
Brief main idea nightingale andersen. Lesson “Moral lessons on the tale of H.K. Andersen's "Nightingale. h) Closing conversation

What does Andersen's "Nightingale" teach? and got the best answer

Answer from L and I [guru]
In the fairy tale "Nightingale" people communicate on equal terms with the little feathered singer. They invite him to the palace, they want to reward him for the wonderful art with money and jewelry. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. In a fairy tale, not people, but a bird understands that in real life the most valuable things are love and friendship, delight and true gratitude, because you cannot buy them for any money. And also, thanks to the writer, the emperor invented by him gets the opportunity to talk with his Death, and, consequently, to evaluate the life he lived and the deeds done over the long years of reign - "some are disgusting, others are cute." The selfless help of the nightingale and his amazing singing helped the great ruler drive away Death and change his attitude to everything that happens in his life.

Answer from Katya *******[newbie]

Answer from Daria Ershova[newbie]
In the fairy tale "Nightingale" people communicate on equal terms with the little feathered singer. They invite him to the palace, they want to reward him for the wonderful art with money and jewelry. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. In a fairy tale, not people, but a bird understands that in real life the most valuable things are love and friendship, delight and true gratitude, because you cannot buy them for any money. And also, thanks to the writer, the emperor invented by him gets the opportunity to talk with his Death, and therefore, to evaluate the life he lived and the deeds done over the long years of reign - "some are nasty, others are cute." The unselfish help of the nightingale and his amazing singing helped the great ruler drive away Death and change his attitude to everything that happens in his life.

Answer from Irina irina[active]
In the fairy tale "Nightingale" people communicate on equal terms with the little feathered singer. They invite him to the palace, they want to reward him for the wonderful art with money and jewelry. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. In a fairy tale, not people, but a bird understands that in real life the most valuable things are love and friendship, delight and true gratitude, because you cannot buy them for any money. And also, thanks to the writer, the emperor invented by him gets the opportunity to talk with his Death, and therefore, to evaluate the life he lived and the deeds done over the long years of reign - “some are disgusting, others are cute”. The selfless help of the nightingale and his amazing singing helped the great ruler drive away Death and change his attitude to everything that happens in his life.

Sections: Literature


  • to reveal the ideological content of H.K. Andersen "Nightingale";
  • develop the skills and abilities of analyzing a literary work;
  • foster a sense of beauty, a vision of true beauty in nature, love of art.

During the classes


Hello dear guys! Today in the lesson we turn to the work of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, with whose fairy tales you have known since childhood.
More than a hundred years ago in a small Danish town - Odense, on the island of Funen, extraordinary events took place. The quiet, a little sleepy streets of Odense suddenly heard the sound of music. A procession of artisans carrying torches and banners marched past the brightly lit old town hall, welcoming the tall, blue-eyed man at the window. In honor of whom did the inhabitants of Odense lit their lights in September 1869?
It was Hans Christian Andersen, elected as an honorary citizen of his hometown. Honoring Andersen, fellow countrymen praised the best storyteller in the world. When the writer died on August 4, 1875, national mourning was declared in Denmark. Years passed, and a monument to Andersen was erected in the Royal Garden in Copenhagen with the inscription: "Built by the Danish people."
More than a hundred years have passed since his death, and tales and stories of the Danish writer continue to be published in all countries of the world.
Andersen comes to you guys in different ways. Then he quietly sneaks into the room and brings you wonderful dreams, like the good wizard Ole Lukkoye. Then the fairy tale comes along with Thumbelina on a sheet of a water lily. You will forever be captivated by the love of the courageous and gentle Little Mermaid. But more often than not, Andersen's tale boldly and cheerfully bursts into the world of your childhood: “There was a soldier on the road: one or two! one or two! "
And today a fairy tale will fly to our lesson on the wings of a small bird, a nightingale.
"It was a long time ago, of course, but that's why it's worth listening to this story until it is completely forgotten!" - wrote Andersen.

Where does the fairy tale take place?
(In ancient China, in the wonderful palace of the emperor)

And what was the most wonderful miracle of miracles in his domain?

