
How many years did Mikhail Krug die. Mikhail Krug - biography, information, personal life. The main awards of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug - famous Russian performer, which received the high status of "the king of Russian chanson". His most successful composition "Vladimirsky Central" is considered a kind of standard musical works created in the genre of "prison romance". The songs of Mikhail Krug have become widely known, they are known not only in Russia, but also abroad.


Real surname Mikhail Krug - Vorobyov. He was born in Tver on April 7, 1962. The family of this boy was intelligent, his parents raised two children - Misha and his older sister. My father had a specialty of a civil engineer, my mother held the position of an accountant of a cotton mill. The grandfather was a participant in the war, the boy was named after him. The living conditions of the Vorobyovs were far from ideal. All three generations of a large family occupied a small room in the barracks. But even in such conditions, the Vorobyovs lived amicably.

When Misha was very young, he wanted to become a driver. Having become older, the boy became very interested in music. He especially liked the songs of Vysotsky, who was a real idol for the boy. He wanted to be like the famous bard in everything, but for this he needed a guitar. When his son was 11 years old, his parents presented him with the coveted instrument. The neighbor showed the teenager some popular chords, which he memorized surprisingly quickly. Only a few days passed, and the gifted boy was already performing his first songs. The teachers of the music school accidentally heard his songs, and recommended that his mother send the teenager to study at their school.

Parents at this time were collecting money to purchase a piano for their eldest daughter. They simply could not pay for their son's studies, but Misha was lucky, he was enrolled in a free department in the accordion playing class. The boy really liked playing the instrument, but the choir and solfeggio made him bored, which he could not cope with. Six months later, Misha simply stopped attending music school.

Mikhail always had problems with education, it did not fascinate him. Even in high school he often ran away from school. He was an average student who did not stand out in any way against the general background of the class. But Mikhail loved sports, was fond of hockey, football, was a goalkeeper.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Vorobyov enters a vocational school, studies to be a car mechanic. Cars have always interested him vividly, and at vocational school he studies much better than at school. After graduation young man call for active service. Vorobyov was sent to serve in the Sumy region, in the unit that was stationed in the city of Lebedin.

After returning home after the service, the guy gets a job, delivers dairy products to retail outlets. Once he was nearly kicked out of his job for a daring trick. He took milk to various stores, and there was also such products that were intended for the party elite of Tver. Naturally, it was very different in quality from the products that were supplied to ordinary stores.

The guy took the party bosses products of low quality, he gave high-quality milk to the store. There was a big scandal, party functionaries tried to attract Vorobyov "for speculation", but they failed, since there was no corpus delicti in Mikhail's actions. He stayed at work, and after 10 years he even became a boss.

At that time, Mikhail was already married, his wife's parents insisted on obtaining higher education. Sparrow himself understands that he needs to study, he becomes a student at a polytechnic university. It was in this educational institution that he began musical biography... It was during this period that he got a promotion at work. But studying at the institute, a leading position oppressed Mikhail. Very soon he returned to the position of a driver and dropped out of school.


Mikhail Vorobyov began to write his first songs very early. When he was 25 years old, at the Polytechnic Institute, where he studied then, there was an author's song competition. One of the judges of this competition was Evgeny Klyachkin, the famous bard. The wife persuaded Vorobyov to become a participant in this competition, who else, if not her, knew how talented Mikhail was. Before going on stage, the young performer was so worried that he even drank a little vodka for courage. He performed a song about Afghanistan, after which he completely calmed down, began to wait for the results, not at all believing in his victory. The competition was attended by guys from all over Soviet Union... Mikhail Krug became the winner.

Evgeny Klyachkin said a lot of kind words to the young performer. Inspired by his approval, Vorobyov, two years later, chose a creative pseudonym for himself - Krug, recorded his first album "Tverskiye Streets". It is in this album that one of Mikhail's first songs can be found - "Morozovsky town". This composition was dedicated to the area where the guy lived as a child. In the future, the performer will record two more albums, which were then stolen and re-recorded by the "pirates". As a result, the songs of the Russian bard sold a huge circulation across Russia.

