
Scenario of a wedding in the Ukrainian style for a toastmaster. Wedding script in Ukrainian. Traditions and rituals

graduation school party


Scenario of the urochist part of the holy graduation ceremony at the school

Learn someone else's
Don't be afraid of yours.

Let your heart not know the suppokoy,
Hai cheat the world for the hour of the big"
And your youth will be like this,
Schob You don’t zazdrit not a moment!

The script is partly in Ukrainian.

(Ukrainian lyrical melody sounds, leading exit)

Edge, de mi were born,
De growth - alive,
Batkivshchyna lower
I love the star.

Fox, cat and rooster (in Ukrainian)

Scenario for high school students.
Cossack "Fox, Cat and Pivnik"

Scenario folded
uchnі 11-B class
SZSH І-ІІІ steps №1
Shargorod district
Vinnitsa region
Babich Pavlo (chanterelle)
Bilous Andriy (Pivnik)
Trizna Mykola (Cat)

Diyovі individuals:
Pratsіvnik, Vіn is the Tsar
Senior prince
middle prince
Young prince
Named senior prince
Named middle prince
Harem of the young prince (3-5 girls)
Did Moroz
Snow Maiden
snow queen
Baba Yaga
Well done from the hall

On the stage there is a chair for the presidium in the form of a request for veterans and deserved women.
Briefly rob Marchenko V.D.
Congratulation to the saint from the director of the technical school Gerasimenko V.A. (delivery of letters and podiak).
You are in the ensemble “Arabesques” with the composition “Merry parasols”, the city school of mysticism.

Spring came! Just a little more
The winter song will last
And again the yellow road of the sun
Illuminate the grass green bed.

Times change and traditions change with them. Have you heard of such a thing that the girl herself is wooing a guy? Let him love, let him bewitch, but to get married?! This also happened, and it was considered a great sin to drive the girl out of the hut with her elders. They treated honest girls with respect, they had the right to save the Cossack from death for guilt, as soon as they said: “He will marry me - let him go” - and the life of the newly made groom is saved.

Weddings were celebrated in different ways. Even in the rituals of neighboring villages, even in small things, the difference was felt. Some had a round loaf, others had a square, those had a Christmas tree branch, those had a pine branch. But everywhere it was fun, sweet and "bitter".

“Good day, shanovni! Allow me to ask, where are you so happy and happy, with such beautiful suits? I give names that I came for my kokhana. Druzhka: “Can’t you live here yourself? Chi did not have mercy? If so, then on top of the treba they climb and go into the same apartment, aby look at that girl, to which you arrived? “Can’t you live here by yourself? Chi did not have mercy? If so, then on top of the treba they climb and go into the same apartment, aby look at that girl, to which you arrived? Adverbs vіdpovіdaє. Friend: "Yes! At this apartment, the robot is alive, the string is good, the beauty is good. I’m waiting for the bridegroom to be ostentatious and garny, but our name is not to do anything. And that just like that you won’t get to her. Is it possible for you to go through the fire, the water that midi blows, but we could have crossed over, having come with a good name? "So! At this apartment, the robot is alive, the string is good, the beauty is good. I’m waiting for the bridegroom to be ostentatious and garny, but our name is not to do anything. And that just like that you won’t get to her. Is it possible for you to go through the fire, the water that midi blows, but we could have crossed over, having come with a good name? Adverbs will be fine.

Sincere songs, cheerful dances, a richly laid table and people - simple, open, hospitable. A bright and noisy Ukrainian-style party will be a great birthday present for those who like to relax with a truly Slavic scale!


The degree of complexity of the preparation largely depends on the place of the meeting. If this is a cafe / restaurant of Slavic cuisine (which one does not play a big role), it is quite easy to bring national flavor to a suitable interior. In the courtyard of a private house or in nature, a few bright details are enough, because. nothing distracts from the topic.

