
The problem of perception of nature. Composition of the exam. Arguments for an essay on the problem of the influence of nature on humans Admiration for the beauty of nature arguments

Arguments for an essay in the Russian language.

Nature. Part 2.

The problem of the relationship to nature, animals, the fight against the natural world, interference in the natural world, the beauty of nature, the influence of nature on human character.

Nature is a source of inspiration for a person, immerses him in childhood, makes him think about life. In the novel “A Hero of Our Time M.Yu. Lermontov characterizes the influence of nature on man in the following way: "Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children: everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again what it once was and will be true someday again."

How should you relate to nature?

A.I. Kuprin "Olesya"

In the story of A.I. Kuprin "Olesya" the behavior of the main character is an excellent example of how to relate to the natural world. The girl felt that the forest was alive, and therefore looked after it and protected each forest inhabitant from harmful human influences. Olesya understood that not all people are able to feel and empathize with every blade of grass, every tree, and therefore did everything in her power to help the forest, for which she was awarded the gift of foresight and healing.

How does a person affect nature?

Ray Bradbury "The Martian Chronicles"

People often have a consumerist attitude to nature: they cut down forests, drain rivers and lakes, exterminate entire species of animals, without compensating for the consequences of their actions.
Ray Bradbury's novel The Martian Chronicles details the human impact on the natural world. Having polluted their planet, turning it into huge megalopolises, people began to explore distant Mars, already inhabited by inhabitants. Martians in this respect are very different from earthlings: they are closely related to the nature of their planet. Their houses are half composed of living natural formations, they themselves actively use the gifts of their nature in everyday life. Their peaceful existence was violated by the inhabitants of planet Earth. Having begun the settlement of Mars, people not only destroyed all the Martians, but also began to destroy the Martian culture, imposing their own rules on the new world.

Why should you be careful with nature?

HG Wells "War of the Worlds"

Nature is the home of man. All living things that exist on planet Earth are connected with each other. The famous English writing HG Wells in his novel "War of the Worlds" showed nature as the savior of humanity. After the start of the war with aliens, people were on the verge of extinction: the aliens destroyed earthlings, transformed the earth's surface, destroyed a huge number of cities. People could not resist such an enemy with their weapons, and then bacteria and microbes came to their aid, which exterminated the aliens. The planet itself did not allow the invaders to destroy human civilization. Therefore, you need to treat the natural world with care, since nature will not become - man himself will disappear.

What is the role of nature in Russian culture?

For Russians, nature has always been freedom, will, freedom. Listen to the language: take a walk in the wild, go free. Will is the absence of worries about tomorrow, it is carelessness, blissful immersion in the present.

Remember Koltsov:

Oh you, my steppe,
Free steppe,
You are wide, steppe,
I spread,
To the Black Sea

A wide space has always ruled the hearts of Russians. It poured into concepts and representations that are not in other languages. How, for example, is the difference between will and freedom? The fact that free will is freedom, combined with space, with nothing barred by space. And the concept of longing, on the contrary, is combined with the concept of crampedness, deprivation of a person's space. Oppressing a person means depriving him of space in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

And man needed nature large, open, with a huge outlook. That is why the pole-field is so beloved in the folk song. Will is large spaces through which you can walk and walk, wander, swim with the flow of large rivers and over long distances, breathe free air, breathe in the wind widely with your chest, feel the sky above your head, be able to move in different directions - as you like.

Russian lyrical lingering song - it also has a longing for space. And it is sung best outside the home, in the wild, in the field.
The bell ringing had to be heard as far as possible. Driving fast is also striving for space.

But the same special attitude to space and space is seen in the epics. Mikula Selyaninovich follows the plow from end to end of the field. Volga has to catch up with him for three days on young Bukhara stallions.

They heard a plowman in pure poly,
They drove through the day in pure poly,
The plowman did not run over,
And on the next day we drove from morning to evening.
The plowman did not run over,
And on the third day we drove from morning to evening,
The plowman and drove over.

There is a sense of space in the beginnings to the epics describing Russian nature, there is also in the desires of the heroes, Volga, for example:

Volgy wanted a lot of wisdom:
Volgy walk like a pike-fish in blue waters,
Volga fly like a bird-falcon under the clouds,
Like a wolf and prowl through open fields.
Even the description of the towers that the "brave squad" of Nightingale Budimirovich builds in the garden near Zabava Putyatichna contains the same delight in the immensity of nature.
Well decorated in the towers:
The sun is in the sky - the sun is in the mansion;
There is a month in the sky - a month in the mansion;
There are stars in the sky - stars in the tower;
Dawn in the sky - dawn in the tower
And all the beauty is heavenly.

