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Feast of Panteleimon the Healer - what not to do? Orthodox calendar When is the feast of St. Panteleimon in the year

On August 9, all Christians celebrate Panteleimon Day. According to popular belief, on this day Saint Panteleimon the healer endows all plants with powerful healing powers that can relieve any ailment. At dawn on the day of Panteleimon, healers collected medicinal herbs and offered a prayer to the Saint for the healing of the suffering.

Panteleimon (from Greek “all-merciful”) lived in the city of Nicodemus at the end of the 3rd century. – beginning of the 4th century. At that time, Christians were persecuted by pagan Roman emperors, subjected to torture and death.

Panteleimon was born into a rich family. His father was a pagan, and his mother, secretly from everyone, was a Christian. The parents sent the boy to study with the famous doctor Euphrosynus. A distinctive quality of a capable student was a constant search for truth. In addition, he was sympathetic, meek and very wise, so the Christian priest Ermolai told him the gospel teaching.

Once upon a time, young Panteleimon saw a child on the street who was dying from an echidna bite. The guy began to pray to Christ for his salvation. He decided that he would definitely accept faith if his prayer was heard. A miracle happened, the boy survived, and Panteleimon received Baptism.

The young talented healer Panteleimon treated all those who suffered, but, first of all, helped the poor and prisoners. He used herbal decoctions that he collected himself. Soon many learned about the healer and began to come to him asking for help.

The pagan doctors were very jealous of the young doctor and reported to the king that he had betrayed paganism and was healing the afflicted in the name of Christ, while introducing people to Christianity. The Roman Emperor Maximian ordered the young man to be severely punished. Panteleimon was subjected to severe torture; he was required to sacrifice to idols. However, the holy healer Panteleimon, enduring torment, confessed himself to be a Christian. Many of those present, even the executioners themselves, seeing help from above and being convinced of his faith, believed in Christ. Enraged, the emperor ordered the head of the disobedient man to be cut off and his body to be burned at the stake. But the body of the saint, thrown into the fire, remained undamaged. Saint Panteleimon the healer was executed for his faith in 305.

The relics of Saint Panteleimon were spread throughout the world. The head of the martyr, as the main shrine, rests on Mount Athos in the monastery of Greece. Pieces of other relics are kept in many temples around the world.

In the Cathedral of Ravello in Italy there is a capsule with the dried blood of the Saint. It is known that after Panteleimon the healer was beheaded, one of the Christians collected particles of his blood. The blood of Saint Panteleimon in a glass vessel was brought in the 12th century from Byzantium to the city of Ravello, the great martyr and healer Panteleimon, where every year, starting on July 27, it becomes liquid and remains in this state for 6-7 weeks.

On the icon, Panteleimon the healer is depicted with a measuring spoon in his hands and a casket for medicine. He is young, his gaze is full of compassion and love. During his lifetime, the young man performed many miracles. He did not refuse help to anyone, and in the medical field he used both knowledge and soul. After his death, Panteleimon the healer continues to help everyone who believes.

The icon of Panteleimon the healer protects Christians from troubles and illnesses. It helps relieve physical and mental pain. The help and patronage of the icon also extends to military personnel, doctors and sailors. For people whose profession is related to saving other lives, the icon of St. Panteleimon will support and inspire successful work. Pray for yourself, your loved ones and those dear to your heart.

Pray for the living and the deceased. May the Lord be in your thoughts and in your deeds.

God bless and protect you!

Panteleimon the Healer Day is celebrated annually on August 9. This is a fairly respected Christian holiday, which is dedicated to the birthday of Panteleimon the healer. And on this day, solemn prayer services are held in all churches, where people remember the saint and pray for the recovery of their loved ones and acquaintances.

Panteleimon the Healer Day 2017: history of the holiday

Little is known about Saint Panteleimon. But we can say for sure that he was born around the 3rd century and was the son of a famous rich pagan. Panteleimon's father sent him to study medicine, and the guy did very well. Over time, he became one of the best and most respected doctors. A little later, he met the preacher Ermolai, who, by the way, is commemorated on August 8. And it was this man who told Panteleimon about Christianity and converted him into faith.
But Panteleimon probably already believed in Jesus Christ when he asked God for help to heal a seriously ill child. The boy was bitten by a snake, and no medicine helped, then Saint Panteleimon began to pray and a miracle happened. And after this, the healer decides to devote his life to Christianity and serving God.
In the Orthodox Church, Saint Panteleimon is known not only as a healer, he is also considered the patron saint of warriors.

