
What is the origin of Oblomov A nobleman b tradesman a merchant Chin Oblomov. Test & nbsp. What is the origin of Oblomov A nobleman b tradesman a merchant Chin Oblomov V. “Each of his works is an artistic system of images, under which the inspired we are hidden

Oblomov. Illustration by Konstantin Tikhomirov from the "Picturesque Review of the Worlds" magazine. 1883 year

1. The mystery of the thunderstorm

“Thunderstorms are not terrible, but only beneficial there: they are constantly at the same fixed time, almost never forgetting Ilyin's day, as if in order to support a well-known tradition among the people. And the number and force of blows, it seems, are the same every year, as if a certain measure of electricity was released from the treasury for a year for the whole region. "

At first glance, this fragment seems almost random. The only thing that attracts attention is the mention of Ilyin of the day: "a well-known legend among the people" - this is a belief that one cannot work on Ilyin's day, so as not to be killed by thunder. Remember that the main character of the novel is called Ilya Ilyich - and he does not want to work not only on his angel day, but never at all. However, the thunderstorm in this passage is explained not only with the help of the popular belief about Elijah the prophet as the patron saint of thunder - that is, through the eyes of a person who believes in a "certain tradition." The thunderstorm is served simultaneously and rationally. The point of view of a resident of Oblomovka, who believes in a "famous legend", is, as it were, compared with the point of view of the rationalist Stolz: this hero has not yet appeared on the pages of the novel, but his voice, skeptical about popular superstitions, already sounds. This dual point of view will continue to shape the narrative.

2. The secret of the word "moon"

The narrator likes Oblomovka, but he does not see anything poetic in her:

“God knows whether a poet or a dreamer would be content with the nature of a peaceful corner. As you know, these gentlemen love to gaze at the moon and listen to the clicking of nightingales.<…> And in this land no one knew what kind of moon it was - everyone called it a month. She somehow kindly, with all her eyes looked at the villages and the field and was very much like a cleaned copper basin. "

There is no poetic image of the moon in the "Oblomov" consciousness, and we are informed about this not by chance. The novel mentions the aria "Casta diva" from Bellini's opera "Norma" many times. First Oblomov dreams of how his future wife will perform it, and then Olga Ilyinskaya will perform this cavatina, after which Oblomov confesses his love to her. The name of the aria is translated into Russian as "The Most Pure Goddess", but it is not dedicated to the Mother of God, as it is sometimes said, but to the goddess of the moon. Oblomov himself remembers this:

“… How this woman cries out her heart! What sadness is inherent in these sounds! .. And no one knows anything around ... She is alone ... The mystery weighs on her; she entrusts her to the moon ... "

So, Oblomov's love for Olga is associated with the romantic image of the moon - which, however, was not known in the patriarchal Oblomovka. It is not surprising that the story of their relationship ends sadly.

3. The secret of Oblomov's love for Olga

After parting with Olga, Oblomov falls into a daze:

“Snow, snow, snow! - he repeated meaninglessly, looking at the snow, which covered the fence, the fence and the ridges in the garden with a thick layer. - Everything fell asleep! - Then he whispered desperately, went to bed and fell asleep in a leaden, bleak dream.

Why the hero could not repeat about anything but snow? Because Ob-lomov's love for Olga develops in accordance with the seasons. The heroes meet in May, and a lilac branch becomes a symbol of their love - Oblomov directly compares his feelings with it several times. Relationships reach their peak in intensity in the summer, and in the fall Oblomov, suppressed by numerous everyday difficulties, seeks to avoid meetings with Olga, pretends to be sick, and so on.

When they leave, it snows: the annual natural cycle is complete, and nothing can be done about it. Thus, in his love, the hero again turns out to be a product of his native village - a place where the "annual circle" repeats itself "correctly and calmly."

4. The secret of coffee and cigars

Dreaming, Oblomov describes the ideal, as it seems to him, life to his only friend Stolz.

“Before lunchtime, it's nice to look into the kitchen, open a saucepan, smell it, see how pies are rolled up, cream is knocked down. Then lie down on the couch; the wife reads something new aloud; we stop, we argue ... But guests are coming, for example, you and your wife.<…> After lunch, mocha, havana on the terrace ... "

What does it mean to mention mocha and Cuban cigars? To understand this, let us pay attention to Stolz's reaction: he listens to his friend attentively, but from the very beginning he is sure that even in his dreams Oblomov cannot think of anything better than Oblomovka: “You are drawing for me the same thing that happened with grandfathers and fathers”. Stolz is clearly wrong. The traditional, "Oblomov" way of life cannot satisfy the protagonist, and his dream cannot even be described with "Oblomov" words: coffee, cigars, terraces - all these are traces of studies at the university, of books read. Oblomov, no matter how lazy he was, an educated Petersburgian and went far from Oblomovka.

5. Mysteries of the Eastern War

Oblomov reads the newspapers and learns, "... why the British send ships with troops to the East ...".

What kind of military action in the East do you mean? Most likely, the Anglo-Chinese "opium wars", the consequences of which Goncharov personally observed during his stay in China and described in "Frigate" Pallas ". However, this is not even the point. The sending of British troops to the East is mentioned at least four times in different parts of the novel, and in fact its action lasts several years. It turns out that not only the main character is stuck, as it were, in a frozen time, where nothing is happening, but also world news (and the heroes of the novel love to discuss news) are the same all the time. Newspapers, seemingly obligated to keep up with the latest news, report seemingly endlessly recurring events. Not only Oblomov - the whole world cannot budge in any way.