In a modern apartment, it is more difficult to organize a Ukrainian party with your own hands, but it is also possible if you approach the implementation of ideas creatively. To help, hundreds of MK from the network, simple materials and time, which will take quite a lot to decorate a Ukrainian party. We offer ideas:

  • the stove is the main attribute of the hut, it is from it that you should start transforming the room. Cut out a silhouette from white cardboard, paint it with bright bird flowers (the patterns are quite simple, the child can handle it). From the same cardboard fork, pots - all together with the stove to the free wall. It will turn out a bright decoration and a chic photo zone;

National ornament - tablecloths, bedspreads, towels, napkins, cushions. And also grandmother's striped rugs. Ethnic patterns instantly transform the interior, denoting a given direction.

  • Be sure to hang a horseshoe at the entrance. Decorate the walls with wreaths, bast shoes, rural landscapes. Sit on the shelves and make mini-scenes from dolls in national costumes (rag, straw). Find a secluded, but noticeable place for a colorful brownie. All these attributes of the Ukrainian party are easy to do with your own hands;
  • wattle fence along one wall, against the background of a hut painted with flowers with a thatched roof. You can cut a goat out of cardboard, put buckets next to it, hang fake lids and other symbolic attributes. If there is not enough space, a few miniature fragments of the fence will suffice;

  • at a party in the Ukrainian style you can not do without the gifts of nature. Apples and our other fruits in baskets, vegetables in buckets, garlands of bunches of fragrant herbs, beads of mushrooms, scythes of onions and garlic on the walls, under the ceiling, above the table with treats;
  • bright ribbons radiating from a common center will create a festive atmosphere. And also ears of cereals, flowers in bouquets and wreaths - poppies, sunflowers, bluebells, cornflowers (can be artificial, now you can’t immediately distinguish them from real ones);

The entourage is emphasized by ethnic musical instruments (cardboard bandura, kobza), a massive chest in the corner, simple and painted earthenware - lids, pots, jugs.

To make an original invitation in the Ukrainian style, decorate a white blank with your own hands. At the edges there is a braid with ethnic ornament (print or draw according to the example). In the center is a loaf and spikelets, a hut with a thatched roof and a maiden standing next to it, or a flower wreath with colorful ribbons.


If you have time to prepare, you can arrange a full-fledged costume party - national Ukrainian clothes will not hit your pocket. Of course, we are talking about styling, not manual work. And still very beautiful!

Depending on the region, ethnic costumes have serious differences. But vyshyvanka is always associated with Ukraine, and it is on it that we recommend choosing. For men, this is a simple, loose-fitting shirt with trim at the collar and sleeves. Harem trousers or trousers narrowed down to tie up with a sash or braided rope.

Modern women's vyshyvanka for a Ukrainian-style party is clothes of almost any cut (blouses, tunics, shirts, sundresses, even cocktail dresses). A bright skirt just above the ankles and a white tunic will do. Light makeup, red beads, a simple hairstyle - loose curls, a braid or two pigtails.

A wreath with ribbons will complement the image (there is an MK on the network how to make a wreath with your own hands from paper buds, it's easy). A striking element of the costume is the famous red laces!

Or maybe the scenario of the Ukrainian party will take place on a farm near Dikanka? Or remember folk tales? Vakula and Oksana, godfather with godmother, Cossack robbers, devils and witches, Viy himself or the hero Kotigoroshko and ... you can’t list them all! Of course, it is better to distribute the images of folklore / literary characters in advance.

Menu, serving

Cooking for a Ukrainian party with your own hands is a real pleasure. Simple recipes and affordable products guarantee a magnificent Slavic feast! True, you will have to forget about the diet. Vareniki with potatoes, homemade sausage, donuts, cheesecakes, potato pancakes, pancakes - and these are just "snacks".

Serve the table at home, without frills. Treats in large dishes in generous slides. It is great if there are earthenware and wooden utensils, an embroidered tablecloth, napkins. The table should be decorated with plentiful, tasty, satisfying food, and not thematic decor.

