
Maxim Averin married Anna Yakunina. Soul mates - actors Maxim Averin and Anna Yakunina. The recipe for an effective power system from Maxim Fadeev

Do you love theater? I love it very much. While spiritual impoverishment has come to cinema and television, you still somehow hope for the Melpomene temple.

Entrepreneurial performances are often brought to Tula from the capital, but I wanted to see this one especially. First and foremost, I must admit, because of the cast. Cast - Maxim Averin and Anna Yakunina, we are all familiar from the Sklifosovsky TV series. In this film, they are so organic in their roles that one was expected to be thrilled with delight looking at their heroes in "Ibid, At the Same Time".

Secondly, the unusual format of the performance - only two actors involved, who live their whole life on stage for two hours.

Tickets for the performance are far from cheap, in the range from 800 to 2500. Mine is for 1400. But what can you do, wanting to see respected artists?)

So, "In the same place, then."

After the performance, I googled information about this masterpiece: it turns out that this is the Russian version of one of the most successful Broadway productions! If you like "this", what can you talk about?

The story told by Averin and Yakunina is as old as the world:

One day two people meet in a small hotel. Thus begins a novel that lasts a quarter of a century. Everything changes in life, everything rushes by and disappears, but only one thing is constant - they will meet next year in the same place. Only once a year, and each time it is these days that help them live until the next meeting.

The action takes place in America, in 1965, in a hotel room, and stretches over 25 years. The design remains unchanged, the characters remain unchanged. We are shown six dates of heroes, from youth to old age.

What did I like?

Anna Yakunina is inimitable! A very gifted actress, she is bright and organic on stage. Her fans will surely recognize her special timbre of voice, her characteristic dialect. On stage, she is the same as in the cinema - lively, emotional. She is definitely the decoration of this production.

I also liked the music. The musical accompaniment emphasizes the era that is unfolding on the stage: songs by Elvis Presley, The Beatles, something from the hippie era (not strong, sorry), Michael Jackson sound.

But there is much more that unpleasantly surprised in this performance.

The most important thing is the lack of an interesting plot. Watching another fragment from the life of the heroes after ... twenty years, you expect some kind of intrigue, that something will happen and we will say "Ah! .." But now the curtain has come, nothing happens and the viewer remains shocked: and why was all this shown?

There is absolutely no plot culmination and denouement, so the action seems drawn out and boring.

Second -a lot of primitive and vulgar references to sex. Yes, it is clear that the main characters meet in the hotel not to drink coffee))) But the abundance of intimate phrases such as "let's fuck you", "are you impotent?" and others jarring. This good is full of films and TV series. Or the endless touching of a causal place by Averin in the style of Michael Jackson: well, why is this necessary?

And here is a direct quote from the conversation between the heroes of Maxim Averin and Anna Yakunina:

Are you braless?

Ahaha, I am also without panties!

Is this exactly what we want to hear in the theater? ...

(Not a spoiler! There are trailers for this show on the Internet. You can watch it yourself if you wish).

Well and more. A strange choice of main characters. I respect both artists very much, I consider them talented and charismatic. But here ... There is absolutely no chemistry between George (Averin) and Stella (Yakunin). But they are lovers in the story. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in life, actors are best friends. Watching their game, you believe that they are friends, they treat each other with reverence, but not at all like a love couple.

If you want to see Maxim Averin in our usual role of a confident, brutal, ironic man - do not go to this production.

I just can't imagine what audience this performance is intended for. In terms of vocabulary, it was more like young people, but there weren't many of them in the audience. For adults, there is a completely uninteresting line and flat humor. I saw how many ladies left their seats before the end of the performance, and the women sitting behind me discussed "In the same place, then" in extremely negative terms.

For honored artists, the role in such a performance, in my opinion, is just disrespect for oneself. And to the viewer.

Tula has already seen "In the same place, then." On the poster you can see which city in Russia this "masterpiece" will arrive. And you decide for yourself) ... From me - an unequivocal non-recommendation.