6. The secret of the collegiate secretary

Here is how the narrator introduces Oblomov to us:

"Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, has been living in St. Petersburg for twelve years without a break."

The collegiate secretary is a rank of the X class, that is, not the lowest. How could Oblomov get such a rank? But this is really not very clear, even to commentators on Goncharov's Complete Works, who discovered this riddle. It can be assumed that Oblomov graduated from the university as a candidate, that is, with particular success, and received this rank immediately after graduation (only Oblomov did not study particularly diligently). If Oblomov was not a candidate, he should have a rank of the XII class - the provincial secretary. But we know that the hero “somehow served two years,” which means that he could not have time to serve two ranks. Moreover, in the drafts of the novel Oblomov is directly named the provincial secretary. In general, the Oblomov rank has no plausible explanation. It remains to assume that some other principle is at work here. It was the X class that Oblomov's common-law wife, the widow of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, had (the wives and widows of officials were considered in the same rank as their husbands). Perhaps this coincidence is an ironic allusion to a kind of “soul relationship” between Oblomov and Agafya Matveyevna.

7. Stolz's secret

Stolz suggests Oblomov not to "die in silence" while sitting in the seat, but to run somewhere and get busy:

"Where? Yes, even with their men to the Volga: and there is more movement, there are some interests, purpose, work. I would go to Siberia, to Sith. "

And what is Stolz himself doing? The novel constantly talks about a certain stormy activity that Stolz conducts, but without any specifics: it is not clear whether the reader should guess himself what Stolz is doing, or there is simply no clue. On the one hand, it is quite possible that this detail underlines Stolz's versatility: he can literally do anything, so it is not very important what exactly his activities are. On the other hand, as noted by the literary critic Lyudmila Geiro, the mentions of places where Stolz is often scattered throughout the text of the novel coincide with the list of regions where gold was mined, bought and sold. If so, then Stolz is a gold miner. It is interesting that Sitkha, where Stolz wants to go, is located in Alaska, but this just says nothing about his connections with gold mining: at the time of writing the novel, the existence of precious metal reserves in Alaska was not yet known.

1) Where was Ilya Oblomov born? Answer: in Oblomovka (the common, combined name of the villages of Sosnovka and Vavilovka - the possession of the Oblomov family). To be more precise, Ilya Oblomov was born in Sosnovka. 2) What education did he receive, what rank did he have? Answer: rank - collegiate secretary (later Oblomov resigned and never returned to state activities); education: studied until the age of 15 in a boarding house. Then he continued his studies in Moscow, according to the decision of his parents.

(Oblomov completed a course of practical proceedings). He studied with reluctance, tried not to do more than the norm. 3) What income does Oblomov live on? What do we know about his financial situation? Answer: Ilya Oblomov is a nobleman. He lives on income from Oblomovka (the men, working in Oblomovka, sell bread) (+ perhaps he received some small income during that small period when he was in the public service). Financial situation: during the life of his parents, he was placed in two rooms. The servant is one Zahar. With the death of his parents, his financial situation improved: his income increased, and 350 souls became his property; then, judging by the letter from the headman, we can say that the financial situation is improving slightly. In the second half of the novel, Oblomov has a considerable debt for an apartment on Vyborgskaya and a “debt”, which must be paid to Agafya Matveevna (scam of Tarantyev and brother Agafya Matveevna). But, thanks to Stoltz, everything is safely resolved. Stolz also sends a reliable headman to Oblomovka, thanks to which the income from it increases and is paid regularly. 4) What is the name of the book that Oblomov has been "reading" for many years? Answer: "Travel to Africa". 5) What is Ilya Oblomov's dream about? Answer: he dreams of his native land, dreams of his childhood. In a dream, he sees how, being a seven-year-old boy, he plays pranks on the street, disobeying adults. He dreams that he is asleep in his mother’s arms; he dreams of life in the Oblomov’s house during his childhood (preparing for dinners, universal afternoon nap, and so on). Ilya Oblomov also dreams about how the nanny tells him various tales. He listens to them attentively. Also in a dream Oblomov sees a fragment from his childhood: a letter is brought to the Oblomov family, but they decide to open it only on the fourth day, fearing that there is bad news. But their experiences are in vain: the letter contains a request to Oblomov: send a beer recipe. (In his dream, Ilya Ilyich also sees fragments from his childhood when he goes to study in Stolz). Summarizing all the fragments, we can say that Oblomov dreams of various passages from childhood, full of various, mostly pleasant events. 6) What is known about Andrei Stolz's parents? Answer: mother is Russian, father is German. My father was a manager in the village of Verkhlev (as well as a teacher, agronomist, technologist). Father and mother gave proper education and upbringing to their son. Andrei’s father took special care of this. He instilled in the child knowledge, independence, accustomed to work (the mother did not like the labor education of her son, she saw in him the master, and not the worker). When Andrei Stolts went to St. Petersburg after graduation, his mother was no longer alive. 7) What does Stolz do in life? Answer: Stolz served, then retired, went about his business, made a rather big capital, a house. He participates in a campaign sending goods abroad. During his life, Stolz travels a lot, due to which he rarely gets to see Oblomov. Stolz is a hardworking, purposeful person. (I think that frequent assistance to his friend, Ilya Oblomov, is an important occupation in his life). 8) How does Oblomov get acquainted with Olga Ilyinskaya? Answer: The first mention of Olga Ilyinskaya occurs when Oblomov describes Stoltz's ideal life (in his opinion). Ilya Ilyich mentions the Casta diva aria, and Stolz says that Olga Ilyinskaya would have performed it perfectly, that he would certainly introduce them. The very acquaintance takes place thanks to Stolz. He brought Oblomov to the house of Olga and her aunt. Then he started a conversation with Olga, in which he mentioned Ilya Oblomov. This became clear due to the fact that during the conversation Olga Ilyinskaya often looked at Oblomov. After the conversation, she also looked at him. But he did not dare to start a conversation with her. Only after a few lunches with Olga's aunt was he ready to speak to the lady. The first conversation between Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov took place on the balcony. Olga started a conversation. And from that time on, their relationship began to gradually develop. 9) When does the reader first meet Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna? What do we know about her family? Answer: the reader first meets this heroine when Oblomov goes to the Vyborg side, to his new apartment. Agafya Matveevna is the hostess in this apartment; Agafya Matveevna is the widow of the collegiate secretary Pshenitsyn. There are two children: Vanya (8 years old), Masha (6 years old). Agafya’s brother lives with them in the apartment. There is a servant - Akulina. Agafya Pshenitsyna with children, unlike her brother, are rarely in the world. 10) How did Olga and Oblomov break up? Answer: 4 months have passed since Olga and Ilya met. Ilya Ilyich went to visit Olga. In the Ilyinsky's house, they had a conversation about a letter from the village. After him Olga feels bad, she goes to her room. When she returns to Oblomov, a conversation occurs between them (at the initiative of Olga), as a result of which they decide to break off their relationship. This conversation and such a decision occurred as a result of the fact that Olga realized that she was mistaken in Oblomov. She thought that Ilya Ilyich would change under her influence, become more decisive in business, less lazy, less slow, but she was mistaken. Therefore, in order not to continue her life with such Oblomov, so as not to live in the future in Oblomovshchina, Olga decides to break off relations between her and Ilya. 11) What is the name of the son of Oblomov? Answer: Oblomov's son's name is Andrey. After Oblomov's death, Andrei and Olga Stolts, with the consent of Agafya Matveyevna, take Andryusha Oblomov to their upbringing.

