
The battle of psychics is they real or a deception. The battle of psychics: truth or staged show? Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper about the project

We welcome you, casual guests and regular readers of our site. In our age of technological progress, information, falling like avalanche streams on the world, has taken possession of our minds, hearts, moods and thoughts.

Mass media: television, radio, press “fight” for a place in the sun, creating more and more new sensations in order to increase ratings, enter the top, and, therefore, stay afloat.

Attracts what is scary and what is unknown, and also what causes powerful emotions... And how can you not get emotional when before your eyes, even on a TV screen, real people see through walls, hear the dead, find missing things and people on the map?

This is what is shown to us in the program "The Battle of Psychics", which is broadcasted on the TNT channel and is perhaps the most mysterious, popular of its kind and discussed on domestic television. It is not for nothing (just think!) 16 seasons of the program were filmed.

Mysticism, psychology or extravagant PR?

It is difficult to imagine the possibility of a TV show that would not have its fans and "anti-worshipers".

Fans believe in all the miracles that are shown to them on the screen, from the ability to accurately determine whose photograph is in an envelope to the ability to look for people and objects, walk through walls, communicate with aliens ... (oh, something we got carried away) ...

And the number of skeptics is simply off scale, but, as the situation with the incredible popularity of the program shows, such, albeit black, PR only plays into the hands of its creators and owners of the TNT channel.

We will not take one or the other side, but just think a little with you.

It is believed that the so-called psychics buy answers to tasks from the film crew and other knowledgeable personalities, and the participants themselves talk about this in their blogs (not about their purchases, of course, you guessed it). And they even call the price, which is neither more nor less, but twenty-three thousand Russian rubles per task, sometimes it is about thirty thousand.

Although the permanent host of the program over the past eight seasons, Marat Basharov, claims that it is the angry participants who did not manage to reach the final, dissolve such gossip in order to justify their own defeat and cast a shadow on the hated show that prevented them from becoming famous.

Marat also says that, unfortunately (!), No one offered him money and that the goal of the project is to identify people who really have superpowers, and trick and bribery alone will not get you far. It is understandable, what kind of sane person would offer to drain the information to the leader himself?

The program even specifically provides for the presence of skeptics who are trying with all their might to expose the participants. Such "unbelievers" are the famous illusionists Safronov Brothers (and who else, if not them, know all possible tricks and tricks that can have a bewitching effect on the public), as well as Mikhail Viktorovich Vinogradov, who specializes in studying the phenomenon of human paranormal abilities and is engaged in criminal psychiatry.

But even in spite of such an impressive arsenal of knowledge and experience of the opposition, psychics manage to surprise again and again with the manifestation of remarkable magical abilities. The most interesting thing is that often even the participants themselves are surprised at their own skills, as if mentally asking themselves: “What is this? Coincidence or dormant "superpowers"?

Elena Yasevich

Marilyn Kero and Alexander Sheps

Although the representatives of the television fraternity themselves say that people who have certain abilities that go beyond the usual come to auditions and qualifying rounds. But!

Attention! Often they do not pass these very selections, yielding (not of their own free will, of course) to much less gifted associates. Why? - you ask. Or maybe the TV people themselves choose the participants to match the viewers, so that each viewer has his own type of “psychic”, whom he will watch and root for?

What do you think - Real magicians, psychics and people with their purpose to serve and help others will use every opportunity to break through to TV screens and gain as much fame as possible? Previously, such a question could be answered categorically - no. Such people were hiding because they were feared and executed for their abilities.

I believe in TNT!

The secret is always revealed, sooner or later ...

The first release of the program took place in 2007! year. If you think that all this is a game of actors, then can such extras be filmed for so many years in open areas and still not be exposed in deception?

Something tells us that such a large-scale program cannot be secretly filmed on the outskirts of cities, each time paying for a new cast of actors for different scenes. Russia is a big country, but there are much fewer actors)) What do you think? Write your opinion in the comments to this article

For those who doubt, but really want to believe, "Battle of Psychics" is always open and invites people to participate in the filming of the program.