At the beginning of its creative path Mikhail Krug met the instrumentalists of the Metalist Palace of Culture. This is how the "Fellow traveler" group was created. In 1992 in the restaurant "Old Castle" musical group gave her first concert. It was this group that became a participant in the recording of all the albums of the Tver bard.

The first official disc called "Zhigan-Lemon", which was recorded at the "Soyuz" studio, was released in 1994. Mikhail spent a lot of money on the recording of the collection, but for his work he did not receive a single kopeck from the company. Although Mikhail Krug has never had any problems with the law, there is a lot of thieves' slag in this album. To create his "thieves" songs, he simply applied special dictionary NKVD, issued in 1924. The bard accidentally bought this book at a flea market, and it greatly expanded his vocabulary.

The songs of this artist instantly became hits, and the bard himself was increasingly called the star of the Russian chanson. The rising star did not annoy other performers of this genre at all, they were very loyal to the Circle. At the same time, the "official stage" reproached the singer for indulging the aesthetic demands of those associated with criminal offenses. There is a lot of truth in this reproach. In fact, the songs of the Circle became very popular in the criminal world, he himself often went on tour of correctional facilities with his concerts.

In 1995, the documentary "Bard Mikhail Krug" was shot. A year later, the bard records his third album, called "Live String". In the same 1996, the singer recorded his first own video "It was yesterday." In 1997, Mikhail went on tour abroad. He became a participant of the "Russian Chanson in Germany" festival. In this country, the bard was very warmly received by the Russian-speaking population. At the same time, the soloist Svetlana Ternova began to work in the team, and Mikhail himself began to perform songs by Alexander Belolebedinsky.

The fourth album "Madame" (1998) includes famous song"Vladimir Central". Thanks to this song, Mikhail became even more popular, but he continued to be criticized for excessive prison romance. There is a version that Mikhail dedicated this song to Sasha Sever, his old friend from the criminal world. Perhaps this is so, but the performer himself did not give official confirmation.

In the same year, the chansonnier toured the United States, giving concerts in five cities. The circle becomes a laureate of the "Ovation" prize in the "Russian Chanson" nomination. In 2000, the bard recorded his sixth album "Mouse", after which he toured Israel, where his concerts are always a success.

At the very beginning of the new century, in 2001, the famous chansonnier began to collaborate with Vika Tsyganova. This wonderful duet performed the songs "Swans", "Come to my house", "White snow", "Two destinies". The disc "Dedication" was released after the tragic death of the bard, it was released in memory of the early deceased singer. This disc contains tracks that were performed by the famous duet. The last album of the artist is called "Confession" (2003), Mikhail Krug managed to record it shortly before his death.

Personal life

The famous chansonnier was married twice. His first darling, Svetlana, was an incredibly talented woman. The young people met in 1986, the girl was a student at that time, and was very fond of music. V musical group polytechnic she was a lead guitarist. Svetlana became a real Muse for Mikhail, she provided him with every possible support, tried to develop his abilities, looked for festivals and competitions where he could show his talent.

A year after they met, the young people got married. In fact, they were very different, Svetlana was an excellent student who graduated from a prestigious university, and her husband had no craving for education at all. And Sveta's parents did not like this very much, especially her mother, who was actually the head of the family. A child, Dima, appeared in a young family, life has become even more difficult. The couple lived together for only 4 years, then a divorce followed. Dmitry outwardly is very similar to his father, he received a good education, works in law enforcement agencies.

In 2000, the Circle entered into a second marriage with Irina Glazko. He met this beautiful woman on tour in Chelyabinsk, invited her to work as a costume designer in her team. Irina accepted the offer, then the chansonnier looked at her for a whole year. Mikhail no longer wanted to be wrong, in 2001 he invited Irina to live together. Irina had a daughter, in 2002 a joint son, Sasha, was born. When Mikhail died, Irina continued his work, now she is a performer.


Bard died at the hands of unknown people who attacked his house at night. There were children in the house, Irina, her mother and the singer himself. Mikhail was shot several times from pistols. Irina was very lucky, she managed to hide in the house of her neighbors. An elderly woman, the singer's mother-in-law, was severely beaten by the attackers. And only the children remained safe and sound, they slept peacefully in their rooms.

