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Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky. Biography Railroad Again

Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky (1852 - 1906)- Russian writer, essayist, engineer, traveler.

Nikolai was born on February 20, 1852 in a family with noble roots. Education in the biography of Garin-Mikhailovsky was received at the Richelieu Gymnasium in Odessa. Then he entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Communications. The next few years he spent in Bulgaria, then in the Samara province.

Later in the biography of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, it was decided to take part in the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. The group, led by Garin-Mikhailovsky, chose the path for laying the highway (namely, the railway bridge). It was decided to build near modern Novosibirsk, but the area near Tomsk was not approved.

The first works in the biography of Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky were published in 1892 (the story "Tyoma's Childhood", the story "Several Years in the Village"). The work "Tyoma's Childhood" was a great success, so the author later created a sequel - 3 more parts: "Gymnasium students", "Students", "Engineers". In addition, Garin-Mikhailovsky published his engineering reflections on the construction of railways in newspapers. The writer described his impressions of the time spent in the countryside in the works “Village Panoramas”, “Several Years in the Village”, “Essays on Provincial Life”. Books and stories by Garin-Mikhailovsky are imbued with sincere optimism.

The writer traveled extensively in the Far East, after which his descriptions "Across Korea, Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula" appeared. Garin-Mikhailovsky died on December 10, 1906.

Biography from another source

Garin. N. (pseudonym; real name - Nikolai Georgievich Mikhailovsky) (02.08.1852-11.27.1906), writer. Born into an old noble family, once one of the richest and most distinguished in the Kherson province. He was baptized by Tsar Nicholas I and the mother of the revolutionary Vera Zasulich. He studied at the Richelieu Gymnasium in Odessa. The childhood and adolescence of Nikolai Georgievich, which coincided with the era of reforms in the 1860s. - the time of decisive breaking of the old foundations, passed in Odessa, where his father, Georgy Antonovich, had a small house and not far from the city - an estate. According to the tradition of noble families, he received his initial education at home under the guidance of his mother, then, after a short stay in a German school, he studied at the Odessa Richelieu Gymnasium (1863-1871). In 1871 N.G. Mikhailovsky entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University, but, having failed the exam in the encyclopedia of law, the following year he passed the exam at the Institute of Communications with flying colours. At the time of student practice, Mikhailovsky traveled as a stoker on a steam locomotive, built a road from Moldavia to Bulgaria, and then he already realized that it was necessary to invest in work not only mind, physical strength, but also courage; that labor and creation c. his chosen profession are linked together and give a rich knowledge of life and constantly encourage him to look for ways to transform it. Carried away by populism, in n. In the 1980s, Garin settled in the countryside, trying to prove the viability of "communal life" on his estate in the Samara province. The results of this experiment, which ended in failure, Garin described in his first essays, A Few Years in the Country (1892).

In 1891, Nikolai Georgievich led the fifth survey party on the Chelyabinsk - Ob section of the West Siberian Railway. The most difficult section was the approach to the Ob-Yenisei watershed. Many options have been discussed. In a wild country with an unusually harsh climate, despite the hardships, the colossal exertion of forces, the survey party of Mikhailovsky scrupulously lays (one by one) options for crossing the Ob and chooses the best, shortest, most profitable: where the great river flows along a rocky bed between rocky shores near the village of Krivoshchekovo. An important role in choosing a site for the railway bridge was played by engineer Vikenty-Ignatiy Ivanovich Roetsky. It was his detachment, which was part of the fifth survey party, that carried out detailed surveys in the area. Since the mid-1990s, Nikolai Georgievich participated in the organization of the first legal Marxist newspaper Samarsky Vestnik, the magazines Nachalo and Zhizn, and was a member of the editorial board of the Bolshevik Vestnik Zhizn.

He more than once hid underground members on his estate, kept illegal literature, in particular Iskra. During the years of the first Russian revolution, through A.M. Gorky transferred large sums to the party fund.

In December 1905, while in Manchuria as a war correspondent, Nikolai Georgievich participated in the work of distributing revolutionary propaganda publications in the army.

It is no coincidence that since 1896, the strictest unspoken supervision was established for him, which from that time continued until his death.

The ebullient nature of Nikolai Georgievich hated peace. His element is movement. He traveled all over Russia, made a round-the-world trip and, according to contemporaries, wrote his works "on the beam" - in a carriage compartment, in a steamer cabin, in a hotel room, in the hustle and bustle of the station. And death overtook him "on the go." Nikolai Georgievich died shortly after his return from the army, at the editorial meeting of the magazine Vestnik Zhizn. It happened on November 27, 1906. He, who gave a large sum for the needs of the revolution, turned out to have nothing to bury. Collected money by subscription among the St. Petersburg workers, the intelligentsia.

The tsarist regime did not favor bright nuggets like Garin-Mikhailovsky. He was twice fired from the system of the Ministry of Railways, harassed, kept under police surveillance. During his lifetime, fame came to him as a writer N. Garin. And now he is also known as an outstanding creative engineer, a selfless Russian educator.

Garin appeared in literature as a realist. In the stories of the 90s (“On the Go”, 1893, “Village Panoramas”, 1894, etc.) he painted images of the technical intelligentsia and workers, pursuing the idea of ​​the need for a rational arrangement of life (“Variant”, 1888, ed. 1910; “On practice”, 1903, etc.). Garin's most significant work was a tetralogy, described by critics as a "whole epic" of Russian life: "Childhood of the Theme" (1892), "Gymnasium students" (1893), "Students" (1895), "Engineers" (published posthumously, 1907). It is dedicated to the fate of the younger generation of the “turning time”. The author has drawn the evolution of the protagonist - Theme Kartashev, who, under the influence of the national environment, abandons the nihilistic utopias of youth and turns into a respectable Russian person. The result of Garin's numerous travels was the travel essays "Across Korea, Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula" (1899), "Around the World" (1902), in which Garin spoke with great sympathy about the talents and hard work of the Chinese and Korean peoples, debunked the theory of "inferiority of the yellow race ". In 1898, while in Korea, he compiled the collection Korean Tales (published in 1899). In n. In the 1900s, he collaborated with the Znanie publishing house, but did not take part in the turmoil of 1905.

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Writer, director, actor

N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky is known to us mostly as a writer. His famous tetralogy "Childhood of the Theme", "Gymnasium students", "Students" and "Engineers" became classics. But he was also a talented travel engineer (it was not for nothing that he was called the “knight of the railways”), a journalist, a fearless traveler, and an educator. Entrepreneur and philanthropist XIX - early XX centuries Savva Mamontov said about him: "He was talented, talented in all directions." Noting his great love of life, the Russian writer A. M. Gorky called him "a cheerful righteous man."

N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky is also interesting to us because his life and work are connected with the Southern Urals. He took part in the construction of the Samara-Zlatoust and West Siberian railways. He lived for several years in Ust-Katava, where his son Georgy (Garya) was born, for some time in Chelyabinsk. Nikolai Georgievich dedicated “Travel Essays”, the essay “Option”, the story “The Woody Swamp”, the stories “The Tramp”, “Grandmother” to the Ural people.

In Chelyabinsk there is a street named after Garin-Mikhailovsky, on the old building of the railway station in 1972 a memorial plaque with its bas-relief was installed (sculptor M. Ya. Kharlamov). A memorial plaque was also installed at the Zlatoust station (2011).

The beginning of the life of Garin-Mikhailovsky

Nikolai Georgievich was born on February 8 (February 20 - in a new style) 1852 in St. Petersburg, in the family of the famous general and hereditary nobleman Georgy Mikhailovsky. The general was so respected by the tsar that Nicholas I himself became the godfather of the boy, who was named after him. Soon his father retired, moved with his family to Odessa in his estate. Nicholas was the eldest of nine children. The house had a strict upbringing system. The writer spoke about her in his famous book "Childhood Themes". When the boy grew up, he was sent to the famous Richelieu gymnasium in Odessa.After graduating from it, he entered the Faculty of Law at St. Petersburg University (1871), but his studies did not work out, and the next year Nikolai Mikhailovsky brilliantly passed the exams at the St. Petersburg Institute of Railway Engineers and never regretted it, although his work was incredibly difficult. There was a moment when he almost died: as a student in practice in Bessarabia, he worked as a stoker on a steam locomotive. On one of the trips, he was very tired out of habit, and the driver, taking pity on the guy, began to throw coal into the furnace for him. Both of them fell asleep from exhaustion. The locomotive was running out of control. They were only saved by a miracle.

The work of Nikolai Mikhailovsky on the railway

After graduating from the institute, he built a railway in Bulgaria, then was sent to work in the Ministry of Railways.At the age of 27, he married the daughter of the Minsk governor, Nadezhda Valerievna Charykova. She outlived her husband a lot, wrote memoirs about him. In the Ministry, Mikhailovsky did not work long, he asked for the construction of the Batum railway in Transcaucasia, where he experienced a number of adventures (an attack by robbers - Turks). This time is described by him in the story "Two Moments". In the Caucasus, Mikhailovsky seriously encountered embezzlement, could not come to terms with it. Decided to make a big change in my life. The family already had two children. Nikolai Georgievich bought an estate in the Samara province, 70 km from the railway, next to the impoverished village of Gundurovka.

Several years in the countryside

Nikolai Georgievich turned out to be a talented business executive, a reformer. He wanted to turn the backward village into a prosperous peasant community. He built a mill, bought agricultural machinery, planted crops that the local peasants did not know before: sunflowers, lentils, poppies. Tried to breed trout in the village pond. Helped unselfishly the peasants to build new huts. His wife set up a school for the village children. On New Year's Eve, Christmas trees were arranged for peasant children and presented with gifts. In the first year they got excellent harvests. But the peasants treated these good deeds of Mikhailovsky as the eccentricities of the master, deceived him. Neighboring landlords took the innovations with hostility, did everything to nullify Mikhailovsky’s work: the mill burned down, the crop was destroyed ... He lasted three years, almost went bankrupt, became disillusioned with his business: “So this is how my business ended!”. Leaving the house behind them, the Mikhailovsky family left the village.

Later, already in Ust-Katava, Mikhailovsky wrote an essay “Several years in the countryside”, where he analyzed his work on the ground, realized his mistakes: “I dragged them (peasants - author) to some kind of paradise ... an educated person , but acted like an ignoramus ... I wanted to turn the river of life in a different direction.