Vote. How do you think?

Thank you for your attention, dear readers. Share with your friends and stay with us. Love to you, miracles and joy! Watch "Battle of Psychics" and read interesting books.

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Wild rider

Wild rider wrote:
At the moment, the scientific community can not only explain, but even normally fix a person's ability to feel a gaze on himself,

What a stunning logical maxim in its clarity - "scientists have experimentally dispelled regular myth \u003d scientists cannot even fix the content of the myth. "Arguing in a similar paradigm of thinking, scientists can still present many claims and delicate questions to scientists:
- Scientists have once again reached a dead end - the Leprechaun's gold has not been found again!
-Scientists with their incompetence have proved the existence of powerful Aztec gods: the gods have not been discovered for more than six centuries - only gods, and only very powerful ones can elude science for so many years!
- Lead in gold - unlucky scientists can never master the art of our ancestors!
- Higgs boson, radio-carbon dating method, 20,000 different diseases - doing simple nonsense, scientists are trying to divert the public's eyes from the fact that they cannot even fix at least one proof of something supernatural.
Wild rider wrote:
although, I am sure, many have encountered this phenomenon.

As with the voice of God, intercourse with demons, dead relatives, charging water in front of the TV, and other forms of critical thinking deviations.
Let's just voice one fact: none extraordinary abilities never have not been confirmed by competent scientific experiment. Supporters of every magic love to reproach scientists for being biased, unwilling to explore "hidden areas of life", withholding or falsifying data - all such touchers addressed to scientists are, at best, delusions, and often just deliberate lies. Scientists regularly conduct, have conducted and will conduct honest, unbiased experiments to identify any unusual abilities, all work is freely available - please, study, check, try to present something.
Ps: with regards to the fund, in addition to the Randy fund, there is, for example, the Harry Houdini fund, ours, domestic. There is no CHSV. A million is given only in rubles, but also bread. Dare, come and feel the looks on you. If you want, I’ll go with you and see to it that the experiment is clean.
Psps: Now I read about the Randy Foundation, I was very amused by one moment: some of our winners of this very "battle of psychics" had to go there, get checked, but something did not grow together. What exactly is not specified, but a delightful phrase was sounded, proving that Randy himself is a charlatan and a crook: the psychic warriors were outraged that the foundation, it turns out, does not want to pay for tickets, food and accommodation of those being checked. Amazingly, isn’t it true that the fund that exposes swindlers and crooks does not want to support them. It is strange that the psychic did not foresee this - apparently the region of the brain responsible for extrasensory abilities squeezed out the area responsible for logical thinking. Hmm ... Or is this just a stupid excuse for charlatans?

I rarely turn on the TV. There are only two programs that I regularly watch for more than a year: KVN and the Battle of Psychics. I have been watching the battle from the very first season, and, like many, I am concerned about the question: is the Battle of Psychics true or staged? Are there actors or real psychics?

I watched the first seasons, not doubting the reality of what was happening. But after that doubts began to appear: is it true what is shown there? In addition, on the Internet, I periodically came across articles that allegedly leaked information to the participants in the show. And the truth is: some of the psychics somehow passed the tests suspiciously well.

But how can this be verified? Maybe take part in the filming personally. But I absolutely would not want to appear on the screen. And not so long ago a funny story happened.

I have a good friend, we have been in touch for 10 years already. Once I went to her Vkontakte page and began to look at the photos on which she is marked. And in one of the photos she was filmed in the company of ... the winner of the Battle of Psychics on TNT! Moreover, the photos were not from filming or casting, but from some cafe, and they looked as if they had known each other for a long time. I will not give the name, as this is not my story. I can only say that this is a young man.

I was stunned. And, of course, I didn’t believe it. I looked at the photo for a long time - I thought, maybe not he, but just very similar? I decided to ask my friend personally.

Me: Natasha, listen, what are you on this photo with (First Name Last Name)?

She: Well, yes.

I: !!! ??? !!! Come on!

She: What's wrong?

Me: This is the winner of the Battle of Psychics!