In the life of each of them there were many trials, unexpected turns, meetings and partings. The only thing that remained unchanged was that they were always with each other. Maksim Averin and Anna Yakunina, even in the popular TV series Sklifosovsky, do not seem to play at all, but live their own lives and their own destiny. Once they played on the stage of the same theater, now they have many joint projects, but in life ... What connects these two seemingly completely different people?

Crossroads of fate

Once a schoolboy Maxim Averin studied in a theater studio at the House of Cinema. In the same studio there was a teacher Olga Velikanova, mother of Anna Yakunina. Maxim could have met Nyura at that time, as he calls his colleague. Perhaps then it was too early for them to get acquainted, they were not yet able to assess what chance fate gave them.

Years passed, he graduated from the Shchukin School and was accepted into the troupe of the Satyricon Theater under the direction of Konstantin Raikin. Anna Yakunina has served in the same theater for seven years. They really met during a trip to Yekaterinburg.

No one was even going to sleep on the train: the actors laughed until exhaustion, telling stories, and in the center of all this fun was Maxim Averin. It seems that it was then that he and Anna Yakunina noticed each other.

No, it wasn't love. It was much brighter, stronger and more meaningful for both of them: two kindred spirits met. They laughed at the same jokes, they could immediately continue the phrase said to others, it was comfortable for them to be silent together or talk about everything in the world.

Soul kinship

They are friends seriously, for real, refuting all stereotypes about the impossibility of the existence of friendship between a man and a woman. Maxim Averin is ready to fly to Anna from anywhere in the world if she suddenly needs help. And in fact, he will arrive, save, insure.

So it was when it was planned to celebrate the anniversary of the actress and it was necessary to tie together her play "Woman's Monologue". Maxim, despite his busyness, promised to put everything together in a single canvas, but he desperately did not have enough time for rehearsals. The only run-through took place four hours before the performance. When the sound engineer could not find the phonogram in time, Maxim himself went on stage and confidently went to the actress, hugged her tightly and began to read poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky.

It was like a director's move, but in fact, the audience saw the purest improvisation, which arose from the desire to calm down, save the situation, put their hands up so that Anna would not fall from excitement there, on the stage. When Yakunina was asked to repeat the solo performance, she firmly decided not to pull Averin, she was convinced that she would cope with the situation herself. Moreover, for the first time in a long time he escaped to rest in Sochi.

When Maxim found out that the performance would take place tomorrow, he only asked how she was going to work it herself and why she agreed to this adventure at all. An hour later, he was already taking a plane ticket to Moscow, knowing for sure: you cannot leave a friend without support.

It seemed that when Yakunina left the "Satyricon", her friendship with Averin should have gradually ceased to exist. Different troupes, different schedules, each with its own life, after all. But soul mates could not be separated. On the debut performance of Anna in "Lenkom", where the actress moved, Maxim did not get, was busy in "Satyricon". But he managed to rush to the finale, break through the army of theatrical law enforcement officers and give his girlfriend a gorgeous bouquet.

They look like twins, though Anna was born only seven years earlier than Maxim. They just can't explain their incredible family connection in another way. They literally feel each other. When Maxim gets tired and loses the ground under his feet, the actress rushes to his aid. Consoles, calms, cares and brews tea for him. The actor always behaves like a man towards her: protects, protects, lends his shoulder.

Anna Yakunina's husband, Alexei, was never jealous of Anna for Maxim, although sometimes he joked: Averin spends much more time with Nyura in bed than his own husband. Actors really often have to play lovers on stage and even kiss, but this has nothing to do with either their friendship or their personal life.

Not to lose

They both value and cherish their friendship. And they quarreled only once in a quarter of a century of coexistence in one living space. They both refuse to talk about the essence of the conflict, but both admit: after ten days of silence, they realized how difficult it is to lose. It turned out that they absolutely cannot live without each other. When Anna, disregarding all the conventions, called Maxim and said how bad she was without him, he could have said the same phrase in exactly the same words.

