
The problem of the ratio of external and internal beauty (according to the text of Yu. M, Nagibin) (USE in Russian). Composition: The problem of true and false beauty of a person The problem of true beauty arguments from literature

O.Henry " "
The most important thing is not the external brilliance, but the internal content. A person creates on the amount of cash, and his soul. This conclusion can be reached by reading the story of O. Henry "". Main character story - a young man named Towers Chandler, who once every 70 days posed as a rich man. It seemed to him that in this way he exalted himself in the eyes of people, but he was mistaken. Once he met a beautiful girl, whom he “showed off” all evening, talking about his wealth. He thought that he had won her attention, but did not take into account the fact that people do not always judge each other "by clothes." For wealthy Marian, money was not important, she was interested in inner world person. Later, when telling her sister who she might love, Marian described Chandler, not as he appeared to her on the streets of Manhattan, but who he really was. Hiding behind "tinsel," Chandler was unable to show his nature. As he explained to himself, “I didn’t allow a suit.”

Text essay: “I saw this at a suburban dance floor. Cheerful, hook-nosed, flexible, with a purple tint of black eyes, he invited her to dance ... ” Bondarev Yu.V.

The problem of true and false beauty of a person is raised by the writer Zh Yu. Bondarev.

An incident that took place many years ago on a suburban dance floor shocked the author and ran into his memory, as evidenced by the words NEVER FORGET and the detailed narrative itself. A young man with a bright, attractive appearance decided to make a mockery of a girl by inviting her to dance. He pretended to be an urban cavalier, feeling his own superiority against the background of a timid, inept, ugly partner. The girl, of course, "understood ... all his unforgivable meanness" and accepted this challenge. So a miracle happened before everyone's eyes: the narcissistic, arrogant, cheerful handsome man faded, "changed his face", trying to hide his embarrassment. And the awkward ugly girl suddenly transformed into a beauty full of dignity and inner strength.

The problem of true and false beauty is considered in detail and deeply in the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Thus, the soulless, through and through "bodily" Helen Kuragina is contrasted with the spiritualized, charming Natasha Rostova. Helen is selfish, mercantile, and therefore, according to the writer, she is ugly. And what makes Natasha truly beautiful is her intense inner work, naturalness, sincerity, and the talent to love.

In my opinion, the beauty of the soul illuminates the face of a person especially brightly at a respectable age (it is more noticeable in contrast with wrinkles). I remember Matryona - the main character of the story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin's yard". Indeed, a warm, soothing light emanates from this Russian woman, with her humility, wisdom and love for the world.

Summing up what has been said, it can be noted that the main distinguishing criterion for the truth of a person's beauty is the perfection and impeccability of his moral character.

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  • i saw it at the suburban dance floor
  • I saw it on a suburban dance floor
  • true beauty problem

Arguments for the most common problems:

1. The influence of nature on the human soul. Respect for nature:

1. In Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, Natasha Rostova, admiring the beauty of the night in Otradnoye, is ready to fly: she is inspired by what she sees. She is pure and beautiful.

Not only the reader admires the sincerity of Natasha,but the author himself admires it.

2. Peru M.M. Prishvin owns many works, and all of them are devoted to nature. In the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun" the author expressed his innermost thoughts

On the relationship between man and nature:"We are the masters of our nature, and she is for uspantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. "Only in harmony with nature, man

Able to comprehend the meaning of life.

3. In Antoine de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince", the main character urged everyone to live by the rule: "I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order -

And immediately put your planet in order. "If every inhabitant of the Earth lived according to this rule, then our planet, our nature would be completely safe.

4. The famous poet of the 20th century Eduard Asadov has a cycle of poems dedicated to animals. The main characters of this cycle are a bear cub, geese, tigers, eagles, a mosquito and many, many other smaller brothers.

The peculiarity of these poems is that all the heroes of these works are endowed with feelings: they worry, yearn, feel sad, protect their neighbors. The poet tells us that both animals have a soul, and man does not

The right to decide the fate of others, even animals, and he speaks about this in "Poems about the red mongrel":

You don't know nature

After all, it may be the body of a mongrel,

And the heart is the purest breed!

5. The protagonist of Boris Vasiliev's work "Don't shoot white swans! Egor Polushkin seems strange, unadapted to life. He doesn't have a permanent job, and he can't feed his family.