Mikhail, who received several bullets, managed to find the strength to get to the neighboring house. When the ambulance arrived, he was conscious and even tried to joke with the doctors. Upon arrival at the hospital, he immediately went to the operating table. The doctors did their best, but they failed to save the famous bard. By morning, the singer was gone.

His death was a big blow to loved ones and fans. Farewell to the chansonnier took place at the Tverskoy Drama Theater. The funeral was attended by Efrem Amiramov, Sergei Trofimov, employees of the regional administration. The funeral procession stretched for several kilometers.

The funeral of Mikhail Krug

The investigation into the death of the famous performer ended 10 years after the tragic night. The widow managed to identify one of her husband's killers, it was Alexander Ageev, one of the members of the Tver Wolves gang. The gang was arrested in 2008, but it was not possible to prove Ageev's involvement in the murder of Krug. For other crimes, Ageev received a life sentence.

In 2014, the leader of the gang confessed that the murderer of the Circle was a member of a criminal group, the late Dmitry Veselov. The bard did not want to pay tribute to A. Kostenko, a crime boss better known as Lom. Kostenko was going to reason with the rebellious singer by attacking his mother-in-law. However, the Circle ended up in the house, which the bandits had never expected, and they decided to remove him as a dangerous witness.

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Mikhail Krug, whose biography, unfortunately, is too short, did not dream of a great career as a musician. He just loved music very much and could not imagine his life without it. From a young age, he began to play the guitar and sing songs of his own composition.

Mikhail Krug: biography

A detailed history of his life has already been described by many admirers of his talent, but today we will try to consider the main points of his work and the future artist was born in Tver in 1962 on April 7. His song "My dear city" was written about these native places. The real name of the famous performer is Vorobyov. From the age of six, Mikhail was very fond of listening to the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky, and already at eleven, having learned to play the guitar, he successfully sang them. At fourteen, he wrote his first poems for a classmate for whom he had warm feelings. As his relatives and childhood friends recall, Mikhail did very poorly at school, often ran away from school and was a real bully. For some time he studied at music school playing the button accordion, but when he got bored, he dropped out. After eight classes of secondary school, the future artist was educated as a mechanic-repairman at the Tver School No. 39. Then he served in the army, worked as a driving instructor in a military school.

Mikhail Krug: biography - the beginning of a musical career

After the army, Mikhail decided to marry. But the bride's parents set him a condition - to get a higher education, since their daughter is educated, and in husbands they are ready to see only a person equal to her. Mikhail enters the institute, where in 1987 he participates in the art song competition and wins. This was the first impetus for serious work in the field of music. Soon Mikhail quits his job as an instructor and the institute and devotes all his energy and time to creativity. This is how it appeared new star Russian chanson - Mikhail Krug. The artist's biography contains information that by 1996, when his first concert took place, he had already released four albums. Almost all of the songs from them were dedicated to a girl named Marina, whom he loved with his first pure youthful love.

Mikhail Krug: biography - personal life

The artist was married twice: the first time in 1986, the second in 2000. His wife Svetlana convinced him to make his creativity available to everyone and thus pushed him to success. She helped him in every possible way - she became the first producer of her husband and sewed him costumes for concerts by hand. In 1988, she gave birth to his son Dmitry, and the next they parted because of the riotous life of Mikhail. In 2000, the artist married a second time to Irina, who later took her husband's pseudonym - Krug - and performed with him. In 2002, she gave birth to his son Alexander.

Mikhail Krug: biography - tragic end

For the entire short period of his career, Mikhail Krug has performed in many European countries and the former USSR, starred in several films. In 1998 he received the Ovation Prize, earned the unofficial title of the King of Russian Chanson. But it was abruptly and tragically finished - Mikhail Krug was killed. It happened on the night of July 1 in 2002 in his own home. One of the versions of his murder was a robbery. The fact is that not only ordinary citizens loved him, but also the so-called thieves in law, one of whom presented him with an expensive ring with three diamonds. According to the investigation, it was after him that thieves made their way into his house on that fateful night. The artist's mother-in-law was wounded, his wife was scared, Mikhail, having received several, died on the morning of July 1 in the hospital. In 2008, a gang called Tver Wolves, which, according to the investigation, was related to the death of Krug, was arrested. In one of the members of the group, Mikhail's wife, Irina, identified the killer, who was sentenced to life imprisonment.


