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Cool questions for witnesses at the wedding. Competitions for witnesses at the wedding. The goal is fun

In the world of wedding trends, such a thing as a wedding without a toastmaster has appeared. Does that mean no competition? No, it's just that the role of the host falls on the shoulders of one of the guests, who organizes competitions for witnesses at the wedding.

Perhaps with an overabundance of banal and vulgar contests and a lack of ideas more suitable for the occasion. However, this is not a reason to abandon them, because the need for a competitive program is obvious.

The undoubted benefits of competitions

First of all, the use of contests allows you to set a special festive mood and maintain it throughout the evening.

In addition, this is the best way to introduce, liberate, relax and cheer all the guests.

In addition, properly selected contests can turn a holiday into a bright, memorable event. Therefore, to refuse this entertainment at the celebration simply does not make sense. What can not be said about their individual types.

About inappropriate options

Not a single wedding competition should confuse or cause a negative reaction on the part of guests of different ages (from the smallest to people of respectable age). First of all, exclude all kinds of tasks with intimate overtones (popular sticks with a hit in a bottle, wiping a napkin, etc.). This point is especially important if one of the witnesses has a soul mate. Otherwise, you may encounter misunderstanding, quarrels or refusal to participate in such competitions.

Avoid competitions for guests at a wedding, with participation in which it is easy to damage or soil clothes (for example, various kinds of drink, food). Nobody wants to spend the rest of the evening at the table, hiding a torn dress or a stain on a shirt.

The category of "you can, just be careful" includes alcohol and cash contests. In the use of both, it is important to observe the measure.

Witnesses throughout the banquet will be repeatedly involved in the entertainment program, in a sense, they are the main characters: the kidnapping of the bride, the theft of shoes - in a word, all the “troubles” of the bride and groom are decided by them.

Until the very end of the banquet, hard work is prescribed for the witnesses, and their participation in various alcohol-themed contests can only lead to rapid intoxication and loss of control over themselves. This, you see, is not the most pleasant alignment.

As for tasks related to collecting money (for determining the sex of a child, for example), it is best not to use them at all or limit the number to two. Otherwise, the guests will have an unpleasant impression of the wedding, where they constantly “demanded” money. And they will probably be right.

About the witness part of the competition tasks

Conventionally, all the “tests” that witnesses have to go through are associated with such stages of the wedding as a ransom and fundraising (if any is implied).

At the time of the ransom, it is more logical to select contests in which the bridegroom and the bridegroom will act together, because they have a common goal.

For a kidnapped bride, a shoe, witnesses are required to complete tasks (most often three). Let the contests be of different types: mobile, musical, dance, intellectual.

Also, mummers are often used to carry out a ransom. For example, if the wedding takes place in a marine theme, then it will be interesting to redeem the bride from pirates or sirens. Then the competitions for witnesses at the wedding can be selected appropriate:

  • guess the songs (related to the theme of the sea) from the images in the pictures (prepare in advance);
  • unravel the "Sea Knot" from woven pirate hands (classic "Confusion");
  • dance the most "sea dance" - Apple, being tied back to back;
  • try your hand at tug-of-war with pirates (by additionally recruiting a team of guests);
  • with a witness on your back and blindfolded, go around sea mines in the form of balloons (of course, on a tip from a witness).

There can be many options, a prerequisite is compliance with a given topic and diversity. You can get new ideas in games familiar from childhood.

About props

For each type of competition, you will need certain things - props that should be prepared in advance. To do this, consider the following points:

First, safety. Do not use as props items that can hurt or damage or stain anything (dishes, balls, cutlery, food, fire).

Secondly, a presentable appearance. For example, when mummers are planned to go out at a wedding, you should take care of the costumes in advance. If the toastmaster is in charge of this issue, ask to see the outfits used. They must be without visible defects, clean and ironed. If the costumes have to be created from scratch, then you can limit yourself to only some characteristic elements of a particular image.

Neatness is also required directly for game items.

Thirdly, creativity. You can easily add zest to any game just by replacing the details in it. Everyone knows the game "Free Seat" and its different variations. Chairs are used as props, why not replace them with something more original? In continuation of the marine theme, these can be barrels or lifebuoys.

Fourth, delivery. It is advisable to deliver all the props to the place of celebration in advance (the day before the event). And to make sure nothing is left forgotten, make a list and use it to check the availability of the necessary things. This will avoid unnecessary hustle and bustle on a holiday.