Since then, the actors have become even more careful about their relationships. For Yakunina, Averin is much more than a friend, he is a native person, a member of her family. For Averin, the actress is also more than just a friend. She is just a part of his life.

For Maxim Averin and Anna Yakunina, love is a kinship of souls. And everything, of course, is in their friendship which can only be between really relatives and close-minded people.

Anna clicked the red button on the remote control, the TV screen went out, which made the room darker, only the light from the night light dimly illuminated the room. She looked at her watch, where it immediately flashed 20:23. It's too early to sleep, but hearing about natural disasters and disasters on the news that was about to begin on most channels is also not the best option. She never liked spending time lying on the couch in front of the TV, because she always had enough work on the other side, and some time ago she practically stopped doing it. Every program, film, news reminded the woman of her grief. Almost five years ago, she lost a man who, albeit not changing her life, but forever turned her upside down. Beloved man and best friend rolled into one. For her, he still remained so, and all the feelings experienced for him were in these two phrases. How they loved each other. And what a pity that they had so little time together. Plane crash. A few weeks in a coma. Dozens of sleepless nights in the hospital. The doctors gave no chance. And ... everything ... - Max, - she whispered, looking at the smiling face in the black-and-white photograph, - My beloved, why is everything like this? - put the frame on her knees, - And I'm not crying anymore, - I brushed a tear from my cheek, - Well, almost, - she grinned painfully, - I know you would arrange for me ... A strong wind blew through the window, so transparent tulle soared up, although the weather that evening was calm, not foreshadowing changes. Anna wrapped herself tighter in the blanket, as the room became a little colder. For a moment it seemed to her that his arms hugged her, as if comforting and hinting that he was always there and would never leave her. She closed her eyes, hugging the photo, but instead of its warmth, she felt only cold, penetrating into the apartment through the open window. In my head thoughts flashed in his voice, he asked to stop living in mourning and finally, take care of yourself. Pamper yourself in a beauty salon, spend an evening in a cafe with friends, and not at home hugging his photo, agree to a new interesting role, and maybe even find a man with whom she could be happy again. But she still could not forget him, because for her he was not and never will be better. - I know ... I know everything, - she whispered, opening her eyes, returning to reality, - I'm going to rest. Good night. The woman left the photo frame on the table, closed the window, heading into the bedroom. I did not want to sleep at all. After the well-known events, she still could not bring herself to stop thinking about him. During the day she was distracted by work, meetings with colleagues, and so on, and in the evening, when she was alone, she was covered again. After all, she remembered that terrible day to the smallest detail. The day before, the doctor and friends, who were also worried about Maxim's condition, sent her home so that she could change, eat well and relax. Anna rejected for a long time, but later agreed to spend the night in her apartment, and not on the hospital couch. The next morning, when she returned, she received the news that the one for whom she had been praying for all those agonizingly long weeks was gone at night. She remembered laughing hysterically in the face of the doctor and everyone else, thinking that it was all a stupid joke, nothing more. And how she slid down the wall to the floor, bursting out with a scream when she realized that they were not lying. Now, for so many years, she did not want to hear about his injuries incompatible with life, but only blamed herself for daring to leave and leave him for just one night, which he could not survive without her. A timid doorbell rang out, as if someone doubted whether he was breaking into the apartment at such a late hour. Anna shuddered and looked at her watch, 21:00. For some time she did not dare to go to the door to check who was on her doorstep, because she was always a little coward, especially now that she was left alone in a large apartment. After sustaining a long pause, the call rang again. The woman silently made her way into the hallway, cautiously peering through the peephole. She saw a dark male silhouette in the semi-darkness of the entrance, but she could not recognize a specific person in him. - Who's there? - Yakunina asked sharply, hugging her shoulders trembling with fear. - Anya ... open ... - came in a hoarse voice in response. Looking around, she noticed only a large umbrella and a vase, which could become a means of self-defense, if suddenly the man standing on the other