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Healthy lifestyle for school-age children. How to take care of your health? A story for children An article about a healthy lifestyle for a child

The health of a child is one of the main concerns of his parents. Each of them dreams of seeing their child full of strength and energy, satisfied with life and happy. But the basis of all this is good health. It is worth thinking about it already at the stage of pregnancy planning, because the baby’s immunity is formed in the mother’s womb and largely depends on the state of her body. But after the birth of a child, the key to his excellent health is the formation of a healthy lifestyle, which parents must ensure.

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Many parents are often surprised why their “hardened” child, who regularly douses himself with cool water, is constantly sick. Most people believe that a healthy lifestyle consists of some separate rules of behavior. One sleeps with the window open, another does not eat meat, the third devotes 20 minutes a day to exercise. They even often teach classes at school on this topic.

A healthy lifestyle is a whole system that covers all aspects of a person’s life. Children are no exception; in the conditions of general computerization, in the absence of proper walks and the availability of fast food, they become much weaker physically than their grandparents. A healthy lifestyle for children means a healthy lifestyle for the whole family; parents will also need to change their habits.

Warm or cold?

Having decided to change the life of your child and your own for the better, you can start with the microclimate in your own apartment. The most favorable for the functioning of the body, both children and adults, are considered to be an ambient temperature of no higher than 20-22 degrees and a humidity of 60%. Such parameters are very difficult to find in the average city apartment, especially in winter. Steam heating heats the air up to 30 degrees, making it very dry. Under such conditions, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx dry out, thereby becoming vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Metabolism slows down and natural thermoregulation is disrupted. Kids have it even worse - they move more and overheat much more often. In such conditions, it is not possible for children to lead a healthy lifestyle. A temperature regulator on the radiator, an air humidifier, as well as regular ventilation in winter and constantly open windows in summer can save the situation. Indoor plants will also help purify the air in the room, some of which, such as ficus, also moisturize it.

Eat to live

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is impossible to imagine without nutritious and proper nutrition. This is especially true for children, since the lack of chubby cheeks and excellent appetite often forces parents to act as clowns and promise mountains of gold if only the child would eat that very cutlet. These methods are a big mistake, because the baby’s body itself is able to determine when and how much food it should receive. There is no need to force feed the child, forcing or persuading. The main criterion for the time of the next meal should be the presence or absence of appetite. It is also worth keeping an eye on what your child eats. For up to three years, you should avoid eating spicy, fried and smoked foods. Do not over-salt food. Instead of chocolate and sugar, dried fruits, dried bananas, and dates are preferred. The child’s diet should include all food groups - meat, dairy, cereals, fruits and vegetables. You also need to pay attention to the hours of eating. Each family, as a rule, has its own scenario. A healthy lifestyle for many parents seems impossible without breakfast, lunch and dinner at strictly defined times. This is partly true, but a child may not always have time to get hungry by a certain time. In this case, adjustments can be made to the routine approved by the family council.

Full sleep

Both adults and children need proper rest. Children have a higher need for sleep than the older generation. That is why most of them sleep during the day. However, you should not scold your child if he does not want to go to bed after lunch. A healthy lifestyle for a preschooler includes a certain number of hours of sleep per day. For example, a four-year-old child needs 10.5 hours of sleep per day. If they all happened at night, then you shouldn’t expect that he will want to rest during the day. This is often associated with all sorts of difficulties, especially if the child attends kindergarten. In these conditions, parents should try to put the child to bed and wake him up in the morning at the same time so that he does not sleep for too long. Another way to get your baby to go to bed during the day without too much coaxing is to give him the opportunity to get thoroughly tired. Outdoor games, walks in the fresh air - all this is not only a guarantee of sound sleep, but also another element that makes up a healthy lifestyle for children.

Physical activity

Without proper physical activity, it is impossible to imagine the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Without movement, muscles atrophy, the heart weakens, and excess weight appears. And this is just a small list of negative changes associated with a sedentary lifestyle. For a child, running, jumping and having fun on the playground with peers is not only a prerequisite for full-fledged physical development, but also an element of mental development. The baby trains his body and learns to evaluate his strength. Active recreation in nature is especially useful. Walking in any weather in the fresh air - parents should choose just such a scenario to introduce their baby to the outside world. A healthy lifestyle means daily jogging with your child before bed, summer exercise in the yard, weekend trips with the whole family to the river or forest.

