
Storage of worms for winter fishing. How to keep worms in winter

Almost all anglers, even those who are extremely scrupulously preparing for fishing and having extensive experience in this matter, rarely think about such an important issue as the preparation of worms, and pay more attention to the choice of gear, bait and the place of fishing. And this is often the reason for unsuccessful fishing.

At first glance, worms are ready-made bait and it seems that nothing can be done here, but if you know some methods, then any bait, including a worm, can be made much more catchy.

How to store worms in winter

Ordinary worms remain the best bait for fishing even in winter. And when catching predatory species, it is generally indispensable. Chopped worm is often added to winter fishing baits. You can successfully store and even breed them even in normal home conditions. You need to know that the most ordinary raincoats are stored better, Californians and dung are very sensitive, one might even say capricious. It is also undemanding in content, so beloved by many anglers, the Prospector, which does not live in natural conditions, but is sold very often in stores. A slightly flattened tail with a yellow tint distinguishes it from other species of Prospector. The most suitable temperature for storage at home is from + 6 to + 20C.

In urban conditions, in winter, it is better to keep the worms in a dark place (basement, pantry). Keeping worms in winter is not difficult, they are unpretentious in their care. Periodically, they need to be fed, and the humidity of the earth should be about 70 percent.

When storing at home, it is necessary to shake the ground at least once a month, remove the dying and those who have swelling of the transverse belt. If you notice that the worms have begun to clump into a tight ball, then this may mean that the soil is too dry for them. In this case, you need to carefully pull the ball apart, and water the ground.

For winter maintenance at home, it is advisable to knock down a wooden box, but an ordinary plastic bucket will do.

In the bottom, it is necessary to make holes through which excess moisture will drain.

The container must be covered with some kind of mesh or gauze. The surface of the soil should also be covered with a cloth, this will not allow the soil to dry out, but will help create the most suitable conditions for the worms. The earth must be covered with layers of fallen leaves, which are eagerly eaten by all kinds of worms.

At home, feeding worms for fishing is not difficult, the main thing is that the food must be crushed and moistened. A variety of kitchen waste and even banana peels are well suited as top dressing. In no case do not give salty foods and those that have too strong a smell. Watering with milk or broth is not recommended, as this is fraught with flies.

The amount of feeding depends on how many worms you are growing, as well as on the temperature. The warmer, the better the worms eat. It is enough to feed a couple of times a month, but it is important to remember that the layer of feed should not be very thick.

Video "Preparing the worm for winter fishing"

This video shows how to store worms in the winter.

If in summer you can dig up worms right before you go fishing, then few know how to keep worms in winter and so that they are mobile and attractive to fish.

Let's give some simple, but quite effective recommendations, the application of which in practice will increase the catch several times, even when other anglers return home empty-handed.

Vigorously wriggling worm on the hook is a guaranteed bite. But how to make it move?

  • The worm is best preserved in winter in a wooden or plastic container. If you store it for a short time, tea leaves and grated potatoes are enough to feed it.
  • Put some kind of container for fresh worms. Then tear open the bag that contains the used tea and add it to the container with the worms. Pour black soil (necessarily wet) or rotted manure on top. After a few hours, you will not recognize your worms, they will become stronger and more mobile.
  • In the jar in which the worms are located, add a little grated beetroot. The worms will come to life in ten minutes and will be mobile on the hook, attracting the attention of even the most passive fish.
  • Freshly dug worms need to be given a little time to cleanse. This is done as follows, we place the worms in some container with moistened sand or grass. Pour one spoonful of milk or fragrant sunflower oil on top. After a few days, the worms will noticeably get stronger, clear and become attractive to fish.
  • If you notice that the worms are acting sluggish and constantly off the hook, they need to be made a little stronger. Just add the most ordinary mint, which you need to grind in your hands until the juice appears. After a couple of days, the worms will smell like mint, get stronger and become elastic.
  • Worms, preparing for fishing, it is desirable to flavor a little, this is done simply. In the jar in which they are, brewed dill, garlic and grated mint are added. This will give your wards an attractive enough aroma that attracts all types of fish well.
  • The container in which the worms are stored should not be airtight, in such a container they simply suffocate. There must be small ventilation holes in the lid, but only such that the worm cannot get out through them. Instead of a lid, it is better to put the most ordinary stocking or gauze on the jar. Just remember to secure it with a rubber band.
  • Before fishing, the jar should be stored in a cool, shady place. And while fishing, never forget it in the rain and in the open sun. It is better to leave it in the shade with something covered.

