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Funny promises of the bride and groom. Bride and Groom Vows Funny Wedding Vows

Nowadays, many traditional and ritual moments are held at the wedding in a playful or comic form, although a touching and lyrical celebration can decorate a wedding celebration, it all depends on the presentation and attitude of the bride and groom, as well as the infusion of the company.

To choose the right option when conducting one of them, we offer our selection - Original and comic vows of the newlyweds at the wedding, collected by us on various thematic sites (thanks to the authors!)

1. Oath of the newlyweds "I promise!" and "Always ready!"

(The bride answers all the questions of the host: “I promise!”).

1.presenter: Promise to take care of your husband,

Help wherever he needs

Understanding his thoughts and feelings


Bride: I promise!

2.presenter: Promise us to be always cheerful,

Affectionate and gentle, in a word,

Pour in the morning not only a mug of tea


Bride: I promise!

3.presenter: Promise that in the bath and with friends

You let go with love words

And meeting with a joyful smile,


Bride: I promise!

4. presenter: Promise us all during the terrible storm

Don't throw an old saucepan at him.

And parents do not know about the quarrel


Bride: I promise!

5. presenter: Promise us to always be beautiful,

Friendly and not at all jealous,

Keeping peace in the family.


Bride: I promise!

(The groom answers all the questions of the host: “Always ready!”).

1.presenter: So, fiance, from today

Everything will be brand new to you

Get ready to get up before the first cocks

Be ready?!

Groom: Always ready!

2.presenter: Your wife does not have time to get up in the morning,

You have to give her coffee in bed (with a smile),

And don't forget about the bouquet of flowers

So fiance, are you ready?

Groom: Always ready!

3. presenter: If you followed a mammoth to the taiga

Or go fishing in the morning,

Bring a double catch to the family

Are you ready?

Groom: Always ready!

4.presenter: Do not hide your wife from the whole world,

Dress in silks, diamonds and fur coats,

And buy some more pearls

Be ready?!

Groom: Always ready!

5. presenter: And, finally, we will give one piece of advice:

Always meet with your wife ... (Name)... dawn.

And then there will be no clouds in the family!

Be ready?!

2. Comic oath of the bride and groom "Swear by Cupid's arrow"

(For the oath, pre-print the texts for the newlyweds)

Leading: Swear by Cupid's arrow,

Like Shakespeare's Desdemona

Be a faithful wife to your husband.

Bride: I swear to be his soul.

Leading: You will go anywhere with him.

Bride: Like a Decembrist wife.

Leading: Wash dishes, cook food,

And give birth to a baby

Swear to wash his clothes.

Bride: I swear to collect my salary.

Leading: To go forever one way,

For you to help him.

Bride: I won’t climb on my husband’s neck,

I swear to love him forever!

Leading: Bridegroom, since you called yourself a husband,

Do not be lazy in family matters!

Do you understand how the bride needs?

Let's swear too!

Leading: Like an angel, be kind and sweet,

You didn't love anyone like that, did you?

Groom: And I'll never fall in love again

I solemnly swear in front of everyone.

Leading: And if anything happens,

You are her protector, you are a stronghold!

Groom: I swear to always be a support

And never argue.

Leading: To be together - what happiness,

Understand everything and forgive everything.

Both in weather and in bad weather

Love equally.

Do not bend from blows

Do not become pessimists

Stay young

If there are sixty.

And let the festive pattern

Your life will sparkle.

We are left in chorus

Only "Bitter!" tell you!

3. Exchange of newlyweds with comic vows.

(Print out the text for both in advance or invite young people to recite by heart)

Bride's vow

What can I swear, dear,

So that you can understand

That me with magic power

Can't get away from you!

You are a collar. I am a doggy.

I am machine. You are a taxi driver.

I'll stick to you like chewing gum

Like, excuse me, a bath sheet.

I will be gentle. I will be faithful.

I won't cast my eyes on others

Well, if I forget -

I'll remember next time.

I eat very, very little.

Butter, bread... It's easy with me.

I will be the head of the warehouse in the family,

Well, you are a supplier.

I am an artist. You are a producer.

I am a model. You are a couturier.

You take out the trash

I am walking in the yard.

I do not forgive insanity.

If you touch - I'll get angry.

Honey, everything that I promised

I solemnly swear to that!

Groom's oath

My voice trembles, my blood boils,

But I don't ask for mercy.

I swear to you my love

That I will never stop loving!