Mikhail Vladimirovich Vorobiev (best known under the pseudonym - Circle). Born on April 7, 1962. A native of the Republic of Russia in the ancient city of Tver, located on the Volga River. During the Soviet era, the city was called Kalinin. The activities of the Circle are a singer and a poet (popularly they called him the king of Russian chanson). He died on July 1, 2002.

Life with a guitar in your arms

Born as the second child, Mikhail lived all his youth in the Proletarsky District. The family was housed in a small room in the barracks. Growing up in an accounting and engineering family, the boy did not do well in a regular school and regularly missed classes. In addition, he studied at the music school. However, he quickly abandoned the accordion lessons - he liked the game, but the solfeggio lessons were very tiring. He was fond of playing hockey (Mikhail was a goalkeeper), with pleasure he played football with the guys.

At the age of six, when he first heard Vladimir Vysotsky, Mikhail immediately fell in love with his work. The guitar, presented by his father for his birthday, Krug mastered by the age of eleven, after a neighbor showed him a few simple chords. Written at the age of fourteen, the first poems were dedicated to a classmate. Once a terrible scandal broke out at school, it was caused by Mikhail's performance of one of the songs of his idol.

Having received a certificate of maturity, Krug got to the Kalinin Art School, where he mastered the profession of a locksmith for cars. Here the studies were much more successful, since Mikhail always liked cars. After graduation, he was drafted into the army. He served in Ukraine, in the village of Lebedin. After serving, he returns to his native Tver and settles down to deliver dairy products. In this position, the Circle almost came to trial. He changed places of milk and sour cream cans, which were carried to the party nobility with the intended commoners. Naturally, the difference in quality was enormous. The act enraged the authorities. But nothing happened, and after a decade, the Circle was even appointed to a leading position.

He was married and his father-in-law and his mother-in-law categorically insisted that he get a higher education. To avoid conflicts, Mikhail went to the Polytechnic, where, by the way, his solo career begins. However, training was of little interest to the chansonnier, as well as the leadership position. Soon he drops out of school and returns to work as a simple driver.

Steps of creativity

In 1987, Mikhail learned about the competition for the author's song performers with Evgeny Klyachkin, who was on the jury. Excessive excitement ended with a glass drunk for courage. He sang a song about Afghanistan and was looking forward to the results of the judging. The talent of the young singer was appreciated, and he rightfully received first place among the performers who came to the competition from the territory of the whole country.

The success inspired Mikhail very much and, having recorded under the pseudonym "Krug", releases Tverskiye Streets at the recording studio. The song "Morozovsky Town" was written by the singer in honor of the Proletarsky District, where his youthful life took place. Subsequently, two more albums were recorded, which were later stolen by "pirates". The theft has led to huge duplication of albums and their immense popularity. The singer's true fame was brought by his next, official recording - "Zhigan-Limon". It was recorded in 1994 on the Soyuz recordings. The circle personally financed the recording, which cost him a lot, but he himself did not receive the money.

All of his songs instantly became hits, which in no time made him a star of the chanson. The abundance of thieves' slang led many to think about the singer's prison past, nevertheless, his awareness was not associated with the arrest. He drew all the phrases for his songs from a specialized dictionary of the NKVD, which was released in 1924 for the internal use of employees. This "storehouse of information" Mikhail accidentally acquired at a local flea market.

Only singers performing in the style of chanson reacted favorably to the work of the Circle. Representatives of the so-called "official" stage, accused Mikhail of the fact that his work is aimed at meeting the needs of people from the criminal world. The heat in the fire was added by the fact that the singer's songs really really liked the criminals. In addition, he often traveled to prisons and colonies, where he performed with concerts for prisoners.

1996 was marked by the release of the next album, called "Living String". The high popularity of the singer in his homeland led to the participation of Mikhail Krug in the Russian chanson festival in Germany. The Russian-speaking audience warmly accepted the Circle. In the same year, the soloist Svetlana Ternova appeared in his team, and he began to perform songs from the repertoire of Alexander Belolebedinsky.