Compliance with these simple rules will make it possible to store worms for a long time, while they can even begin to mate and multiply.

This will help make fishing more efficient.

There are also little tricks that will make worm fishing more successful.

  • Almost all anglers simply dig worms (or buy them in a store) and immediately go fishing. However, this is not entirely correct. A fresh worm is, of course, good, but if you give it a little time, fishing will be much more effective.
  • The purchased worms must be made a little more alive, made stronger and placed in a large container, because they are sold in stores in very small plastic boxes. Many experienced anglers store this bait in canvas bags filled with earth. But a wooden box will do. These materials practically do not emit third-party odors that scare away fish.
  • For some time, if there is no basement, worms at home can be stored in the refrigerator, in the compartment where vegetables are stored, usually this is the bottom shelf.
  • The ground in which the worms are stored should be slightly moistened (but in moderation), and there must be ventilation holes in the lid.
  • In order for the worms to acquire the desired color and aroma, the following products must be added to the container in which they are stored a few days before fishing: chicken egg yolk, flour, birch and oak sawdust, sunflower oil, cake, flavorings.

  • If you have stored worms for more than a few days, then you may need to feed them. You can give them ordinary kitchen waste with the exception of milk porridge.
  • Six hours before fishing, it is advisable to move the worms to a warmer place and add natural aromatic substances to the ground, this can be anise or vegetable oil.
  • In order for the fragrance to last longer, put a cotton swab on the bottom of the box in which you store the worms, after soaking it with the necessary solution, or tear it and mix it with the ground.
  • If necessary, just before fishing, place the worms in a box with sawdust (aged in the air for about a week so that the smell disappears), then it will be easier to take them with your hands.
  • Take for fishing worms not only of different types (rain, dung ...), but also processed by different types. In this case, being on the spot, you yourself will determine which are more catchy on this reservoir on that day
  • It is better to string a worm not through its entire body, but only by making a piercing in its front part and approximately in the middle. With this method, the worm on the hook lives longer.

This video describes in detail and very competently how to handle worms so that the fish peck at them all year round.

Experienced fishermen know many ways to catch fish, how to lure them and what gear to use for this. And no matter how new products appear, no matter what new recipes are invented the most common bait for a 100% catch is a worm.
It is baited on a hook, while the point should be inserted directly under the skin and retreating 1-1.5 cm from the head. It is best to take a medium worm and a small hook. This is done so that the hook is not visible behind the body of the bait.
You can dig up worms in damp earth, under wet leaves, in a heap of old rubbish, a dung heap. It is best to use a shovel for this, sometimes even a pitchfork is useful. After rain, finding worms is quite easy, and you can dig them up right before fishing on the shore. But if the earth is dry, then the worms can only be obtained by digging the earth deep with a shovel.

Finding worms for fishing is not so difficult, but saving them can be difficult.

How to save worms for fishing in the heat

There are quite a few ways to save a worm before fishing in the hot summer months, and all of them have been tried and tested by fishermen:

  1. Use to store bait canvas mitt that comes as part of the overalls. The earth, along with the worms, is poured inside and all this can be stored there until the moment you need. It is only necessary to additionally sew a small ribbon on top of the mittens to tie it up. During fishing, when it becomes very hot for a worm in a mitten, you need to lower the pond, but not for long, since only the fabric should be wet, and not all the earth inside. Then, in the process of evaporation of moisture, the place where the bait is stored will gradually cool;
  2. Instead of a mitten, you can use the usual plastic bucket and preferably light colors. Earth is collected in it, dry grass and leaves are on top. Then the bucket must be wrapped with a damp cloth. You need to keep such a storage for the worm in the shade, where there is no wind. For example, you can put it all under the car. Gradually, the water will evaporate and the bait will remain fresh for a long time;
  3. Cold accumulator can help you out even on very hot days. If you put it in the freezer in advance and take it with you on a fishing trip, then a jar of worms on such batteries will not disappear for a long time;
  4. Waste Chinese thermos will be a great place to store. Such containers, as a rule, do not retain heat well, but something cold is easy;
  5. Worms that have just dug up can be folded in a small wooden box filled with wet moss. And when fishing, it is better to hang such a storage on a tree in order to save it from ants;
  6. Instead of wet soil, which is poured into a container with worms or poured into a mitten any herb can be used. It will create the same comfortable conditions for the worm;
  7. For short fishing you can take put the bait in a small glass jar and put it in the shade. Of course, it should stand in a pond, but at the same time, water should not fall into the jar;
  8. Can dig a small hole with a shovel, for example, in the reeds nearby. A jar, box or other container with worms is placed in this pit. From above it is necessary to cover with the usual burdock.