Panteleimon the Healer Day 2017: holiday traditions

Healers believed that August 9 was a wonderful day for collecting a wide variety of medicinal herbs and berries. And in ordinary families, on the day of Panteleimon, it was customary to go to the garden, pick a head of cabbage and bake pies from it.

Panteleimon the Healer Day 2017: what not to do on the holiday

It is believed that on Panteleimon Day you cannot work in the field. People were very afraid of a thunderstorm, which could incinerate anyone who dared to break the ban. By the way, this is why the second name of the holiday is Paliy.

Panteleimon the Healer Day 2017: folk signs

People believe that everyone born on Panteleimon Day has healing abilities and are well versed in medicinal herbs.
If the ants “close” the anthills on this day, it means it will rain.
And if there are a lot of grasshoppers on the street, it means the weather will be clear and good.

Day of Panteleimon the Healer: holiday August 9, 2017. History of the holiday, traditions, prayers to Panteleimon the Healer

On August 9, the Orthodox Christian Church celebrates the day of remembrance of one of the most revered saints - the healer Panteleimon.

The veneration of Saint Panteleimon in the Russian Orthodox Church has been known since the twelfth century, when Prince Izyaslav placed an image of the martyr healer on his combat helmet.

How to pray and what to ask Panteleimon the Healer for

If you want to ask the Great Martyr Panteleimon for your health or the health of your loved ones, to get rid of pain or torment, to heal an illness or disease, read a prayer in front of the image of the saint. There is an akathist to Saint Panteleimon - a collection of prayers. You can turn to the saint for protection and healing in your own words. According to your labors and faith you will be rewarded.

Biography of Saint Panteleimon the Healer

The future healer Panteleimon was born into the noble family of the pagan Eustorgius and the Christian Evvula, in Nicomedia. A city located on the outskirts of Constantinople (Istanbul) on the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara. His mother raised little Pantoleon (which means “a lion throughout”) in Orthodox traditions: love for people and severity towards himself. Evvula left earthly life early. The father tried to give Pantoleon an excellent education and sent his son to study with the then famous doctor Euphrosynus, who treated the king himself.

At this time (303), Elder Ermolai secretly lived in Nicomedia, having survived the burning of 20 thousand Christians in the Nicomedia Church. From the window of his refuge, he more than once saw Pantoleon hurrying to study. One day he called the young man to his place, and they met. The young man took the elder’s instructions about Christ into his heart and often began to visit Ermolai. One day he asked the elder for baptism, telling him how, having decided to test the word of God, he gave new life to a child who had been fatally bitten by a snake. At baptism, Saint Hermolai named him Panteleimon, which means “all-merciful.” And the young man Panteleimon, serving people, began to perform miracles of healing, healing the suffering, the sick, the poor and the poor. When the father saw how Panteleimon healed a blind man in the name of the Lord, he believed and was baptized.

Soon the Roman Emperor Maximian (284-305) learned about the handsome young man who performed miracles of healing and wanted to make him his court doctor. Panteleimon refused. In 305, following a denunciation to the emperor about the treatment of Christian prisoners, Panteleimon appeared before Maximian, who demanded that he renounce his faith. But instead, Panteleimon, with the name of Jesus Christ in front of everyone, healed, as everyone was sure, a hopelessly sick man. This embittered and angered the Roman emperor. He executed the healed man who glorified Christ, and ordered Panteleimon to be tortured. The guards tortured Panteleimon with hot tin for a long time, drowned him, threw him to wild animals, tore his body with iron lances... But Panteleimon never renounced his faith. He repeated to Maximian’s eyes: “To die for Christ is gain for me.” The enraged Maximian ordered Panteleimon to be “executed by beheading with a sword” and his body to be set on fire...

