
Childhood memory problem arguments. A collection of ideal essays on social studies. Influence and role of childhood in human life


1. In the novel by L.N. Tostogo "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky convinces his friend Pierre Bezukhov that the battle is won by an army wishing to defeat the enemy by all means, and not having a better disposition. On the Borodino field, every Russian soldier fought desperately and selflessly, knowing that behind him is the ancient capital, the heart of Russia, Moscow.

2. In the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ..." Five young girls who opposed the German saboteurs died defending their homeland. Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Liza Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak could have survived, but they were sure that they had to fight to the end. The anti-aircraft gunners showed courage and endurance, showed themselves to be true patriots.


1. an example of sacrificial love is Jen Eyre, the heroine of the novel of the same name by Charlotte Brontë. Jen happily became the eyes and hands of the person most dear to her when he went blind.

2. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Marya Bolkonskaya patiently endures her father's severity. She loves the old prince, despite his difficult character. The princess does not even think about the fact that her father is often overly demanding of her. Marya's love is sincere, pure, light.


1. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" for Pyotr Grinev was the most important life principle of honor. Even facing the threat of the death penalty, Peter, who had sworn allegiance to the empress, refused to recognize the sovereign in Pugachev. The hero understood that this decision could cost him his life, but a sense of duty prevailed over fear. Alexey Shvabrin, on the other hand, committed treason and lost his own dignity when he joined the camp of an impostor.

2. The problem of preserving honor is raised in the story of N.V. Gogol's "Taras Bulba". The two sons of the protagonist are completely different. Ostap is an honest and courageous person. He never betrayed his comrades and died like a hero. Andriy is a romantic person. For the sake of love for the Polish woman, he betrays his homeland. Personal interests are in the foreground. Andrii dies at the hands of his father, who could not forgive the betrayal. Thus, you should always be honest with yourself first.


1. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova love each other. Peter defends the honor of his beloved in a duel with Shvabrin, who insulted the girl. In turn, Masha saves Grinyov from exile when she “asks for mercy” from the Empress. Thus, mutual assistance is at the heart of the relationship between Masha and Peter.

2. Selfless love is one of the themes of M.A. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita". A woman is able to accept the interests and aspirations of her lover as her own, and helps him in everything. The master writes a novel - and this becomes the content of Margarita's life. She rewrites completely finished chapters, tries to keep the master calm and happy. In this, a woman sees her destiny.


1. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" shows the long road to repentance of Rodion Raskolnikov. Confident in the validity of his theory of "resolving blood according to conscience," the protagonist despises himself for his own weakness and does not realize the gravity of the crime. However, faith in God and love for Sonya Marmeladova lead Raskolnikov to repentance.


1. In the story of I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco" American millionaire served the "golden calf". The protagonist believed that the meaning of life lies in the accumulation of wealth. When the Lord died, it turned out that true happiness passed him by.

2. In Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Natasha Rostova sees the meaning of family life, love for family and friends. After the wedding with Pierre Bezukhov, the main character refuses social life, completely devotes herself to the family. Natasha Rostova found her destiny in this world and became truly happy.


1. In "Letters about good and beautiful" D.S. Likhachev claims that a book teaches a person better than any work. The renowned scientist admires the book's ability to educate a person, to shape her inner world. Academician D.S. Likhachev comes to the conclusion that it is books that teach to think, make a person intelligent.

2. Ray Bradbury in the novel "Fahrenheit 451" shows what happened to humanity after all the books were completely destroyed. It may seem that in such a society there are no social problems. The answer lies in the fact that it is simply spiritless, since there is no literature that can make people analyze, think, make decisions.


1. In the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich grew up in an atmosphere of constant guardianship from parents and educators. As a child, the main character was an inquisitive and active child, but excessive care led to the lethargy and weakness of Oblomov in adulthood.

2. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" in the Rostov family, the spirit of mutual understanding, loyalty and love reigns. Thanks to this, Natasha, Nikolai and Petya became worthy people, inherited kindness and nobility. Thus, the conditions created by the Rostovs contributed to the harmonious development of their children.


1. In the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "My horses are flying ..." Doctor Yanson from Smolensk works tirelessly. The main character hurries to help the sick in any weather. Thanks to his responsiveness and professionalism, Dr. Janson managed to win the love and respect of all residents of the city.



1. The fate of the main characters of the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ...". Five young anti-aircraft gunners opposed the German saboteurs. The forces were not equal: all the girls were killed. Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Liza Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak could have survived, but they were sure that they had to fight to the end. The girls have become examples of perseverance and courage.

2. V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov" tells about two partisans who were captured by the Germans during the Great Patriotic War. The further fate of the soldiers was different. So Rybak betrayed his homeland and agreed to serve the Germans. Sotnikov refused to surrender and chose death.


1. In the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" Andriy, out of love for the Pole, went over to the camp of the enemy, betrayed his brother, father, and homeland. The young man, without hesitation, decided to go out with arms against his yesterday's comrades. For Andriy, personal interests come first. A young man dies at the hands of his father, who could not forgive the betrayal and selfishness of his younger son.