side turns out to be a robber or some other scoundrel. But he called her by name, which means he did not come with malicious intent, but rather for help, since he could not wait for the morning. - One minute, - asked the blonde, rushing for a cardigan, because it is not matched to appear in front of the guest in pajamas. She quickly coped with the lock, opened the door, immediately wrapping herself in a warm thing, deciding that the night guest would speak first. In front of her stood a man, leather shoes, suit pants, a strict black coat from behind which the collar of a light shirt peeped out. But the first thing that caught my eye was the sinewy hands, clutching the cane on which he was leaning. The woman dared to look up. Moment. A pair of brown eyes flashed in the dim light. - Hello, - he greeted barely audibly, smiling apologetically. - Hello, - the owner of the apartment was dumbfounded, after which she closed her eyes and looked at him again. Rapid breathing. Eyes to eyes. The heart breaks painfully from the chest. It seems he is the same as five years ago, but completely different. Tired, thinner, trembling cheekbones, as if he wanted to say something, did not work. Always a cheerful and cheerful person turned into an exhausted old man, and this cane also added gray to his image. Lips trembled, probably trying to smile, it didn't work either, instead the corners dropped even lower. It can't be true, Anna thought, taking a half step back. These are hallucinations, a ghost, anything but him. Maxim died many years ago. She's just going crazy ... going crazy ... - Do you want something? - she asked in a strangled tone, feeling her head spinning and the earth disappearing from under her feet. He barely managed to grab the unconscious woman with both hands, so much so that he himself almost collapsed with her on the floor. Sitting her down on an ottoman, the man picked up the cane, hurriedly, as much as possible, heading into the kitchen for a glass of water or something else that could bring her to her senses. - Heck! - he muttered under his breath, because such a reaction of his girlfriend was expected for him, - A ghost appeared in the night, - looked into another locker, taking out a first-aid kit. Taking everything he needed with him, the guest returned to the hallway. He sank down with difficulty next to her, hovering for a while, looking at his favorite features. Feminine oval of the face, light tousled curls, eyelids a little blue, quivering eyelashes, lips. Without noticing it, he took her hand, kissing her pale and cold fingers, pressing his palm to his face, feeling the touch of a loved one, whom he dared to deceive, thinking that it would be better this way. - Forgive me, - he gasped, - Forgive me, darling ... Forgive ... He managed to stop in time, because Anna was still unconscious, something urgently needed to be done. From time to time she shuddered and moaned softly. Hands trembled when he took the right bottle from the first-aid kit, as an inner voice ate him from the inside, insisting that it was he who brought the woman to such a state. He deceived her five years ago, and now for some reason he appeared. He, having landed on his native land, could not wait for the morning, rushing to her. Because of him, she suffered for so long and is suffering now. - Maxim ... this is ... no .. ... Anna said incoherently, a tear slipped down her cheek. - Now ... I now ... - he echoed her. The woman frowned and turned away when he brought cotton wool with a liquid to her nose, which had a very unpleasant smell. After a while she came to her senses. Opening her eyes, she again saw Maxim in front of her, that he was fussing over her, still thinking that it was just her imagination. - How do you? - asked Averin, again taking her hands. Yakunina, out of fright, pulled them back sharply, after which she pushed the man away, flew into the bedroom with a bullet, locking herself on the latch. For a while she rushed about the room, finally stopping opposite the door, watching in horror as the handle was lowered. She gagged her mouth with both hands, drowning out the sobs breaking out of her chest. For a minute, the thought came to call a psychologist, which then pulled her out of depression, and to whom she could turn in case of anything. This idea immediately failed because, while running away, she forgot to grab the mobile from the hallway, and now He was there, so there was not a single chance to get out for him. - Open, please, - came a voice on the other side, accompanied by a soft thud. - Go away! she cried out hoarsely. - Anya, listen ... - I don't want to! - I have to explain myself. - You are absent! ... You are lost! ... You are absent! ... - I'm alive ... - I don't believe it! - I beg you, calm down and come out to me, - pressed his cheek to the wooden surface, - Do you hear, An? - Go away, I beg you! - with these words she launched a bottle of perfume at the door, which shattered into smithereens. - I won't leave ... - sighed heavily, leaning back against the wall, - I had to