The lesson is revised with the addition of video material

Roman I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov". Literary game.

  • Testing knowledge of the text of the novel;
  • Conscious reading formation; attention to detail (there is nothing accidental in the work of a great writer);


  • Portrait of I.A. Goncharova. Exhibition of books by the writer and publications about the writer.
  • Video film “A few days from Oblomov's life” based on the script by N. Mikhalkov, A. Abadashyan.
  • Illustrations for the book, made by students. Design options for the cover of the novel.

Participants... Teams of high school students in grades 10 and 11

Leading... Teacher

Jury... Composition: school director, deputy. on UVR, teacher of Russian language and literature.

1. Introduction by the teacher.


I. Competition of captains.

Several questions about the life and work of I. A. Goncharov

Competition condition... Team captains participate in the competition. They represent their teams, the name of the team, which is also judged by the jury. The captains are asked five questions each. To think about 20 seconds. Each answer is 3 points.

1 team.

1. What was the name of Goncharov?

2. Dates of the writer's life? (1812-1891)

3. What literary predilections were characteristic of the young man Goncharov? (Derzhavin, Fonvizin, Pushkin)

4. What position did the IA hold. at the end of your career?

5. With what novel did Goncharov enter literature? (“An ordinary story”).

Team 2.

1. What is the name of the city where Goncharov was born now? (Ulyanovsk).

2. Who influenced the upbringing of the future writer? (Tregubov, a retired sailor)

3. What did your close friends call Goncharov? (Monsieur de Laziness).

4. What surprised Goncharov in his acquaintances, contemporaries in his very measured life? (In 1952 he went on a round-the-world trip on the Pallas Frigate)

5. In what year was the novel "Oblomov" published? (1849-1859).

Team 3.

1. What was the name of I. A. Goncharov's mother? (Avdotya Matveevna)

2. Where did I. A. Goncharov study? (Moscow University, department of literature)

3. Which of the great Russian writers, before whom Goncharov worshiped, did he see at Moscow University? (Pushkin).

4. In what capacity did Pallada Goncharov go on a round-the-world voyage on the frigate?

(as the secretary of the expedition leader).

5. What novels Goncharov considered as a trilogy. (An ordinary story, Oblomov, Break).

II. Warm up

Competition condition... Each team is asked five questions. To think about 20 seconds. Each answer is 3 points.

1 team.

1. Where did Oblomov live in St. Petersburg? (In Gorokhovaya street, in one of the big houses)

2. What is Oblomov's rank? (collegiate assessor)

3. How many years did Oblomov serve? (2 years).

4. In what position is Oblomov portrayed on the first pages of the novel? (“Lying at Ilya Ilyich's… was his normal state”)?

5. Which of the heroes of the novel managed to get Oblomov off the couch? (To Andrey Stolz)

Team 2.

1. How many years did Oblomov live in St. Petersburg? (12)

2. What are the symbols of Oblomov's image? (bathrobe, sofa, long, soft and wide shoes)

3. Where did Oblomov, while on duty, send a letter by mistake? (To Arkhangelsk instead of Astrakhan).

4. How many serf souls were there for Oblomov? (350)

5. What word, which defined Oblomov Zakhara, insulted the latter? ("Poisonous man")

Team 3.

