
How to enter a sports university? All about higher sports education Higher education with a sports focus

There are not many sports universities in the Russian Federation, but our country can be proud of the personnel they produce. Because sport is one of the areas in which Russia is in no way inferior to the best world powers.

Features of training

There are many specific differences between training in the field and in comparison with most other areas of higher education. And not only and not so much because they devote a significant share of time and effort to physical culture. The main difference is in the training program for those who, upon graduation, will have to teach their students to “jump above their heads.” After all, people most often come to sports at a very young age. And what kind of coach these boys and girls turn out to be will determine whether they will grow up to be ordinary people - or new Alexander Karelins and Elena Isinbayevs.

As for professional sports training itself, in leading universities the number of major sports reaches 30 in one university. From common and popular football and hockey to much rarer types: Kyokushinkai karate and parachuting.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standard, training plans of sports universities contain:

TOP 10

Among the 25 universities (including their branches), for which physical education and sports are the only profile, as well as another 48 higher educational institutions with sports departments, the best should be called not only those from whose walls the largest number of famous record holders and their trainers. But also those who trained world-famous sports doctors, contributed to the massive spread of sports tourism, or compiled educational and methodological literature that contributed to the popularization of a healthy lifestyle in our country.

In this case, the palm of presence in the TOP 10 will have to be given to:

  1. (which is a branch of the Kirov Military Medical Academy).
  2. (Kazan);
  3. (Krasnodar city);
  4. , Rostov-on-Don;
  5. Siberian State University of Sports and Physical Culture (Novosibirsk);

These universities have already educated and graduated hundreds of doctors of science, famous coaches, current players of NHL teams, St. Petersburg Zenit, champions of the Youth World Hockey Championship and many other people famous in the world of sports.

Quality of training

In general, the quality of education in sports universities in Russia can be called satisfactory - although in top universities its level is much higher. The reason for this is trivial - insufficient funding, which “leads” the best teachers to prestigious universities in the country or abroad. Nevertheless, the training of future specialists in the most popular specialty - physical education teacher - is quite sufficient. True, it is difficult to classify it as a prestigious sports profession - for the reasons stated above.

The most popular specialties (bachelor's degree)

In the question of the most prestigious specialties, the specifics of the faculty play a large role - since, again, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, the specialties of future bachelors in diplomas are too generalized, and there are only three options: teacher, educational psychologist and manager of physical culture and sports. But the faculties of professional and Olympic sports prepare teachers (and, in fact, coaches) at a completely different level than less prestigious faculties - especially in provincial institutes.

As a result, in this context it is more correct to talk not about specialties, but about professions - and in a certain sports field (since funding and salaries in different sports also vary greatly). And the most prestigious in the ranking will be:

  • managers in the above-mentioned field of professional and Olympic sports;
  • coaches (in the same field) of high-budget and rated sports, such as tennis, hockey, football and some others;
  • medical specialists in the field of physical rehabilitation.
  • managers in the field of sports tourism;
  • valeology specialists.

Study prospects

The prospects for graduating students are related to the popularity of the professions mentioned in the previous section. Because the coach of a major league football team can hardly stand on the same level as a physical education teacher in a village school.

Higher sports education stands somewhat apart from others. Because, in addition to physical education teachers and coaches, it also nurtures athletes - the pride of any nation.

In addition, it should be understood that in universities of physical education and sports they teach not only how to run, swim or shoot (or how to subsequently teach this to their students). The most important subjects for a future teacher or coach are psychology, management, pedagogy, anatomy, sociology, jurisprudence and others that relate not so much to a person’s physical development as to his psychological state. Because not a single sporting achievement - even the most insignificant - can be achieved without the appropriate attitude. And this is precisely the purpose of the future physical education teacher, coach or specialists developing the scientific foundations of physical education, sports, sports tourism and even the rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities.

Sports specialties

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, there are, by and large, not many sports specialties - there are (enlarged) only 3 of them - teachers (coaches), educational psychologists and physical education and sports managers. In this regard, it would be more correct to compile the popularity rating according to sports professions that a higher sports education can provide, and in this case the TOP 5 would look something like this:

  • manager in the system of Olympic and professional sports (graduated from the faculty of the same name);
  • coach-teacher (in the same system) - especially in such rated and high-budget sports as football, hockey, tennis and some others;
  • valeology specialist;
  • manager in the field of sports tourism;
  • doctor in the field of physical rehabilitation.

Where to get it

Today, there are 25 tourism and tourism (f.c.i.s.) operating in the Russian Federation - including branches:

In addition, there are also dozens of separate faculties at pedagogical and military universities - such as, for example, the Faculty of Physical Sciences at the Siberian State Aerospace Institute.

According to the new Federal State Educational Standard, the curricula of sports universities include:

  • humanitarian-social-economic cycle (of course, with a basic and variable part), including hours in history, philosophy, economic theory, political science, psychology, foreign language, etc.);
  • natural science cycle (with training in computer science, natural science fundamentals of physical science and science, sports metrology, etc.);
  • professional cycle (anatomy, human biochemistry, pedagogy and management of physical education, methodology and theory of the chosen sport, physical therapy and massage, etc.);
  • and, finally, practical classes in several sports chosen by the student).