You sleep, and I will set the table,

I'll make breakfast for five!

I swear I'll turn off the football

If you want to take a walk.

your crazy dreams

I will not drive into the shade ...

I swear to give you flowers

From a neighboring flower bed every day!

I swear not to drink. I swear not to hit.

Live only in peace and harmony.

I swear not to go left

And I won't go right.

We will live a long, long time

With you, I'm not afraid of obstacles!

I love, I love, I want to love!

And this, my dear, I swear!

4. Comic vows of newlyweds with a choice of answers

Bride's vow

Swear always, at any cost,
Be a faithful, devoted wife. (bride's answer)

Fashion items swear to buy
And adorn yourself with pearls. (bride's answer)

Swear to always be cheerful
Never lose heart! (bride's answer)

Swear you get up early
And serve breakfast to my husband. (bride's answer)

Husband swear to friends to let go,
For fishing, football, swear not to scold. (bride's answer)

Swear to watch serials less often.
And with friends on the phone do not "hang". (bride's answer)

Swear to prepare a delicious dinner,
Revealing a special culinary secret. (bride's answer)

Manicure and hairstyle swear to do you
So that the spouse sees the standard of beauty. (bride's answer)

Swear slowly, slowly.
Have a baby every year. (bride's answer)

Swear mother-in-law you respect
Follow her advice. (bride's answer)

Groom's oath

(The host reads the text, and the bride says “I swear”, or “I don’t want”, “I won’t”).

Swear: from work - immediately home,
Avoid strangers' women. (groom's answer)

Swear flowers daily to give,
Husband caring, affectionate to be. (groom's answer)

Swear irons and sockets to repair,
You swear to carry heavy bags. (groom's answer)

Swear pearls, give diamonds
And bring coffee to bed in the morning. (groom's answer)

Swear in the morning to get up to small children -
Give a pacifier, and change a diaper. (groom's answer)

Swear to go fishing only with your father-in-law,
Bring the heroic catch home together. (groom's answer)

Swear to your wife not to be jealous,
And occasionally bathe in a champagne bath. (groom's answer)

Swear never to smoke cigarettes
Swap vodka and beer for sweets. (groom's answer)

Swear to give your entire salary to your wife,
And do not scold her for squandering. (groom's answer)

Swear that it would be easier for you with your wife,
Always go to your mother-in-law for advice. (groom's answer)

Leading: Now, dear newlyweds, you need to seal the oath. And at a wedding, the best seal is what? Of course, kiss. Bitterly!

5. A comic wedding contract with promises.

(The forms of comic wedding contracts are printed in advance, in which, after pronouncing promises, the bride and groom sign and then hand them to each other)

Full name. brides ___________________________________________ ___________

I promise before the storm, not to throw a pan at him.

We will not have quarrels - I know. I promise!

I promise to feel sorry for my husband, to give in to him where necessary,

Live life without knowing worries. I promise!

I promise to be cheerful, to accept his friends,

Pour not only tea. I promise!

(date of). painting of the bride ___________________

Full name. groom ____________________________________________ ___________

Undead and love your wife, do not keep her captive,

Do not hide from the good guys. Always ready!

Do not waste time, run around the bazaars in the morning,

Soup to cook and even pilaf. Always ready!

As it gets dark, so go home to your sweet young.

And do not take an example from cats. Always ready!

(date of). Groom's painting _________________

6. Comic vows of the bride and groom at the wedding

Groom's oath

(Print out the text separately for the bride and groom in advance, first the presenter asks, and the newlyweds answer her first with simple consent, and then with their comic text)

Presenter: Are you ready to speak the truth and only the truth? Then look your wife in the eyes and swear!

Do you swear to do all your wife's errands?

Do you swear to kiss your wife in the morning instead of breakfast, in the afternoon instead of dinner, and in the evening before going to bed as a sleeping pill?

Do you swear every day to give your wife not only promises, but also flowers, compliments, gifts?

Do you swear to do all the housework, even in your sleep?

And when you have a child, do you swear to be proud of a happy father and walk important, like a goose?

Swear to control yourself when your wife manages to spend all the money in three days!

Groom: I swear! I will not rage, I will leave stash!

Presenter: Swear you get up early

To give her coffee in bed!

Groom: I swear to walk on tiptoe so as not to wake my wife!

Presenter: Swear not to offend your wife,

Eat her borscht to the bottom!

