
Sheps and Merlin live together. Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps are an unusual couple. As you remember, psychic Alexander Sheps made an offer to Marilyn Kerro in the final episode of the program

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In 2013, the next season of the show "Battle of Psychics", which has serial number 14, was released on the TNT channel.

Fans of the project were able to observe how 12 participants in the qualifying round from one episode to another passed difficult tests, showing the world their extraordinary abilities.

Some of the brightest characters who also made it to the finals were and.

The first one positioned herself as a voodoo witch and therefore cut herself on the air with a sharp knife, stuck needles into wax dolls, read the past and the future from the insides of animals.

The second is a medium, who at every trial sees the dead and practices dangerous rituals, the essence of which he did not expand on. In the middle of the season, attentive fans of the project noticed that a spark flashed between the young people.

Sasha was sincerely worried about Marilyn
, and she, in turn, smiled radiantly at him with and without reason.

The culmination of these youthful games was the final of the program, where Sheps won, but suddenly proposed it to Marilyn, and then secured his proposal with a passionate kiss.

So it finally became clear to everyone that a new and very interesting couple had formed in the world of magic.

As it turned out, they began to communicate long before the final of the project. At first, the guys found common ground in common interests, then they began to be friends and support each other, and in the end they just fell in love.

And even the language barrier (Marilyn did not speak Russian at all) did not interfere with their feelings! Many the audience decided that all this romance is nothing more than PR, but all subsequent events were able to refute these opinions.

Immediately after receiving the title of the winner of the "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Sheps invited Marilyn Kerro to live together.

The girl did not think for a long time and they rented a joint apartment in the center of Moscow. Like many public people, the guys did not hide their lives from their fans.

The social networks of both psychics were full of joint photos, talking about their purchases and travels. The fans of the couple could only be glad that two such strong personalities found each other and were able to learn to live together.

But in January 2016, thunder roared! On her page, Marilyn suddenly wrote an ambiguous post “That's all ... We finished playing the role of love. #the fight of extrasensories".

The fans immediately realized that these words refer to her relationship with Sheps. At the same time, they were perplexed - what is the reason?

As it turned out, at that time there was no parting and the psychic only quoted the words of the famous song, but it was clear that not everything was in order in the couple.

A long period joint photos and happy messages was interrupted again in the summer of 2016.

And already in September, when the witch at the site of the "Battle", she admitted that she had not had a relationship with Sheps for more than a month.

The reason for the separation of the two magicians turned out to be quite earthly - Marilyn wanted a family and children, and Sasha did not feel the strength for this.

Don't miss the interesting:

For almost half a year, viewers again watched Marilyn Kerro on television... The stately witch, who by this time spoke excellent Russian, stood out from the background of the other participants, confidently going to victory. And here is the long-awaited finale ().

In addition to questions about what place Marilyn Kerro dreams of, many asked her - does she want to see Alexander Sheps at the award ceremony?

The girl answered quite sincerely - she wants, but she is very afraid of this meeting. Still, they have not seen each other for a very long time and both can get confused.

The ceremony went on and now sheps still appears on the site! A slight hitch, gentle hugs and warm words - this is the beginning of this meeting. It ended as expected - hugs turned into kisses, warm words into confessions of feelings.

Now this couple is together again. But for how long? Will Alexander be able to give in to his beloved and decide on a marriage? Or will Marilyn have to give up the idea of \u200b\u200ba wedding ring? What will happen - time will tell!

In the summer of 2017, the couple broke up.

In September 2015, the first issue of the new season of the popular TV show "The Battle of Psychics" was aired. Among the participants was the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro, who had previously taken part in the project. For several months, viewers watched not only the course of the battle, during which the participants demonstrated superpowers, but also the witch's personal life. Everyone was interested in the question of whether Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps, who won in the 14th season of the project, were together. Did the couple manage to keep the relationship?

Work and personal life

Born into a family where mother and father dreamed of a son, she lacked attention and care from childhood. His father, addicted to drinking, left his family, so Marilyn's mother had to work hard. The girl was raised by her aunt. It was she who introduced the curious red-haired girl to the world of magic. When Marilyn was + six years old, her aunt mysteriously disappeared. Her fate remains unknown today, and her aunt left Marilyn a Bible in her native Estonian as a keepsake.