How to save earthworms for fishing?

Earthworms can be used as bait throughout the year. Practically any “peaceful” fish, such as crucian carp, perch, bream, carp, bites well on it. But other fish are caught on an earthworm not so willingly. This bait has a light color. You can find it under logs, stones, in lowlands and ravines after rain.
With earthworms, you will have to tinker longer before taking them with you on a fishing trip. First, they need to be placed in a separate container with wet grass or moss, sand. Then pour all this with vegetable oil or milk. In this solution, the worms need to stand for several days. During this time, the unpleasant smell that the fish does not tolerate will go away.
You can store an earthworm in the following ways:
put them in a separate box, which can be made of plastic, iron, or wood. At the bottom, first put a little wet moss, so the worms can lie there for 10 to 20 days;
can be stored in damp ground, which will be wrapped in a canvas or a bag is best. Any container, container and storage place for the earthworm must be well ventilated, so if there are no slots or holes, then you need to make several holes in them.

How to save dung worms for fishing?

The dung worm is the easiest to catch fish. They have a bright red color, a specific smell that attracts fish. In addition, they are very mobile, which also does not remain invisible to the inhabitants of reservoirs. You can find such bait near farms where animals are bred or in landfills. Also, their main habitats are dung heaps, rotten stumps, vegetable gardens.
Keep the earthworm separate tin can containing wet moss. At the bottom of such a container must be holes for ventilation. Do not keep this jar in the open sun or rain. Under these conditions, the worms will last for a couple of days of your fishing.

How to keep fishing worms at home, in winter, and what is the best way to keep them the longest?

As a rule, the question of keeping the worm at home is mainly asked by fishermen who live in the city. And if for them in summer, spring and autumn it is not difficult to find and dig up bait for themselves, it will be much more difficult to do this in the cold season. And the prices for a worm in stores sometimes just go wild. Therefore, the easiest way is not just to find a way to store the worm for a long time at home, but to breed them yourself. This, as practice shows, the process is a little painstaking, but not so complicated. Yes, and it will cost a mere penny for an avid fisherman.
So, what you need to breed a worm: a plastic bucket, bowl or other container, for several liters, or tens of liters, this is optional; soil with a small amount of humus; the worms themselves. At the same time, you can take any, including different ones, to keep in one container; bottle with cap. In the lid, then you will need to drill holes for irrigation; a small spatula or stick for mixing the earth.

The whole process of breeding a worm begins with preparing a suitable container. It is very convenient to store everything in ordinary aquariums. Do not abuse manure for the earth, in order to create a more comfortable atmosphere and habitat. Over time, the worms themselves will saturate all the contents with the necessary amount of humus.

Worms need to eat like any other living creature, so about once a week you need to add food to the soil for them. Almost any food waste can be used here. Dairy products, bran, bread, cereals, oatmeal. The main thing is that such waste should not be too salty.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes/carps/breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

It's no secret that the dung worm is an excellent winter bait, especially on the rivers, and thrifty anglers traditionally stock up for almost the entire winter, having developed reliable storage methods.

The worm can be kept in excellent condition for a long time in a spacious wooden box filled with greasy soddy soil, well mixed with moss, cabbage leaves, wood chips, meadow grass roots, tops of various garden plants - an excellent "explosive mixture" in which dung beetles feel great. Already at the first laying, it is immediately clear which of them is a tenant, and which is “kapets” - the healthy ones gradually burrow, and it is better to discard the inactive ones remaining on the surface.

