English language

Medical staff work schedule. How long does it take to work? Features of the application of standards

2. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, must provide clarifications on the application of this Resolution.

Judicial practice and legislation - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003 N 101 (as amended on December 24, 2014) “On the working hours of medical workers depending on their position and (or) specialty”

3.1. For medical workers, in accordance with Article 350 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a reduced working time of no more than 39 hours per week is established. Depending on the position and (or) specialty, the working hours of medical workers are determined in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003 N 101 “On the working hours of medical workers depending on their position and (or) specialty,” other regulatory legal acts in force to the extent that they do not contradict the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Question: Based on the Decree of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2003 No. 101, Appendix 2 establishes a 33-hour work week for employees of dental institutions. But this list does not include the position of a dental surgeon or medical doctor. sisters. On the basis of what document is the working time for these positions established?

Answer: In accordance with Article 350 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a reduced working time of no more than 39 hours per week is established for medical workers. And further it is stated that, depending on the position and (or) specialty, the working hours of medical workers are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The working hours of medical workers are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003. No. 101 “On the working hours of medical workers depending on their position and (or) specialty.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 101 consists of three appendices, each of which groups lists of positions and (or) specialties of medical workers and the corresponding number of working hours per week, more than which medical workers subject to a particular appendix cannot work. Thus, Appendix No. 1 provides a list of positions and (or) specialties of medical workers for which a 36-hour work week is established. Appendix No. 2 provides a list of positions and (or) specialties of medical workers for which a 33-hour work week is established. This list includes medical workers of treatment and preventive organizations, institutions (polyclinics, outpatient clinics, dispensaries, medical centers, stations, departments, offices); physiotherapeutic treatment and preventive organizations, institutions, departments, offices; dental treatment and preventive organizations, institutions (departments, offices). Appendix No. 3 provides a list of positions and (or) specialties of medical workers for which a 30-hour work week is established. This list also includes medical workers performing work related to radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003 No. 101, the working hours of the following medical workers in dental clinics (departments, offices) are 33 hours per week:

  • Dentist;
  • Orthopedic dentist;
  • Dentist-orthodontist;
  • Children's dentist;
  • Dentist-therapist;
  • Dentist;
  • Dental technician (except dentist-surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon).

The articles specified in this paragraph dentists-surgeons are also not included in other annexes of this Resolution that establish other reduced working hours. Thus, the working hours of dental surgeons are, in accordance with Art. 350 Labor Code of the Russian Federation 39 hours a week. The issue with other positions and (or) professions of medical workers in dental clinics (departments, offices) should be resolved in a similar way. Thus, if any positions and (or) professions of medical workers working in a dental clinic (department, office) are not included in Appendices No. 1-3 of the Resolution, then for this category of workers the working hours should be established in accordance with Art. 350 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, that is, 39 hours a week.

The establishment by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation of certain features of the legal regulation of labor relations of medical workers is due to the specifics of their work activity, which is associated with high responsibility for the life and health of the patient. This presupposes extensive specialized knowledge and practical skills and requires significant emotional and, in some cases, physical stress.

Certain features are related to working time and rest time, since due to the increased complexity and intensity of the work process, there is a need to provide doctors with longer time to rest and restore strength and performance.

M.A. Bocharnikova, scientific. employee of the department of labor and social security legislation of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

  • Shortened working hours
  • Home duty
  • Features of part-time work for medical workers

One of the features of the legal regulation of the labor of healthcare workers is the establishment of reduced working hours. According to the general rule provided for in Art. 350 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the working hours of all medical workers without exception should not exceed 39 hours per week.

Norms for reducing working hours for certain categories of healthcare workers are also established by some special federal laws. Thus, certain categories of medical workers engaged in work with chemical weapons are provided with a 24-hour and 36-hour working week (depending on the group of work) in accordance with Art. 5 of the Federal Law of 07.11.00 No. 136-FZ "On the social protection of citizens engaged in work with chemical weapons." List of positions (professions) of employees of healthcare institutions engaged in work with chemical weapons provided for in Part 2 (first group of work) and Part 3 (second group of work) of Art. 1 of the said Federal Law, approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Health No. 386 and the Russian Munitions Agency No. 714 dated 12/19/02.