2. It is unacceptable when love becomes an obsession, like the protagonist P. Zuskind "Perfume. The Story of a Murderer". Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is incapable of high feelings. All that is of interest to him is smells, the creation of a scent that inspires love for people. Grenouille is an example of an egoist who, in order to fulfill his meta, goes to the most serious crimes.

The problem of betrayal

1. In the novel by V.A. Kaverina "Two Captains" Romashov repeatedly betrayed the people around him. At school, Romashka overheard and reported to the head everything that was said about him. Later Romashov went so far as to collect information proving the guilt of Nikolai Antonovich in the death of the expedition of Captain Tatarinov. All Chamomile's actions are low, destroying not only his life but also the fate of other people.

2. Even deeper consequences are entailed by the action of the hero of the story by V.G. Rasputin "Live and Remember". Andrey Guskov deserts and becomes a traitor. This irreparable mistake not only dooms him to loneliness and exile from society, but also causes the suicide of his wife Nastya.


1. In Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", Helen Kuragin, despite her brilliant appearance and success in society, does not have a rich inner world. Her main priorities in life are money and fame. Thus, in the novel, this beauty is the embodiment of evil and spiritual fall.

2. In Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame de Paris, Quasimodo is a hunchback who has overcome many difficulties throughout his life. The appearance of the protagonist is completely unsightly, but behind it is a noble and beautiful soul, capable of sincerely love.


1. In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "Live and Remember" Andrei Guskov deserts and becomes a traitor. At the beginning of the war, the main character fought honestly and courageously, went to reconnaissance, never hid behind the backs of his comrades. However, after a while Guskov wondered why he should fight. At that moment, selfishness prevailed, and Andrei made an irreparable mistake, which doomed him to loneliness, expulsion from society and became the reason for the suicide of his wife Nastena. The pangs of conscience tormented the hero, but he was no longer able to change anything.

2. In the story "Sotnikov" by V. Bykov, the partisan Rybak betrays his homeland and agrees to serve "Great Germany". His comrade Sotnikov, on the other hand, is an example of resilience. Despite the unbearable pain he experiences during the torture, the partisan refuses to tell the truth to the police. The fisherman realizes the baseness of his deed, wants to run, but realizes that there is no turning back.


1. Yu. Ya. Yakovlev in the story "Awakened by the Nightingales" writes about the difficult boy Selyuzhenka, whom the people around did not like. One night, the protagonist heard the trill of a nightingale. Wonderful sounds amazed the child, aroused interest in creativity. Selyuzhenok enrolled in an art school, and since then, the attitude of adults towards him has changed. The author convinces the reader that nature awakens the best qualities in the human soul, helps to reveal the creative potential.

2. Love for the native land is the main motive of the painter A.G. Venetsianov. A number of paintings dedicated to the life of ordinary peasants belong to his brush. "Reapers", "Zakharka", "Sleeping Shepherd" - these are my favorite canvases of the artist. The life of ordinary people, the beauty of the nature of Russia prompted A.G. Venetsianov to create paintings that have been attracting the attention of viewers with their freshness and sincerity for more than two centuries.


1. In the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" the main character considers childhood the happiest time. Ilya Ilyich grew up in an atmosphere of constant care from his parents and educators. Excessive care became the reason for Oblomov's apathy in adulthood. It seemed that love for Olga Ilyinskaya was supposed to wake up Ilya Ilyich. However, his lifestyle remained unchanged, because the way of his native Oblomovka forever left a mark on the fate of the protagonist. Thus, childhood memories influenced the life of Ilya Ilyich.

2. In the poem "My Way" S.A. Yesenin admitted that his childhood years played an important role in his work. Sometime at the age of nine, the boy, inspired by the nature of his native village, wrote his first work. Thus, childhood predetermined the life path of S.A. Yesenin.


1. The main theme of the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" - the fate of a man who failed to choose the right path in life. The writer emphasizes that apathy and inability to work turned Ilya Ilyich into an idle person. Lack of willpower and any interests did not allow the main character to become happy and realize his potential.

2. From M. Mirsky's book "Healing with a scalpel. Academician NN Burdenko" I learned that an outstanding doctor first studied at a theological seminary, but soon realized that he wanted to devote himself to medicine. Having entered the university, N.N. Burdenko became interested in anatomy, which soon helped him become a famous surgeon.
3. D.S. Likhachev in "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" asserts that "you need to live your life with dignity so that you will not be ashamed to remember." With these words, the academician emphasizes that fate is unpredictable, but it is important to remain a generous, honest and not indifferent person.


1. In the story of G.N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear" tells the tragic fate of the Scottish setter. Bim the dog is desperately trying to find his master, who has had a heart attack. On its way, the dog encounters difficulties. Unfortunately, the owner finds the pet after the dog has been killed. Bima can be confidently called a true friend, devoted to the owner until the end of his days.

