
Redemption of the bride in the style of a quest. New scripts for the ransom of the bride Sample script in verse

The modern ransom of the bride is an original fun performance designed to surprise and delight the heroes of the occasion. The event can be held in various styles, be short or long. The ransom of the bride in the style of a quest is an interesting adventure that the groom, the witness, friends of the future husband will have to go through, including contests, games, tasks and riddles. After passing several unusual trials, the betrothed will reach the goal - meeting with his beloved.


Unlike many other events of this kind, the ransom of the desired bride in the quest style involves a laborious preparation process. It is necessary to take into account many details, calculate finances, because often such a ransom includes moving around the city. If the organizers (most likely they will be girlfriends) do not have enough funds to carry out a large-scale event, it is easy to simplify the ransom by shortening the route. Also, girls can consult, add finances to a common piggy bank.

Props for redemption

Depending on the chosen scenario of the quest, you may need a variety of props:

  • Cloth. It can be a costume of a mysterious fortuneteller who prophesies to her future husband where to look for her beloved, or a strict trouser version for a girlfriend who asks her future spouse to solve the cipher, as well as other options. Even a funny Cheshire cat outfit will do, which will show the way to the betrothed - in this case, the whole quest can be done in the spirit of Alice in Wonderland.
  • Beautiful paper or sheets, decorated antique. If the ransom is held according to a single style, tips, tasks, riddles should be written on paper of the same type, this will help maintain the atmosphere of what is happening. Also on it will be written a message from the bride, who is waiting for her lover.
  • A map of the city, bought in a store or drawn by girlfriends on their own, is a mandatory attribute of a quest ransom. If the map was drawn by the organizers, they should make sure that the stylized version looks like a real one, and it is easy for the future spouse to navigate by it.
  • Suitcase or safe. One of these gadgets is needed for a fun quest-style contest where the bridesmaids will ask the future spouse for facts about her beloved, and the answer will be a number (“How old is she?”, “How tall is the bride”?). The correct answer to all questions will be the cipher that will open the safe. There, the groom should be waiting for a hint where to look for his beloved.
  • A phone that will help the future spouse move to the next stage of the ransom in this style, and to him - three numbers of different people who will try to dissuade him from going to the bride in every possible way, seducing him. When he refuses tempting offers, the last person will tell him where to go next.
  • Printouts of puzzle pictures, balloons for possible contests.
  • Sweets, accessories that will be needed at the very end of the action.


Not only the organizers themselves, but also other people with artistry can join the buyout in this style. The main and possible participants in the quest redemption process:

  • Bridesmaids. Girls can independently help their friend's betrothed to complete the quest, or they can hire a special courier who will deliver the first letter with a signature from the bride. So that the girlfriends do not get bored while waiting for their future husband at a given place or running around the city with him, they can give advice to the betrothed by phone for the promise that he will make to his beloved: go shopping with her, cook breakfast every morning or bring coffee to bed.
  • Male friends. The help of friends will be needed when their friend calls the given numbers to find clues that will help him come to the bride. Of the three roles, two belong to men - the first will persuade the future spouse to go to his bathhouse with girls, the second - a gay person - will ask questions with sexual overtones. The task of the betrothed is to refuse offers, then he will receive a hint where the card lies.
  • Bridegroom and Witness. Both of them will have to try to get to the main character of the celebration. When choosing a route, one should take into account the nature of the betrothed: if he does not like riddles and large-scale movements too much, a simple courtyard quest should be preferred.
  • Photographer. The quest ransom of the bride is an interesting and even exciting action that must be captured in photos and videos, so calling a professional is a great idea. The newlyweds will be pleased after the wedding to review the memorable shooting of the beginning of their wedding day.
  • Other characters: fortune-tellers, fairy-tale characters.

Route Mapping

Drawing up a convenient map is of great importance: it is important that the betrothed should simply move around the territory of the district or city, otherwise the whole holiday risks becoming spoiled, because the future spouse will get tired even at the stage of redemption, before going to the registry office. If it is planned to detour a large area, the girlfriends need to study in advance the ease of travel on nearby streets, the number of traffic jams, and check the data again in the morning before the ransom.

The ideal route option is when the entire quest takes place on the territory of one area where the future spouses live, although if the betrothed loves adventure, the urban environment is also suitable. The plan should be made with a bride who knows her loved one well, for example:

  • First, the team of the future husband with a witness drives up to the house where the hero of the occasion supposedly lives. A courier approaches them, hands them a letter that says: “Dear (name)! I can no longer trust anyone: the monsters that take on your guise are haunting me. Only you can collect all the clues and find the place where I'm hiding." After the courier offers the future husband to pass the test with the safe.
  • A hint from the safe on the style of the quest may indicate the location of a billboard / sign / graffiti, which future spouses often passed by together. When the participants reach the place, a telephone should be waiting for them, where there is only one number - this is the competition in which the hero of the occasion will be persuaded to abandon the search.
  • The last person will point out to the betrothed the location of the card that will lead him to the fortuneteller. She will tell where her beloved is, but only after a monetary reward. After the groom gives the woman the money, she will determine the final destination.
  • At the end of each task at the ransom, the groom received, in addition to tips, something else - sweets, fruits, possibly accessories. All this will be needed when the betrothed gets to the meeting place with his beloved: her girlfriends will protect her, who will not let the groom through without gifts.