The Ural period of Mikhailovsky's life

Mikhailovsky returned to engineering. He was appointed to the construction of the Ufa-Zlatoust railway (1886). Conducted survey work. For the first time in the history of the construction of railways in Russia, there were such difficulties: mountains, mountain rivers, swamps, impassability, heat and midges in summer, frosts in winter. Particularly difficult was the section Kropachevo - Zlatoust. Later, in the article “A Few Words about the Siberian Railway,” Mikhailovsky wrote: “8% of the prospectors left the stage forever, mainly from nervous breakdown and suicide. This is the percentage of the war."

When construction work began, it was not easier: exhausting work, lack of equipment, everything was done by hand: a shovel, a pick, a wheelbarrow ... It was necessary to blow up rocks, make supporting walls, build bridges. Nikolai Georgievich fought to reduce the cost of construction: “you can’t build expensively, we don’t have funds for such roads, but we need them like air, water ...”. The road was built at public expense. In some essays, for example, T. A. Shmakova “Garin-Mikhailovsky Nikolay Georgievich” (Calendar of significant and memorable dates. Chelyabinsk region, 2002 / compiled by I. N. Perezhogina [et al.]. Chelyabinsk, 2002. P. 60 –63) it was said about Garin-Mikhailovsky that he designed and built a tunnel between Kropachevo and Zlatoust, but it was not specified that the tunnel was not for trains, but for the river, so as not to build two expensive bridges. There is no railway tunnel in the Southern Urals.

He drew up a project for cheaper construction, but the authorities were not interested in this. Nikolai Georgievich fought desperately for his proposals, sent a 250-word telegram to the Ministry of Railways! Unexpectedly, his project was approved and appointed head of the site. Nikolai Georgievich described the history of this struggle in the essay "Option" when he lived in Ust-Katava. The author is recognizable in the image of the engineer Koltsov. I read it to my wife and immediately tore it up. She secretly gathered the pieces, glued them together. The work was printed when Garin-Mikhailovsky was no longer alive. Chukovsky wrote about this essay: "No novelist has ever been able to write so fascinatingly about work in Russia." In Chelyabinsk, this essay was published in 1982.

In a letter to his wife from the construction of the railway in 1887, he said: “... I am in the field all day from 5 am to 9 pm. I'm tired, but cheerful, cheerful, thank God, healthy ... ".

He did not deceive, speaking of gaiety and cheerfulness. Nikolai Georgievich was a very energetic, fast, charming person. Gorky later wrote about him that Nikolai Georgievich “took life like a holiday. And unconsciously he cared that others accepted life in this way. Colleagues and friends called him "Divine Nike". The workers were very fond of, they said: “We will do everything, father, just order!”.

From the memoirs of an employee: “... Nikolai Georgievich's sense of the terrain was amazing. Making his way on a horse through the taiga, drowning in swamps, he, as if from a bird's eye view, unmistakably chose the most advantageous directions. And he builds like a magician.” And, as if he answers this in a letter to his wife: “They say about me that I do miracles, and they look at me with big eyes, but it’s funny to me. So little is needed to do all this. More conscientiousness, energy, enterprise, and these seemingly terrible mountains will part and reveal their secret, invisible to anyone, not indicated on any maps, passages and passages, using which you can reduce the cost and significantly shorten the line.

And there are many examples of “cheapening” the construction of the road: a very difficult section on the pass near the Suleya station, a section of the road from the Vyazovaya station to the Yakhino junction, where it was necessary to make deep cuts in the rocks, build a bridge across the Yuryuzan River, draw the river into a new channel, pour thousands of tons of soil along the river... Anyone who passes the Zlatoust station never ceases to be amazed at the railway loop invented by Nikolai Georgievich.He was all rolled into one: a talented surveyor, no less talented designer and an outstanding builder of railways.

In the winter of 1887, Nikolai Georgievich settled with his family in Ust-Katav. Unfortunately, the house where the Mikhailovskys lived has not been preserved. There is a small monument in the cemetery near the church. The daughter of Nikolai Georgievich, Varenka, is buried here. She lived only three months.

On September 8, 1890, the first train arrived from Ufa to Zlatoust. There was a great celebration in the city, where Nikolai Georgievich delivered a speech. Then the government commission noted: “Ufa - the Zlatoust road ... can be recognized as one of the outstanding roads built by Russian engineers. The quality of the work... can be recognized as exemplary.” For his work on the construction of the road, Nikolai Georgievich was awarded the Order of St. Anna.

Nikolai Georgievich lived in Chelyabinsk in 1891–1892. He was associated with the Construction Department of the West Siberian Railway. It was located in a two-story house on Truda Street between the building where the Museum of the History of Chelyabinsk (house 98) and the monument to Prokofiev are located today. It was demolished in the 1980s. The village where Mikhailovsky's house used to be is long gone from the map of the city. Now the high-rise building of GIPROMEZ is located here.

Writer Garin-Mikhailovsky

Winter 1890–1891 Nadezhda Valerievna fell seriously ill. Mikhailovsky left his job, took his family to the village of Gundurovka, where it was easier to live. The wife recovered. Nikolai Georgievich at his leisure began to write memoirs about his childhood ("Childhood of the Theme"). In the early spring of 1891, at the very thaw, an unexpected and rare guest came to them from St. Petersburg - the already well-known writer Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich. It turns out that he got the manuscript of Nikolai Georgievich “Several Years in the Village”, he was fascinated by it. I came to such a distance and wilderness to get acquainted with the author, to offer to publish an article in the journal "Russian Thought".

We talked, Stanyukovich asked if there was anything else written. Mikhailovsky began to read the manuscript about childhood. Stanyukovich warmly approved of her, offered to be her "godfather", but asked to come up with a pseudonym, since the chief editor of "Russian Thought" at that time was Mikhailovsky's namesake. I did not have to think long, because the one-year-old son of Garya entered the room, looking very unfriendly at the stranger. Nikolai Georgievich took his son on his knees and began to reassure: "Don't be afraid, I'm Garin's dad." Stanyukovich immediately seized: "here is the pseudonym - Garin!". The first books were published under this name. Later, the double surname Garin-Mikhailovsky appeared.

In the summer of 1891, Mikhailovsky was appointed head of a survey party to prepare for the construction of the West Siberian Railway, on the Chelyabinsk-Ob section. Again, the search for the most successful and convenient options for laying the road. It was he who insisted that the bridge across the Ob be built near the village of Krivoshchekovo. Nikolai Georgievich then wrote: “For the time being, due to the absence of railways, everything is sleeping here ... but someday a new life will sparkle brightly and strongly here, on the ruins of the old one ...”. He seemed to know that the city of Novonikolaevsk would arise on the site of a small station, which would then become the huge city of Novosibirsk. A large square near the Novosibirsk railway station is named after Garin-Mikhailovsky. A monument to Nikolai Georgievich was erected on the square.

While Nikolai Georgievich was engaged in the construction of the railway, literary fame came to him. In 1892, the magazine "Russian wealth" published the story "Childhood of the Theme", and a little later "Russian Thought" - a collection of essays "Several Years in the Village". About the last work, A.P. Chekhov wrote: “Before, there was nothing like this in literature of this kind, both in tone and, perhaps, in sincerity. The beginning is a little routine and the end is upbeat, but the middle part is a real pleasure. So true that more than enough. The writer Korney Chukovsky joins him: “... Several years in the countryside” reads like a sensational novel, even Garin’s conversations with the clerk about manure excite like love scenes.

Garin-Mikhailovsky moved to St. Petersburg, took up the publication of the magazine, bought Russian Wealth, mortgaging his estate (1892). In the very first issue he placed stories by Stanyukovich, Korolenko, Mamin-Sibiryak, who became his friends.

Garin-Mikhailovsky worked a lot: he writes the continuation of The Childhood of the Theme, articles on the construction of railways, on embezzlement, fights for state support for construction, signs under them “engineer-practitioner”. The Minister of Railways knows who writes articles that he dislikes, and threatens to fire Mikhailovsky from the railway system. But, as an engineer, Garin-Mikhailovsky is already known. He does not remain without work. Designs the railway Kazan - Sergiev waters.

The work did not allow him to sit at a desk, he writes on the go, on the train, on scraps of paper, forms, account books. Sometimes the story was written in one night. I was very worried, sending my work, baptized it. Then he suffered that he wrote it wrong, sent corrections by telegrams from different stations. Garin-Mikhailovsky is the author of not only the famous tetralogy, but also stories, short stories, plays, and essays.

But the most famous and dearest for him was the story "Childhood of the Theme" (1892). This book is not only memories of his own childhood, but also reflections on the family, moral education of a person. He remembered his cruel father, the punishment cell in their house, the floggings. The mother protected the children, told the father: "You have to train puppies, not raise children." An excerpt from "The Childhood of the Theme" was published under the title "Theme and the Bug" and became one of the first and favorite books of children of many generations in our country.

Continuation of "Childhood of the Theme" - "Gymnasium students" (1893). And this book is largely autobiographical, "everything is taken straight from life." The censorship protested against its publication. In it, Garin-Mikhailovsky writes that the gymnasium turns children into dullards, distorts souls. Someone called his story "an invaluable treatise on education ... how not to educate." Books then made a huge impression on readers, especially on teachers. A flood of letters poured in. Garin-Mikhailovsky put his attitude to education into the mouth of his hero from Gymnasium Students (teacher Leonid Nikolaevich): “They say it’s too late to start talking about education, they say it’s an old and boring question that has long been resolved. I don't agree with this. There are no resolved issues on earth, and the issue of education is the most acute and painful for humanity. And it's not an old, boring question - it's an ever-new question, because there are no old children."

The third book of Garin-Mikhailovsky - "Students" (1895). It describes his life experience, observations that human dignity was suppressed even in students, that the task of the institute is to educate not a person, but a slave, an opportunist. Only at the age of 25, when he began to build his first road, he began to work, found himself, character. It turned out that all the first 25 years of his life - it was a longing for work. Ebullient nature from childhood was waiting for a lively business.

The fourth book is Engineers. She was not signed up. And it came out after the death of the writer (1907). A. M. Gorky called these books by Garin-Mikhailovsky "a whole epic of Russian life."