Possessing a striking appearance and, Marilyn decided to try her hand at modeling. And she did it! The agents liked the attractive girl, and the leading Estonian publications began to decorate her photos more and more often. However, complexes and low self-esteem caused Marilyn to fall ill with anorexia at the age of fourteen. By the age of sixteen, the disease was overcome, but not for long. After recovering from anorexia, Kerro fell ill with bulimia. It took several more months to recover from a dangerous illness. These tests made the girl understand that she should say goodbye to her. Without thinking twice, Marilyn goes to the casting of the "Battle of Psychics".

The girl's relationship with the guys did not work out. Obviously, they considered themselves unworthy of this red-haired beauty with piercing eyes. Shortly before filming, she met Vitaly Gibert, but the relationship grew into a strong friendship. Then Alexey Pokhabov appeared in her life. The winner of the seventh season did not act like a man to Marilyn, simply disappearing from her life. Kerro was saved from depression by Alexander Sheps, who won the 14th season of "Battle". Since then, the news that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro broke off their relationship has been appearing with enviable regularity.

In spite of ill-wishers

Rumors that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps broke up first appeared shortly before the end of the filming of the project. Evil tongues argued that the novel was nothing more than a PR stunt. Time has shown that they were wrong. The tenth issue of season 16 amazed the couple's fans with the witch's confession of unhappy love and pain. While the audience wondered why Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps broke up, the couple decided to live under one roof, proving the strength of the relationship.

In December 2015, the girl posted a comment under her photo on the social network, "That's all ... We finished playing the role of love." And again, rumors flooded the Internet that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps had parted ways. Later it turned out that the girl just liked Ani Lorak's song "Hold My Heart", and she quoted one line.

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Today young people are happy, dreaming of the future and enjoying each other. They do not think about children and weddings yet, devoting most of their time to a professional career.

Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps are participants in the famous TV show "The Battle of Psychics" and a happy couple in love. Many TV viewers will remember these successful practicing magicians, but almost nothing was known about their personal life until recently. In the article, you will learn everything about this pair. Are they really happy together or is their romance just another smart PR move? In addition, the issue of parting Merlin and Alexander is to be clarified! But first things first.

Kerro and Sheps: how did you meet and become parents?

It is believed that the pair of psychics began dating during the filming of season 14 of "Battle ...". At first, as often happens in show business and on television, there were persistent rumors about a PR move in order to increase interest in the program. Alexander Sheps himself at the beginning of 2014 admitted that he and the Estonian witch Merlin (Marilyn) were connected only by friendly relations, coupled with common interests in magic and secret knowledge, but after a short time the friendship sharply transformed into a stormy passionate relationship, which neither Sheps could expect nor Kerro.

It is curious that Kerro practically did not speak Russian when she met Alexander. Moreover, both magicians on the program were competitors to each other, but the struggle for victory and the language barrier did not at all affect sincere romantic feelings. According to the girl, she clearly understands what is work and what is relationship. Almost a year passed, and in December 2014, the happy couple congratulated their fans on the upcoming winter holiday. Then it became clear to everyone - Alexander and Marilyn were meeting.

But as for whether two popular psychics became parents, while there are only rumors about the girl's pregnancy. The first rumor that Marilyn would become a mother appeared on the Internet from the moment the subscribers to her Instagram page saw a joint photo of Kerro with the baby. About Marilyn, they immediately began to cook up various articles about the birth of a child. But later, the psychic and part-time model said that she and Alexander did not become parents, and the little child in the photo is her niece.

Alexander Sheps and Merlin Kerro: wedding

Another exciting moment for many viewers about Sheps and Kerro: did the couple have a wedding? On this score, while there was no official confirmation from the lovers themselves. It is known that at one of the photo shoots, Marilyn wore a dress very reminiscent of a wedding one. Of course, it is possible that the couple signed and played the wedding ceremony in secret from the public. But is it really so? It is possible that the wedding of Alexander Sheps and Merlin Kerro is a rumor invented in order to maintain interest in clairvoyants. In any case, both magicians assure that their relationship is not fiction, but pure truth.