Groom: I swear to always take my wife with me to cafes and restaurants!

Presenter: Swear to love your wife, caress,

Gifts often buy!

Groom: I swear to love my wife always, and the best gift to her is me!

Bride's vow

Presenter: Are you ready to speak the truth and only the truth? Then look your husband in the eyes and solemnly swear!

Do you swear that at any cost you will be a good and faithful wife?

Do you swear not to blow your lips against your husband, not to let the wind blow on him?

Do you swear to keep your husband from being overweight?

Do you swear to allow your husband to occasionally appear from the bedroom in other rooms?

Do you swear to let your husband go without fear for a long walk ... with a stroller?

Bride: Our love shines bright!

Give me more expensive gifts,

And if sometimes I run into a stash ...

I won't take it, my dear... I swear!

I will not get tired of waiting for you, dear husband,

But if you come back at night... tired...

I'll deal with you in the morning..

No one will hear us, honey... I swear!

I swear, dear, I will not be offended by this -

If you lie down after dinner with a newspaper,

I myself will fall on the sofa to you,

We will wash the dishes together ... I swear!

Presenter: Now look us all in the eyes and swear together!

Swear to increase the population of our city by at least two people!

Swear that the doors of your house will always be open for friends!

This oath must be sealed with the seal of joined lips!!!

When vows are made

It is not necessary to say beautiful words to each other in public in the registry office. The oath can be pronounced during an outdoor ceremony or in the midst of a wedding celebration. Also, young people give a vow of fidelity and eternal love during the wedding.

A wedding is an exciting day for the newlyweds, so in order not to forget your speech, it is better to write it down on a piece of paper beforehand. Speak clearly, sincerely, forgetting that the eyes of all those present are fixed on you.

How to write a wedding vow

A beautiful text, which will describe sincere feelings for your soulmate, today can be ordered without any problems on the Internet. But a wedding vow is personal and intimate, so it's best if you write it yourself. Let it be a simple speech, devoid of complex epithets, the main thing is that these should be sincere and touching words.

Where can you get ideas for writing a wedding vow:

  • The history of your acquaintance - remember the first impression of the meeting, what attracted you to your soulmate, what emotions you experienced.
  • The most touching moments and memorable dates are an excellent occasion to remind your soulmate of the brightest moments experienced together.
  • The best character traits of the second half - wedding vows sound more sensual and touching if they contain beautiful words about what attracts and inspires the second half.
  • Your goals and dreams - if you are not afraid of envious glances, then you can add information about plans for the near future to the solemn speech: honeymoon, buying a house, having children, etc.

Tips for writing vows for the bride

Many girls in love are so impressionable that they are ready to write a whole notebook in confessions to their beloved. Of course, the oath of the newlyweds should not consist of just a few sentences, but it is also tiring to listen to a long speech for both the guests and the second half. If you have a lot of ideas, write them all down and gradually choose the best and gentlest words.

If a wedding speech is planned at the registry office, the text should not contain too many jokes and gags. Such a speech is best left for a banquet. Start writing an oath a few months before the upcoming celebration, gradually you will be able to make adjustments to it and bring it to the ideal by the time of the wedding.

How to Write the Perfect Wedding Vows for the Groom

Not all men are emotional and romantic, so the speech can get a little dry and boring. To make a beautiful oath in the registry office, the text should be diluted with pleasant words: dear, unique, unique, sweet, charming, divine, etc. Avoid comparisons with relatives, friends, famous personalities (for example, beautiful as Marilyn Monroe). The chosen one should have no doubts that she is the only and the best for you.

Classic vows

Words in the registry office during marriage should be concise, simple, but at the same time sincere and warm. If you want to give a beautiful speech at the moment of solemn marriage, choose small classic vows.

Bride's classic wedding vow

I swear, my dear, to be with you in joy, and in sorrow, and in wealth, and in poverty. I will love you and be faithful until the end of our days. You are the closest person to me. Thank you for having me!

Groom's Romantic Marriage Vow

My dear and only one, meeting you is one of the most wonderful events in my life. Thanks to you, I felt what true love is. My feelings are getting stronger every day. I am ready to throw the whole world at your feet. You are my one and only, unique and most desired. I swear eternal fidelity and love.

The oath of the bride to the groom touching

Beloved - you are the most dear and important person for me, my support, my life, my happiness. I don't know how I lived before, not knowing you, your warmth, your love. Despite any hardships in life, I will always be there for you. My love will never fade away, I want to live with you all my life and meet old age together.

