
Jabba Hatt: character description, interesting facts, photos. Mystery-like mafia from the distant-distant galaxy episode VI: the return of Jedi

Full biography

The son of a major clan leader and a representative of the ancient kind of criminal crowd, Jabba sought to become equal to his father. By 600, Jabba (whose Hatt name sounds like Jabba Desilik Tiure) headed a large criminal empire. Together with his enormous state, Jabba flew away from the estate of his father of Zorba Hutta on Nal Hutte on Tatooin, where settled in the palace, built on the ruins of the ancient monastery of the monks b "Ommar.

The cereal atmosphere of the Jabb Palace very soon attracted many unprincipled villains, who flocked to the fortress to drink and eat, have fun and find work. Near Jabbo, there were always thieves, smugglers, hired killers, spies and a variety of criminals. Soon he was extinguished into all types of criminal activity in the external worlds, including smuggling, spices to glytterstim, slave trade, hired murders, dedication of debts, racket and piracy.

Taking up their illegal activities, once Jabba hired smuggler named Khan Solo for the delivery of spices to glytterstim from Kessel, where she was mined in mines under the imperial correctional colony (IMPERIAL CORRECTION FACILITY). After the solo dropped the cargo of the glytterstim to go through the imperial cordons, Jabba sent several hunters for the reward in search of a pilot. Solo killed Grid, one of the close friends of Jabba, but could not escape from Hutta. Jabba met with a solo on Tatoo, however he allowed him and his second pilot Chubakka to deliver passengers to Alderaan in exchange for revenue from flight. Solo did not return. Enjoyed, Jabba appointed a huge remuneration for smuggler, live or dead.

After some time, Bob Fett delivered Jabbe Solo, frozen in carbonite, but alive. Shortly after that, Khan's friends penetrated the Jabb Palace to rescue the smuggler. Jabba captured the princess leu captured and put it on the chain, and then tried to rape Skywalker, first his home rank, and then Sarlacca. Standing on the edge of the big funnel of Karkun, the hatch with the help of his Jedi skills escaped death, and the fight between the rebels and Jabba people began. In Drake, Jabba found his death from Lei's hands. In a few moments, most of his minions died in the explosion of sailing barge, arquered by Lyuk and Lei. The remains of the jabb state switched to his father Zorba, who swore to take revenge on her friends.

Behind the scenes

The filmmakers worked for a very long time on the appearance of the jabb, before he could appear in the original version of the "Jedi Return" in his final appearance. In his first incarnation, which appeared in the new hopes appeared, the criminal lord is described as "a moving carcass of muscles and fat, topped with a rough scarring skull ...". For the "New Hope", a scene of the Chatta conversation with Khan Solo, leaving Mos Eisley, was also removed. In this scene, Jabba played a major size man (Declan Mulholland Declan) in fur clothing. Lucas intended to cut an actor and replace it with some mechanical creation, however, the necessary technology was not available. Therefore, the scene was carved completely.

When developing the appearance of the jabb for the "Return of Jedi" with Lucas, Ralph Mcquorry collaborated, Nilo Rodis-Jamero and Phil Tippet (Phil Tippet). Before reaching the final decision, they made more than 76 sketches. Mcquorry first represented Jabba as a monstrous and mobile primacy similar to a giant monkey (shorter, King Kong - approx. Per.), And Ryszamero saw him with a sophisticated, wise experience with Humanoid. The typpet suggested the idea of \u200b\u200ba huge slug. He came up with eight appearance for jabby, and the early options had several pairs of hands.

The English Studio Stuart Friborno took two tons of clay and 600 pounds (270 kilograms) latex to make Jabba Hatta. It was a gigantic doll with a length of 18 feet (5.5 meters), controlled from the inside three puppetes. Two of them moved every one hand jabba, and the third one is his tail. Two employees were responsible for the movements of the jabby eye (which were managed by wires), and also inflated and descended air bubbles under the hutt's skin, giving it the most different expression. In addition, during the shooting of Jabbe, Grimor was constantly required.

For a special edition of the "New Hope" Lukas, armed with digital technology, returned to the scene of the first appearance of Jabb to Mos Eisley. Fully Computer Jabba replaced the Declan of Malkolland in the "conversation" with Harrison Ford.