The only exception are helium balloons. If they will be used as props, it is best to order their delivery a few hours before the banquet. Otherwise, the helium action may end and the balloons will fall, and the planned contests will have to be replaced.

Don't forget to consider musical accompaniment. It is necessary for all types of competitions (not only for music). It is important that the nature of the melody and the competition match each other. Then the music will be a great addition to the entertainment program.

About the possibilities of quick and easy organization

If there is no time or opportunity to make props, then you can always use contests that do not require special preparation. Or the necessary props for them can easily be found at the banquet itself.

For example, in order to return the bride's shoe, witnesses can play the joke game "Whose prize?" with the kidnappers. To do this, you only need chairs (you can arrange them at any distance) and a funny text that the presenter will speak. At the agreed word, you must try to be the first to grab the desired object.

Among the musical ones, the option with the selection of lines from songs with a given word will require absolutely no preparation. The undoubted advantage of such a competition is the ability to choose any word: ship, bride, shoes (if you use the task to buy shoes), and thereby associate the task with any topic.

More possible examples

Check out the list of rarely seen contests. Perhaps some will like it or give you some ideas:

  • "Song modifications" - with the help of special effects in the player (or by processing the composition through Internet sites), you need to put the song in slow motion. Guessing such an alteration will not be so easy, but it will be a lot of fun!
  • "Speed ​​Karaoke" is not an easy task: to sing a song at an accelerated pace, especially if the composition is already fast enough. Such a phonogram should be prepared in advance.
  • “Decipher the message” - you can cipher songs, movie titles, works of literature, or a text that you have invented yourself. The principle of encryption may be based on replacing words with their scientific definitions. Example: the movement of air in a horizontal direction along the part of the World Ocean, separated by land, moves and a many-masted sailing ship makes it run faster. (The wind walks on the sea and the boat drives up - Pushkin never dreamed of such a thing)
  • “Train” - for this game, witnesses can ask for help from the guests: standing in a column one by one and grabbing the arms bent at the elbows in front of the one standing, the participants must form a strong chain. The task is to try to pull another train to your side or break the chain of cars. They try to do this first in the column (naturally, these should be witnesses), holding the opponent by the hands.
  • "Bouquet" - guests will be involved in the role of flowers, the gardener - a witness, the designer of the bouquet - a witness. On command, the gardener runs to the “flower”, picks it up and delivers it to the decorator. Then he goes for the next one, and so on several times until the required number of flowers is in the bouquet (optimally - 5). Then the designer-witness takes the ribbon and cuts off the required length by eye in order to tie the bouquet. If suddenly the tape turns out to be the wrong length, it is necessary to re-measure the segment. The team that finishes the bouquet first wins.

Make 20 lottery tickets with beautiful designs. Number your tickets. Sell ​​these tickets for the lowest price. donate from ticket sales to the newlyweds fund. When all tickets are sold, start the draw. Not all numbers must be winning, perhaps every third or fourth ticket will be winning. Prepare the necessary prizes. You will have to spend some money on prizes, but the lottery will be a very good distraction from the program (I know from my wedding)

Next wedding games >>

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Bride ransom

Wedding contests for witnesses. wedding contests

The host of the event usually prepares wedding contests. However, the newlyweds themselves can take an active part in drawing up an entertainment program for the wedding - only they can know the preferences of their relatives and friends.

Witnesses of the bride and groom also play an important role. These are not only the best friends of the newlyweds, but also assistants to the toastmaster. By using wedding witness contests you can amuse the guests, as well as entertain the witnesses themselves a little. In order to choose the right games for young people, it is necessary to take into account the fact that these are almost close people, representatives of the bride and groom, and even some kind of inseparable couple. In competitions for witnesses, they can participate as one team or compete with each other.

Low bow

  • Props: 2 buttons

Witnesses stand at the edge of the line, drawn or improvised. Leaning forward, but in no case squatting, they try to put each of their buttons as far as possible from the edge. The winner is the witness who puts the button further and does not lose his balance.

laying hen

  • Props: boiled egg

Many of you probably know this one. And yet it will make your guests laugh. The facilitator tells the witnesses that they need to squeeze a raw egg (which is actually boiled) between their backs and carefully release it into a bowl on the floor without breaking it.

Relay for witnesses

  • Props: two chairs, two diapers (for adults), two huge bibs, two bottles of juice (or any strong drink)
  • Additional members: 2 teams (4 people each), two "babies"

The team of the witness and the team of the witness line up one behind the other at one end of the hall. On the other, two chairs are placed, and two men sit on them, who will play the role of defenseless babies. At the command of the leader, the relay race begins:

The first players run to the “baby” and put on his diaper

Second - tie a bib

Third - give a bottle in hand

Fourth - they begin to water the "kids" until they drink everything to the last drop.