Daily regime

Every person can schedule their day, minute by minute. But only a few are able to strictly follow the created schedule. And these are, as a rule, adults. Children do not necessarily need to plan every minute of their lives. However, having a certain daily routine is still necessary. And the older the child becomes, the more specific this regime should be. The first adjustments to the lives of even the most disorganized children are made by kindergarten. You need to bring your child there at a certain time, and in order to do this, you also need to get up in the morning at the same hour. Of course, parents should plan their son or daughter’s time. In addition to the time for sleep, both night and daytime, you need to allocate approximate hours for meals, walks, and developmental activities. At the same time, you should not force your baby to do something just because the time has come for it. And if the child is not at all hungry, lunch can be rescheduled. Over time, many things will become familiar, and the child will not need to be reminded, for example, that now is the time to go brush his teeth.


Health and a healthy lifestyle are closely related concepts. Even a person’s immunity, which is strong from birth, can be greatly affected by bad habits, overeating, lack of fresh air and constant watching of TV. In addition, each of us was taught from childhood that cleanliness is the key to health. Therefore, observing the rules of personal hygiene and taking care of the order in the house are the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. After all, a person is constantly surrounded by a large number of bacteria and viruses. Many of them, when entering the body, can cause serious illnesses. We cannot avoid contact with these harmful microbes, but we can help our immune system cope with them. The human body has natural barriers that block the way for bacteria and viruses. This is, for example, the skin and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Many germs accumulate on these surfaces. A daily shower, periodic washing of hands and face, rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solutions - all this will help reduce the likelihood of various infectious diseases.

Have time to do everything

This topic - a healthy lifestyle - sooner or later comes up in every family, especially those with small children. Parents agree that the child needs to move more, spend time in the fresh air... But they really want him to be both healthy and smart. And so the four-year-old child begins to learn English, dances in a small hall in the company of ten other kids, and masters the game of chess with his dad. And again it turns out that he has no time left to run around in the yard. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon additional classes and clubs. Parents just need to reconsider their number and leave only those that the baby really likes.

Hardening of children

A healthy lifestyle for children does not mean dousing them with cool water every day, but proper nutrition, activity and plenty of fresh air. Under these conditions, hardening will be a powerful ally in the fight for a child’s strong immunity. However, by itself it cannot help. Hardening should not be taken to extremes. Pouring with ice water, jogging naked in the cold and swimming in an ice hole are activities for adults. But walking barefoot on the grass in the summer, dressing appropriately for the weather, swimming in cool water - all this is good for the baby’s health.

Health and emotions

Nowadays, many schools conduct homeroom hours for children. “Healthy lifestyle” is the topic of this conversation. Depending on the age of the children, they are told about all its components. One of them is a comfortable psychological climate in the family. A weekend with parents in nature will bring much more benefit to the child if mom and dad are happy to spend this time this way, and do not take their anger out on the baby because they had to get up early and go somewhere. Health and a healthy lifestyle means the support and love of loved ones. And if parents want their child to be strong and self-confident, they need to be tolerant and calm in any situation.

“I’m not afraid to say again and again: caring for health is the most important job of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and faith in their own strength depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”
V. Sukhomlinsky

1. Introduction.
Today, in accordance with Federal state requirements, the direction “Physical Development”, including the educational areas “Health”, “Physical Culture” occupies a leading place in the educational process of preschool children. Having physical development as one of the areas of development of children in a preschool institution, the team of teachers pays special attention to this problem. Our work on physical education is developing and improving every year, introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, which is a priority direction in the educational field “Physical Education”.
Society influences us, our children, but the foundation of a child’s upbringing is laid by his parents, and subsequently by teachers at school (starting with teachers who teach preschoolers). And it depends only on us whether our children will be healthy or not.
Any parent wishes their child only goodness and happiness. We all want our children to remain healthy, strong and beautiful.
The sooner we instill in a child the habit of doing physical education, the better his physical data, the easier it will be for the child to adapt in society in the future. It is necessary to develop in children the necessary level of dexterity, speed and strength from childhood - these indicators are the responsibility of both teachers and parents.
The problem of the health of our children in modern times is very relevant; it is a concern for the future of Russia. Currently, data on the physical condition of children indicate that the health of our younger generation is far from meeting either the needs of modern society or the potential opportunities for its preservation and development.
An analysis of the health status of preschool children shows that over the last decade the number of absolutely healthy children has decreased and the number of children with chronic diseases has increased. Most preschool children have standard deviations in the structure of the musculoskeletal system - poor posture, flat feet, unbalanced muscle tone, non-optimal ratio of static and dynamic movements.
According to scientists, it is necessary to concentrate on the childhood period of life, since it is this period that determines the development of the potential capabilities of an adult; it lays the foundations for his successful life in the future.
In childhood, a person carries out more intense and complex work on self-reflection, self-construction, self-control and self-regulation than an adult. If a child is passive in this process, then his socialization is deformed and his health is destroyed.
Therefore, it is at the stage of preschool age that the priority tasks are to educate children to be motivated for health and to orient their life interests towards a healthy lifestyle.