We put the box in the basement of a garage or shed, where the temperature usually does not drop below 0 degrees, as a rule, potatoes are stored under such conditions, etc. During the entire storage period, it must be borne in mind that the substrate should not be excessively wet, but excess dryness is contraindicated for worms . Once a week it is useful to feed the worms with milk. Even more effective is meat broth, but it must be unsalted.

Personally, I now store the worm in a 40l plastic deep trough - I bought it at a hardware store. Plastic, perhaps worse than wood, is suitable for these purposes, but it is more hygienic, it can be washed well, it does not rot, it will serve properly for many years.

I make a dwelling for dung beetles in layers. First comes a layer of greasy garden soil, I put a layer of rotted leaves on it, then again a layer of earth, mixed with boiled mashed potatoes, I still put a layer of rotted leaves on it, then again a layer of earth mixed with boiled mashed potatoes, I still put it on it a layer of rotted leaves, then garden soil again, and so on to the very top of the box.

I launch worms, which soon go down. From above I cover everything with an old towel, which I periodically moisten with cold water, preventing the lower layers from drying out too much. Also, periodically, about once every 3-4 days, I add a little coffee grounds, pouring it under a towel. In the process of sampling a portion of worms for fishing, the layers mix up a little, but this is not so scary. The main point of the “layer cake” is that the soil is not too dense, giving the dung beetles maximum comfort.

I store the box on an unheated, but glazed balcony, where there is usually always a small plus - what you need. Only in especially severe frosts can the worms freeze, and then I wrap the plastic trough with an old wadded blanket. I'm afraid to bring it into the apartment, because worms, like live bait, are rather delicate creatures, and with strong temperature changes they can not withstand and die.

If kept warm, it is better immediately from autumn and all winter. But then the worm experiences a temperature shock already while fishing, and on the hook it will not be so mobile, and the fish bite much better on the fidgety one.

One of the most pressing issues for an angler is finding a way to save worms for fishing, as it often happens that after catching, collected or purchased worms are left that can be used on the next trip. Also, in the case of long trips in the summer, it becomes necessary to store the bait in hot conditions for several days. To do this, you need not only to know how to collect worms, but also to have in your arsenal ways to store them in various conditions.

Which worms keep longer

Not all types of worms are suitable for long-term storage at home. Dung worms and leafworms can be stored for the longest time if they are provided with a comfortable habitat. The storage of earthworms, in turn, requires specific conditions, the failure to comply with which will lead to their rapid death.

It must be borne in mind that it is impossible to store different types of worms in one container. For example, dung worms secrete a liquid that is poisonous to other types of worms, but at the same time they themselves can be poisoned by the rotting remains of dead worms of another species.

How to collect crawl worms

It must be remembered that light crawls are best suited for fishing, they are denser and tenacious than their dark counterparts. Collecting earthworms is best after rain at night. A few hours after the rain, you can take a lantern and go out onto earthen and even asphalt paths laid next to the ground, where crawls will be selected after the rain. Also, this type of worm is often chosen in areas without high vegetation next to bushes and trees, where they are easy to notice. It must be remembered that creeps do not like bright light, so it is better to take a flashlight of moderate power.

There are also some tricks. If no rain is planned in the near future, and fishing bait is needed, you can water a piece of land where worms can live, and in the dark they will definitely appear. You can also choose a place with greasy soil, put wet rags or straw on it, and then cover it with boards, and the worms themselves will crawl out into the wet substrate. However, once collected, the worms must be saved.

Often there is a need to save worms for a long time. This may be dictated by the impossibility of digging them before each fishing trip, or simply by a fortunate combination of circumstances that made it possible to collect more worms at a time than it takes for one fishing trip. It is also often required to keep the worms throughout the winter.

Keeping worms at home, although not an easy task, is quite feasible for any angler.

Storage in a private house

Homeowners have a significant worm storage advantage over multi-family dwellers because they have the ability to store worms on their property. For this option, the best way to store worms in a pit.