For hot stewed pork or whole roasted pig, fried sea fish or roast. Or maybe a goose? Pickles, vegetable salads, sauerkraut, horseradish, mustard and, of course, lard! Onion-garlic, jelly, herring, mushrooms ...

Have the guests popped yet? Then pies for dessert, pancakes with sour cream or jam and ... enough? Oh drinks! Gorilka, honey and kvass for the entourage must be on the table, but otherwise to the taste of the guests. For your birthday, order a Ukrainian-style cake blooming with sweet poppies, sunflowers and cornflowers.


Whether it's city people in the center of Kyiv or ordinary people on a remote farm near Dikanka, Ukrainian national holidays are inconceivable without dances and songs. Download folk and modern music, conduct a playful master class on hopak or cossack. Having divided into boys and girls, arrange a battle of voices - who will sing the song chosen by the presenter / birthday man better?

The host's monologues destroy the atmosphere of general rage, so it's hardly worth coming up with a plot scenario for a Ukrainian party. Let contests and entertainments be screwed into the process, as if by chance, at the suggestion of the “toastmaster-barkers”. This course of the holiday is more in line with folk festivals in the Ukrainian style. We offer contests:

Five cans

Tin cans are placed one on one vertical tower. A stick (indoors a soft ball) must be thrown so as to knock down the top jar. Happened? Another throw. Missed or dropped a few cans? The tower is being restored, the move is next. They play until they reach 20 points (plus a point for each knocked down jar) or if someone manages to knock down all five cans in a row.

Cossack agility

To the song “Esaul-esaul”, sitting on a chair, jump on a foot bump (from a mattress, a gymnastic ball - ask your friends), holding a ball in your hand, put on a hose. The goal is to pop your balloon faster than your opponent.

Girlish beauty (for guys)

Cut inexpensive fabric into ribbons of the same length. Tie them to the backs of chairs according to the number of players. You need to braid the ribbons into a braid to the very tip faster than your rivals, sit on a chair, wrap the braid around your waist (as if tied to a chair) and shout: “Wondered me to the braid!”.


Crocodile with tasks in the Ukrainian style, make cards for the competition (a random choice is to draw a Cossack, a hut, a jug, little laces, etc.). Draw with both hands, the right side of the drawing with the right hand and vice versa. In one hand, a yellow marker, in the other, a blue marker.

Natsedi-ko (for girls)

You will need shields / cardboard with painted cows and holes in place of the udder. According to the number of participants, it is possible in pairs. Pour white water (flour, gouache) into a rubber glove, insert the cuff into the hole and tie a knot on the back. Just before the competition, make a hole with a needle. The goal is to pour more "milk" into the bucket in the allotted time.

MK or needlework contests (motanka dolls, wreaths), power games for guys, performances by artists - folk dances and songs, Cossack tricks with weapons will perfectly fit into the script of the Ukrainian party. Don't forget souvenirs: mugs, stationery, key rings, magnets or amulets, towels, dishes in the Ukrainian style.

Times change and traditions change with them. Have you heard of such a thing that the girl herself is wooing a guy? Let him love, let him bewitch, but to get married?! This also happened, and it was considered a great sin to drive the girl out of the hut with her elders. They treated honest girls with respect, they had the right to save the Cossack from death for guilt, as soon as they said: “He will marry me - let him go” - and the life of the newly made groom is saved.

Weddings were celebrated in different ways. Even in the rituals of neighboring villages, even in small things, the difference was felt. Some had a round loaf, others had a square, those had a Christmas tree branch, those had a pine branch. But everywhere it was fun, sweet and "bitter".

The main moments of the Ukrainian wedding ceremony: wooing, betrothal, loaf baking, girl's evening, twig twisting, wedding, young yard, young yard, dining room, bride's outfit, etc.

Once upon a time they said “to play a wedding” - and played for a week, because it was not just a party, fun, but a whole complex of rituals that accompanied the creation of a new family and laid the foundations for its future well-being.

