Other dances

Madonna biography personal life children. Madonna (Ciccone Louise Veronica): height, weight and biography. Career start and successful development

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born in the small town of Rochester, Michigan in the United States. The girl was the third child in the family, but the first among all girls born. In total, her mother had six children. Mother named her by the same name as she had. So in the future, the singer did not have to invent a pseudonym for herself, although long years many continued to believe that Madonna was a fictitious name.

His father was an engineer who later became the lead designer of General Motors. Mother worked for some time as a radiologist technician, at home she loved to play the piano and sang beautifully, but was not going to become famous. She was a very devout Catholic, her faith bordering on bigotry. When she was pregnant with her sixth child, a misfortune happened - she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She did not terminate the pregnancy and died a few months after giving birth at the age of 30. Madonna at that time was 5 years old, and she very hard endured this loss and was never able to come to terms with this fact. She remembered her mother as a fragile and gentle, but at the same time strong woman who never complained.

For the first time, the children were settled in different relatives, and two years later, the father decided to marry a housekeeper, who was not at all like their mother. The couple had two more children. The stepmother was a priest of strict rules, and the father, although he earned good money, considered it important to teach the children to save money.

Since Madonna was the oldest of the girls in the family, she was constantly entrusted with the care of the younger ones, and she really wanted to get out of all this. The older two brothers became addicted to drugs and at times mocked the future singer. It was so unpleasant that the girl developed a lifelong hostility to drugs.

At school, the girl studied diligently, in many ways this is the merit of her father. When the children were not given homework, he would come up with additional ones for them. But, for each excellent mark, he rewarded 25 cents. Madonna never spent it, but wanted to save a lot of money in this way. She is in many ways grateful to her father for his severity, according to her, if he were not like that, then stars would not have come out of her.

Whatever household chores the girl was busy with, he always loved to hum. Her father insisted that she learn to play the piano, as many family members played different musical instruments, but Madonna herself begged her father to send her to study at a ballet studio.

From the age of 12 she studied at the Catholic high school, in which very strict rules reigned. In it, she first appeared on stage in a school musical. Communication with her peers did not develop, they disliked her for her strange character and excellent academic performance. Madonna herself considered her peers to be idiots, and they considered her as a poorly dressed "bumpkin".

But on one of the school evenings she performed such an extravagant dance that everyone immediately stopped taking her as a "good girl." A scandal erupted at school, and the father hid his daughter under house arrest.

In the ballet studio at the University of Michigan, her mentor was Chris Flynn. He became for her not only the first love, she considered him a demigod. Love remained unrequited since Flynn was gay. But he became a friend to her, took her to exhibitions and concerts of classical music.

After studying for a year and a half at the University of Michigan, she dropped out and went to conquer New York. Everyone was against this idea, her father insisted that the girl become a doctor or lawyer, by this time she had a very high IQ. Only Flynn supported her.

Career start and successful development

She flew to New York by plane (for the first time in her life) with a small suitcase and 35 dollars. I took a taxi, for which I paid 15 dollars and asked to take her to the center. After going through a hard casting, she was able to get into one of the dance groups, but earnings in it did not allow her to rent even the cheapest housing. I had to interrupt at night part-time jobs either in fast food or in the dressing room of a restaurant. She constantly auditioned for various Broadway musicals. Once the directors asked her not only to dance, but also to sing, and noted her surprisingly pleasant voice. With the new production, she left for Paris, the producers continued to insist on her singing career, but the proposed repertoire categorically did not suit Madonna.

As a result, six months later, she returned to New York to her lover, who played a significant role in her development as a singer. She learned to play drums and electric guitar. Having been in one musical group and showing herself a bright personality, she left and founded her own group "Emmy", in which she performed her own songs with a guitar.

The future acquaintance with the owner of the recording studio Camilla Barbon makes Madonna a solo and dancing performer. She also helped the girl somehow solve her material problems, since before that everything was very deplorable. Camilla herself claims that the star of the Madonna was made by her personal qualities, and as a musician she did not stand out in anything remarkable.