Album "Madame" - became the fourth album, was released in 1998. It includes one of the most famous songs of the Circle "Vladimirsky Central". The song was evaluated ambiguously by listeners: some of the listeners took the new hit "with a bang", the other half of the audience criticized the work for the excessive "romanticization" of criminals. Based on unconfirmed information, the Circle dedicated this song to his friend - the authority of Sasha Sever.

In 1998, the chansonnier went on tour in America, his concerts were organized in several towns. The tour brought the bard "Ovation" to the "Russian Chanson". In 2000, the next album of the Circle - "Mouse", was released and he went on another tour, this time in Israel. As always, Mikhail's songs are very popular with listeners. The album "Confession" was released posthumously, in 2003. The circle managed to write it down, but did not live to see the release.

Actor career

Mikhail Krug in 1995 was so famous that a film was made about his life, called "Bard Mikhail Krug". This is not the only role of the singer in the cinema. On February 20, 2002, Russian cinemas released the feature film April, starring Krug. It is not surprising that the film is about a criminal showdown.

In 2005, the film "Vladimirsky Central" was released, in which Alexander Severny was filmed, and the plot describes the life stories of the heroes from the songs of Mikhail Krug. Naturally, the singer himself did not take part in the filming, however, all the soundtracks belong to him, and the tape is pierced through and through with the spirit of chanson from Mikhail Krug.

Personal life

Krug met his first wife in 1986. The student played guitar solo in the collective of the institute. Svetlana supported her husband in everything - she closely followed the planned competitions and chanson festivals, so that she could take part in them and develop her talent further. As a matter of fact, the first all-Union festival of chansonnier also came from the light hand of Svetlana. In love with each other and united by a common love for music, the very next year they got married, and soon they had a son.

However, oddly enough, family life did not work out. Constant scandals and the division of domination in the family, coupled with the acute dislike of Svetlana's parents for their son-in-law, did their job and in 1991 the couple broke up. The custody of the three-year-old son was arranged by Mikhail. Many believe that an additional reason for the divorce is the fact that, unlike Svetlana, Mikhail did not graduate from a prestigious university.

Krug met his next wife, one might say, at the workplace. Irina Glazko was the collective's costume designer. Both previously divorced and with children from previous marriages in their arms, they found in each other soul mates... Two years later, they had a common son named Sasha.

The death of the chansonnier

Little Sasha was not condemned to recognize his father's affection. The life of the Circle was tragically cut short on a summer night from June 30 to July 1. Unknown people broke into his house in Mamulino near Tver. At that time, the whole family was assembled: Mikhail's mother-in-law, wife and children were getting ready for bed. Having penetrated immediately to the top floor of the house, the criminals first attacked Irina's mother. The couple came running to scream. At that moment, the attackers began to shoot. The bullets hit the Circle, covering Irina. Irina fled, and Mikhail received two wounds incompatible with life. Deciding that the singer was dead, the criminals fled, the strong body of the chansonnier was able to overcome the lead severity of the wounds and reached the neighbor, to whom his wife ran away. It was Vadim Rusakov who took Krug to the Tver hospital, but all the efforts of the doctors were in vain, and on the morning of July 1, Krug died.

At that time, the police were working in the bard's house, and an ambulance team was helping Irina's beaten mother. Fortunately, the singer's children were not hurt. A farewell memorial service was held on July 3. The funeral procession of people who came to accompany Mikhail Krug on his last journey, stretched for several kilometers. The funeral was attended not only by colleagues, fans and numerous friends, but also by politicians and government officials.

Versions of the investigation and acquaintances

Both the investigating authorities and the circle's acquaintances put forward two main versions of the murder. According to the first, the singer died as a result of a failed robbery attempt. It was during this period that, in a duet with Tsyganova, the Circle recorded "Vladimirsky Central 2", for which the singer was entitled to an impressive fee. The second version speaks of a carefully planned contract murder.

Six years later, in Tver, a gangster formation "Tver Wolves", which was directly involved in the murder, was arrested. It was in the gang member, Alexander Avgeev, that Irina recognized the person from whose hand her husband died. However, the fact of the crime was not proven and Avdeev received a life sentence for other crimes.