Jabba Hatt is one of the fictional characters of the iconic universe "Star Wars", created by George Lucas. Externally, Jabba resembles a huge slug-like alien, in which there is something common from the toad and from Cheshire cat.

If you repel from the film cards, then for the first time about the character they started talking in the "New Hope" (1977), and then in the episode called "the empire causes a retaliatory strike", which came out three years after his predecessor. His immediate appearance took place in the "return of Jedi" (1983) - the most last fillet of the original trilogy.

general information

Jabba is the most real antagonist hero. It is known that he is about 600 years old, he is engaged in criminal activities and is a real criminal authority, whose name is known throughout the galaxy. He is constantly surrounded by a large suite, which includes his personal bodyguards, various criminals, smugglers, head hunters, mercenaries and slave trade. Most of his time, Jabba spends in his own palace, located on the deserted Tatooin. There, in addition to the suite, it is surrounded by a large and diverse company, which consists of brown slaves and droids-serving. Jabba is famous for his strange sense of humor, brutal appetite and rather gambling. In addition to illegal entertainment and torture, he also loves to ask his leisure with the help of slave girls. Below in the photo - Jabba Hatt surrounded by a personal suit.

The character image is often used in satire and political grotesque, especially in the United States. Comparison with Jabboh Hattom occurs if the object of criticism suffers from severe obesity or is a very corrupt person.

The first appearance of a Character in Kinoshage: Palace

As we have already said, for the first time, information about Jabbe was added to the "New Hope", one of the story dialogues. Its full-fledged appearance on the screen took place in the final part of the trilogy, namely in the third episode called "Jedi's Return". According to the plot of the paintings, Hutt gets frozen in Carbonita Khan Solo, delivered to him by the famous hunter for heads with walobs Fett. He exposes his prey to everyone's review in the throne room. To several friends of Khan, among whom were ley, Lando, Chubakka and Droids, manage to penetrate the palace of mafios and win the crowd. However, soon the princess ley itself turns out to be captured by the local security and becomes the personal slave of criminal lord (the scene depicting Lei and Jabba Hatta is still considered one of the cult in cinema).

After some time, Skywalker's palace arrives at the palace, who offers Hutta the deal and asks him to let go of the Khan. In response, Jabba throws out the hatch to the pit with a terrible Ranger. When young Jedi is spreads with a monster, Hatt informs him that he, Solo and Chubakka sentenced to slow and painful death.

Events at Jama Karkon

A little later, all the characters move to the Tatutinsky Sea of \u200b\u200bDunes, where the giant alien creature lives under the name of Sarlakk. Jabba intends to reset the monsters sentenced right in the mouth, but at the very last moment they manage to start a shootout. During the confusion of the Princess and Jabba Hatt, they turn out to be unattended by the loyal bodyguards of the latter. Thille thinking, the girl throws his chain on the neck of the creature and stifling him to death. After that, the character was considered dead.

The second appearance in the movie

The second time, Jabba appeared in the materials of the special edition of the "New Hope", published in 1997, on the twentieth anniversary of the original trilogy. The hero can be seen in one of the remote scenes, which were intended for the initial show. Jabba, along with other head hunters, attend hangar in which the "millennial falcon" is located. He confirms information about the placement of the award for the head of the solo and insists on the reimbursement of the value of lost cargo.

Initially, the scene was filmed with the participation of the Irish actor Deck of Malkolland, who portrayed Jabba Hatta in a special shaggy suit. In reprinting the film, the old image of alien mafiosium was replaced by CGI.

Third appearance

Another, this time the third, the appearance of Jabb Hatta in the "Round Wars" took place in a "hidden threat". A small episode with his participation is very insignificant and not connected with the main storyline. The character sends on one of the tribune during races on the Tatooin planet, in which young Anakin Skywalker takes part. Jabba is accompanied by several approximations, among which the Hatt-Woman named Gardula is especially highlighted. In this scene, Jabb's character acts as a manager of the racing, however, judging by his mind, he is clearly not interested in the event and even falls asleep at the very beginning.

Fourth, final appearance in a movie

The last return of Jabba Hatta to "Big" screens took place in the cartoon "Wars of Clones" (2008). In him, the audience also met with the son of the famous bandit, which was captured by the separatists. Anakin Skywalker is offered to the help of Rotta (the name of the son of Jabba), Anakin Skywalker is being seen with his fellow asian tano. Heroes manage to save the little Hutta and transfer it to his father, who, as a sign of gratitude, allow the republic's ships to pass through their territories.