Once, together with drummer Stephen Bray, Madonna composed four dance compositions, which, secretly from Camilla, began to promote in discos. The DJ of one of the club was so inspired by the artist's talent that, although not on the first try, he arranged for Madonna to meet with the owner of one of the labels. Sire Records signed a contract with her for $ 5,000, the singer for the stage image discarded from her name the last name, which many pronounced incorrectly. Soon the first single "Everybody" was released, which took the first lines of the charts. The song began to be played on the radio, while the singer's photo was not advertised, the audience thought that the performer was African-American.

The first single was followed by the second "Holiday". The singer recorded her first album in the 83rd year. He was warmly received by fans, various offers fell on her, including acting in a movie.

Madonna never stops there, she lives in constant development. In addition to her creative career, she proved herself as a business woman, founding her own label and creating her own fashion direction. She also acts as a producer. On account of her today, 13 published music albums and 13 roles in films. A separate chapter can be devoted to her awards. Madonna also proved herself as a writer, she wrote and published 7 books.

Madonna's personal life

The singer was married twice, and her novels simply do not count. Her first husband was actor Sean Penn. But Madonna suppressed him, according to Sean, he did not want to be "Mr. Madonna". At that time, he himself was just going through the stage of formation as an artist, he was thrown from side to side, his behavior was often accompanied by outbursts of aggression.

As a result, the marriage lasted from the 85th to the 89th year.

In 1996, Madonna decided that it was time for her to become a mother and gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes, from her fitness trainer. They were not married, but lived together for several months.

In 98, her stormy romance with the director began, two years later the couple had a son, Rocco. Soon the union was officially sealed. The marriage lasted 7 years.

Now Madonna has affairs from time to time, including with men much younger than herself, but they do not lead to anything serious.

Interesting lives of famous people in articles

Madonna, full name - Madonna Louise Ciccone (born 08.16.1958) is an American singer, actress, director, charity worker. She is considered the most successful singer and has had a significant impact on contemporary music. Her album sales exceed 300 million copies. Winner of many awards.


She was born in the American Bay City, Michigan. Madonna's mother was her full namesake, was of Canadian origin. She was mainly engaged in housekeeping. Silvio's father had Italian roots and was an outstanding design engineer for the automotive industry.

By seniority, the girl was the third of six children. She studied in a Catholic school, with the exception of high school. From an early age she loved to dance.

During her last pregnancy, Madonna's mother was diagnosed with a malignant breast tumor. Being very religious, she decides to carry the baby and refuses to receive treatment before delivery. Having given birth, she dies a few months later, at that time she was only 30 years old.

Two years later, my father married a maid. Despite the fact that the family was not in poverty, the stepmother introduced austerity on everything: she sewed clothes on her own and used only semi-finished products.

In high school, Madonna attended a regular school, where she got the opportunity to participate in creative amateur performances, school plays and musicals. She was also engaged in cheerleading. She was an outstanding student, for which her peers often disliked her, considering her a little strange. The modest girl was also not eager to make friends. In addition, at home, she had to endure the antics of her older brothers who are addicted to drugs.

Childhood photo of Madonna

However, Madonna still had several close people. Among them - the poet W. Cooper, who studied at the same school with her, and her teacher of philosophy. From her childhood, the singer brought out a sharply negative attitude towards drug addiction and a peculiar attitude towards God, who allowed the death of her mother. The turning point of youth was the shocking dance performance of the fourteen-year-old Madonna at the school evening, after which the father put his daughter under house arrest. Her reputation as an exemplary student is finally destroyed.

From the age of 15, the girl begins to practice ballet. Her mentor, gay K. Flynn, had a great influence on Madonna. Together they attended exhibitions and concerts, as well as gay clubs. Madonna's appearance becomes sloppy and eccentric, and behavior changes. She made her first sexual experience the property of the entire school. After becoming a graduate, she goes to the University of Michigan and studies dance there, despite her father's desire to give her a medical or legal education.