The investigation was conducted for more than ten years, and only in 2014, the leader of the detained gang received information that the Circle was killed by the hand of Dmitry Veselov, who had died by that time.

Not forgotten ...

Despite the fact that the life of the Circle was short and tragically cut short in its prime, it has not been forgotten. His songs do not lose their relevance at all, the number of fans is only growing. In 2007, a bronze monument was erected in his city. Sitting on a bench, the Circle leans on a guitar and seems to be resting before presenting the audience with another masterpiece.

In memory of the Circle, a mini-series was filmed, repeating the biography of the singer. Mikhail Krug lived a short, but bright, eventful life. An avid homophobe, rejecting all manifestations of feminism and conservatism, he was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. Moreover, he was an assistant to the leader of education - Vladimir Zhirinovsky for culture.

Mikhail Vladimirovich Krug (Vorobyov) was born on April 7, 1962, in the old district of the city of Tver, which was called the Morozovsky town, now has the name "Yard of the Proletarian" about which the song "My dear city" was written.

Mikhail wrote his first poems at the age of 14, which he dedicated to his classmate. At that time, the idol of Mikhail was V.S.Vysotsky. After the army, Mikhail, impressed by his songs, began to play the guitar and sing in his style.

Mikhail graduated from the 39th school in the city of Tver on Sominka as a mechanic-car repairman by profession. Coming from the army, Mikhail got married, his wife's parents insisted that he go to college, because their daughter graduated with honors from the institute of light industry, and his education did not correspond to their principles. In 1987, Mikhail successfully enters the institute, where he learns about the author's song contest, takes part in it and takes first place. After that, he was seriously engaged in songwriting, but E.I. Klyachkin, who was the chairman of the jury at the 8th festival of author's songs, where he saw the hidden talent in Mikhail, and said: "Misha, you have to work ..."

Mikhail recorded his first album “Tverskiye Streets” at the “Tver” studio, then the second album “Katya” was recorded, and the third album without a title, all of them had no release, but were stolen and sold in a pirate way. Almost all the songs from these albums were rewritten and sung in the albums: "Green Prosecutor" "Madame" "Rose" "Mouse". In 1994, the first official album, Zhigan-Lemon, was released.

The first performance of the Circle took place in Moscow, at the Variety Theater at the "Russian Chanson" festival in November 1996. In the same year, the first clip "It was yesterday" was shown.

On the cover of the Zhigan-Lemon CD Mikhail is depicted with his musicians. Left Vladimir Ovcharov (left for Israel) Right Vlad Savosin, accordion player.

For the release of audio cassettes with the album "Zhigan-Lemon" from the studio "Soyuz" Mikhail did not receive a penny, and for the release of laser discs with the same album he received three thousand dollars ($ 3000), although he spent much more on the recording.

Mikhail gave his first big interview, answering questions in an hour-long program in A.L.S. March 9, 1998 (Moscow, st.Goncharova 17)

In the summer of 2000, the filming of the film "April" was completed, in which Mikhail Krug played a crime boss.

There was a dry law in his group for three years.

Mikhail gave the money for a new video, but they returned it to him, tk. his songs were banned from television.

The ring with three diamonds, which he always wears, was presented to him by the thief in law Trunk.

Mikhail takes the thieves' expressions for his songs from a dictionary issued in 1924 for the internal use of the NKVD, which he acquired by accident.

The second clip "Day as a Day" was shot by his friends. It can be seen on the videotape "Songs of Mikhail Krug".

The song "Kolshchik" was written for three years, and had three different versions. The last version on the Zhigan-Lemon album.

Mikhail dedicated all his songs in the first four albums to his first love Marina. The song "Pai Girl" was written in 1987 and is dedicated to her.

The first time Mikhail Krug performed abroad was in 1997 at the Russian Chanson in Germany festival, where he sang four songs, one of which, Madame, was sung in a guitar version. It can be heard on the disc "Russian Chanson in Germany" released by the German company "Solo-Florentin".

Since February 1997, a new soloist Svetlana Ternova has been working with Mikhail, whom he heard at the Zavolzhye song festival and took her into the group. In parallel with his work, he writes an album for her in a pop style.