Soon after the full-length cartoon was followed by the eponymous series - it can also be seen jabba. It appears only three episodes and participates in several new plot arches. In addition, one of the episodes demonstrates to us our old familiar Rotta, and the other - unlocked uncle Jabba named Ziro.

Comics until 1977

The character began his appearance in the literature from the comic on the "New Hope", which became part of the expanded universe on the "Star Wars". At that time, the final version of the jabb's appearance was not yet approved, so in the comic room, he appeared to the RELA Humanoid, reminding the walrus and dressed in a shape of bright yellow color.

One of the storylines of the following comics based on "Star Wars" was devoted to Jabbe and his hunt for Khan and Chubakka. It is believed that the artists from Marvel's appearance took one of the aliens who participated in the scene with the tavern in the film "New Hope". In the eullations of the 1977 scenario, Jabba is described as a huge mobile tube consisting of muscles and salla. The overall picture completes the shaggy skull, on which numerous scars can be seen.

Character in literature after 1977

In subsequent novels and comics for Star Wars Jabba completely resembled his film. Some stories describe the life of a criminal authority before the events of Kinosaga, some - trace his way from a simple bandit to the leader of desiligikov.

In the "bikes from the palace" tells about the life of various servants and slaves Jabba Hatta, as well as their attitude towards his Grozny owner. From the stories it becomes clear that most of the servants participated in the conspiracy against Hatta, while some of them have experienced a sense of loyalty. After the death of the jabb, his surviving retinue concluded a truce with former opponents of mafios on Tatooin.

Thus, all the richness of Hutta has long remained beyond the reach of his relatives. In the "Heir to the Empire" (1991), readers learn that the criminal empire of Jabba was eventually taken "under the wing" by smuggling Card's coupon.

Character Kinoshai "Star Wars", created by the director and screenwriter. Gangster from the planet of Hutta, a huge spontaneous alien alien from the race of Hutt, the growth of incomplete four meters, similar to a slug or toad with orange eyes. Hermaphrodges - has sexual signs of male and females at the same time. Belongs to the Khahatt clan.

History of creation

The concept of Jabba Hatta changed from one film to another as the film industry grew and developed and new opportunities appeared. Initially, George Lucas thought Jabba as a shaggy creature, reminding Vuki. Then there was a concept of jabba as a fat, similar to the Tarry slug with a huge ugly mouth, eyes and tentacles.

Invited to the role of jabby. Actor Declan Malkolland during filming read the character replicas. The actor was put on a shaggy brown suit, and at the post-production stage, a person had to replace a character created by the means of puppet animation. The scene, where Jabba was involved, was to become an important storyline, but as a result, George Lucas cut out this episode from the film due to budgetary and temporary restrictions.

In 1997, working on the anniversary edition of the "New Hope" tape, George Lucas returned this scene, and the disturbed sequence of narration was recovered. Technologies at that time allowed to realize the image of the jabb at a higher level compared with 1977. In 2004, with the next reprint, the scene was finalized again, and the appearance of the villain was still improved.

"Star Wars"

For the first time, Jabbe is mentioned in episode IV "Star Wars: New Hope", released in 1977. Jabba there is an episodic character - a criminal authority and the leader of the gang of smugglers on the planet Tathuene. The smuggler pilot owes the jabbe a round sum of money for failing the delivery of smuggled cargo.

Khan Solo was supposed to bring Jabbe from one asteroid cargo shipped under the ban, however, on the tail ship Solo sat down an imperial patrol. Solo preferred to reset the dangerous cargo. The angry Jabba appointed Hana Solo as a seductive award for the head, which all hunters for heads in the universe began to chase.

In 1980, the name of the jabby again pops up in the episode V "The Empire is negotiated." Khan Solo did not return the worst, and Jabba sends to the searches of the debtor of the hunter for heads, promising for the capture of solo a decent kush. Later, Khan Solo finds himself in his hands, and he sends the hero to Jabbe, pre-frozen in carbonite, so that the solo did not run away. Friends of the solo at the end are sent to the revenue to snatch the hero from the jabby paw.