This is an example of a ransom-quest route, however, each card must be drawn up individually, taking into account the joint history of the bride and groom.

Scenario for ransom in the style of a quest

The groom and the witness drive up to the bride's house, but no one meets them. The ransom participants are already heading to the entrance, when an unfamiliar man, a courier, blocks their way. He hands the future spouse a letter on shabby paper, written by his beloved. The letter says:

“Dear, beloved (Name of the groom)!

I feel like I'm in danger. Dark forces want to kidnap me, they are called by your name, they change their face, but I know that it is not you!

I had to hide in a place where none of them can find me - it is protected. Only you can get to this place, because you know me better than anyone.

I left you some hints. The man who brought this letter will help you pass the tests. Don't worry, I trust him!

I kiss you and wait. With love,

your bride"

The groom finishes the letter, after which the courier enters the conversation:

“Your fiancee instructed me to bring you to her, but before that there are a few tests that will prove that you are the one she needs. The first task is to open this suitcase.

The courier points the suitcase to the groom, which is the first part of the test of the ransom of the bride.

- It's coded. To open the code lock, you will have to answer several questions related to the bride. The answers to these questions are numbers, if they are named correctly, they will open the suitcase, where the next clue awaits you. And now let's get started. The first question is how old is the bride?

The groom answers, the courier enters the first digit.

-Fine. What is the size of your sweetheart's ring?

The betrothed speaks.

What size shoes does the girl wear?

The future spouse answers. For every mistake, he pays a ransom for a hint. When the test is passed, the courier says:

- Great, you managed to open the suitcase! There is a hint waiting to help you reach the designated place and a small gift.

The suitcase contains a note that points to the location of the next clue, and perfume. The hint in the note should be related to something that the groom often sees and knows well. For example, a billboard nearby or a grocery store. The future spouse can pay the courier for a hint, but if he guesses himself, then the presenter says:

You have named the place correctly. I will accompany you there so that there will be no trouble along the way.

The future spouse, along with the courier, are sent to the place where the quest's bride ransom hint is located. After a little searching, the test participants find a phone with one number and candy. The hero of the occasion has no choice but to call him. A woman's voice is heard from the tube:

- Hello dear! How are you? Why do you call?

The betrothed answers who he is looking for.

- The bride ... This is interesting. Why are you a bride? Maybe you'll come to my place, grab a bottle of wine? We'll have a great time.

The future spouse refuses.

- You are sure? It's not every time an offer like this comes up, baby, are you sure you don't want to?

The groom gives a negative answer.

- Hmm ... It turns out that you really love her. Fine. Write down the number, I dictate.

The girl dictates the next number, which the hero of the occasion will have to call. A man, a friend of the future spouse, picks up the phone, music is heard:

- Hey, hello! How are you, friend, what are you doing? Come to me - it's such a party! Girls, alcohol, dancing - crazy fun! Will you write down the address?

The betrothed replies that he is getting married, he needs to see his beloved, so he will not come.

- Dude, you're missing out! Sure? Well, if you're sure, then write the number, I was warned about your call!

At the next number, the man picks up the phone again, and, making a “sweet” voice, says:

– Hi, honey… I've been waiting for you. Come to my place, let's sit down, discuss something, watch a movie, drink coffee, hee-hee.

The future spouse refuses.

- Wow, don't you want to? And I have already dressed for you - you will be stunned! Well, okay, okay, okay, no, and there is no trial. You have not succumbed to our temptations, so you will receive the following clue. I'll text you the location of the hint.

When the SMS arrives, the hero of the occasion with the witness is sent to the next part of the ransom of the bride of the quest. There they are met by a fortune teller.

- Stop! I saw that you will come, I know that you will demand! Need a bride? Then please pay! Just do not be greedy, my services are expensive.

The groom and the witness pay the ransom, the fortune-teller stands over the ball, saying:

- I see ... something is happening there ... I see that you will be happy soon! I see children ... So, let's go back a little ... Yeah, I found it!

The fortune-teller names the location of the bride. The groom is about to leave, as she exclaims:

- Wait! I almost forgot: my little gift is the sweetest nectar. Hope this helps you, go!

Now it's time for your girlfriend to get married. She has a happy family life ahead of her. But first, her fiancé must pass the ransom test! We offer a completely new and unusual scenario for the ransom of the bride for 2016. A cool and youthful scenario with contests where the groom and his friends have to find the bride's mobile phone number and call her to open the door for them. But first things first.