Songs "The field is green", and "My queen" which is sung by Light. Mikhail wrote at the age of 16 and also dedicated to Marina. He remade them for performance from female face.

On March 27, 1998, Mikhail took part in the presentation of the Ovation Prize at the Cosmos Hotel and received it in the Russian Chanson nomination.

In 1994, the film "Bard Mikhail Krug" was filmed and shown on the "Culture" channel only in 1999.

He was buried in Tver at the Dmitrovo-Cherkasy cemetery.

Mikhail Krug, whose biography is full of interesting, sometimes inexplicable facts, earned the status of "King of Chanson" during his lifetime. He was a cheerful, purposeful, talented, generous person, had a tough disposition and clearly knew what he wanted from life.

Childhood and adolescence

The birthday of Mikhail Krug (Vorobyov) is celebrated by his family and fans on April 7. In 1962, a boy was born in one of the Tver maternity hospitals. The baby was born a real hero: 4800 kg for a baby is a decent weight. The midwives immediately called the sturdy man "Mishutka", my mother did not object.

Misha Vorobyov's childhood unfolded according to the standard scenario of the average Russian families. Living in a "small family", working days of parents, Kindergarten, life from paycheck to paycheck. When Misha was a year old, he started talking, at three he went to kindergarten, at seven - to school.

The future bard did not like to study, he often skipped lessons. As a child, he told his mother that he wanted to be a chauffeur. He studied at the music school, accordion class, but dropped out. When, at the age of 11, his parents gave their son a guitar, he became interested in music in earnest. Having mastered the instrument on his own, Mikhail began to write poetry. The young talent was carried away by the work of Vysotsky and imitated his manner of performance, since his vocal abilities allowed him.


After school, Mikhail entered the school, decided to master the profession of a car mechanic. After graduating, the young man went to the army, he served in Ukraine. After a while, his childhood dream came true - he got a job as a driver in the Association of Freight Vehicles. He worked as a driver for 10 years. Due to his leadership abilities, great experience and responsibility, he was appointed head of the convoy.

The company sent him to study at the local Polytechnic. Mikhail did not want to master the basics of science, long couples were too tiring for his cheerful disposition. Vorobyov dropped out of the institute, and the honorable place of the chief was replaced by a driver's steering wheel. Many of Mikhail Krug's songs were written during this period, although he composed them "on the table". An interesting fact of this period: once, returning from work, Mikhail rescued a neighbor's boy who accidentally fell out of the window and was hanging on the railing from the side of the street.

First wife

The first wife of the future artist Svetlana decided to promote the talented guy to the big stage. She was a creative person, performing in a local ensemble. Misha's compositions touched her to the depths of her soul, and she decided to produce her chosen one. Svetlana sent her husband to song contests, persuaded to record songs on cassettes, sewed concert costumes. In 1987, the lovers got married. A year later, they had a son, and the next year the couple divorced.

The parting turned out to be painful for Svetlana. Leaving, Mikhail sued her son. The woman called her husband's constant infidelities as the reason for the breakup, and Mikhail, in turn, stated that his wife was not a real mistress, she did not know how to lead a life.

Carier start

In 1987, thanks to his first wife, Mikhail began to seriously study music. In 1994, his first album, Zhigan-Lemon, was released. The songs of Mikhail Krug were so soulful that they found personal in them and romantic girls and thieves in law.

Interesting fact: Michael took the pseudonym Circle, believing that this geometric figure able to protect you from trouble. The audience enthusiastically greeted all the new compositions of the bard. The singer-composer began an active touring activity. In 1998 he received the prestigious Ovation Music Prize and came second in the Russian Chanson show jumping. After several albums of the composer, it became clear who sits on the Russian chanson-Olympus. The circle has consistently led all the charts.

Mikhail and Irina

Mikhail Krug, whose biography is full of interesting facts, in 1999 he met a girl Irina, who worked as a waitress in one of the restaurants in Chelyabinsk. The famous singer had a concert in this city. After the performance, the musician planned to stop by for dinner at one of the city's restaurants. The director of the institution instructed his prettiest waitress to serve the table of the star. At the end of the evening, Mikhail offered Irina Glazko to work with him as a costume designer. The girl did not agree. A few months later, the singer came again and offered to work together again. For a long time, their relationship did not develop in any way. After a while, Mikhail and Irina decided to live together.