One of the most famous and revered shrines of the Christian world, the blood of the holy great martyr Panteleimon, is kept in the Monastery of the Incarnation of the Lord in Madrid. Throughout the year, blood remains in a solid state, and only on the day of remembrance of the martyrdom of St. Panteleimon on August 9 (July 27 according to the Gregorian calendar), without any human intervention, does it take on a liquid state. This has happened every year since the vial with the blood of St. Panteleimon was brought to the monastery in 1616. This miracle was not repeated during the First World War and in the year the Spanish Civil War began, in 1936.

The Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon the Healer is depicted on Orthodox icons as a young youth in clothes that were traditional for depicting healers - a chiton with golden armlets, a shirt with a golden mantle and a cloak gathered on the chest. On the left shoulder there is a narrow white ribbon, similar to a deacon's orarion. In the right hand there is a martyr's cross, in the left there is a box for medicines, shaped like miraculous relics. When depicting the suffering of Saint Panteleimon, Erminius Dionysius Furnoagrafiot points out: “he was tied to a blooming olive tree and beheaded. Instead of blood, milk flowed from his neck.”

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon for health

(First prayer)

“Oh, great servant of Christ, passion-bearer and much-merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, the sinful servant of God (name), hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may he grant us healing from the cruel the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful of all people. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; may I be healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, with the help of the grace of God, I will be able to spend in repentance and pleasing God, and I will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me the health of my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen."

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon for healing

(Second Prayer)

“O great servant of Christ and glorious healer, Great Martyr Panteleimon! With your soul in Heaven stand before the Throne of God and enjoy His Trinitarian glory, rest in your holy body and face on earth in Divine temples and pour out various miracles from the grace given to you from above, look with your merciful eye on the coming people who are more honest than your icon, tenderly praying and asking for your healing help and intercession: extend your warm prayers to the Lord our God and ask for forgiveness of sins for our souls. prayer to His unapproachable glory in the Divine, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit to you, a merciful intercessor to the Master and a prayer book for us sinners, we call upon you, for you have received grace from Him to drive away illnesses and heal passions. We therefore ask you: do not despise us, unworthy , those who pray to you and require your help. Be a comforter to us in sorrows, a doctor to those who suffer in ill health, a quick patron to those who are in pain, a giver of insight to those who are ill, a ready intercessor and healer for those who are sick and infants in sorrows: intercede for everyone everything that is useful for salvation, as if it were yours Having received grace and mercy through our prayers to the Lord God, let us glorify all the good Source and Giver of God, the One in the Trinity of Holy Ones, the glorified Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer to Healer Panteleimon for the health of the sick

(Third Prayer)

“Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, merciful imitator of God! Look with mercy and hear us, sinners, praying earnestly before your holy icon. Ask us from the Lord God, Who stands with the Angels in heaven, for the forgiveness of our sins and transgressions: heal mental illnesses and the bodily servants of God, now commemorated, those present here and all Orthodox Christians who flow to your intercession: behold, because of our sin, we are fiercely possessed by many ailments and are not imams of help and consolation: we resort to you, for you have given the grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every illness; grant therefore to all of us, through your holy prayers, health and well-being of souls and bodies, progress in faith and piety, and everything necessary for temporary life and salvation, for yes, having been granted great and rich mercies by you, let us glorify you and the Giver "All the good things, marvelous in the saints, our God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer to Panteleimon the Healer for recovery

(Fourth Prayer)