Garin-Mikhailovsky - traveler

Work on the railroad, on new books was not easy. Nikolai Georgievich was very tired and decided in 1898 to take a break, to travel around the world through the Far East, Japan, America, and Europe. It was his old dream. He traveled all over Russia, now he wants to see other countries. Preparations for the trip successfully coincided with the proposal to take part in a large scientific expedition to North Korea and Manchuria. He agreed. It was a very difficult, dangerous, but extremely interesting journey through unknown places. The writer traveled with the expedition 1600 km, on foot and on horseback. He saw a lot, kept diaries, listened to Korean fairy tales through an interpreter. Later he published these tales, for the first time in Russia and Europe. They were published as a separate book in Moscow in 1956.

In November-December 1898, Garin-Mikhailovsky also visited Japan, America, and Europe. It is interesting to read his lines about returning to Russia after the trip: “I don’t know how anyone, but I was seized by a heavy, downright painful feeling when I entered Russia from Europe ... I’ll get used to it, I’ll be drawn into this life again, and maybe it will not seem like a prison, horror, and even more dreary from this consciousness.

Garin-Mikhailovsky wrote interesting accounts of his expedition through North Korea. After returning from a trip (1898), he was invited to Nicholas II in the Anichkov Palace. Nikolai Georgievich prepared very seriously for the story of what he had seen and experienced, but it turned out that no one from the royal family was interested in his story. The questions were completely irrelevant. Then Nikolai Georgievich wrote about them: "These are provincials!" The tsar nevertheless decided to award Garin-Mikhailovsky with the Order of St. Vladimir, but the writer never received it. Together with Gorky, he signed a letter - a protest against the beating of students at the Kazan Cathedral in March 1901. Nikolai Georgievich was expelled from the capital for a year and a half. From July 1901 he lived on his estate in Gundurovka. In the autumn of 1902 he was allowed to enter the capital, but secret supervision was preserved.

Again the railroad

In the spring of 1903, Garin-Mikhailovsky was appointed head of the survey party for the construction of a railway along the southern coast of Crimea. Nikolai Georgievich explored the possibilities of laying the road. He understood that the road should pass through very picturesque places, resorts. Therefore, he developed 84 (!) variants of an electric road, where each station had to be designed not only by architects, but also by artists. He then wrote: “I would like to finish two things - an electric road in the Crimea and the story“ Engineers ”. But neither of these things worked out for him. The construction of the road was to begin in the spring of 1904, and in January the Russo-Japanese War began.

The Crimean road has not yet been built! And Garin-Mikhailovsky went to the Far East as a war correspondent. He wrote essays, which later became the book "Diary during the war", which contained the real truth about that war. After the revolution of 1905, he came to St. Petersburg for a short time. He gave a large amount of money for revolutionary needs. He was not a revolutionary, but he was friends with Gorky and helped the revolutionaries through him. Nikolai Georgievich did not know that since 1896 until the end of his days he was under the covert surveillance of the police.

Garin-Mikhailovsky and children

The main love of Nikolai Georgievich is children. He had 11 children, seven in the first family, four from V. A. Sadovskaya. Children were never punished in his family, one of his displeased glances was enough. On Moscow radio, they sometimes read Garin-Mikhailovsky's wonderful story "Confession of a Father", about the feelings of a father who punished his little son, and then lost him.

Everywhere he was surrounded by children, other people's children called him "Uncle Nika." He loved to give them gifts, arrange holidays, especially New Year trees. He made up stories on the go, told them beautifully. His children's stories were published before the revolution. He spoke with the children seriously, on an equal footing. When Chekhov died, Nikolai Georgievich wrote to his 13-year-old adopted son: “The most sensitive and sympathetic person and probably the most suffering person in Russia has died: we probably cannot even understand now the full magnitude and significance of the loss that this death brought .. .What do you think about it? Write me...".

His letters to already adult children have been preserved. They are reminiscent of clever fatherly commandments. He saw little of the children, did not impose his beliefs on them, but his influence was enormous. All of them grew up worthy people.

The author of the article is grateful to the Zlatoust railway workers who introduced her to the writer's granddaughter, Irina Yuryevna Neustruyeva (St. Petersburg). It was possible to clarify a lot in the biography of Garin-Mikhailovsky, to learn about the fate of his descendants. We are especially interested in the fate of the writer's son, Georgy (Gary) (1890–1946), who was born in Ust-Katav. He was a talented and highly educated person. After the law faculty of St. Petersburg University diplomatic work. Georgy Nikolaevich before the revolution was the youngest Comrade (deputy - author) of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia! Knew 17 languages! Did not accept the revolution. I ended up in Paris, then in Prague, Bratislava. He taught, wrote books, translated his father's books into foreign languages. He signed his works, like his father, Garin-Mikhailovsky. It was previously written that after the war he returned to the USSR and died in 1946. In fact, it was not at all like that. When at the end of the war our troops liberated Prague, someone wrote a denunciation of Georgy Nikolaevich. He was arrested, given 10 years in the camps. In one of them (in the Donbass), he soon died. He was rehabilitated in 1997. In 1993, a two-volume book by Georgy Nikolaevich, “Notes. From the history of the Russian Foreign Ministry, 1914–1920”. His only son - the full namesake of his grandfather (1922-2012) - was a candidate of biological sciences at the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava).

One of the sons of Nikolai Georgievich - Sergey became a mining engineer. Daughter Olga is a soil scientist. Her daughter, the granddaughter of the writer Irina Yuryevna (1935), is a candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences. Her sister, Erdeni Yuryevna Neustruyeva (1932–2005), worked for the last 20 years at the Avrora Publishing House (St. Petersburg). Granddaughter Natalya Naumovna Mikhailovskaya is a candidate of technical sciences at Moscow State University. Grandchildren Yuri Pavlovich Syrnikov (1928–2010) - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Pavel Pavlovich Syrnikov (1936) - Senior Researcher at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The latter's son, Maxim Syrnikov, is the author of books on Russian cuisine and visits Chelyabinsk. He also came to the opening in 2012 of the monument to the daughter of Garin-Mikhailovsky - Varenka in Ust-Katav, restored by the directorate of stations of the South Ural Railway.

Care of Garin-Mikhailovsky

After the war, Nikolai Georgievich returned to the capital, plunged into public work, wrote articles, plays, tried to finish the book "Engineers". He did not know how to rest, slept for 3-4 hours a day. On November 26, 1906, Nikolai Georgievich gathered friends, talked and argued all night long (he wanted to create a new theater). They parted in the morning. And at 9 am on November 27 - work again. In the evening, Garin-Mikhailovsky - at a meeting of the editorial board of Vestnik Zhizn, again disputes, his bright, heated speech. Suddenly he became ill, he went into the next room, lay down on the sofa and died. The doctor said that the heart was healthy, but due to extreme overwork, it became paralyzed.There was not enough money for the funeral in the family, they had to collect by subscription. Garin-Mikhailovsky was buried at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Much has been written about Garin-Mikhailovsky, there are books, articles, memoirs.But, probably, Korney Chukovsky gave the most accurate characteristics to Garin-Mikhailovsky. Here are just a few fragments from his essay “Garin”: “Garin was not tall, very mobile, dapper, handsome: gray hair, eyes young and quick ...All his life he worked as a railway engineer, but in his hair, in his impetuous, uneven gait and in his unbridled, hasty, heated speeches, one always felt what is called a broad nature - an artist, a poet, alien to stingy, selfish and petty thoughts. ..” (Chukovsky K. I. Contemporaries: portraits and sketches. [4th ed., revised and added]. Moscow: Mol. Guard, 1967. P. 219).

“But I still haven’t said the most important thing about him. It seems to me the most important thing is that for all his emotional impulses, for all his careless, unbridled generosity, he was a businesslike, businesslike person, a man of figures and facts, accustomed to all economic practices from a young age.This was the originality of his creative personality: in the combination of a high order of soul with practicality. A rare combination, especially in those days... He was the only writer of his day who was a consistent enemy of mismanagement, in which he saw the source of all our tragedies. In his books, he often said that Russia lives in such humiliating poverty in vain, since it is the richest country in the world ... ”(Chukovsky K. I. Contemporaries: portraits and sketches. [Ed. 4th, corrected. and additional], Moscow: Mol. Guard, 1967, pp. 225–226).

“And in the Russian village, and in the Russian industry, and in the Russian railway business, and in the Russian family way of life, he peered just as businesslike and thoughtfully - he made, as it were, an audit of Russia in the eighties and nineties ... Moreover, like any practice, the goals he always has specific, clear, close ones, aimed at eliminating some specific evil: this needs to be changed, rebuilt, but this must be completely destroyed. And then (in this limited area) life will become smarter, richer and happier...” (Chukovsky K. I. Contemporaries: portraits and sketches. [4th ed., corrected and added]. Moscow: Mol. guard, 1967, p. 228).

The Southern Urals can be proud that such a unique person as Garin-Mikhailovsky has a direct relationship with him.

N. A. Kapitonova


  • GARIN-MIKHAILOVSKY, N. G. Collected works: in 5 volumes / N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Moscow: Goslitizdat, 1957-1958.
  • GARIN-MIKHAILOVSKY, N. G. Works / N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Moscow: Council. Russia, 1986. - 411, p.
  • Garin-Mikhailovsky, N. G. Stories and essays / N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Moscow: Art. lit., 1975. - 835 p., ill.
  • GARIN-MIKHAILOVSKY, N. G. Tales: in 2 volumes / N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Moscow: Art. lit., 1977. Vol. 1: Childhood Themes. Gymnasium students. – 334 p. T. 2: Students. Engineers. – 389 p.
  • Garin-Mikhailovsky, N. G. Stories and essays / N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky; [ill. N. G. Rakovskoy]. - Moscow: Pravda, 1984. - 431 p. : ill.
  • GARIN-MIKHAILOVSKY, N. G. Option: essay. Stories / N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Chelyabinsk: Yuzh.-Ural. book. publishing house, 1982. - 215 p. : ill.
  • GARIN-MIKHAILOVSKY, N. G. Prose. Memoirs of contemporaries / N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Moscow: Pravda, 1988. - 572 p., ill.