But in order for this scenario to go off without a hitch, you need a brand new mobile phone SIM card. And this number should not be known to anyone except the bride and her bridesmaids. You insert this SIM card into the bride's phone and ...
And then everything is written in the script!

When the car with the groom drives up to the gate (house), no one meets them. Entrance doors (gates) must be locked. When all the guests got out of the car and looked around in bewilderment, a bridesmaid comes out of the entrance (doors, gates), pretending to be talking on the phone.

Bridesmaid (on phone):
Yes understood. Yeah. Bye.
(takes the phone away from his ear and looks at the guests)
Excuse me, where are you all?

She is answered that for the bride.

For the bride, for what?
Sorry, but there isn't one.

(her cell phone rings immediately. She picks up the phone again)

Yes, (name of the bride), I understand.
(turns off and addresses guests)
Well, you are right, you are here.
But there is a small problem
So that you get to the bride,
She needs to call
Confirm your desire to marry!

The groom dials the bride's number, but he is told that the subscriber is temporarily unavailable.

How is the subscriber unreachable?
Did you dial the correct number? No?
I don't think you know her number
Well, then you have to guess it.
But to make it easier to guess,
Let me give you the first number from the number!

1. Assistant.

To get the rest of the numbers,
You must answer the questions!

Competition for three digits "Code of the operator of love."

After the eight in the mobile phone number comes the operator code. To guess it, you need to know your bride and math well!)
For example:
(917) The first number is the difference between the height of the bride and the height of the future mother-in-law (174-166cm = 9cm)
The second number is the age of the bride divided by today's number (25 years / September 25 = 1)
And so on.

But the questions should be difficult enough so that the groom can not guess. For example, you can ask about the size of the clothes of the mother-in-law minus anything else. If the groom does not know one of the unknowns, then they can tell him for a certain amount.

2 assistant:

Now don't stand still
And sing a song to the bride.
I only strongly recommend
Sing about love and loudly necessarily!

The groom and his friends sing a couplet from any love song.

It's a pity friends upset you,
You don't need to scream.
The bride still doesn't hear you, no matter how hard you try.
Therefore, we continue to collect figures.

Balloon competition.

The girl comes out. She wears a long and stretchy (but not too much) tunic over her usual clothes. Balls are hidden in the "right" places, under the tunic. "The right places" are the chest and buttocks. Only four balls. One of the balls contains the treasured number. But only in one.

1 assistant:
Well, fiancé, go ahead! And don't be shy!
The desired ball burst you soon!

2 assistant (in a conspiratorial whisper):
Don't worry, we won't tell the bride
What will you be doing now.

The groom must burst the desired balloon with his hand (without pulling the balloon out of the tunic). The numbered number should fall to the feet (fall out of the tunic). If this did not happen, then in order to burst another ball you need to pay from 50 rubles.

Now let's go with you
We will continue the business with ... hands.

Competition with hand.

On a large drawing paper, the contours of the hands are circled, inside which there are numbers. The groom needs to guess the contour of the bride's hand, and, consequently, the correct number. Unsuccessful attempt 100r - fine.

1 assistant:
Now let's digress about the numbers,
And let's have some fun.

2 assistant.
You see the tree of love
Pick an apple from him.
One of them has a surprise
And if not, then you must eat an apple.

"love tree"
It is possible for one of the people to tie apples in their hands in a total of 5 pieces. The apples are cut along the core into two halves (it is advisable to do this while the previous competition is being held (or before it) - not earlier, so that the apples do not darken or smear the halves with lemon juice). These halves are then again firmly tied together with a ribbon. A small piece of paper with a number is hidden in one of the apples between the halves.
The groom “plucks” any apple he likes and opens the halves. If there is nothing there, then he must eat the whole apple in 30 seconds. You can ask friends for help.
And so on until a number is found.

Well, you've had a little snack,
And for the next task, he gained strength.

1 assistant:
Have a bite to eat
But I didn’t drink!

Three glasses with a dark liquid are taken out (so that the bottom does not shine through). Pieces of paper are attached to the bottom of the glass from the outside. They are attached so that you can see what is written on a piece of paper only when you drink to the bottom. A fig is drawn on two pieces of paper, and one with a number. If the first glass did not work, then the next one needs to be bought. It is possible to pour the bride's favorite drink (for example, orange juice) into one glass, but the groom should not know about it. Let him guess the hint.

2 girlfriend:
Now the groom is ready
Work with your head.

Contest collect a word from numbers.

An image of the push-button telephone keypad is displayed. As well as a word encrypted as telephone numbers. The groom needs to decipher the word using the telephone "keyboard". He can suggest one of any letters for a certain amount (300-500r)
The word can be, for example, "love". When it is guessed, then the figure is given to the groom.