Marriage vow for a beloved wife

My beloved wife, today I solemnly swear that I will be your reliable protection, support, and true friend. I want to walk hand in hand with you all my life and be there for you, no matter what.

Religious wedding vows

For believing newlyweds, religious wedding vows of the bride and groom are suitable. You can pronounce them both in the registry office and during the wedding ceremony in the temple.

Groom's Religious Oath

I have no doubt that the meeting with you was predestined for me by the Lord himself. The fact that you are now next to me is the highest goodness. I swear to love and protect you, my dear wife, from all life's adversities.

Religious oath of the bride

Dear husband, I am grateful to the Lord for helping me meet you. I am ready to go through any difficulties, illnesses and joys with you. I swear to be a faithful, understanding and caring wife. I will always pray for you, my husband, to support and keep the warmth of our family hearth.

Comic vows

Joking promises of the bride and groom are most appropriate during the wedding banquet.

Cool oath of the groom

Dear and only wife, I am ready to carry you in my arms for the rest of my life! Always ready to put up first in quarrels, give flowers on holidays and not only, help with all household chores and even sometimes cook dinner.

Bride's funny wedding vow

My beloved husband, I promise to bring you coffee in bed every day, meet you in the evenings with a delicious dinner, sew up your socks and not switch channels when watching football.

The oath of the bride and groom at the wedding: cool dialogues

A comic oath can be arranged in the form of an interesting dialogue in which the newlyweds will take turns making promises to each other.

Dialogue example:

Groom: I solemnly swear that from now on and forever you are my most important woman in the world, so I don’t even dare to look at other ladies.

Bride: I solemnly swear that I will be a caring wife and learn how to iron shirts.

Groom: I promise to give the entire salary to the penny to the family budget.

Bride: I will cook you the most delicious dishes so that you do not go to eat with your mother.

Groom: From the moment of marriage, I forget about fishing, hunting and bathing.

The oath of the newlyweds is comic - a great opportunity to defuse the situation during the wedding fun.

Oaths from literary works and films

Modern newlyweds love originality and use a ready-made speech from famous literary works or movies as a wedding vow. This is the easiest option - no need to waste time on independent compositions. But, speaking someone else's speech, you leave your main words unsaid, so you should choose this option only in the complete absence of your own ideas.

The oath of the bride and groom in the form of a song

If the newlyweds have good vocal abilities, then why not surprise the audience by performing the wedding vow in song form. To get into rhyme, speech should be written together. Musical accompaniment can be both original and borrowed from the repertoire of popular performers. Perhaps you have your own special song, under which you want to swear fidelity and love to each other. Impressions from such a performance will remain unforgettable!

Impromptu oath

If the thought of giving a beautiful speech at a wedding visited you on the eve of the celebration, when there was absolutely no time left for preparation, make an impromptu. The oath of the bride and groom at the wedding, consisting of the words that first come to mind, can also be original! Those present may not even realize that you are giving a speech without prior preparation.

The oath of the newlyweds, the text of which was not thought out in advance, might be something like this:

  • “In front of all those gathered, I want to swear to you that I will love you and our future children, do everything possible for our happiness and well-being.”
  • “I swear that my fire of love will not go out even after many years. You are my dearest person, to whom I am ready to devote my whole life.

Beautiful words with which you refer to your soulmate are not difficult to find. The main thing is that all confessions come from the heart and be really sincere.

Newlyweds vow

The host addresses the bride: Swear by the arrow of Cupid,
Like Shakespeare's Desdemona
Be a faithful wife to your husband.
Bride: I swear to be his soul.

Leading: You will go with him anywhere!
Bride: Like a Decembrist wife.

Host: Wash dishes, cook food,
And give birth to a baby
Swear to wash his clothes.
Bride: I swear to take my salary.

Leading: To go forever one way,
For you to help him.
Bride: I won’t climb on my husband’s neck,
To love him forever - I swear!

Leading: Bridegroom, since you called yourself a husband,
In family matters - do not be lazy!
Do you understand how the bride needs?
Let's swear too!

Leading: Like an angel, be kind and sweet,
You didn't love anyone like that, did you?
Groom: And I will never fall in love again,
I solemnly swear in front of everyone!

Host: And if something happens,
You are her protector, you are a stronghold!
Groom: I swear to always be a support
And never argue!