The working hours of medical workers directly involved in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care are being reduced (Article 15 of the Federal Law of June 18, 2001 No. 77-FZ “On Preventing the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation”), as well as healthcare workers at risk of contracting the human immunodeficiency virus when performance of their official duties (Article 22 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1995 No. 38-FZ “On preventing the spread of the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection) in the Russian Federation”).

The specific duration of the reduced working time for medical workers is differentiated depending on the type and specificity of the work, the degree of harmfulness and danger of the conditions in which it is carried out, and is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2003 No. 101 “On the duration of working time for medical workers depending on the occupation their positions and (or) specialties" (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution of 02.14.03). However, it lists only those workers whose working hours are less than 39 hours per week due to work in unfavorable conditions.

In accordance with this resolution, a 36-hour working week is established, in particular:

− doctors, including doctors - heads of structural units (except for a doctor-statistician), middle (except for a medical archive registrar, medical statistics) and junior medical staff of infectious diseases hospitals, departments, wards, offices, dermatovenerological dispensaries, departments, offices providing medical care and patient care;

− doctors, including heads of structural units (except for doctor-statisticians), mid-level and junior medical staff of leper colonies;

− doctors, including heads of department, office (except for a statistician), mid-level (except for a medical archive registrar, medical statistician) and junior medical staff of psychiatric (psychoneurological), neurosurgical, drug treatment and prevention organizations, institutions, departments, wards and offices (including children's rooms) that work directly to provide medical care and serve patients;

− senior doctors of emergency medical care stations (departments), ambulance and emergency medical care stations (departments) in Moscow and St. Petersburg; paramedics or nurses for receiving calls and transferring them to the visiting team of an ambulance station (department), ambulance and emergency medical care station (department) in Moscow and St. Petersburg, psychiatrists, paramedical and junior medical personnel engaged in work to provide medical assistance and evacuation of citizens suffering from mental illness, as well as paramedical and junior medical personnel performing work directly on the evacuation of infectious patients from emergency medical care stations (departments), ambulance and emergency medical care stations (departments), departments of on-site emergency and advisory medical care regional, regional and republican hospitals;

− certain categories of medical workers of organizations of the state sanitary and epidemiological service, including epidemiologists, virologists, bacteriologists, paramedical and junior medical personnel working directly with live cultures (infected animals), as well as doctors, paramedics and junior medical personnel working in the department of especially dangerous infections, as well as some other categories of medical workers of certain organizations and healthcare institutions.

A working week of 33 hours is provided for doctors of medical and preventive organizations, institutions (polyclinics, outpatient clinics, dispensaries, medical centers, stations, departments, offices) who conduct exclusively outpatient visits to patients, doctors and nursing staff of physiotherapy treatment and preventive organizations, institutions (departments, offices) working full time on medical generators of ultra-short wave frequency (UHF) with a power of over 200 W, dentists, orthopedic dentists, orthodontists, pediatric dentists, dental therapists, dental doctors, dental technicians (except for dental surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons), dental treatment and preventive organizations, institutions (departments, offices).

The list of positions, the occupation of which is associated with the danger of infection with the tuberculosis pathogen, giving the right to additional paid leave, a 30-hour work week and additional wages in connection with harmful working conditions, was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 225, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 194, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 363, Ministry of Justice of Russia No. 126, Ministry of Education of Russia No. 2330, Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 777, Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation No. 292 dated 05.30.03

A 30-hour working week is established for doctors, including doctors - heads of an institution (department, office, laboratory), nursing staff of tuberculosis (anti-tuberculosis) healthcare organizations and their structural divisions.

In addition, a 30-hour work week is provided for doctors, including doctors - heads of departments, laboratories, for mid-level and junior medical staff of pathological and anatomical departments of bureaus (institutes), departments, laboratories, autopsy rooms, morgues, carrying out work, directly related to corpses and cadaveric material, for doctors and paramedical personnel whose work is directly related to x-ray diagnostics, fluorography, for nurses in x-ray, fluorography rooms and installations who perform at least half of the working day work directly related to assisting the doctor in the implementation of work on x-ray diagnostics, fluorography, on an x-ray therapy unit with visual control and for some other categories of medical workers of certain organizations and healthcare institutions.