Delight for the vastness is already present in ancient Russian literature - in the Primary Chronicle, in the "Lay of Igor's Host", in the "Lay of the Death of the Russian Land", in the "Life of Alexander Nevsky", and in almost every work of the most ancient period of the 11th-13th centuries ... Everywhere events either cover huge areas, as in "The Lay of Igor's Campaign", or take place among huge spaces with responses in distant countries, as in "The Life of Alexander Nevsky". Since ancient times, Russian culture has considered freedom and space as the greatest aesthetic and ethical blessing for man.

The problem of the relationship between man and nature. How do humans and nature interact?

An argument from D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful"

Nature has its own culture. Therefore, the relationship between nature and man is a relationship between two cultures, each of which in its own way is "social", co-operative, has its own "rules of behavior". And their meeting is based on a kind of moral foundation. Both cultures are the fruit of historical development, and the development of human culture has been under the influence of nature for a long time (since humanity has existed), and the development of nature with its multimillion-year existence is relatively recent and not everywhere under the influence of human culture.

One (culture of nature) can exist without the other (human), and the other (human) cannot. But still, for many centuries past, there was a balance between nature and man. Equilibrium is everywhere its own and everywhere on its own, special basis, with its own axis. In the north in Russia there was more "nature", and the further south and closer to the steppe, the more "man".
The landscape of Russia throughout its heroic space seems to pulsate, it is discharged and becomes more natural, then it thickens in villages, graveyards and cities, becomes more human.
The old Russian city is not opposed to nature. He goes to nature through the suburbs. Hundreds of years ago, he clung to the walls of the city, to the rampart and ditch, with his gardens and orchards, he clung to the surrounding fields and forests, taking away from them some trees, some vegetable gardens, some water into his ponds and wells. And all this is in the ebb and flow of hidden and obvious rhythms - beds, streets, houses, logs, blocks of pavements and bridges.

What is characteristic of the Russian landscape?

An argument from D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful"

In Russian landscape painting, there are a lot of works dedicated to the seasons: autumn, spring, winter - favorite themes of Russian landscape painting throughout the 19th century and later. And most importantly, in it there are not invariable elements of nature, but most often temporary ones: early or late autumn, spring waters, melting snow, rain, thunderstorms, winter sun, which peeped out for a moment due to heavy winter clouds, etc.

In Russian nature, there are no eternal large objects that do not change at different times of the year, such as mountains, evergreen trees. Everything in Russian nature is unstable in color and condition. An eternal masquerade, an eternal holiday of colors and lines, eternal movement - within a year or a day.

All these changes are, of course, in other countries, but in Russia they are, as it were, most noticeable thanks to Russian painting, starting with Venetsianov and Martynov. Russia has a continental climate, and this continental climate creates a particularly harsh winter and a particularly hot summer, a long spring, shimmering with all shades of colors, in which every week brings with it something new, a protracted autumn, in which there is also its very beginning with an extraordinary the transparency of the air, praised by Tyutchev, and the special silence characteristic only of August, and late autumn, which Pushkin loved so much.

But in Russia, in contrast to the south, especially somewhere on the shores of the White Sea or White Lake, unusually long evenings with the setting sun, which creates a play of colors at will, changing literally in five-minute intervals, a whole "ballet of colors", and wonderful - long-long - sunrises. There are moments (especially in spring) when the sun "plays" as if it were cut by an experienced cutter. White nights and "black", dark days in December create not only a diverse range of colors, but also an extremely rich emotional palette. And Russian poetry responds to all this diversity.

Venetsianov already has a characteristic feature of the Russian landscape. It also exists in the early spring of Vasiliev. She had a major impact in the work of Levitan. This inconstancy and fragility of time is a feature that, as it were, unites the people of Russia with its landscapes.
National traits cannot be exaggerated or made exceptional. National characteristics are just some accents, and not qualities that others lack. National peculiarities bring people closer together, interest people of other nationalities, and do not withdraw people from the national environment of other peoples, do not isolate peoples in themselves. Peoples are not communities surrounded by walls, but harmoniously coordinated associations.