Leading: To be together - what happiness,
Understand everything and forgive everything.
Both in weather and in bad weather
Love equally.
Let the festive pattern
Your life will sparkle.
We are left in chorus
Only "Bitter!" tell you!

Bride's vow

Swear always, at any cost,
Be a faithful, devoted wife.

Fashion items swear to buy
And adorn yourself with pearls.

Swear to always be cheerful
Never lose heart!

Swear you get up early
And serve breakfast to my husband.

Husband swear to friends to let go,
For fishing, football, swear not to scold.

Swear to watch serials less often.
And with friends on the phone do not "hang".

Swear to prepare a delicious dinner,
Revealing a special culinary secret.

Manicure and hairstyle swear to do you
So that the spouse sees the standard of beauty.

Swear slowly, slowly.
Have a baby every year.

Swear mother-in-law you respect
Follow her advice.

Groom's oath
The host reads the text, and the bride says “I swear”, or “I don’t want”, “I won’t”.

Swear: from work - immediately home,
Avoid strangers' women.

Swear flowers daily to give,
Husband caring, affectionate to be.

Swear irons and sockets to repair,
You swear to carry heavy bags.

Swear pearls, give diamonds
And bring coffee to bed in the morning.

Swear in the morning to get up to small children -
Give a pacifier, and change a diaper.

Swear to go fishing only with your father-in-law,
Bring the heroic catch home together.

Swear to your wife not to be jealous,
And occasionally bathe in a champagne bath.

Swear never to smoke cigarettes
Swap vodka and beer for sweets.

Swear to give your entire salary to your wife,
And do not scold her for squandering.

Swear that it would be easier for you with your wife,
Always go to your mother-in-law for advice.

Host: And now, dear newlyweds, you need to seal the oath. And at a wedding, the best seal is what? Of course, kiss. Bitterly!

Groom's oath
Are you ready to speak the truth and only the truth? Then look your wife in the eyes and swear!
Do you swear to do all your wife's errands?
Do you swear to kiss your wife in the morning instead of breakfast, in the afternoon instead of dinner, and in the evening before going to bed as a sleeping pill?
Do you swear every day to give your wife not only promises, but also flowers, compliments, gifts?
Do you swear to do all the housework, even in your sleep?
And when you have a child, do you swear to be proud of a happy father and walk important, like a goose?

Swear to control yourself
When he can in three days
Spend all your wife's money!

Groom: I swear! I will not rage, I will leave stash!

Swear you get up early
To give her coffee in bed!

Groom: I swear to walk on tiptoe so as not to wake my wife!

Swear not to offend your wife,
Eat her borscht to the bottom!

Groom: I swear to always take my wife with me to cafes and restaurants!

Swear to love your wife, caress,
Gifts often buy!

Groom: I swear that I will always love my wife, and the best gift for her is Me!

Bride's vow
Are you ready to speak the truth and only the truth? Then look your husband in the eyes and solemnly swear!
Do you swear that at any cost you will be a good and faithful wife?
Do you swear not to blow your lips against your husband, not to let the wind blow on him?
Do you swear to keep your husband from being overweight?
Do you swear to allow your husband to occasionally appear from the bedroom in other rooms?
Do you swear to let your husband go without fear for a long walk ... with a stroller?

Our love shines bright!
Give me more expensive gifts,
And if sometimes I run into a stash ...
I won't take it, my dear... I swear

I will not get tired of waiting for you, dear husband,
But if you come back at night... tired...
I'll deal with you in the morning..
No one can hear us baby... I swear

I swear, dear, I will not be offended by this -
If you lie down after dinner with a newspaper,
I myself will fall on the sofa to you,
We will wash the dishes together ... I swear

Now look us all in the eyes and swear together!
Swear to remember and honor your parents not only when the material crisis comes!
Swear to increase the population of our city by at least two people!
Swear that the doors of your house will always be open for friends!
This oath must be sealed with the seal of joined lips!!!

Standing side by side with a loved one on the threshold of a new life, when in a couple of minutes something will happen that they have been striving for and what they have been waiting for - the sacrament of marriage, each of the young people thinks about many things.

First of all, these are thoughts about how much patience such a handsome and courageous groom will have. How will the character of such a beautiful bride today change ... Everything can happen in the future. But today, the humorous oath of the bride and groom, comic poems and ditties are most welcome. But as they say, each joke carries only a small part of the joke, and the rest is very serious and requires careful attention.