Pit storage is one of the best ways to store bait during the warm season., because it is as close as possible to the usual habitat of worms. To do this, you need to dig a hole, about 50 centimeters deep and a little more than half a meter in diameter. This space is enough for a comfortable stay of about two hundred worms. Next, you need to place a fine-mesh mesh on its bottom, and then pour the soil there. The ideal option would be the land from which the worms were removed, however, if this is not possible, any will do.

This habitat option will be optimal, since moisture will flow through the grid, leveling the moisture level in the pit and the rest of the soil, but at the same time, the worms will not be able to crawl out of their kind of aviary.

As feed, you can add a small amount of tea leaves or coffee grounds to the pit and mix with the soil. If storage is carried out in hot, dry weather, it is necessary to pour water into the pit from time to time to prevent the soil from drying out and the bait dying.

It is best to cover the top of the hole with a mesh after filling it to prevent the worms from getting out, and sprinkle it lightly with earth. In the case of a sufficient amount of moisture and bait, the worms can be stored in this way for quite a long time, but about once a month it is worth changing the earth in the pit to fresh. If there is no desire to change the land often, you can proportionally increase its volume, which will allow its inhabitants to stay in it longer.

The previous method is optimal for storing worms in the warm season. However, with the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to find a place where a positive temperature will be maintained. In winter, the best way is to store worms in boxes. To implement this option, wooden boxes that do not have slots are needed. Their bottom and walls can be lined with wet gauze, then filled with soft soil, rotten leaves and other plant remains, and then placed in the ground worms. In the event that the creeps are expected to be stored, it is imperative to add a thick layer of grass to the substrate, in which the creeps will live a significant part of the time.

For long-term storage, it is imperative to maintain humidity in the boxes, as well as feed the worms. As food, you can use leftovers from the table ground in a meat grinder, the main thing is that they do not have salt. They are added to the soil and mixed so that it is convenient for the worms to eat them.

The volume of the box should be the larger, the more worms live in it, otherwise they may not have enough soil for life.

There is another option for filling boxes. The bottom of the boxes is laid out with moss, in which the worms are placed, a new layer of moss is placed on top. This method is considered more successful, but it has a significant disadvantage - every week the moss must be changed or at least washed in running water. Also in the moss you need to add a little honey with milk. This method allows you to find and remove weak and non-viable worms from the colony, which has a positive effect on the health of the population. Also, worms aged in moss are considered more suitable for fishing - they become more dense and active. However, not every fisherman has the opportunity to change the moss in the boxes every week, sorting out the worms, which makes this method somewhat less attractive.

Regardless of the method chosen, long-term storage of worms should be done in a cool, damp place. For residents of private houses, the best option is the cellar, which maintains a comfortable microclimate for worms around the clock.

Storage in the apartment

Living in an apartment building dictates its own conditions for storing worms. Often, due to the inadmissibility of excess moisture, as containers for storing worms for fishing at home, not wooden boxes are chosen, but plastic or enameled containers. A box, bucket or pan is filled with soil, peat, it is permissible to add rotten leaves, hay. Bait is placed in this substrate. Under these conditions, it is also necessary to moisten and feed the population in the same way as in the case of storage in wooden boxes. It must be remembered that the container must not be tightly closed, otherwise the worms will die. However, if you do not close the box completely, then they can crawl around the apartment. The best cover would be gauze or other breathable fabric.

Plastic containers are preferred for indoor storage because they do not allow moisture to pass through and do not absorb odors.

The storage place must be cool, otherwise the worms may die. The best option is a refrigerator, but not everyone has the opportunity to store worms there, so you can find another cool place like a dark corner of the pantry. In cool weather, as well as at night, the best option would be to store worms on the balcony.

Some anglers adapt old aquariums to store worms, filling them with soil and peat. In a spacious container, the worms feel much better, respectively, and remain alive much longer.

Another storage option is a canvas bag filled with damp earth. Worms are placed in it after digging directly with the soil, after which it is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, checking and moistening from time to time.

Storage in the heat of fishing

It is not easy to create conditions for storing fishing worms at home for a long time, but it is possible if there is a cool place. However, it often happens that during long fishing trips in the summer it is necessary to store the worms taken with you in hot conditions for several days.