A 24-hour work week is provided for by the Decree of February 14, 2003 for medical workers who directly carry out gamma therapy and experimental gamma irradiation with gamma drugs in radiomanipulation rooms and laboratories.

A shortened working day for certain groups of healthcare workers who carry out their work in unfavorable working conditions is also provided for by the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shortened working day, approved. Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions dated October 25, 1974 No. 298/P-22, currently in force in accordance with the rules provided for in Art. 423 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to clause 9 of the Instructions for use of the List, approved. State Labor Committee of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions on November 21, 1975, in force insofar as it does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, working hours are reduced on those days when workers are actually engaged in hazardous working conditions for at least half of the working day for the duration established by the List for a given production, workshop, profession or positions. It should be especially emphasized that most of the categories of medical workers indicated in the List are included in the resolution dated February 14, 2003.

The current legislation also provides for other cases of reducing the working hours of certain categories of medical workers. Thus, a 6-hour working day (36 hours per week) is established for nurses involved in raising children under 3 years of age, in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 12, 1984 No. 317 “On further improvement of public preschool education and preparation of children for learning at school."

“Home duty” means the readiness of a healthcare worker, if necessary, to urgently arrive at the appropriate facility to provide medical care.

Among the features of the legal regulation of the working hours of medical workers, special mention should be made of one of the features associated with the working hours, namely the possibility of involving certain categories of doctors on duty, and in particular on “duty at home”.

“Duty at home” can be introduced for doctors and nursing staff of healthcare institutions, as provided for in clause 7.1 of the Regulations on remuneration of healthcare workers in the Russian Federation, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 15, 1999 No. 377.

These duties are introduced within the balance of working hours of the relevant employees for the accounting period, usually monthly, for the main position and part-time position.

In some cases, like exception, these duties can be introduced with the consent of the employee and outside the normal working hours both for main and part-time positions.

Note! "Home duty" cannot be considered overtime work

The specifics of “home duty” are reflected in the special procedure for recording working time. Time spent on “home duty,” both during the day and at night, is counted as half an hour for each hour of duty.

If an employee is called to an institution, the time spent providing medical care is paid based on the official salary of a doctor or paramedical worker for the hours actually worked, taking into account travel time.

Additional payment for night work is made only for the actual time spent on providing medical care, taking into account travel time.

One of the features of the legal regulation of working hours for doctors is the introduction of special rules regarding part-time work, which is due to the shortage of medical personnel (especially nursing and junior medical personnel) in many organizations and healthcare institutions.

The features of part-time work for medical workers are defined in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 06/30/03 No. 41 “On the features of part-time work for teaching, medical, pharmaceutical workers and cultural workers”, issued in pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/04/03 No. 197 “On the features of work part-time teaching, medical, pharmaceutical and cultural workers."

Medical workers have the right to carry out part-time work, that is, to perform other regular paid work under the terms of an employment contract in their free time from their main job at the place of their main job or in other organizations, including in a similar position, specialty, profession, while according to the general rule provided for in Art. 98 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, internal part-time work is allowed only under another employment contract for a different profession, specialty or position.


The Moscow city healthcare system currently employs 40,721 doctors, the number of paramedical personnel is 73,433, junior medical personnel - 118,593 people.

The situation with medical personnel continues to remain tense. The staffing of medical institutions with medical staff is 85.5% with a high part-time ratio of 1.4; nursing staff also 85.4% with an even higher part-time ratio of 1.5.

Currently, the shortage of medical personnel in the urban healthcare sector is: for doctors - 21,704 individuals, for paramedical personnel - 42,042, for junior medical personnel - 39,675 individuals.

Part-time work is also permitted for medical workers in cases where reduced working hours are established (with the exception of work for which sanitary and hygienic restrictions are established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation).