“Oh, glorious martyr and noble warrior of the Heavenly King, the all-blessed Panteleimon, the most eminent imitator of the Merciful God, who boldly confessed Christ on earth and endured manifold torments for Him, unfading you received a crown in heaven, where you enjoyed eternal bliss and boldly stood before the Throne of the Trisolar Deity shi All of us sinners resort to your Christ-like compassion according to God and we all diligently pray to you, our warm intercessor and representative: do not cease to look upon us who are in need and sorrowful circumstances, and with your prayerful help and healing power, always deliver us from cruel evils and all-destructiveness and all other troubles and illnesses. For you, holy one, have received the endless grace of healing from our Savior Jesus Christ for your firm faith in Him, with a pure and immaculate life, sealed by martyrdom and your many-victorious death, in which, by the grace given by you, you are named from Christ Panteleimon, the same-named mercy, who has mercy on all those who come to you in sorrow and illness. For this reason, leading you as a merciful helper and healer to everyone, we call on you with faith, hear us and through your God-pleasing intercession give us everything useful in this life and necessary for eternal salvation. With your martyrdom, beg the Merciful God to have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy, according to His great mercy, and deliver us from cowardice, flood, fire, sword and all righteous anger and reproach, prompting us in good time to cleansing and propitiatory repentance for our sins, for the sake of His many bounties, may He give us all a comfortable, quiet and God-pleasing life, and may His angels protect us all from enemies, visible and invisible, with His grace and invincible militia, protecting and instructing us, may we live in this world in repentance, purity and in creation godly deeds; May we be honored by your warm intercession to achieve a Christian death that is painless, peaceful, and shameless, to get rid of the machinations of the airy princes of darkness and eternal torment, and to be heirs of an endless, all-blessed kingdom. Hey, servant of God! Do not cease to pray for us sinners, yes, through your intercession of temporary and eternal troubles, deliverance, we magnify you, our intercessor and prayer book, and we eternally glorify our common Master and Lord Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer for the recovery of a sick person to Panteleimon the Healer

“Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon! Pray to God for us (names) and do not allow the illnesses with which we hurt in soul and body to remain in us any longer! Heal those ulcers and scabs that were caused to us by our passions. We hurt through laziness and relaxation - heal us. We are sick with attraction and addiction to earthly objects - heal us. We are sick, O Saint Panteleimon! We are sick with forgetfulness: about the work of salvation, about our sins and infirmities, about our responsibilities - heal us. We are sick with resentment, anger, hatred - heal us, about the healing Saint Athos and worldwide. We are sick with dependence, pride, arrogance, exaltation, with all the poverty and lasciviousness - heal us. We are sick with many and different attacks of carnality: gluttony, intemperance, gluttony, voluptuousness - heal us. We are sick with drowsiness, verbosity, idle talk, judgmentalism - heal We, O Saint Panteleimon! Our eyes hurt with sinful views, our ears hurt with listening to idle talk, slander, slander - heal us. Our hands hurt with aversion to praying and giving alms - heal us. Our legs hurt from the reluctance to hastily go to the temple of the Lord and the desire to walk through the haystacks and visit the houses of the world - heal us. Our tongue hurts, our lips hurt greatly: through idle talk, idle talk, slander, turning away from prayers and praises, or pronouncing them carelessly, absent-mindedly, without attention, without understanding - heal us, oh mercy! We hurt from head to toe: our minds hurt with lack of understanding, unreasonableness and madness; Our will hurts, turning away from holy pursuits and striving for deeds that are harmful and ungodly; Our memory hurts, having forgotten our sins and containing within itself the sins and insults of our neighbors; Our imagination hurts, unable and unwilling to vividly imagine to us our death, the eternal torment of sinners, the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, God's wrath, Christ's suffering on the cross, His crucifixion - heal us, O Saint Panteleimon! Everything in us hurts. Our entire soul, with all its strengths and abilities, is also weak. Our whole body with all its members is also weak. Heal us, O Saint Panteleimon, unmercenary and loving Healer, servant of the Most Holy Theotokos, and do not leave our repentance in the great ailments and in the great infirmities: so that, having been healed by your grace, I will glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Most Holy Theotokos, to you sending to serve the sick, and I will thank you, O Saint Panteleimon, the whole-bearing shrine forever. Amen".

Prayer of thanksgiving to Saint Panteleimon for healing

“Holy great martyr, healer and wonderworker Panteleimon, all-time servant of God and a prayer-book of Orthodox Christians! You are worthily named Panteleimon, who is all-merciful, for having received from God the grace to pray for us and to heal illnesses, you richly give various healings to everyone who comes to you and all that is necessary for temporary life and salvation. For this reason, we, unworthy, having been honored with your mercy, again before your holy icon, we resort to you, and glorifying you, as a sincere saint of God, our faithful prayer book and healer, we zealously thank you and Giver of all the blessings of the Lord our God about the great blessings that you have given us from Him. Therefore, mercifully accept this small prayerful thanksgiving of ours, for the imams have not otherwise given you anything according to their inheritance, and for the rest of our life, do not deprive us, weak and sinners, of your help and prayerful intercession with the Lord our God, to whom is due all glory, thanksgiving and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Troparion, voice Z

Passion-bearer of the saints and healer Panteleimon, pray to the Merciful God that he may grant forgiveness of sins to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 5

O imitator of the Merciful and healing grace received from Him, passion-bearer and martyr of Christ God, with your prayers heal our spiritual ailments, drive away the ever-fighting temptations from those who cry out truly: save us, Lord.