Even a simple ditch for the sewer cannot be dug directly. The foreman personally pulled the ropes. Egor worked with passion, but the foreman was dissatisfied, because the ditch made a neat loop around the anthill. Yegor could not disturb the life of a simple murash. Yegor was not understood by people, but nature ... accepted. And when he had the great happiness of becoming a forester, Yegor's soul seemed to wake up, woke up from a great dream. And his son, brought up on a true love of nature, will continue the work of his father.

6. V.P. Astafiev: "Nature is not only the source of life. It is also the educator of the soul."

2. The problem of the inevitability of scientific and technological progress. The problem of scientists' responsibility for their discoveries:

1. The central image of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" E. Bazarov is engaged in science, medicine, but, at the same time, challenges the eternal laws of life, being, rejects love, art.

Bazarov's "nihilism", his desire to reject spiritual values, leads the hero to an ideological crisis and inevitable death. A person engaged in science must take care and

About your spiritual development.

3. The role of the family in the formation of personality:

1. In Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, one of the most important moral values ​​is the role of the family in shaping the personality. In the Rostov family

Relationships are built on sincerity.and kindnesstrust and honesty, therefore the children - Natasha, Nikolai, Petya - have become truly good people,

Capable of heroic deeds for the benefit of their family, friends, Motherland.

In the Kuragin family, where is the career and moneydecided everything, and Helen and Anatole are immoral egoists.

2. In the story of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"Father's instructions, his personal life example helped Pyotr Grinev to remain honest even in the most critical moments,

True to yourself, duty, love.It is the moral principleshelped Pyotr Grinev save Masha Mironova.

3. In Yu. Yakovlev's story "He killed my dog," the boy Sasha fell in love with a stray dog ​​very much. She, he believed, understood him and was a true friend. But Sasha's parents

They could neither accept nor understand such love. And the father killed the dog by shooting it in the ear. After that, Sashka "Just answers his questions" Why can't adults understand that

Children have a right to their feelings and their affection. Unfortunately, Sasha was not lucky with his parents, they were too selfish to understand their son.

4. The problem of fathers and children:

1. In the preface to his work "The Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote that he dedicated it to adults: "After all, adults were children at first, only a few

Who among them remembers this.” Of course, if adults remembered that they were once children, then the problems of “fathers” and “children” would become much less.

2. For some reason, adults often believe that children do not respond to what kind of relationship prevails between parents. Angel de Coitiers in his work "The Little Princess"

He says that the child is a hostage of parental lies. Mashenka is terminally ill with cancer from the fact that her parents constantly lie. They don't like each other and

They save the family only for the sake of their daughter. Masha understands this, she hears their thoughts and decides to give her parents a chance to sort themselves out. This is her precious gift. Both are dear to her: and mother,

And dad, she can't choose, which means she'd better go, die. But as soon as the parents began to tell the truth, they try to sort out their feelings - Masha will recover.

3. In Turgenev's prose poem "Sparrow" we see the heroic deed of a bird. Trying to protect the offspring, the sparrow rushed into battle against the dog.The sparrow was not afraid of the animal bigger and stronger than yourself. Just because he was protecting his family.

5. Development and preservation of the Russian language:

1. A sense of pride in one's people, one's language manifested itself in the prose poem by I.S. Turgenev "Russian language", in which the author enthusiastically exclaims: "... you are the only one for me

Support and support, oh great, mighty,true and freeRussian language!... This work is a hymn to the Russian language. It must be answered that the language

The literary works of I.S. Turgenev himself are infinitely rich, imaginative andmusical.

2. Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich, Russian historian, author of the famous work "History of the Russian State", in one of his journalistic articles defines the role of the Russian language,

Comparing it with proud,majestica river that "roars, thunders - and suddenly, if necessary, softens." The Russian language is the soul of the Russian people.

3. Word. What great power has just one word. It can hurt, make you cry, forgive, give hope... Unfortunately, not every person attaches significant importance to his word. But even our ancestors

They used to say: "The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won't catch it." We need to learn to control our words. Learn from such great masters as I.S. Turgenev, I. Bunin. Famous poet E. Asadov urges us:

So that there are no unnecessary troubles in life

You have to think, guys, over every word,

For there are no weightless words in the world!