The path to the beginning of a career

The teachers were surprised by Ciccone's endurance, she was characterized as a very capable student. However, after studying for a year and a half, she decides to leave for New York, where she hopes to join the P. Lang dance troupe. She succeeds, but her earnings do not allow her to rent a house. She begins to weaken from insufficient nutrition, and the dance director gives her a job as a cloakroom attendant in a restaurant. Later, Madonna becomes a model and also poses in the nude genre.

Madonna in her youth

She then lived in a cheap criminal area, where she was once sexually abused. After that, he experiences depression, leaves the Lang troupe and attends dance auditions. At one of them, she was noticed by the Belgian producers of the singer P. Hernandez, who were able to assess not only the girl's dancing data, but also her voice. Ciccone spends six months on the singer's European tour, during which time he manages to endure pneumonia. She defies the producer's persuasion to sing in the style of pop disco, preferring punk rock, and returns to America, where her abandoned boyfriend D. Gilroy is waiting for her.

Gilroy prepared Madonna as a musician: he taught how to play several instruments and invited him as a drummer to his group. In 1980, she creates her own team, which did not last long. Then he collects the rock group "Emmy", in which he acts as a performer of his own songs and a guitarist. The financial situation continues to be dire.

A year later, Ciccone meets the owner of the recording studio K. Barbon, leaves the group and signs a contract with her. The new manager saw in her a future star, she decides that Madonna should perform without an instrument, but with a dance. Over time, the relationship between them deteriorates.


Together with his old friend S. Breyem, Ciccone writes several dance compositions, the recording of which he gives to the DJ of one of the clubs M. Kamins. He arranges for Madonna to negotiate with S. Stein, owner of Sire Records. Since then, the singer has become just Madonna. With zero costs and no photos of the singer, her first single “Everybody” proved to be quite popular, and she begins work on the album.

Ciccone early in his career, 1983

The first disc was released under the title "Madonna" in 1983 and contains several hits. The former manager of Michael Jackson F. Demann begins to work with the singer. The second album was released a year later and became the leading album on the American album chart. The composition "Like a Virgin" has become a hit for more than one decade. In 1985, Madonna embarked on her first domestic tour, after which her fan base grew rapidly.

Then the first scandals arose around her. Pictures of a naked singer from the past are published, after which the press begins to accuse her of participating in adult films. Madonna coped with the attacks of ill-wishers and continued to work. A new successful album was released in 1986. The appearance of the singer changes to a Hollywood style. Filmed in films, but unsuccessfully.

In 1989, the next disc was released, already the second, produced by Madonna herself. Her performances are transformed into real shows, combining concert, theatrical elements, as well as ballet and video accompaniment. Becomes the object of new scandals, accused of plagiarism, anti-Semitism. At the same time, the singer's audience is expanding significantly, and they begin to compare her with Marilyn Monroe.

Blond Ambition World Tour (1990)


In 1992 Madonna opens a company in the entertainment industry and calls it "Maverick". It turns out new disc "Erotica". The singer is perceived as the personification of sin, blasphemy and vulgarity. The situation is aggravated by his participation in D. Letterman's show, having allowed vulgar behavior on television.

The 1994 album becomes a Grammy nominee. Madonna's style of performance is complemented by R'n'B elements. Gradually, the attitude towards the singer softens. Her participation in the 1996 film Evita was highly acclaimed, and she received a Golden Globe for her role in the film. At the same time, Madonna is fond of Buddhism, Kabbalah and yoga. In 1998, an album was released demonstrating her spiritual transformation. Ray of Light wins a Grammy.

Madonna in the new century

The beginning of the new millennium is accompanied by the release of the album "Music", a motion picture starring the singer "Best Friend" and her move to the UK. In 2003, the next disc "American life" was released, which became the most unsuccessful in the singer's career because of her pacifist attitude. Madonna is accused of lack of patriotism, and her songs become taboo on some American radio stations. The singer's popularity falls somewhat.