The team of the witness or the witness wins, which completed the tasks faster and did not mix anything up.

Cheerful diver

  • Props: a large basin of water, an apple

To participate in this wedding witness competition often it is the witness (friend of the groom) who is invited. In front of him, a basin of water is placed on a chair, in which an apple floats. The task of the groom: without the help of hands and without touching the pelvis, to get an apple out of the water.

Chupa Chups

  • Props: not needed

The witness and the witness are involved. The friend of the groom is given the task to explain to the witness the following phrase with gestures, without words: "Let's go to my house, I have a delicious lollipop." The girlfriend does not know what exactly the witness will try to explain to her. It is very funny to watch from the outside how the witness tries to show what is necessary, while the witness, meanwhile, tries to guess what is at stake.

NO-YES in Bulgarian

  • Props: not required

The host prepares provocative questions in advance, which can only be answered positively or negatively, and invites witnesses to participate in a competition with special rules. The host asks the friends of the newlyweds questions, and they must say “Yes” or “No”, but at the same time POSITIVEly shake their heads left and right or NEGATIVEly nod their heads up and down, as the Bulgarians do. This wedding competition for witnesses is designed not only to identify the winner among them, who will try not to make a mistake, but also to entertain guests who are watching what is happening from the side.

On our website www.svadbagolik.ru you can find many more interesting and unique wedding contests.

Wedding contests for witnesses

According to tradition, a young unmarried girl from relatives or close friends becomes a witness. A young unmarried friend or relative will suit the role of a witness. It is very good if the witness has organizational, oratorical skills and a good sense of humor, then your wedding will be perfect. However, despite the fact that the witnesses help the newlyweds in everything, they also have to have fun at the wedding. Our site Wedding.Ws presents several options wedding contests for witnesses.

Options for contests for witnesses


Attributes: chairs, sweets.

Members: witness and witness.

So, it is hardly necessary to install chairs. After that, a witness should lie on them. After that, the wedding toastmaster lays out sweets on her in different parts of her body and always on her lips. Next, the witness is tied behind his hands and thus he must collect all the sweets.

Sweets 2

Attributes: chairs, nuts, olives, sweets.

Members: witnesses, young man.

The witness must be helped to lie down on chairs. And on it it is necessary to decompose various objects. Next, you need to bind the eyes and hands of the witness. While he does not see anything, the witness is removed and a young man is put in her place. And the witness needs to pick up olives (sweets) from the “witness” without suspecting anything with his lips.

guessing game

Attributes: paper (newspaper), chair, 4 things.

Members: witnesses.

After 4 things are placed on the chair, they must be covered with paper or newspaper on top. Witnesses should sit on a chair and determine what objects are under them. The winner is the one who determines the maximum number of items located under the newspaper.

clothespin competition

Attributes: clothespins (about ten pieces).

Members: friend with friend.

Witnesses are blindfolded, then clothespins are put on each (their number on each person should not exceed five pieces). Next, they will be asked to touch each other's attached clothespins. The one who first manages to find all the clothespins on a competitor will be the winner.

egg contest

Attributes: egg(s).

Members: witnesses.

Before conducting this wedding witness contest The toastmaster must explain the essence of this competition. After that, eggs should be brought into the hall on a tray. Witnesses one at a time need to carefully roll the egg under each other's clothes. The one who does not break the egg wins the competition.

Of course, such a competition is very delicate, because witnesses need to try to do everything to pass it with dignity and not disgrace themselves in front of esteemed guests.


Attributes: markers, playing field of 9 cells.

Members: witnesses.

The witness must put an end to a carefree life, then the witness puts zero from the carefree days. Further, the toastmaster says that now the witnesses are closely connected with the newlyweds. Therefore, we must help them in every possible way. And as confirmation of this, they must draw the answer. Also, the toastmaster will tell that the witnesses are the guards of peace and tranquility in the family of the newlyweds. In addition, they must do everything so that the husband and wife remain faithful to each other. The groom should not divorce the bride, so he should put an end to the life of a bachelor. And when the wife is on a business trip, the witness must help the groom to wash, cook, clean the apartment (house), but she is forbidden to claim the bed. As a continuation of the game, the witness must leave a zero in the cell. When the husband is at work until the night, the witness can take the bride to a disco, to a bar. To prevent this, you need to put up a cross. Also, witnesses must put a zero on the fact that they will not start their own until the newlyweds have children.