In the meantime, the groom, step aside,
We will check your friends.
Who is the fastest of friends
Come out to us soon!

A friend (or witness) comes out.

1 assistant:
Well, since you're fast,
Let's pick up the phone for a while!

You need to disassemble and assemble the phone for a certain time. If the first one fails, then he pays a fine and tries the next one. You just need to determine in advance how much time it takes to disassemble and assemble an ordinary mobile phone. You need to disassemble thoroughly: the back panel, battery and SIM card. After dismantled, it is necessary to report: "the phone is disassembled." And then immediately start collecting. If you meet the deadline, then the phone is asked to be turned on (before that, the phone was assembled, but it was necessary (!) Turned off). And when the phone turns on, the desired number will be displayed as a splash screen.

2 assistant:
Well, fiance.
There is one last push left.

You collected all the numbers
Only one left, look! (points to hearts)
I won't torture you here
Choose any number!
And if you're not afraid, then call!
And confirm your intention to marry!

Competition "last figure"
When the number is already fully assembled and one last digit remains, then it must be found among other numbers with hearts hanging on the stand. The groom is given three attempts. He chooses any number and at his own risk calls this number. If he is afraid to call, then for a certain amount he can be told whether this figure is correct or not. Bargaining is appropriate here. If the figure is correct, then the cost of the answer is naturally higher.

When the groom calls the bride, he must tell her that he loves her. After that, he is allowed to the bride, where he gives her his bouquet.

And who said that in the technology age,
Can a person be lonely?
We just denied it.
And mobile technologies helped us with this!
So you always love each other,
And don't forget to call your friends!

The ransom of the bride is an old tradition. Now, during the visit to the bride, a lot of onlookers and guests gather around the house. Usually in the morning together with the bride boyfriend and girlfriend. They can take over the organization of the ransom. It should be fun and interesting. Therefore, the redemption process itself is combined with contests and games.

The main thing in the article

Scenarios of a funny bride price

First you need to decorate the entrance to the entrance. To do this, use an arch of balloons, fresh flowers and ribbons. If the bride lives in a private house, then decorating the territory is much easier. Prepare in advance everything you need for the contests and warn the groom to take with him a lot of small bills and one large one, coins and champagne sweets.

Example scenario:

  • First test. One of the organizers of the ransom meets the groom and the boyar. It is necessary to outline the feet of several girls in advance so that characteristic traces remain. The groom must determine where the trace of his beloved is. With every mistake he puts money in the piggy bank
  • Second test. After the first test, the groom is allowed into the vestibule of the entrance. Here, photographs of the bride in childhood and her bridesmaids are preliminarily hung. The groom must choose his future wife. If he makes a mistake, he puts money in the piggy bank. The piggy bank is prepared in advance. It can be an ordinary box pasted over with ribbons and sparkles.
  • Third test. The presenter asks directly at the elevator to lay out the name of the bride in banknotes. All the money is then put into a piggy bank
  • Fourth test. Having risen to the floor above, they put a basin of water in front of the man and ask him to put the most valuable gift to the bride. The groom must guess who it is. At the same time, the guests hint in every possible way and make hints that the most valuable prize is the groom. When the man answers correctly, he must take off his socks and stand in a basin of water. It is necessary to prepare a towel in advance
  • Fifth test. It is arranged directly on the last flight of stairs. The presenter asks the groom to write with chalk on the stairs the reasons why he is getting married. Warn the man in advance so that he considers the answers. In some flights of 12-15 steps, the man must prepare. At the end, the host asks for a ransom in the form of sweets and champagne. The groom is allowed into the bride's apartment

Modern ransom of the bride in verse

Of course, poetry has always been something unusual, so you can organize a bride price using poems.

An example script in verse:

Happy everyone, good day,
Yes, the bridegroom called the guests,
Do you want to show yourself
And take the bride?
It won't be easy
However, it will be decided
And for starters, rhyme
Just don't be nervous, don't spit
I want to say one word
You will take him to the registry office with you,
And will it be...?

(Groom's answer: ring)

The man must dance. And you need to portray three different dances. Different melodies are played for three minutes. For example, swan dance, gypsy and waltz. For every wrong dance, the groom pays money.

You went through everything with a bang
We give the title of young man,
Now there will be a task
In the mind to know prosperity,
I will give riddles
And you answer correctly!

The bride needs her so much
Snow white...?

(Answer: veil)

She will be with you again and again,
This big, passionate...?

(Answer: love)

And even without her, life will be a little easier,
But it's very important dear...?

(Answer: mother-in-law)

And the sun will shine brighter for you
When will you have...?

(Answer: children)

The groom pays for the ransom of the bride

And now there is one more condition,
You have to write the verse yourself
And a witness can help,
Here are my words to you: wife, needed, alone, tender,
Of them, rather compose
And take the bride!