Psychics are investigating

In addition to participating in the "Battle of the Psychics", Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps are filmed in another similar project called "Psychics are Investigating." For example, in the fall of 2015, Alexander and his passion arrived in Sterlitamak to investigate the case of the "cursed house". In an ordinary apartment building, numerous items of a magical nature (Voodoo dolls, needles, fish bones) were discovered, and the magicians had to figure out who did it and for what purpose. By the way, in this issue, Merlin began to speak Russian for the first time.


Well, the last question that worries viewers: did Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps break up and what is the reason for their separation? According to the latest news, the couple is doing well and they are still happy and ready to shoot in the new season of the "Battle of Psychics", so you should not blindly believe any news that is found on the Internet or in the "yellow" print media.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the pair of Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps is really magically unusual. We wish them to continue to love each other, stay happy and, of course, surprise viewers with their extraordinary superhuman abilities.

On March 7, the series will start on TNT channel special issues "Battle of psychics", in which the creators will talk about latest news from the life of the participants in season 15, and about how life was with Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps from season 14.

The creators of the "Battle of Psychics" did not miss the opportunity to intrigue viewers on the eve of a special issue of "Battle of Psychics" season 15. From the announcement of the issue, which will soon go on the air, it became clear that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro broke up.

In addition, in the special issue of "The Battle of Psychics" on March 7, TNT will tell why Alexander Sheps is accused of fraud, and who is the girl because of whom he broke up with Marilyn Kerro.

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro

The same girl for whom Sheps left Kerro

Many fans of psychics who have followed their life in social networks sure - Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro are still together and did not even think to part. As proof of this - photos in social networks, which every now and then the lovers post on their pages. Probably, the TNT channel decided to simply create intrigue and further stir up interest in the project.

Recall that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps announced their relationship in the final issue of "Battle". More than a year has passed since then, but psychics do not indulge in details about their personal life, in addition to joint photos.

How the most popular couple of the "Battle of psychics" lives now - we will find out on March 7th. Follow the events on the "Battle of Psychics" with us and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.03.2015 09:01

The relationship of psychics Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro is developing rapidly. Until recently, they hid their feelings ...

Psychic Alexander Sheps became the winner of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics". In his interview to TNT channel, he ...

Marilyn Kerro is a participant in three seasons of the show "Battle of Psychics" on "TNT". Three times she was close to victory, but each time she became only the second. Despite this, she is rightfully considered one of the brightest and most talented characters in "Battle".

Marilyn Kerro was born in a small village in Estonia on September 18, 1988. Marilyn's parents wanted a boy. As Mary herself says, as a child she was deprived of parental affection. The girl's father, whom she does not consider as such, drank heavily and left the family when she was 5 years old.

As a child, Mary was introduced to the world of the dead by her aunt Salme. She did not have her own home, and the only way to earn money was fortune telling to the residents of neighboring houses. How and when the woman died is unknown. One day, Aunt Salme did not appear at home, and since then no one has seen her again. After herself, she left the Bible in the Old Estonian language.

The biography of Marilyn Kerro is closely connected with extrasensory perception at an early age. The girl began to see the future when she was 6 years old. Kerro received a lot of knowledge from the spirit of her great-grandmother. Marilyn's childhood was not like all children. She loved nature and fishing, and she had practically no friends. The little girl was having seances in an abandoned house on the edge of the village. Marilyn knows her date of death and is confident that she will die in April 2071. This fact does not scare her at all.

Mary went to a simple school and graduated with honors. The family did not have money to enter a higher educational institution, and the girl began to work. The biography of Marilyn Kerro is rich in a variety of professions that had to be mastered. At first she worked as a salesman for three months, but was laid off. Then she became a packer based on vegetables. But the future star realized in time that she was worthy more successful career, she did not want to repeat the fate of her mother. And the next step in her career was the modeling business. After graduating from courses at a modeling school, the girl worked as a model in Tallinn for 6 years.

Photos of Marilyn Kerro from the time of her career can become an example and an example of beauty, style and presentation of herself in front of the camera for aspiring models. The girl chose this path to prove to her father her importance in society. Mom supported her, as she wanted to distract her daughter from the spiritualistic "fun". At the age of 16, Kerro experienced anorexia, and a year later she was faced with a more serious illness - bulimia.