The duration of part-time work for medical and pharmaceutical workers during a month is established by agreement between the employee and the employer and for each employment contract cannot exceed half of the monthly working time rate, calculated from the established duration of the working week. Thus, with a 39-hour work week, the duration of part-time work for health care workers cannot be more than 19.5 hours per week, with a 36-hour work week - 18 hours per week, and with a 33-hour work week - 16.5 hours per week, while according to the general norm provided for in Art. 98 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for all persons who have entered into an employment contract, work outside the normal duration cannot exceed 4 hours a day and 16 hours a week.

For medical and pharmaceutical workers whose half of the monthly working time for their main job is less than 16 hours per week (i.e. for workers who are provided with a 30-hour and 24-hour work week), the duration of part-time work cannot exceed 16 hours of work per week.

For doctors and paramedical personnel in cities, districts and other municipalities where there is a shortage, the duration of part-time work cannot exceed the monthly standard of working time, calculated from the established length of the working week. At the same time, the duration of part-time work for specific positions in institutions and other organizations of federal subordination is established in the manner determined by federal executive authorities, and in institutions and other organizations under the jurisdiction of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments - in the manner determined by state bodies authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments.

For junior medical and pharmaceutical personnel, the duration of part-time work cannot exceed the monthly standard working time, calculated from the established length of the working week.

This resolution also defines types of work that for medical workers are not considered part-time work and do not require the conclusion (registration) of an employment contract. These include:

a) literary work, including work on editing, translation and reviewing individual works, scientific and other creative activities without holding a full-time position;

b) carrying out medical, technical, accounting and other examinations with a one-time payment;

c) teaching work on an hourly basis in an amount of no more than 300 hours per year;

d) consulting by highly qualified specialists in institutions and other organizations in the amount of no more than 300 hours per year;

e) supervision of graduate students and doctoral students by employees who are not on the staff of the institution (organization), as well as the head of the department, management of the faculty of an educational institution with additional payment by agreement between the employee and the employer;

f) teaching work in the same institution of primary or secondary vocational education;

g) work without holding a full-time position in the same institution or another organization, work in supervising industrial training and practice of students and other students, duty of medical workers in excess of the monthly working hours according to the schedule, etc.

Carrying out the work specified in subparagraph. "b" - "g", is allowed during regular working hours with the consent of the employer.

Pedagogical work of highly qualified specialists on a part-time basis, with the consent of the employer, can be carried out in educational institutions for advanced training and retraining of personnel during regular working hours while maintaining wages at the main place of work.

In healthcare organizations and institutions located in rural areas, the problem of shortage of medical personnel is most acute, which necessitates the establishment of special rules regarding part-time work. Thus, in accordance with Government Decree No. 813 of November 12, 2002 “On the duration of part-time work in health care organizations for medical workers living and working in rural areas and in urban settlements,” the duration of part-time work in health care organizations for medical workers living and working in rural areas and in urban settlements, should not exceed 8 hours a day and 39 hours a week.


  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation, art. 98, 350, 423
  • Federal Law of June 18, 2001 No. 77-FZ "On preventing the spread of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation"
  • Federal Law of 07.11.00 No. 136-FZ "On the social protection of citizens engaged in work with chemical weapons"
  • Federal Law of March 30, 1995 No. 38-FZ "On preventing the spread of the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection) in the Russian Federation"
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.04.03 No. 197 “On the peculiarities of part-time work for teaching, medical, pharmaceutical and cultural workers”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2003 No. 101 “On the working hours of medical workers depending on their position and (or) specialty”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2002 No. 813 “On the duration of part-time work in healthcare organizations for medical workers living and working in rural areas and in urban settlements”
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 30, 2003 No. 41 “On the peculiarities of part-time work for teaching, medical, pharmaceutical and cultural workers”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 225, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 194, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 363, the Ministry of Justice of Russia No. 126, the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 2330, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 777, the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation No. 292 dated May 30, 2003 "On approval of the List of positions whose occupation is related with the risk of infection with tuberculosis microbacteria, giving the right to additional paid leave, a 30-hour work week and additional pay due to hazardous working conditions"
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 386, Rosboepripasov No. 714 dated February 19, 2002 “On approval of the List of employees of healthcare institutions engaged in work with chemical weapons”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 15, 1999 No. 377 “On approval of the Regulations on remuneration of healthcare workers”

The working hours of medical workers are strictly controlled by the Labor Code. There are certain hours during which a person must perform his professional duties. If an employee has to work longer, then this time will be considered overtime. It is paid according to different rules, and this should be kept in mind by both the employer and subordinates. You need to know how much medical workers are supposed to work in 2019.

