britain with whom she was familiar even before participating in the project. The celebration took place without much publicity in the media, remaining on friendly terms. Relations with football player Yevgeny Levchenko were upset after 9 months due to frequent separations and flights from Russia to Holland. The young people parted on a friendly note, confirming the fact that it is impossible to maintain a relationship at a great distance from each other. Levchenko's ex-girlfriend Victoria Koblenko at 216 gave birth to his child.

Olesya Ermakova was invited to shoot a movie as a producer. She lives with her husband in two houses, then in Moscow, then in London. The second girl who made it to the final, Irina Volodchenko, went into politics. She works in the State Duma, runs the Russian Sovereignty club in parliament, and is a member of the Young Guard. Sometimes Irina starred in fashion shows. The girl is married to her lover, whom she knew even before the project. Both finalists are happily married, but have not yet added to their family with children.

Maria Drigola

Maria Drigola, the finalist of the second season, broke up with the bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky after a year and a half, although everything was going to the wedding. The reason for the breakup is still commonplace - the inability to maintain a relationship at a distance. Maxim stayed in America, Maria never got married, continues to live in St. Petersburg and work as a lawyer in her father's company. The second girl who reached the final, Alena Pavlova, became a participant in the DOM - 2 project, but found her destiny in real life, and not on the show. Alena's chosen one and the father of her son David was the famous video blogger Dmitry Zavyalov.

Daria Kananukha

The winner of the third season of the show, Daria Kananukha, returned to Kazan and continued her studies, which confirmed the rumors about the end of the affair with Timur Batrutdinov, which lasted exactly as long as was required under the contract. Daria announced on social networks her engagement to lawyer Mikhail Zhelaev. The couple in love have already celebrated a gorgeous wedding in the original water style on July 22, 2017 with registration on the riverbank.

After a honeymoon somewhere in the Maldives or the Dominican Republic, Daria opened her own school of etiquette. Daria's rival in the project, Galina Rzhaksenskaya, celebrated a magnificent wedding celebration in November last year with businessman Yevgeny Gromov. The couple is waiting for the addition of the family.

Natalia Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova

Alexey Vorobyov, a bachelor from the fourth season, did not choose anyone from the two girls finalists Natalia Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova. Natalia is not yet married, but she does not complain about the lack of fans. On the Instagram page of the girl and her four-legged friend, Aaron's dogs, huge bouquets of flowers from a fan of Natalia are increasingly flashing.

Yana Anosova, who also did not become Alexei's chosen one in the final, claims that after the project they often meet with Andrey at the same creative parties, but the relationship does not resume. Yana is modestly silent about her personal life, although the beauty has fans.

Ekaterina Nikulina

In the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor", two charming girls, Ekaterina Nikulina and Madina Tamova, fought for the heart of the protagonist Ilya Glinnikov in the final. Ilya's choice was in favor of Catherine, although the audience preferred Madina. Ilya proposed to Catherine after the end of the show, but nothing is known about the date of the wedding. Madina's heart is still free, she travels a lot around the world, as evidenced by photos on social networks.

May 30, 2018 2:06 pm

I haven't written anything for the site for a long time, went to read it, and was surprised that there was practically nothing on the topic of the last Bachelor, and after all, before that, every episode was discussed! But I will not go through all the "heifers", since they were kicked out - they were kicked out, but I will tell you about the "cutie" Dasha Klyukina and the "doll" Vika Korotkov)

So - Dasha Klyukina

Girl so breaks comedy to the audience, I can't ...
Today one girl watched her, as they were standing in line together, by some miracle, she spoke beautifully, without hesitation, excitement and everything else. As Klyukina saw that they were staring at her, for about 6 minutes, she immediately began to work according to the old scheme))
It is somewhat unclear who believes in the angelic image, when an elderly man bought her a sable fur coat, with which she had a lovely time, and this is not the first time. Very funny woman ...

Interesting facts about "Bachelor 6
1. Dasha Klyukin was invited to the project for the sake of high ratings, she herself will not leave the project.
2. Yegor Creed was the same girl before, during and after the project.
3. Yegor Creed will choose the winner and will be with her under a contract within a year after the end of the show.
4. Anastasia Smirnova plays the role of a provocateur on the project. She will not win, nothing can be between them, since they know each other and communicate well with each other.

Among her inner circle, there is a rumor that the girl is bisexual and is very close FRIENDS with Snezhana)))))

One trusted person whispered that Klyukin would win, but he would not be with Creed in fact, Nicole would leave in the middle of the project.
Well, it is not at all surprising why so much attention is paid to this person.

Everything sticks to popular guys, but alas and ah, a pitiful sight. Klyukina is the same as everyone else. Doesn't stutter at all, runs after popular guys, has a bunch of bad habits. By itself, she is a habalka, she does not know how to talk to people normally and is very capricious.

We studied and became friends with her even when she lived in Kaprinsk. She behaved adequately, but sometimes she was insolent to the teachers. When I studied in Yekaterinburg, I lived in a hostel, but not for long. She lived with gopnitsa, and they constantly smoked and drank in the room, more than once the commandant tried to drive them out. Then in the shopping center we met a guy, not to say that he was rich, but the salary is above average, he was married.

At first, Dasha was embarrassed by this, and then he rented an apartment for her and helped her escape from the hated hostel. I did not communicate with my mother for half a year during her studies, because she could not rent an apartment for her.
In Sochi, I already found another richer guy. We met with him during her first bachelor, half a year after the end of the project, they parted, then she began to have financial problems. The editor was called for the second bachelor, she was the only one of all the girls who was paid a fee. There can be no talk of any feelings for Creed.
Now, as I know, from a mutual friend, he is having an affair with a Russian businessman who lives in the UAE, who is also married with a child.

Creed Information, not from his personal lips, but from his very close social circle.
O Klyukina he doesn't speak very well now and says not very good things for her in common companies. Like: "I told you that she was deceitful and blah blah blah." On the set, as he said, there were moments where he told Klyukina that you played too much, the baby she swore to him there and swore that she really wanted to be, so to speak, closer to him and that she wanted them to succeed (Water leela to him)
Here he is not stupid, he did not believe all her fables. And most of the time he spent outside filming.
He wanted to show himself to the audience from the other side, but there he was definitely not looking for anyone.
I don't know if you know or not, but they really knew Aida before filming) And Klyukina herself fought for what she ran into
Yes, and now Vika communicates with his mutual acquaintances, quite on good terms

A Dasha what I wanted I got
Yes, and Yegorushka himself told everyone that he supposedly understood right away that everyone there came for PR.
Well, I can also add that they really had a relationship with Karla, for whom everyone insists, and then they had some misunderstandings among themselves. Now they communicate well with her, although some kind of passion may remain. But now he's talking to some blonde
Which is not from the crowd (in general, not an INSTA girl)
But for some reason he cannot stand it beyond his narrow circle of friends, and he carefully hides)
Although the girl is pretty and sweet. NOT ESCORT
They showed the profile of this girl, it seemed like not an escort.
WITH Korotkova, by the way, now they communicate, but she is an escort, it is not her parents who provide her when she was born, how she lied to everyone, she did not go for love, as many think, but purely for the same PR)

P.S. I knew Vikulik before the project, I can only say that she is still an actress, in society she strives to show herself good, in fact ...