Forms of training

Education in sports universities, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Sports, is carried out both on a budgetary and paid basis. As for full-time, part-time, evening and distance learning, everything depends on the specifics of the university and the chosen specialty.

Second higher

There are no restrictions for obtaining a second higher education in sports (and this is a very common phenomenon in sports) - the only difference from obtaining the first is the absence of a free basis.

Sports universities in Moscow

Searching results:
(establishments found: 5 )


10 20 30

    The Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is a specialized strategic university training officers of the Russian army, FSB employees, border guards and special forces.

    Institute of Finance, Economics and Law of Reserve Officers- this is one that focuses its activities in the field of professional retraining, additional education, higher education and employment of military personnel, reserve officers and their families.

    Specialties: 5 Cost: from 36,000

    The Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is a specialized university of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, which trains officers for professional service.

    Specialties: 3 Cost:

    The Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture has been operating since 1976. This university has raised more than one generation of athletes who have become European and world champions in various sports.

    Specialties: 0 Cost:

    The Moscow Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is a state university that trains professional personnel for the border service.

    Specialties: 4 Cost:

Sports universities in Moscow, ranking of sports universities with budget places 2019

Sports universities prepare specialists to work with young athletes and for organizational activities in the development of sports, holding sporting events and competitions. The institutes produce highly qualified trainers and methodologists to create training programs for athletes of various sports. Behind every athlete’s victory is the work of a huge number of coaches and service teams. The coach must take into account all the features of the competition site, the athlete’s biological rhythms, be able to assess the athlete’s abilities and make informed decisions. He is required to make instant decisions that can affect the course of the competition. The work of the service team is also important; a lot depends on the quality of preparation of the equipment and the athlete’s form.

Chemists and biologists solve a significant part in sports. The preparation of special lubricants falls on the shoulders of special chemists, who have to take into account the various conditions of the competition and temperature changes of the projectiles. Doctors have to develop special tablets that will not have steroid effects on the athlete’s body. At the same time, personal physicians need to look for the line between the effectiveness of drugs and legal influences. These and other subtleties of sports can be learned at universities.

Sports institutes

One of the largest in this sector is RGUFKSMIT. This institute will allow you to receive an education that will allow you to find a job not only in the sports industry, but also in related ones. So the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations will allow you to get a job in the media as a sports observer or commentator. A quality education will provide the necessary knowledge and skills for a successful career. Famous sports commentators enjoy popular love no less than Olympic champions. In addition, they receive large fees for their activities and travel around the world, attending major competitions.

The country demands high results from its athletes at the World Championships and Olympic Games, and for victories it needs well-educated personnel. Therefore, sports institutes carry out important work to educate sports coaches, chemists, doctors and other specialists. It is impossible to imagine any major event without advertising, lobbying and organizational activities. These educational institutions train sports officials who seek to hold competitions on Russian territory and successfully organize sports festivals for the whole world.

Sports education

The main thing is to correctly decide on the choice of profession and choose the appropriate institute. Whether you want to be a sports chemist, biologist, coach or official is up to you. All that remains is to feel a calling and conscientiously study at a higher educational institution. Some large sports clubs organize their own schools and institutes where they train personnel for themselves. It may be worth thinking about connecting your career with a specific organization and getting an education in its programs.

Russia needs sporting achievements, so join the sports movement, become its various parts. There are no victories without preparation; lay the foundation for future Russian triumphs by enrolling in the best sports universities in Russia.

Sports competitions and the Olympic Games are an integral part of people's lives in any state. And our country is no exception. In the modern world, the results of an athlete’s professional activity are influenced by those individuals about whom little is known, but on whom the career of a professional in this field largely depends.

And today we will talk about specialists who manage institutions in this area of ​​our lives.

What is sports management? What are its distinctive features?

In the labor market, there is a concept that denotes the function of a manager, administrator of a company or several enterprises. This is the definition of management. It involves management in different areas of life.

Management in the sports industry is an administrative activity whose object is sports enterprises and associations. The leader in this area performs those functions that ensure the effective operation of sports companies and groups of people. Therefore, the management of such organizations can be considered the subject of sports management.

Such work requires knowledge of theory and practice and special education in this field. Sports managers may have varying degrees of qualifications; in the course of their activities they can solve issues of varying complexity.

But the responsibility of each of them is to solve administrative, organizational and financial tasks related to the work of athletes, so that the latter are engaged only in training and preparation for competitions.

History of the profession

Today, work in sports management is extremely in demand and well paid.

This is an ancient profession. Its first representatives arose in ancient times, when gladiator competitions were held in sports arenas. But this specialty was finally formed in the nineteenth century, when the sports industry began to actively develop, and athletes needed a person who would solve various organizational issues, negotiate with enterprises, groups, and associations; with media representatives who published articles about athletes.

