
What does art mean in the life of a modern person. Art in the life of a modern person. What is art? What kinds of art are there? What functions do they perform in the life of a person, society? What will we do with the received material

1. Art in life modern man... Kinds of art.

2. Artistic image - style - language.

3. Science and art. Scientific knowledge and artistic knowledge.

4. Art tells about the beauty of the Earth. Landscape - poetic and musical painting.

5. Man in the mirror of art: portrait genre.

6. Portrait in Russian art. Portraits of our great compatriots.

7. Musical portrait. Alexander Nevskiy.

8. The role of art in bringing peoples closer together.

9. The art of literary translation is the art of communication.

10. Art is a conductor of spiritual energy. Signs and symbols of art.

11. Frozen music. Architectural monuments.

12. Laws of beauty

13. Art and power.

14. By what means does art influence?

15. Temple synthesis of arts.

16. Synthesis of arts in theater, cinema, television.

17. Predictions in art.

18. Aesthetic shaping by the art of the environment.

19. The architecture of the historic city

20. Architecture of a modern city.

21. Specificity of images in printing.

22. Development of design and its importance in the life of modern society.

24. Music at home.

25. Massive, public art.

Art in the life of a modern person. Kinds of art.

Art is part of the spiritual art of humanity. Art includes painting, architecture, sculpture, music, fiction, theater, dance, cinema. All the diversity of the world around us and a person's attitude to him, thoughts and feelings, ideas and perceptions, people's beliefs - all this is transmitted by a person to artistic images... Art helps a person to choose ideals and values. Art is a kind of life textbook. Each type of art speaks its own language about the eternal problems of life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about the beauty of the world and the human soul.

Artistic image - style - language.

Each time has its own face, its own image, its own melodies and rhythms. When we see the majestic Egyptian pyramids or St. Basil's Cathedral, we listen to the music of Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, read epics and folk legends, the works of Shakespeare or Dumas, Pushkin or Chekhov, we are imbued with the atmosphere of bygone times, we recognize the people who lived then. Subsequent generations will better understand our time if they listen to music, read books, look at the paintings and sculptures of our era. After all, contemporary art is what our world is embodied in, we are with you. And by what is now created, descendants will judge us.

An artist and sculptor, composer and performer, poet and writer, director and actor need contact with the viewer, listener, reader, who participate in the creative process, empathize with him. To get closer to art, to enter the artist's world, to reveal for oneself the uniqueness of the creator's personality, one cannot do without understanding such categories as an artistic image, style, language.

Artistic image - this is a generalized idea of \u200b\u200breality, expressed in the language of art, an attitude towards life, towards the world around. Revealing your inner world, the artist is always tuned in to the wave of his time with all its worries and joys, anticipating certain changes. Therefore, it becomes possible to create an artistic image of the era.

Style (from the Greek stylos - literally a stick for writing) means handwriting, a combination characteristic features, techniques, methods, features of creativity. In art, the style of the era (historical), the national style (belonging to a particular people), the individual style of a particular artist in the broad sense of the word are distinguished. Characterizing the style in architecture, they say that "style is an era", in other arts - in painting, music, literature - "style is a person."

Language any art helps to hear in the work the living voice of the artist, the centuries-old wisdom of the people. Expressiveness, emotionality, imagery of the language of painting and graphics, music and sculpture, poetry and dance are provided by composition, form, texture, rhythm, tone, intensity. This is common in the language of the arts.

Moreover, each type of art speaks its own language: painting - with color, graphics - with line and spot, sculpture - with volume, music - with sound, intonation, dance - with the plasticity of gestures and movements, literature - in a word. Authors in their works, using means of expression specific to a particular art, place semantic accents, highlight the most essential. This allows them to convey to viewers, listeners, readers different feelings, convey to them the content of their works.

To learn to understand all the diversity of art, one must understand the figurative structure of a work of art, belonging to a certain style, direction.

Science and art. Scientific knowledge and artistic knowledge.

In order for science to bring benefit and joy to people, and not harm and sorrow, it must be closely related to art. Both a scientist and an artist ... Both in the Ancient world and in the Middle Ages, art was inseparable from religion ... In the Renaissance, an understanding of art close to the modern was first established. Art united all kinds ...

Man in the Mirror of Art: Portrait Genre.

The viewer involuntarily conveys the artist's attitude to the model. Everything that expresses emotions, attitude to life, to people is important: facial expressions ... Often we interpret a work from the perspective of a person of today, ... Portrait (French portrait) is an image of a certain person or group of people. The portrait genre got ...

Portrait in Russian Art. Portraits of our great compatriots.

In the middle of the eighteenth century. the portrait becomes a part of everyday life associated with architecture, furniture, utensils, the inhabitants of the dwelling, their costumes, ... Thanks to the "portrait harmonies" of the Russian artist Fyodor Stepanovich ... A special place in the artist's work is occupied by the portrait of A. Struyskaya (1772). He is a prime example of poetry ...