Therefore, if I am talking about what is characteristic of the Russian landscape or Russian poetry, then the same properties, but, however, to some extent, are characteristic of other countries and peoples. The national traits of the people do not exist in themselves and for themselves, but also for others. They become clear only when viewed from the outside and in comparison, therefore they should be understandable for other peoples, they should exist in some other arrangement among others.

Where nature is alive, the human soul is alive. In the novel in the ninth chapter "Oblomov's Dream" the author depicts a corner of Russia blessed by God. Oblomovka is a patriarchal paradise on earth.

The sky there, it seems, on the contrary, is pressed closer to the ground, but not in order to throw arrows stronger than arrows, but only in order to hug it tighter, with love: it stretched so low above your head, like a parent's reliable roof, to protect, it seems , a chosen corner from all adversity. The sun shines brightly and hot there for about six months and then leaves there not suddenly, as if reluctantly, as if turning back to look once or twice at a favorite place and give it in the fall, amidst bad weather, a clear, warm day.

All nature protects the inhabitants of Oblomovka from hardships, living life in such a blessed place, people are in harmony with the world and themselves. Their souls are pure, there are no dirty gossips, clashes, seeking profit. Everything is peaceful, friendly. Oblomov is a product of this world. He has kindness, soul, generosity, attention to his neighbor, something for which Stolz values \u200b\u200bhim so much and Olga fell in love with him.

2. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

The main character, the commoner Bazarov, by virtue of his convictions, considers nature not a temple, but a workshop. His point is that all trees are the same. However, arriving at his native estate, he tells Arkady that the aspen over the cliff was his talisman in childhood. Now he, they say, realizes that he was small and was looking for signs of goodness in everything. Why, then, during the development of his passionate feelings for Madame Odintsova, the freshness of the night bursting in through the window makes such an impression on him? He is ready to fall at the feet of Madame Odintsova, he hates himself for this feeling. Isn't this the influence of that very workshop for research and experimentation. It is a pity that the experience of Evgeny Bazarov will end so badly.

3. I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco"

A trip to Europe is not going according to the plan that was drawn up by a man who considers himself a master. Instead of a bright sun and bright days, nature meets the heroes gloomy, unsmiling: “The morning sun deceived every day: from midday it was invariably gray and began to sow rain, but it was getting thicker and colder; then the palms at the entrance to the hotel glittered with tin, "- this was such a nature, as if she did not want to give her warmth and light to these overly bored gentlemen. However, after the death of the master, the sky cleared, the sun shone, and over the whole world: “... a whole country, joyful, beautiful, sunny, stretched beneath them: the stony humps of the island, which was almost entirely at their feet, and that fabulous blue, in which he swam, and shining morning vapors over the sea to the east, under the dazzling sun, which was already hot, rising higher and higher, and the misty azure, still in the morning unsteady massifs of Italy, its near and distant mountains, the beauty of which is powerless to express the human word ". Only real people like the famous fisherman Lorenzo can live next to such nature.

4. V.G. Rasputin "In the same land"

The main character, Pashuta, is a woman with an ambiguous fate who has devoted her entire life to the great Soviet construction project. Years have passed when the plant went into operation and began to produce products, the city lost its charm of a clean taiga settlement.

The city gradually acquired a different glory. Cheap electricity was used to melt aluminum at the world's largest plant, and cellulose was cooked at the world's largest timber complex. From fluorine, for tens and hundreds of miles around the withering forest, from methyl mercaptan, they hammered the windows in the apartments, sealed them, cracks and still went into a suffocating cough. Twenty years after the hydroelectric station gave current, the city turned into one of the most dangerous to health. They built the city of the future, and built a slow-acting gas chamber in the open air.

People have lost touch with each other, every man for himself - this is the motto of this world. Destroying nature, we destroy ourselves, our future.

Everyone knows that man and nature are inextricably linked with each other, and we observe it every day. This is a breath of wind, and sunsets and sunrises, and the ripening of buds on trees. Under her influence, society was formed, personalities developed, and art was formed. But we also have a reciprocal influence on the world around us, but most often negatively. The problem of ecology was, is and will always be relevant. So, many writers touched on it in their works. This selection lists the brightest and strongest arguments from world literature that touch on the issues of the mutual influence of nature and man. They are available for download in table format (link at the end of the article).