Usually men are confused, so the presenter can quietly hand him a sheet of poetry:

Will you be my wife now
You will be alone with me
Most of all I need you
You are so beautiful and gentle!

The groom reads aloud

It's time to finish the verses
The assignments were not easy.
But you were able to complete them all,
And it will be like a lesson
Now take the bride
Open the door to a new life
Love her and respect her
Then there will be paradise around you!

The future wife comes out to the man, he gives her a wedding bouquet, a mini-feast takes place, and everyone goes to the registry office.

Original contests for the ransom of the bride

Without contests, the ransom turns into a boring rip-off for the groom. Accordingly, you need to try to make the action fun for the guests and the groom with the boyar.

Several contests for the ransom of the bride:

  • Darts. It is necessary to attach a regular circle for playing Darts at the entrance to the entrance or on the fence. Labels are written on each circle. The furthest from the center is a fur coat, then earrings, an apartment, a car, underwear, etc. An apple is everything. The groom throws darts, what falls out will be given to the bride.
  • The scent of the bride For the competition, 5 napkins soaked in perfume are prepared in advance. Among them is the fragrance of the bride, which she regularly uses. The groom must choose the right napkin. If he makes a mistake, he puts money in the piggy bank.
  • Photo report. In advance, the presenter prepares several photographs with some memorable moments in the couple's life. The groom should briefly tell the story of the photo. That is, where it is captured, some interesting moments. Guests get to know the groom better and how future spouses usually spend time together.
  • Guessing. For this competition, the groom is blindfolded. Several figurines cut out of cardboard are hung on a ribbon or clothesline. This is the silhouette of a Baba Yaga, a poker, a bride, a tree. The groom must choose the silhouette of the bride.

Redemption of the bride in the style of let's get married

This program with Larisa Guzeeva has long won the hearts of many women. If you are a fan of this TV show, arrange a "Let's Get Married" style ransom. To do this, a table is placed in the courtyard and three women sit at it. It is desirable that they put on makeup and put on wigs, like the leading TV shows. Almost the entire ransom is an improvisation, but there are also prepared contests.

  • At the very beginning, the groom is asked questions. For example, for what purpose does he marry, what does the chosen one like. This is followed by a drawing competition. It includes the groom's friends. The presenter asks to draw some of the episodes of the groom's life. Anyone who draws lies, such as the groom in the library, pays a fine. It is better to discuss in advance what everyone will draw so that similar drawings do not turn out.
  • Next, an astrologer is consulted. It is necessary to prepare a funny horoscope of compatibility of the bride and groom. After that, the astrologer hands the groom a sheet of paper, divided into two parts, he must write the positive and negative qualities of his chosen one
  • After the contests, the presenter offers to pull out the most anticipated phrase from the basket, but basically the groom will pull out comic phrases like “let's smoke” or “let's eat” from the basket. At the end, the host gives the phrase "Let's get married" and the groom goes to the bride

Redemption of the bride in the style of the quest

This is a modern and fun scenario that involves trips around the city. Accordingly, it is better if the painting at the registry office is scheduled in the afternoon. To arrange a ransom, you will need a map of the city. If you do not want the groom to drive around the city in search of his beloved, draw a map yourself. The bride may be with neighbors.

Brief instructions for organizing a ransom in the Quest style:

  • You need to draw on a homemade or purchased map a place where there will be clues about the location of the bride. Put the phone in the indicated place. After the groom finds him, he must call the last number indicated. There he will get the following clue
  • Next, he goes to where the person on the phone sent him. Hide a note with the following clue under the bench. You can use puzzles to encrypt the location of the next clue
  • Thus, the groom will walk around the districts, near the place where the bride is hidden. In the end, he will have to pay the last person who will tell where the bride is. This is a very exciting ransom, however, the groom will get tired even before the registry office

Bride ransom in the style of the mafia

For redemption in this style, you need to prepare accessories. These are toy guns, black hats and ties. The bridesmaid and bridesmaids wear accessories over their outfits.

Redemption scenario:

  • Witness: “Have you come to intermarry with our clan? Well, girls, look at the daredevil. To get our bride, you must prove to us that you are familiar with the history of the mafia. Witness asks to name five films about the mafia
  • Witness: "Well, you know the history of the mafia, and now answer the questions related to the history of our clan." Take out cards with a set of numbers. Each card contains a memorable date for the bride's family. It can be mother-in-law's birthday, parents' wedding day, etc. If the groom is wrong, he puts the money in a piggy bank
  • Witness: “Now prove to us that you can protect the bride from a bullet. Prove your skill." Darts are hung on the wall and three darts are given to the man. He should hit the bull's-eye in three attempts. If he fails, he pays the ransom. Then the boyar tries to correct the failure of his friend
  • Witness: "Now you have the last barrier and you must open this door." She gives a hairpin and offers to open the door with it. Of course, the groom does not succeed. The witness offers to burst the balloons at the door and find the key. For each empty ball, the groom pays money. Finding the key, he opens the door and gets the bride

Ransom of the bride in the style of a fairy tale

You can choose any fairy tale you like. Prepare costumes from improvised clothes and wigs. Apply makeup, you can use masks.