Musical portrait. Alexander Nevskiy.

There can be no resemblance to a specific person in music, but at the same time it is not by chance that it is said that “a person is hidden in intonation”. Since music ... The word "portrait" in relation to musical art, especially to ... Character, lyric hero, storyteller, narrator - these concepts are important not only in a literary work, but also ...

The role of art in bringing peoples closer together.

Thanks to the communication of people with outstanding works of world art of the past and present, a dialogue of cultures becomes possible. In the opinion ... Museums are repositories of art masterpieces. They are known all over the world ... Thanks to the educational activities of these museums, the booklets and albums they produce, their travels ...

The art of literary translation is the art of communication. How is the message conveyed in art?

Mountain peaks Sleep in the darkness of the night; Quiet valleys are full of fresh haze; The road is not dusty, The sheets do not tremble ... Wait a little, You will also rest. Thanks to the work of translators, poems, stories, novels of Russian writers and poets - A. Pushkin and N. Gogol, L. ...

Art is a conductor of spiritual energy. Signs and symbols of art.

Each art has its own special language, so the meaning of the work is more fully revealed to those who know the language in which it is "written". ... Art is a channel of communication not only between individuals, but also ... How does the transfer of a message take place in art? Let's figure it out by analogy with the usual message composed ...

Frozen music. Architectural monuments.

Above the mirror of the calm surface of the Nerl River stands a white-stone temple, as if admiring its reflection in the water. They call it a poem imprinted in stone ... The deep sorrow of the Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky for his deceased son ... The Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye (XVI century) is one of the few surviving monuments of the era of Ivan the Terrible in ...

Beauty laws

The main laws common to all types of art that determine beauty are based on harmony. Harmony is inherent in the World and all its components. It is only necessary ... Symmetry, proportions, rhythm are closely related to mathematics. It is no coincidence that the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras and ...

Art and power.

Through works of art, the authorities strengthened their authority, and cities and states maintained prestige. Art embodied in the visible ...

By what means does art influence?

Composition is the construction of a work of art, conditioned by its content, character, purpose. Compositional balance ... Features of composition focus on certain objects. ... Form is the sum of techniques, expressive and visual means for creating an artistic image in ...

Temple synthesis of arts.

The architecture, decoration of temples, musical accompaniment of the service reflected the ideas of man about the world, the attitude of the era and the people, ... Temples are religious buildings that embody the image of the world order in ... The temple is like an earthly dwelling of the unearthly and omnipresent God, the place of finding God through prayer, a place of unity with ...

Synthesis of arts in theater, cinema, television.

The viewer and listener are influenced by the plot literary work, which underlies the script of the film or the libretto of the performance. ... A special stage genre is the musical, where in an inseparable unity they merge ... The genre of the musical was formed in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century. and soon began its triumphal march around the world. Some…

Predictions in art.

The German Renaissance painter and graphic artist Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) created a series of prints called Apocalypse. The artist expressed anxious expectation ... According to the plot of the Apocalypse, horsemen appear on the earth in turn, but the artist ... Examples of predictions as the art of social change and upheaval can be considered etchings by F. Goya, paintings "Guernica" ...

Aesthetic shaping by the art of the environment.

Man at all times, creating the world around him, strove to make it as convenient and beautiful as possible. At the same time, he was guided by the inherent ... However, the culture of the modern world is mainly international, everything in it ... Today's objective world is created by means of industrial technologies that take into account not only measure (laws) ...

The architecture of the historic city

If we compare architecture with other arts, then music is the closest to it as conventionally. After all, music is just like architecture and ... Since ancient times, people have learned to build a home for themselves. For this ... The planning and construction of cities is one of the areas of architecture, it is called "urban planning". ...

The architecture of the modern city.

Typical, very similar residential buildings are being built in modern neighborhoods. However, public buildings are often erected according to special ... The language of architecture is always modern, since it takes into account physiology and ... A feature of the architecture of the twentieth century, which served as the basis for architectural forms and technologies of the XXI century, have become unprecedented ...

Specificity of images in printing.

The book is a synthetic work, people of different creative professions work on it: writers, editors, designers, artists. Book graphics include the design of the book, the choice of its components ... The specifics of book design depends on the type of publication: children's book, fiction, textbook, book on ...

Development of design and its importance in the life of modern society.

Rapid technological progress in the twentieth century. determined the emergence of factories and plants, which replaced handicraft workshops. At a new production in ... Classicism, modern, art deco, minimalism, hi-tech, kitsch, ethno - this is far away ... England has become the birthplace of a new style in art - modern. Modernism originated in the work of a Scottish architect and ...