2. In Eric Knight's novel Lassie, the Carraclough family is forced to give their collies to other people due to financial difficulties. Lassie yearns for her former owners, and this feeling only intensifies when the new owner takes her away from her home. Collie escapes and overcomes many obstacles. Despite all the difficulties, the dog reunites with its previous owners.


1. In the story of V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician" Peter Popelsky had to overcome many difficulties in order to find his place in life. Despite his blindness, Petrus became a pianist who, through his playing, helped people become purer in heart and kinder in soul.

2. In the story of A.I. Kuprin "Taper" boy Yuri Agazarov is a self-taught musician. The writer emphasizes that the young pianist is surprisingly talented and hardworking. The boy's giftedness does not go unnoticed. His performance impressed the famous pianist Anton Rubinstein. So Yuri became known throughout Russia as one of the most talented composers.


1. In Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago, the protagonist is fond of poetry. Yuri Zhivago is a witness to the revolution and civil war. These events are reflected in his poems. So life itself inspires the poet to create beautiful works.

2. The theme of the vocation of the writer is raised in the novel by Jack London "Martin Eden". The main character is a sailor who has been doing hard physical labor for many years. Martin Eden visited different countries, saw the life of ordinary people. All this became the main theme of his work. So life experience made it possible for a simple sailor to become a famous writer.


1. In the story of A.I. Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet" Vera Sheina experiences spiritual cleansing to the sounds of Beethoven's sonata. Listening to classical music, the heroine calms down after the experiences she has endured. The magical sounds of the sonata helped Vera to find inner balance, to find the meaning of her future life.

2. In the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich falls in love with Olga Ilyinskaya when he listens to her singing. The sounds of the aria "Casta Diva" awaken feelings in his soul that he has never experienced. I.A. Goncharov emphasizes that for a long time Oblomov had not felt "such vigor, such a strength that seemed to have risen from the bottom of the soul, ready for a feat."


1. In the story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" describes the scene of Peter Grinev's farewell to his mother. Avdotya Vasilievna was depressed when she learned that her son needed to leave for the service for a long time. Saying goodbye to Peter, the woman could not hold back her tears, because for her there could be nothing more difficult than parting with her son. Avdotya Vasilievna's love is sincere and immense.

1. In Lev Kassil's story The Great Confrontation, Sima Krupitsyna listened to news bulletins from the front every morning on the radio. One day the girl heard the song "Holy War". Sima was so excited by the words of this anthem for the defense of the Fatherland that she decided to go to the front. This is how the work of art inspired the main character to a feat.


1. In the novel by V.D. Dudintsev "White clothes" Professor Ryadno is deeply convinced of the correctness of the biological doctrine, approved by the party. For personal gain, the academician is launching a fight against genetic scientists. Row fiercely defends pseudoscientific views and goes to the most dishonorable deeds in order to achieve fame. Fanaticism of the academician leads to the death of talented scientists, the cessation of important research.

2. G.N. Troepolsky in the story "Candidate of Sciences" opposes those who defend false views and ideas. The writer is convinced that such scientists hinder the development of science and, consequently, society as a whole. In the story of G.N. Troepolsky emphasizes the need to combat pseudoscientists.


1. In the story of A.S. Pushkin's "Stationmaster" Samson Vyrin was left alone after his daughter fled with Captain Minsky. The old man did not lose hope of finding Dunya, but all attempts remained unsuccessful. The caretaker died of melancholy and despair. Only a few years later did Dunya come to her father's grave. The girl felt guilty for the death of the caretaker, but remorse came too late.

2. In the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram" Nastya left her mother and went to St. Petersburg to build a career. Katerina Petrovna had a premonition of imminent death and more than once asked her daughter to visit her. However, Nastya remained indifferent to the fate of her mother and did not have time to come to her funeral. The girl repented only at the grave of Katerina Petrovna. So K.G. Paustovsky argues that you need to be attentive to your loved ones.


1. V.G. Rasputin in his essay "Eternal Field" writes about his impressions of a trip to the site of the Battle of Kulikovo. The writer notes that more than six hundred years have passed and during this time a lot has changed. However, the memory of this battle still lives on thanks to the obelisks erected in honor of the ancestors who defended Russia.

2. In the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ..." five girls fell, fighting for their homeland. Many years later, their comrade-in-arms Fedot Vaskov and Rita Osyanina's son Albert returned to the place where the anti-aircraft gunners were killed in order to set up a tombstone and perpetuate their feat.


1. In the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "My horses are flying ..." Smolensk doctor Yanson is an example of disinterestedness combined with high professionalism. A talented doctor every day, in any weather, rushed to help the sick, not demanding anything in return. For these qualities, the doctor won the love and respect of all residents of the city.

2. In the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin's "Mozart and Salieri" tells the life story of two composers. Salieri writes music in order to become famous, and Mozart unselfishly serves art. Because of envy, Salieri poisoned the genius. Despite the death of Mozart, his works live and excite the hearts of people.