1. How old is Oblomov? (32-33)

2. What villages were included in Oblomov's estate? (Sosnovka, Vavilovka.).

3. What plant became a symbol of Oblomov's love? (lilac branch)

4. What capital did Stolz make out of his father's forty thousand? (300 thousand)

5. Where did Oblomov end his life? (on the Vyborg side)

III. “… Captivating and powerfulwizard the words"

(Continue text)

Conditions of the competition.Leading reads out a fragment of text to the commands and offers to end the phrase one by one as close as possible to the original text. Thinking time - 20 seconds. For the correct answer - 10 points.

1 team.

1. “… At that moment in the room there was at the same time a grunt of a dog and a hiss of a cat when they were about to throw themselves at each other. This is ... (the clock chimed).

2. And a dead silence reigned in the house. The hour of general afternoon nap has come.

The child sees that both the father, and the mother, and the old aunt, and the retinue - everything ... (scattered in their corners; and whoever did not have it, he went to the hayloft, another to the garden, the third was looking for coolness in the entrance, and the other, covering his face with a handkerchief from flies, he fell asleep where the heat overcame him and brought down a bulky lunch.)

2. Cunning is like a small coin for which ... (you can't buy a lot).

Team 2.

“Oblomov was not too lazy, wrote what to take with him and what to leave at home ... Oblomov's already acquaintances, some with distrust, others with laughter, and still others with some kind of fright, said:“ He's going; Imagine Oblomov has moved forward! " (But Oblomov did not leave either after a month or three).

2.… the first and foremost life concern in Oblomovka. Caring for food)

Team 3.

1. - Is it you, Ilya? - he reproached / Stolz /. - You repulse me, and for her, for this woman! .. My God! He almost screamed, as if in sudden pain. - This child that I just saw ... Ilya, Ilya! Get out of here, let's go, let's go quickly! How you fell! This woman ... what is she to you ...

(- Wife! - said Oblomov calmly.

Stolz turned to stone.

And this child is my son! His name is Andrey, in memory of you! - said Oblomov at once and calmly took a breath, having laid off the burden of frankness.)

2. No, my life began with ... (extinction).

IV. Give an interpretation to words

Conditions of the competition.Teams receive cards with words that need to be interpreted. To think about 30 seconds. Score - 3 points.

1 team.

1. Stingyhousing (stingy, greedy).

2. I will receive five horse run(fare on post horses).

3. Love usurer, prude (a person who lends money at high interest rates).

Team 2.

1. Oh, darling, sybarite (a person prone to idleness).

2. Peskycuriosity (annoying, obsessive).

3. Serve by wine farms(wine ransom - the right to collect state revenues from the wine trade).

Team 3.

1. Mister, overgrown with whiskers, mustache and goatee (short and narrow pointed beard).

2. A sofa upholstered in faded blue barkanstained ... (thick woolen fabric for upholstery).

3. To love the moneylender, prude (a hypocrite hiding behind ostentatious virtue).

V. “Each of his works is an artistic system of images, under which an inspired thought is hidden” D.S. Merezhkovsky.

Portrait gallery

Conditions of the competition.The presenter reads out fragments of the text, where the portrait characteristics of the heroes of the novel are given. The teams must determine which characters of the Oblomov novel belong to these characteristics. Thinking time - 30 seconds. Score - 5 points.

1 team.

1. ... an elderly man, in a gray frock coat, with a rip under his arm, from where a piece of shirt was sticking out, in a gray waistcoat ... with a skull bare as a knee and with immensely wide and thick light-brown sideburns with gray hair. (Servant Zakhar)

2. She was about thirty years old. She was very white and full in her face, so that blush, it seems, could not break through her cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their places were two slightly puffy, glossy stripes, with rare light stripes. The eyes are grayish innocent, like the whole facial expression; hands are white, but stiff, with large knots protruding outward ... (Agafya Matveevna).

Team 2.

1 ... flabby beyond his years ... his body, judging by the matte, too white color of the neck, small, plump hands, soft shoulders seemed too pampered for a man (Oblomov)

2. (She) in the strict sense was not a beauty, that is, there was no whiteness in her, no bright coloring of her cheeks and lips, and her eyes did not burn with rays of inner fire ... lips are thin and mostly compressed: a sign of constantly striving at something thoughts. (Olga Ilyinskaya)

Team 3.

1. It is all composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse. He is thin; he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle, but not a sign of fat roundness; the complexion is even, dark and no blush; the eyes are slightly greenish, but expressive (Andrey Stolts).

2. In the circle of his acquaintances, he played the role of a large guard dog that barks at everyone, does not allow anyone to move, but which at the same time will certainly grab a piece of meat on the fly, from where and wherever he flew. (Tarantiev Mikhei Andreevich, Oblomov's fellow countryman).

Vi. “Nobody makes their heroes live like that ... a separate, their own life” / Merezhkovsky DS /

Conditions of the competition. The host reads out a line. The teams take turns trying to guess who owns these statements, in what situation. Thinking time - 10 seconds. Every correct answer is 5 points.

1 team.

1. Labor is an image, content, element and purpose of life. (Stolz) (3 points)

2. Yes, godfather, until the boobies in Russia have died that they sign papers without reading, our brother can live. (To Mukhoyarov, brother of Agafya Matveevna) (5 points)

Team 2.