In the third tape - "The Return of Jedi", published in 1983, was used to create a composite doll, a complex animatron doll was used to create a jabby screen. In the first tape of 1977, Jabba Hatta played Irish actor Deklan Malkolland, caught in a fluffy costume. But the scene where he appears, it turned out to be carved from the final version of the original film. When reprinting the "New Hope" in 1997, a jabbo scene was returned, but the living actor was replaced by the CGI image, and the voice was renovated. New Jabba spoke on the fictional language of Hutt.

In the cut scene, Jabba, accompanied by Gangsters, comes to the hangar, where Khan Solo holds the ship. Jabba requires the hero to return the cost of lost cargo. Han Solo promises that he will give money as soon as he receives a fee for a new job. Han Solo was just pregnant to deliver, and their droid satellites for Alderan.

Jabba demands that the solo returned with money as soon as possible, and threatens otherwise put on solo all criminals in the galaxy. Solo, however, will not fulfill obligations to Jabboy.

In the first part of the film "The Return of Jedi" Jabba mocks numerous servants and appoints a generous remuneration to someone who drags Hana Solo's head to his feet. Bangit Bob Fett brings Jabbe Khan Solo, and the criminal boss exposes a frozen hero as part of the exposure in his own throne room.

However, Khan's friends of the Solo do not sleep and hurry to help. They manage to penetrate the Palace of Jabb, but at this good luck turns away from the heroes. Itself turns out to be captured by Jabb, and the villain turns the girl into slavery. Gangster tries to deal with Luke Skywalker when he arrives to conclude a deal with Jabboy about the liberation of Khan Solo.

Under the throne hall is a pit, where the monstrous monster sits, and the hatch drop there. The hero destroys the monster, but Jabba does not stop at it. In the sea dunes, a giant worm creature is found on Tatooin, and Jabba decides that the glorious idea would be raised by this monster of Luke and Khan Solo.

However, heroes manage to defeat the guards of Jabba, and the princess of the princess itself is killed by the villain himself during confusion. Jabba overtakes a very symbolic death - leya shrinks it with slave chains. Jabby sailing barge explodes, and everyone who remained on board is dying. However, leu, hatch and other heroes have time to escape.

In the hidden threat hidden, published in 1999, Jabba can be seen in the episode of the submission race. The villain sits on the podium, surrounded by minions, and is completely not interested in what is happening. In the end, Jabba turns over and skips the finals of the race.

Jabba Hatt is depicted in Kinoshaga as a major criminal boss, constantly surrounded by a piggirl and gangster retinue, which work on it. Jabbe about six hundred years. In submission at the villain there are numerous murderers, smugglers and head hunters. The character is in the center of the Criminal Empire, which manages.

On the desert planet Tatuene, Jabba has its own palace, where numerous slaves, droids and all sorts of alien creatures are serving the criminal. Jabba loves torturing those who are touched by hand, not indifferent to young slaves and abundant food, fond of gambling.


"If I told you half the fact that I heard about this Jabbe Hutte, you most likely would have started a short circuit!"
"By the time of our next meeting, he was already a much larger figure - in every sense. And besides, he managed to wave me. "

Jabba Hutt (Jabba The Hutt) is a fictional aliens, a character of the George Lucas films series ("Star Wars") and a number of by-material. Represents a huge slug-like aliens; Well-known Film Roger Ebert (Roger Ebert) was characterized as a mixture of toads and Cheshire cat.

For the first time on the screen, Jabba Hatt appeared in 1983, in the third part of the "classic" star wars, the film "Return Jedi" ("Return of the Jedi"). It should be noted that Hatt was mentioned in the first films of the series, but it was not possible to personally before the audience. Jabba represented a powerful criminal authority from the planet Tatooin, which managing the whole criminal empire from a different kind of criminals, smugglers, murderers and mercenaries. On Tatooina, Jabba lived in his own palace, where he indulged in favorite entertainment - gambling, torture, lush meals and bullying over slaves. The main characters in the Hutta Palace led a harsh necessity - they went to save their friend Khan Solo (Han Solo), captured by the Jabb agent in the previous film. By order of Hutta, the mercenary Bob Fett (Boba Fett) managed to track down and neutralize the solo; Enclosed in carbonis, the smuggler was exposed to the headway in the throne hall of Mafios. The plan for saving Khan went not so easily as the heroes hoped; Princess Leia (Princess Leia Organa) was captive and became one of the slaves of Jabba, and Luke Skywalker (Luke Skywalker) was dropped into a pit to a monstrous rank. To defeat the Monster Jedi managed, however, the heroes did not end up on this misadventures - Jabba ordered to lose the captives to the giant deserted monster Sarlaccu. The planned execution, however, Dzhabbe failed - the Battle of Battle ended between the main characters. Jabba Leia himself managed to strangle his own shackles; Later, after the flight of heroes, barge jabby exploded - probably killing all those present on it.