6. The problem of the loss of spiritual values. The problem of moral choice:

1. In Y. Mamleev's story "Jump into the Coffin", the relatives of the sick old woman Ekaterina Petrovna, tired of caring for her, decided to bury her alive and thereby get rid of her problems.

A funeral is a terrible evidence of what a person devoid of compassion, living only in his own interests, turns into. Dies, buried alive

Ekaterina Petrovna, but even earlierher sister and brother died, they died spiritually, at that moment, as soon as this thought occurred to them.

2. main character novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin "Tatyana Larina" was true to her marital duty and given word. She rejects the feeling of her secretly beloved Onegin.

Tatyana is the personification of sincerity and moral strength.

3. The fate of the hero of the story "The Fate of a Man" by M.A. Sholokhov, Andrei Sokolov, is very tragic. Not every person could endure what the hero had to endure: captivity,

The news of the death of his wife and daughters, and later of his son. However, Andrei managed to survive and even take on Vanyushka, who was also orphaned by the war.

Andrew has a moral core.

4. In E.I. Nosov's story "Doll", Akimych's act, at first glance, seems completely incomprehensible: when he saw a doll, over which someone "cynically and cruelly mocked",

Bury like a human. He digs a hole like a real grave, spreads a bunch of hay on the bottom of the hole ... But his act seems strange only at first glance. Akimych front-line soldier and

The tormented doll reminds him of crippled people, but the main thing is that today we see a tormented doll - the likeness of a person - and tomorrow we may not notice

And the man himself. After all, indifference starts small.

5. In O. Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" the protagonist is destroyed by human vices: greed, arrogance, immorality, murder. All actions taken are reflected

On his portrait, exactly like his age. But the moment is inevitable when a person will have to answer for his chosen life path. With all the "charms" of life, Dorian is lonely: he has

There is no family, a loved one nearby, even real friends. He was seized with fear, fear for his secret of youth and fear of death. At the end of the novel, he dies alone and instantly aged.

7. The problem of losing connection with the stepfather's house, the connection of generations:

1. In K.G. Paustovsky's story "Telegram", Nastya lives a bright, full life away from her lonely, old mother. She arranges the fate of other people,

The mother never waited for her only daughter, whom she loved very much.The connection between generations was broken, and this loss is irreparable.

2. Evgeny Bazarov from the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" disdainfully treats his "old men", denies their moral principles,

He does not accept their desire to stay longer with his Enyushka ... and dies from a trifling scratch. This dramatic ending shows

The tragedy of those who broke away from the "soil", from the traditions of their people. Only native home, native people are able to prinft, teach and forgive.

8. In life there is always a place for a feat. Heroes are not born, they are made, even in peacetime:

1. The feat is accomplished not only during the war years. A feat is a selfless act for the sake of and in the name of others. This is exactly what Danko did, the hero of the story

M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil". He sanctified the way for people with the light of his heart. People came out of impenetrable forests. Danko died saving others.

9. The problem of loneliness (indifference, indifference to the fate of others):

Only those who have experienced loneliness know what it is. M. Sholokhov has a wonderful story "The Fate of Man". It tells

O tragic fate a soldier who lost all his relatives during the war. Andrei Sokolov knows what loneliness is. One day he met

An orphan boy and decided to call himself his father. This act indicates that love and the desire to do good give a person

Strength for life, strength to resist fate.

10. The problem of true and false values. The problem of the destructive influence of money, moral decline:

1. Imagelandowner Plyushkin in N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls"symbolizes total mortification human soul, the death of a strong personality,

Absorbed without a trace of passionavarice. This passion became the reason for the destruction of all family and friendly ties, and Plyushkin himself

I just lost my humanity. Chichikov at the first meeting could not understandwho is in front of him: "a man or a woman."

2 . I. Bunin in the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco" showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his idol, the meaning of life.

But when an American millionaire dies and returns back in the hold, it turns out that true happiness, the true meaning of life was completely

Not in wealth. He was remembered and revered exactly as long as he was alive, as soon as he dies, everyone forgets about him.

11. The problem of loyalty to one's beliefs:

1. The hero of A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter" Petrusha Grinev remained true to his conviction despite the fact that this

Threatened his life. He did not renounce the oath, did not renounce his beloved Masha Mironova, for which he deserved

Respect for your enemy - Emelyan Pugacheva.