In 2003, she tries herself as a writer for children. Her picture book "Angian Roses" was received quite warmly, but another scandal immediately followed after a kiss with Britney Spears during the performance. Madonna tried to disown all hints of gay sex.

The 2005 album returns the singer to her former popularity. In 2008, the singer starts working with young stars and releases the disc "Hard Candy". The same name is given to the network of fitness clubs, which she opened in 2010. In addition, a clothing line for youth was launched. The 2012 disc becomes even less successful than American life. However, the tour following the album is popular. In 2013, Madonna is named the most paid singer. The new album was released in 2015.

Madonna with her children

Personal life

There were many men in Madonna's life. She was connected with L. Kravitz, W. Beatty, D. Rodman, E. Kiedis and others. She was married twice. The first husband was the actor Sh. Penn. Family life took place under the vigilant attention of the press, was accompanied by scandals and beatings and lasted four years (1985-1989). In 1996, the singer gave birth to a daughter from her coach of Cuban origin, K. Leon. She named the girl Lourdes.

In 1998, Madonna, visiting Sting, met her second husband, British director Guy Ritchie. After becoming pregnant, she moved to London. In 2000, they had a son, Rocco. After the wedding, the singer receives a new citizenship. The marriage lasted until 2008, the couple managed to adopt a boy from Malawi. In 2009, Madonna independently adopts a Malawian girl. Further, Madonna had affairs with men younger than her: model H. Louis, dancer B. Zaibat. In 2015, information appeared in the press about the resumption of relations with her first husband.

Show business star Madonna is known all over the world. During her almost 40-year career, she has released many hits, became the founder of a special direction in musical culture... Her provocative style is copied, criticized, enthusiastically praised, but not forgotten. She leaves no one indifferent. At the same time, the full, real name of Madonna is familiar only to her loyal fans. She was able to make her pseudonym a brand that already denotes not just a person, but a whole social phenomenon.

early years

The future pop star was born on August 16, 1958 in Michigan in a large family, she was the 3rd child of six. The girl's mother was of French-Canadian descent, her father was Italian. Probably, this is where the fiery temperament of the Madonna originates. After leaving school, the girl enters the University of Michigan, at the choreography department, for many years she studied dance and ballet. Then the real name of Madonna, inherited from her mother, was completely unknown, and the girl dreamed of fame. In 1978 she moved to New York and signed up for a dance class with the famous Alvin Ailey. She moonlights as a model, sings in different groups, her creative potential just keeps breaking out.

The beginning of a musical career

Together with a group of New York musicians, Madonna creates the group Emmy, which writes and performs fashionable music for discos and nightclubs. Producers pay attention to the group and the soloist. And in 1982 Madonna signed a contract with Sire Records and released her debut single Everybody. The singer's first album appears the following year, and the composition Holiday hits the American and European charts. From the very beginning of her career, Madonna impressed with her energy, original stage performances and a striking appearance.


Even starting to dance, Madonna thought about the stage name. From her parents she received a sonorous and complex name - Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone and therefore she had plenty to choose from for her pseudonym. She settled on the first part of her real name, especially since the name Madonna was memorable and, combined with the appearance and behavior of the singer, was provocative. Namely, the novice performer relied on shocking. From the very first steps on the stage, Madonna, whose hits were still ahead, worked under her shortened name and in a few years made him famous.

Creative way

Already the first disc made Madonna popular. The singer worked a lot, always thought through the scenography and choreography of her performances to the smallest detail, worked on her appearance. A natural brunette with appetizing forms, she found herself in the image of a blonde with bright makeup and sexy outfits.

From the very beginning of her career, the singer worked a lot, she changed several producers, labels, stubbornly striving to rise. The first album "Madonna", despite the fact that it entered the charts, was still a common occurrence in pop music. But the album Like a Virgin in 1984 was a real event. It has been sold in millions of copies.