Witnesses must swear that they will put a fat cross on the poor life of their friends if they have financial difficulties. The zero also needs to be put on the diseases of the newlyweds. The last cell is filled with the words that the bride and groom should always be in the first place. In this case, losses should bypass them. Then the toastmaster needs to sum up the results of this game. The winner of this wedding witness competition will receive a bottle of champagne. Interestingly, instead of a label, it will contain a photograph of the newlyweds, on which there are their autographs.

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      • Contests for witnesses

        Good day. There may be a thread on this, but I couldn't find it. Let's share contests for buddy and buddy. We hold the following competitions at weddings: 1) Tunnel.
        All the girls who want to participate line up in the shirengu. The friend takes the lead. Become a little apart legs. The host comments that this is some kind of tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, next to the friend, the friend will find the stolen shoe (if the shoe was stolen). The task of the witness is to crawl through the tunnel. Music sounds, the friend crawls, the host comments, occasionally he says that the tunnel is collapsing (the girls sit down a little at this time) when the tunnel ends, the host gives the friend a shoe, and he crawls back.
        This contest goes well if the witness is "easy-going".
        2) Another competition "Lezginka"
        We give the witness and the witness between the legs each a bottle of champagne, we put 7 spoons into it. Lezginka sounds, witnesses dance. As soon as the music stops, the leader takes out one spoonful. The task of the friends is not to drop the contents of the bottles. If someone still drops, we insert the boats again. Do not touch the bottles with your hands.
        3) This is not a competition, this is a kind of representation of witnesses. After about 3-4 toasts, I ask the newlyweds to introduce their witnesses. After I tell my friends that after our newly-made family they are the first people at the wedding, the so-called union of witnesses. And in every union there is a general. To find out who will be the general, I suggest that they burst the ball at speed. Whoever copes with the task first is the general. He will have to puff. I propose to imagine that those sitting in the hall do not hear what the witness (or witness) is talking about, please translate my speech in sign language
        "Dear guests, have a snack, do not forget that 1 glass is a falcon, and 2 a stake. Drinking to the bottom - you will not see good, and not drinking at all - life is boring, dear guests, remember that a sober drunk will not be bogged down, so everyone should be in the same condition!"
        Then I say that from now on they must look after the young, the bride's shoe, the bulls, etc.

Witnesses at a wedding are needed not only to support the newlyweds. They must participate in almost all activities prepared by the toastmaster. We are talking about dances, congratulations, as well as competitions, some of which will be intended only for witnesses. Let us give examples of such tests.

Mobile contests

For witnesses, you can prepare a mobile competitive program. Certainly, Tests don't have to be consecutive., after all, by building a wedding scenario in this way, you run the risk of tiring the poor girl and guy and forever discourage them from performing at such events in this capacity. Here are some interesting and unusual contests in which the bridesmaid and groomsman will be happy to participate:

Clothespin dance

In order to conduct such a test, you will need twelve clothespins, two handkerchiefs, as well as a rhythmic dance tune. The host must blindfold the witnesses and place six clothespins on their clothes.

After that, he brings the witnesses to each other and turns on the music. Within a few minutes, young people during an incendiary dance should remove all clothespins from each other to the touch. Whoever does it first wins.

hungry children

For this competition, eight participants in addition to witnesses should be invited from the audience. The props will be eight baby bonnets, ten tablespoons, and eight chocolate eggs. The facilitator explains the rules to the participants. At one end of the room are two chairs holding bowls of chocolate eggs. On the opposite side, “hungry children” in caps are squatting on chairs, they hold spoons in their mouths. The task of the contestants is to feed their “kids”. To do this, on command, without the help of hands, holding a spoon in their mouth, they must hook an egg from a bowl and take it to their “children”. A "child" who has received "food" can get up from an extremely uncomfortable position and step aside. The competition takes into account speed, as well as how many “chicks” each of the participants was able to feed.

Halves of fate

This comic competition is aimed at revealing the psychic abilities of the fifth point of each of the witnesses. To carry it out, you will need two chairs, thick landscape paper, as well as a few non-fragile items. It can be a bunch of keys, a large marker, a hammer, a TV remote control, and so on. Contestants are blindfolded and one of them is asked to listen to music with headphones while the other is being tested. Then they are led in turn to a chair and carefully seated on one or another object. The goal of the witnesses is to guess what they are sitting on. The leader needs to ensure that they do not help themselves with their hands. The winner is the one who guesses all things or more than his opponent.