  1. Astafiev Victor Petrovich, "Tsar-fish". This is one of the most famous works of the great Soviet writer Viktor Astafiev. The main theme of the story is the unity and opposition of man and nature. The writer points out that each of us is responsible for what he has done and what happens in the world around him, no matter good or bad. The work also touches upon the problem of large-scale poaching, when a hunter, regardless of prohibitions, kills and thereby erases whole species of animals from the face of the earth. So, having pitted his hero Ignatyich and mother nature in the person of Tsar-fish, the author shows that the destruction of our habitat with his own hand threatens the death of our civilization.
  2. Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich, "Fathers and Sons".A disdainful attitude towards nature is also considered in the novel by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Evgeny Bazarov, a notorious nihilist, declares bluntly: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it." He does not enjoy the environment, does not find anything mysterious and beautiful in it, any manifestation of it is trifles for him. In his opinion, “nature should be beneficial, this is its purpose”. He believes that it is necessary to take what she gives - this is the unshakable right of each of us. As an example, we can recall the episode when Bazarov, being in a bad mood, went into the forest and broke branches and everything else that came across his path. Neglecting the world around him, the hero fell into the trap of his own ignorance. As a physician, he never made great discoveries, nature did not give him the keys to its secret locks. He died from his own indiscretion, becoming a victim of a disease for which he never invented a vaccine.
  3. Vasiliev Boris Lvovich, “Don't Shoot White Swans”.In his work, the author urges people to be more careful with nature, opposing the two brothers. The reserve's forester by the name of Buryanov, despite his responsible work, perceives the world around him as a resource of consumption. He easily and completely without a twinge of conscience cut down trees in the reserve in order to build a house for himself, and his son Vova was even ready to torture the puppy he found to death. Fortunately, Vasiliev contrasts him with Yegor Polushkin, his cousin, who with all the kindness of his soul protects the natural environment, and it's good that there are still people who care about nature and strive to preserve it.

Humanism and love for the world around you

  1. Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea.In his philosophical story "The Old Man and the Sea", which was based on a true event, the great American writer and journalist touched on many topics, one of which is the problem of the relationship between man and nature. The author in his work shows a fisherman who serves as an example of how to treat the environment. The sea feeds the fishermen, but it also voluntarily yields only to those who understand the elements, its language and life. Santiago also understands the responsibility that the hunter bears before the halo of his habitat, feels guilty for extorting food from the sea. He is burdened by the idea that man is killing his fellows in order to feed himself. So you can understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story: each of us must understand our inextricable connection with nature, feel guilty before it, and while we are responsible for it, guided by reason, the Earth tolerates our existence and is ready to share its riches.
  2. Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich, “Thirty grains”.Another work confirming that a humane attitude towards other living beings and nature is one of the main virtues of people is the book "Thirty Grains" by Yevgeny Nosov. It shows the harmony between man and animal, the little titmouse. The author clearly demonstrates that all living beings are brothers in origin, and we need to live in friendship. At first, the titmouse was afraid to make contact, but realized that in front of her was not the one who would catch the ban in the cage, but the one who would protect and help.
  3. Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich, “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”.This poem is familiar to every person from childhood. It teaches us to help our little brothers, it takes good care of nature. The main character, Grandfather Mazai, is a hunter, which means that hares should be for him, first of all, prey, food, but his love for the place where he lives is higher than the ability to get an easy trophy. He not only rescues them, but also warns them not to come across him during the hunt. Isn't this a high feeling of love for mother nature?
  4. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work sounds in the voice of the protagonist: “I got up, washed myself, put myself in order and immediately put my planet in order”. Man is not a king, not a king, and he cannot control nature, but he can take care of it, help, follow its laws. If every inhabitant of our planet followed these rules, then our Earth would be completely safe. It follows from this that we need to take care of her, treat her more carefully, because all living things have a soul. We have tamed the Earth and must be responsible for it.
  5. Ecology problem