1. The story of A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin's Dvor" depicts the life of the Russian countryside after the war, which led not only to economic decline, but also to the loss of morality. The villagers lost part of their economy, became callous and heartless. Thus, the war leads to irreparable consequences.

2. In the story of M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man" shows the life of a soldier Andrei Sokolov. His house was destroyed by the enemy, and his family was killed in the bombing. So M.A. Sholokhov emphasizes that war deprives people of the most valuable that they have.


1. In the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" Evgeny Bazarov is distinguished by intelligence, hard work, purposefulness, but at the same time, the student is often harsh and rude. Bazarov condemns people who succumb to feelings, but becomes convinced of the incorrectness of his views when he falls in love with Odintsov. So I.S. Turgenev showed that people are characterized by inconsistency.

2. In the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich has both negative and positive character traits. On the one hand, the main character is apathetic and self-reliant. Oblomov is not interested in real life, it makes him bored and tired. On the other hand, Ilya Ilyich is distinguished by his sincerity, sincerity, and the ability to understand the problems of another person. This is the ambiguity of Oblomov's character.


1. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Porfiry Petrovich is investigating the murder of an old woman who is a money-lender. The investigator is a fine expert in human psychology. He understands the motives of Rodion Raskolnikov's crime and partly sympathizes with him. Porfiry Petrovich gives the young man a chance to confess. This will later serve as a mitigating circumstance in the Raskolnikov case.

2. A.P. Chekhov in his story "Chameleon" introduces us to the story of a dispute that broke out over a dog bite. Police warden Ochumelov is trying to decide if she deserves punishment. Ochumelov's verdict depends only on whether the dog belongs to the general or not. The overseer does not seek justice. His main goal is to curry favor with the general.


1. In the story of V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish" Ignatyevich has been poaching for many years. Once a fisherman got hooked on a giant sturgeon. Ignatyich understood that he alone could not cope with the fish, but greed did not allow him to call his brother and the mechanic for help. Soon the fisherman himself was overboard, entangled in his nets and hooks. Ignatyich understood that he could die. V.P. Astafiev writes: "The king of the river and the king of all nature are on the same trap." So the author emphasizes the inextricable connection between man and nature.

2. In the story of A.I. Kuprin "Olesya" the main character lives in harmony with nature. The girl feels like an integral part of the world around her, knows how to see its beauty. A.I. Kuprin emphasizes that love for nature helped Olesya keep her soul unspoiled, sincere and beautiful.


1. In the novel by I.A. Goncharov's "Oblomov" music plays an important role. Ilya Ilyich falls in love with Olga Ilyinskaya when he listens to her singing. The sounds of the aria "Casta Diva" awaken feelings in his heart that he has never experienced. IA Goncharov especially emphasizes that for a long time Oblomov did not feel "such vigor, such strength, which, it seemed, all rose from the bottom of the soul, ready for a feat." Thus, music is able to awaken sincere and strong feelings in a person.

2. In the novel by M.A. Sholokhov's "Quiet Don" songs accompany the Cossacks throughout their lives. They sing on military campaigns, in the field, at weddings. Cossacks put their whole soul into singing. The songs reveal their prowess, love for the Don, the steppes.


1. R. Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451 depicts a society based on popular culture. In this world, people who can think critically are outside the law, and books that make you think about life are destroyed. Literature was supplanted by television, which became the main entertainment for people. They are spiritless, their thoughts are subject to standards. R. Bradbury convinces readers that the destruction of books inevitably leads to the degradation of society.

2. In the book "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" DS Likhachev ponders the question: why television is replacing literature. The academician believes that this is because the TV distracts from worries, makes you, slowly, watch some kind of program. D.S. Likhachev sees this as a threat to humans, because TV “dictates how to watch and what to watch”, makes people weak-willed. According to the philologist, only a book can make a person spiritually rich and educated.


1. In the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor" depicts the life of the Russian village after the war. People not only became impoverished, but also became callous, spiritless. Only Matryona retained a feeling of pity for others and always came to the aid of those in need. The tragic death of the main character is the beginning of the death of the moral foundations of the Russian countryside.

2. In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "Farewell to Matera" depicts the fate of the inhabitants of the island, which must be flooded. It is difficult for old people to say goodbye to their native land, where they spent their whole lives, where their ancestors are buried. The ending of the story is tragic. Together with the village, its customs and traditions disappear, which have been passed down from generation to generation over the centuries and have shaped the unique character of the inhabitants of Matera.


1. A.S. Pushkin in his poem “The Poet and the Crowd” calls “stupid rabble” that part of Russian society that did not understand the purpose and meaning of creativity. According to the crowd, poems are in the public interest. However, A.S. Pushkin believes that the poet will cease to be a creator if he obeys the will of the crowd. Thus, the main goal of the poet is not national recognition, but the desire to make the world more beautiful.