On the floor in the center of the hall, the presenter spreads roll of wallpaper. He offers the girl, lifting the hem of her dress, to cross this "stream". After she copes with the task assigned to her, she is invited to repeat the procedure, but only blindfolded. After the girl, guided by the leader's prompts, finds herself at the end of the spread roll, the witness quickly lies down in the center of the impromptu stream. This must be done before the witness removes the bandage. The bridesmaid will surely be embarrassed and surprised to see what "threshold" she had to overcome with her dress up. The representatives of the fair sex, who are very worried about this, can, after a few minutes of general laughter, tell the essence of the competition.

the Forbidden fruit

Such a competition, unlike the previous one, is aimed at confusing the groom's friend. On three chairs put together the witness lies down. The host covers her up to the chin thick sheet, motivating this by the reluctance to stain an elegant dress. Further, it fits on different parts of the girl's body large grapes in the amount of six pieces. The last berry is placed on the lips. While the young man is blindfolded and the condition of the competition is explained - to pick berries without the help of hands, a small castling takes place in the hall: the groom takes the place of the witness.

Table and calm contests for the friend of the groom and bridesmaid

Moving tests for the second most important persons at the wedding should be alternated with calm and feasting ones. This will help witnesses to take a breath and gain strength.

Here are a few of these tests:

Who is better?

Everyone knows that witnesses must represent the interests of the bride and groom. Therefore, a test can be carried out for them, during which they will need to name the good qualities of your friends one by one. The one who comes up with as many good words as possible wins.

For the health of the young

Surely you have been to weddings where witnesses collect money in sliders for a boy and a girl. It is believed that the more money is pulled out as a result of certain sliders, the child of this gender will be born first to the newlyweds. This test can be extended. For this you will need two baby bonnets and two pacifier bottles filled with juice. The competition is held at speed. If the witness drinks the juice first, then the girl will be born first, and vice versa. At the end of the test, participants can be given pacifiers and invited to arrange an unusual photo shoot.

skill competition

For this competition, you will need two ice molds, the cubes of which will need to be filled with mineral water or juice, two cocktail tubes and two handkerchiefs. Witnesses kneel in front of chairs on which molds with liquid are placed. The facilitator ties their hands behind their backs, inserts the tubes into their mouths and suggests, on command, to start drinking liquid at speed. The winner is the one who will empty all the cells faster.

guessing game

For this challenge, you will need infant, child, and youth photographs of the bride and groom, and photographs of others of the same age group.

The witness will need to guess in which pictures the hero of the occasion is depicted, and the bridesmaid - where are the photos of the groom. The one with the most matches wins.

Contests using alcoholic beverages

It should be noted right away that these tests must be used carefully and preferably with the use of weak alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, you risk getting drunk young people who will not remember the end of the wedding.


a bottle of wine or champagne, as well as pieces of paper with questions about the newlyweds. Its essence lies in the fact that the witness will have to talk about the groom and vice versa. Here is a sample list of questions about the newlyweds:

For the bridesmaid

  • How many full years is the hero of the occasion?
  • Names, patronymics and surnames of his parents?
  • His favorite color?
  • Favorite dish?
  • What troops did you serve in?
  • Are there any pets?
  • Hobbies and hobbies?
  • How affectionately calls his wife?

For a friend

  • Where did the bride live as a child?
  • Do you like meat or vegetables more?
  • Favorite clothes?
  • What does he do in the evenings?
  • What films does he like to watch?
  • What are the parents' names?

In a word, questions can be very different. For each wrong answer, the presenter pours a glass of alcohol, which must be drunk in one gulp.

Difficult feast

This contest will require four small tables: two of them should be put a bottle of beer and a glass, and on the other two, standing on the opposite side of the hall, some snack. At the command of the presenter, the witnesses should run to the tables with alcohol, pour a glass and say in a tongue twister: “We congratulate the young, wish happiness and love”, drink, run to the place of dislocation of the snack, chew a piece of food and again run to the table with alcohol. The winner is the one who empties the beer bottle faster.

Frank contests

It is advisable to arrange such tests if you are firmly convinced that the witnesses are liberated young people, and the offer to participate in frank competitions will not offend or jar them.

chicken passion

This competition will require boiled egg. Witnesses should say that it is raw and offer to roll it under clothing, for example, from trouser leg to trouser leg. Thinking about the fact that an egg can break under clothes, young people will act gently and carefully.