Total information

Working time refers to those hours during which a person must perform his duties in accordance with the Labor Code and other regulatory documents. For most people, you need to work 40 hours a week. Consequently, they have to spend 8 hours a day at work, including two days off. However, some categories of citizens have their own working hours. For example, a separate standard has been established for doctors, and the length of the working day differs, depending on the doctor’s activity.

Important! Reduced working hours are established for all medical employees. It is 39 hours per week, however, it may vary depending on the specialization and position.

It is necessary to highlight the standard working hours for certain employees; it may be different due to the age of the employee. For example, if a person is not yet 16 years old, then he can only work 24 hours a week. Between the ages of 16 and 18, people are allowed to work a maximum of 35 hours a week. We also note that the duration has been reduced for disabled people of groups 1 or 2. If normal working conditions are created, they can perform duties for no more than 35 hours. As for employees whose activities are associated with dangerous or harmful conditions, they can work no more than 36 hours.

You should also consider standards for specific medical professionals:

  1. The following individuals are allowed to work 36 hours a week. Employees of infectious diseases hospitals, skin and venereology clinics, laboratories where HIV is diagnosed. People working in psychiatric and neurosurgical treatment and preventive institutions who work with mentally ill citizens. Physiotherapists, ambulance workers, government officials conducting medical and social examinations.
  2. Employees involved in outpatient visits can work 33 hours a week. Dentists, orthopedists, therapists (with the exception of dental surgeons). Employees whose activities are related to UHF generators with a power above 200 W.
  3. The following people must work 30 hours a week. Employees of tuberculosis departments who care for patients. Forensic experts, morgue workers and pathology departments who deal with corpses and cadaveric elements. Institutions that are associated with the procurement and preservation of cadaveric blood. Doctors involved in gamma therapy, radioactive drugs, fluorography and x-ray diagnostics.
  4. Doctors performing gamma therapy in special laboratories perform their duties 24 hours a week.

The working time of medical workers depends on various moments and areas of activity, as can already be understood. Therefore, the duration is determined depending on the person’s position. You should know other rules that are directly related to people working in medical institutions.

Calculation of working hours

Doctors can work on different schedules; they can have either a five-hour work day or an irregular schedule. There are also options such as shift work, part-time work. A certain regime is established, depending on how much a person works, because it is important to fulfill the established hours. For example, if you have to work 40 hours, then the schedule implies an 8-hour day. In this case, the person is entitled to two days off.

If the time allotted for work is less, then you should divide it into 5 days. Then you can determine how much a person is required to work per day. For example, if he normally has to perform duties 30 hours a week, then he needs to spend 30 hours in the institution every day, including two days off.

If you want to calculate the norm for an accounting period, for example, a month, you will need to divide the standard number of hours by 5 (the number of working days), and then multiply by the number of working days in a particular month. If there are holidays when a shortened shift is required, then a specific number of hours will need to be taken away. As a rule, they are released 1 hour earlier, for example, before the New Year.

In addition, the order of the Ministry of Health, as well as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are taken into account. Because it says exactly how much a particular person is required to work. Let us remind you that minors are required to perform fewer duties than other employees.

It may also be necessary to reduce the length of the working day if a person has been recognized as disabled. To do this, he will need to submit a medical certificate that confirms his limited capabilities. Let us remind you that disabled people of groups 1 and 2 have the right to find employment in institutions, however, the manager must create appropriate conditions for the performance of duties. In this case, it is important to take into account the characteristics of human health.