We magnify you, the passion-bearing saint and healer Panteleimon, and we honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

Akathist to Saint Panteleimon the Healer

Published 08.08.17 23:57

On August 9, Panteleimon the healer is remembered. On this day, peasants bake pies with cabbage.

What holiday is today: August 9, 2017 marks the church holiday of Panteleimon the Healer

On August 9, the national holiday of Panteleimon the Healer is celebrated. Today the Church remembers the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon (Pantoleon).

Panteleimon was born in Nicomedia and became a doctor. At the beginning of the 4th century, during the time of the “great persecution of Christians,” he met the preacher Ermolai, who opened the young man’s eyes to the true God and baptized him with a new name.

Panteleimon truly believed when he turned to God for help in healing a child bitten by a poisonous snake: child intkbbee miraculously healed. After this, the young doctor decided to devote his life to selfless healing.

Panteleimon's lifestyle brought upon him other doctors who began to write slander against him. As a result, the emperor himself invited him to his place and offered to refute the denunciations, declaring publicly that he was not an adherent of the Christian faith, but the young man would put forward his own conditions: whoever cures a seriously ill patient, a pagan doctor or a Christian doctor, his faith is true. As a result, it was he who won the dispute, and many pagans converted to Christianity. For such a daring act, Panteleimon himself was tied to an olive tree and beheaded.

Saint Panteleimon is revered by the people as a healer and protector of warriors. They also pray to him for relief from the disease.

Today the cabbage heads are curling. However, today it is impossible to work, otherwise it was believed that a thunderstorm would ruin the entire grain harvest.

On this day, pies with cabbage are baked and distributed to children, wanderers and the poor. In the church, ears of corn from the fields are blessed, which are then stored in the house.

Orthodox Christians...

Biography of Saint Panteleimon the Healer

The future healer Panteleimon was born into the noble family of the pagan Eustorgius and the Christian Evvula, in Nicomedia. A city located on the outskirts of Constantinople (Istanbul) on the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara. His mother raised little Pantoleon (which means “a lion throughout”) in Orthodox traditions: love for people and severity towards himself. Evvula left earthly life early. The father tried to give Pantoleon an excellent education and sent his son to study with the then famous doctor Euphrosynus, who treated the king himself.

At this time (303), Elder Ermolai secretly lived in Nicomedia, having survived the burning of 20 thousand Christians in the Nicomedia Church. From the window of his refuge, he more than once saw Pantoleon hurrying to study. One day he called the young man to his place, and they met. The young man took the elder’s instructions about Christ into his heart and often began to visit Ermolai. One day he asked the elder for baptism, telling him how, having decided to test the word of God, he gave new life to a child who had been fatally bitten by a snake. At baptism, Saint Hermolai named him Panteleimon, which means “all-merciful.” And the young man Panteleimon, serving people, began to perform miracles of healing, healing the suffering, the sick, the poor and the poor. When the father saw how Panteleimon healed a blind man in the name of the Lord, he believed and was baptized.

Soon the Roman Emperor Maximian (284-305) learned about the handsome young man who performed miracles of healing and wanted to make him his court doctor. Panteleimon refused. In 305, following a denunciation to the emperor about the treatment of Christian prisoners, Panteleimon appeared before Maximian, who demanded that he renounce his faith. But instead, Panteleimon, with the name of Jesus Christ in front of everyone, healed, as everyone was sure, a hopelessly sick man. This embittered and angered the Roman emperor. He executed the healed man who glorified Christ, and ordered Panteleimon to be tortured. The guards tortured Panteleimon with hot tin for a long time, drowned him, threw him to wild animals, tore his body with iron lances... But Panteleimon never renounced his faith. He repeated to Maximian’s eyes: “To die for Christ is gain for me.” The enraged Maximian ordered Panteleimon to be “executed by beheading with a sword” and his body to be set on fire...