2. V.V. Mayakovsky in the poem "With the Whole Voice" sees the poet's destiny in serving the people. Poetry is an ideological weapon capable of inspiring people, prompting them to great accomplishments. Thus, V.V. Mayakovsky believes that one should give up personal creative freedom for the sake of a common great goal.


1. In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "French Lessons" class teacher Lydia Mikhailovna is a symbol of human responsiveness. The teacher helped a rural boy who studied far from home and lived from hand to mouth. Lydia Mikhailovna had to go against the generally accepted rules in order to help out the student. Additionally, while studying with the boy, the teacher taught him not only French lessons, but also lessons of kindness and compassion.

2. In the fairy tale-parable of Antoine de Saint_Exupéry "The Little Prince", the old Fox became a teacher for the protagonist, telling about love, friendship, responsibility, and fidelity. He revealed to the prince the main secret of the universe: "You cannot see the main thing with your eyes - only the heart is sharp-sighted." So the Fox taught the boy an important life lesson.


1. In the story of M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man" Andrei Sokolov lost his family during the war, but this did not make the main character heartless. The main character gave all the remaining love to the homeless boy Vanyushka, replacing his father. So M.A. Sholokhov convinces the reader that, despite the difficulties in life, one must not lose the ability to sympathize with orphans.

2. The story of G. Belykh and L. Panteleev "Republic of ShKID" depicts the life of students in a school of social and labor education for street children and juvenile delinquents. It should be noted that not all students were able to become decent people, but the majority managed to find themselves and followed the right path. The authors of the story argue that the state should pay attention to orphans, create special institutions for them in order to eradicate crime.


1. In the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ..." Five young female anti-aircraft gunners died fighting for the Motherland. The main characters were not afraid to speak out against the German saboteurs. B.L. Vasiliev masterfully portrays the contrast between femininity and the brutality of war. The writer convinces the reader that women, on an equal basis with men, are capable of military exploits and heroic deeds.

2. In the story of V.A. Zakrutkin's "Mother of Man" shows the fate of a woman during the war. The main character Maria lost her entire family: her husband and child. Despite the fact that the woman was left all alone, her heart did not harden. Maria left seven Leningrad orphans, replaced their mother. The story of V.A. Zakrutkina became a hymn to a Russian woman who experienced many hardships and misfortunes during the war, but retained kindness, sympathy, and a desire to help other people.


1. A. Knyshev in the article "O great and mighty new Russian language!" writes with irony about those who like to borrow. According to A. Knyshev, the speech of politicians and journalists often becomes absurd when it is overloaded with foreign words. The TV presenter is sure that the excessive use of borrowings pollutes the Russian language.

2. V. Astafyev in the story "Lyudochka" connects changes in the language with the fall in the level of human culture. The speech of Artyom-soap, Strekach and their friends is littered with criminal jargon, which reflects the ill-being of society, its degradation.


1. V.V. Mayakovsky in the poem “Who to be? raises the problem of choosing a profession. The lyrical hero thinks about how to find the right path in life and occupation. V.V. Mayakovsky comes to the conclusion that all professions are good and are equally needed by people.

2. In the story by E. Grishkovets "Darwin" the main character after graduation from school chooses a business that he wants to do all his life. He realizes that what is happening is unnecessary and refuses to study at the Institute of Culture when he watches a performance played by students. The young man is firmly convinced that the profession should be useful and enjoyable.

In his autobiographical poem, the author recalls the past in which, during collectivization, his father was repressed like a fist - a peasant who worked from dawn to dusk, with his hands that he could not help but unbend, clench into a fist “... there were no separate corns - solid ... Truly a fist! " The pain of injustice has been stored in the author's heart for decades. He was branded as the son of an "enemy of the people", and everything came from the desire of the "father of nations" to bring him to his knees, to subjugate the entire population of his multinational country to his will. The author writes about the amazing peculiarity of Stalin to transfer to someone's account "any of his miscalculations", to someone's "enemy's distortion", to someone's "dizziness from his predicted victories." Here the poet refers to an article by the head of the party, which was called "Vertigo from success."

Memory keeps these events in the life of both an individual and the whole country. A. Tvardovsky speaks about this by the right of memory, by the right of a person who survived the horror of repression together with his people.

2. V.F. Tendryakov "Bread for a Dog"

The main character is a high school student. But he is not an ordinary Soviet citizen, his father is a responsible worker, the family has everything, even during the period of general hunger, when people really had nothing to eat, when people were dying of exhaustion in millions, there was borscht in their house, even with meat, pies with delicious fillings, kvass, real, bread, butter, milk - everything that the people were deprived of. The boy, seeing the hunger of the people around him, and especially the "elephants" and "shkilets" dying in the station square, felt remorse. He is looking for a way to share with those in need, trying to carry bread and leftover food to the chosen beggar. But people, having learned about the compassionate boy, overpowered him with their begging. As a result, he chooses a wounded dog, frightened by people, apparently, who wanted to eat it sometime. And his conscience is slowly dying down. No, not really, but not life-threatening. The head of the station, in which these disadvantaged people lived, could not stand it and shot himself. Years later, V. Tendryakov talks about what is still haunted.