Did the emperor know that a nightingale lived in his domain?

And who in the palace knew about this?
(Poor cook girl)

Guys, how did it happen that the whole world knew about the nightingale, they even wrote about it in books, but the emperor did not know? Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds? Let's split into groups. Group 1 will tell us about where the nightingale lives, and group 2 will tell us about the emperor and his courtiers.

(The children are offered a table that they will have to fill out using the text of the tale)

Let's summarize. What is the difference between the world of the nightingale and the world of the emperor?

The natural beauty of wildlife

Artificial beauty of the palace

So guys, it's not hard to guess why only the poor girl knew where the nightingale lives. Let's read the episode of the search for the nightingale by roles (From the words "And so everyone went to the forest ..." to the words "He will have a huge success at court")

How did the emperor take the nightingale's singing? Find the answer to the question in the text of the tale.
(The emperor was very pleased, he had tears in his eyes)

Why did the nightingale refuse the award? Confirm the answer with the text of the tale.
(“I saw tears in the eyes of the emperor - what other reward could I wish!”)

Why are the tears in the eyes of the emperor more precious than any gift? Who else wept at the singing of the nightingale?
(Poor girl: "Tears keep flowing from my eyes, but my soul becomes so happy, as if my mother was kissing me")

Guys, why does the nightingale singing cause tears? What is singing?
(Real, beautiful singing is an art, it affects a person and evokes various feelings in him. "Tears are the most precious reward for a singer's heart," says the nightingale)

Remember how the ladies of the court sang, imitating the nightingale (they took water in their mouths so that it gurgled in their throats). Does singing like that make you cry?

Once a large package was delivered to the emperor with the inscription "Nightingale". This is how another nightingale appears in the tale. What kind of bird was it? Let's characterize each image and then compare them.
(The teacher himself can prepare in advance the cards with the characteristics of the birds, which the children will distribute in columns and draw a conclusion. This can be done at the blackboard)

Real nightingale

Artificial nightingale

Lived in the branches of trees hanging over the water

All sprinkled with diamonds, rubies and sapphires

The fisherman listened to him, forgetting about his worries

His tail was cast in gold and silver

Poets composed the most beautiful poems in honor of him

On his neck he had a ribbon with the inscription

Little gray bird

Sang like a wind-up organ

His singing was enough for the heart, and tears appeared in his eyes

The whole shone with jewels

Sang in my own way

I sang the same thing 33 times and was not tired

You can never know in advance what exactly he will sing

You can give yourself a full account of his art - it is still known in advance

You can disassemble it and show its internal structure

The people listened to him and were pleased, as if they had drunk enough tea

Not bad, but still not that, something is missing in his singing

25 volumes of the most sophisticated Chinese words have been written about him

Guys, now let's compare who is prettier? Who sings better? How does singing make people feel? So what is the difference between a live nightingale and an artificial one?
(The guys add another row to the table)

Have we figured out what real art is? Now let's think about what is its strength? What is true art capable of?
(The mechanical nightingale broke down, and the emperor fell ill. And the living nightingale with his song saved him from death)

Could an artificial nightingale have done this?
(No, because only real singing of a living nightingale is able to defeat death and even those evil forces that live in a person's soul. Real art makes a person better, cleaner, more beautiful)

How has the emperor changed?
(He allowed the nightingale to live in the forest, allowed him to fly in and sing songs, only when the nightingale himself wishes it)

So the fairy tale ended. The nightingale saved the emperor from death, promised to fly to him and talk about that real living life that cannot be seen from the walls of the palace and which cannot be replaced by any flowers with crystal bells. At home, I will ask you to reflect on the topic of the lesson and write an essay on the topic "What is the wonderful power of art?" Summing up, let's think again why Andersen asked us not to forget this tale?

(Because this tale is very interesting and instructive. The nightingale, devoid of brilliance, turns out to be stronger and freer than the emperor himself. And the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale is the immortality of genuine art and the impossibility of replacing it with a mechanism.