  • DRUZHININA, E. B. Garin-Mikhailovsky Nikolay Georgievich / E. B. Druzhinina // Chelyabinsk: encyclopedia / comp.: V. S. Bozhe, V. A. Chernozemtsev. – Ed. correct and additional - Chelyabinsk: Kamen. belt, 2001. - S. 185.
  • GARIN-MIKHAILOVSKY Nikolai Georgievich // Engineers of the Urals: Encyclopedia / Ros. engineer. academician, Ural. department; [editor: N. I. Danilov, et al.]. - Yekaterinburg: Ural. worker, 2007. - T. 2. - S. 161.
  • SHMAKOVA, T. A. Garin-Mikhailovsky Nikolai Georgievich / T. A. Shmakova // Chelyabinsk region: encyclopedia: in 7 volumes / editorial board: K. N. Bochkarev (editor-in-chief) [and others]. - Chelyabinsk: Kamen. belt, 2008. - T. 1. - S. 806.
  • LAMIN, V. V. Garin-Mikhailovsky Nikolai Georgievich / V. V. Lamin, V. N. Yarantsev // Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia / Ros. acad. Sciences, Sib. Department, Institute of History; [ch. ed. V. A. Lamin, responsible ed. V. I. Klimenko]. - Novosibirsk: East. legacy of Siberia, 2010. - [T. 1]: A–I. - S. 369.
  • N. G. GARIN-MIKHAILOVSKY in the memoirs of contemporaries: Sat. for Art. school / comp., auth. foreword and note. I. M. Yudina. - Novosibirsk: Zap.-Sib. book. publishing house, 1983. - 303 p.
  • FONOTOV, M. Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky: [about the writer and builder of the railway. d. to the south. Ural] / M. Fonotov // Chelyab. worker. - 1995. - May 17.
  • SMIRNOV, D. V. He was a poet by nature (N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky) / D. V. Smirnov // Outstanding representatives of the scientific, social and spiritual life of the Urals: materials of the 3rd Region. scientific conf., December 10–11, 2002 / [comp. N. A. Vaganova; ed. N. G. Apukhtina, A. G. Savchenko]. - Chelyabinsk, 2002. - S. 18–21.
  • KAPITONOVA, N. A. Literary local history. Chelyabinsk region / N. A. Kapitonova - Chelyabinsk: Abris, 2008. - 111 p. : ill. - (Know your land). P. 29–30: N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.
  • URAL source of the Trans-Siberian Railway: the history of the South Ural Railway / [ed. ed. project and ed. A. L. Kazakov]. - Chelyabinsk: Auto Graf, 2009. - 650, p. : ill. P. 170–171: About N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.
  • KAPITONOVA, N. A. Literary local history. Chelyabinsk region / N. A. Kapitonova - Chelyabinsk: Abris, 2012. - Issue. 2. - 2012. - 127 p., ill. - (Know your land). pp. 26–38: N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.
  • KAPITONOVA, N. A. Literary local history. Chelyabinsk region / N. A. Kapitonova - Chelyabinsk: Abris, 2012. - Issue. 4. - 2012. - 127 p., ill. - (Know your land). pp. 108–110: Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky.
  • LOSKUTOV, S. A. Gates to Siberia: monograph / S. A. Loskutov; Chelyab. in-t ways of communication. - Phil. Feder. state budget. educate. institutions of higher prof. education "Ural. state un-t ways of communication.». - Yekaterinburg: publishing house of UrGUPS, 2014. - 168 p. : ill. pp. 40–43: About N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.
N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. Patriot and miracle worker

My article is about Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky - a unique person, writer, engineer and geographer.

Not so often people come into our world whose life contains an entire era. We call them differently - geniuses, visionaries, visionaries. In fact, none of these definitions can contain what they did and how they changed the world around them. The most annoying thing is that most people who perceive the achievements of civilization and culture as the norm do not even suspect who made all this possible.

Such a person was Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky. His indomitable energy, inquisitive and sharp mind, determination during his lifetime brought him recognition in many areas from literary creativity to geographical research.

Among the great Russian travelers of the XIX century. Garin-Mikhailovsky stands apart. Unfortunately, his contribution to the field of geographical research is still not appreciated. Yes, and domestic historical and geographical literature does not indulge him with their attention. And in vain! The significance of the geographical and ethnographic studies of Nikolai Georgievich, his magnificent essays, is invaluable for Russian science. Thanks to literary talent, works written in the century before last are read with interest even today. However, written by Garin does not contain all of his extraordinary and full of adventures and accomplishments of life.

N. Garin is the literary pseudonym of Nikolai Georgievich Mikhailovsky. He was born on February 8, 1852 in St. Petersburg in the family of a military officer. He inherited his stupid character and courage from his father - Georgy Antonovich Mikhailovsky, a nobleman of the Kherson province, who served in the ulans. During the Hungarian military campaign on July 25, 1849, the lancer Mikhailovsky distinguished himself in action near Hermannstadt, attacking the Hungarians with a squadron of squares, which had two guns. Accurate buckshot shots stopped the attack of the Russian lancers, but the commander of the 2nd squadron, headquarters captain Mikhailovsky, rushed to the attack and dragged his fellow soldiers with him. The lancers cut into the square and took possession of the enemy's guns. The hero of the day was slightly wounded and was subsequently awarded the Order of St. George. After the end of the campaign, G. A. Mikhailovsky was awarded with his lancers an audience with Emperor Nicholas I, and the sovereign enlisted him in the Life Guards of the Lancers Regiment, and later was the godfather of his older children.

Garin-Mikhailovsky with engineers and railway workers on the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway

Garin-Mikhailovsky's childhood and adolescence passed in the south, in Odessa, where his father moved his family, having retired with the rank of general. On the outskirts of the city, the Mikhailovskys had their own house with a large garden and a picturesque view of the sea.

In 1871, after graduating from the gymnasium, Nikolai Georgievich moved to St. Petersburg, where he studied first at the law faculty of the university, and from 1872 at the Institute of Railway Engineers. Six years later, the young engineer was sent to the active army in Bulgaria, to Burgas, where he took an active part in the construction of the port and the highway. In 1879, the industriousness and talent of the young engineer were awarded by the command of the order of the civil service "for the excellent execution of orders."
Twenty years later, the writer used his experience of serving in Burgas in the story Clotilde (published in 1899).

Fortune favored the young man. In the spring of 1879, Mikhailovsky, who had not previously had practical experience in railway construction, somehow managed to get a prestigious job on the construction of the Bendero-Galaki railway. Its construction was carried out by the company of the famous concessionaire Samuil Polyakov. This work of an engineer-surveyor captured Mikhailovsky. Thanks to his talent and diligence, he quickly established himself from the very best side, thanks to which he began to advance in the service and earn good money at that time, despite his young age.

From that time on, Mikhailovsky began his work as a railroad civil engineer. He devoted many years to this path, devoting himself to work with the enthusiasm and dedication characteristic of his character. Thanks to this, he was able to visit different parts of the country, observe the life and life of the common people, which he later reflects in his works of art.

In the summer of the same year, while visiting Odessa on business, Mikhailovsky met a friend of his sister Nina, Nadezhda Valerievna Charykova, whom he soon married.

In 1880, Mikhailovsky built a road to Batum, which, after the end of the Russian-Turkish war, was ceded to Russia. Then he was an assistant to the head of the section on the construction of the Batum-Samtredia railway (Poti-Tiflis railway). Service in those places was dangerous: gangs of Turkish robbers were hiding in the surrounding forests, attacking builders. Mikhailovsky recalled how five foremen at his distance "were shot and slaughtered by local Turks." I had to adapt to the situation, and the position itself was not for a timid person. Constant danger has developed a special method of movement in places convenient for an ambush - a stretched line. After the construction was completed, he was transferred to the head of the distance of the Baku section of the Transcaucasian Railway.

A few years later Mikhailovsky works in the Urals on the construction of the Ufa-Zlatoust railway, conducts road surveys in Tatarstan between Kazan and Malmyzh, in Siberia on the construction of the Great Siberian Road. It was during the period of work in Siberia that he traveled along the Irtysh to its mouth.

During his service, engineer Mikhailovsky showed the most striking features of his character, which made him stand out from those around him so much and that once subdued his future wife. He was distinguished by scrupulous honesty and painfully perceived the desire of many of his colleagues for personal enrichment (participation in contracts, bribes). At the end of 1882, he resigned - according to his own explanation, "because of the complete inability to sit between two chairs: on the one hand, state interests, on the other, personal master's."
In 1883, having bought the Gundorovka estate in the Buguruslan district of the Samara province for 75 thousand rubles, Nikolai Georgievich settled with his wife in a landowner's estate. By that time, the Mikhailovsky family already had two small children. But such was the nature of Garin-Mikhailovsky to peacefully rest as a landowner in his estate and lead a life like Chekhov's summer residents.

Thanks to the reforms of 1861, the peasant communities received part of the landowners' lands in collective possession, but the nobles remained large landowners. Former serfs were very often forced, in order to feed themselves, to work the landlords' lands as hired workers for a negligible wage. In many places the economic situation of the peasants worsened after the reform.

With a fairly significant working capital (about 40 thousand rubles), Garin-Mikhailovsky intended to create an exemplary farm in Gundorovka. The Mikhailovskys hoped to improve the well-being of local peasants: to teach them how to properly cultivate the land and raise the general level of culture. At that time, Nikolai Georgievich was under the influence of populist ideas and wanted to change the system of social relations that had developed in the countryside.

Nadezhda Valerievna Mikhailovskaya also matched her husband: she treated local peasants, set up a school, where she herself studied with all the boys and girls of the village. After 2 years, her school had 50 students, the hostess also had "two assistants from young guys who graduated from a rural school in the nearest large village."

From an economic point of view, things were going excellently on the Mikhailovsky estate. Yes, but the peasants met with distrust and grumbling all the innovations of the good landowner. He constantly had to overcome the resistance of an inert mass. I even had to enter into an open confrontation with local kulaks, which led to a series of arsons. First, the landowner lost his mill and thresher, and then his entire crop. Almost broke, he decided to leave the village that had brought him so much disappointment and return to engineering. The estate was entrusted to a stern and tough manager.