12. The role of the book in the formation of personality. The problem of the influence of the book on the fate of a person:

1. In F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment", the main character Rodion Raskolnikov commits a terrible sin: he allows

To itself to kill the person for the sake of the theory. The revival of Rodion Raskolnikov, his repentance is due to the Gospel, which

He saw Sony for the first time.

13. The problem of moral dutyha:

1 . One of the heroes of the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" said that every person has his own star.Everyone

Strives for his ideals, but they must be based on moral principles.

2. Y. Bondarev's novel "Hot Snow" reflects the most tragic moments of the war, when Manstein's brutalized tanks rush to the group surrounded in Stalingrad. Young gunners, yesterday's boys, are holding back the onslaught of the Nazis with superhuman efforts. The sky was blood-smoked, the snow melted from bullets, the ground burned under their feet, but the Russian soldier survived - he did not allow the tanks to break through. For this feat, General Bessonov, defying all conventions, without award papers, presents orders and medals to the remaining soldiers. "What can I do, what can I do ..." - he says bitterly, approaching another soldier. The general could, but the authorities? Why does the state remember the people only in tragic moments of history?

14. The problem of the ratio of internal and external beauty:

1. In the story of A.P. Platonov "Yushka" it is told about the blacksmith's assistant, who was completely unsightly, to the children

It was permissible to offend Yushka, adults frightened them. And only after his death, fellow villagers learned his name, surname

And the patronymic, and most importantly, that this man raised an orphan, gave her an education. And this girl became a doctor and treats the sick.

So the seemingly inconspicuous person had a very kind heart. Internally, Yushka is beautiful.

2. Ivan Vasilyevich, the hero of L.N. Tolstoy's story "After the Ball", was in love with Varenka B. and admired her father, the colonel.

The colonel was very handsome in appearance: he was smart, well-built, neat, moved well and made the most pleasant impressions.

But, seeing him after the ball, at the moment when he gave orders to punish the runaway soldier, he no longer seemed so

Beautiful. Inner ugliness eclipsed outer beauty and ... extinguished love for Varenka.

3. K. G. Paustovsky has a work called "Golden Rose". It tells the story of the Parisian garbage collector Jeanne Chamet.

Once he served the soldiers, then took care of the commander's daughter Susanna. After many years they met again, Suzanne was unhappy and Chamet

I decided to give her a golden rose for good luck. For many years he collected gold dust and managed to cast a golden rose. Too bad Susanna didn't know.

And do it completely disinterestedly.

4. It is in classical literature we meet many examples when the real heroes, the bearers of true moral values ​​are those who did not possess

Impeccable external data, excellent figure. Indeed, in life, a person needs mutual understanding, actions. Here in the fairy tale-joke by E. Asadov "The Girl and the Forester"

We are convinced that spiritual beauty is much more attractive than external: Goblin, Goblin// And it seems, perhaps, not so bad!/

15. The problem of finding the meaning of life (happiness in life). self-confidence:

1. Pilot Alexei Maresyev from B. Polevoy's story "The Tale of a Real Man" only faith in one's own strength and courage

They helped to survive in the most difficult situation and subsequently return to their squadron again. He proved to everyone

What you need to believe in yourself to the end, not to go with the flow of fate.

2. In V.G.Korolenko's story "Paradox", Jan Załuski had no hands from birth, but did not earn a living.

Only for himself, but also for quite healthy relatives. At the same time, he did not spare money for the poor. He believed that

"Man is made for happiness, like a bird for flight." Yang found his meaning in life.

3. The image of Oblomov from the novel of the same name by I. Goncharov is the image of a man who only wanted to. He wanted

Change his life, wanted to rebuild the life of the estate, wanted to raise children ... But he could not find

The strength to make these desires come true, so his dreams remained dreams. The person should not

Only to want, a person must believe in his own strength and act, then success will come.

4. There are poets who are remembered, loved, carried in their hearts by whole generations. Eduard Asadov belongs to such poets. His bright poetry helps to understand what life is and what is important in this life. He wrote poems everywhere. Eduard Konstantinovich Asadov-

Member of the Great Patriotic War. On the night of May 3-4, 1944, he was seriously wounded and lost his sight. Life seemed to collapse, went out, broke off ... but not for Asadov. What then? Literary Institute named after Gorky. Study, work,

Family, fans and many poems that sing of love, life, kindness, mercy. Is this not an example of imitation and admiration for all of us?!