The fight of extrasensories

In 2013, Kerro first participated in the "Battle of the Psychics" season 14. On the set, the girl managed to amaze those present not only with her dazzling beauty, but also with her abilities. The methods that Mary calls souls of the deadeven the staunch skeptics are intimidated. Her trials begin with the shedding of blood, which the psychic sacrifices to the dead.

Marilyn Kerro in the show "Battle of Psychics"

On the set of "Battle of Psychics" Kerro often changed her image: from cute and angelic to bitchy and scary. This is the witch's essence in order to be able to transform in seconds from a beauty into a monster that frightens others. Some of the tests Marilyn Kerro passed without a single error, striking observers with the clarity of the information she gave out. The rivals openly disliked the red-haired beast. The celebrity experienced these situations hard, she often wanted to cry, experiencing her pain. But the psychic turned out to be much stronger and did not give vent to tears. In the final of the "Battle of psychics-14" Kerro became the second.

In September 2015, Mary participated in the show Psychics Investigate. Season 6 ". In the program, her rivals were the strongest participants in the entire history of the show.

September 19, 2015 on the TNT channel began a new 16 season of the "Battle of psychics". All applicants gathered in the clearing and were delighted to see Marilyn there, meeting her like a star. But as soon as it became known that the star did not come to support any of the applicants, but to compete for participation, the enthusiasm of the magicians was replaced by discontent. Throughout the season, Kerro went through one test after another, gaining more and more sympathy from fans, skeptics, and guests of the show. The singer was greatly impressed by the psychic, could not hold back her tears and wanted to talk to her alone. In the final, Marilyn took second place again, losing the title of the winner.

September 3, 2016 on the channel "TNT" started the next, 17th in a row, the season of the "Battle of Psychics". In the second issue, when 12 participants had already been selected, their test was to identify the person who was at the same time outside the door. There were options for what is there beautiful girlthat you like. At the end of the trial, Basharov announced the man outside the door as the 13th participant in the battle - Marilyn Kerro.

Unfortunately, this time, Kerro did not manage to become the first. From the very beginning of the battle, despite the brilliant passage of the tests, Mary considered her rival the master of oriental practices and disciple of Osho -. He was the one who won the show. For the third time, Marilyn takes second place. The girl's fans were extremely upset by this, but Kerro learned to look at everything philosophically.

Personal life

Relations with the guys before participating in the project did not work out for Marilyn. The girl, despite her strength and power in extrasensory perception, is modest and shy in life. Once she admitted that there was even a situation in her life when she was almost raped.

Before filming in the battle, Marilyn was friends with, went on friendly dates with him, but this relationship did not go far. Then Kerro made new acquaintances, and became her new friend. But the guy soon disappeared without explaining the meaning of her visions to the young witch. The girl did not despair, continuing to develop on her own, and she did it brilliantly.

In the life of Marilyn Kerro, there were guys with whom she spent time comfortably, but young people could not stand her energy. Everything changed when a member of the show began to look after Kerro. At first, the couple claimed that there was only professional interest and friendship between them, but time has shown the opposite. Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps continued their relationship after the "Battle of Psychics". The couple began to live together, they traveled a lot, shared their experiences and joined forces with each other.

At the beginning of the 17th "Battle of psychics" Marilyn announced that Alexander packed his things and left. In one of the following episodes, the girl said that, no matter what, there is love between them, and it will not disappear anywhere. But soon after the show, it became known that the guys had finally parted. The fact is that Marilyn has long dreamed of a family and a child. In an interview, the girl joked that soon she would go to the cabbage patch in search of a baby. But Sasha, apparently, was not ready for this.

Marilyn Kerro now

Soon after parting with Sheps, photos of Mary and began to appear on the Web. The couple did not give any confirmation of the affair. But Kerro's fans themselves concluded that they were dating, because, judging by the pictures, they spent their vacation together in Greece. And Kerro and Hansen's winter holidays also became joint.

It is known that he is Norwegian and was married. In marriage, he had a daughter. What a man does in life is unknown. Mark has an extremely bright and attractive appearance, which was immediately noted by the fans of the ex-participant of the "Battle of Psychics". His body is covered with tattoos, piercings on his face and ears.

In February 2018, Mary posted in “