As she started, sorry, laugh at me))) Says: “Do you really believe in this? You are just like my mom! " I even felt embarrassed. It turned out that she and this person were engaged in the same group at personal growth trainings in St. Petersburg, and then they talked for a while. She often took him home, as they lived nearby. Her opinion was categorical: he was not a psychic, but just a good psychologist, and the Battle of Psychics was a production.

If even before this story a skeptic and a believer fought in me, then after it skepticism increased. But I still watch the Battle of Psychics - just because it's interesting.

And more about the intersections of the Battle of Psychics with my life. Either in the first or in the second season in one of the test of the battle, a friend of my former colleague was filmed... This is a flight attendant who survived the crash of an IL-86 flying from Moscow to St. Petersburg in 2003. Filming just took place at the crash site. So, the tests in the program are really real, not staged.

But about the participants, the question remains open.

As you can imagine, there is no point in inventing these stories. If I wanted to write something, I would have come up with something more impressive.

And now I will turn off my inner skeptic and write this paragraph)) Still about some of the participants, I am convinced that they are real psychics, and not actors... Vladimir Muranov shocked me at one time. A surprisingly bright person, I would love to talk to him personally. Even through the screen, his aura was felt.

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Everyone knows that reality shows are not really reality. They consist of a pre-written script, specially invited participants, provoking conflicts of conditions and - like the icing on the cake - competent editing. All this turns the ordinary life of the contestants into a real series, from which millions of viewers cannot tear themselves away.

website decided to check what exactly was fake in 12 of the most popular reality shows. We must admit that the result was surprising: 3 programs unexpectedly turned out to be true.

Car for pumping

"Wheelbarrow to Pump" is the coolest reality show of the 2000s, where the guys converted old cars into fantastic cars with TVs in the cabin and huge speakers in the trunk. But in 2015, the Huffington Post interviewed former project participants, and then it turned out that not everything was as rosy as on TV.

  • The machines remained in the transmission hangars for about six months, and not a couple of weeks, as shown.
  • Pumped just for show: firstly, only externally, without affecting internal details, and secondly, most of the cool gadgets were removed from the car immediately after filming (mainly due to safety rules, since you put the monitor on the doorknob to watch a movie when you open door - you know).
  • Rusted car, parts falling off - many of these problems were invented by producers at the very beginning to heighten the wow effect at the end.
  • The stories, of course, were also pumped at times.

“I know I'm pretty fat, but then they went too far. According to the plot, sweets were scattered everywhere in the cabin of my car, supposedly in case I got hungry. But I never had candy in my car, it was made especially for the show. As a result, they installed a cotton candy machine in my trunk. I think they loved the idea and just used the fat guy to bring it to life. "

Seth Martino
  • The final was often re-filmed with the phrase: “Well, we tried. Come on, show us more emotions. "
  • The only thing that all participants noted with sincere warmth, is the host of Xzibit. As one of the participants recalls: "He was always relaxed, cheerful and easy-going."

Bachelor / The Bachelor

  • First, the selection: some of the girls are invited for ratings, for example, famous models or bloggers. Another part is non-standard types: unusual nationality, profession, extravagant image, difficult fate, etc.

“I didn’t pass the casting for The Bachelor, because they told me that, firstly, I’m not good enough, and most importantly, my biography is not so interesting.”

Anonymous contributor on Reddit
  • Filming takes place 24 hours a day, so much remains off the air. The material is compiled in a way that is beneficial for a more conflicting or dramatic plot.