5. What is happiness? You can talk endlessly on this topic, because the category of happiness for everyone is different: someone is happy in the family, and someone at work. Someone needs millions for happiness, and someone believes that "happiness is not in money." Most

The right formula for happiness, in my opinion, was brought out by the famous poet E.K. Asadov:

And happiness, in my opinion, is simple

There are different sizes:

From a bump to Kazbek,

Depending on the person.

6. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov has a wonderful story "The Fate of Man". It tells about the tragic fate of the soldier Andrei Sokolov, who lost all his relatives during the Great Patriotic War. Once he met an orphan boy and decided to call himself his father. This deed shows that love and the desire to do good give a person the strength to live, the strength to resist fate.

16. The role of music in human life:

1. The protagonist of VG Korolenko's story "The Blind Musician" Petrus was born blind. Only through music did he know life.

And it was music that helped him survive, to become a truly talented pianist. And most importantly, create a family.

Music won, because the son of Petrus was born completely healthy.

2. Scientists and psychologists have long argued that music can have a different effect on the nervous system, on the tone of a person. It is generally accepted that the works of Bach increase and develop the intellect. Beethoven's music awakens compassion, cleanses a person's thoughts and feelings of negativity. Schumann helps to understand the soul of a child.
Dmitri Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony has the subtitle "Leningradskaya". But the name "Legendary" suits her better. The fact is that when the Nazis besieged Leningrad, the inhabitants of the city had a huge impact on the 7th symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich, which, as eyewitnesses testify, gave people new strength to fight the enemy.

17. Save problem historical memory(cultures):

1. In "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" D.S. Likhachev talks about how indignant he felt when he learned that in 1932 a

Cast-iron monument on the grave of the end of the 60s, the Travel Palace was demolished in Leningrad, which our soldiers tried to preserve even during the war.

18. The problem of the relationship between power and personality:

1. E Zamyatin's novel "We" talks about how the United State with its totalitarian power destroyed the personality in everyone, taking away

Even a name. "Numbers" live according to the general routine, quite rationally, but ... rebellion is inevitable, because every person is a person.

The heroes of the novel by E. Zamyatin go beyond the Green Wall, they want to be free.

2. The fate of the famous writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn made a sharp turn during the Great Patriotic War: commanding a battery, he writes a letter to his friend, in which

expresses critical remarks about Stalin. And ... arrest for 8 years, camp, settlement, rehabilitation only in 1957 and "internal Russia". The government could not allow

self-criticism. For the authorities, the fate of one person meant nothing.

19. The problem of inadmissibility of interference in the natural course of things:

1. Professor Preobrazhensky, the hero of M.A. Bulgakov's story " dog's heart", conceives a kind of competition with nature.

His experiment is fantastic: to create a new person by transplanting parts of human organs into a dog.

As a result of the most complicated operation, an ugly, primitive creature appears, Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov,

Insolent and dangerous to humanity. The scientist must understand the difference between evolutionary change and revolutionary change.

An invasion of life.

Recently, very often one has heard such phrases as “he looks good, but inside he is empty.” This is what they say about those whose spiritual culture is at a very low level. But what is spiritual culture and what is its purpose? It is on this question that Saint-Exupery thinks.

Indeed touched by the great writer moral problem extremely relevant and important for modern man. After all, many people now waste their time worrying only about material well-being and focusing on the satisfaction of personal needs. They do not think about how narrow and unsteady their inner world is, they do not strive for spiritual perfection, for moral development.

It is simply impossible not to agree with such an opinion. Let us recall at least the chronicler Nestor, whose perseverance, whose boundless fortitude, whose knowledge allowed us to learn so much about the history of our mighty country. This man, having renounced earthly joys and worldly whims, devoted himself entirely to the creation of an immortal work - The Tale of Bygone Years. And, thanks to the depth of his spiritual world, Nestor told us the distant past of our land, establishing a solid foundation for the further development of the greatest power.

