
Biography nosov presentation for primary school. Presentation - nikolay nikolaevich nosov. The course of direct educational activities

This electronic presentation will be interesting for children of different ages. It contains a short biography of the writer, books that he wrote. At the end of the presentation, the children are asked to answer the quiz questions.



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The magician and good friend of the guys Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

Nikolay Nosov “Composing for children is the best job. It requires a lot of knowledge (...). The main thing is love for them. And respect. I realized when my son was born that children should be treated with the greatest and very warm respect. "

Biography of NN Nosov Nikolay Nosov was born on November 23, 1908, in Kiev, in the family of a pop artist. He spent his childhood in the small town of Irpen, where the boy began to study at the gymnasium. He grew up as a versatile young man, was fond of photography, and chemistry, and chess. and music. After graduating from the Moscow Institute of Cinematography, he worked as a director and director of multicaplication, scientific and educational films. In 1938 he began to write children's stories. Nikolai Nosov died on July 26, 1976.

Dunno dad Take off your hat before Nosov, After all, it is Dunno dad himself! And by the way, there are a lot of funny stories, Besides, he also wrote for the guys!

How Nikolai Nosov's creativity began When Nosov had a son, he began to compose fairy tales and stories for him. These stories have become incredibly popular. They were published in the children's magazines "Murzilka", "Koster", "Zateyniki"

Dunno story Have you ever heard about a city of flowers? The little ones from fairy-tale worlds live in it. The flower city is noisy - it is in a fairyland. In it, miracles, like birds, flutter in the sky. And I, friends - Dunno, you know me, After all, the most, most, most famous is me. Nikolai Nikolayevich Nosov gave us three works about Dunno and other funny little men: The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends, Dunno in the Solar City and Dunno on the Moon. And a few years ago, the grandson of Nikolai Nikolaevich Igor Petrovich Nosov wrote new books about the adventures of Dunno and his friends - "Dunno's Journey to the Stone City", "Dunno Island" and others.

The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" is called one of the most successful in the work of N. Nosov

That's the way "Cucumbers"! You read the story "Cucumbers" and think: "How did the writer know this story?" But it turns out that a similar incident happened to his nephew. A 5-year-old boy walked next to the house on the site where there was a vegetable base. The boy saw a barrel of cucumbers behind the tent, climbed into it with both hands, grabbed a cucumber in each and went to his mother with satisfaction. This episode served as the beginning for the story "Cucumbers"

Children like Nosov's books because they tell about people like them, fidgets, inventors and dreamers - in a word, about ordinary boys and girls. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" "Karasik" "Mishkina Porridge"

Riddles for children Game "Correct the mistakes in the names of stories" 1. "Kashkina Masha". 2. "Living hat". 3. "Inventors". 4. "Hole" 5. "Tomato"

"Living hat" What object "came to life" in Vadik's house? - hat - umbrella - chest of drawers - wardrobe Answer-hat Where did the guys run to hide from the hat? - to the yard - to the neighbors - to the corridor - to the kitchen Answer - to the kitchen What did Vadik take to hit his hat? - a scythe - a ski stick - a poker - a leg from a chair Answer - a poker Who was under the hat? - parrot - puppy - mouse - kitten Answer - kitten What was the name of the animal under the hat? - Ryzhik - Snowball - Vaska - Fluff Answer - In ICQ

Guess which story this passage comes from? 1. “- I once swam in the sea,” says Mishutka, “and a shark attacked me. I bang her with my fist, and she bit me off by the head. - You're lying! - No, really! - Why didn't you die? - Why should I die? I swam ashore and went home. - Headless? - Of course, without a head "Answer:" Dreamers "2." Finally the patch was sewn. It stuck out on the pants like a dried mushroom, and the fabric around it wrinkled so that one leg even became shorter. " Answer: "Patch" "We sit and wait for the porridge to cook. Suddenly I looked: the lid on the pan was lifted, and porridge crawled out from under it. - Bear, - I say, - what is it? Why does porridge climb? - Where to? - The jester knows where! Climbing out of the pan! Mishka grabbed a spoon and began to push the porridge back into the pan, Crumple it, crumple it, and it seemed to swell in the pan and fall out. " Answer: “Mishkina's porridge” “Mom recently gave Vitalik an aquarium with a fish. It was a very good fish, beautiful! Silver carp - that's what it was called. Vitalik was glad that he had a carp. At first he was very interested in the fish - he fed it, changed the water in the aquarium, and then got used to it and sometimes forgot to feed it in time ”. Answer "Karasik"

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    The theme of my project is “Nikolay Nosov. The life and work of a children's writer. " How did she interest me? First, this is my favorite children's writer. Nosov's books are immensely popular among readers, because the writer gives all his kind heart and "cheerful talent" to children. Secondly, in 2008 it was the 100th anniversary of the birth of this wonderful writer and I would not like to leave it unattended ...