Madonna's real name no longer mattered, she became a star, and everyone knew her under her stage name. In 1990, the singer made her first world tour, which was accompanied by a resounding success. Madonna not only sings fashionable songs, she sets a new standard for the show, her concerts are a whole performance, with a lot of costumes, decorations, dancers.

At the end of the 90s, a real rain of awards poured on Madonna, she received all possible musical prizes, her records are sold in millions of copies, tickets for concerts anywhere in the world are sold out in a few hours.

Her stage path was often associated with scandals and provocations, the star always fueled her special image with various antics on and off the stage. But she is also constantly in search of music, Madonna's compositions are always the most advanced edge of pop music.

To date, the singer has released 13 albums, created 10 concert programs, with which she has traveled the globe several times. Madonna, whose age is increasingly becoming the subject of discussion in the media and gossip, is not going to give up her positions, despite the growing generations of competitors.

Outstanding work

During her life, Madonna, whose hits have repeatedly become multi-platinum, has released hundreds of songs. Experts and fans argue a lot about her creative heritage and which works are considered the best. Her most famous songs are:

  • Material girl... A real calling card of the singer, which determined her style for many years, this song with a wonderful clip a la Marilyn Monroe is a classic of world pop music.
  • Cherish... The 1988 song and the black-and-white video for it became a certain stage for Madonna, in which she appeared in the form of an ordinary American girl.
  • Vogue... The perfect dance song from the 80s, with a beautiful video by David Fincher, was Madonna's first step in the 90s.
  • Rain... An elegant and sophisticated song from the provocative album Erotica has become one of the best "slow" songs of the decade. And the magnificent clip of Mark Romanek marked the beginning of a new video aesthetic in the 90s.
  • Hung up... The song from the early 2000s became yet another proof that Madonna is the queen of the dance pop scene. Incendiary melody and bright vocals made the composition a hit in discos around the world.
  • Frozen... The 1998 ballad proved that Madonna, whose biography is associated with dance music, not only knows how to stage a show, but also sings beautifully. The exquisite video for the song from Chris Cunningham has received several awards and fan recognition.

Film work

Throughout her career, Madonna, whose biography is full of creative experiments, has repeatedly made attempts to make a career as a film actress. She has 13 films on her account, in which she played both episodic and main roles. Critics do not praise Madonna's talent as a dramatic actress very highly. However, the roles in the films "Body as Evidence", "Evita", "Best Friend" and "Gone" showed that she is still a good actress.

Personal life

Throughout her career, Madonna's personal life has attracted the attention of the public and the press. The singer was officially married twice. Her first husband was actor Sean Penn. The second is the director.In addition, she has a huge number of novels on her account. For several years, media attention was riveted on her relationship with the dancer Brahim Zeiba, who younger than the singer for 29 years. The romance ended in parting, and today Madonna is credited with a new relationship.


Some journalists jokingly say that Madonna's real name is Lady Scandal. She is ready to create hype from scratch. At one of the concerts in Istanbul, she decided to please fans and bared her breasts. Getting undressed is generally the pop star's favorite trick. In 2003, at the MTV Awards, Madonna kissed Britney Spears passionately, which caused a huge hype. She later repeated this trick with other girls. More than once, the singer's songs became the reason for accusing her of anti-Semitism, inciting hatred of the church, it came to the point that the Pope was called upon to excommunicate her from the church.


The pop diva also attracts no less attention from the press.The pop diva has four children: daughter Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon (father - Carlos Leon), son Rocco (father - Guy Ritchie), as well as two adopted children from Malawi: daughter Mercy Dein and son David Banda Mwale ...

Madonna's children grow up under the supervision of nannies, because my mother is actively pursuing her career. The eldest daughter has already grown up and is quite successfully building a modeling career. The singer has long sued Guy Ritchie for custody of her son and lost the case. For a while Rocco lived with his father in London, but then returned to his famous mother.