For a short period of time, worms can survive in hot summer weather, but for this you need to constantly monitor them. One way to keep worms out during hot weather is to use a canvas bag or mitt. The worms are placed there along with the earth, after which the mitten is tightly tied and lowered into the water for a second. The fabric gets wet, while the earth does not have time to absorb moisture. The wet bag is placed in the shade and rewetted as it dries.

Also, worms can be placed together with the earth in a plastic container, sprinkled with dry leaves on top. After that, the container should be closed with a lid with holes for ventilation and wrapped with a damp cloth. This design is placed in the shade. In this state, the worms can be stored even if it is very hot outside, you just need to regularly moisten the rag.

When moisture evaporates from the rag, the container will cool, which is why the worms will feel comfortable and remain mobile in any weather.

If the fishing is planned to be really long, it is necessary to place the worms together with the earth and rotten leaves in a thin fabric bag(you can use a female stocking), dig a small hole in the shade of the trees, place a bag in it and sprinkle with earth. If necessary, the ground can be slightly moistened, but do it sparingly, since excessive moisture harms the worms.

The use of one of these methods guarantees the fisherman the preservation of the bait during the whole fishing.


Catching earthworms for an angler with certain skills in this field will not be difficult, just find a place suitable for the worms to live and wait for the right weather. In turn, the storage of earthen inhabitants is a rather difficult matter. And if there is no particular difficulty in keeping the bait for several days, then in order to keep it for several weeks or months, you need to try. In order for the worms to remain alive for as long as possible, they need to provide suitable living conditions. Creeps are a more fastidious species than, for example, dung worms and require a large amount of grass in the composition of the substrate in which they live. Also, their storage involves maintaining an optimal low temperature and high humidity for them, as well as introducing food into the substrate, to which the worms are quite unpretentious. It is important to remember that it is unacceptable to store different species in a common container, as this can lead to their death. Thus, for the successful storage of worms, it is necessary to provide them with the conditions necessary for life.

The shelf life of worms on fishing depends on their correct content. As practice shows, in no case should a worm be stored in tin cans, which is most often done by novice fishermen. In such a container, the worms quickly heat up, curl into a ball, become motionless and soon die. Therefore, they must be kept in a canvas bag or wooden box along with the soil of the area where they are excavated.

How to store earthworms for fishing

For summer fishing, this bait should be stored away from the sun, in a cool place. If you are going to be fishing for many days, then it is advisable to bury a bag or box with the main supply of worms in wet coastal sand or in damp earth, preferably in a shaded place. In such a "cellar" this bait can be stored for several days. And for morning or evening fishing, you can take the required number of worms from the "cache". In this way, you can significantly extend the shelf life of bloodworms.

In winter fishing, worms must be protected from frost. In the cold, they quickly lose their vitality, become inactive. Therefore, it is better to keep a box with worms in the pockets of warm winter trousers or hide it in the bosom of a jacket or a sheepskin coat.

How to store worms for fishing in winter

To keep the worms throughout the winter, you need to get a wooden tub or box with a capacity of about two buckets. This container is one-third filled with dry fallen leaves. These leaves should be covered with soft, loose earth from the area where the worms were taken from. An important point - make sure that a thin layer of leaves remains along the sides and inner walls.

After all the manipulations done in the “dwelling”, you can launch worms (in the amount of about two glasses). Do not worry, after a while in your cattery there will be a huge number of them. Stock up on worms of the same species, dung or earthworms, as different species do not tolerate each other well.

A prepared box with worms, covered with a damp cloth, should be kept in a cool, dark place: in a garage, basement, cellar. Make sure that the temperature around the container does not fall below zero degrees. A city fisherman who does not have a cellar or a barn can store worms in an ordinary enameled household bucket.

For worms, you need to periodically look after, and most importantly, do not forget to feed them. From food they like unsalted leftovers from the table, grated raw potatoes, sour milk. Also, swollen tea left after drinking tea is suitable for them. It must first be rinsed under water to wash off the bitter taste. The food is poured over the ground and covered with a rag or a piece of thick cardboard. To prevent the earth from drying out, periodically water it evenly over the entire surface with a small amount of water. About one glass of water for two to three days is enough for your bait to successfully overwinter and even increase its population.