1. Who cursed you, Ilya? What did you do? You are kind, smart, gentle, noble ... and you perish. What killed you? There is no name for this evil? (Olga Ilyinskaya at parting with Oblomov). (5 points)

2.… everyone gets infected from each other with some kind of painful care, longing, painfully looking for something. And the goodness of truth, good for oneself and others - no, they pale from the success of a comrade. (Oblomov in a dispute with Stolz about the life of light). (3 points)

Team 3.

1. Light, society! ... What to look for there? The interests of the mind, of the heart? Look, where is the center around which all this revolves: there is none, there is nothing deep that touches the living ... Here they ... scurry every day like flies, back and forth, but what's the use? You will enter the hall and not admire how the guests are seated symmetrically, how calmly and thoughtfully they sit - at the cards. (Oblomov in a dispute with Stolz about the need to be in the world). (3 points)

2 ... honest, faithful heart! This is his natural gold; he carried it through life unharmed. He fell from the tremors, cooled down ..., having lost the strength to live, but did not lose his honesty and loyalty. Not a single false note emitted from his heart, no dirt adhered to him. No smart lie will seduce him, and nothing will lead him to a false path ... (Andrey Stolts about Oblomov in a conversation with Olga Ilyinskaya after Oblomov's death). (5 points)

Vii. Illustration competition, book covers

TOthe team present their illustrations of the cover of the book, explain the idea of \u200b\u200bit (up to 10 points); three illustrations for different episodes of the book tell about these episodes. Both illustrations and comments to them are evaluated (up to 5 points for each illustration, taking into account the accuracy and colorfulness of the commentary).

VIII. Blitz tournament

Competition condition... All teams participate simultaneously. Within 1-2 minutes, participants must answer the maximum number of questions. If the teams find it difficult to answer, say the word "Next".

For the correct answer - 1 point.

  1. The name of the village where Stolz (Verkhlevo) lived.
  2. Only one of the chapters of the novel is entitled. How? (Oblomov's dream)
  3. Last name of Oblomov's first guest, secular veil. (Volkov)
  4. Last name of the second guest Oblomov, an official who rose to the rank of head of the department (Sudbinsky)
  5. Last name of the guest writer (Penkin)
  6. Oblomov's image symbols (robe, sofa, shoes)
  7. What life problem did Oblomov try to tell his guests about? (About the need to move out of the apartment, about the letter of the headman from the village)
  8. Oblomov's guest, his fellow countryman (Mikhey Andreevich Tarantev).
  9. How many serf souls did Oblomov have? (350)
  10. What was the name of Oblomov's servant? (Zakhar)
  11. Which of Oblomov's guests borrowed his shirt and vest and did not return it for 5 months? (Tarantiev)
  12. How long do the events described in the first part of the novel last? (1 day)
  13. What literary direction should the novel "Oblomov" (realism) belong to?
  14. The action of the novel "Oblomov" takes place in ... (Petersburg)
  15. What class did Oblomov belong to? (Nobleman)
  16. What is Oblomov's age at the beginning of the novel? (32-33)
  17. What was the name of Oblomov's son? (Andrei)
  18. What was the name of Oblomov's wife? (Agafya Matveevna)
  19. What is Oblomov's name and patronymic? (Ilya Ilyich)
  20. What does the author call the cause of Oblomov's death? (Oblomovism)
  21. Where were Oblomov's guests invited on May 1 (Ekaterygof)
  22. In Oblomovka, they believed everything ... What? ("To the werewolves and the dead")
  23. What a romance performed by Olga Ilyinskaya did Oblomov like "Immaculate Maiden")
  24. Who helped Oblom get rid of the debts that were imposed on him by deception? (Helped A. Stolz)
  25. Who imposed debts on Oblomov? (Tarantiev)
  26. From whom did Oblomov learn that Olga got married? (from Stolz)
  27. Did Oblomov have children? (Son Andrey)
  28. How and why did the final break between Olga and Oblomov happen? (due to Oblomov's indecision)

Make a cinquain.

(A variant of the syncwine that the students suggested:


  • Serene, kind
  • Lie down, sleep, dream
  • It began with the inability to put on stockings, ended with the inability to live
  • Oblomovshchina)

How did Druzhinin speak about Oblomov?

("Oblomov is a child, not a cheesy libertine, he is a sleepyhead, not an immoral egoist or an epicurean of the times of disintegration. He is powerless for good, but he is positively incapable of an evil deed, pure in spirit, not perverted by everyday sophisms"

"A child by nature and by the conditions of his development, Ilya Ilyich largely left behind the purity and simplicity of a child, qualities that are precious in an adult, qualities that in themselves often reveal to us the realm of truth and at times put an inexperienced, dreamy eccentric and above the prejudices of his age , and above the whole crowd of businessmen surrounding him: "

On the blackboard are the opinions of critics about Oblomov and Oblomovism. If you were writing an essay on a lesson topic, what words would you choose as an epigraph? Why?

(In addition to Druzhinin's statements on the blackboard, the words of I. Annensky: "What is he: a glutton? A sloth? A sissy? A contemplator? A reasoner? No: he, Oblomov, is the result of a long accumulation of heterogeneous impressions, thoughts, feelings, sympathies, doubts and self-reproaches"

D. Merezhkovsky: "The vulgarity, triumphing over purity of heart, love, ideals - this is the main tragedy of life for Goncharov").