Another excellent example illustrates fiction, namely the novel by M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". The protagonist was so devoted to creating a novel about Pontius Pilate that he gave his all, plunging into the abyss of creativity. His inner life was so saturated that he did not pay attention to the scarcity of his housing, to material poverty, to hunger and the lack of any luxury. He was so true to his work that later severe criticism drove him crazy, and the fate of the novel was more than phenomenal.

Thus, the essence of spiritual culture lies in a person's awareness of himself, his ideas and principles, in the accumulation of knowledge and in the ability to think and understand. Each person must choose his own path and walk it with dignity. But this path cannot be found on the map and cannot be comprehended physically, because everyone has it in their souls.

65. The problem of compassion (according to D. Granin)

How important is a sense of compassion, helping someone who needs it? What contributes to the education of mercy in people? D. Granin invites us to think, “Is there a constant compulsion for this feeling?”

In order to find an answer to the questions raised, the author analyzes the fiction of the 19th century, focusing on the problem of "mercy for the fallen" in the work of Russian writers. D. Granin claims that A. S. Pushkin laid the foundation for discussions about the problem of mercy in his works. The development of this theme can be observed in the work of other writers, for whom this question was up to date.

The author brings the reader to the idea that in a person it is necessary to educate and in every possible way call for a sense of compassion. "... One of the highest duties of a writer" is to reveal the theme of mercy in his works. It is fiction that forms a person as a person, changes the worldview. Modern literature should also focus on the call for a feeling of mercy, as this is "... an urgent need, difficult to estimate."

I fully agree with the author of the text. Compassion, helping - these are the actions that are necessary for everyone. We need to encourage people to do it in every possible way. In the literature, you can find many examples of how the writer touches on this issue. So, in the work of F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, Sonechka Marmeladova sacrifices herself in the name of people close to her. She has to sell her body to feed her family. She is ashamed of herself, of her life, but she understands that she is acting for the good, that without her, her relatives will be lost. In M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man", A. Sokolov, having lost all his relatives, meets the boy Vanya - an orphan. Sokolov shows compassion, says that he is his father, and this gives himself and the boy hope for a new life.

In conclusion, I would like to note that education and a call to mercy are needed in our days. Modern literature should not abandon the "Pushkin testament".

66. Compassion, sensitivity and mercy

Comments on the problem: So what is mercy and compassion? Not everyone is able to feel someone else's grief as their own, to sacrifice something for people, and without this there is neither mercy nor compassion. kind person attracts to himself like a magnet, he gives a particle of his heart, his warmth to the people around him. That is why each of us needs a lot of love, justice, sensitivity, so that there is something to give to others.

Own position: Mercy, I think, is the noblest feeling of a person. This feeling has played an important role in the moral development of mankind. It is the brightest and most talented stroke in the paintings of great artists, the most hard-won word in the works of writers, it is simply a light that illuminates the faces of ordinary people. I believe that mercy has two meanings for a person in life: the first is ennobling your soul and helping other people overcome the loneliness and cold of life, and the second is accelerating the process of destruction of a person who is devoid of mercy Arguments: Songs and epics, fairy tales and stories, stories , and the novels of Russian writers teach us kindness, mercy and compassion. And how many proverbs and sayings have been created!

Remember good, but forget evil, A good deed lives for two centuries, As long as you live, you do good, only the path of good

Salvation of the soul, - says folk wisdom. Truly merciful and compassionate people are the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky. Mercy and compassion play a significant role in the novel. They build the relationship of almost all the characters: Raskolnikov and Sonya, Raskolnikov and Dunya, Raskolnikov and the Marmeladov family, Pulhiria Alexandrovna and Raskolnikov, Sonya and the Marmeladovs, Sonya and Dunya. Moreover, mercy and compassion in these relations were manifested from both sides.

Conclusion: Yes, life is hard. Some in the process of life's trials were lost among vices and evil. But the main thing is that among the vulgarity, dirt and depravity, people were able to preserve, perhaps, the most important human qualities - mercy and compassion.

67. Selfishness, lack of compassion (according to B. Vasiliev)

It is impossible to imagine our world without a sympathetic, lively attitude towards each other. People are always in great need of someone's compassion and understanding. But, unfortunately, we do not often think about it. In this text, B. Vasiliev raises the problem of selfishness, the lack of compassion in some people. In my opinion, it is quite relevant. This moral problem forces the reader to think deeply about his behavior. The author talks about children who, in order to create a museum, took away the most precious thing from their mother - letters about their son who died at the front.