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    Nikolay Nosov

    The life and work of a children's writer

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    Today is our great day! We met to talk again about the works of Nikolai Nosov and about himself. See how many wonderful, favorite books are around!

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    Say what you like, but Nosov is the most suitable surname for a writer, especially for a children's writer, and even more so for a funny children's writer. Just listen: Nosov is simple, easy and a little funny. Okay, in general. And even better if the writer himself fits his surname. Nosov really had a nose and was not at all small, so large, noticeable, and a large head and broad shoulders ... And all this did not fit in with his short stature and quiet, deaf voice. At first glance, he is an unsightly person. Very taciturn, very withdrawn. Some called him a "grumpy grumbler."

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    Nikolay Nosov was born on November 23, 1908. In the city of Kiev. Father is a pop and cinema actor; the mother is a delicate, sensitive nature, a needlewoman and a songstress, she raised four children.

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    It requires not only literary knowledge, but also knowledge of the psychology of children, and most importantly - love for them ... I realized when my son was growing up that children should be treated with the greatest and warmest respect. "

    As he himself said, he came to literature quite by accident. Nikolai had a son, and when he grew up, he began to tell him various funny stories, inventing them on the go ... At some point, Nikolai realized that they needed to be written down - something interesting could have come out of all this: “Gradually I understood that writing for children is the best thing to do.

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    Indeed, Nosov "had something to tell people about." He knew a lot, had a variety of talents by nature, and he had to try a lot in life. Even in his youth, he happened to be a digger and mower, a carter of logs and a brick factory worker, he was fond of chemistry and photography, learned to play the violin and mandolin, played chess and published a handwritten magazine "X". And then he entered the Moscow Institute of Cinematography and began to work in cinema, shoot various educational, scientific and animated films. During the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Nosov was engaged in a very important matter: he made films for our soldiers, for which he was awarded the military order of the Red Star.

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    He called his first story "Zateyniki" and took it to the magazine "Murzilka". The story was printed. This was in 1938.

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    This story was followed by others: "Living Hat", "Cucumbers", "Dreamers", "Patch" ...

    They were published in the children's magazines "Murzilka", "Koster", "Zateynik" and the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda".

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    The protagonists of these stories are the cute boys Mishka and Kolya.

    The main instigator of all adventures and pranks is usually Mishka, an inveterate dreamer and great confusion. He also connects his friend Kolya to his ventures.

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    In addition to funny stories, Nikolai Nosov wrote several stories about school life: "A Merry Family" (1949), "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary", "Vitya Maleev at School and at Home" (1952).

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    Later, these cheerful heroes were joined by another one, this time - a fabulous one. This hero is Dunno. Dunno - and in the place with him a whole horde of funny and noisy shorty friends - brought Nikolai Nosov the greatest fame.

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    A whole series of fairy-tale novels is dedicated to them: "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends." "Dunno in a sunny city", "Dunno on the moon."

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    So, if you happen to find yourself in Japan, then don't be particularly surprised to see the Dunno cafe. Come in calmly - you will certainly be met there by an old, kind and cheerful friend.

    The characters in these books, although fabulous, are very similar to their little readers, especially Dunno. Therefore, they fell in love with the guys: not only ours, but also foreign ones, since through the efforts of the translators, these heroes spoke in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, even in Japanese!

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    Mishka and Kolya - then head to the library and take "The Adventures of Dunno" and collections of funny stories. We promise you will not be pulled away from these books, and you will even forget about the TV.

    Nikolai Nosov's books in the library are always the most shabby. Why? Because they are read, they never lie on the shelves. So, who has not read about Dunno, about funny friends

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    The history of the creation of works about Dunno

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    The middle of the 20th century is far from the brightest time for literature in general, and for children's literature in particular. Even the story about Vita Maleev, treated kindly by the authorities, was often attacked for the fact that the world of schoolchildren in it was depicted as completely cut off from the life of the whole country and, therefore, it was deliberately "narrowed and impoverished." Where, it was asked in critical articles, is the pioneer organization, where is the guiding role of counselors and teachers? And in fact, there was nothing of this in Nosov's book. Well, what do you order the writer to do here? Break yourself? Or change direction? Here, except that in a fairy tale, you can neglect the pioneer organization. And the hero, fidget and dreamer, he will take root there too.