V. Homework: 10th gradewrite a review of a classmate's essay based on the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

VI.The word of the jury to sum up the results of the game. Winner's reward ceremony

Vii.The final word of the teacher

  • Testing knowledge of the text of the novel;
  • Conscious reading formation; attention to detail (there is nothing accidental in the work of a great writer);


  • Portrait of I.A. Goncharova. Exhibition of books by the writer and publications about the writer.
  • Video film “A few days from Oblomov's life” based on the script by N. Mikhalkov, A. Abadashyan.
  • Illustrations for the book, made by students. Design options for the cover of the novel.

The participants. High school teams of 10th grade.

Leading. Teacher or someone from high school students.

Jury. The composition is arbitrary.

1. Introduction by the teacher.

I. Captains competition.

A few questions about the life and work of I.A. Goncharov

Competition condition... The competition involves captains of teams. They represent their teams, the name of the team, which is also judged by the jury. The captains are asked five questions each. To think about 20 seconds. Each answer is 3 points.

1 team.

1. What was the name of Goncharov?

2. Dates of the writer's life? (1812-1891)

3. What literary predilections were characteristic of the young man Goncharov? (Derzhavin, Fonvizin, Pushkin)

4. What position did the IA hold. at the end of his career?

5. With what novel did Goncharov enter the literature? ("An ordinary story").

Team 2.

1. What is the name of the city in which Goncharov was born? (Ulyanovsk).

2. Who influenced the education of the future writer? (Tregubov, retired sailor)

3. What were Goncharov's close friends called? (Monsieur de Sloth).

4. What surprised Goncharov in his acquaintances, contemporaries in his very measured life? (In 1952 he went on a round-the-world trip on the Pallas Frigate)

5. In what year was the novel Oblomov published? (1849-1859).

Team 3.

1. What was the name of the mother of IA Goncharov? (Avdotya Matveevna)

2. Where did IA Goncharov study? (Moscow University, Department of Literature)

3. Which of the great Russian writers, before whom Goncharov worshiped, did he see at Moscow University? (Pushkin).

4. As whom did Pallada Goncharov go on a round-the-world voyage on the frigate?

(as the secretary of the expedition leader).

5. What novels Goncharov considered as a trilogy. (An ordinary story, Oblomov, Break).

II. Warm up

Conditions of the competition. Each team is asked five questions. To think about 20 seconds. Each answer is 3 points.

1 team.

1.Where did Oblomov live in St. Petersburg? (In Gorokhovaya street, in one of the big houses)

2. What is Oblomov's rank? (collegiate assessor)

3. How many years did Oblomov serve? (2 years).

4. In what position is Oblomov portrayed on the first pages of the novel? ("Lying at Ilya Ilyich's ... was his normal state")?

5. Which of the heroes of the novel managed to lift Oblomov off the couch? (To Andrei Stolz)

Team 2.

1. How many years did Oblomov live in St. Petersburg? (12)

2. What are the symbols of Oblomov’s image? (bathrobe, sofa, long, soft and wide shoes)

3. Where did Oblomov, while on duty, send a letter by mistake? (To Arkhangelsk instead of Astrakhan).

4. How many serf souls were there for Oblomov? (350)

5. With what word, which Oblomov Zakhar defined, insulted the latter? (“Poisonous person”)

Team 3.

1. How old is Oblomov? (32-33)

2. What villages were included in Oblomov's estate? (Sosnovka, Vavilovka.).

3. What plant became a symbol of Oblomov's love? (lilac branch)

4. What capital did Stolz make from his father's forty thousand? (300 thousand)

5. Where did Oblomov end his life? (on the Vyborg side)

III. “… Captivating and powerful wizard the words"

(Continue text)

Conditions of the competition. Leading reads out a fragment of text to the commands and offers to end the phrase one by one as close as possible to the original text. 20 seconds to think it over. For the correct answer - 10 points.

1 team.

1. “… At that moment in the room there was at the same time a grunt of a dog and a hiss of a cat when they were about to throw themselves at each other. This is ... (the clock chimed).

2. And a dead silence reigned in the house. The hour of universal afternoon nap has come.

The child sees that both the father, and the mother, and the old aunt, and the retinue - all ... (scattered in their corners; and whoever did not have him, he went to the hayloft, another to the garden, the third was looking for coolness in the hallway, and the other, covering his face with a handkerchief from flies, he fell asleep where the heat overcame him and brought down a bulky lunch.)

2. The trick is like a small coin, on which ... (you can’t buy a lot).

Team 2.

“Oblomov was not too lazy, wrote what to take with him and what to leave at home ... Already familiar to Oblomov, others with incredulity, others with a laugh, and still others with some kind of fright, said:“ He’s going; imagine Oblomov budge! ” (But Oblomov did not leave after a month or three).

2.… the first and foremost life concern in Oblomovka. Caring for food)

Team 3.

1. - Is it you, Ilya? - he reproached / Stolz /. “You push me away, and for her, for this woman! .. Oh my god!” He almost screamed, as if in sudden pain. - This child that I just saw ... Ilya, Ilya! Get out of here, let's go, let's go quickly! How you fell! This woman ... what is she to you ...

(- Wife! - said Oblomov calmly.

Stolz turned to stone.

And this child is my son! His name is Andrey, in memory of you! - said Oblomov at once and calmly took a breath, relieving himself of the burden of frankness.)

2. No, my life began with ... (extinction).

IV. Give an interpretation to words

Conditions of the competition. Teams receive cards with words that need to be interpreted. Thinking for 30 seconds. Score - 3 points.