Since 1886, Mikhailovsky has been in the service again, and once again his outstanding talent as an engineer shines. During the construction of the Ufa-Zlatoust railway (1888-1890) he carried out survey work. The result of these works was a variant that gave enormous cost savings. From January 1888, he began to implement his version of the road as the head of the 9th construction site.

“They say about me,” Nikolai Georgievich wrote to his wife, “that I do miracles, and they look at me with big eyes, but it’s funny to me. So little is needed to do all this. More conscientiousness, energy, enterprise, and these seemingly terrible mountains will part and reveal their secret, invisible passages and passages, using which you can reduce the cost and significantly shorten the line. He sincerely dreamed of the time when Russia would be covered with a network of railways, and did not see greater happiness than to work for the glory of Russia, to bring "not imaginary, but real benefit."

He considered the construction of railways as a necessary condition for the development of the economy, the prosperity and power of Russia. He showed himself not only as a talented engineer, but also as an outstanding economist. Seeing the lack of funds allocated by the state treasury, Mikhailovsky persistently advocated cheaper road construction through the development of profitable options and the introduction of more advanced construction methods. He has a lot of innovative projects to his credit, which, by the way, saved a lot of public money and made a profit. In the Urals, this is the construction of a tunnel at the Sulei pass, which shortened the railway line by 10 km and saved 1 million rubles. His research from the Vyazovaya station to the Sadki station shortened the line by 7.5 versts and saved about 400 thousand rubles, and a new version of the line along the Yurizan River brought savings of 600 thousand rubles. Supervising the construction of a railway line from the station. Krotovka of the Samara-Zlatoust railway to Sergievsk, he removed contractors who made huge profits by robbing state funds and exploiting workers, and created an elected administration. In a special circular to employees, he categorically forbade any abuse and established the procedure for paying workers under the supervision of public controllers. They talked about him, wrote in the newspapers, he made himself an army of enemies, which did not frighten him at all. “N.G. Mikhailovsky, - wrote the Volga Bulletin on August 18, 1896, - the first of the civil engineers cast his vote as an engineer and writer against the hitherto practiced orders and the first makes an attempt to introduce new ones. At the same construction site, Nikolai Georgievich organized the first comradely court in Russia with the participation of workers and employees, including women, over an engineer who took rotten sleepers for a bribe. He was called the conscience of Russian railways. Sometimes I think how much we lack such talented and inflexible people today, not only in the field of railway management.
On September 8, 1890, Mikhailovsky spoke at the celebrations in Zlatoust on the occasion of the arrival of the first train here. In 1890, he was engaged in surveys at the construction of the Zlatoust-Chelyabinsk railway, and in April 1891 he was appointed head of the survey party of the West Siberian Railway. Here they were offered the most optimal railway bridge crossing over the Ob. It was he who rejected the option of building a bridge in the Tomsk region, and with his "option near the village of Krivoshchekovo" created the conditions for the emergence of Novosibirsk - one of the largest industrial centers in Russia. So N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky can undoubtedly be called one of the founders and builders of Novosibirsk.

In articles about the Siberian Railway, he enthusiastically and passionately defended the idea of ​​economy, taking into account which the initial cost of the railway track was reduced from 100 to 40 thousand rubles per verst. He suggested publishing reports on the "rational" proposals of engineers, and put forward the idea of ​​public discussion of technical and other projects "to avoid past mistakes." The personality of Nikolai Geogrevitch combined a romantic and a dreamer with a businesslike and pragmatic owner who knew how to calculate all losses and find a way to save money.

There is a legend that at one of the railway construction sites, engineers faced an insoluble problem: it was necessary to go around a large hill or cliff, choosing the shortest trajectory for this. The cost of each meter of the railway was very high. Mikhailovsky pondered this problem all day. Then he gave instructions to build a road along one of the foothills. When asked why he made such a decision, they were discouraged by his answer. Nikolai Georgievich replied that he had been watching the birds all day, or rather, which way they flew around the hill. He considered that the birds fly by a shorter route, saving effort, and decided to use their route. Subsequently, accurate calculations based on satellite imagery showed that Mikhailovsky's birdwatching decision was absolutely correct!

Siberian epic N.G. Mikhailovsky was only an episode of his eventful life. But objectively, it was the highest take-off, the pinnacle of his engineering career - in terms of far-sighted calculations, in principled position, in stubbornness in the struggle for the best option and in historical results. In a letter to his wife, he confesses: “I am in the heat of all sorts of things and do not lose a single moment. I lead the most favorite way of life - I roam about the villages and villages with research, I go to the cities ... I agitate my cheap way, I keep a diary. Work on the throat ... "

In the literary field N.G. Mikhailovsky spoke in 1892, publishing the story "Childhood of the Theme" and the story "Several Years in the Village". By the way, the history of his pseudonym is very interesting and indicative. He published under the pseudonym N. Garin: on behalf of his son - Georgy, or, as the family called him, Garya. The result of the literary work of Garin-Mikhailovsky was an autobiographical tetralogy: "Childhood of the Theme" (1892), "Gymnasium students" (1893), "Students" (1895), "Engineers" (publ. 1907), dedicated to the fate of the young generation of the intelligentsia of the "turning time" . At the same time, he becomes close to Gorky, who later writes his famous novel The Life of Klim Samgin, which raised the same topic.

Constant travel associated with practical exploration and construction work developed in Garin-Mikhailovsky an interest in geography and a deep feeling and understanding of nature, constant communication with workers and peasants strengthened his love for the working people. It is not surprising, therefore, that geographical and ethnographic elements, along with economic ones, occupy such a large place even in his works of art. This is especially evident in his essays written during his travels in Western Ukraine and northern European Russia.

In 1898, after the completion of the construction of a narrow-gauge line that connected the Sergiev sulfuric waters in the Middle Volga region with the Samara-Zlatoust railway, Garin-Mikhailovsky in early July of the same year set off on a round-the-world trip through Siberia, the Far East, the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and through Europe back to Petersburg.

Garin-Mikhailovsky is a pioneer by nature. Tired of engineering battles, he decides to "rest". For this purpose, he decided to go on a trip around the world. At the last moment, he received an offer from the St. Petersburg Geographical Society to join the North Korean expedition of A.I. Zvegintsev.

Korean peasants of the 19th century

Korea in the 19th century geographically studied very poorly, and its northern part, bordering with Manchuria, was generally inaccessible to European researchers for a long time. Korea was a closed country, following an isolationist policy, like its closest neighbor, Japan. Starting from the 17th century. the entire border strip was deserted and guarded by a system of fortresses and cordons to allow foreigners to communicate with the Korean population and protect the state from the penetration of foreigners. Almost until the end of the XIX century. (more precisely, before the Russian expedition of Strelbitsky in 1895-1896), even about the Pektusan volcano, the highest mountain in this part of East Asia, there was only legendary information. There was no reliable information about the sources, the direction of the flow and the regime of the three largest rivers in this territory - Tumanganga, Amnokganga and Sungari.

Zvegintsev's expedition had as its main task the study of land and water routes along the northern border of Korea and further, along the eastern coast of the Liaodong Peninsula, to Port Arthur. Mikhailovsky agreed to take part in Zvegintsev's expedition, which became for him an integral part of his round-the-world trip. To work on the North Korean expedition, Mikhailovsky invited people known to him for their work as a survey engineer: a young technician N. E. Borminsky and an experienced foreman I. A. Pichnikov.

In the journey of Garin-Mikhailovsky around the world, three main stages can be distinguished, which are of different interest to us from the point of view of geographical science. The first of these is a journey through Siberia to the Far East, the second is a visit and geographical research in Korea and Manchuria, and the third is Garin-Mikhailovsky's journey across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans to Europe.

Notes of a traveler relating to the period of transition through Siberia to the Far East are of interest to us primarily for descriptions of the means of communication at that time with the Far East, as well as its characteristics of the process of development of the eastern territories of Russia, especially Primorye. These are all the more interesting for the modern reader, because the author was the builder of the Siberian railway, which was of great importance in the economic development of Siberia and the Far East.

On July 9, 1898, Mikhailovsky and his companions arrived in Moscow with a St. Petersburg courier train and on the same day left Moscow with a direct Siberian train. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was still going on. Sections from Moscow to Irkutsk and from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk were built and put into operation. However, the middle links of the route between Irkutsk and Khabarovsk were not built: the Circum-Baikal line from Irkutsk to Mysovaya, on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal; Transbaikal line from Mysovaya to Sretensk; Amur line from Sretensk to Khabarovsk. On this segment of the journey, Mikhailovsky and his companions had to experience the unreliability of communications on horseback and by water. The journey from Moscow to Irkutsk, more than 5 thousand km long, took 12 days, while the section from Irkutsk to Khabarovsk, about 3.5 thousand km long, traveled on horseback and on water, took exactly a month.

Travelers were constantly faced with a lack of state-owned horses for the transport of passengers and goods, postal stations were not able to "satisfy even a third of the requirements for them." The fee for hiring "free" horses reached a fabulous price: 10-15 rubles for a run of 20 miles, that is, more than 50 times more expensive than the cost of travel by rail. There was a steamship service between Sretensk and Khabarovsk, but of the 16 days spent by travelers on the way along the Shilka and Amur, about half were spent standing aground and waiting for transfers. As a result, the entire journey from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok took 52 days (July 8 - August 29, 1898) and cost, with all the hardships of travelers, almost a thousand rubles per person, that is, it was longer, and even twice as expensive, than if you go to Vladivostok by a roundabout way by sea.

On September 3, 1898, the expedition members were delivered by steamer from Vladivostok to Posyet Bay, then they rode 12 versts to Novokievsk, which was the starting point of the North Korean expedition. Separate parties were formed here.
Garin-Mikhailovsky's trip to Korea and Manchuria had as its main task the study of land and water routes of communication along the Manchurian-Korean border and along the eastern coast of the Liaodong Peninsula to Port Arthur. In addition, he set himself the task of geographically surveying this entire route, and in particular the area of ​​Pektusan and the sources of Amnokgang and Sungari, as not yet studied by previous researchers, as well as collecting ethnographic and folklore material. To accomplish this task, his group of 20 people was divided into two parties. The first of them, which, in addition to him, included technician N. E. Borminsky, foreman Pichnikov, Chinese and Korean translators, three soldiers and two mafu drivers, was supposed to explore the mouth and headwaters of the Tumangang River, as well as the entire Amnokgang River .