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    suggested immediately, as soon as the first chapters of the work appear, without even waiting for its completion, to publish them in his journal. The proposal was accepted, but the word was kept. So for the first time the fairy tale was published in the magazine "Periwinkle" in two languages \u200b\u200b- Russian and Ukrainian - under the title "The Adventures of Dunno and his comrades" with the subtitle "fairy tale-tale".

    When for the first time NN Nosov had the idea to write a fairy tale about the state of short people, it is difficult to say. It is only known for certain that in the same 1952, on his way to Minsk with a delegation of Soviet writers, Nosov spent the whole night talking with a young Ukrainian writer Bogdan Chaly (at that time editor of the Barvinok magazine). It was to him that Nosov told about the idea of \u200b\u200bDunno. They say that Roan literally fell in love with the image of a charming short man and

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    It immediately appeared in a separate edition, already as "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends: A Novel-Fairy Tale" The second part - "Dunno in the Sunny City" - was published in 1958, first in the magazine "Youth", and then was published in a book And, finally , the third fairy tale novel "Dunno on the Moon" was first published in the magazine "Family and School" in 1964-66. A separate edition appeared a year later. This is how Dunno received three books by N.N. Nosov for his permanent residence, and the writer himself, for providing the hero with such a cozy dwelling, received the State Prize of the RSFSR. N.K. Krupskaya. This joyous event took place in 1969.

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    In fact, did Dunno have a prototype? Rather, they were. Rumor has it, for example, that Dunno is literally copied from NN Nosov's son, Peter. And his hair was curly, unruly. And by nature he is a fidget. With his small stature, Peter played volleyball and basketball perfectly in childhood, because he was bouncing like a ball. So Dunno could borrow something from Pyotr Nikolaevich.

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    Although from his creator, NN Nosov himself, the hero also inherited some features. Here, for example, the little ones have repeatedly said that Dunno is a master of writing. This gift he has, undoubtedly, from Nikolai Nikolaevich. Or, say, a fondness for wide-brimmed hats. Well, the fact that Dunno is nowhere without his hat is clear. But here Nosov ...

    In one of his most successful photographs, he is wearing a chic hat. And you can immediately see that he is with her - a single and indissoluble whole. And take another photo, and the similarity will be simply striking. On it, little Koki has huge eyes, completely round and clear, just the very eyes with which Dunno looks at us from any page of the Nosov trilogy.

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    However, according to the writer, the life prototype of Dunno is simply “a child, but not one that can be called by name and surname, but a child in general, with his inherent age-related thirst for knowledge and at the same time with restlessness, inability to keep his attention on one subject for any length of time - in general, with all the good inclinations ... and shortcomings ... ”(NN Nosov. About himself and his work).

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    As for the literary prototypes, that is, Dunno has another one, already ours, indigenous, Russian. For clarity, we will immediately give a quote. No, two quotes. To compare.

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    “- Tell me, please, who invented this in a balloon to fly? - It's me, - answered Dunno ... ... I have long been asked by our kids to come up with something:“ Think of something, brother, but come up with it ”. I say: “I, brothers, are already tired of inventing things. Come up with yourself. " They say: “Where are we going! We are stupid, and you are smart. What are you worth? Come up with it! " “Okay,” I say. - What to do with you! I'll think of it. " And I began to think ... I thought for three days and three nights, and what do you think? I came up with it! "Here, I say, brothers: you will have a ball!" And he made a ball. About me the poet Tsvetik ... we have such a poet ... he wrote poems: "Our Dunno invented a ball ..." Or not: "Our Dunno invented a ball ..." Or not: "Our ball was invented by Dunno ..." No, I forgot! You know, they write a lot of poems about me, you can't remember them all. "

After graduating from high school, he worked as a laborer at a concrete plant in Irpen, then at a brick plant in the city of Bucha. At the age of 19 he entered the Kiev Art Institute, then transferred to the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography. During the Great Patriotic War, he directed military-technical films. Up to a year he worked in the field of cinema: director, stage director.

N.N. Nosov devoted almost forty years to the noble cause of raising girls and boys. His tireless work was marked by high government awards: the State Prize of the RSFSR named after N.K. Krupskaya, USSR State Prize (for "Vitya Maleev ..."). In 1976 N. Nosov died. He entrusted us with his most important secret - funny and clever books. He owned the "golden key" to the hearts of girls and boys. Happiness is not in the gold found at the bottom of an old well. The secret is in man. In the ability to acquire and value knowledge, and most importantly, to think, live honestly, work hard, value every day of your life, without wasting yourself on trifles. Read the books of N. Nosov, comprehend the wisdom of the heroes, learn the secret of N. Nosov.