With death, the story of Jabba seemed to have ends, but in the 1997 Space Gangster returned to the screens in the modified version of the film "New Hope" ("New Hope"). The jabb line in this film began with the conflict of Khan Solo and the alien merry merry (Greedo) - worth the last life. During the conversation, Grado mentioned that Jabba without much heat refers to smugglers, discharging the goods charged with them at the first appearance of imperial cruisers on the horizon. Apparently, Jabba had previously hired a Khan for the secret transportation of an illegal drug spice with asteroid Kessel (Kessel); Khan, however, was not lucky to stumble upon imperial cosmologists - and he just in case threw a dangerous cargo into space. As Gido himself warned, Jabba himself was quite capable of appointing a smuggler's head such a price that mercenaries from all of the galaxy were opened for hunting. Later in the film, the scene was shown, from the original version of the carved - Jabba and the group of his mercenaries, looking for Khan Solo in the hangar, not far from Sokol. Having met Solo, Jabba confirmed all the previously said Grid and demanded a lost cargo with Khan. Solo does not argue with Gangster, promising returning money after the delivery of a new cargo - which, by the way, are Lei, Luke and Obi-Wan Kenobi (OBI-WAN Kenobi). The delay of Gangster agrees, however, in case of deception, he really promises to appoint a huge price for Hana's head. Subsequently, it is not possible to pay with jabboh solo - which leads to subsequent events.

In the 1999, the film "Ghostly Threat" came out on the screens ("Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace"); The plot of him unfolds before the events of the original trilogy, however, the Jabbe in it is still located. This time, Hutt plays a relatively small role and acts rather as a gift to fans; He organizes the very race at which Anakin Skywalker wins himself freedom and, despite the position of the organizer, does not show almost no interest in what is happening, even frankly falling asleep.

In the animated film of the 2008 "Wars of Clones" ("Star Wars: The Clone Wars") Anakina and his student Ashska (Ahsoka Tano) again have to deal with jabboy. Separatists who want to ember authority with the Republic and Jedi, kidnap the son of Jabba, Rotta (Rotta). Heroes manage to save Rotta and return it home; As a sign of gratitude, Jabba guarantees republican ships free pass through its territory. Later, Jabba returns in the television animated series "Clone War". In one of the episodes, Jabbe have to deal with the aliel, whose daughters are kidnapped by mercenary grid; Hutt willingly permits to take a blood sample in the grid for comparison, however, the cowardly behavior of the mercenary and without it gives the kidnapper in it. In another episode, Jabba hires some kad bayna (Cad Bane) for the extraction of the Senate Building Plans; Bane copes with a task, after which Hatt sends him to save him from the prison of his own uncle Ziro Hutta (Ziro The Hutt). The latter, most likely, is the decision not so much the jabba, how much the Hattov Council as a whole - the Jabba himself for the uncle does not feed very warm feelings, there is a memory of the role played in the abduction. Ziro fails to run away; Death Death causes genuine joy from Jabb, after which he pays separately for the delivery of a dale-diary of his now the late relative. In the future, Hattam has to deal with the team of shadows; Darth Maul, Savage Opress and Pre Vizla (Pre Vizla) are trying to enlist the support of gangsters. Unable to pay Huttov's services, they are trying to threaten the Council - and as a response receive a visit from the team of unfriendly confused mercenaries. Later, the team's agents of Shadows again turn to Jabbe, already in his palace on Tatooin - and impressed by their persistence, the slug-like gangster promises his support and agrees to conclude an alliance.

Jabba The Hutt. Jabba Desilijic Tiure.

One of the most famous criminal bosses in the Galaxy, who ruled a huge criminal empire from his palace in the Tathaun desert. Ugly, slug-like creation, malicious and sadistic inclinations, Jabba pursued the Khan Solo for several years after the smuggler dropped the gruse of spices. With the help of the beans Fetta Jabba finally got a solo, and then captured the princess leu into slavery, which tried to save the Khan. However, Hutt underestimated leu, and she helped him during the flight of heroes from a sailing barge jabby.