For two years they lived in a civil marriage, and when Mikhail found out that Irina was pregnant, he immediately offered to formalize the relationship. According to close family friends, they were very happy. After the birth of their son, the couple moved to the house of Mikhail Krug, which he built himself. It is a pity that their happiness did not last long.

Songs of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug made his soul compositions in the chanson style truly folk. They were known to everyone who at least once, sorting through the waves of radio stations, got on the channel "Russian Chanson". The song "Vladimirsky Central" became his cult composition. The hit "Golden Domes" immediately gave rise to a lot of gossip around the person of the famous bard. Fans began to attribute a criminal past to him, although in reality the Circle was a law-abiding citizen.

Songs such as "Girl-Pai", "Come to my house", "We drink vodka", "There is a stage", "Kolshchik", "One, two, three on the kidneys", "Let's talk" and many other fans could listen for hours, and the whole audience sang them at the bard's concerts. During his lifetime, the composer recorded eight albums. According to his wife Irina Krug, who after the death of her husband decided to continue his songwriting, Mikhail had dozens of drafts with unfinished compositions. An interesting fact is that Mikhail Krug dedicated songs from four albums in chanson style to his first love - Marina. This girl was his youthful, but very strong affection.

Death of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug, whose biography tells about the forty years of the artist's life, died under unexplained circumstances. In the summer of 2002, the singer's house, located in the suburb of Tver, was attacked. Three unknown persons entered the apartment and opened fire. The events of this tragic evening on June 31 unfolded very rapidly. Almost at midnight, when the Krug spouses were putting their children to bed, they heard a noise on the third floor of their house. At that moment Irina's mother was there. Mikhail's mother-in-law said that when she was watching TV, people in masks burst into the room. The woman was hit on the head, one of the attackers tried to strangle her, at that moment the spouses came running. A shot rang out, then another.

Mikhail Krug covered his wife and received two wounds. Irina started to run. Mikhail lost consciousness when he came to, was able to reach the neighbors and call an ambulance. Doctors failed to save him, he died in the hospital. How events unfolded on that unfortunate night, no one knows. The narrow corridor in the star's house was smeared with bloody footprints. The singer's dog was shot, and a piece of cloth from one of the criminals remained in its teeth.

Versions of the crime

The death of Mikhail Krug was a real shock for his family and fans. Theories of crime began to emerge. The police, friends and admirers of the singer's talent were looking for those who were involved in the murder of this man. One of the versions was the singer's disputes with the Tver "thieves in law", but, as it turned out, Mikhail Krug was making friends with many of them, and at the singer's grave some swore to punish the guilty.

The second, most plausible version is an accidental murder for the purpose of robbery. During that period, several rich cottages were robbed in Tver. A group of masked people was acting. The singer just happened to be at home. On this day, there was a great holiday on the embankment, the robbers thought that the owner of the house would not be.

The third version - Mikhail Krug, whose biography is full of interesting facts, became the victim of a contract murder. It was rumored that the artist's mega-popularity haunted some of his fellow musicians.

Another theory is that the death of the Circle could have been planned by his wife Irina. This version is similar to the gossip of the "yellow press", but still it took place. The wife of the deceased even gave testimony on a lie detector. Many noted that immediately after the death of her husband, Irina began to arrange her solo career, took his pseudonym. On the fortieth day after the death of the bard, a concert in memory of Mikhail Krug was organized in Tver. The singer's group "Hitcher" did not participate in this concert, but Irina sang. Some close to Mikhail's family argue that the spouses have recently had serious disagreements against the background of creativity. Irina wanted to sing solo, but Mikhail was categorically against it. After all, the popular singer was a conservative to the marrow of his bones and believed that the lot of a woman is life, children and family.

Ten years after the death of the artist, his friends announced that they found out who committed this audacious crime and punished the perpetrators. They clarified that the murder of the beloved performer of millions of people around the planet was an accident.