The power of the Russian spirit

The Witness is invited to demonstrate his power. He must push up the maximum number of times. True, this should not be done just like that, but over the witness who will lie on the mat and admire the power of her wedding partner.

romantic poses

In this competition, the groom's friend will also have to demonstrate his strength, and with it, his ingenuity. He will need to carry the witness around the hall in ten different ways.

Indeed, despite the fact that, according to the good old tradition, only free people are invited to this role, some neglect this condition and call those who are married as witnesses. In this case, it is better to refuse to conduct frank tests, since in this situation it may look offensive. When arranging competitions for witnesses, do not forget that other guests should not be bored at the same time. Therefore, it is better to alternate competitions. And continuing the topic of frank competitions for witnesses at the wedding, we suggest you watch the following video in which the friend played the role of the cuckoo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyHuNuVpg80

Witnesses are one of the most important participants in any wedding. They have many different responsibilities on this day, including entertaining guests. It's wonderful if the witness and the witness have a good sense of humor and excellent organizational skills, then the wedding ceremony will definitely be excellent. This article presents contests for witnesses at a wedding that can please even the most demanding guests.

Balloon Contests

Balloons are one of the essential attributes at any wedding. They can not only decorate the hall for the celebration, but also use for various competitions. For example:

  1. The newlyweds distribute balloons to the guests, in the middle of which are hidden notes with various desires, such as dancing, singing a cheerful song, reciting a poem, etc. Each guest pierces his ball and reads the task aloud, and the witnesses must complete it. Whoever does it the funniest wins.

  1. Each of the witnesses is given large pants, in which they collect as many small multi-colored balloons as possible, previously scattered on the floor. When the balls are collected, the contestants, without the help of their hands, must burst all the balls of their opponent. The first one to do this wins.

  1. Witnesses are given one balloon each, which must be clamped between their knees and with it make a route through the entire hall to the chair, go around it and return to the starting point. The next stage of this competition will be to do the same route, while holding the ball already between the ankles. Whoever is faster wins.

Competitions that require chairs

There are also cool contests for witnesses, for which you need to use chairs. Here are some of them:

  • A couple of chairs are placed in the center of the hall. The leader on the floor scatters various things, you can use everything that is at hand. Paper money or a children's plastic designer are also great for this. The main task of the witnesses is to collect as many things as possible for everyone on their chair.
  • Various small objects are placed on the chair, and they are covered with a newspaper or cloth on top. Participants, without the help of their hands, must guess what they are sitting on. Whoever names more things will win this competition.

  • It is necessary to put two chairs back to each other. Jackets are hung on them, the sleeves of which are turned inside out. A small rope is placed under the bottom of the chairs. At the signal of the leader, the friend and friend need to run around each of their chairs, turn out the sleeves correctly, quickly put on a jacket and fasten all the buttons on it. Then sit down on a chair and pull the rope. The faster contestant wins.
  • Chairs are placed in a row. The witness should lie on them, after which the host lays out ten sweets on her. Then the best man without the help of hands must collect all the sweets. And he has no choice but to do it with his lips.

Contests That Use Your Imagination

There are many competitions in which witnesses need to show the richness of their vocabulary and the presence of imagination. Some of them are discussed below.

  1. The essence of the contest is that the witness compliments the groom, and the witness compliments the bride. The one who says as many as possible wins.
  2. Guests write the names of various animals on sheets of paper. After that, the papers are placed in a bag or hat. Druzhka and druzhka take turns depicting the animal with which the note was pulled out with gestures, and the newlyweds need to guess it. The competition is also good because guests also participate in it.

  1. Since the best friend of the bride is most often the best friend, and the groom's friend is usually the best man, this competition should show who knows more about his friend. It is necessary to prepare questions in advance, which will need to be answered in turn by the witnesses. For example: hobby? Favorite dish? How many kids does the bride (groom) want? Where would you like to spend your first family vacation? Etc.
  2. Witnesses are given leaflets with poems by famous poets, and each of them needs to translate the resulting poem into a modern youth language. Good mood is guaranteed for everyone!

funny contests

  • The presenter blindfolds the witnesses, and in the meantime one of the guests hides the bride's shoe in the hall. Druzhka and druzhka begin to look for her, and the guests applaud them. And the closer the contestants are to the hiding place, the louder and stronger the applause.
  • Guests hide in their clothes (pockets, sleeves, folds, etc.) a few small items. At the same time, the host calls what was hidden from each guest. Witnesses must find all the declared things. If someone cannot find something, then he must fulfill any desire of the newlyweds.
  • At the very beginning of the competition, the presenter says: “What if the spouse really wants to go skiing in the mountains, and the wife wants to plunge into the warm sea? For this, the groom must be dressed, and the bride must be undressed. The requirement for the competition is that as many items of clothing as possible must be removed from the witness in order to put them on the groom, and on the contrary, things from the bride are put on the witness. Whoever wears the most clothes is the winner. However, the bride should dress up in advance.