  • Rasputin Valentin "Farewell to Matera".Valentin Rasputin showed a strong influence of man on nature in his story "Farewell to Matera". On Matera, people lived in harmony with the environment, took care of the island and preserved it, but the authorities needed to build a hydroelectric power station, and decided to flood the island. Thus, a whole animal world went under the water, which no one took care of, only the inhabitants of the island felt guilty for the “betrayal” of their native land. So humanity is destroying entire ecosystems due to the fact that it needs electricity and other resources necessary for modern life. It treats its conditions with trepidation and reverence, but completely forgets that whole species of plants and animals perish and are destroyed forever due to the fact that someone needed more comfort. Today, that area has ceased to be an industrial center, factories do not work, and endangered villages do not need so much energy. This means that those sacrifices were in vain.
  • Aitmatov Chingiz, “Plakha”.Destroying the environment, we also destroy our life, our past, present and future - such a problem is raised in Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "Plakha", where the personification of nature is a family of wolves, which is doomed to death. The harmony of life in the forest was disturbed by a man who came and destroys everything in his path. People staged a hunt for saigas, and the reason for such barbarism was the fact that there was a difficulty with the plan of meat delivery. Thus, the hunter thoughtlessly destroys the ecology, forgetting that he himself is part of the system, and this, in the end, will affect him.
  • Astafiev Victor, Lyudochka. This work describes the consequence of the authorities' disregard for the ecology of an entire region. People in the polluted city, smelling of waste, went berserk and rushed at each other. They have lost their naturalness, harmony in the soul, now they are ruled by conventions and primitive instincts. The main character becomes the victim of a gang rape on the banks of a cesspool where rotten waters flow - as rotten as the customs of the townspeople. Nobody helped or even sympathized with Luda, this indifference drove the girl to suicide. She hanged herself on a bare crooked tree, which also perishes from indifference. The poisonous, hopeless atmosphere of dirt and poisonous fumes reflects on those who made her this way.
  • Category: Arguments for composing the exam
  • V. Soloukhin - collection "Grass: Etudes on Nature". In this collection V. Soloukhin reveals to us the whole diverse world of nature. Why do flowers need fragrance? Why does the cuckoo lay eggs in other people's nests? Why is wormwood so popular? The author reflects on all this. Perception of nature, according to V. Soloukhin, is incompatible with vanity and haste. Comprehension of the secrets of nature requires from a person some kind of detachment, calmness, spiritual harmony.
  • K.G. Paustovsky - collection "Meshcherskaya side". The author tells us about his first acquaintance with this region; about natural signs associated with the color of the sky, dew, fog; about local swamps - "msharah"; about the channels once done by people; about the adventure of an unlucky old fisherman. At first glance, Meschera is a “quiet and unwise land”. But her charm is revealed gradually, in the same way in our souls love for this land is born. Nature requires from a person emotional sensitivity, attentiveness, respect.
  • K.G. Paustovsky - the story "Ilyinsky pool" (see "What feelings does the beauty of Russian nature awaken in our souls?")

"The Martian Chronicles". R. Bradbury

The iridescent notions of many readers about the hospitality of alien planets are completely negated by the American science fiction writer Ray Bradbury with his vision of the problem. The author insistently warns that the elusive inhabitants of other worlds do not burn with a special desire to meet intruders on their territory. For those who nevertheless decide to cross this border at any cost, the writer recommends preparing for a series of disappointments, since they will have to face a completely different world, living according to laws we do not understand.

"Tsar-fish". V. Astafiev

In this work, the famous Russian writer acquaints us with his attitude to the eternal moral and philosophical question of the relationship between man and the animated world around him. It reminds us of the enormous responsibility that nature itself has entrusted to us, and encourages us to strive with all our might to build the harmony of our inner world with the harmony of the world that exists next to us.

“All summer in one day”. R. Bradbury

Distant and mysterious Venus. The author immerses us in his idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible conditions for the existence of the first settlers from our planet in this alien and completely incomprehensible world to them. These are children who attend the Venusian school. All of them are of the same age, and live only waiting for the long-awaited sun to appear on the horizon of Venus. The luminary appears here only once every seven years, and children of nine do not remember at all what it looks like. An exception is the only girl named Margot, who arrived on the planet later than others and has not yet had time to forget what the Sun is and how it looks from Earth. There is a tense and difficult relationship between her and the other guys. They just don't understand each other. But time passes, and the day of the appearance of the Sun is approaching. It will delight the inhabitants of the rainy planet with its presence for an hour, and then disappear again for seven long years, so for the young inhabitants of Venus, this day is an event that, in its solemnity and significance, cannot be compared with anything.