“During my post-flight interview, the producer asked me, 'Do you miss your family?' The fact is that I lost my family. I burst into tears. After that, they asked me what I felt about the "bachelor", and during the editing they framed my crying to this question. It turned out as if I was crying because the hero did not choose me. "

Jamie Otis, member of the American "Bachelor"

“My friend's sister went quite far in one of the seasons. She said that the producers are almost completely adjusting the show, and she went on the show just for free travel. "

Bsatts, Reddit

The Last Hero / Survivor

Agree, "The Last Hero" seems the most real and organic compared to other shows. And there is. But there are also some nuances:

  • As the participants said, the producers often talked with them before the vote, discussing and proposing hypothetical scenarios: “What if such a player leaves today? And if I say so? " These questions generated thoughts in the minds of the contestants and sometimes forced them to make a different decision. This is manipulation, but, on the other hand, not direct interference.
  • The film crew helped the players, but everything is limited to reports that the operator borrowed a lighter (but later in the program they showed that the fire was produced thanks to glasses and sunlight) or the journalist shared a toffee. This is maximum.
  • As for the theories about the hotel, in which the participants actually live, and in front of the cameras pretend to be Aborigines, the hotel really was. But only for the film crew and usually on the neighboring island. Only 5 people were on the scene with the teams: 2 operators, 2 journalists and a doctor.

Conclusion: Judging from the stories of all the former participants and organizers, the show was real and challenging, as the producers adhered to very strict protocols. This can be confirmed by the fact that many heroes are losing weight.

The Voice

« It's just that people who sing well are not the criteria that will make a show rating. It's no secret that "The Voice" is a version of the Dutch project The Voice. Initially, they also noted that this is a project about emotions. Therefore, extraordinary and interesting people are necessarily selected for the participants: one is a singing plumber, the second has an incredible non-standard timbre, the third is a crazy deputy assistant, the fourth is a rocker with dreadlocks, the fifth is engaged exclusively in academic vocals ... "

Evgeny Orlov, music editor of the Russian project

“My friend didn’t pass the blind audition on the Voice. He wanted to sing a certain song, but NBC had no rights to it, so they asked him to perform another song, which, frankly, did not fit his vocal abilities at all. The judges announced to him that the song was too ambitious. Unsurprisingly, the show is very successful as NBC can do it the way they want it. "

heatsensitive, Reddit

And a little about mentors. If you've always wondered how such sought-after stars can devote so much time to a show, here's the answer:

“We only worked with our mentors a few times, and the rest of the time we were on our own, and the vocal teachers with producers, of course.”

Ddendyl hoyt

Fashionable verdict

One of the participants in the show (the cute girl in the photo above) spoke about her "Fashion Sentence". We present to you an extract from the description: “I decided to participate out of my love of adventure and, what can I hide, love for freebies (the winning set remains with the hero of the program). I have a lot of clothes, I have never had any problems, including those with male attention. But the organizers asked me to come up with some kind of legend. I contacted my dad, and we decided that he would accuse me of an infantile wardrobe.

I was asked to bring at least 50 items to the studio, of which the worst third was eventually posted for analysis on the air. Before shooting, stylists dressed me for about 7-8 hours: the image was selected for me in the mass market like Zara, H&M, etc., they did not ask my opinion, they did not pay attention to the convenience and quality. Moreover, the purchased things were sewn under me. When I asked: “What if it’s not the choice of stylists that wins, are you going to return the sewn to the stores?” - I was told that the choice of stylists would win. I chose things for my own image in the TV program warehouse. Here they turned out to be really amazing: quality, choice, and brands. Chic!

The shooting itself took place in a pleasant atmosphere, the hosts and guests were very nice. We supported the previously agreed-upon legend, about the choice of stylists and make-up artists, I expressed everything I wanted (however, a lot was then cut out). The choice of stylists won, and I went home with sewn-in synthetic clothes. "

America's top model

The most unusual thing about this program is its host Tyra Banks. Let's talk about what she achieved with her show, which every girl taller than 175 cm previously dreamed of.

“My sister participated in the 12th season. Tyra humiliated her in first gear , but after filming, she came up and made a speech with an apology and explanations like "This is show business, you know." The sister also said that all the staff hate Tyra because of these emotional outbursts. "


“The thing is, nobody wants to perceive us as serious models. I'm sure the show turned the process of becoming a top model into some kind of farce, producing 3 seasons a year and coming up with challenges like posing on a roller coaster. "

Caridie English, Season 7 Winner

And it really is: the show of one of the world's most famous top models failed to create America's next top model. Of the 24 seasons, only 3 participants made it to fame: Caridy English, who became the speaker of the National Psoriasis Foundation; Yaya DaCosta, who played Whitney Houston in the series of the same name, and Analee Tipton, who also became a Hollywood actress. Not a single high-profile modeling career.