Historical sources testify that even before the beginning of the 20th century, among the Ukrainian peasantry, it was a wedding, and not a wedding, that was considered a legal guarantee of marriage: married couples could live apart for 2-3 weeks, waiting for the wedding.

Everything was preceded by a "loaf" - this is how the main ritual wedding bread was called in Ukraine, and the rite of its preparation itself, which most often took place on Friday.

On Saturday evening, the youth said goodbye to the young. At the girl's evening, a wedding tree was made - “giltse”, “wilce”, “rizka”, “troychatka”. This dense flowering tree is a symbol of youth and beauty of the young, which was used to decorate bread or kalach. It stood on the table throughout the wedding.

Sunday came.

In the morning, the bridesmaids dressed the bride for the wedding: the best shirt, an embroidered skirt, a namisto, a beautiful wreath with ribbons. A woman's wedding dress was kept as a relic until her death. The son took his mother's wedding shirt with him when he went to war.

The groom also came in an embroidered shirt (it was supposed to be embroidered by the bride). Young people went to get married in the church. After that, they came to the yard of the bride, where they were met with bread and salt, sprinkled with corn, and the young woman invited the guests to the table.

Once upon a time, getting a wife was not easy: you had to steal a girl, and win her in battle, and buy ...

When is the best time to have a wedding? The question is not idle. Most often, it does not contain the mundane “when is it more profitable and easier to do this?”, But “when to arrange a wedding so as not to inadvertently harm the young?” So, in the old days, a wedding was most often played in winter, between two winter fasts - from Christmas time to Maslyana. He loved the people and the spring weddings that took place after Easter. Well, it’s rare that one of those who have time to get married could resist the abundant luxurious autumn.

The wedding was preceded by matchmaking. There was a custom: for the success of the business, people who went to matchmaking were whipped with twigs or thrown with women's headdresses in order to quickly woo the girl.

The morning of the wedding day was interesting, when the bride was bathing. She didn't go to the bathroom alone. When the bride has washed and steamed properly, the healer collects the bride's sweat with a handkerchief and squeezes it into a vial. copyright - http://website This sweat was then poured into the groom's beer in order to bind the young with indissoluble bonds.

A modern wedding is, in most cases, a restaurant celebration and a cortege that takes young people and guests from the registry office to the restaurant. This is where it all ends. In Rus', the wedding train traveled further, and all the guests certainly had to be present at the morning inquiry into the integrity of the bride ...

There are certain wedding rules. The groom not only has the right, but also the obligation to give the bride various gifts, from bouquets and boxes of chocolates, to the “wedding basket”, the contents of which consist of various toilet accessories, gold jewelry, precious stones, etc. The bride can also make the groom present.

At the wedding, it is customary to give useful, practical things that can be useful to the newlyweds in their future family life.

Accepting gifts is not easy. The bride and groom should pay attention to each giver, unwrap the gift, look and thank. Money is usually given to the groom, and things and flowers to the bride.

The national flavor is interesting for its traditions, customs, amazing music, which have been popular for centuries. And how about adding folklore motifs and celebrating a Ukrainian-style wedding?

You will need a deep study of the topic, imagination and a great desire to realize this idea. Ukrainian culture does not skimp on the manifestation of emotions and gives a holiday.

If you like colorful outfits, hearty and varied cuisine, fun games and dances, then your choice is a Ukrainian-style wedding!


It is impossible to recreate the characteristic national atmosphere and create a good script for a Ukrainian-style wedding by studying the topic superficially. First, get acquainted with the life, rituals and features of the Ukrainian people, paying attention to traditional cuisine and wedding customs. Every little thing is important here, so devote some time to a detailed analysis of information from various sources about what a Ukrainian-style wedding is all the same: photos, books, web sites, movies, there is plenty of material.

Do you want the Ukrainian language to sound at the wedding celebration? Take care of the team of hosts and artists who speak Russian and Ukrainian in advance. During the wedding event, the guests will probably learn a couple of interesting phrases and want to sing songs to Ukrainian karaoke.