"A little prince". Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The allegorical story of the French pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery introduces us to a very touching character. This is a boy who is engaged in a very serious and responsible business - he visits various planets, and thus learns the world around him. He generously shares his conclusions with the reader and reveals to us his childhood vision and attitude towards everything he has to face. The young traveler unobtrusively reminds people that they are responsible for the life of everything that surrounds them - “We are responsible for those we have tamed,” and caring for the planet we live on is an unconditional and daily duty of every person.

"Grandpa Mazai and the Hares." N. Nekrasov

The small village described by the famous poet is located in the wilderness of the Kostroma province. Every year, spring floods turn this wonderful place into a "Russian Venice" - a third of the entire territory is under water, and forest dwellers rush in horror in search of saving islands of land. The protagonist of this work, Grandfather Mazai, sailing on his boat through the flooded forest, saw hares huddled in a heap and trembling from fear and cold. The defenseless animals, apparently, did not expect that their plight would attract anyone's attention, but when the old hunter began to transfer them into the boat to release them in a safer place, they, though with distrust and apprehension, accepted help from a stranger. This story reminds each of us that we cannot indifferently observe the plight of our younger brothers, and, if possible, provide all possible assistance to those who are in dire need of it.

"Plakha". Ch. Aitmatov

The novel of the famous Kyrgyz writer is a warning addressed to each of us. The ordeals and the tragic fate of the protagonist of this work, Obadiah, reveal to the reader that huge layer of unresolved moral issues that have changed our attitude to life and those around us beyond recognition. The novel clearly highlights the contradictions of characters who feel responsible for everything, and those for whom conscience and morality have become an unnecessary burden. In parallel with the development of the main plot, the author unobtrusively plunges us into the life of an ordinary wolf family. Apparently, such a technique was not chosen by him by chance - the natural and, in its essence, sinless life of predators is opposed to the filth with which relationships between people are overflowing.

"The man who planted trees." J. Giono

This story is about a Man with a capital letter. He devoted all his life to transforming a lifeless desert into a blooming oasis. Through his daily work over the years, he has inspired hope in the hearts of the people around him. Thousands of trees planted by the protagonist brought happiness to tens of thousands of those around them, who seemed to have lost their last hope of surviving in this cruel world.

“About all creatures - big and small”. J. Harriott

With light humor and great love, the author, who by his main profession was a veterinarian and was engaged in the treatment of animals, introduces us to pets that we meet every day, but we know absolutely nothing about them themselves, not about their attitude towards us.

"Three tickets to Adventure". J. Darrell

The story of the famous traveler, naturalist and owner of the rare gift of the magnificent storyteller J. Durrell introduces us to the unique nature of South America and immerses readers in the world of their impressions of the expedition to this continent. The literary heritage of this researcher has provided an opportunity for millions of people of different ages to perceive the world that surrounds them in a completely different way, and to feel involved in its problems and joys. The author in a fascinating and light manner tells about the life of rare animals - about boxing fights of porcupines, the daily pastime of sloths, about the process of birth of unique reptiles and amphibians, and about a lot of other interesting things of a cognitive nature. You will get acquainted with the hard and dangerous work of rescuers of wild animals and significantly expand your knowledge of the world that exists in close proximity to humans, but lives according to laws that only he can understand.

"Don't shoot white swans." B. Vasiliev

The very title of this story contains a call to people to stop and think hard about their attitude to wildlife and life in general. This is a cry of despair that cannot leave anyone indifferent. The plot of the narration captures the reader from the first minutes and does not let go until the very end. We empathize with the heroes of this story, delve into the secrets of their perception of the world and at least for a while become like them. The author tries to draw that elusive border between good and evil, referring to the fates of his characters and their daily attitude to the world of wildlife.

"Stories about Animals". E. Season-Thompson

E. Sezon-Thompson is one of the few authors who, with his style of storytelling and deep reflections, immerses his readers in the world of his personal relationships to all living things. He communicates touchingly and with childlike spontaneity with wild and domestic animals, with full confidence that they perfectly understand and perceive every word, and only for quite understandable reasons cannot say anything in response. He speaks to them as to unreasonable children who have access to only one language of communication - the language of affection and love.

"Arcturus is a hound dog." Yu. Kazakov

Each dog, like a person, has its own individual character and disposition. Arcturus, according to the author, was unique in this respect. The dog showed extraordinary exalted affection and devotion to its master. It was the true love of an animal for a person. The dog was ready to sacrifice itself for him without any hesitation, but a certain animal modesty and inner tact did not allow her to express her feelings in full.