The second party, headed by Garin-Mikhailovsky's assistant, railway engineer A.N. Safonov, was to explore the middle course of the Tumangang and the shortest paths between the contiguous sections of the river channels in the bends of the Tumangang and Amnokgang. On September 13, 1898, the party of Garin-Mikhailovsky, having crossed the Tumangang near the Krasnoselskaya crossing, began to explore the mouth of this river. These studies showed the extremely unfavorable navigation conditions of the latter due to its low water, as well as a large number of wandering shoals, which changed after each flood. In his report on the work carried out, published in the Proceedings of the Autumn Expedition of 1898, Garin-Mikhailovsky, having considered three possible ways to combat sand drifts: constant clearing of the fairway, diversion of the river through a special channel to Chosanman Bay (Gashkevich) or its diversion to the former channel towards the Gulf of Posyet, comes to the conclusion that all these measures, at very high costs, still would not significantly improve the navigation conditions of Tumangang. Having finished his work at the mouth of the river, he went through the Korean cities of Kyonghyung, Hoiryong and Musan to its upper reaches, continuing his observations throughout this path. The traveled part of the territory from the mouth of the Tumangang to the village of Tyaipe, the last settlement in its upper reaches, is characterized by the traveler as a mountainous area with narrow valleys, in which individual villages sheltered. Trade relations are maintained with Manchuria, which supplies vodka and birch bark, and Russia, which supplies a small amount of manufactured goods. Part of the population goes to Russia (Siberia) to work, maintaining ties with their relatives who moved from Korea to Russian borders.


On September 22, the party reached the town of Musan. From here the path went along the upper reaches of the Tumangang, which here had the character of a typical mountain stream. On September 28, when the night frosts had already begun, the travelers saw the Pektusan volcano for the first time. On September 29, the source of the Tumangang was found, which "disappeared in a small ravine" near the small lake of Pong. This lake, together with the adjacent swampy area, was recognized by Garin-Mikhailovsky as the sources of the river.

The Pektusan area is the watershed of three large rivers: Tumangang, Amnokgang and Sungari. Korean guides claimed that Tumangang and Amnokgang originate in a lake located in the Pektusan crater (although they admitted that none of them personally saw these sources). On September 30, travelers reached the foot of Pektusan, divided into two groups and began research. Garin-Mikhailovsky himself, accompanied by two Koreans, an interpreter Kim and a guide, had to climb to the top of Pektusan, go around it to the supposed sources of Amnokgang and Sungari. Climbing Pektusan, Nikolai Georgievich admired the lake located in its crater for some time and witnessed an episode of the release of volcanic gases. Bypassing the crater along the perimeter, which was unsafe because of the rocky steeps, he found out that the guides' story about the lake as a common source of three rivers is a legend. No water stream flowed directly from the lake located in the crater. But on the northeastern slope of the Pektusan, Garin-Mikhailovsky discovered two sources of the river (later it turned out that these were the sources of one of the tributaries of the Sungari). Later, three more sources of the Songhua tributary were found.

In the meantime, a group led by technician Borminsky completed the most difficult and dangerous part of the work: they descended into the crater to the lake with tools and a collapsible boat, filmed the contour of the lake, lowered the boat onto the lake, measured the depths, which turned out to be exceptionally large already near the shore. It was not easy to get out of the crater, the boat and heavy tools had to be abandoned. The travelers had to spend the next night at Pektusan in the open air, with a real danger to health and even to life due to a cold snap and bad weather. But the travelers were lucky and everything turned out well.

Garin-Mikhailovsky's party continued research at Pektusan until 3 October. The explorers spent the whole day in a fruitless search for the sources of the Amnokgang. In the evening, one of the Korean guides said that this river originates at the Small Pektusan mountain, which was located at a distance of five miles from the Big one.

From Pektusan, Mikhailovsky's party headed west across Chinese territory, through the region of the tributaries of the Songhua - an unusually beautiful place, but also extremely dangerous because of the possibility of an attack by the Honghuzi. The local Chinese, whom the travelers met, said that a group of 40 hunghuz had been tracking Garin-Mikhailovsky's party since it left Musan.

On October 4, travelers reached the village of Chandanyon, populated mainly by Koreans. The inhabitants had never seen Europeans before. They warmly welcomed the guests and gave them the best place to stay for the night. On the night of October 5, at the beginning of the fifth hour, Garin-Mikhailovsky and his comrades woke up from the sound of shots: the village was fired upon by the hunhuzi who had settled in the forest. After waiting for dawn, the Russian researchers ran under the gunfire into a nearby ravine and returned fire. Very quickly, the shots from the forest stopped, the Honghuzi retreated. Of the Russians, no one was hurt, but a Korean, the owner of the hut, was mortally wounded, one Korean guide disappeared. Of the horses, two were killed and two were wounded. Since there were few horses left, almost all the luggage had to be abandoned.

On this day, travelers, in order to break away from possible pursuit, made a record 19-hour march, covered about 50 miles, and by 3 am on October 6, already reeling from fatigue, reached one of the tributaries of the Amnokgang. The further way was already less dangerous. On October 7, the travelers reached Amnokgang, 9 versts from the Chinese city of Maoershan (Linjiang).

Here Mikhailovsky made the final decision to abandon the continuation of the journey on horseback. A large flat-bottomed boat was hired. On October 9, the journey down the river began. Due to the onset of cold weather, rain and wind, hardships again had to be endured. Numerous rifts represented a great danger, but all of them, thanks to the skill of the Chinese helmsman, were successfully passed. On October 18, the travelers reached Uizhu, a Korean city 60 km above the mouth of the Amnokgang, and there they said goodbye to Korea.

Despite the poverty of the population and the monstrous socio-economic backwardness of the country, Mikhailovsky liked it. In his notes, he highly appreciates the intellectual and moral qualities of the Korean people. During the entire trip, there was not a single case that the Korean did not keep his word or lied. Everywhere the expedition met with the warmest and most cordial attitude.

On the evening of October 18, the last leg of the journey down the Amnokgang to the Chinese port of Sahou (now Andong) was passed. Further, the path ran along the eastern coast of the Liaodong Peninsula and was passed in a Chinese gig. The character of the area was completely different. The mountains moved to the west, and the entire coastline, about 300 versts long and 10 to 30 versts wide, was a slightly hilly plain, densely populated by Chinese peasants. On the evening of October 25, the travelers reached the first settlement on the Liaodong Peninsula, occupied by the Russians - Biziwo. Two days later they arrived in Port Arthur.

In total, Mikhailovsky traveled about 1,600 km in Korea and Manchuria, including about 900 km on horseback, up to 400 km in a boat along Amnokgang, and up to 300 km in a Chinese two-wheel cart along the Liaodong Peninsula. This journey took 45 days. On average, the expedition made 35.5 km per day. A route survey of the area, barometric leveling, astronomical observations and other works were carried out, which served as the basis for compiling a detailed map of the route.

The last stage of the expedition passed through the USA to Europe. From Port Arthur, Garin-Mikhailovsky already continued his independent trip by steamer through Chinese ports, the Japanese islands, across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, visited the Hawaiian Islands, the United States and Western Europe. He was in China for a short time: two days in the port of Chifu on the Shandong Peninsula and five days in Shanghai. A week later, the steamer, on which Garin set off from Shanghai, entered Nagassak Bay past places that have become infamous in the history of the spread of Christianity in Japan. In the middle of the last century, during a period of strong persecution for the Christian religion banned in Japan, about 10 thousand Europeans and Japanese converted to Christianity were thrown into the sea here. The next stop in Japan is the port of Yokohama on the east coast of Honshu. The Russian traveler spent three days in Yokohama. He travels on Japanese railways, taking a keen interest in peasant fields, landscaped plantations and orchards, and visits factories and railway workshops, where he draws attention to the significant technical achievements of the Japanese.

In early December, approaching the main city of the Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, the traveler cannot stop admiring the view of this city, which is picturesquely spread out on the ocean shore, immersed in the greenery of magnificent tropical vegetation. Walking the streets of Honolulu, he carefully examines the city, gets acquainted with the city museum, visits the bamboo forest and groves of date palms in the vicinity.

San Francisco. End of the 19th century

The last in the Pacific Ocean Garin-Mikhailovsky visits San Francisco, located on the west coast of the United States. There he changes to a train and travels across North America to New York, which is located on the east coast of the country. On the way, Nikolai Georgievich makes a stop in Chicago. There he visits the famous slaughterhouses with their monstrous assembly line, which disgusts him. “So disgusting is the impression from all this, from the terrible smell, that for a long time after that you look at everything from the point of view of these slaughterhouses, this indifference, this string of moving dead white corpses, and in the center of them is a figure spreading death everywhere, all in white , calm and satisfied, with a sharp knife, ”writes a Russian traveler.

All this time, Garin-Mikhailovsky keeps a travel diary, which ends with a description of a trip to Europe. On the English steamer Louisitania, at that time the largest in the world, he crosses the Atlantic Ocean and reaches the shores of Great Britain. The voyage across the Atlantic coincided with the discussion of the Fashoda incident. England and France were on the brink of war. Nikolai Georgievich witnessed the conversations of passengers about the coming war and politics, the superiority of the Anglo-Saxons over other nations. Being heavily impressed by what he saw and heard on the ship, the Russian traveler decides not to delay in London and crosses the English Channel. In Paris, Garin-Mikhailovsky also does not stop dead and completes his round-the-world trip, returning to his homeland.

Returning to his homeland, Garin-Mikhailovsky published the scientific results of his observations and research in Korea and Manchuria, which provided valuable geographical information about little-known territories, especially about the Pektusan region. Initially, his notes were published in special editions: "Reports of the members of the autumn expedition of 1898 in North Korea" (1898) and in "Proceedings of the autumn expedition of 1898" (1901). Literary processing of the diaries was carried out in nine issues of the popular science magazine "God's World" for 1899 and then it was called "Pencil from Nature". Later, Garin-Mikhailovsky's diaries were published under two different titles: "In Korea, Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula" and "In the Land of the Yellow Devil."