Briefly about the importance of the moment

Cheerful and at the same time solemn moments, when for real, in fact, there is a transition to another, adult life will never be repeated. This is a very important step for the groom, who is taking responsibility for the newly created tiny family. And the most serious moment for the bride, who, together with her hand, conveys to the chosen one everything that she values ​​\u200b\u200band hopes for, her aspirations and dreams. It is at this moment that it becomes so fun and easy in the soul when the wedding host or one of close friends offers to take an oath to the bride and groom with comic promises, questions and answers, in verse or in plain text.

To do this, you should prepare long before the solemn moment and come up with the most interesting and unusual vows, a description of family life and other creative texts.

Nowadays, the scenarios of wedding celebrations are very peculiar, and for each pair of newlyweds, you can write exactly the one that will be unique and unrepeatable. However, it is worth noting that even the most comic vows of the bride and groom or a hint of such an exchange of phrases about future family life have recently been a rarity at the wedding balls of our compatriots.

Traditions of wedding vows

If we take into account that certain promises were not entirely acceptable in our foundations, then the attitude towards them among other peoples is distinguished by a variety of perceptions. Nowadays, the desire for knowledge is universal, so let's look at the main world trends in wedding vows.

Christianity has been and will remain the dominant religion in most European countries for almost a thousand years. The wedding ceremony of the newlyweds in Christianity necessarily takes place in the temple, where they are admonished by the priest. And since this religion categorically rejects the oaths of the groom or bride, in any form, they were completely unacceptable on this solemn day.

The countries of the East are distinguished by somewhat different views on this tradition. For example, for the Japanese, the groom and his beautiful bride, the solemn vow of fidelity and respect all their lives does not belong to the field of humor at all and the promises are absolutely not joking. Moreover, in this highly developed country, the ancient custom remained strictly observed, when, at the conclusion of marriage, the oath of the newlyweds takes place in the presence of all relatives and relatives from both sides. Against the background of the presence of the elders and the most respected people of both clans, the groom's vows are a very serious moment. Especially if we take into account the Japanese traditions of observing norms and morals, then for the bride this moment today, like many centuries ago, remains decisive in life.

No less interesting are the customs of wedding vows in other Asian countries. An Indian wedding is distinguished not only by beauty and brightness, an abundance of music and flowers, joyful smiles of the groom's relatives and a shower of rose petals for the bride. In Hinduism, marriage is equated with the most sacred shrines of morality. Therefore, the newlyweds, according to a tradition that has been established for centuries, take seven steps along the steps of the temple and at each they make a certain promise, the violation of which can be fraught with very serious consequences on the part of society and loved ones.

The adherents of Islam, and this is the entire Middle East and most of Africa, have no promises - comic or in the canons of customs, there are no vows of the bride and groom at all. On this day, during the solemn ceremony, it is customary to listen exclusively to the speeches and parting words of the Muslim priest, who talks about the future family life. For the groom, this may not be the first wedding, but for the young bride, these words become parting words for all the years of family life.

But for a Jewish wedding, with all the commitment of this God-chosen people, a slightly different attitude towards the affirmation of family values ​​is characteristic. Like hundreds of years ago, the oath of allegiance exists exclusively for the Jewish groom. A man undertakes to create everything that Judaism suggests for a faithful girlfriend for life, a beautiful bride standing next to him at this moment. Despite the seeming conservatism of this religion, a woman does not make any promises in any of the celebrations, and even more so - an oath.

Before the adoption of Christianity in some European countries, there was a custom before men went to war, to hold mass wedding festivities. This was a pagan tradition and allowed some way to balance population growth. At such feasts, the lot of the newlyweds - both the groom and the bride, was required to take an oath of mutual fidelity and observance of the rules of respect for the clan or tribe.

Modern wedding and customs

Perhaps the echoes of these ancient foundations have largely influenced the numerous scenarios of wedding celebrations that can be found in large numbers on the Internet. Such oaths and dialogues are especially common in the plots of weddings based on folklore.

With all the variety of ready-made plots and formats for holding a wedding celebration in networks, the choice of such a solution can have several negative qualities. When adapting the finished script for a particular ceremony, congratulations prepared specifically for these newlyweds, poems, jokes and oaths may simply not fit into the main concept. In addition, a similar celebration can be found with friends, at weddings with friends of the groom or bridesmaids. In order to facilitate the creation of a canvas for a beautiful and serious oath, the one who has taken on the duties of a screenwriter must know a few simple rules.