Height: 1.75 meters (3.9 meters long).

Planet: Nal Hatta.

Affiliation: not.

First appearance: "Jedi's Return" ("New Hope" special edition).

Full biography

The son of a major clan leader and a representative of the ancient kind of criminal crowd, Jabba sought to become equal to his father. By 600, Jabba (whose Hatt name sounds like Jabba Desilik Tiure) headed a large criminal empire. Together with his enormous state, Jabba flew away from the estate of his father of Zorba Hutta on Nal Hutte on Tatooin, where settled in the palace, built on the ruins of the ancient monastery of the monks b "Ommar.

The cereal atmosphere of the Jabb Palace very soon attracted many unprincipled villains, who flocked to the fortress to drink and eat, have fun and find work. Near Jabbo, there were always thieves, smugglers, hired killers, spies and a variety of criminals. Soon he was extinguished into all types of criminal activity in the external worlds, including smuggling, spices to glytterstim, slave trade, hired murders, dedication of debts, racket and piracy.

Taking up their illegal activities, once Jabba hired smuggler named Khan Solo for the delivery of spices to glytterstim from Kessel, where she was mined in mines under the imperial correctional colony (IMPERIAL CORRECTION FACILITY). After the solo dropped the cargo of the glytterstim to go through the imperial cordons, Jabba sent several hunters for the reward in search of a pilot. Solo killed Grid, one of the close friends of Jabba, but could not escape from Hutta. Jabba met with a solo on Tatoo, however he allowed him and his second pilot Chubakka to deliver passengers to Alderaan in exchange for revenue from flight. Solo did not return. Enjoyed, Jabba appointed a huge remuneration for smuggler, live or dead.

After some time, Bob Fett delivered Jabbe Solo, frozen in carbonite, but alive. Shortly after that, Khan's friends penetrated the Jabb Palace to rescue the smuggler. Jabba captured the princess leu captured and put it on the chain, and then tried to rape Skywalker, first his home rank, and then Sarlacca. Standing on the edge of the big funnel of Karkun, the hatch with the help of his Jedi skills escaped death, and the fight between the rebels and Jabba people began. In Drake, Jabba found his death from Lei's hands. In a few moments, most of his minions died in the explosion of sailing barge, arquered by Lyuk and Lei. The remains of the jabb state switched to his father Zorba, who swore to take revenge on her friends.

Behind the scenes

The filmmakers worked for a very long time on the appearance of the jabb, before he could appear in the original version of the "Jedi Return" in his final appearance. In his first incarnation, which appeared in the new hopes appeared, the criminal lord is described as "a moving carcass of muscles and fat, topped with a rough scarring skull ...". For the "New Hope", a scene of the Chatta conversation with Khan Solo, leaving Mos Eisley, was also removed. In this scene, Jabba played a major size man (Declan Mulholland Declan) in fur clothing. Lucas intended to cut an actor and replace it with some mechanical creation, however, the necessary technology was not available. Therefore, the scene was carved completely.

When developing the appearance of the jabb for the "Return of Jedi" with Lucas, Ralph Mcquorry collaborated, Nilo Rodis-Jamero and Phil Tippet (Phil Tippet). Before reaching the final decision, they made more than 76 sketches. Mcquorry first represented Jabba as a monstrous and mobile primacy similar to a giant monkey (shorter, King Kong - approx. Per.), And Ryszamero saw him with a sophisticated, wise experience with Humanoid. The typpet suggested the idea of \u200b\u200ba huge slug. He came up with eight appearance for jabby, and the early options had several pairs of hands.

The English Studio Stuart Friborno took two tons of clay and 600 pounds (270 kilograms) latex to make Jabba Hatta. It was a gigantic doll with a length of 18 feet (5.5 meters), controlled from the inside three puppetes. Two of them moved every one hand jabba, and the third one is his tail. Two employees were responsible for the movements of the jabby eye (which were managed by wires), and also inflated and descended air bubbles under the hutt's skin, giving it the most different expression. In addition, during the shooting of Jabbe, Grimor was constantly required.

For a special edition of the "New Hope" Lukas, armed with digital technology, returned to the scene of the first appearance of Jabb to Mos Eisley. Fully Computer Jabba replaced the Declan of Malkolland in the "conversation" with Harrison Ford.