For witnesses, there is a huge variety of wedding competitions. And each of them will be able to choose those that best suit the planned festive celebration. After all, the main thing is that the wedding was fun and remembered by the newlyweds and their guests for many years.

To make the celebration unforgettable, the funniest moments are preserved on the video and in the photo album, and the guests have only positive memories, it is worth including them in the program for witnesses at the wedding.

Witnesses are important participants in the wedding celebration. Tamada selects tests of a diverse nature for them:

  • Song Contest. Love songs are sung in turn. The audience chooses the winner. Toy instruments, knightly armor, straw hats are used as props - wardrobe items are selected in accordance with the theme of the song;
  • Dance. The rules are the same, only here the contestants will have to dance;
  • Pantomime. Participants need to take turns using gestures and facial expressions to tell the guests about the adventure episode from the life of the newlyweds. The opponent must understand what event is being discussed;
  • Verbal. The witness is offered to name the dignity of the groom, and the witness - the bride. This is done in sequence. The last word belongs to the winner;
  • Theatrical. Witnesses will have to become actors and demonstrate a talent for improvisation. So, they can become a bride and groom, and whoever does the best parody will decide the lot;
  • Photo contest. The witness is given about a dozen photographs of little girls, among which he must recognize the bride in childhood. And the witness is trying to find the groom among the pictures of the boys;
  • Identikit. The witness makes a portrait of the bride from a photograph cut into several parts. The witness is trying at this time to restore the face of the groom. Do not use too small fragments, otherwise the competition will drag on and bore the guests.

There are many other tests for boyfriend and girlfriend - the imagination of wedding planners knows no bounds.

Redemption of the bride's shoes

One of the most popular challenges is stealing the bride's shoes. One of the guests usually acts as a thief. Witnesses will not only have to find the loss, but also pay a ransom for it.

If the contest does not cause problems for anyone, you can offer to pay the ransom with kisses. The best man is invited to show on a plush toy how much he likes kissing. The host voices the places where the lips of the young man touch, and then invites him to repeat exactly. Only a witness will have to kiss instead of a toy.

Sometimes witnesses are forced to search for a shoe using the "hot-cold" method. Guests with applause suggest in which direction to move.

Cool music and dance

The host of the celebration makes sure that the guests do not get bored, and the witnesses do not sit still. For example, he offers them with every cry of “Bitter!” stand up and act as a cheerleader, waving pom-poms. It can be suggested that once the witness repeats the movements of his partner, and then she changes with him.

Important! In order not to tire the witnesses too quickly, active entertainment alternates with calmer ones.

Or the best friends of the newlyweds can arrange. Having gathered teams of five people, the girls tie bright ribbons around their necks, the guys put on stylish ties. Each group presents their dance.

Clothespin dance

The essence of this cool contest for witnesses is that blindfolded they must find five clothespins or stationery clips on each other that the presenter has attached. All this happens to cheerful rhythmic music. When it breaks, the count of discovered trophies begins. Whoever has more is declared the winner.


A rope is placed on the floor, above which two chairs are placed with their backs to each other, but not close: there should be a gap of about half a meter. Windbreakers with turned-out sleeves are thrown over the backs. Opponents run around their chair in a circle, put their sleeves in order, put on a windbreaker, button up, sit on a chair and pull the rope. The participant who completes the task faster wins. To make it more fun, participants run to an incendiary melody.

Guess the melody

The participants of the game are shown a collage of pictures. By associations with them, it is necessary to determine the song. For example: a glass, a bottle of vodka, a table. It is unlikely that someone will not guess the song of Grigory Leps "A glass of vodka on the table." When the answer sounds, an excerpt from the encrypted composition is included. For the competition, it is better to choose hits from different years.

Newspaper disco

A newspaper is completely spread out on the floor, on which the couple must dance during the loss of a musical passage. The newspaper is then folded in half and another song is played. Each time the composition becomes more and more groovy, and the paper "dance floor" becomes less and less. Whoever stands up for the newspaper first loses.

