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Nosov's works about friendship. Works of Nikolai Nosov. Heroes of Nosov's works. Dreamers: based on the stories of Nikolai Nosov: "Dreamers", "Karasik", "Cucumbers"

According to S. Ya. Marshak's definition, this is a writer "with a distinct creative personality" works which manifested "a combination of humor, lyricism and the memorable vigilance of the everyday writer." Nikolai Nosov created mainly children's works.

Nosov's works for children: list

  • "Entertainers"
  • "Knock-Knock!"
  • "Gardeners"
  • "Mishkina porridge"
  • "Phone"
  • "Step"
  • "About the turnip"
  • "Dreamers"
  • "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin"
  • "Under the same roof"
  • "Merry family"
  • "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary"
  • "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"
  • "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"
  • "Dunno in a sunny city"

And that's not all list of Nosov's children's worksloved by many generations.

How did Nikolai Nosov become a children's writer?

Nikolay Nikolaevich Nosov was born in Kiev, in the family of an actor. At the age of 15, he entered a concrete plant as a laborer. In 1927 he began to study at the Kiev Art Institute. Two years later, he moved to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography, and then worked as a film director - filming educational and animated films. During the war, Nosov was awarded the Order of the Red Star for the creation of military-technical films.

Which parent did not have to compose poems, fairy tales, stories for their children? Nikolai Nikolaevich also had to do this: he had a boy. The experiments were successful. In 1938, Nosov's story appeared in the Murzilka magazine "Entertainers"... But he became a professional writer only in 1945, when his first book was published.

"Knock-Knock!" - with this heading, Nosov kind of knocked on the door of great literature for little ones. The subtitle "Funny Stories" was an application for the birth of a humorist writer. Here we first meet Mishka, whom we later meet in a whole cycle of small works by Nosov: "Gardeners", "Mishkina's porridge", "Telephone" and others. This boy always tries to do something good, but does not commensurate this desire with his own strengths and skills. Hence, situations arise that cause laughter, but not condemning, but benevolent. Nosov believes that "humor is ridicule with a touch of sympathy." Others are also very popular with readers. nosov's works for children: "Step", "About the Turnip", "Dreamers", "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin", "Under One Roof".

Children's works of N. Nosov

The story "Merry family"

In 1949, Nosov's first story was published - "Merry family" ... In many ways, it is still close to those stories of the writer, where the images of the guys who called themselves "Mishka and I" were developed. Friends still do not know the rest: "Such is our character with Mishka - we definitely need something to do." At first, the guys quickly move from one hobby to another: "The bear is such a person - he absolutely needs everything to be useful." But the boy thinks about the benefits not for himself, but for everyone. In his reflections on the benefits of incubators on a state farm, one senses a social approach. This means that children need to be helped to find such activities that would inspire them with a great goal. Only thanks to this goal Mishka and his friend were able to raise chickens in a homemade incubator for almost a month (a long time for restless boys!).

Throughout the development of the plot, the author suggests that you need to tackle a big business together, as a team. We see how a sense of duty, a sense of responsibility for their mistakes is maturing in boys, especially in Mishka, who was just so disorderly.

The story "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn"

In the story "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary" it is also said about the desire of the guys to do a generally useful business. In contrast to "The Merry Family" in this book, the guys from the very beginning work together and consciously look for "such a job that will be useful." The form of the diary allowed the writer to convey the thoughts of his hero. They contain a lot of naivety, colored by the author's humor, and at the same time, there is a lot of moral purity inherent in pioneers.

Following the example of Nosov's characters, many of the children began to build incubators and breed bees. The writer V. Kataev tells about the devastation caused in the house by his little son, who, having read "The Merry Family", decided to follow the example of Kolya and Misha. Readers are attracted to Nosov's stories by the enthusiasm of the heroes, the rapid development of the plot, the absence of long descriptions, which, as N.K.Krupskaya noted, are unacceptable for children aged 8-13. Many guys tell Nosov that they themselves, following the example of Kolya Sinitsyn, began to write diaries, and some even ask how to publish them.