An example scenario of a fabulous ransom:

  • Characters needed for this scenario: Devil, Angel, Waterman and Gypsies
  • Angel: “Hello guests, did the good fellow come to redeem the bride? Come on, you'll be a guest. Let's eat, drink and keep warm." The groom passes to the entrance. But here comes the devil
  • Damn: “Well, what did you come for, what did you covet? The skin and bones of the girl, choose something suitable. Giving the groom a photo of a fat woman
  • Angel: “Well, again you get confused under your feet, you fool people's brains. Go away, let the good fellow take the bride"
  • Damn: "Well, okay, let him go, good riddance." Goes to pester the guests, amuses them
  • Angel: “I took your beautiful Zmey-Gorynych, you will have to save her. Here is the first test. You must put out the fire that the Serpent has started." Candles are burning on the floor, the groom and his retinue must put out the fire
  • The groom goes up to the next floor. Gypsies pester him and ask him to gild his pen. The groom gives them money, and they give him a raincoat. After that, they ask from a bunch of photos of girls 2-3 years old to find their favorite
  • The groom goes up to the next floor and meets the merman there. He offers to choose one of his daughters instead of the princess. The groom refuses. Then the waterman places cups with liquid on the floor, in some there is vodka. The groom and his entourage empty the cups
  • The groom goes up. Copper-colored ribbons are tied on the railings
  • Angel: "You went all the way, well done, it remains to go through the copper pipes and fight the Serpent." The groom cuts the ribbons and the angel gives him the sword. The man enters the apartment, the door of which is covered with a sheet with a painted Serpent. The groom rips off the fabric and takes the bride

Scenario for the ransom of the groom by the bride

This is an alternate scenario. It is based on a primordially Russian lady who will stop a galloping horse. It is necessary to warn the bride in advance about an unusual ransom. The whole scenario is prepared by the future spouse and his friends. In advance, you need to prepare a disk with the kidnappers' appeal to the bride. They report that they have stolen the groom and demand a ransom.

  • A black car arrives, in which the bride gets into and arrives at the place appointed by the robbers. The bandits offer to fulfill several conditions for a ransom. The bride must stop any three cars and ask for money to ransom the groom from the drivers
  • The bride is given a checkbook of the groom's wishes. After that, the bandits exchange the money received from the drivers for a rebus with the indicated street where the groom is hidden. If the bride cannot solve the puzzle, then she tears off the check from the groom's book. Desires can be very different. For example, drinking beer with fish in the evening and watching football with the groom
  • The bride is brought to the house where the groom is hidden. There are guards at the entrance. The bride must tie the men's ties around their necks. If he does not cope with the task, he again tears off the check from the groom's wish book
  • Further, a man runs out of the entrance with five notes written in different handwriting. The bride must recognize the handwriting of her beloved and come to the indicated apartment
  • After this competition, the bride is allowed into the apartment, behind the door of which sits the groom and his friends. The bride must guess which voice belongs to her lover. Men say "I love you". After that, the groom is allowed to see the bride

There are a lot of redemption scenarios, choose the most suitable one.

VIDEO: Funny ransom of the bride

Recently, old traditions can be found again at weddings. For example, the bride price, which many couples have refused over the past years, can be made unusual and bright if you come up with an interesting thematic scenario. The redemption of the bride in the style of the airline will be fun and easy, if the bridesmaids of the hero of the occasion draw up contests in advance, select props and decorations.

Finding everything you need for the event is easy - just make a list.

The role of traditions in a wedding

Each nation has its own customs and customs, which originated in ancient times. Some of these relate to the wedding, since this event is celebrated in almost every culture, up to African or Indian tribes. The formed foundations made it possible to determine the canons of marriage, to make it correct and suitable for a specific time.

All arose from religious considerations, but many of them have been forgotten, and others have changed, but some are still revered. For example, the exchange of wedding rings is also a kind of custom that originated in ancient Egypt, and the ransom of the bride began to be arranged since the heyday of the culture of the Slavic peoples.

Wedding traditions allow you to create a common frame of marriage, to which you can then pick up individual details. Observance of such customs does not make all weddings the same.- on the contrary, it allows you to understand what exactly the future newlyweds want to see at the celebration, and how you can diversify the celebration. It is difficult to fully think through the script without relying on any traditions, especially if there is no relevant experience in this.

How to choose a worthy one: the customs of the ancestors

Before marrying his beloved, the groom must prove that he is worthy of her. For this, from ancient times, he was given all kinds of tests for ingenuity, dexterity and valiant strength. In addition, the young man had to pay the bride's parents a ransom for her, since they were deprived of an au pair. It was believed that the more beautiful, well-mannered and economical the girl, the more wealthy the groom should be.