Cash for buddy and buddy

No wedding is complete without a monetary competition. So, you can collect bills in blue and pink sliders or paper bags. If the amount collected in blue things turns out to be more, then the boy will be the first-born in a young family. A girl will be born if more money is thrown into girlish-colored sliders. They are usually chosen by the female half of the guests.

The competition can be diversified: children's caps are put on the witnesses' heads, they are handed a bottle with a nipple into their hands, where milk or fruit drink is first poured. Test results depend on speed: the bridesmaid drank everything first - the newlyweds will have a daughter; the best man coped with the task faster - he will have to choose a name for his son.

In the final, rivals can take an unforgettable selfie and get.

Funny with food and alcohol

Indispensable attributes: food and alcohol. You can arrange a competition for speed: who will eat the most hot dogs or who will cope with a portion of spaghetti faster, using Chinese sticks instead of a fork. Guests can be offered to make comic bets in the form of sweets.

hungry children

For this fun you will need:

  • 8 volunteers;
  • 8 bonnets for babies;
  • 10 tablespoons;
  • 8 kinder surprises.

Two containers with chocolate eggs are placed on chairs near one wall of the hall. At the opposite, volunteers are squatting: "babies" in children's hats and with spoons in their mouths.

Witnesses, at the signal of the toastmaster, should take an egg with a spoon clamped in their teeth and take it to the “child”. Well-fed "kids" get up and step aside. The winner is determined by the number of successfully transferred eggs. Agility and speed are important in this competition.

Difficult feast

Required details:

  • 4 small tables;
  • 2 bottles of beer;
  • 2 glasses;
  • 2 bowls of salad.

Tables are placed in pairs at opposite ends of the hall. As well as beer and snacks. At the signal of the toastmaster, the witnesses rush to the bottles, pour beer and very quickly say the phrase: "Eat, drink, sing songs until the morning." Having emptied their glasses, they run to the food, put cucumbers or radishes into their mouths, and return to the beer. Whoever drinks everything the fastest wins.

On the dexterity and accuracy of the bridesmaids and groomsmen

Thanks to the wedding, witnesses can feel like participants in a kind of Olympiad. On this day, all life experience, all skills and talents will come in handy. In some competitions, you cannot do without excellent coordination of movements and the ability to hit right on target.


Required inventory:

  • a large sheet of plywood;
  • adhesive tape or cloves;
  • 20 balloons;
  • note paper.

In this competition, witnesses determine the fate of the young: write ten notes with permissions. Samples: "Permission not to wash dishes (not take out the trash) on Fridays"; "Permission to buy ten handbags at once"; “Permission to give your soulmate flowers (a bottle of beer) every day,” etc.

Notes are placed inside balloons, and they are inflated and attached to plywood with tape or hung on pre-drilled carnations. Now the witness, having burst the balloon with a dart, chooses permission for the bride. Then the best man's turn.


Required props:

  • 2 molds for ice;
  • 2 straws for cocktails;
  • 2 women's scarves;
  • juice (mineral water).

With scarves, the toastmaster ties the wrists of the “victims” behind their backs and places molds filled with liquid in front of them. On a signal, young people begin to drink with the help of straws stuck in their mouths. The goal is to drain all the recesses faster than the opponent.

Finding or picking up items

Witnesses are often asked to collect or find something. For failure, the toastmaster may assign a penalty task. The unwillingness to get into the penalty boxes will serve as an additional incentive for the competitors to win.


Several small things are placed in the clothes of the audience. A friend of the groom and a bridesmaid are presented with a list of items to be found. If something is not found, then the witnesses will have to pull fantas out of the hat with the wishes of the heroes of the occasion: for example, dancing on the table, walking on their hands, a funny toast, feeding each other a cake blindly.


Witnesses put on large pants, in which it is necessary to collect small balloons from the floor. There should be very little air in them. The use of hands is prohibited.

Active competitions require physical effort, but the toastmaster tests the friends of the newlyweds not only for endurance, speed, agility. Ingenuity, attentiveness, and the ability to read faces are also tested.

Useful video

Witnesses at the wedding become not only the main assistants of the newlyweds in organizing celebrations and competitions for guests, but also participants in comic competitions. One of these song competitions in the video:


When compiling a list of wedding contests, you should clarify in advance whether the witnesses are romantically connected with someone or free. Otherwise, you can easily provoke complications in the relationship. It also does not hurt to find out how young friends have a developed sense of humor, whether there will be children and elderly people among the guests.