overcome too much for this day to come ... I won't just leave ... Yakunina kept silent, wiping away her tears, but they all flowed as inside it was a whole ocean that was now overflowing its shores. - I am alive thanks to you, - closed his eyes and put his hand to his chest, as his heart ached since the morning, when he was at the airport, realizing that he was flying to her, - I fought for life for you ... All the time I thought how you are where you are ... - How am I here !? - hesitated, - And how, in your opinion, feels like a woman who has lost a loved one? - sobbed, immediately correcting herself, - I thought I had lost. Lord, why? What for? “Forgive me,” he shook his head, realizing that apologies alone would not be enough. - Sorry? - painfully smiled, - You broke my whole life! - I just didn't want to break it for you, - I closed my eyes, feeling the moisture on them, - You yourself know what happened to me, the doctors didn’t think of it, there was little hope, only for foreign clinics. I came up with this only so that you do not put an end to your life, so that you do not sit for years at the bedside of a person who at any moment can give God his soul. You are an insanely talented artist who finally achieved recognition and ... - And you asked what I needed at that moment !? - paused, waiting for an answer, but it did not follow, - I needed to get you out! To keep you alive! And you deceived me so cruelly! - I am sorry, and I understand, there is no forgiveness for me, - he lowered his head, hiding his face in his hands. - Then what brings you to me? Your plan worked, I believed that you were no more. Five. Years old. I believed. What a fool! - dividing each word, Anna said, choking on her tears, - So I would have adhered to it further! "You mean ... I wish I had really died then?" - Maxim asked in an unnaturally low voice. - How can you say that!? - the woman howled, sinking to the floor next to the bed, hugging her knees to her, - I almost followed you! “Sorry,” the man only managed to squeeze out of himself, sinking to the floor next to the door. The two were silent. She continued to sob, her face buried in her knees, and he closed his eyes and covered his ears with his hands as it reminded him of the day the plan was set in motion. He also heard her scream outside the door when the woman was told that he was no longer there. It was so loud ... so piercing ... The first minutes lasted a cruelly long, my heart was breaking out of my chest, I wanted to call someone and cancel everything. Hands several times reached for the button for calling the medical staff, but he tugged himself, continuing to listen to the tantrum of his beloved woman, who tore the eardrums, persuading himself that it would be better for everyone. He remembered how tears were eating away at the skin on his face. Then his heart really almost stopped ... - Please stop ... don't ... - whispered the man, pressing his palms closer to his head. The woman also recalled what happened to her at first. She went mad with grief, hating her loneliness, hating him for daring to leave her in this cruel world without a reliable shoulder. During the first months, relatives and friends caught her several times at the airport, waiting for the very flight that was supposedly the last for Maxim. She refused to believe that he was no more. I hoped that right now he would come out healthy, and most importantly alive to meet her, and everything that happened would be just a terrible dream. They took her away, drove her home, stayed nearby for a while, and then hurried about their business, leaving her alone. Soon she realized that she could not cope on her own and turned for the help of a specialist, it was he who pulled her out of deep depression, practically teaching her to live anew. To live with the thought that it would be much more pleasant for him to see her happy ... - Are you here? Anna sobbed, crawling to the door, knocking softly on it. - Here, - Maxim answered her in tone. “I feel crazy,” she grinned, wiping away the tears from her face, but they kept flowing without stopping, “It's like I'm talking to myself. - I'm really here, - the man confirmed it once again, - Come out ... please ... - No! - Anh? - What? - I love you, - stingy tears fell on the trousers, leaving wet traces. - But I gave up everything ... then ... when everything happened, - she bit her lip so painfully, - I thought I couldn't take it anymore. And you say a talented artist ... Such people can survive and then go to work, as if nothing had happened. It turned out that I am not omnipotent. - Here it is, what fate, it turns out, - threw back his head, - I didn't want you to leave everything because of me, but everything turned out just like that. Don't you play anywhere? - In the theater a little, - sighed, - Relatives instilled that I should do this in memory of you ... I did not think for a minute, I returned ... - Thank you. - For what? - Because you love me so. “I love you,” she whispered so that he would not hear, immediately biting her