3. A. Akhmatova "Requiem"

The entire poem is a memory of the terrible years of repression, when millions of people stood in lines with parcels for those millions of people who were in the dungeons of the NKVD. A.A. Akhmatova literally demands to remember this terrible episode in the history of the country, no one should ever forget it, even "... if my exhausted mouth is clamped," the poet writes, "to whom a hundred million people are shouting," the memory will remain.

4. V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

Childhood memories play a very important role in the fates of the main characters of the story. A fisherman once saved a horse, little sister, her girlfriend, hay. As a boy, he showed courage, courage and was able to get out of the situation with honor. This fact played a cruel joke on him. Once captured by the Nazis, he hopes that he will be able to wriggle out of the terrible situation, and, saving his life, gives out the detachment, its location and weapons. The next day, after the execution of Sotnikov, he realizes that there is no way back. Sotnikov in his childhood experienced an absolutely opposite situation. He lied to his father. The lie was not so serious, but the cowardice with which he said all this left a deep imprint on the boy's memory. Throughout his life, he remembered the pangs of conscience, the suffering that tears the soul apart. He does not hide behind the backs of his comrades, he takes a blow on himself in order to save others. Withstands torture, ascends the scaffold and dies with dignity. So childhood memories led the heroes to their life finale: one - to a heroic deed, the other - to betrayal.

5. V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Decades later, the author recalls the teacher who played a decisive role in his difficult life. Lydia Mikhailovna, a young teacher who wants to help an intelligent student of her class. She sees how the child's desire to learn breaks down on the callousness of the people among whom he is forced to live. She tries different options for help, but only one succeeds: gambling. He needs these pennies to buy milk. The director catches the teacher for a crime, she is fired. But the boy remains in school, finishes it and, having become a writer, writes a book, dedicating it to the teacher.

Personal development begins in early childhood. It was at this time that the basic moral principles were laid, the norms of communication and cultural characteristics were assimilated, which the adult would be guided by for the rest of his life. The way a person's character is formed in childhood is greatly influenced by his environment. Children form their ideas about ways of communicating with other people and their attitude to their own “I”, focusing on their loved ones and copying parental models of behavior.

Where happy adults grow up

Happy adults grow up in happy families. Therefore, it is so important that the child feels the joy of childhood, receives enough love and attention from his relatives. The feeling of safety, self-need, constant care of dad and mom affect the cognitive abilities of the baby, helping his personality to develop harmoniously. The problem of the role of childhood in human life and arguments in favor of the special influence of this period on success in adulthood can be found in the works of famous psychologists: Carl Gustav Jung, Sigmund Freud,

Emotional development in early childhood is reflected in the ability to withstand stress, negative influences in the future, helps to learn to adequately assess different people and be able to communicate with them. Based on his own and parental experience, the baby gets an idea of ​​good and bad, forms an idea of ​​family values. Growing up, happy children turn into successful and contented people who are able to take responsibility for their actions.

Problems of adults with difficult childhood

What happens to children who have had a difficult childhood? If the mother and father are not engaged in the upbringing and development of their child, do not pay due attention to each other and constantly quarrel, the adult who grew up in such an environment forms distorted ideas about family values. They consider their behavior to be the only and natural norm. Due to the psychological phenomenon of "contagious emotions", if parents are torn between family and work, and at home are in a constant depressed and gloomy mood, children "adopt" their condition and begin to feel the same way.

Often, children who have experienced abuse by relatives grow up to "educate" their own children in the same way, without knowing any other attitude. Some psychologists believe it is caused by an unconscious desire to put oneself in the shoes of the aggressor, so as not to be no longer a defenseless victim.

How childhood difficulties affect character

People whose childhood was not happy often have many psychological problems that prevent them from living life to the fullest. These problems cause them to perform inappropriate actions that are harmful to themselves and others. If the parents did not take care of the child and did not instill moral guidelines, the adult will not have a clear system of values. He will not feel remorse for doing a "bad deed" and will not get satisfaction from a good deed.

Of course, a “difficult childhood” is not a sentence. Not necessarily a child, deprived of the love and attention of parents, grows up to be a criminal. But it is much more difficult for such people to understand their desires and motives, they often underestimate themselves and constantly feel unhappy, unworthy of a good relationship.

A book as helping a child in a difficult period

Disbelief in one's own attractiveness forms such unpleasant character traits as deceit, greed, and hypocrisy. Children who grew up without care at all or with only one parent may be jealous of “happy children” from complete families. They do not know how to communicate and find it difficult to make friends for themselves.

On the other hand, the ability to overcome difficulties can have a positive effect on the future life of the child. Those who are used to coping with difficulties, defended their point of view and independently learned to build relationships, often become successful in adulthood. Literary works are capable of helping children to overcome difficult periods, to understand complex moral issues and actions of other people.