After reading these stories, parents will truly understand how important adult support is for children. The old beekeeper from Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary did not scold the boys who accidentally ran to his apiary, but helped them. Kolya reflects on this: “What a kind grandfather turned out to be! He not only promised to give us bees, but also fulfilled his promise. " This is a rebuke to those adults who thoughtlessly break the word given to the children. "And I also had joy today," Kolya writes after a while in his diary, "my mom and dad came to the apiary and looked at our bees." Here is an example of how important it is to delve into the interests of your children, to encourage them with your attention!

The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

If in the books "A Merry Family" and "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary" Nosov shows the development of interests and a sense of collectivism in the process of extracurricular work, then his third and most significant story is "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" (1951) - mainly devoted to educational work. She was awarded the State Prize and was among the best in the competition of fiction books for children, held by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.

... Inseparable friends Vitya Maleev and Kostya Shishkin love school, want to study well, and grow up as real people. “You dream of something wonderful,” thinks Vitya, “and you want to grow up as soon as possible, become strong and courageous, perform various feats and heroism ...” There is nothing surprising in these dreams. They are determined by our entire system, which opens up clear prospects for children from the very first years of school life. Vitya clearly understands why he has to study, but the trouble is that he does not know how to concentrate - the temptation to play football turns out to be stronger than his still fragile will.

In the books of Soviet writers before, there were images of children who, under the influence of the teacher and the whole class, became successful. But we did not see how this process took place in the minds of the students themselves. Nosov managed to look into the world of thoughts and feelings of his hero. “The discovery made by Vitya Maleev, having solved the problem on his own for the first time, - said S. Ya. Marshak at the II Congress of Writers, - is not only the discovery of Vitia, but also of the author himself. It is not so easy to show why the incomprehensible becomes suddenly clear, how considerations depend on imagination. "

Kostya's correction process is much more difficult. He is less able than Vitya to analyze his actions, to be critical of them. Kostya even stops going to school and, deceiving his mother, pretends to be sick. It seems to him that it is easier to perform in the circus arena than to write a dictation. And Vitya, although he feels remorse, still hides the truth from the teacher, from the whole class. To act otherwise, he thinks, will not be comradely. But soon Vitya realized that a real pioneer should not hide his friend's bad deeds, but help him to improve. The pages describing how Maleev deals with Shishkin, how they, despite the first setbacks, achieve success, are especially interesting in the story.

In the words of Lev Kassil, "educators will find in Nosov's story a lot of things that will be useful in their work." Let the parents reflect on how Kostya's mother failed to correctly direct her son's hobbies and inspired him that he had no will. Aunt Zina kept threatening to "take on him, check his studies, but every time she forgot to do it." The example of Vitya's parents is also instructive. The mother scolded her son every time for the fact that he sat down late for lessons, but did not help him properly allocate his time. And the father, having undertaken to help the boy in arithmetic, simply solved the problem for him, and explained so impatiently that Vitya did not want to contact him anymore.

The book "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" was published 30 times in the first three years. Hundreds of letters about the story, beloved by the children, are kept in the House of Children's Books.

Story-tale "The Adventures of Dunno"

N. Nosov says that when discussing his books, children often say: there can be no full-fledged school collective without friendship, and girls complain about boys who often behave arrogantly towards them. This topic is mainly devoted to the story-fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" ... But why did the writer decide to resort to fantasy? He explains that "the very form of a fairy tale, as a work telling about fictional events, is close to play in its amusement, which arouses the interest of a child who is always willing to play." As usual in the works of Nosov, the main character of the new book - Dunno - is endowed with shortcomings. He is inquisitive, active, but he does not know how to work, he does not have enough patience for this. Striving for fame, this shorty does not even neglect deception. Dunno is being re-educated.

Fascinating episodes of Nosov's new fairy tale "Dunno in a sunny city" says that good deeds should be done unselfishly, that, having advantages, you should use them deliberately, otherwise you will harm others. The pictures of the sunny city are clearly directed towards the future.