In the 20th century, during the existence of the Soviet Union, managers were filled by retired military personnel and former workers in physical education and sports. But today, to carry out this activity, other professionals are in demand in the labor market - younger, capable of quick adaptation and who have undergone special training in higher educational institutions.

Basic functions of sports management. Required skills

Today, this specialty has a complex structure and is divided into different types of activities (depending on the type of sport).

Unfortunately, in Russia, management in the sports industry is only at the initial stage of its formation. In many other countries this area is already quite well developed.

What kind of activities does the sports management specialty involve?

First of all, such an employee takes part in holding (city, regional, etc.), as well as Olympic games and international competitions.

In addition, the sports manager himself develops and manages various sports events. And finally, a specialist in this field participates in the selection of athletes and the creation of ticket programs, builds business plans and implements them.

Like any employee, a sports manager needs special skills to carry out his functions, for example, he should:

  1. Have an understanding of modern information technologies.
  2. Be able to speak foreign languages ​​(for example, English).
  3. Manage the activities of a company or group of people.
  4. Have knowledge in the field of marketing.
  5. Know the basic rules and laws of sports competitions to effectively manage this process.

Today, our country is developing a number of criteria by which it will be possible to determine the necessary professional qualities for workers in this field. A lot of effort was spent on building facilities and negotiating with foreign partners in order to organize competitions on the territory of our country.

For effective training of personnel, departments were created at universities. And in the following sections we will talk about sports management universities in Moscow. Let's take a closer look at the most famous establishments.

Moscow Academy of Physical Culture. general information

This educational institution was created in 1931 and has undergone significant changes throughout its existence. The founders of the organization are considered to be employees of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

The Academy is located at the address: Moscow region, Lyubertsy district, Malakhovka village, building 33 on Shosseinaya street.

The organization consists of many divisions, it includes:

  1. Department of Physical Education and Sports Medicine.
  2. Division of theory and methods of gymnastics.
  3. Department of Athletics.
  4. Wrestling department.
  5. Department of Team Sports.
  6. Division of Management and History of Physical Education.
  7. Department of Anatomy.
  8. Department of Computer Science and Mechanics.
  9. Linguistic department.
  10. Department of Psychology.
  11. Pedagogical department.
  12. Department of Philosophy.

The institution also offers classes for professional development; Work is carried out at a research institute and training for a master's degree.

Areas of training

This sports management program trains specialists in the following areas:

  1. Physical training.
  2. Physical education for people with disabilities.
  3. Education in the field of pedagogy and psychology.
  4. Sports management.

The academy also conducts classes for applicants. University teachers with scientific degrees prepare young people for passing entrance exams and for admission.

For this purpose, applicants must attend classes in the following academic subjects:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Biology.
  3. Physical training.

Preparatory courses last about eight months, their total cost is forty thousand rubles.

Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sports

This also trains specialists in the field of sports management.

The organization was founded on September 28, 1999, and it is one of the most famous universities in the capital.

Among the institution’s graduates there are even winners of international competitions. The founder of this institute is Nikolai Krasnov.

Teaching activities for personnel training are carried out by experienced and highly qualified teachers.

The institute is equipped with modern equipment, there are PCs in the classrooms, and the institution also has a gym, a hall for gymnastics and team games.

This Moscow university in sports management consists of several buildings. Its divisions can be found at the following addresses: 14th Parkovaya Street, 8; 14th Parkovaya street, 6; Tashkentskaya street, 26, building 1, building 2.

Divisions and areas of specialist training

The Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sports consists of the following departments:

  1. Department of Management.
  2. Division of Humanities and Sciences.
  3. Department of Psychology and Education.
  4. Division of theory and methods of physical education.

The institute provides training in the following areas:

  1. Physical Culture.
  2. Sports management.

This university also pays great attention to scientific activities, which are aimed at improving the level of knowledge and skills of students and their acquisition of new skills in the process of such work.

Research activities

The main goals of scientific work at a university include:

  1. The use of computer technology in sports management.
  2. Development of management methods in the field of physical education and sports.
  3. Application of innovative pedagogical methods for training qualified personnel.
  4. Providing effective physical education in educational institutions of various levels (kindergartens, schools, technical schools, universities).
  5. Psychological and personal training of future sports managers, development in the process of training of personal qualities necessary for future work.

Conclusions on the topic

So, you have become acquainted with some Moscow universities in sports management. But these educational institutions are not the only ones of their kind. A similar specialty can be obtained, for example, at the Faculty of Sports Management of Moscow State University.

The problem is that although education in this field is available today, the knowledge of professionals often does not match the expectations of the HR employees they turn to for employment. Thanks to career guidance activities carried out by company representatives, university graduates have a broader understanding of the specialty of sports management.

Students also read information about this phenomenon on the Internet and undergo internships at companies to acquire useful skills.

Often, personnel department employees of companies that require sports managers inform young professionals about vacancies and offer their employment services.