Discussion of the role of childhood in literature lessons

The behavior of the book characters, the experiences associated with them, make it possible to feel in the place of another, to understand the motives of the actions of different people. Trying on all sorts of roles, the kid gets acquainted with a variety of moral systems, forms his own values ​​and personality. By speaking out the experiences and feelings associated with this or that hero, the parent contributes to the emotional development of his child, teaching him to be kind, caring, attentive to the needs of other people.

Children can discuss the problem of the role of childhood in human life, arguments in favor of the influence of early years on the formation of personality, children can at school in literature lessons. This question is raised in many classical works. The theme for the essay "The Role of Childhood in Human Life" is found on the Unified State Exam. To get a high mark, students need to formulate their own point of view on the problem and justify it using their knowledge, personal experience and arguments from several literary works.

The role of childhood in the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

To reveal the theme of upbringing as a way of forming a personality, it is worth paying attention to the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The main character is a nobleman, since childhood he has been surrounded by the culture and life of the capital. Onegin's personality is extraordinary, because he does not feel satisfaction from secular life, although he was brought up among the noble intelligentsia. This contradictory state manifests itself in the episode of the duel with Lensky, which leads the protagonist to the loss of the meaning of life.

Tatiana Larina, the heroine of the novel by A.S. Pushkin, received a completely different upbringing. Her personality was influenced by Russian culture and Western novels. She absorbed folk traditions through the environment, thanks to fairy tales and legends that the nanny told little Tanya. The heroine's childhood passed among the beauties of Russian nature and folk rituals. The influence of the West reflects Pushkin's ideal of upbringing: the combination of European education with the national traditions of Russia. That is why Tatiana stands out for her strong moral principles and strong character, which distinguishes her from the rest of the heroes of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

The question of the influence of education on character in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

Schoolchildren can be recommended to take one of the works of L.N. Tolstoy as an example for their composition. In the novel War and Peace, Peter Rostov, who inherited kindness and openness from his parents, shows his best qualities in his first and only battle, right before his death. Other heroes of the epic, Helen and Anatole Kuragin, who did not know the love of their parents and were brought up in a family where money was valued above all else, grow up to be selfish and immoral people.

Goncharov: the problem of the role of childhood in human life, arguments. "Oblomov"

Writer I. A. Goncharov in his novel "Oblomov" focuses on the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The main character of the work, Ilya Oblomov, does not know how to take care of himself at all, as he grew up in "greenhouse conditions". He does not bring a single decision to the end and does not even try to start doing something, but only mentally imagines how good it will be in the end. His friend, the energetic and active Stolz, was taught by his parents to independence from childhood. This hero is disciplined, hardworking and knows what he wants.

Childhood impressions in the work of V. Soloukhin "The Third Hunt"

In a literature lesson, the teacher may suggest analyzing an excerpt from the collection of the Soviet writer V. Soloukhin "The Third Hunt" in order to help students understand the problem of the role of childhood in human life. Arguments according to Soloukhin's text concern not only the formation of personality, but also the influence of childhood impressions on the fate of an adult, his connection with the Motherland. He colorfully illustrates his thought with detailed metaphors related to nature and sketches from the life of Russian poets. The author argues that the basis of personality is laid in childhood, and the memories and impressions of youth are always reflected in the future.

Education of the nobility in the "Minor" by D. I. Fonvizin

The famous comedy of DI Fonvizin "The Minor" is also devoted to the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The author's arguments and reflections show what a strong influence his family has on a child's personality. The main character, Mitrofanushka, whose name has become a household name, takes over the greed, cruelty and other vices of his mother. He received slavish inclinations from a serf nanny and the qualities of a tyrant from his own parents, which is reflected in his behavior and treatment of people. The image of Mitrofan indicates the decline of the noble society, caused by improper upbringing.

The problem of the role of childhood in human life: arguments from the literature of foreign writers

The works of Charles Dickens, where the main characters are often people with a difficult childhood, are perfect for illustrating the problem of the influence of young years on the formation of personality. In the novel "David Copperfield", largely autobiographical, the writer portrays a man who has remained good, despite the constant humiliation, difficulties and injustice of life. Little David is constantly being helped by ordinary people, which allows him to maintain faith in their sincerity. The boy himself learns to distinguish good from evil, to adequately assess himself. He has the ability to see positive traits in every person.

Margaret Drabble's novel “One Summer Season” shows that childhood is not just a period limited to a certain age, it is also associated with psychological maturity. An adult is responsible for his decisions and actions, he understands the importance of mutual assistance and has worldly wisdom.