Children of our country get acquainted with the works of the famous children's writer Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich (1908-1976) at an early age. "Live Hat", "Bobik visiting Barbos", "Putty" - these and many other funny children's stories of Nosov want to re-read again and again. N. Nosov's stories describe the everyday life of the most ordinary girls and boys. And this is done very simply and unobtrusively, interesting and funny. In some actions, even the most unexpected and funny, many children recognize themselves.

When you read Nosov's stories, you will understand how much each of them is imbued with tenderness and love for their heroes. No matter how badly they behaved, no matter what they invented, he tells us about it without any reproach or anger. On the contrary, attention and care, wonderful humor and a wonderful understanding of the child's soul fill every little piece.

Nosov's stories are classics of children's literature. It is impossible to read stories about the tricks of Mishka and other guys without a smile. And who of us in our youth and childhood did not read wonderful stories about Dunno?
Modern kids read and watch them with great pleasure.

Nosov's stories for children were published in many of the most famous publications for children of different ages. The realism and simplicity of the narration to this day attract the attention of young readers. "The Merry Family", "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Dreamers" - these stories by Nikolai Nosov will be remembered for a lifetime. Nosov's stories for children are distinguished by natural and lively language, brightness and extraordinary emotionality. They teach to be very attentive to their daily behavior, especially in relation to their friends and loved ones. On our Internet portal you can look at an online list of Nosov's stories, and enjoy reading them absolutely free.

When Mishka and I were very young, we really wanted to ride a car, only we couldn't do it. No matter how much we asked for drivers, no one wanted to give us a ride. Once we were walking in the yard. Suddenly we looked - on the street, near our gate, a car stopped. The driver got out of the car and left somewhere. We ran up. I say: - This ...

My mother, Vovka and I were visiting aunt Olya in Moscow. On the very first day, my mother and aunt went to the store, and Vovka and I were left at home. They gave us an old album with photos for us to look at. Well, we considered, considered, until we got tired of it. Vovka said: - We won't see Moscow either if we stay at home all day ...

Nosov's stories are the world of adults through the eyes of children. All life values, about good, evil, about real friendship, are told in a simple language for children with visual examples.

Conversely, those adults who want to better understand their crumbs can begin to explore the "encyclopedia" of the children's world. And the "reference material" is just the works of Nikolai Nosov.

Childhood dreams and fantasies, the desire of kids for knowledge, small and big joys of boys and girls remain unchanged throughout the entire time. And you can find out about all this if you read the online adventures of Kolya Sinitsyn, Viti Maleev, Tolya Klyukvin and other characters of your favorite author.

Select the story of Nosov N.N. for reading

Each story in this section is like a small story in which the characters are very similar to modern boys and girls. They can get scared when they notice the hat is moving. Or, having decided to cook delicious porridge, the guys will find out that porridge can grow and cannot be held back by the lid!

Some stories aren't fictional at all! In them, Nikolai Nosov talks about himself and what happened to him, his comrades and his son! At one time, he himself read these stories for boys and girls. I asked the kids for their opinion. And now the kids can recognize themselves in some of the characters.

There are also funny heroes in Nosov's tales, such as Barbos and Bobik, there is also Dunno with a whole city in which "little adults" live. But who said that Bobik never went to visit Watchdog or that Dunno does not exist somewhere out there on the Moon, and maybe even here on Earth? This kid is open to new experiences. He tries to find out everything in the world and tries on the role of a poet or an artist. Aren't all kids like that? Aren't they trying to figure out who they are and what they want to do in life?

Such stories are instructive for all generations. And our site of children's fairy tales provides kids and adults with them for free.

Perhaps, there is no person in our country who did not read Nosov's works in childhood or did not know at least one hero of his wonderful books and stories. This article is about an amazing children's writer, Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.