His first story was published in the children's magazine "Murzilka" and was called "Zateyniki". It was with short stories for children that N.Nosov's career began. Stories and stories of the writer - books for children and about children. Nosov's heroes are not just boys, but small citizens of their country. His boys are principled, inventive, smart. Why are all heroes boys? The writer replied that he probably knew the boys better, and therefore wrote about them.

"Mishkina's porridge" - in which the same two friends are trying to cook porridge for their supper, and that, such a dirty trick, climbs and climbs out of the pan; "Telephone" - where Mishka and Kolya buy themselves practically real telephones, and then spoil and break them, moreover, exclusively for research purposes - I really wanted to see how they work; "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary" is about schoolchildren who became beekeepers.

The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" is called one of the most successful in Nosov's work: despite the rather ordinary source material - pioneer gatherings, school lessons, conversations between teachers and students - it describes the everyday life of boys in an unusually realistic way, and this is done so interesting and it is natural that any reader will recognize himself in them. And this is not surprising - after all, Nikolai Nosov did not invent a lot of plots, but took from life, communicating with his son and his friends, peeping and finding everywhere: on the street, at a party, at schools, where he was invited to creative meetings ...

In "The Adventures of Dunno" Nosov tells in detail about such machines, devices, tools, which had yet to appear. The first edition of "Dunno in the Sunny City" was published in 1958 - then the television system for monitoring traffic in detail in the book was still a fantasy. Modern readers know that such a system actually exists. This means that the writer knew how to look into the future ... This is a very funny tale, the characters of which are suspiciously similar to their little readers. Especially Dunno. Well, just like a tomboy, because of his inability and arrogance, he gets into a variety of stories. Therefore, he fell in love most of all. And not only to our (then Soviet) guys, but also to foreign ones, since through the efforts of translators very soon he spoke in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Even in Japanese!

And one more, very important point. All Nosov's books are filled with humor - a cheerful, benevolent depiction of heroes in a funny way. Open any page - it is impossible to read without a smile, or even irrepressible laughter. Experiment: ask an adult if they have read Nikolai Nosov's books. In response, the person will surely smile and remember a funny episode from "Dunno" or "Viti Maleev", "The Merry Family" or the fairy tale "Bobik visiting Barbos" ... because they came out mostly in thin covers.

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Literary reading lesson in grade 3 Development of an elementary class teacher of the branch of the secondary school in the village of Skornyakovo in the village of Skornyakovo

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Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born on November 23, 1908 in Kiev. Today he would be ... years old. The life and work of Nikolai Nosov

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N.N. Nosov devoted almost forty years to the noble cause of raising girls and boys. His tireless work was marked by high government awards: the State Prize of the RSFSR named after N.K. Krupskaya, USSR State Prize (for "Vitya Maleev ..."). In 1976 N. Nosov died. He entrusted us with his most important secret - funny and clever books. He owned the "golden key" to the hearts of girls and boys. Happiness is not in the gold found at the bottom of an old well. The secret is in man. In the ability to acquire and value knowledge, and most importantly, to think, live honestly, work hard, value every day of your life, without wasting yourself on trifles. Read the books of N. Nosov, comprehend the wisdom of the heroes, learn the secret of N. Nosov.

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N. Nosov experienced more than one profession in his life. But he stopped his choice on children's literature. He began to write in 1938. His first story was published in the children's magazine "Murzilka" and was called "Zateyniki". It was with short stories for children that N.Nosov's career began. These are amazing stories - small masterpieces - 2-3 pages long, and each of them shines like a bright pearl. Then the following stories appeared: "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary", "A Merry Family", "Vitya Maleev at School and at Home." Stories and stories of the writer - books for children and about children. Nosov's heroes are not just boys, but small citizens of their country. His boys are principled, inventive, smart. The letters of children - readers to N. Nosov contain an insult: Why are all the heroes boys? The writer replied that he probably knew the boys better, and therefore wrote about them.

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The very first story by Nikolai Nosov - "Zateyniki" - was published in 1938. In subsequent years, he began to write for all-Union children's publications, such as "Koster", "Murzilka", "Pionerskaya Pravda". It was there that the beloved "Merry Family" was first published - about how bosom friends Mishka and Kolya decided to make an incubator and raise chickens.

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"Mishkina's porridge" - in which the same two friends are trying to cook porridge for their supper, and that, such a dirty trick, climbs and climbs out of the pan; "Telephone" - where Mishka and Kolya buy themselves practically real telephones, and then spoil and break them, moreover, exclusively for research purposes - I really wanted to see how they work; "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary" is about schoolchildren who became beekeepers.