The role of childhood: arguments from journalism

In journalism, the problem of the role of childhood in human life is also often considered. The arguments for writing on this topic can be taken from the article by A. Zamostyanov "Childhood and Youth in the Fate of Suvorov." In his work, the author says that the personality of the commander was strongly influenced by the stories of his mother about the famous military leaders of the past: Alexander the Great and Alexander Nevsky. The parent accompanied her story with the comment that the power of a person is in the head, and not in the hands. It was after such stories that this sickly boy began to develop and temper himself, because he wanted to become a military man.

The period of childhood is very important for the full and harmonious development of the personality. It is the basis for an adequate perception of oneself and one's forces, the world around and the further happy life of a person.


· your feedback

Perhaps, for any student, the most difficult part in the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is the composition of part C. And the paragraph, which, presumably, should contain arguments, is completely capable of driving you to hysteria. What to write? How to write? And most importantly, what literary works to choose? It's not that scary! On our site you will find arguments for composing Part C on almost all topics! Moreover, this page is constantly updated as we post more and more new arguments! Visit us more often, and on the exam in the Russian language you will feel quite calm and confident. For ease of reference, we group the arguments into tables by topic. Save yourself the tables you want, or just study them, and then you won't need to re-read a bunch of literary works to write a good essay in Part C. So, arguments!


1) The problem of the “superfluous person” was reflected more than once in Russian literature. “Superfluous person” is a special concrete historical socio-psychological variety of a more general type of “strange person”. “A superfluous person” we can call the main character of the work Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" Pechorin. The personality of Pechorin in the novel is wider than his time, environment, specific circumstances, offered to him by the society of social roles. Awareness of himself as a spiritually free integral person, responsible not only for individual actions, but also for the choice of a life position, for the implementation of his “high purpose”, and at the same time a tragic misunderstanding of his purpose makes Pechorin “an extra person”.

2) Another hero, which may well be called "Superfluous man, is the hero of the same name novel in verse by Eugene Onegin... Onegin lives by the principles of the surrounding society, but at the same time he is far from it. Belonging to the light, he despises it. Onegin does not find his true purpose and place in life, he is burdened by his loneliness. It is Eugene Onegin who opens a whole "gallery of superfluous people" in Russian literature.


1) We will find many works of Russian classical literature that reflect this problem. Let us recall, for example, little twelve-year-old Vaska from Kuprin's works "In the bowels of the Earth", who is forced to work in a mine, which seems to him a strange and incomprehensible monster. Vaska is also a child with a stolen childhood. He is forced to go to work in the mine, although he does not understand the customs prevailing among the workers, and the work itself is too hard for a boy of twelve years old.

2) It's not just literary works that teach us to appreciate what we have. Almost every child knows the real stories about children participating in the military battles of the Great Patriotic War. We remember the names of Leni Golikov, Vali Kotik, Zina Portnova, Nadia Bogdanova. All of them lost their childhood in the war, and some of them lost their lives.

Composition of the Unified State Exam according to the text:"Happy, happy, irreversible time of childhood! How can I not love, not cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul ..."(after Leo Tolstoy).

Attention! The same text was in early exam In Russian 2017 year.

Full text

Perhaps the most vivid impressions we got from childhood. What role does this period play in a person's life? This is the question that the author of the text proposed to me for analysis is asking.

To answer this question, L.N. Tolstoy describes the childhood years of Nikolenka Irteniev. The writer very colorfully and convincingly depicts the protagonist's happy childhood memories. It would seem that there is nothing unusual in them, but the way the author writes about it touchingly cannot leave us indifferent. According to Tolstoy, his parents play the most important role in a child's life. For Nikolenka, the most dear person is the mother, because she gives her son "all her tenderness and love." The writer draws attention to the fact that childhood dreams "are filled with pure love and hopes for bright happiness." By this he shows that the life of a child is carefree and innocent.

Throughout the course of the narrative, the author wants to convey to us the following idea: childhood plays a crucial role in human life, since it is in childhood that character is formed, the process of personality formation takes place, concepts of good and evil are laid.
I share the opinion of the author. Indeed, childhood is an important stage, because it is childhood impressions, memories that often underlie the actions of an adult.

In support of my thought, I want to recall the work of I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov. The main character Ilya Ilyich Oblomov brought out bright tender memories of his mother from childhood. Also, the foundation of friendship between Oblomov and Stolz, so different and dissimilar, was laid in childhood. Despite the main flaw in his character, manifested in laziness, everything - so all the best: kindness, responsiveness - was laid down in childhood.

My childhood also played a very important role in my life. My parents paid special attention to fostering a sense of beauty: they took me to museums and theaters. My grandfather often told various stories and facts related to art, taught me to draw. And now, standing on the threshold of adulthood, I know that my future profession will be associated with my love for painting and sculpture, which my family brought up in me as a child.

Thanks to L.N. Tolstoy came to me with the realization that childhood impressions have a tremendous impact on our qualities, goals, dreams. And I hope that the problem that our great writer raised in his work will find its reflection in the fates of other people. Indeed, in the future, when many of us will raise our child, the thought of how every word can affect the inner world of a son or daughter will not allow irreparable mistakes.

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