One of the most famous and revered shrines of the Christian world, the blood of the holy great martyr Panteleimon, is kept in the Monastery of the Incarnation of the Lord in Madrid. Throughout the year, blood remains in a solid state, and only on the day of remembrance of the martyrdom of St. Panteleimon on August 9 (July 27 according to the Gregorian calendar), without any human intervention, does it take on a liquid state. This has happened every year since the vial with the blood of St. Panteleimon was brought to the monastery in 1616. This miracle was not repeated during the First World War and in the year the Spanish Civil War began, in 1936.

What do they ask Panteleimon the Healer for?

In front of the icon of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, they pray for the health of themselves and their loved ones, for deliverance from pain or torment, for the healing of an illness or disease.

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon for health

“Oh, great servant of Christ, passion-bearer and much-merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, the sinful servant of God (name), hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may he grant us healing from the cruel the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful of all people. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; may I be healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, with the help of the grace of God, I will be able to spend in repentance and pleasing God, and I will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me the health of my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen."

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon for healing

“O great servant of Christ and glorious healer, Great Martyr Panteleimon! With your soul in Heaven stand before the Throne of God and enjoy His Trinitarian glory, rest in your holy body and face on earth in Divine temples and pour out various miracles from the grace given to you from above, look with your merciful eye on the coming people who are more honest than your icon, tenderly praying and asking for your healing help and intercession: extend your warm prayers to the Lord our God and ask for forgiveness of sins for our souls. prayer to His unapproachable glory in the Divine, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit to you, a merciful intercessor to the Master and a prayer book for us sinners, we call upon you, for you have received grace from Him to drive away illnesses and heal passions. We therefore ask you: do not despise us, unworthy , those who pray to you and require your help. Be a comforter to us in sorrows, a doctor to those who suffer in ill health, a quick patron to those who are in pain, a giver of insight to those who are ill, a ready intercessor and healer for those who are sick and infants in sorrows: intercede for everyone everything that is useful for salvation, as if it were yours Having received grace and mercy through our prayers to the Lord God, let us glorify all the good Source and Giver of God, the One in the Trinity of Holy Ones, the glorified Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer to Panteleimon the Healer for recovery

“Oh, glorious martyr and noble warrior of the Heavenly King, the all-blessed Panteleimon, the most eminent imitator of the Merciful God, who boldly confessed Christ on earth and endured manifold torments for Him, unfading you received a crown in heaven, where you enjoyed eternal bliss and boldly stood before the Throne of the Trisolar Deity shi All of us sinners resort to your Christ-like compassion according to God and we all diligently pray to you, our warm intercessor and representative: do not cease to look upon us who are in need and sorrowful circumstances, and with your prayerful help and healing power, always deliver us from cruel evils and all-destructiveness and all other troubles and illnesses. For you, holy one, have received the endless grace of healing from our Savior Jesus Christ for your firm faith in Him, with a pure and immaculate life, sealed by martyrdom and your many-victorious death, in which, by the grace given by you, you are named from Christ Panteleimon, the same-named mercy, who has mercy on all those who come to you in sorrow and illness. For this reason, leading you as a merciful helper and healer to everyone, we call on you with faith, hear us and through your God-pleasing intercession give us everything useful in this life and necessary for eternal salvation. With your martyrdom, beg the Merciful God to have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy, according to His great mercy, and deliver us from cowardice, flood, fire, sword and all righteous anger and reproach, prompting us in good time to cleansing and propitiatory repentance for our sins, for the sake of His many bounties, may He give us all a comfortable, quiet and God-pleasing life, and may His angels protect us all from enemies, visible and invisible, with His grace and invincible militia, protecting and instructing us, may we live in this world in repentance, purity and in creation godly deeds; May we be honored by your warm intercession to achieve a Christian death that is painless, peaceful, and shameless, to get rid of the machinations of the airy princes of darkness and eternal torment, and to be heirs of an endless, all-blessed kingdom. Hey, servant of God! Do not cease to pray for us sinners, yes, through your intercession of temporary and eternal troubles, deliverance, we magnify you, our intercessor and prayer book, and we eternally glorify our common Master and Lord Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

JoeInfoMedia journalist Marina Korneva reminds, as we wrote earlier, of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.