“I know that in“ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? ”They get money, it's true: the amount of the winnings minus the tax. If it was all bullshit, the show wouldn't last that long. When a participant comes up to a large sum, the editors call the manager and consult, to bring down the player or give him a chance to earn everything. "

Liza Maltseva, TV and radio journalist

“To get to the show, you have to take a test. We had regulars - people who took this test 30 times, but never passed.

Once a friend of my father auditioned for a game. He was a smart man, but he didn't pass the test, and he quarreled with my father about it. It is constantly observed here that most people are not able to accept the fact of their failure.

We often have guests. For example, basketball player Charles Barkley and director Spike Lee accidentally destroyed the dressing room. Tyra Banks was just a bitch. "

TheNotorious HAM, worked as a game assistant

Take It Off Immediately / What Not to Wear

“They really took all my things and gave them to the Red Cross. The only thing, I was able to beg to leave a couple of my things - they belonged to my grandmother. "

Erock346, Reddit

“The money on the card is really ALL yours. The only thing you have to pay tax on this amount. But, in theory, you can buy only one belt. You cannot be forced to spend the entire amount. And I was generally lucky, because one of the producers immediately warned me not to spend all the money, but to set aside the required amount for taxes.

And finally, the main waste that no one sees on the air. It lies in the fact that a fairly large part of your money goes to the tailor, through which all the purchased clothes go, so that it will be on the air. You pay for this service from your own money for purchases. "

Joannati, member of the American project

Hell's Kitchen

The meaning of this reality show is simple: 2 teams of chefs compete with each other under the supervision of the infamous chef Gordon Ramsay in a tense atmosphere of his screams and harsh barbs.

Ordinary people take part there, but because of the pressure and "tricks" of the film crew, such as a planned change of ingredients, it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from the show. And judging by the words of one of the operators, all this is for real.

“The show is designed in such a way that we don't have to come up with artificial performances. In addition, hardly any of the participants could convincingly play the script, because they are not actors, but cooks.

The trick is pretty simple: just send the kids to rest, toss some coal in the stove and enjoy the fireworks. "

John Douglas, operator

Kardashian family

The reality show that made the Kardashian-Jenner family the most famous in the world certainly has special secrets of success. Journalist Mariah Smith, in her analysis of one of the episodes, reveals the principles of assembling this show.

Let's take a closer look. In Season 11, The Great Chris has 3 storylines:

  • Kris Jenner's birthday planning.
  • Kim's birthday.
  • Overdose ex-husband Chloe is Lamar Odom.

These stories are arranged so that everything goes according to the best laws of drama, that is, with a set, development and culmination, but not necessarily in a real time order. The events combined into one series, logically, should take place at about the same time, in the same series they show (now there is a risk of confusion) how the guy Chris gives her a car for her birthday. But this scene was filmed in August, while Chris's birthday is in November.

It turns out that the August scene is not about the birthday at all and was included in this episode, simply because it strengthened the storyline. It turns out that life is life, and some episodes can be specially written / inserted by the screenwriters for an impressive development of the plot lines of the series.

Britain's Psychic Challenge

Once it all started with Britain's Psychic Challenge and spread all over the world. But psychics did not take root abroad, but in former countries Soviet Union the show has won incredible ratings. Despite the secrecy of the entire project, for 18 seasons, no-no, and some details have leaked to the press. For example, that some mediums before the show starred in serials.

As the participants of the shooting process comment on the show:

“I ended up in the office of the Battle of Psychics agency through HeadHunter. They needed a plot producer - a person who had to find a topic, get in touch with real people and write a script for another plot based on them.