Then everything will be written and pronounced as well as possible. First of all, in a state institution - the registry office, as well as in a temple, it is necessary to pronounce exclusively solemn words and promises that fit into the canonical norms and formats. Here, almost none of the newlyweds have any difficulties. But the oath at the table at the wedding feast, when relatives, friends and girlfriends, good colleagues and neighbors surround - a matter that requires quite a lot of skill.

Features and structure of a joke

So that the groom does not have to be embarrassed and the bride blush when reading the words of a comic oath from a piece of paper, it should be memorable, fun and simple. Usually the storyline of the newlyweds vows contains comic and serious moments. These are the usual and simply memorable parts:

The beginning, in which we will talk about the relationship between those entering into marriage. How dear they are to a partner and how important these relationships are to them.

An accurate and balanced expression of the feelings and emotions of the groom and his bride about this event and further life together.

Making mutual promises for the future, how to distribute roles in the family and how there will be an answer for breaking this oath.

Of course, everything can be stated in poetic form, in the form of improvisation or in a song, ditties. This will make it more fun and relaxed. The surprise at the end of the oath text looks especially touching. The exchange between the newlyweds of cute souvenirs that have a certain meaning for the two of them. Or joint drawing of a coat of arms or a symbol of a newly born family. An amazing moment of any wedding is the doves released from the hands of the bride or balloons with the words of the oath. In any case, this will be the most solemn moment of the wedding after painting and the traditional waltz of the newlyweds.

A little about the word given by the narrowed

In any case, a wedding is one of those moments in life that do not repeat and have no analogues. Even if this wedding is not the first for someone, with the use of such an interesting moment as comic vows, it takes on a completely different shade and semantic load. Humor always brings exceptionally positive emotions and brings novelty and unique coloring to the celebration. However, even the most creative and modern celebration directors, screenwriters and dialogue designers need to remember one very important thing.

The word, like hundreds of years ago, was and remains material. Even in a humorous form, one should not joke too much with the vows of the young on the threshold of a new life. Let them walk along it hand in hand, not meeting potholes, pits and stones on their way for many years in love and understanding. Whether they swear allegiance or not, we simply and with a pure heart wish them happiness.

Traditionally, the ransom is carried out by the bridesmaids and the bridesmaids, and all the arrangements fall on their shoulders. It is they who create cool contests, jokes, come up with questions, and also choose the style or theme of this part of the holiday.

Men, on the other hand, often have nothing to do with tests, but only obediently fulfill them. But, although this part of the celebration belongs to women's entertainment, there is an opportunity to diversify the event - the groom's oath at the ransom. A young man can make this vow either secretly from the girls or at their request.

The groom's oath at the bride price

The groom is the main character in the ransom, so it is natural that he must prove his love. One of these ways is considered a funny oath, which, as it were, is a rehearsal of the one that will be pronounced at the ceremony.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to think in advance what words will be said if the presenters demand a guarantee that their girlfriend will be happy in marriage. To get inspired, you can find the words of the oath on specialized sites, but first you need to decide in what form it will be written. There are two versions of the performance when the groom redeems the bride: in prose or in verse.

It is best to choose a poetic form, because such lines are easier to memorize, which will help in the ransom. The main drawback of prose is that, due to excitement, a young person can forget words or say something wrong.

I chose my wife

I won't give it to anyone now.

I will be a gentle, gullible husband,

I will be loving and faithful.

I promise to hold in my arms

Bring the buns to her for tea.

Grunt the door or break the dishes

I won't at all.

Support and don't forget

I will be a friend and support

Give in in a sudden quarrel.

And bear and happiness with grief.

I promise not to be lazy

And hold a tit in your hands,

Don't chase cranes

And wear flowers to her mother.

Sometimes the oath is pronounced not by the groom, but by the host, while the man must answer that he promises to abide by these rules. A more amusing case is when the groom is told about three possible answers before the vow - I promise, I won’t and I don’t want to.

Is the groom ready to tell only the truth?

Then all those gathered are invited to witness the groom's oath!

Do you promise to love and respect your wife?

Are you ready to listen to it no matter what?

Will you kiss her lovingly in the morning, afternoon and evening?

Are you ready to do all the housework even in your sleep?

And at the birth of children, does he agree to walk important, proud, like a peacock?