1 team.

1. Stingy housing (stingy, greedy).

2. I will receive five horse run(fare on post horses).

3. Love usurer, prude (a person who lends money at high interest rates).

Team 2.

1. Oh, darling, sybarite (a person prone to idleness).

2. Peskycuriosity (annoying, obsessive).

3. Serve by wine farms(wine ransom - the right to collect state revenues from the wine trade).

Team 3.

1. Mister, overgrown with whiskers, mustache and goatee (short and narrow pointed beard).

2. A sofa upholstered in faded blue barkanstained ... (thick woolen fabric for upholstery).

3. To love the moneylender, prude (a hypocrite hiding behind ostentatious virtue).

V. “Each of his works is an artistic system of images, under which an inspired thought is hidden” D.S. Merezhkovsky.

Portrait gallery

Conditions of the competition. The presenter reads out fragments of the text, where the portrait characteristics of the heroes of the novel are given. The teams must determine which characters of the Oblomov novel belong to these characteristics. Thinking time - 30 seconds. Score - 5 points.

1 team.

1. ... an elderly man, in a gray frock coat, with a rip under his arm, from where a piece of shirt was sticking out, in a gray waistcoat ... with a skull bare as a knee and with immensely wide and thick light-brown sideburns with gray hair. (Servant Zahar)

2. She was thirty years old. She was very white and full in her face, so that the blush, it seemed, could not break through her cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their places were two slightly puffy, glossy stripes, with rare light stripes. The eyes are grayish innocent, like the whole facial expression; hands are white, but stiff, with large knots protruding outward ... (Agafya Matveevna).

Team 2.

1 ... flabby beyond his years ... his body, judging by the matte, too white color of his neck, small, plump arms, soft shoulders seemed too pampered for a man (Oblomov)

2. (She) in the strict sense was not a beauty, that is, there was neither whiteness in her, nor a bright color of cheeks and lips, and her eyes did not burn with rays of inner fire ... lips are thin and mostly compressed: a sign of constantly striving at something thoughts. (Olga Ilyinskaya)

Team 3.

(1) He is composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse. He is thin; he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle, but not a sign of fat roundness; the complexion is even, dark and no blush; eyes are a little greenish, but expressive (Andrey Shtolts).

2. In the circle of his acquaintances, he played the role of a large guard dog that barks at everyone, does not allow anyone to move, but which at the same time will certainly grab a piece of meat on the fly, from where and wherever he flew. (Tarantiev Mikhei Andreevich, Oblomov's fellow countryman).

Vi. “Nobody makes their heroes live like that ... a separate, their own life” / Merezhkovsky DS /

Conditions of the competition. The host reads the remark. The teams alternately try to guess who these statements belong to and in what situation. Thinking time - 10 seconds. Every correct answer is 5 points.

1 team.

1. Labor is an image, content, element and purpose of life. (Stolz) (3 points)

2. Yes, godfather, until the boobies in Russia have died that they sign papers without reading, our brother can live. (To Mukhoyarov, brother of Agafya Matveevna) (5 points)

Team 2.

1. Who cursed you, Ilya? What did you do? You are kind, smart, gentle, noble ... and perishing. What killed you? There is no name for this evil? (Olga Ilyinskaya when breaking up with Oblomov). (5 points)

2.… everyone gets infected from each other with some kind of painful care, longing, painfully looking for something. And the goodness of truth, good for oneself and others - no, they pale from the success of a comrade. (Oblomov in a dispute with Stolz about the life of light). (3 points)

Team 3.

1. Light, society! ... What to look for there? The interests of the mind, of the heart? Look, where is the center around which all this revolves: there is none, there is nothing deep that touches the living ... Here they ... scurry about every day, like flies, back and forth, but what's the point? You enter the hall and don’t look at how symmetrically the guests are seated, how quietly and thoughtfully they are sitting at the cards. (Oblomov in a dispute with Stolz about the need to be in the world). (3 points)

2 ... honest, faithful heart! This is his natural gold; he carried it through life unharmed. He fell from the tremors, cooled down ..., having lost the strength to live, but did not lose his honesty and loyalty. Not a single false note emitted from his heart, no dirt adhered to him. No smart lie will seduce him, and nothing will lead him to a false path ... (Andrey Stolts about Oblomov in a conversation with Olga Ilyinskaya after Oblomov's death). (5 points)

VII. Illustration competition, book covers

The team present their illustrations of the book cover, explain the concept of it (up to 10 points); three illustrations for different episodes of the book tell about these episodes. Both illustrations and comments are evaluated (up to 5 points for each illustration, taking into account the accuracy and brilliance of the comment).

Viii. Blitz tournament

Terms of the competition. All teams participate simultaneously. Within 1-2 minutes, participants must answer the maximum number of questions. If the teams find it difficult to answer, you must say the word “Next”.

For the correct answer - 1 point.