For the first topic, armed with a bottle of Hennessy and a box of expensive sweets, I went to the deputy head of the press service of the GUVD (I won't say which one) in order to get archival unsolved files. Everything was supposed to be like clockwork: the GUVD - an open case (I doubted it, but they believed in the sincerity of my intentions), me - an excellent report.

So I went to the 1997 case of the disappearance of 4 girls in the Ramensky district of Moscow. Now imagine: it's 2010. You are a parent. They call you and say that we can help you find your girls. They call people who, 13 years later, have already resigned themselves to the idea that everything is over and that they must try to forget everything and move on. And then a voice from the past.

I made one pass and left. I didn't have enough nerves or conscience.

I will add that funny characters whose cats break dishes at night, the parrot opens and closes the cage himself, and in the absence of the owners he does atrocities, they are also real, just most of them want to be in the “box”. To look at yourself, to your neighbors to prove the truth of fairy tales. Or maybe they really do.

And about psychics: in fact, they are there, in this project. They are diluted with idiots and tyrants with tambourines. They dress them up just like that and make them look like clowns - sometimes the entire entourage is spelled out from the beginning. Mysticism is all the same.

Mishell gauer

“In 2015, I decided to go to the final of the Battle of the Psychics at the Stakheevsky mansion. The test results were announced only at 2 am, so until 4 am people were still on the site and were waiting for their idols. When the celebrities left, everyone started to disperse, including the guards, and one of them asked me for directions to the subway. We parted, but unexpectedly on the way towards the house, we met again. I was terribly interested to ask him a couple of questions, and we struck up a conversation. He said that everything is not going according to the script, people with real problems, psychics also guess, but not as accurately as they show us. From the shooting of the tests, only hits on the target are left, and the failures are cut out. And it's true that they take freaks and a couple of normal ones. He also confirmed that Pakhom had come to PR, everyone in the film crew knew that, and, for example, Marilyn sometimes really surprises. "

Elizaveta Stepanova

“I studied at the Faculty of Journalism. Once a television producer came to our faculty and told us how to make a show. A week later, I saw this producer in the role of a medium on TNT in the program “Battle of Psychics”.

Alexey Dvornik, journalist

“I decided to go to the casting of the Battle of Psychics. I don't have any supernatural powers, I just really wanted to see how everything happens from the inside. (Read the whole story about casting.)

A week later, they called me, the conversation began with the phrase “Don't think we’re from TNT,” they invited me to talk. There they shared information that they are working closely with the TNT casting group, but are not their representatives. They watched all the videos from the casting, and they liked me very much, asked if it would be interesting for me to go further. And for “modest” 10,000 rubles, they offered to go straight to the stage with guessing the person in the car, and this price also includes a page on some esoteric site, reviews of “real” people and interesting storyhow I acquired the “gift”.

Why do some people need to PR on this show, you ask? Probably because then you can earn big money (for example,

Back in 2007, I participated in the launch of the "Battle of Psychics" television project.
At that time I was pulling other projects, but now let's talk specifically about "Psychics"
This is a formatted TV project. Original "Psychic Challenge"
What does it mean?
This means that companies like create programs
and then they sell them to the whole world.

More precisely, it is not the programs themselves that are sold, but the rights to create a similar program but adapted to the local market.
Together with the rights they sell the so-called "Project Bible".
The bible of the project includes a description technological process, all kinds of recommendations and advice,
for the correct filming process, descriptions of competitions, castings, graphic and audio design and much more.
In principle, the Bible is someone else's mistakes on which one can and should learn.
Moreover, they paid money for these mistakes and it is not wise to fill your bumps.
But it’s probably not quite customary for us to learn from other people's mistakes :)
Therefore, the technological plan of filming, prescribed in the Bible, as well as the staffing of the personnel required for the project, were ignored.
When a consultant from a company that sold this format to a TV channel flew in to control the filming process.
and compliance with the format, she was very surprised.
She constantly insisted: this is not possible, it is impossible to work this way. She didn’t understand how we handle it.
In fact, the project was filmed very quickly.
Basically, everything was done not "for tomorrow" but "for yesterday."
The program department decided when the first program would be launched,
and no one cares that half of the staff is not yet there, not a script and even intelligent psychics have not been found.
There is a broadcast date and you need to be in time for it. you are professionals :)