Childhood years of the writer

Born in Tsarist Russia, in the beautiful city of Kiev, on November 23, 1908. Childhood and adolescence of the writer were associated with the small town of Irpen, located near Kiev. Nicolas's father was a pop artist, and, most likely, the boy inherited a vivid imagination from him. After the death of Nosov, the autobiographical story "The Mystery at the Bottom of the Well" was published, where he described his childhood years.

Being a passionate and quickly carried away nature, little Kolya tried to make music, but quickly realized that it was not for him. He was very fond of theater, played chess well, was interested in electrical engineering, photography and chemistry.

The writer's childhood and adolescence fell on very difficult years - the First World War and the Civil War, the revolution. At the age of 14, he started working to help the family, and after leaving school he became a laborer.

The writer graduated from the Moscow Institute of Cinematography and for 19 years, until 1951, worked as a director of scientific, animated and educational films.

Self-awareness and imagination

According to the writer's memoirs, he began to be aware of himself and things around him by the age of four. The objects surrounding the boy had a character for him and their own special life. The wardrobe is immersed in thought and speaks in a strange, creaking language, the sideboard is a frivolous creature, and the chairs are like two prim aunts who really want to gossip, but you can't show them that they can be interested in all sorts of trifles. All these childhood impressions then helped the writer a lot, and some of them were later included in Nosov's works for children. For example, we can recall one of his famous stories "The Hat". In it, the boys first of all think not about the fact that a kitten is hiding under it, but in a panic they decide that she has come to life. In general, I must say that all of Nosov's stories show an excellent knowledge of child psychology.

The beginning of the creative path

Nosov's debut as a writer took place in 1938. It was the story "Zateyniki". The author was then 30 years old. As the writer himself admitted, his arrival in literature was an accident. The little son demanded more and more new fairy tales and interesting stories, and Nosov began to compose them first for him, and then for his friends. The writer realized that this creativity requires both great knowledge and understanding of child psychology. And most importantly - respect. And all of Nosov's works are permeated with such great love and attention to children.

The first collections of stories

Then other children's stories by Nosov appeared - "Living Hat", "Mishkina's porridge", "Cucumbers", "Fantasy". Each of them was already impatiently awaited by little readers, who immediately highly appreciated the works of the new writer. It was then published in the best children's magazine "Murzilka". A little later, these stories were combined into the still thin book "Knock-knock-knock." This event did not happen immediately, in 1945. But a year later a new collection of funny stories by the writer appeared - "Steps".

Nosov's works were published one after another. Their list is extensive:

- "Bobik visiting Barbos".

- "The Merry Family".

- "Funny stories".

- "Vitya Maleev at school and at home."

- "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary".

- "Gardeners".

- "The Adventures of Kolya Klyukvin".

- "Phone".

- "Wonderful Trousers".

Nosov's works are liked by children, but universal popularity comes to him after the publication of the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home." Taking as a basis a completely ordinary story about a schoolchild and his studies, the writer was able to write about the real, real life of ordinary boys, sincere and naive.

The Tale of Dunno

Even those who do not know the writer Nosov have heard about Dunno - the most famous and beloved literary character by children. The author described his hero as follows: “This is a generalized idea of \u200b\u200ba child with an irrepressible thirst for activity, with a great desire to learn everything, but at the same time not collected and still unable to hold his attention. This is a completely normal normal child. He has excellent inclinations that he will develop in the future, and shortcomings with which to fight. "

Dunno is a representative of the people of short people living in beautiful cities with poetic names Flower, Sunny. Very active and cheerful, the main character sincerely wants to help all his friends, but because of his restlessness and haste he constantly renders them Friends forgive Dunno, although his actions often cause big trouble. In total, the writer created three stories about little people.

By the way, Nosov did not invent the name of his hero himself, but borrowed it from a book about forest men. There Dunno was not the main character, but one of the most insignificant. The writer never hid this fact. This, by the way, now prevents Nosov's heir, his grandson, from fighting piracy in relation to his grandfather's work. Several times his claims were rejected with the wording that Dunno was not invented by Nikolai Nosov.

They say that the restless little man was written off by the writer from his son Petya, and Nosov gave the hat to the hero, because he himself was very fond of wearing them.