Everyone knows the catchphrase:
"A healthy child - a healthy family - a healthy society."
In order to actively influence a child’s position in relation to his own health, it is necessary to know, first of all, that the term “health” itself is defined ambiguously.
The most comprehensive definition is that given by the World Health Organization: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not simply the absence of disease or infirmity.”
This definition is extremely difficult to apply to the health of Russian citizens living in conditions of economic instability and social tension. Taking this into account, the definition of health formulated by Professor S. M. Grombach as a “degree of approximation” to full health, which allows a person to successfully perform social functions, more adequately meets modern conditions. Health is characterized by biological potential (hereditary capabilities), physiological reserves of vital activity, normal mental state and social opportunities for a person to realize all his inclinations (genetically determined).
In recent years, one of the leading ideas has become the idea that children’s health is considered a priority value, goal, necessary condition and result of a successful pedagogical process.
That is why any general educational institution should become a “healthy lifestyle school” for children, where any of their activities will have a health-pedagogical orientation and help develop their habits, and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of skills in making independent decisions regarding the maintenance and strengthening your health.
This will lead to the formation of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, to consciously protect one’s health and the health of others, and to master the practical skills and abilities necessary for this. Thus, the formed traditions of a healthy lifestyle become the property of the nation, the state, and an integral part of people’s lives.

3.Healthy lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a person’s way of life aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health.
Important components of a healthy lifestyle:
1.Teaching the basics of health and proper lifestyle from early childhood (in the family and educational institutions).
2.Creating a safe environment that promotes the comprehensive development of the body and does not harm health.
3. Formation of a negative attitude towards bad habits.
4. Formation of a nutrition culture.
5. Regular physical activity, the intensity of which corresponds to age and general condition of the body.
6. A hardening system adequate to the health characteristics of each child.
7.Knowledge and observance of hygiene rules (both personal and public).