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The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" is called one of the most successful in Nosov's work: despite the rather ordinary source material - pioneer gatherings, school lessons, conversations between teachers and students - it describes the everyday life of boys in an unusually realistic way, and this is done so interesting and it is natural that any reader will recognize himself in them. And this is not surprising - after all, Nikolai Nosov did not invent a lot of plots, but took from life, communicating with his son and his friends, peeping and finding everywhere: on the street, at a party, at schools, where he was invited to creative meetings ...

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One of his books is called "The Dreamers". Sometimes this word is used as offensive, reproachful: "Oh, you dreamer!" Who is a dreamer? He is a dreamer whose heart is filled with bold and unexpected plans.

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Nikolai Nosov himself was a rare dreamer. It was his fantasy that gave all of us Dunno and other short men - little people the size of a cucumber - with their fascinating travels in the Flower City and even on the Moon.

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The fabulous trilogy about Dunno is the second stage of creativity. If in stories and stories we learned how to cook porridge, build an incubator, learn arithmetic, then in the trilogy N. Nosov takes us far beyond the bounds of everyday experience. The author fills his trilogy with a mass of scientific information: from technical to space.

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In "The Adventures of Dunno" Nosov tells in detail about such machines, devices, tools, which had yet to appear. The first edition of "Dunno in the Sunny City" was published in 1958 - then the television system for monitoring traffic in detail in the book was still a fantasy. Modern readers know that such a system actually exists. This means that the writer knew how to look into the future ... This is a very funny tale, the characters of which are suspiciously similar to their little readers. Especially Dunno. Well, just like a tomboy, because of his inability and arrogance, he gets into a variety of stories. Therefore, he fell in love most of all. And not only to our (then - Soviet) guys, but also to foreign ones, as through the efforts of translators very soon he spoke in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Even in Japanese!

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The third stage - autobiographical stories: “The Mystery at the Bottom of the Well” is the name of the story he wrote about himself, his childhood and growing up, about the secret kept for many years by the well, from which the Nosov family took water. "The Story of My Friend Igor" was the name of the writer for a work dedicated to his grandson. But the book could be called "About a friend Vanya / Petya or Seryozha", because every boy and every girl will recognize her character traits on its pages, meet her joys and troubles, dreams and hopes.

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"The Tale of My Friend Igor" (1970) is also called the continuation of the tradition of Korney Chukovsky (meaning his story "From Two to Five"). Igor is the native grandson of Nikolai Nosov, whom he watched from the age of two and wrote down all the interesting and funny actions, phrases and reflections of the growing kid. Extremely addicting storytelling! This is, in fact, an artistic diary of Nosov's grandfather, each entry in which is a manifestation of love for his grandson and boundless surprise ... "I saw in the child what I did not notice before and which, as it seemed to me, others did not notice!" - he wrote.

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And one more, very important point. All Nosov's books are filled with humor - a cheerful, benevolent depiction of heroes in a funny way. Open any page - it is impossible to read without a smile, or even irrepressible laughter. Try an experiment: ask an adult if they have read Nikolai Nosov's books. In response, the person will surely smile and remember a funny episode from "Dunno" or "Viti Maleev", "The Merry Family" or the fairy tale "Bobik visiting Barbos" ... because they came out mostly in thin covers.

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NIKOLAY NOSOV Nikolay Nosov is a Russian Soviet prose writer, playwright, all works for children. Nikolai Nosov - invented Dunno and settled with other short men in the Flower City.

His father was a stage and cinema actor, mother was a needlewoman and a singer. Nikolay Nosov was born in Kiev

A multi-talented boy, Nosov from his gymnasium years was fond of music, theater, writing - along with chess, photography, electrical engineering, radio amateurism.

He was a newspaper merchant, excavator, hayman, in 1927-1929 he studied at the Kiev Art Institute, from where he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography.

From 1932 to 1951, he directed animated, popular science and educational films (including for the Red Army, earning the Order of the Red Star in 1943).

Nikolai Nikolayevich himself said that he began to write for children quite by accident - at first he simply told fairy tales to his little son and his friends.

The first story "Zateyniki" was published in 1938 in the magazine "Murzilka".

Nosov introduced a new hero into children's literature - a naive and sane, mischievous and inquisitive fidget, obsessed with a thirst for activity and constantly finding himself in unusual, often comic situations.

The well-deserved fame was brought to the writer by the fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Dunno in the Sunny City" and "Dunno on the Moon".

Screen adaptation of N. Nosov's works

Nikolay Nosov

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