List of references

1. Andersen H.K. Fairy tales. Stories: Per. from date / Entry Art. K. Paustovsky. Compiled, comments. L.Yu. Braude. - M .: Education, 1988 .-- 271s.: Ill.
2. Kutuzov A.G. How to enter the world of literature. 5th grade: Methodical manual / A.G. Kutuzov, A.G. Gutov, L.V. Colossus; Ed. A.G. Kutuzov. - 6th ed., Stereotype. - M .: Bustard, 2002 .-- 112s.
3. Moiseev M.V. guide to the world of literature. Grade 5: Method. Benefit. - M .: Bustard, 2004 .-- 96p.

Genre... Literary fairy tale

Heroes... Emperor, Living Nightingale, Artificial Nightingale, Death

Theme - the power of real art, its power over death

Idea - the victory of real art over artificial art and death. Only soul, mercy, compassion, become evidence of true beauty

home thought - Real beauty in a sincere, merciful and compassionate soul.

Conflict... Contrasting artificial and real nightingale

Elements of the plot

- Exposition: Interests of people in the garden, forest, palace of the Chinese emperor. But the nightingale's singing is the best.

- Outset - the emperor orders the nightingale to sing, to live in his palace

- Development of actions - a) singing of a live nightingale and singing of an artificial bird; b) the nightingale leaves the emperor's palace

- Climax - Singing of a living nightingale saves the emperor from death

- Denouement - the Emperor's recovery

What does the "Nightingale" fairy tale teach? You need to be able to forgive, treat people kindly, help them in difficult times, be faithful. People always have the ability to distinguish real beauty from not real. Beauty combined with good is a great power. Real art has an amazing, miraculous effect on humans

The author's intention of K. Andersen's fairy tale "The Nightingale" is to oppose true beauty and artificial beauty, affirm the all-conquering power of art and ridicule ignorance, lack of understanding of nature and art, heartlessness and servility before the princes by people.

"I will sing to you about good and evil ..." -

true and false values \u200b\u200bin G.Kh. Andersen "Nightingale"

Teacher: Grigorieva A.D.

Class: 5.

goal - development of analytical skills of grade 5 students in a literature lesson:

1) educational: teach the analysis of a work of art on the example of the tale of G.Kh. Andersen "Nightingale";

2) developing: form onskills in text analysis, independent work with text, drawing up a comparative table;

3) educating: to form moral and aesthetic ideas of students:a sense of beauty, a vision of true beauty in nature, love of art, a sense of kindness, the ability to forgive and compassion.

Forms, methods: oral and written collective work, independent work (drawing up a comparative table, essay-cliché).

Lesson type: assimilation of new knowledge.

Technology: educational, informational.

Equipment: screen, laptop, multimedia projector.

During the classes

Leonid Sukhorukov

Victor Hugo

I ... Emotional attitude

Today in the lesson we turn to the work of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, with whose fairy tales you have known since childhood. What tales of Andersen can you name? ("Thumbelina", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The King's New Dress", "Ole Lukoye", "The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep", "The Princess and the Pea", "The Ugly Duckling", "The Wild Swans", "The Little Mermaid", etc.). Andersen comes to you guys in different ways. Then he quietly sneaks into the room and brings you wonderful dreams, like the good wizard Ole Lukkoye. Then the fairy tale comes along with Thumbelina on a sheet of a water lily. You will forever be captivated by the story of the steadfast tin soldier. But more often than not, Andersen's fairy tale boldly bursts into the world of your childhood as the Snow Queen. And today a fairy tale will fly to our lesson on the wings of a small bird, a nightingale. "It was a long time ago, of course, but that's why it's worth listening to this story until it is completely forgotten!" - wrote Andersen.

We have to find out why it is so important for the author that this story is not forgotten, what eternal values \u200b\u200bAndersen talks about in the fairy tale "The Nightingale", comparing a real and an artificial nightingale. Let's go with you to the world of this amazing fairy tale.

II ... Date recording, subject

III ... Revealing reader perception

Did you like G.Kh. Andersen's "Nightingale"? How do you understand the epigraph of today's lesson?

What made you especially excited about the fairy tale? What surprised you? What caused bewilderment?