Healthy lifestyle habits are vital habits; it accumulates the result of using the available means of physical education for preschool children in order to solve health, educational and educational problems.
Therefore, preschool institutions and families are called upon to lay the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in childhood. And it is in the family, in a children's educational institution at an early stage of development that the child should be helped to understand the enduring value of health as early as possible, to encourage the child to independently and actively form, maintain and increase his health.
At the same time, it should be taken into account that each age period is characterized by its own characteristics, which should be taken into account in the work on developing a healthy lifestyle.
Children of primary preschool age understand what illness is, but they still cannot give the most basic characteristics of health. As a result, young children practically do not develop any attitude towards him.
In middle preschool age, children develop an idea of ​​health as “not a disease.” But they still cannot explain what it means to “be healthy” and feel healthy. Hence the attitude towards health as something abstract. In their understanding, being healthy means not getting sick. When asked what needs to be done to avoid getting sick, many children answer that they should not catch a cold, not eat ice cream on the street, not get their feet wet, etc. From these answers it follows that in middle preschool age children begin to recognize health threats from the external environment (cold, rain, draft), as well as from their own actions (eating ice cream, getting their feet wet, etc.).
In older preschool age, due to increasing personal experience, attitudes towards health change significantly. Children still correlate health with illness, but they more clearly identify threats to health both from their own actions (“you can’t eat dirty fruit,” “you can’t take food with dirty hands,” etc.) and from the external environment. With certain educational work, children correlate the concept of “health” with the implementation of hygiene rules.
In older preschool age, children begin to correlate physical education with health promotion and in its definition (as do adults) they put the physical component in first place. At this age, children, although still intuitively, begin to highlight both the mental and social components of health (“everyone there was screaming and swearing so much, and I got a headache”). But, despite the existing ideas about health and ways to preserve it, in general, the attitude towards it among children of senior preschool age remains quite passive. The reasons for this attitude lie in children’s lack of necessary knowledge about ways to maintain health, as well as lack of awareness of the dangers of unhealthy human behavior for maintaining health. Unhealthy behavior in some cases brings pleasure (how nice it is to eat cold ice cream, drink a whole bottle of chilled lemonade, run through a puddle, lie in bed longer, etc.), and the long-term negative consequences of such actions seem distant and unlikely to the child.
A significant part of the self-protective behavior of children of senior preschool age is determined by their ideas about health.
With targeted upbringing, training, reinforcement of hygiene rules in everyday life, and appropriate motivation for physical education, children’s attitude towards their health changes significantly. Treating health as the greatest value in life (at a level that children can understand) becomes the basis for developing children’s need for a healthy lifestyle.
In turn, the presence of this need helps to solve the most important psychological and social task - the child’s formation of a creator’s position in relation to his own health and the health of others.
When teaching a healthy lifestyle, the following methodological techniques are used: stories and conversations of the teacher; memorizing poems; modeling of various situations; examination of illustrations, plot, subject pictures, posters; role-playing games; didactic games; training games; fun games; outdoor games; finger and breathing exercises; self-massage; physical education minutes.
When carrying out work, use positive assessment, praise, and encouragement.
To form preschoolers’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle, special exercises that strengthen children’s health and a physical education system are necessary. For this purpose, morning exercises are carried out daily in groups, the purpose of which is to create a cheerful, cheerful mood in children, improve health, develop dexterity, and physical strength. Morning gymnastics and special physical education classes in the gym are accompanied by music, which “has a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere of older preschoolers, promotes children’s good mood, and shapes their ideas about a healthy lifestyle.”
Being indoors and outdoors in appropriate clothing, extensive washing with cool water, barefoot, sleeping, active exercise in the air - all these are moments of hardening that are actively used in the work on developing a healthy lifestyle.
Outdoor games are of great importance for the formation of preschool children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle. They are carried out in groups, in special classes, during walks and at intermediate intervals between classes. Outdoor games are necessarily included in music classes.
The process of forming preschoolers’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle is closely related to instilling in them a love of cleanliness, neatness, and order.
In addition to daily morning exercises, special physical education classes are conducted for preschool children. Their goal is to teach children the correct execution of movements, various exercises aimed at developing body coordination and increasing independent motor activity. Classes are held in a special hall and are accompanied by music. All classes are conducted using special methods.
The development of movements and the education of motor activity in preschoolers is carried out during walks. Most preschool institutions have well-equipped areas where children spend time. Each walk can have a specific content. So, for a walk, the teacher plans a series of outdoor games, a relay race, collection of natural material for further work with it in the group, competitions, etc.
The formation of preschool children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle is closely related to the protection of their life and health. In the preschool institution, medical monitoring of children's health is constantly carried out, and preventive measures are taken to strengthen it.
A special place should be given to working with parents. The family plays an important role; it, together with preschool educational institutions, is the main social structure that ensures the preservation and strengthening of children’s health, introducing them to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle. It is known that not even the best program and methodology can guarantee a full result if its tasks are not solved together with the family, if a child-adult community (children - parents - teachers) is not created, which is characterized by assistance to each other, taking into account opportunities and the interests of everyone, their rights and responsibilities.
So, the process of forming a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers is associated with the formation of habits of cleanliness and compliance with hygienic requirements, performing age-appropriate physical activity, ideas about the environment and its impact on human health. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is carried out in the process of classes, routine moments, walks, games, and work.
Since the process of teaching a healthy lifestyle is inextricably linked with physical activity, which in turn is a powerful stimulating factor in the intellectual and emotional development of a child, it is on the basis of children’s interest in physical activity that skills and abilities to ensure healthy life activities and motivation for health should be formed.
One of the types of physical activity implemented in our preschool educational institution is swimming.