tongue. - And I can hardly get up in line. - Why? - At least because for all I am not, for almost five years. - Well yes. - I flew out of Russia the next day, after you found out about everything. It was there that there was a chance to get back on my feet, - took a breath, - Every year, month after month, week after week, so that there, hour after hour, I fought for life. At first it was not easy at all, but I knew that somewhere far away there was you, my beloved, therefore I clung to the smallest chance ... - I still don't understand why you decided to do this, because death is not a joke. - It was not a spontaneous decision, I thought it over, - shook his head, - And when I thoroughly went on the mend, for a long time did not dare to fly to Russia, I kept thinking whether to disturb you. Then I realized that ... Anh, I don't want to impose on you, but I don't want to live without you either. - Do not say that. “It wasn't worth it without you. A pleasant composition played in the hallway, someone decided to call Anna at such a late hour. She perked up, putting her ear to the door, eavesdropping on Maxim's reaction, but he didn't even budge. Music penetrated them, absorbed into the skin, sucked into the blood, invisibly touching the strings of the soul. It was their song. The one associated with one of the important days in the life of both. - The phone is ringing ... do you hear? she dared to voice. - I hear, - I closed my eyes, one of the moments of their life before the disaster flashed in front of them, - I remember this song, and you? - the woman, silently, nodded, - The very evening when we crossed the line of our friendship. For ten years we pretended not to feel something more for each other, but then ... Anna quietly got up, reaching for the door handle, a few seconds later Maxim heard a click, rising to his feet. He put his hand to the door, but he was in no hurry, giving the woman time, allowing herself to take this decisive step towards him. She closed her eyes and opened it slightly, froze, not making any sudden movements. - ... I remember the first time I took your hand then, - she smiled, remembering that day with him, - Why for the first time? No, of course, I allowed myself to hold your hand before, but this evening it happened in a special way ... Something trembled inside me. And somehow this "I love you" burst out of my heart, - shone so sincerely and easily, for a long time, he did it, - I remember your surprised eyes, I sit and think, well, that's it, I'm lost ... And you smiled , as if waiting all my life, when will I confess ... - I really did, - bit her lip. “I don’t want to keep you waiting anymore, we have already lost a lot of time,” he held out his hand in the doorway, “Here is my hand ... Please, trust me. The woman did not immediately respond to his gesture, still thinking that a little more, and she would wake up, and his image would dissipate like smoke. She timidly held out her hand to meet him, shuddering when she felt his warmth. It's definitely not a vision, it's real. Alive! Their fingers intertwined, clenching their palms tighter. Another wave of emotions washed over the two people, making them smile through their tears. It's all over ... or not, it's just beginning ... From scratch, next to each other ... - Maxim ... - she whispered, finally, looking out of the door, - Max ... - My girl .. . honey ... - affectionately stroked her fingers. They looked at each other for a while. He stopped at her shining eyes, mentally continuing to beg for forgiveness from them. She held out her free hand, touched his cheek, tingling stubble. “I missed you so much,” Anna sobbed, moving her palms to his neck. Maxim pulled her to him, embracing her. The woman buried her nose in his cheek, still flinching from the hysteria that did not leave. He stroked her back, soothing her. For a while they were silent, hearts beating in unison spoke everything for two people. Her breathing became calmer, smoother every minute. Tears were still pouring from their eyes, but they were no longer from pain, but rather from happiness that they were together again, despite the many years of separation and cruel deception. Their faces were opposite. With one hand, the man continued to hold her by the waist, and the other buried himself in her blond curls. She didn't resist when he gave in, easily catching her lips. The innocent kiss spilled over into a hotter one, as if the two wanted to make up for lost years. It is not known how long they could have stood there, feeling each other. Maxim could not wait any longer, turning to his beloved with a request that she still kept him in limbo. “Come with me,” he asked in an undertone, still afraid that she might refuse. - Where to? - She slightly pulled away from him. - Abroad. - When? - A week later. - I agree. - Anh, I call you to leave forever. - I understand, - she licked her lips, looking at him from the bottom up, - I am ready to follow you anywhere, because if I stay, I will not have life here ... I will not have life anywhere without you.