Decorative and applied arts.

Works of decorative and applied art are usually closely related to the architectural and spatial environment, the ensemble (on the street, in the park, in ... A person has long sought to decorate his home and everything with which he had to ... folk art native nature has always been reflected. Flowers and herbs familiar to everyone from childhood, ...

Music at home.

Everyone probably has their own music library - a collection of favorites musical works, to which you can turn even in moments of joy and fun, and ... Serious music is the kind of music that has passed the test of time and has not ... The content of light music is changeable and largely depends on fashion: today you are fond of some works and ...

Massive, public art.

The word "photography" is translated as "light painting", which reflects the fundamental role of light in the photography process. Technique of photography ... Photography, being one of the most widespread media ... Art photography has become widespread. Looking through the camera lens allows you to see ...

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Art in the life of a modern person

Art is a part of the spiritual culture of mankind, a specific kind of spiritual and practical development of the world.

M. Klodt. Sculpture on the Anichkov bridge. St. Petersburg

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painting, architecture, sculpture, music, fiction, theater, dance, cinema, design, arts and crafts.

Art includes different types human activities:

V. Borovikovsky. Portrait of the Gagarin sisters

A. Gaudi Sagrada Familia Spain (Barcelona)

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O. Rodin. Poet and muse

Each type of art speaks in its own language about the eternal problems of life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about the beauty of the world and the human soul, about the height of thoughts and aspirations, about the comic and tragic nature of life. Art helps a person to choose ideals and values. This has been the case at all times. Art is a kind of life textbook.

V. Van Gog Crows over a wheat field

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“Art is an eternal joyful and good symbol of man's striving for good, for joy and perfection,” wrote the famous German writer T. Mann.

Novodevichy Convent Moscow

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An artistic image is a generalized idea of \u200b\u200breality, an attitude to life, to the world around, expressed in the language of art. Revealing his inner world, the artist is always tuned in to the wave of his time with all its worries and joys, and anticipates certain changes. Therefore, it becomes possible to create an artistic image of the era.

Leonardo da Vinci La Gioconda Paris, Louvre

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Style (from the Greek stylos - writing stick) means handwriting, it is a set of characteristic features, techniques, methods, peculiarities of creativity. In art, there are: the style of the era (historical), the national style (belonging to a particular nation), the individual style of a particular artist.

St. Basil's Cathedral Moscow

Nefertiti Ancient Egypt

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The language of any art helps to hear in the work the living voice of the artist, the centuries-old wisdom of the people. The expressiveness and emotionality of language in painting, graphics, music, sculpture, poetry, dance is provided by such concepts as: composition, form, texture, rhythm, tone, intensity.

O. Tabakov - Salieri A. Bezrukov - Mozart

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting Facts, you don't just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
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  • Art is a part of the spiritual culture of mankind, a specific kind of spiritual and practical development of the world. Art includes varieties of human activity, united by artistic and imaginative forms of reproducing reality, painting, architecture, sculpture, music, fiction, theater, dance, cinema. In a broader sense, the word "art" refers to any form of human activity, if it is performed skillfully, masterfully, skillfully.

    All the diversity of the world around us and the attitude of man to him, thoughts and feelings, ideas and representations, beliefs of people, all this is conveyed by man in artistic images. Art helps a person to choose ideals and values. And so it has been at all times. Art is a kind of life textbook.

    "Art is an eternal joyful and good symbol of man's striving for good, for joy and perfection," wrote the famous German writer T. Mann. Each type of art speaks in its own language about the eternal problems of life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about the beauty of the world and the human soul, about the height of thoughts and aspirations, about the comic and tragic nature of life.

    Various types of art are mutually enriching, often borrowing means of expressing content from each other. It is no accident that there is an opinion that architecture is frozen music, that this or that line in the picture is musical, that an epic novel is like a symphony.

    Match the character of the sounding music with the imagery of architectural monuments. What culture of Western, Eastern, Russian belong to A C B

    When talking about any kind artistic activities, including about performing skills (creativity), often use concepts such as composition, rhythm, color, plastic, line, dynamics, musicality are common in the literal or figurative sense for different arts... But in any work of art there is always a poetic beginning, that which constitutes its main essence, its pathos and gives it an extraordinary power of influence. Without a sublime poetic feeling, without spirituality, any work is dead.

    Art - one of the main forms of the spiritual culture of mankind, which arose in ancient times. So, already in the Upper Paleolithic era, 40 thousand years ago, there was "cave art" - wonderful rock engravings and paintings, in which our distant ancestors depicted animals and hunting scenes.

    Later, sculpture, music, architecture, theater, fiction appeared. These are classic art forms that are thousands of years old. The development of forms and types of art continues in our time. IN modern world thanks to the development of technology, some new types of art appeared, for example, the art of cinema, art photography, now the art of computer graphics appears.