IV ... Analysis of the tale

a) Conversation and verification of d.z.

Why is the tale called "Nightingale" and not "Nightingales"? Indeed, there are two of them in the work.

What do you know about this bird?(Nightingale - n eucha bird from the family of blackbirds, with gray plumage, slender build, distinguished by unusually beautiful singing).

Let's hear how the nightingale sings (soundtrack sounds). Isn't it beautiful?

- Let's see how our artists depicted the nightingale from Andersen's fairy tale. Right?

Where does the fairy tale take place?(In China).

And what was the most important attraction of the country described in the fairy tale? (Palace).

Let's take a tour of the palace. Today, our guests are travelers who have been to China, one of them will tell about his impressions of visiting the palace (check by DZ).("In the whole world there would be no better palace than the imperial one; it was all made of precious porcelain, but so fragile that it was scary to touch it ...").

What is opposed to the imperial palace and garden in the tale? (The forest in which the nightingale lives). 2 Traveler will tell about the life of a nightingale in the forest (check of the day).

Did the emperor know about the existence of the nightingale? How did he know? Find a quote("Nightingale? But I don't even know him! How? In my country and even in my own garden there lives such an amazing bird, and I have never even heard of it! I had to read about it from books!") .

And who in the palace knew about this?(Poor girl cook: "Lord! How can you not know the nightingale! That's really singing! ... every time I hear the nightingale singing. Tears will flow from my eyes, and my soul will become so happy, as if my mother kisses me !. . ").

Guys, how did it happen that the whole world knew about the nightingale, they even wrote about it in books, but the emperor did not know? Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds? Let's prove it with a table.

b) Drawing up a table

(The children are offered a table that they will have to fill out using the text of the tale)


The emperor and his courtiers

Where live?

Dense forest

Wonderful palace

What do they see?

Deep lakes, blue sea coast, ships

A fragile palace: walls and floors made of precious porcelain

What do they hear?

The sound of the sea, the rustle of leaves

Ringing bells tied to flowers

Let's summarize. What is the difference between the world of the nightingale and the world of the emperor? (Before us is a real and an unreal world. In the world of the emperor, everything was invented so as to live unreal and see unreal. Why did scientists describe the palace and the garden, and poets composed poems in honor of the nightingale? This is the life of the mind and heart. Everything in the palace was subject to the rules (“Cleverly invented,” “done.”) The singing of the nightingale is the life of the heart, it is alive, nature itself, natural and therefore beautiful. That is why everyone said: “But the nightingale is best,” “Lord, how good it is!”).
(The guys fill in one more line in the table)


The natural beauty of wildlife

Artificial beauty of the palace

What is opposition called in the literature? (antithesis)

Let us recall what feelings the singing of a living nightingale aroused in the emperor.

in) Expressive reading of the passage - p. 168

Guys, inthanis the reward for the nightingale?

(The biggest rewardfor the nightingale- these are the tears of the emperor).

Can tears be a reward? What is the meaning of this phrase?

(This is an allegory - an allegory. For an artist, the viewer's tears can be an indicator of recognition and understanding of his work).

Andersen emphatically refers to the image of tears. Tears are different, in the fairy tale "Nightingale" tears are a symbol of what? (Symbol of the purification of the soul).

d) Independent work in pairs - drawing up a table

Once a large package was delivered to the emperor with the inscription "Nightingale". This is how another nightingale appears in the tale.It looked like the real one, so the court decided that the birds should sing in a duet. But things did not go well. The living nightingale flew away, the emperor and his courtiers began to admire the singing of the artificial bird. The author again resorts to the antithesis.Let's compare a real and an artificial nightingale.

Real nightingale

Artificial nightingale


How does he sing?

What is the experience of singing?

Who was heard singing?

What are the benefits?

On your tables, place cards with the characteristics of birds, arrange them into columns.

Little gray bird

2) You cannot know in advance what exactly he will sing

Sang like a wind-up organ

Can't be forced

3) His singing was enough for the heart, and tears appeared in his eyes

4) The fisherman listened to him, forgetting about his worries

5) 25 volumes of the most sophisticated Chinese words have been written about him

Saved from the death of the emperor

Guys, now let's compare who is prettier? Who sings better? Who makes people feel real with their singing? So what is the difference between a live nightingale and an artificial one?