Interesting! To "warm up" the public, it would be logical to hold

Location for the event

Restaurants should be chosen with Ukrainian elements in interior design. If the wedding is in the Ukrainian style, the photo can be used for decoration in a folk style. It is also worth considering the presence of traditional Ukrainian cuisine. As a last resort, limit yourself to the available options by adding themed decor elements to them.

Invitation design

Satin ribbons, rich colors in wreaths and national ornaments - make invitations look like vyshyvanka shirts, decorate with traditional headdresses of Ukrainian girls, add zest

Butterflies, green grass, bright sun, sunflowers - natural "postcard" motifs are also acceptable in the design of invitation cards.

Do not be afraid to overdo it with color - the brighter your invitations are, the more they will match the national Ukrainian flavor.

You can compose the text in Ukrainian. Do not forget to write down the dress code for guests in the invitation and attach a brief program of the upcoming event. Place the invitation in an envelope, or arrange it in the form of a scroll.

Unforgettable image of the bride

Even if the wedding is held in the Ukrainian style, the bride's dress can be made in classic white and complemented with themed accessories. Also, the bride can appear before the guests in a national wedding dress. In both cases, pay attention to the headdress - it is better to decorate your hair with a wreath with bright long ribbons.

A belt with traditional ornaments, embroidery along the edge of the hem, on the sleeves and bodice of the dress - you can choose one or more decorative elements for yourself and complement the magnificent wedding dress with them.

Traditionally, Ukrainian ladies wore multi-layered skirts decorated with floral motifs and national ornaments, and white vyshyvankas. A mandatory attribute of a wedding suit is a red satin belt.

One of the options for the image of the bride is a combination of a bright colorful shirt and a short satin tiered skirt. It is more modern and in all its glory shows the slender legs of the newlywed.

Attention! Weave it into your hair - add femininity to your hair with poppies, cornflowers, marigolds. Coral accessories will complement the elegant image of the main hero of the occasion.

For lovers of rich tones, a Ukrainian wedding is perfect - bright long eyelashes, blush, red and burgundy shades of lipstick are appropriate here. At the same time, avoid unnatural shades of shadows - makeup should be juicy, but natural.

It is appropriate to emphasize the eyebrows, but without undue emphasis on this detail of the image. Start from the appearance of the bride when choosing the color scheme of decorative cosmetics. The wedding dress of the Ukrainian bride will suit with heels or Cossack boots. They should have a comfortable last and look good on the foot.

Groom's attire

The bride's partner will feel comfortable in free trousers and an embroidered shirt. Belted with a red ribbon, in boots and a hat, he can put a sunflower in his pocket.

If the groom chooses traditional cut trousers, it is desirable that they be linen. Another possible option is to use classic black trousers. Embroidered vests serve as an additional element of the outfit in the cool season.

Village atmosphere

The first thing you will take care of is the dress code of the event. Guests will support the initiative and wear white shirts with national motifs, a red belt and shoes. It is important to observe the style in the surrounding interior by adding characteristic details:

  • Handmade motanka dolls
  • Pottery and toys
  • Embroidered tablecloths, napkins, towels and furniture covers
  • Toys made of dough, cheese, straw

Remember that a riot of colors appears in every decor element if your wedding is in the Ukrainian style. Decorating with satin ribbons, or bright wreaths that can be hung on walls, ceilings, laid out on tables - this is the simplest and most obvious option. Use by combining them with wreaths hung on the walls. Sunflowers can be present in their natural form, or as prints.

Attention! The main gamma of the event is blue, yellow, red, blue colors and their shades.

Additional elements

It is ideal to use a horse-drawn cart as a wedding procession. Decorate it with ribbons, colorful bows, floral national motifs. If you use ordinary vehicles for a wedding, add Ukrainian motifs with a towel attached to the hood, a composition of sunflowers tied with satin ribbons.