No money was allocated for the shooting either. Since the budget of the whole program has not been signed :)
And how to create a program budget if you do not know what will be in 8 more programs?
The script was only for the first program.
Basically, the night before the first shoot, I created a budget for the entire first season.
On the first day, the casting was filmed in Kiev, there was still no money, but it cannot be canceled;
people bought tickets and came to the casting, pavilions, decorations, catering, special equipment and much more were ordered.
As a result, I took out my money and paid the necessary expenses out of my own pocket, and only then I knocked these funds out of the accounting department, since I saved all the checks and contracts for reporting.
So you can say I was the first sponsor of the program :)

Now about the auditions.
We were all looking for psychics. Real, not charlatans.
It seems that so difficult?
They took the newspapers and rang the advertisements, they were piled up in the newspapers.
But everything is much more complicated.
Since we need real psychics, not charlatans, we immediately warned all applicants about this.
Therefore, many immediately refused to participate.
Those who were ready to prove their exclusivity underwent a series of tests.
For example: There is a photograph of a person in a tightly sealed envelope. Preferably printed from film or Polaroid.
The applicant must feel the energy of this photo and tell everything he feels about the person in the photo.
Such a simple test made it possible to weed out the majority of MAGES and WIZARDS.

Now comes the fun part.
I am often asked if real psychics participate in the program?
I answer. I do not know!
When we selected, they were all real, not fake.
This is also a problem.
After all, real psychics are not bright characters, they look like ordinary people, and not as you are used to seeing them in the movies.
This is bad for the show. After all, the viewer wants spectacles, so that they beat tambourines, throw dice, roll their eyes, etc.
And in the frame there are ordinary average residents.
I even had an idea to introduce some dummy characters in the next seasons.
Find a colorful Shaman, a red-haired Witch, and some black man with Voodoo magic.
They will play 3-4 programs and then we will gradually bring them out at the jury meeting.
That is, real psychics with abilities will enter the final.
Perhaps in subsequent seasons they did so, or maybe they went even further. I do not know this.

It was not easy for the participants of the program - psychics.
Understand the term "psychic" is like the term "athlete".
After all, an athlete cannot be an excellent weightlifter, gymnast and boxer at the same time. He is special in one thing, perhaps in related disciplines.
So is the "psychic", he can get excellent one thing, more or less another and the rest he cannot.
They also have a narrow specialization.
We ran them through all possible and impossible competitions.
I even pulled them into the casino, then it was not prohibited.
I wanted to win money with them, but alas, none of three attempts predicted a single number correctly.
They said that they were forbidden to deal with money like that :)
I want to note that many of them are good psychologists, if they did not know the answer, they tried
calculate the correct answer, talk a little and look at the reaction of others.
Plus, as I wrote earlier, we shot a lot and tightly.
If according to the format, you have 1 day for preparation, 1 day for filming one competition, 1 day for rest and a new one.
Sometimes we filmed 2 or 3 contests per shift. And the next day, there are still 1-2 contests shooting.
Very tight production times. :(
So the film crew and psychics worked in difficult conditions.

Once we tried to help them. The competition consisted in the fact that a psychic with one girl walked along the corridor of the hotel and looked in which room the girl's twin sister was.
So in the room where the second girl was and the operator was on the light so that you could immediately shoot the reaction.
And in the gap under this door it was clear that the light was on. The rest of the rooms were empty and the lights were off.
But the psychics did not pay attention to this. They acted according to some of their own rules and almost no one found the twin girl.

And yet it was amazing project and I am glad that we made it in spite of all intrigues and machinations.
And many thanks to all the psychics and the film crew I worked with.
Only the permanent host Pavel Kostitsin and the operators moved from season to season,
but the creative group seems to have been squeezed out and replaced.
Therefore, I do not regret that in time (after the end of the first season) I left this project.

And now I am ready to answer all your questions :) Ask.