(The guys write the conclusion)

Outwardly not beautiful, but beautiful inwardly. A living nightingale is a creation of nature, and a living voice is a real art.

An artificial nightingale is beautiful only outwardly, inside it has a mechanism, it is a creation of human hands, an imitation of nature, true art.

e) Physical minutes

g) Conclusions from the table

Remember the epigraph. What proverb would you add? (All that glitters is not gold.)

This means that Andersen, using the antithesis, thinks about the eternal, about the problem of the true and the false, about the relationship to the genuine and artificial.

Natural and contrived. Can we talk about friendship? Prove.

Why did the artificial nightingale receive great honors? Why did the whole city know every note in his song by heart? (It was artificial singing. There was no life in it, which means there was no variety. It was not difficult to repeat).

Why did you like this singing? ("They themselves could now sing along with the bird").

h) Closing conversation

But the tale doesn't end there. It was also important for the author to show the emperor's illness. Why do you think? (To show what true art is capable of, because the mechanical nightingale broke down and the emperor fell ill. And the living nightingale saved him from death with his song).

Could an artificial nightingale have done this? (No, because only real singing of a living nightingale is capable of conquering death and even those evil forces that live in a person's soul. Real art makes a person better, cleaner, more beautiful).

Why is the nightingale back?

How has the emperor changed? (He allowed the nightingale to live in the forest, allowed him to fly in and sing songs only when the nightingale himself wishes it).

How do you understand the ending of the tale? What meaning did the author put in the words of the emperor “Hello! Good morning!"? (The last words of the tale are a return to the world of genuine human feelings and relationships).

V. Results - cliché essay

So the fairy tale ended. The nightingale saved the emperor from death, promised to fly to him and talk about that real living life that cannot be seen from the walls of the palace and which cannot be replaced by any flowers with crystal bells. Summing up, let's think again why Andersen asked us not to forget this tale?

(The tale of G. H. Andersen "The Nightingale" is very interesting andinstructive ... Through oppositionalive nightingale andartificial the beauty human wildlife,good soul,disinterested help andempathy more importantexternal beauty. Only the present is immortalgenuine, natural ).

VI ... Homework

2) Draw a cover for the fairy tale "Nightingale".

Support sheet

May sixteenth


The pinnacle of any art is its naturalness.

L. Sukhorukov

No outer beauty can be complete

if she is not enlivened by inner beauty.

V. Hugo

1. Fill in the table


The emperor and his courtiers

Where live?

What do they see?

What do they hear?


2. Distribute the cards with the characteristics of birds by columns (orally)

3. Comparing 2 birds, write the conclusion

Live nightingale

Artificial nightingale


4. Write down how you understand the proverb "All that glitters is not gold"

5. Insert appropriate words (cliché essay)

The tale of G.H. Andersen's "Nightingale" is very interesting and____________ ... Through opposition_________ nightingale and________________ the author proves that in life__________ wildlife,________ soul,_____________ help and_____________ more important__________ beauty. The present,__________ _, ____________ always immortal.

6. D.z.

2) Draw a cover for the fairy tale "Nightingale" (optional).


The simplest appearance

All sprinkled with diamonds, rubies and sapphires

Little gray bird

His tail was cast in gold and silver

You can't know in advance what exactly he will sing

Sang like a wind-up organ

Can't be forced

33 times sang the same thing and was not tired

His singing was enough for the heart, and tears appeared in his eyes

Not bad, but still not that, something is missing in his singing

The fisherman listened to him, forgetting about his worries

The people listened to him and were pleased, as if they had drunk enough tea

25 volumes of the most sophisticated Chinese words have been written about him

Saved from the death of the emperor

Used Books

Literature lesson summary (grade 5)"The Nightingale" by Hans Christian Andersen. True and imaginaryvalues \u200b\u200b". Lesson in studying new material (analysis of the work).[Electronic resource] /- Access mode: .