The amount of the ransom was negotiated during the matchmaking, marriage and engagement. If the groom could not satisfy the requirements of a potential father-in-law, then the wedding was refused. In addition, parents could look not only at the amount of a one-time monetary compensation, but also at the income in the young man's family, focusing on whether he could provide for their daughter.

Tests for a young man in love were also arranged, and by the whole village. They were especially tricky if the groom lived in another settlement - people could simply close the entrance gate, expecting a manifestation of ingenuity and dexterity from the young man and his retinue.

On the way to the bridegroom's house, obstacles also awaited - fallen trees on the road, collapsed carts, palisades, etc. The girl's neighbors did this on purpose, helping the young man overcome obstacles only if he completed their tasks or paid off with money.

Now the ransom of the bride takes place according to a different scenario, although the main the essence remains the same today - the groom must prove that he is worthy to become the husband of his beloved. The ransom no longer plays a special role, and it is given not to the girl's parents, but to her girlfriends and relatives, who organized tests for the young man. The amount is either divided between the organizers, or at the end of the event goes to the piggy bank of the newlyweds.


If one of the newlyweds is on duty connected with airplanes, if the couple met in the air, or if they just like to fly, then you can conduct a bride price in the style of an airline, the scenario is also suitable in other cases when the marriage does not provide for a different style of conduct.

To begin with, the bridesmaids should stock up on the appropriate props - the uniform of the stewardesses.

If you couldn't find suitable clothes, you can pick up formal suits with a skirt and jacket, ties and caps with the same emblem, and you can attach a brooch in the form of an airplane to your chest. After the ransom, the girlfriends can change into formal dresses.

wedding planner

"Flight attendants" should behave courteously, politely, address everyone to "You". They should look impeccable - styled hair, even posture, well-delivered speech.

Elena Sokolova


To make the bride's entrance look like a real plane, you can hang sheets depicting portholes. If possible, the entrance canopy can be made similar to the nose of an aircraft, using foam or whatman paper for this.

Albina Sysoeva

Before each competition, participants should be reminded to fasten seat belts, supervise children, and turn off mobile phones.

Stage one - meeting the groom

A young man in love drives up to his bride's house , flight attendants meet him: “Attention, passengers! Boarding for flight No. (wedding date) is ending, everyone is requested to take their seats on the Love airliner. The final point of arrival is a happy family life, the estimated flight time is 30 minutes. All stowaways will be fined."

The groom, along with his retinue, claims that they urgently need to get on board the plane, but the flight attendants are adamant, because the passengers are already late. To get the girls to close their eyes the young man needs to prove that this flight is important to him.

He must shout the phrase “I love you, (name of the bride)” three times so that his beloved can hear it even from the plane. If the stewardesses were satisfied, then they let the latecomer through.

The groom, along with his friends and relatives, enters the entrance. On the first flight of stairs, he is told that he needs to buy tickets, for this he needs to pay either with money or with champagne and sweets. After the issue with the documents is resolved, the flight attendants give the young man a bag, allegedly forgotten by the bride, so that he gives her her things.

Stage two - competitions

After the first part of the event, the groom passes the airport security post. To do this, you need to show the contents of the bag that he was given after buying tickets. It contains a canister with the inscription "Kerosene", an ax, a gas canister, handcuffs, a bag of white powder (flour). All these things are prohibited on the plane, so the groom needs to explain to the security staff why he needed all this at the wedding. If the groom is at a loss with any thing, then he pays a fine.

On the next flight of stairs, the young man needs to determine the correct corridor to board his flight. Flight attendants hang 4-6 sheets on the walls, on which different numbers are written. First, the groom needs to guess what they mean, and then choose the most significant option, which leads him and his bride to a flight aboard the Love aircraft.

Numbers can be:

  • number of colors in ;
  • girl's clothing size;
  • date of acquaintance without spaces;
  • date of marriage proposal;
  • bride's heel length, etc.

Finally, the young man gets to the plane itself. On the site, whatman paper glued to each other is laid out, on which places in the celestial giant are drawn. The groom needs to guess where his beloved would be located - at the window, at the aisle, next to the nose or tail, etc. He also needs to determine what she would choose from snacks and drinks, and what she would do during the flight.

When the groom gets to the next flight, he is informed that there is a hole in the plane's gas tank. To patch it up, you need to sing your favorite song of the bride. If the groom guesses correctly, he moves forward, otherwise he pays a fine. You may also need to refuel (champagne), since the tank is slightly empty.