  1. The name of the village where Stolz (Verkhlevo) lived.
  2. Only one of the chapters of the novel is entitled. How? (Oblomov's dream)
  3. Last name of Oblomov's first guest, secular veil. (Volkov)
  4. Surname of the second guest of Oblomov, an official who rose to the rank of head of the department (Sudbinsky)
  5. Last name of the guest writer (Penkin)
  6. Oblomov's image symbols (robe, sofa, shoes)
  7. What vital problem did Oblomov try to tell his guests? (About the need to move out of the apartment, about the letter from the village headman)
  8. Oblomov's guest, his fellow countryman (Mikhey Andreevich Tarantiev).
  9. How many serf souls did Oblomov have? (350)
  10. What was the name of Oblomov's servant? (Zakhar)
  11. Which of Oblomov's guests borrowed a shirt and a vest from him and did not return it for 5 months? (Tarantiev)
  12. How long do the events described in the first part of the novel last? (1 day)
  13. What literary direction should the novel "Oblomov" (realism) belong to?
  14. The action of the novel "Oblomov" takes place in ... (Petersburg)
  15. What class did Oblomov belong to? (Nobleman)
  16. What is Oblomov's age at the beginning of the novel? (32-33)
  17. What was the name of Oblomov's son? (Andrei)
  18. What was the name of Oblomov's wife? (Agafya Matveevna)
  19. What is Oblomov's name and patronymic? (Ilya Ilyich)
  20. What does the author call the cause of Oblomov's death? (Oblomovism)
  21. Where did Oblomov's guests invite on May 1 (Ekaterof)
  22. In Oblomovka, they believed everything ... What? ("To the werewolves and the dead")
  23. What a romance performed by Olga Ilyinskaya Oblomov liked “The Immaculate Virgin”)
  24. Who helped Oblom to get rid of the debts that were imposed on him by deceit? (A. Shtolts helped)
  25. Who imposed debts on Oblomov? (Tarantiev)
  26. From whom did Oblomov learn that Olga got married? (from Stolz)
  27. Did Oblomov have children? (Son Andrey)
  28. How and why did the final break between Olga and Oblomov happen? (due to Oblomov's indecision)

Word of the jury to summarize the game

Winner's reward ceremony

Final words of the teacher

Our game has come to an end. To summarize.

Have you answered all or almost all the questions? This means that you were extremely attentive when reading the novel, did not miss many artistic details, pondered on obscure or completely incomprehensible words, which will undoubtedly help you deeply delve into the essence of the issues raised by the author, defend your opinion reasonably in problematic discussions. You have undoubtedly enriched your vocabulary with bright aphorisms, broadened your horizons and, of course, grew spiritually.

Did you answer only two thirds of the questions? Don't worry, you read carefully, but you were in a hurry, and in your haste you missed some artistic details. But in the books of the great masters there is not a single in vain spoken word. It will not be easy for you to defend your opinion in a dispute with a strong opponent. Maybe it makes sense to re-read the skipped pages.

Could you answer only half the questions? Do not be upset. Understand the reasons for the failure. Go back to the novel. This is a very deep, multi-problematic book. Not everyone manages to grasp its content the first time. Read and reread and you will definitely succeed.

(16 )

Description of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov very ambiguous. Goncharov created it complex and mysterious. Oblomov separates himself from the outside world, fenced off from it. Even his dwelling is not like inhabited.

From early childhood, he saw a similar example from his relatives, who also fenced off from the outside world and protected him. It was not accepted to work in his home. When he, as a child, played snowballs with peasant children, he was then warmed up for several days. In Oblomovka, they were wary of everything new - even a letter that came from a neighbor, in which he asked for a beer recipe, was afraid to open it for three days.

But Ilya Ilyich recalls his childhood with joy. He worships the nature of Oblomovka, although it is an ordinary village, not particularly remarkable. He was raised by country nature. This nature instilled in him poetry and love of beauty.

Ilya Ilyich does nothing, only complains about something all the time and engages in verbiage. He is lazy, does nothing himself and does not expect anything from others. He accepts life as it is and does not try to change anything in it.

When people come to him and talk about their life, he feels that in the bustle of life they forget that they are wasting their life in vain ... But he does not need to fuss, act, he does not need to prove anything to anyone. Ilya Ilyich just lives and enjoys life.

It is difficult to imagine him in motion, he looks funny. At rest, lying on the sofa, it is natural. It looks at ease - this is his element, his nature.

Let's summarize what we read:

  1. Ilya Oblomov's appearance. Ilya Ilyich is a young man of 33 years old, pleasant appearance, medium height, overweight. The softness of facial expressions betrayed him as a man of weak character and lazy.
  2. Family status. At the beginning of the novel, Oblomov is not married, lives with his servant Zakhar. At the end of the novel he marries and is happily married.
  3. Description of the home. Ilya lives in St. Petersburg in an apartment on Gorokhovaya Street. The apartment is neglected, the servant Zakhar rarely sneaks into it, who is as lazy as the owner. In the apartment, a special place is occupied by the sofa, on which Oblomov lies around the clock.
  4. The behavior of the hero. Ilya Ilyich is hardly an active person. Only his friend Stoltz manages to get Oblomov out of a nap. The main character lies on the couch and only dreams that he will soon get up from him and get down to business. He cannot even solve pressing problems. His estate has fallen into disrepair and does not bring money, so Oblomov even has nothing to pay for the apartment with.
  5. The attitude of the author to the hero. Goncharov sympathizes with Oblomov, he considers him a kind, sincere person. At the same time, he sympathizes with him: it is a pity that a young, capable, not stupid person has lost all interest in life.
  6. My attitude to Ilya Oblomov. In my opinion, he is too lazy and weak-willed, therefore, can not cause respect. In some places, he just pisses me off, I want to come up and shake him. I do not like people who live their lives so stupidly. Perhaps I react so strongly to this hero because I feel the same flaws in myself.