According to the traditions of Ukraine, instead of a bouquet, the bride held in her hands. You can accept this idea, or stop at the usual option. One way or another, the flowers for the bride's bouquet must certainly be bright - choose poppies, sunflowers, chamomile, cornflowers as the basis for the composition. Field plants will be an excellent decorative addition and add splendor to the bouquet.

As gifts for guests, you can prepare handmade figurines of animals, birds, men and women in national costumes, neat Ukrainian houses. Gifts with embroidered elements in the decor will also be appropriate: key rings, small wallets and other souvenir accessories. You can give guests homemade preparations in exclusive pots with the emblem of the celebration.


Choose natural materials for furniture decor. Instead of chairs, place wooden benches, or offer guests comfortable wicker furniture. The table can be arranged in the form of a stylized cart on wheels - this will add variety and national color.

Ukrainian cuisine is full of hearty and varied dishes. Include the following items in the menu:

  • Vareniki
  • Roast
  • pancakes
  • cabbage rolls
  • Aspic, cold cuts, lard

It is better to cook borsch on meat and add homemade sour cream to it. Ideal dishes in clay pots. From drinks, it is preferable to choose kvass, vodka, berry wine, tinctures. can be decorated with viburnum berries. National motifs are obligatory - figurines of newlyweds in bright wedding suits, ribbons, poppy buds and other flowers. Each tier of the product can be trimmed with an edible "ribbon" with a Ukrainian ornament.

Traditions and rituals

Wedding in Ukrainian style is inseparable from traditions and rituals. The scenario begins with the ransom of the bride. To do this, the house of the future wife is generously decorated with compositions of ribbons and flowers, fabrics with thematic embroidery, and fruit baskets.

The bride's parents offer the groom to complete various tasks for ingenuity, strength and endurance. At the same time, the bride herself hides in the house, surrounded by her bridesmaids.

After a solemn marriage ceremony, vows of love and fidelity and the exchange of wedding rings, the parents greet the newlyweds with bread and salt on an exquisite embroidered towel. Whoever bites off a larger piece of the festive loaf will be the head of the family.

Another characteristic tradition is the rite with candles for the transfer of the family hearth. By the light of the fire, the mothers of the newlyweds say congratulatory parting words, introducing the bride and groom into the family circle. As a symbol of the girl's entry into a new home, the mother-in-law removes her veil. You can dance with it and even let your friends try it on.

Previously, the bride at the wedding cut off the braid. You can collect the bride's hair in a braided hairstyle, then to dissolve it. This will be a symbolic farewell to the carefree unmarried life. The bouquet that the bride throws with her back to the guests will be caught by the luckiest guest. It is believed that she will be the next to get married.

Not a single Ukrainian-style wedding is complete without the traditional incendiary dance of the son-in-law and mother-in-law! Video from such a celebration, where there will be a competition for the best "hopak", and karaoke, and performances by invited artists and comic numbers, will repeatedly delight guests in the future.

wedding planner

Groom's uncle

Also on the list of possible entertainment are competitions for the male half, in which you can demonstrate valiant prowess, culinary competitions.

Creative elements are also acceptable in the Ukrainian wedding program. Guests take part in workshops on making toys, wreaths, embroidered motifs and national dolls - symbols of fertility, family hearth, wealth and prosperity.

Memorable shots

A bright and colorful Ukrainian wedding should definitely be captured in a photo. As a background, you can use a party room, or an open area in nature with a field, river and forest. The color of the Ukrainian hut also leaves room for imagination.

The life and traditions of the Ukrainian people in story shots with the participation of the newlyweds and guests of the evening are a good basis for creating a memorable album.


A wedding event in the Ukrainian style will allow you to celebrate the wedding on a grand scale. Traditional amusements, hearty table, bright outfits of guests and newlyweds do not let you get bored.

For those who do not want to be left behind, entertainment events have been prepared. Be active - and you will remember the Ukrainian wedding for a long time!