During the trip, Mikhailovsky recorded up to 100 Korean fairy tales, but one notebook with notes was lost on the way, so the number of fairy tales was reduced to 64. They were first published, together with the first separate edition of the book of travel notes, in 1903. Mikhailovsky's notes turned out to be the most significant contribution to Korean folklore: previously only 2 fairy tales in Russian and seven fairy tales in English were published.

Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky - a brilliant surveyor engineer, builder of many railways in the vast expanses of Russia, who knew how to be a diligent and efficient economist, a talented writer and publicist, a prominent public figure, a tireless traveler and discoverer - died of heart failure at an editorial meeting of a Marxist journal "Herald of Life", in whose affairs he took part. Garin-Mikhailovsky delivered an inspirational speech, went into the next room, lay down on the sofa, and death cut short the life of this talented person. It happened on November 27 (December 10), 1906 in St. Petersburg.

Garin's grave in St. Petersburg

“The happiest country is Russia! How much interesting work in it, how many magical opportunities, the most difficult tasks! I have never envied anyone, but I envy the people of the future ... ”These words of Garin-Mikhailovsky characterize him in the best possible way. No wonder Maxim Gorky called him a cheerful righteous man. During his life (and he lived not so much - only 54 years), Garin-Mikhailovsky managed a lot. In honor of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, the square near the railway station of Novosibirsk, and the station of the Novosibirsk metro were named. His travel diaries still read like an adventure novel. And if we talk about patriotism, so worn out and devalued in recent times, then Nikolai Georgievich is an example of a real patriot of Russia, who creates more than utters lofty and beautiful words.

(c) Igor Popov,

the article was written for a Russian geographical journal

In 1983, the city of Novosibirsk celebrates its 90th anniversary of the Order of Lenin. Peering into its short but glorious history, we gratefully remember the man to whom Novosibirsk owes its birth and location to a large extent - Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky. It was he who, in 1891, led the survey party that chose the site for the construction of a bridge across the Ob River for the Siberian Railway. It was he who, with his "variant on Krivoshchekovo", determined the place where Novosibirsk grew up - one of the largest centers for the development of the national economy, science and culture of our country. Novosibirsk immortalized the name of the engineer, writer and public figure N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, assigning it to the station square and one of the city's libraries. The works of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky and about him were published more than once in the West Siberian book publishing house and published in the journal Siberian Lights. A monument to the founder of the city will be erected in Novosibirsk. The proposed list of literature includes information about the main editions of the works of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky over the past 30 years, as well as the main books and articles about his life, work and literary work, published in the 60-80s. The chronological framework is somewhat expanded in the section "N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky and Novosibirsk". The list of references is intended for the primary organizations of the voluntary society of book lovers of the RSFSR, libraries, press workers and agitation and propaganda activists, as well as for everyone who is interested in the history of the city of Novosibirsk.
    N. G. GARIN-MIKHAILOVSKY (1852-1906)
    Brief biographical note
Nikolai Georgievich Mikhailovsky (literary pseudonym - N. Garin) was born on February 8 (20), 1852 in St. Petersburg in a military family. He spent his childhood and youth in Ukraine. After graduating from the Richelieu gymnasium in Odessa, he entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University, but then moved to the St. Petersburg Institute of Communications, from which he graduated in 1878. Until the end of his life, he was engaged in surveying the path and building roads - iron, electric, cable and others - in Moldova and Bulgaria, the Caucasus and the Crimea, the Urals and Siberia, the Far East and Korea. "His business projects have always been distinguished by fiery, fabulous fantasy" (A.I. Kuprin). He was a talented engineer, an incorruptible person who knew how to defend his point of view before any authorities. It is known how much effort he put in, proving the feasibility of building a railway bridge across the Ob River at its current location, and not near Tomsk or Kolyvan. A nobleman by birth, N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky was formed as a personality in the era of social upsurge in Russia in the 60s and 70s. Passion for populism led him to the village, where he unsuccessfully tried to prove the vitality of "communal life." While working on the construction of the railway Krotovka - Sergievsky mineral waters, in 1896 he organized one of the first friendly trials in Russia over an engineer who had squandered government money. He actively collaborated in Marxist publications, and in the last years of his life provided material assistance to the RSDLP. "I think that he considered himself a Marxist because he was an engineer. He was attracted by the activity of the teachings of Marx," recalled M. Gorky, and the writer S. Elpatyevsky noted that the eyes and heart of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky "were turned forward , towards a bright democratic future for Russia". In December 1905, N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky gave funds for the purchase of weapons to the participants in the battles on Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow. N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky became widely known for his literary work. He wrote the autobiographical tetralogy Childhood Themes (1892), Gymnasium Students (1893), Students (1895), Engineers (posthumously - 1907), novellas, short stories, plays, travel essays, fairy tales for children, articles on various issues. The best of his works outlived the author. Until 1917, the complete collection of his works was published twice. Books by N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky are still being reprinted and do not stay on the shelves of bookstores and library shelves. Kindness, sincerity, knowledge of the depths of the human soul and the complexities of life, faith in the mind and conscience of a person, love for the Motherland and true democracy - all this is still close and dear to our contemporary in the best books of the writer. N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky died on November 27 (December 10), 1906 in St. Petersburg during a meeting in the editorial office of the legal Bolshevik magazine Vestnik Zhizni. He is buried at the Literary bridges of the Volkov cemetery. M. Gorky, in his memoirs of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, cites his words: "The happiest country is Russia! How much interesting work is in it, how many magical opportunities, the most difficult tasks! I have never envied anyone, but I envy the people of the future ..." History of Novosibirsk , the city, the birth of which the engineer and writer N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky so effectively contributed to, confirms these words of his.
  • Collected works. In 5 volumes - M .: Goslitizdat, 1957-1958.
  • T.1. Childhood Themes; Gymnasium students / Enter. article by V.A. Borisova, 1957. - 522 p., portr.
  • T.2. students; Engineers, 1957. - 563 p.
  • T.3. Essays and stories, 1888-1895, 1957. - 655 p.
  • T.4. Essays and stories, 1895-1906, 1958. - 723 p.
  • T.5. In Korea, Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula; Around the world; Korean fairy tales; Fairy tales for children; Plays; Memoirs, articles, 1894-1906, 1958. - 719 p.
  • Selected works / Enter. article by A. Volkov. - M.: Goslitizdat, 1950. - 300 p., portr.
  • Childhood Themes; Gymnasium students: Tale. - M.: Pravda, 1981. - 447 p., ill.
  • students; Engineers: Tell. - M.: Pravda, 1981. - 528 p., ill.
  • Childhood Themes; Gymnasium students. - M.: Artist. lit., 1974. - 384 p.
  • students; Engineers: Tell. - M.: Artist. lit., 1977. - 389 p.
  • Lead / Enter. article by Yu. Postnov. - Novosibirsk: Zap.-Sib. book. publishing house, 1976. - 648 p., ill. Contents.: Childhood Themes; high school students; Students.
  • Childhood Themes; Gymnasium students. - M.: Artist. lit., 1972. - 440 p.
  • Childhood Themes: From the family chronicle / Foreword. K. Chukovsky. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1977. - 239 p., ill.
  • Stories and essays / Enter. article by K. Chukovsky. - M.: Artist. lit., 1975. - 836 p.
  • Novels and short stories / Afterword. O.M. Rumyantseva. - M.: Mosk. worker, 1955. - 552 p., ill. - (B-ka youth).
  • From the diaries of a round-the-world trip: Through Korea, Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula / Enter. article and comment. V.T.Zaichikova. - M.: Geografgiz, 1952. - 447 p., ill., maps.
  • From the explanatory note of the head of the 5th survey party, engineer N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, addressed to the chairman of the commission for West Siberian surveys. - In the book: Goryushkin L.M., Bochanova G.A., Tseplyaev L.N. Novosibirsk in the historical past. Novosibirsk, 1978, pp. 243-247.
  • Letters from N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky to his wife N.V. Mikhailovskaya: 1887-1897. / Publication, foreword. and note. I. Yudina. - Sib. lights, 1979, N 8, pp. 172-184.
  • Letters of one year: From the letters of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovskiy to N.V. Mikhailovskaya (1892) / Foreword. and publ. I. Yudina. - Sib. lights, 1966, N 12, pp. 142-162.
  • Letters to my wife and son from the Far East (1904-1906) / Foreword, publ. and note. I. Yudina. - Sib. lights, 1970, N 12, pp. 152-163.


  • M i r o n o v G. M. Poet of impatient creation: N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. A life. Creation. Societies. activity. - M.: Nauka, 1965. - 159 p., ill.
  • Yu d and n and I. M. N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky: Life and lit.-societies. activity. - L.: Nauka, Leningrad. department, 1969. - 238 p., ill. - Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Rus. lit. (Pushk house).
  • T y n i a n o v a L. N. Indomitable Garin: A Tale. - M.: Det. lit., 1974. - 143 p., ill. Journal. option: Sib. lights, 1972, N 1, pp. 84-195. - (Untitled "Wide World").
  • Galyash and N A. A. Garin-Mikhailovsky in the Samara province. - Kuibyshev: Prince. publishing house, 1979. - 120 p., ill.
  • M and r about N about in G. M. Garin N.: Krat. lit. encyclopedia. T.2. - M., 1964, p.66-68, portr.
  • Garin N. - In the book: Russian writers: Biobibliogr. vocabulary. - M., 1971, pp. 231-233.
  • Z e n z i n o v N. A., Ryzha k S. A. I envy the people of the future. - In the book: Zenzinov N.A., Ryzhak S.A. Prominent engineers and scientists of railway transport. M., 1978, p.120-132, portr.
  • Same. - Science and life, 1978, N 10, p.105-109.
  • Lezinski ML Doroga: On the design of the Crimea. electr. railway - In the book: Lezinsky M.L. Involved in person. Simferopol, 1980, pp. 114-119.
  • Chelyshev B. D. Garin. - In the book: Chelyshev B.D. Russian writers in Moldova. Chisinau, 1981, p.92-103, ill.
  • M o s e s o v A. Writer-democrat. - Preschool. education, 1982, N 4, pp. 42-45.
  • N. N. N. Thirst for Harmony: On the 75th Anniversary of the Death of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Family and school, 1981, N 12, p.44-45, port.
  • Vorobchenko V. I envy the people of the future: N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky in Bulgaria and Moldavia. - Kodry, 1980, N 7, p.141-146, port.
  • N a m about in I. Audience. - Sat. youth, 1977, N 3, p.60-61, ill. - (Club of Russian classics).
  • Ovanesyan N. Writer, engineer, traveler. - In the world of books, 1977, N 2, p.71.
  • PRIMEROV B. Bold dreamer: On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the birth of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Ogonyok, 1977, N 9, p.18-19, port.
  • Rybakov V. Results of a prosperous childhood: About autobiography. tetralogy. - Family and school, 1977, N 3, p.47-50, port.
  • Dzhapak o v A. The key to the cherished door: Towards a biogr. N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Ural, 1976, N 10, pp. 182-187, ill.