4. Swimming.
Swimming is especially beneficial for children. Experts recommend teaching children to swim from early childhood (you can teach children from infancy).
Swimming eliminates postural disorders and flat feet; develop the joint-muscular system, all muscle groups (shoulder girdle, arms, chest, abdomen, back and legs); perfectly train the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (strengthen the external respiration apparatus, develop the correct breathing rhythm); strengthen the nervous system (the positive effect of the aquatic environment on the nervous system is manifested in stimulating brain activity, accelerating the elimination of fatigue during intense mental work, and increasing the mobility of nervous processes); improves sleep and appetite. Swimming lessons develop physical qualities such as endurance, strength, speed; they also eliminate excitability and irritability.
Children who regularly go in for swimming are noticeably different from their peers who do not go in for sports: they are taller, have higher levels of flexibility and strength, and are less susceptible to colds.
In addition, swimming, like physical education in general, develops determination, discipline, independence and other personal qualities of the child.
This is one of the effective means of hardening a person, contributing to the formation of strong hygienic skills.
Regular swimming lessons maintain the child’s physical condition and increase vitality.
The basis for conducting swimming classes is the Work Program of a physical education (swimming) instructor for educational activities with children 3-7 years old, building No. 9, School No. 1357 for groups No. 1-10, 12, which is compiled in accordance with:

Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273 of December 29, 2012, Art. No. 2, 48;
- Federal State Standard for Preschool Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 N 1155, Moscow “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education”) - Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;
-The main general educational program of preschool education of GBOU School No. 1357 - OOP DO;
-General educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”, led by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, 3rd edition corrected and revised, M., “MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS”, 2016. – 368 pp.;
-Teaching swimming to children from 2 to 7 years old. Program and methodological manual. Authors of the program: T.A. Prodchenko, Yu.A. Semenov. Rep. Ed. Golovkin Yu.V. – M.: Publishing house ARKTI LLC, 2001.
Group classes are held throughout the day, the duration of the lesson is from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the age of the children.
Children and a teacher come to the locker room, which is equipped with benches, hangers and lockers for clothes, and rubber mats on the floor. The air temperature in the locker room is 30-31 degrees. Here the children change into the uniform and rubber slippers they brought, then go into the pool. The water temperature in the pool is 32 degrees.
Next is formation, greeting, and roll call. Then the instructor inquires about the health status of each child, and the children enter the water.