Heroes of Nosov's works

The most amazing thing is that all the works of Nosov, which are considered funny, were written by him not at all for laughter and entertainment. He never set himself the task of making the reader laugh. Nosov described the ordinary daily life of children, filled with victories and failures, small discoveries and great joy in life. Even if the heroes of his works are lazy or poor, they still inspire sympathy by the fact that they sincerely repent of their actions.

Screen adaptation of Nosov's works

Based on the books of the writer, 6 feature films and a huge number of animated films were shot. Among them are two series about the adventures of Dunno.

The work of the wonderful writer Nikolai Nosov is still in demand today. His books are still as popular and loved by young children and their parents as they were many years ago.

Nikolay Nikolaevich Nosov; USSR, Kiev; 11/10/1908 - 07/26/1976

Nikolai Nosov is a famous Soviet writer. His works about Dunno became an example of children's literature in our country for many years. More than one generation in our country has grown up on the books of N. Nosov "Dunno" and now the stories of Nikolai Nosov are chosen by many parents throughout the country. After all, simple and kind fairy tales of the Soviet era are an excellent alternative to modern children's books. Perhaps that is why Nikolai Nosov is still included, and his books occupy high places among the most read books.

Biography of Nikolai Nosov

Nikolai Nosov was born in the suburb of Kiev in the city of Irpen. He was the second child in a family of four. Since childhood, he loved to attend concerts and performances in which his father played. He was a professional actor. Everyone predicted the future of an artist for him, but the difficult situation in the country and living conditions made their own adjustments. So the whole family of Nikolai Nosov fell ill with typhus, and only by a happy coincidence, someone did not die. Then little Nikolai realized for the first time that tears can be not only from grief, but also from joy. This understanding came along with the tears of the mother, who spent a lot of time over the bed of the future writer.

Back in the gymnasium, Nikolai Nosov was fond of photography, theater, electrical engineering and many other things. But already from the age of fourteen he worked as a trader, mower and digger to help his family. And after graduation, at the age of 16, he went to work as a laborer at a concrete plant. At this time, he and his friends became interested in chemistry. He tried to enter the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, but since he had incomplete secondary education, he could not. Therefore, so that training does not interfere with work, Nikolai Nosov entered the evening vocational school.

In 1927, unexpectedly for his parents, the future writer Nikolai Nosov changed his plans and entered the Kiev Art Institute. Two years later, he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. He graduated in 1932, and for almost 20 years has worked as a director and director of scientific, educational and animated films.

It was possible to read the first stories of Nikolai Nosov in 1938. Telling stories to his son, he realized that he was doing it and decided to write some of them. They were published in the Murzilka magazine, and then were combined into the collection "Knock - knock - knock." But this collection came out after the end of the war, and it was followed by another one - "Steps".

In 1953, N Nosov's first story "Dunno" appears. Gradually, this literary hero becomes very popular, and brings Nosov the same fame as a children's writer as he did. By the way, the last book of the cycle about Dunno - "Dunno on the Moon", many economists call the best work for children on political economy. In addition, Nikolai Nosov can read the stories "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary", "Vitya Maleev at school and at home", which also gained wide popularity. Nikolai Nosov wrote his stories until his death, which occurred in 1976 for natural reasons.

Nikolai Nosov's books on the site Top books

A cycle of books by N Nosov "Dunno" was included in the ratings of our site. In addition to a fairly high place in the ranking, the book got into. And given that the interest in books about Dunno, stories about Kolya Sinitsyn and Vita Maleev has not diminished over the years, this author will repeatedly get into the rating of our site. And the stories of Nikolai Nosov will be presented more than once among the best children's literature.

Nikolay Nosov list of books

  1. Mystery at the bottom of the well
  2. Us and children
  3. The story of my friend Igor
  4. Small literary encyclopedia
  5. Grandma Dean
  6. Quantum of laughter
  7. Vitya Maleev at school and at home
  8. Cheerful family
  9. Kolya Sinitsyn's diary