Do you swear to keep everything in your hands: children and yourself (when the wife leaves "for 5 minutes" to her friend)?

There is an interesting way to make a vow - to swear to your mother-in-law or father-in-law (if he is a stern man), you can also choose in the opposite direction - mother-in-law and father-in-law.

This method is a logical consequence of the fact that these are the closest people for the girl, they are the most worried about her well-being.

Now I am your brother-in-law,

I promise with a good name and soul,

What will we live with your daughter

Until the wedding golden

I promise my husband to be faithful,

Father for children - systematic.

I promise to visit you

Always invite for holidays.

I'll be quieter fish

And also sew, wash, cook,

And I will not slander about my wife.

I will be an exemplary angel

I beg you to trust me.

I will groom my wife,

I won't be upset at all

And without hiding all the stash

I will give my favorite.

And if he suddenly starts to grumble,

In order to extinguish the feud,

I will quietly demolish everything

Understand, of course, and forgive.

For an oath, it is important to choose the right words, but you should not go into pathos. Important phrases can be diluted with comic allegories that will not let those present get bored.

How to make promise cards for the groom

If there is no desire to make oaths, then promise cards can be used. This is a simpler method to execute, because all the words are already written and accompanied by visual design. But to create them, you will need to spend time with resources.

What words to choose for cards:

  1. Phrases do not have to be serious, most often such postcards contain something funny related to family life. But so that the promises do not seem monotonous, words about love and romance should be added.
  2. Oaths can consist of one line or several, while it is good if a large text is rhymed.
  3. Promises can be directed both to the future wife and her relatives.

In addition to promises, an important element is what design is chosen. The cards can depict what they swear - if it is material.

If the vow refers to something spiritual, then an impersonal drawing should be placed, because such postcards should not contain images of other people, especially women.

Such cards will look vulgar and inappropriate. Examples of phrases that can be written on cards:

  1. Kiss every morning 3 times.
  2. Ready to serve breakfast in bed, on weekends and holidays!
  3. Always go grocery shopping for the week and bring everything on the list!
  4. Going to the cinema, theater or restaurant every week.
  5. I promise to give gifts for no reason, because attention is the key to family happiness!
  6. I swear to learn how to massage and constantly use this skill for its intended purpose.
  7. Let's get a dog - my morning and evening walks!
  8. Cooking mulled wine for my wife in inclement weather.
  9. Striptease is a hard thing - but I'm ready to try for my wife!
  10. I promise to go with her to dance courses or other couples classes!
  11. I swear not to forget to talk about tender feelings.
  12. I will find owners for all selected puppies and kittens.
  13. I swear to accompany you on shopping at the first request (lost my head from love).
  14. I promise to let go with my girlfriends for a walk.
  15. I promise your mom flowers, dad - sweets, the main thing is not to confuse.
  16. I will buy a coat.
  17. Melodramas? I agree!

In addition to phrases, design is also important - all cards should be made in the same style or very similar to each other.

Therefore, if pictures and photographs are used for different promises, then they should be chosen in the same color scheme, complemented by an abstract pattern around the edges.

It should also be remembered that all cards must be in color, with a fairly large font. It is permissible to choose any style of letters - as long as they are easy to read.

Cards are best printed on thin A5 size cardboard, because plain paper will definitely wrinkle and look unpresentable. If the pictures are made in a romantic style, but using different images, then you can tie a satin ribbon on each postcard with a bow.

This method will allow you to combine cards created in different styles into a homogeneous mass.

You should choose what will be depicted on the front side - it can be the words "I swear" or "I promise", or a large picture of what the groom is going to do. On the reverse side, write the phrase itself, and place miniatures of the promise next to it.

In this case, it is desirable that both sides have the same background.. If the font is artsy, then the background should be solid, and if the letters are simple, then abstract patterns can be used for the backdrop.

Such cards can be made by bridesmaids, and the man will buy them or receive them as a fine. Also, cards can be created by the groom together with the witness, then they use them instead of banknotes. But it is important to remember that if you completely replace the money, it will seem that they are trying to save money on the ransom.

Therefore, promises and pay should be alternated, especially since the presenters will try to get as much currency and oaths as possible.

In this video - an interesting oath of the groom at the ransom of the bride:

The promises that the groom makes are a joy for the bride's relatives and friends, because it shows the extent to which the man loves her. And funny oaths demonstrate that a man is not angry, he is able to laugh both at others and at himself. What promise cards would you like to receive?