The position of the author of the text is clear. B. Vasiliev believes that people sometimes do not think at all about the pain that their rash act can bring to others. So for the mother, after the letters were taken from her, the son "faded away, died, died a second time, and now forever."

One cannot but agree with the author's opinion that a person is sometimes very selfish and ruthless. Thinking only about personal gain, he commits cruel acts that bring grief to others. This problem is reflected in the story of I. Turgenev "Mumu". Janitor Gerasim picked up the puppy. He loved him very much, looked after him, fed him, cared for him. Mumu became the only joy in the life of a dumb janitor. But the lady did not like the puppy, and therefore Gerasim was forced to drown Mumu. It is impossible to convey in words his state after such an act. Because of the whim of the mistress, he lost his only friend.

The literary critic and public figure D.S. Likhachev addressed this problem. In one of his letters, he says that in our time, unfortunately, there are more and more callous and soulless people, incapable of pity, compassion for others, who cared only about themselves.

Thus, we come to the following conclusion: people should treat each other with understanding and compassion.

68. Callous and soulless attitude towards a person

Comments on the problem: Callousness, heartlessness, how often do we hear these words. These concepts have merged into one with our lives - it's scary. When you fall on the street, no one will help, even come. But this is not an indicator, we must fight against the indifference of society.

Own position and argumentation: The callousness of the soul is the most terrible disease in the world. A. P. Chekhov

said: "Hurry to do good." If at first we simply do not pay attention to someone else's grief, drown out the voice of our own conscience, convincing ourselves that we will catch up later, but for now we have a lot of worries, then by doing so we will kill the most valuable quality in ourselves - the ability to do good. This coarsens our heart, covers it with an impenetrable crust, through which pleas for help will no longer break through. After the loss of kindness comes the inevitable loss of morality. Such a person is capable of anything. It is necessary to fight against this, to prevent the rebirth of man, and it is not surprising that a very large part of the works contemporary writers dedicated to this topic. The authors urge us to be kinder and more cordial to each other, remembering the history, the lessons of the past war. One of these authors was V. Shukshin. So, for example, the hero of the work "Such a guy lives ..." strikes with spontaneity and kindness. G. Shcherbakova's story "You never even dreamed of" shows an incorrect understanding of morality by adults. Their insensitive attitude towards the souls of those who love led to tragedy.

Conclusion: Morality and kindness are great forces, and one must properly understand them. Good educates and exalts a person, anger and indifference humiliate him. "If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the title of a man," said Saadi. How much brighter and better our world will become when dryness, callousness, and indifference finally leave us.

69. The problem of the ugly and beautiful in life (according to V. Soloukhin)

V our time is getting harder for people to feel something beautiful in this world. Everyone wants to see only beauty without any flaws, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds.

V In the text proposed for analysis, V. Soloukhin touches on the problem of the ugly and the beautiful in life. The author asks the question: how important is the concept of beauty for us?

The question of the problem of beauty cannot leave anyone indifferent, it concerns each of us to a greater or lesser extent. I will give an example of a situation from ordinary life: a beautiful car with a dirty hood or an intelligent person swearing obscene language. V. Soloukhin believes that phenomena of this kind are in no way compatible. According to V. Soloukhin, the beautiful cannot be combined with the ugly. I fully agree with the author of this text that the beautiful should not coexist with the unsightly.

This problem is especially acute in the work Dead Souls". In this poem, Chichikov leads a two-faced life. He is courteous to his teacher, polite, even waiting for him after school to bring him his coat. But in the end, when his teacher was left in poverty, he did not even bother to find out about his health, but simply handed him a nickel so that he would not die of hunger. Thus, we are presented with a situation of low deed with ostentatious virtue.

Another example is a recent incident that occurred on central television. A well-known journalist who has written many political articles about Russia and foreign countries has been publicly declared unemployed. Due to the fact that he spoke in a rude and harsh form about those who were hated by him in his blog.

V In conclusion, I would like to say that, probably, a person will not soon be able to understand what is beautiful and what is

70. The problem of gratitude (according to I. Ilyin)

What is real gratitude? It is on this important problem that the well-known Russian literary critic and publicist.