This name is often heard on radio and television channels. She made her career not only thanks to her talent and incredible hard work, but also to frequent scandals and shocking. Today, she is famous as a producer, director, book writer and fashion designer. Many are interested in the question of how old Madonna is, because she looks just great, and she has already accumulated a lot of merit. You will be surprised a star was born in 1958 on August 16 in Michigan.

In 2017, Madonna is 59 years old.

Despite her age, the woman leads a very active lifestyle, works hard, is engaged in self-development and looks simply gorgeous. In this article, you will find out not only how old the famous singer is, but also her short biography, interesting Facts from personal life and professional career.

Childhood years of the future star

Many people think that Madonna is a pseudonym. In fact, this is her real name.

Madonna Louise Ciccone was born into a large Catholic family and was 3 children out of 6. They led a rather devout lifestyle and the girl attended a Catholic school. At the age of 12, during the passage of the religious rite of chrismation, she chose the name Louise for herself, but it is not considered official.

Her mother died early. During the 6th pregnancy, cancer was diagnosed. The woman refused treatment and after the birth of the child, she died at the age of 30. This made a huge impression on the little girl and greatly shaken her faith in God. A couple of years later, after the death of his wife, his father married a second time. Relations with her stepmother did not work out. The "new" mother will have joint children with their father, which have always been a priority. Although dad forced her to call her stepmother mom, Madonna considered it a betrayal and even more disliked her.

Home warmth for the girl was replaced by the school. She still considers one of her teachers, Marilyn Fallows, to be an iconic person of her childhood. Despite the fact that Ciccone's academic performance was always excellent, relations with peers did not develop. The girl was considered strange and her peers avoided her.

Only at the age of 15, the future star began to get involved in dancing. Choreographer Christopher Flynn was a huge influence in shaping her personality. Being engaged in modern jazz, she broadened her horizons, changed her style and there was not a trace left of the former excellent girl.

After graduating from school, the girl decided to continue her dance classes at the University of Michigan. This decision shocked my father. With her brilliant mind and academic performance in school, she could get a decent profession at a prestigious university, and instead she preferred to just dance.

At 17, Madonna's IQ test was 140 points.

Teachers always noted the student's endurance in the classroom and emotional return, but in technique, the girl was much inferior to her classmates. Due to the impossibility of being the best, Madonna tried to stand out with an extravagant appearance. And soon she dropped out altogether.

The beginning of a creative career

After attending a lesson with the famous choreographer Pearl Lang, the young dancer was so amazed that she set herself the goal of working in her group. She was not stopped by the fact that she had to quit her studies and move from New York. As a result of the casting, she got into the team, but did not perform in the first line-up and performed minor dances.

Despite the fact that the money for life was sorely lacking, Madonna made her stage debut in the production "I have never seen other butterflies." These were hard times in the career of a future star. Due to the constant lack of funds, she took on any part-time jobs. Malnutrition and hard work affected her physical condition. The girl practically lost faith in herself, and in her dancing future.

One of the castings was finally successful. I liked the dancer not only for her plasticity, but also for her pleasant voice. The girl quits her job in the Lang group and goes on tour with Hernandez.

At the end of the contract, she received offers to try herself as a singer. The uninteresting material and lackluster image did not attract Madonna, and she returned to New York again. Thought about musical career still remained. The future star is fond of music, begins to develop in this direction. Pretty quickly, the guy teaches her to play the drums, and Madonna enters the Breakfast Club group. After working for only a few months, the singer begins to offer her material, and not finding support in the group, she leaves it.

Her role in an amateur film in 1979, after which Madonna was labeled as a former porn star, attracted attention. They remembered her as a singer. From this moment, the star begins to search for itself in musical direction, changes groups, creates his own, tries a different repertoire and tries on new images.

Efforts are beginning to bear fruit. The singer signs the first contract for 5 thousand dollars and releases the hit "Everybody". The singer's career is gaining momentum, in 1983 the first album was released, many of whose songs are already popular. He receives the title of diamond, and is sold out in huge quantities.