    All this suggests that human life is impossible without art, that it meets some of his deepest needs. To explain its character, one must remember that man is an active being. Through their activities, people master the world around them and transform it.


    practical-active - it is regulated by such general needs and goals as benefit and benefit;

    cognitive - its goal is truth;

    artistic - beauty is its value.

    Therefore, art can be defined as a way of mastering and transforming the world according to the laws of beauty.

    The specificity of art consists in the reflection of reality through artistic images, that is, in a concrete sensory form, and not with the help of concepts and theories as in scientific knowledge. This is evident in painting or sculpture. But even literature, although the figurative side is not striking in it, differs significantly from cognition. For example, historians or sociologists, studying the noble society in Russia XIX, describe and explain it with the help of concepts such as "estate", "serfdom", "autocracy", etc. In contrast, Pushkin and Gogol brilliantly portrayed the essence of this society in the images of Onegin and Tatiana, Chichikov and the series landlords from " Dead souls". These are two different, but complementary ways of knowing and displaying reality. The first is aimed at discovering the general, regular in the studied reality, the second - at expressing reality through individual images, through the consciousness and experiences of individual characters.

    The role of art in the life of a person and society is determined by the fact that it is addressed to the consciousness of a person in its entirety. Artistic creation and the perception of works of art gives a person a deeper understanding and knowledge of life. But at the same time, art affects his feelings, experiences, develops his emotional sphere. Above, we have already noted the great role of art in the formation of human moral ideas. And, of course, the perception of works of art gives people aesthetic pleasure, the experience of beauty, and also makes them a part of the artist's work.

    In all these respects, art has great power, it is not for nothing that Dostoevsky said: "Beauty will save the world."

    The concept of the role of art has changed in history. The important role of art was already recognized in ancient society. For example, Plato and Aristotle believed that art should cleanse the soul from base passions and elevate it. They assigned a special role in this to music and tragedy.

    In the Middle Ages the main role of art was seen in subordination to the tasks of worship. Art played, for example, a very significant role in the design of churches and in the religious rites of Orthodoxy.

    In the Renaissance art, especially painting, took a central place in spiritual culture. Leonardo da Vinci viewed art as a "mirror" of the world and even put painting above science. Many thinkers of this era saw in art the most free and creative activity person.

    In the Age of Enlightenmentemphasized above all the moral and educational function of art.

    In the twentieth century. many thinkers began to talk about the crisis of art, about the fact that contemporary art is losing its functions in society. For example, the German cultural philosopher of the early twentieth century. O. Spengler believed that modern western culture enters the sunset period. High classical art is giving way to technical arts, mass performances, and sports. Modern Art loses harmony and imagery, abstract painting appears, in which the integral image of a person disappears.

    Social structure (from lat. structure - structure, location, order) of society - the structure of society as a whole, a set of interrelated and interacting social groups, as well as the relationship between them.

    At the heart of social structure lies the social division of labor, the presence of specific needs and interests, values, norms and roles, lifestyle and other various social groups.

    The role of social structure:

    1) organizes the society into a single whole;

    2) contributes to the preservation of the integrity and stability of society.

    Social relationships - these are certain stable ties between people as representatives of social groups.

    Humanity, a specific kind of spiritual and practical development of the world. Art includes varieties of human activity, united by artistic and figurative forms of reproducing reality, - , , , , , theater, dance, .

    In a broader sense, the word "art" refers to any form of human activity, if it is performed skillfully, masterfully, skillfully.

    What kinds of art do you see on these pages?
    What other types of art do you know?
    Select reproductions for the exhibition featuring masterpieces visual arts.
    What types of art are closer to you? Write down your impressions of your favorite works of art in a creative notebook.

    All the diversity of the world around us and the attitude of a person to him, thoughts and , ideas and views, people - all this is conveyed by a person in artistic images. Art helps a person to choose and ... And so it has been at all times. Art is a kind of life textbook.

    “Art is an eternal joyful and good symbol of man's striving for good, for joy and perfection,” wrote the famous German writer T. Mann.

    Each art form speaks its own language about the eternal problems of life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, oh the world and the human soul, about the height of thoughts and aspirations, about the comic and tragic nature of life.

    Different types of art are mutually enriching, often borrowing means of expressing content from each other. It is no accident that there is an opinion that architecture is frozen music, that this or that line in the picture is musical, that an epic novel is like a symphony. And when they talk about any kind of artistic activity, including performing skills (creativity), they often use concepts such as composition, rhythm, , plastic, , dynamics, musicality are common in the literal or figurative sense for different arts. But in any work of art there is always a poetic principle, that which constitutes its main essence, its pathos and gives it an extraordinary power of influence. Without a sublime poetic feeling, without spirituality, any work is dead.

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