The problem put forward by I. Ilyin cannot leave anyone indifferent, it concerns each of us to a greater or lesser extent, because every person in his life experiences a feeling of gratitude in response to "the beneficence rendered to him."

I fully share the author's point of view, because gratitude is a gift that not everyone is able to appreciate and accept. We must learn to respond with kindness to kindness and love, because only in this way can we move forward into the future. This problem worried many great Russian writers, in particular I. A. Goncharov. In his work "Oblomov", the famous Russian writer shows the reader the power that gratitude has, under its influence a person is capable of much. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a young man who has lost interest in life: he spends all his time at home, does not go out, cannot do anything without the help of servants. However, he has a friend who is trying in every possible way to bring him back to life. Stolz never forgets a friend, visits him, tries to bring him into the light. And it seems that he

  • The true beauty of a person does not depend on his appearance
  • Beautiful is the one who performs moral deeds
  • The most important thing in a person is sometimes impossible to see with your eyes.
  • External beauty is not always a reflection of the rich spiritual world of the individual
  • It happens that people who seem attractive outwardly commit absolutely immoral acts.
  • A person with a truly beautiful soul creates a special, incomparable atmosphere with his presence.


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". As a child, Natasha Rostova, one of the heroines of the great epic novel, was not beautiful. The attention riveted to her is impossible without inner beauty: both in childhood and in adulthood, she was distinguished by her love of life, spontaneity, and a pure soul. Another heroine that should be paid attention to is Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. In appearance, she was clearly inferior to the beauties, only her eyes were beautiful. But people who are able to feel real beauty, appreciated its inner qualities. Marya Bolkonskaya and Natasha Rostova can be contrasted with Helen Kuragin: her beauty was admired in society. But this beauty is only external. In fact, Helen Kuragina is a stupid, callous, selfish, prudent, self-serving person. The external charm of the heroine does not compensate for her immoral behavior.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryona Dvor". Matryona has a completely ordinary appearance. The only part of her appearance that attracts attention is her beautiful smile. But for us, it is not external beauty that is important, but internal. It is not for nothing that the author writes that the face is good only for someone who is at odds with his own conscience. Matrena is a person from whom comes inner light, warmth. This is much more important than external attractiveness.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Svidrigailov, a rather rich and well-groomed man, in fact, does not have good spiritual qualities: he is ready to go to any meanness for the sake of his own whim. Physical beauty and a nasty inner world are in no way combined with each other: at first, in this tyrant and rapist, you can see a beautiful person. The image of Sonya Marmeladova is opposite. Due to malnutrition, poverty, the appearance of the girl suffers greatly: pale, thin, intimidated, wears terrible clothes. But the inner world of Sonya Marmeladova is beautiful, despite her lifestyle and appearance.

O. Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray". In this work, the problem of internal and external beauty is the main one. At the beginning of the work, we see in Dorian Gray a timid, bashful and incredibly beautiful young man. Beauty is his source of power: no matter what the hero does, his appearance does not change. All changes affect only the portrait of a young man, painted by Basil Hallward. Gradually, Dorian Gray turns into an inhuman, immoral monster who has committed many nasty things, including even the murder of the artist. He is still as handsome as he was many years ago, only the state of his soul is depicted in the portrait. Dorian Gray wants to do away with a terrible image of himself and dies, plunging a dagger into a portrait. External beauty was fatal to him.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" Wise Thoughts little prince can teach even an adult a lot. Our hero said: “Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes.” And we can say without a doubt that he is right. True beauty is inside a person, in his soul, in his right deeds.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" In the work, we do not see the description of Pyotr Grinev. It doesn't really matter if he looks good or not. All the beauty of this person is expressed in his moral qualities, noble deeds. Pyotr Grinev is a man of honor who did not allow himself to betray his homeland, to leave his beloved girl in danger. His actions are beautiful, which means that he himself is beautiful.

M. Sholokhov "The fate of man." The fact that it is impossible to judge a person by appearance is proved by the image of Andrei Sokolov, the protagonist of the work. He was called to the German Müller while he was in captivity. Exhausted by labor, hungry Andrey Sokolov could not at that moment be beautiful in appearance. All his beauty was manifested in moral deeds: Sokolov refused to drink for the victory of German weapons, in spite of the enemy he did not start eating, despite hunger and lack of strength. By these actions, one can judge that a person is beautiful in soul.