Singer Madonna finally finds her direction and begins to follow it. The songs are released one after the other and occupy high positions in the ratings, clips are released, tours are conducted. In parallel, she begins her film career. Filmed in several films. He tries himself in directing.

The state of the star is about $ 1 billion

Madonna's achievements

The singer is now 59 years old. Over the years, thanks to her hard work, outrageousness, luck and talent, she has achieved considerable success in many areas:

  • Released 13 music albums, most of which received awards and incredible audience success;
  • Conducted 10 music tours not only around the country, but also far beyond its borders;
  • She played roles in 13 films;
  • Wrote and published 7 books;
  • Has received a large number of victories in music competitions, both in the United States and abroad;
  • Received 2 Golden Globe Awards for Best Song and Best Actress. In total, she was nominated 6 times;
  • Received 7 wins in the Grammy competition. In total, she was nominated 28 times;
  • Singer Madonna was named the best performer of the year 5 times;
  • Earned the title of the best performer of the decade;
  • Her name is inducted into the Rock and Roll Musicians Hall of Fame in the United States.

Despite all her accomplishments, Madonna has no star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Although she was nominated 1 time.

These are far from all the merits of a multifaceted personality. Considering how old Madonna is today, she is actively working and receiving new titles and awards.

The personal life of the singer

You can write books about her. A large number of men appeared and passed away from Madonna's life during all this time. Given her popularity and outrageousness, she was often credited with novels or connections with various celebrities. Officially, the singer did not formalize the relationship often.

  1. The marriage with Sean Penny lasted 4 years. The relationship was not easy. Two strong personalities could not get along, often it came to scandals and assault.

The first child - daughter Lourdes, Madonna gave birth unmarried from Carlos Leon in 1996. Relationship with her father lasted six months.

2. Guy Ritchie was her husband from 2000 to 2008. This person greatly influenced not only the creativity of the star, but also personal development. In marriage, a son was born and they adopted another boy.

After the family broke up, the woman adopted a black girl. At the moment, Madonna has 4 children.

A truly outstanding and multifaceted personality has already left a mark on the world musical history... Considering how old Madonna is, her hard work and shocking, she will delight and surprise her fans more than once.

Madonna is the queen of pop and one of the most expensive brands famous singer, songwriter and music producer. Madonna's songs and videos set the tone and direction of both American and world music industry... The performer's work is often at the center of scandals; she is not afraid to touch upon the hot topics of social injustice, racial and sexual oppression.

Childhood and youth

The singer's real name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. She was born under the zodiac sign Leo on August 16, 1958 in the US state of Michigan. She spent her childhood surrounded by five brothers and sisters. Mother died when Madonna was 5 years old, and her stepmother took care only of her own children. It was this kind of "competition" from the very childhood, as the singer will later tell, that gave birth to her dream of becoming famous all over the world.


After 9 years, Madonna Ciccone performed at the school talent competition, where she shocked all the teachers. For the number where the girl sang from the stage in a top and shorts, decorated with paints, her father put her under house arrest.

After school, Madonna entered the University of Michigan with the hope of becoming an outstanding ballerina, she did not even think about music at that time. She did not succeed as a successful dancer, and soon the girl realized that she needed to leave the province for a dream.

Madonna moved to New York, where she worked for a very long time only for food, living in a criminal area. In 1979, she auditioned for a dancer for a famous guest performer. Professionals noticed good potential in her and decided to make a dancing singer out of Madonna.


Full creative biography pop divas began in 1983 with the recording of Madonna's debut album, which reached number 8 on the Billboard 200. The second disc Like a Virgin instantly reached the top of the prestigious US charts, which made Madonna famous all over the world. In 1985 Madonna released her famous music video for the hit Material Girl.


This was followed by a series of successful releases by the artist, including the True Blue disc, the single Live to Tell, and the video clip for the composition La Isla Bonita, written in the genre of Latin American pop music.

In 1998, "the greatest pop masterpiece of the 90s", as the music magazine Rolling Stone called the disc, was released - the album Ray of Light, the single from which, entitled Frozen, became a record for leading positions in the prestigious charts.