The next test begins with the statement of the flight attendant: “A bomb has been found on board! Please remain calm, there is a neutralization specialist (groom) on the plane. He knows the code, you just need to tell him. The combination to defuse the bomb can be the answer to one of the following questions:

  • favorite dish of the bride;
  • the color of the eyes of the future mother-in-law;
  • in which country the bride would like to visit;
  • favorite pastime of the bride;
  • where the first date of the future newlyweds took place.

On the next pass, the flight attendant announces that the plane has almost reached its final destination, but is steadily losing altitude. To make it easier, you need to throw out unnecessary things. The girl lays out some of the bride's things in front of the groom and asks what they mean to her. For example, you can take a gift for a girl from her future husband, a souvenir that they bought together on a trip, her family value, etc. The groom needs to choose the most insignificant item so that the stewardess "throws him overboard." If he makes a mistake, he pays a fine.

Finally, the groom gets to the apartment of his beloved. The stewardess announces: “The Love aircraft has landed at its destination. Dear passengers, be careful when descending the ladder. Only one of them leads to the bride, you need to guess the right one the first time!

Multi-colored ribbons are laid out on the floor, each of which leads to a specific room. The groom must choose one of the ribbons and follow it, and the bride can be anywhere, up to the bathroom. If a young man makes a mistake, he pays a fine.

When the groom finds his beloved, all those present celebrate the end of the ransom with champagne and light snacks, and then go to the registry office.

Useful video: example

There are tons of airline-style bride price videos. Here is one of them:


The ransom of the bride can be made original and memorable if you show imagination. Contests tied together by a common theme of the airline will dilute the atmosphere and prevent guests from getting bored, waiting for the denouement. If everything is done with soul, then the newlyweds, and in particular the groom, will have only the most positive memories of this event.

The bride is behind a closed door. The door can only be opened from the inside. To do this, you need to call the bride and tell the code phrase "I love you." But the groom doesn't have a phone number. You will have to learn it from the bridesmaids number by number, while performing insidious tasks ...

Example scenario:

The bridesmaids meet the groom and report that the bride will go to the groom only when she hears a declaration of love from him. The cherished words must be pronounced by calling her on the phone, only she changed the number (you can buy a new SIM card, or borrow a phone from one of your friends). It is useless to shout through the door - she will not hear. Further, the girlfriends declare that they will not give the number just like that. The groom needs to complete certain tasks, proving that he is really worthy of their girlfriend.

1, 2, 3 digits

The first three digits, indicating the operator code, must be obtained for the groom by a witness with friends. To do this, they need to answer a series of questions from the host, without using the words “Yes” and “No” (they are replaced by words like “of course”, “maybe”, “yeah”, “of course”, etc., you can’t repeat) . Questions might be:

  • Well, are you ready?
  • Does the groom really love the bride?
  • Do you think he will get through to her?
  • Do you like us?
  • Are you hot in jackets? and so on.

A ransom is paid for every "forbidden" word. At the end of the survey, the presenter gives the groom a piece of paper with numbers.

4th digit

To get this figure, the groom needs to show dexterity. One of the girlfriends is wearing a jacket over the dress, to the inside of which a piece of paper with a number is pinned with a pin. The groom is put on thick gloves, his task is to unbutton his jacket in a certain time and get the number. Another bridesmaid defiantly films what is happening on a cell phone. After the end of the task, a ransom is required from the groom so as not to show "compromising evidence" to the bride.

5th digit

Another friend has a bunch of balloons in her hand. One of them contains a treasured figure. In the rest - small tasks, ransom amounts, or just funny phrases, for example: “You have no intuition at all! Pop the next one! On the balls you can write words that are confusing: “Burst me!”, “The number is here!”, “The figure is here, honestly!”, “Burst me, you won’t regret it!”. The groom is given a needle. His task is to pop the balls one by one until he finds the number. Tasks can be as follows: sing a ditty, tell a rhyme with a lollipop in your mouth, portray an animal, say a tongue twister, etc.

6th digit

Get a star from the sky for the bride. On the reverse side of the paper "star" is the desired number. The star clings somewhere at an inaccessible distance, so that the groom, without the help of friends, could not get it.

7th digit

Task for friends (so as not to be bored). They need to sing in chorus an excerpt from the song “When my friends are with me” to the appropriate melody. The witness is the conductor. He is given an impromptu conductor's baton. Friends are given a printed text so that they do not get confused.

8th digit

The groom needs to call the mother of the bride and sing a ditty about the mother-in-law into the phone. In response, she calls him another number.

9th digit

The groom needs to find a photo of the bride. Job details. On the reverse side of the desired photo is a number, on all the others - the amount of the ransom.

10th digit

The groom and his friends are invited to listen to the voices of different girls, among them is the voice of the bride. Each says a certain number, but only the bride - the right one. The groom needs to recognize the bride and, accordingly, get the number. If he did not guess correctly, he will have to call, going through the possible options for the last digit of the number.

Having received all the numbers, the groom and his friends approach the cherished door, the groom dials the number and says words of love. The door opens.