  • N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky in the memoirs of his contemporaries / Comp., author. foreword and note. I.M. Yudin. - Novosibirsk: Zap.-Sib. book. publishing house, 1967. - 175 p., portr. The book includes memoirs of K. Chukovsky, N.V. Mikhailovskaya, P.P. Rumyantsev, E.N. Boratynskaya, A.V. Voskresensky, B.K. Terletsky, M. Gorky, F.F. Wentzel, S. Wanderer, S.Ya.Elpatyevsky, A.I.Kuprin, V.V.Veresaev, A.Ya.Brushtein.
  • Gorky M. About Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Poly. coll. cit., v.20. M., 1974, pp. 75-90.
  • Kuprin A. In memory of N.G. Mikhailovsky (Garina). - Collection. soch., vol. 9, M., 1973, pp. 43-47.
  • Chukovsky K. Garin. - Collection. cit., v.5. M., 1967, p.700-721, portr.
  • Safonov V. Memories of Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Star, 1979, N 6, pp. 179-187.


  • Sheremetiev N. I envy the people of the future. - In the book: Our countrymen. Novosibirsk, 1972, p.13-30, port.
  • Goryushk and N L. M. N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky and his "option on Krivoshchekovo". - In the book: Goryushkin L.M., Bochanova G.A., Tseplyaev L.N. Novosibirsk in the historical past. Novosibirsk, 1978, pp. 28-32.
  • Balandin S. N. Novosibirsk: The history of urban planning. 1893-1945 - Novosibirsk: Zap.-Sib. book. publishing house, 1978. - 136 p. ill. On pages 4-7, 12 about N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.
  • And other cities had to make room: Pages of the history of Novosibirsk. - In the book: The streets will tell you ... Novosibirsk, 1973, p.5-28, ill. On p.5-10 about N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.
  • 3 s to about in N. From the cohort of wrestlers. - Owls. Siberia, 1983, 19 Jan. - (Glorious names).
  • Z o r k i y M. ... And here the city was founded. - Evening. Novosibirsk, 1977, Feb. 17
  • Kurchenko V. Everyone must prove love. - Youth of Siberia, 1977, Feb. 19, portr.
  • Lavr about in I. Writer of our city. - Evening. Novosibirsk, 1977, February 18, portr.
  • The memory of him is alive ... - Vech. Novosibirsk, 1977, Feb. 19 Four articles dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.
  • N echa e in KN Garin-Mikhailovsky - the founder of Novonikolaevsk. - Sib. lights, 1962, N 7, pp. 161-163. - Lit. in subline note
  • Nechaev K. Writer, engineer, dreamer. - Evening. Novosibirsk, 1959, July 8. - (Know the history of your native city).
  • Petrov I. The beginning of the great construction: From the history of the construction of the Trans-Siberian. railway - Land of Sib., Far East, 1981, N 4, p.64. - 3 s. region Including about N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.
  • P and k u l e in D. The first bridge across the Ob. - Owls. Siberia, 1968, May 18.
  • I s t about m and n and I. What the relic told about: O ed. photographs of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, stored in Novosibirsk. region local historian. museum. - Evening. Novosibirsk, 1983, Feb. 17, port.
  • Vakhrushev S. Antique secretary: Thing N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky in the region. local historian. museum. - Evening. Novosibirsk, 1963, 6 Sept.
  • Fundraising for a monument (to N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky in Novosibirsk) has begun. - Evening. Novosibirsk, 1983, Feb. 19
  • Aleksandrova I. ... And the city remained. - Evening. Novosibirsk, 1983, March 1.
  • Fyodorov V. Quarters rise above the Ob. - Owls. Siberia, 1983, March 10.

    Two articles about the evening at the Palace of Culture. M. Gorky, dedicated to the memory of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.

  • "N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky": Results of the competition [Held ed. gas. "Evening Novosibirsk" and Novosib. org. volunteer islands of book lovers]. - Evening. Novosibirsk, 1983, Feb. 25
  • N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky Square. - In the book: The streets will tell you ... Novosibirsk, 1973, p.69-71, ill.
  • K a i k o v A. Named after Garin-Mikhailovsky. - Owls. Siberia, 1983, April 17, ill. - (Squares of our city).

(real name Mikhailovsky, other pseudonym Garin),

(20 (08). 02. 1852, St. Petersburg - 10.12 (27.11. 1906, St. Petersburg), prose writer, publicist, travel engineer.

Born in the family of the headquarters captain of the Life Guards Ulansky Regiment. The godfather is the Russian emperor Nicholas I. Shortly after the birth of his son, his father retired, the family moved to Odessa. Mother Glafira Nikolaevna was mainly engaged in raising children. After graduating from the Richelieu gymnasium (1863-1871), he entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. After studying for two years (1871-1872), he entered the Institute of Railway Engineers, after which (1878) he was enrolled in the staff of the Ministry of Railways, worked on the construction of the largest railways, and was the head of the distance of the Baku section of the Transcaucasian road. In February 1884 he submitted his resignation and moved with his family to Samara. Having bought an estate in the Buguruslan district of the Samara province, he took up agriculture. Attempts to change the life of the peasants through economic and cultural transformations ended in failure. Since 1886, he returned to the engineering service, first at the construction of the Ufa-Zlatoust railway, in 1892 - on the Kazan-Malmyzh railway, in 1895-1897. - on the construction of the railway Krotovo - Sergievsk. During these years, he took part in the organization of the first Marxist newspaper in Russia, Samara Vestnik, which actively opposed liberal populism. Since 1895, for participation in the social democratic movement, he was under covert police surveillance. A secret police report dated July 29, 1901, about the short stay of N. Mikhailovsky in Simbirsk, has been preserved.

The writer's literary debut took place in 1892. Entering a group of Moscow writers who intended to buy the Russian Wealth magazine from the writer L. E. Obolensky, he took part in this project, managed to get funds by remortgaging his estate. On January 1, 1892, Russian Wealth passed into the hands of a new edition, the official publisher of the magazine was the wife of N. G. Mikhailovsky, Nadezhda Valerievna. In the first three issues of the updated magazine, the story "Tyoma's Childhood" was published, signed with the pseudonym "N. Garin”, favorably received by both readers and critics. No less successful was the book of essays "Several Years in the Village", published since March 1892 from issue to issue in the journal "Russian Thought". The author immediately moved into the first row of writers of his time. Despite N. Mikhailovsky's predilection for the "small genre" of essay and story, it was not they who brought him the greatest literary fame, but a cycle of autobiographical stories. Already in 1893, a continuation of "Tyoma's Childhood" appeared - the story "Gymnasium students". In 1895, the third part was published - "Students". Mikhailovsky worked on the fourth story of this cycle ("Engineers") from 1898 until the end of his days.

In 1898, N. G. Mikhailovsky went on a trip around the world, becoming, at the suggestion of the Russian Geographical Society, the head of the party in the scientific expedition of A. Zvegintsov to study the geography of North Korea. In addition to scientific research, he collected ethnographic material and recorded Korean fairy tales for the first time. His travel essays were published in The World of God (1899, No. 2-7, 10-12), later included in the book Across Korea, Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula (St. Petersburg, 1904).

At the beginning of 1900, he leased land for 2 years near the village. Turgenevo, Stavropol district, at the same time, by agreement, managing the estate of his common-law wife V. A. Sadovskaya in (now the Veshkaimsky district of the Ulyanovsk region). He again took up agriculture, but the crop failure of 1902 led him to another ruin. In April 1903, he was appointed head of surveys for the construction of a railway on the southern coast of Crimea. Here he became close to A. I. Kuprin, A. P. Chekhov, L. N. Andreev, his creative communication with A. M. Gorky continued. With the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War in April 1904, N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky left for the Far East as a military engineer and correspondent for the Moscow newspaper Novosti dniy. His correspondence compiled the book “War. (Diary of an eyewitness) ”(St. Petersburg - M., 1914). In September 1906, having returned from Manchuria, he settled in St. Petersburg. Actively participated in the literary and social life of the capital. He was a member of the editorial board of the Bolshevik magazine "Herald of Life", in which he collaborated with A. V. Lunacharsky, V. V. Vorovsky, V. D. Bonch-Bruevich. He died suddenly on December 27 (10), 1906 from heart failure during a meeting of the editorial board, where his one-act play "Teenagers" was read and discussed that day. He was buried at the Literary bridges of the Volkov cemetery.

Within the framework of the Year of Culture and the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation, a regional project is being implemented in the Ulyanovsk Region to assign the names of prominent compatriots to the libraries of the Ulyanovsk Region. On December 10, 2014, the Central Library of the Municipal State Cultural Institution “Veshkaymskaya Intersettlement Library System” was named after N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.


Garin-Mikhailovsky N. G. Several years in the countryside: essays. Drama. - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. book. publishing house, 1980. - 382 p. : ill.

About him:

Galyashin A. Garin-Mikhailovsky in the Samara province. - Kuibyshev: Kuibyshev. book. publishing house, 1979. - 119 p.

The author-compiler S. V. Pavlova is an employee of the Central Library of the Municipal State Institution of Culture "Veshkaym Inter-Settlement Library System" named after. N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.

Selivanov K. A. N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky (1852-1906)// Selivanov K. A. Russian writers in Samara and the Samara province. - Kuibyshev, 1953. - S. 68-80.


Grigorchenko V. N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky in the Simbirsk province// Ulyanovsk truth. - 1977. - February 20.