The long-awaited fifth season of the Sklifosovsky TV series has begun on the Rossiya channel, the site recalls.

This time it is dedicated to resuscitation. Honored Artist of Russia Anna Yakunina plays one of the main roles - the registrar Nina. This season, her heroine goes to work long before the end of maternity leave, leaving her beloved son Pasha with her nanny ...

Anna admitted that she is very fond of the Sklifosovsky project also because they have been friends with Maxim Averin, who plays the main role - doctor Bragin, for more than 20 years, they celebrate almost all holidays together, and not so long ago Maxim settled next to his beloved girlfriend, and they can see even more often.

- How has your character Nina changed by the fifth season?

- It's perfectly stupid to play, life consists of a huge number of horrors, you turn on the TV, and there the whole country discusses how Alla Pugacheva lives. Fearfully! Watch her concerts and leave her love life alone! Things also happen to my heroine this season that can annoy many. Everything happens in the world. This season, for example, Anton's hero dies.

- Your heroine is your age and suddenly becomes a mother ...

- What's so special? Increasingly, women over 40 become mothers, in the West it is so all the time. Before it seemed wild, but now they give birth to 50.

- Are you considering this option for yourself?

- I do not exclude ... But this does not mean that I am going to give birth at 50 ...

- You have two grown daughters. Ready for the role of grandma?

- Naturally, why not? It is a great happiness to have grandchildren. It doesn't matter - at 40, 50 ...

- Are your daughters not married yet?

- While they are playing novels, they are disappointed ... I try not to press, they must live their lives.

- What are Nastya and Marusya doing?

- Nastya is a costume designer. Marusya is a second year student of the acting department of VGIK.

- Will you help her in the acting profession?

- If something depends on me, then of course. In addition, Marusya can always turn to Maxim Averin on any issue. He knows her from birth, they are great friends.

- You have been friends with Maxim for over 20 years. What is the basis of your relationship, which many envy?

- Max and I look at things in the same way, we both breathe in unison. He is my friend and partner. For both of us, this friendship is a lifelong gift. We rest together, celebrate some dates. For three years in a row, they began to go somewhere on his birthday. His 40th birthday was celebrated in Sochi. Max is far from superstition that 40 years cannot be celebrated. But he has a tradition - to go on stage on his birthday. This year we spent November 26 in Israel.

- Did you really celebrate the New Year together?

- This year Maxim went to rest, I worked until December 31, "Sklif" was filmed. I spent my holidays at a dacha in the Moscow region with my family - with a Christmas tree and snow, as it should be.

- Anna, you have been married for over 20 years. What is the secret of family happiness?

- There are different stages in life, friction, conflicts, which patience helps to overcome.

- Is your husband jealous of your partners?

- Probably not only jealous of Averin, he knows that we are like brother and sister. Although Alexei hides his jealousy in every possible way, he tries to treat my TV romances with humor.

- They say that the sixth season of the series is not far off?

- Yes, we found our viewer, found each other in our acting team, made an excellent relationship and in February we start shooting.

By the way

Averin bought an apartment next door. Maxim Averin about Anna Yakunina: “We speak the same language. It is happiness when you are so understood. Sometimes they swore, but quickly put up. Anya for me is support and support. A year ago I moved to a new apartment. Now Nyusya and I live across the street from each other and in the evenings we often walk along Mira Avenue. "