In addition, the shift should be shortened if it is scheduled for night time. As a rule, it turns out to be less than an hour. However, it can be equal to a day shift if a six-day schedule is introduced. There are also specific professions that are included in a number of exceptions. To do this, they are included in the collective agreement or company regulations.

Operating modes

As already mentioned, there are different operating modes. Now let's look at the most common ones and highlight their features. This determines how many hours the employee will have to work, as well as on what days the duties must be performed.

The following operating modes are available:

  1. Replaceable. There may be 2, 3 or 4 shifts. This mode is applied if the duration of duties exceeds that allowed for the daily option. It is also used to more efficiently provide services, produce products or use equipment. Often a shift schedule is prescribed at ambulance stations, as well as in other institutions where emergency treatment is required. Their main feature is round-the-clock operation. The duration of the shift can be 8 or 12 hours. However, it is important that the standard working time is not more than that allocated for a month, quarter or year.
  2. In three days. Also, sometimes a schedule is used when some people leave on even numbers, and others on odd numbers. This mode can be called flexible, because it is not replaceable. The schedule is determined by agreement of the parties, and in this case it is also important that the person fulfills the quota for a certain period.
  3. Home duty. It also happens that an employee may be on duty at home, waiting to be called to work. As a rule, this is required to provide emergency care.
  4. Part-time work. A person may be put on a part-time schedule and have a shorter day or week. That is, the employee may be required to perform duties 3 days per week. This is determined by agreement of the parties, and in some cases the manager cannot refuse this schedule. We are talking about single parents, pregnant women, as well as people caring for a sick relative. Salary is calculated depending on how many hours a person worked or how much work he completed. As for length of service and annual leave, there are no restrictions.
  5. Irregular day. Some people believe that hospital staff and others can perform their duties when it is convenient for them. For example, arriving at the institution later than usual or leaving earlier. However, this schedule is determined differently; in this case, the boss can attract a person to work after the end of standard working hours. This may happen periodically, but not on an ongoing basis. If a person agreed to this condition when signing a contract or additional document, then the boss may not ask for permission and order him to stay after work to fulfill his official duty. As a rule, this regime is established for chief doctors, deputies and senior nurses.

Separately, it should be emphasized that processing can occur with any schedule. This happens if an employee worked more than expected. For example, instead of 101 hours, he worked 117 hours during the accounting period. Then, based on the resolution, we can say that the additional time will have to be paid for in a different way. Overtime performance of duties must be repaid at a minimum of one and a half times the amount for the first two hours and double the amount for the remaining time. However, the fact of processing must be recorded so that wages can be calculated.

Time tracking

Any institution must record exactly how long a person has worked. Because the wages accrued per month will depend on this. Because if there was processing, then more money should be charged. Other compensation is also provided, for example, additional leave, instead of which you can receive cash.

Approved time sheets that are used in medical institutions must be used. It records who comes to work and when, and also how long after they leave home. Please note that you need to open the timesheet monthly, approximately 2-3 days before the billing period.

Timesheet number 0504421 is used only in cases where there were deviations from standard working hours. It is necessary to write down why this happened, as well as how much the rework or defect amounted to. In addition, it is indicated whether the activity took place at night.

It is important to remember that marks on the report card are made solely on the basis of documents. For example, a person must submit a letter warning of downtime. Without official paper, it is impossible to record the reasons for absences and delays.

At the end of the accounting period, the authorized employee calculates how much the employee worked, whether there were absences or overtime, and night-time activities. Based on the data, wages are calculated.

Note that in some cases, summarized accounting is used, which will be useful, for example, with a shift schedule. In this case, you can adjust the time spent on work and avoid overtime. For example, on one day a person will perform his duties longer, and on another, on the contrary, he will go home earlier. As a result, there will be no overtime, therefore, you will not have to pay overtime.

In any case, medical institutions must comply with established standards so as not to violate the rights of employees. Because otherwise a person can complain, for example, to the Labor Inspectorate. In such a situation, an investigation into the violation will be conducted and the employer will have to answer for its unlawful actions. The result may be an administrative fine or, if the law is violated again, termination of the organization’s activities for several months.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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