In 2000, Madonna released her next studio album, called Music. In it, the singer used a vocoder for the first time. The disc took first places in the top ratings of the USA and Great Britain.

In 2003, Madonna made her debut as a writer with the release of the children's picture book English Roses, which topped The New York Times bestseller list.

The singer's fame as a children's writer was overshadowed by a scandal. At the MTV ceremony, a famous incident occurred - a kiss with, after which accusations flew towards Madonna for promoting lesbianism. The singer justified the kiss in a stage manner: the artist performed in the suit of the groom, and Britney Spears also in the dresses of the brides.

In 2005, with the release of the single Hung Up, the singer was also awarded the title of Queen of the Dance Floor. This is facilitated by incendiary performances and music videos of the performer.

The pop diva used the ability to shock the audience throughout her creative career. The singer appeared at concerts and on video in Indian dress, in the form of a crucified and even crying clown. In 2017, Madonna allowed herself a provocative speech at the Women's March protest with words of insult. Each such appearance of a star ended with a scandal or dissatisfied comments from religious, social or political organizations.


Madonna's acting career was less successful than the singer's career. Nevertheless, Madonna's filmography includes about 20 paintings, many of which, however, were completely destroyed by critics.

For the first time on the big screen, the singer appeared in her youth. In 1990, the premiere of the documentary In Bed with Madonna, about the star's life behind the scenes, took place.

In 1996, Madonna starred the controversial wife of Argentine President Eva Peron in the film adaptation of the musical Evita. The film received positive reviews from film critics and the author of the original musical. The tape also received an Oscar for the song You Must Love Me, which Madonna performed specifically for the film.

In 2004, the second documentary about Madonna I’m Going to Tell You a Secret appears. The last project in her career was the picture "Gone", which received a failed criticism, because of which it was not even released in theaters.

Personal life

Madonna's personal life is worthy of attention. After settling in New York, the 20-year-old dancer entered into a relationship with renowned producer John Benitez. Later, Madonna began an affair with the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat.

But he, like many favorites, soon turned out to be uninteresting to her. But one of the most famous stellar marriages - between the famous Madonna and the actor - lasted 4 years. The actor was even nicknamed Mister Madonna.

After the divorce, the singer started a whole series of short-term novels, and none of them was successful. Loud novels with, and then with the soloist Anthony Kiedis were also just stories under a bright signboard. Madonna's first child appeared from an affair with Latin American Carlos Leon, who worked as a fitness trainer: in 1996, Madonna gave birth to her daughter Lourdes, Maria Ciccone-Leon. Soon after the birth of her daughter, the singer broke up with Carlos.

A record-breaking celebrity relationship - over 8 years - lasted with a British production director. In 2000, the couple had a son, Rocco. After marrying Richie, the baronet's stepson, Madonna joined the ranks of the British aristocracy. Shortly thereafter, the singer also took British citizenship.

In addition to raising two natural children, Madonna adopted foster sons - Mercy James and David Banda. In 2008, the singer announced her divorce from her husband. Madonna's latest hobby is the dancer of her own ballet, Brahim Zaibat. They say he even proposed to the queen of the pop scene.

Since 2017, the artist has been living in Lisbon. Here her adopted son David Banda attends football school.

In February 2017, Madonna - 4-year-old twin girls from Malawi named Stella and Esther. Reception "Instagram" of the singer. She uploads photos and videos of girls playing with other children.

The hype among fans was caused by a photo of Madonna without makeup. Fans were upset to see that the singer was getting old. At the same time, she keeps herself in shape, plays sports and tries to keep her weight within 55 kg, as can be judged by the pictures of the artist in a swimsuit. The singer's figure is close to the popular beauty standard of 90-60-90 with a height of 158 cm.

Madonna now

Now the discography of the Queen of Pop continues to be replenished with new works, and the route of the tour schedule - with new geographical names.