5.Methods of teaching swimming.
First, children become familiar with water and its properties. First, children wash their hands, shoulders, rinse their chest, neck, and face. Then they pour water on their backs and slowly squat down into the water up to their necks. The more daring are invited to dive into the water up to their lips, then up to their nose and eyes. Before diving headlong into the water, children learn on the shore how to inhale and exhale correctly in order to hold their breath in the water. Children are taught to dive with their heads without exhaling underwater, as well as with holding their breath and diving with their heads while opening their eyes under water. Then we teach children to exhale into the water, to develop the habit of entering the water without fear.
Later, the exhalation into the water is improved.
Movement training goes through the following stages:
movement is mastered on land;
standing in the water (hand movements);
holding onto support in the water (leg movements);
in motion: hand movements - walking with feet along the bottom;
in motion: leg movements - holding devices in the hands or arms;
movement without support;
movement without support in coordination (movements of arms with breathing; legs with breathing; arms and legs without breathing; movements in full coordination).
This program makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of swimming training, since the period of mastering the water is reduced. Movements of all swimming methods are mastered, starting with hand movements.
To facilitate the learning process, the pool has swimming boards, balls, fins, aqua sticks, sinking and floating toys.
The following techniques are used in classes:
1) exercises on land (“dry swimming”);
2) exercises in water to master swimming techniques;
3) games in water;
4) free swimming.
1. Exercises on land.
“Dry swimming” refers to activities conducted on land, i.e. in a gym environment. These classes help the child become familiar with new exercises, quickly master movements performed in the water, adjust the technique of performing exercises, and eliminate mistakes.
“Dry swimming” is usually carried out when classes in the pool are impossible either due to quarantine or technical reasons (heating outage, lack of hot water supply, equipment malfunction, low air temperature when the heating is turned off).
It is worth noting that the selection of exercises varies somewhat in each age group; the complexity of their implementation increases with the age of the children. General developmental and special exercises are performed:
- breathing exercises: “Cool the tea”, “Blow up a balloon”, “Float”, deflating a table tennis ball or a sheet of paper from the palm of your hand;
- exercises for arms and legs: “Oars”, “Fountain”, “Fold your hands into an arrow”, “Mill”, “Eights”;
- exercises for the back muscles: “Boat”, “Motor boat”, “Star”, “Sailing ships”, “Crocodiles”. In the preparatory group, more attention should be paid to the technique of studying swimming styles.
2. Exercises in water.
Exercises to familiarize yourself with the unusual properties of water (density, temperature, resistance). These include walking with different positions of the arms and legs in the water. Diving headlong underwater. Floating and lying on the water “float”, “star”, “jellyfish”. Long-distance diving and retrieving toys from the bottom.
Sliding on the chest and back, incl. with various combinations of movements of the arms and legs (“torpedo”, “arrow”) Exhale into the water.
Exercises to study swimming techniques (at the initial stage with aids).
-Arm movements with breaststroke, dolphin, freestyle on the front and back with an inflatable spin, belts, “floaters”, armbands.
-Movements with legs: front crawl, back crawl, dolphin, breaststroke with an inflatable twist, with armbands, belts, supporting “floats”, fins and without them, with a swimming board.
- Swimming using various combinations of movements and non-sports and sports methods with and without armbands, fins and other support means, holding the breath, with breathing.
3. Games in the water.
Game is a type of human activity consisting of motor actions, creatively, directly or indirectly reflecting the phenomena of the surrounding reality and aimed at comprehensive general and special physical training. The game creates an atmosphere of healthy competition, forcing you not just to mechanically perform known movements, but to mobilize your memory, motor experience, comprehend what is happening, compare the situation, and evaluate your actions.
Outdoor play is a conscious activity in which the ability to analyze, compare, generalize and draw correct conclusions is manifested and developed; it plays a big role in introducing a child to a healthy lifestyle.
During the game, educational, educational and motor tasks are solved.
1. Games for mastering with water.
Games in this group will help students overcome feelings of fear and self-doubt, activate cognitive activity, and promote increased interest in swimming. Passion for the game helps beginners overcome self-doubt, get used to the aquatic environment, feel its density, i.e. make sure that the water “holds”. Games consist of all kinds of movements in water, jumping, diving.
An approximate list of games for mastering with water:
a) “The sea is rough.”
Objectives of the game: mastery in water, familiarization with the density and resistance of water.
Description of the game: participants stand in a line, one at a time, facing the shore and grab a pole or other object with their hands, symbolizing a boat at the pier. At the command “The sea is agitated”, players disperse in any direction, performing arbitrary rowing movements with their hands, helping to move along the bottom in the water.
Rules of the game: at the command of the presenter “The sea is quiet”, the players try to quickly take their original position. Then the presenter says: “One, two, three - here we are,” after which all the “boats” gather again at the “pier.” Anyone who is late cannot continue the game and receives a penalty point.
b) “Who is taller?”
Objectives of the game: mastering the water, becoming familiar with the specific properties of water, mastering the ability to take the most streamlined body position.
Description of the game: the players face the leader. At his command, everyone squats and then jumps out of the water as high as possible, pushing off with their feet from the bottom and with their hands from the water.
Rules of the game: after each jump a winner and two runners-up are announced.
c) "Crossing".
Objective of the game: to develop the skill of supporting the water with the palm and forearm.
Description of the game: the players line up and, at a signal, walk along the bottom, helping themselves with hand strokes.
d) "Fountain".
The players form a circle and take the starting position of “resting, lying with your feet in a circle.” At the signal, the players move their legs in a crawl style. An adult regulates the pace of movements: “More splashes” - movements are performed quickly, “Less splashes” - children perform small frequent movements, forming a foamy trail. Movements are performed freely, without excessive tension, without lifting the feet out of the water. The duration of the game with a change of pace is no more than 1 minute.

2. Games with exhalations into the water.
a) “Let’s have some tea.”
The child is in the water, bends down so that his chin is near the water, inhales deeply and exhales long through his mouth, blowing on the water as if on hot tea.
b) “Who has more bubbles?”
Objective of the game: improve the skill of exhaling into the water.
Description of the game: at the command of the leader, players plunge headlong into the water and exhale for a long time through their mouths. The participant who has the most bubbles when inhaling wins, i.e. took a long breath into the water.
3. Games with immersion in water.
a) “Who will hide under the water faster?”
Objectives of the game: familiarize yourself with the buoyant force of water.
Game description: at the leader’s signal, players must quickly sit down under the water, trying to stay at the bottom.
b) “Little frogs.”
The goal of the game is to get comfortable in the water.
Description of the game: the players (frogs) jump up at the signal “Pike”, at the signal “Duck” they hide under the water. The player who executed the command incorrectly stands in the middle of the circle and continues the game along with everyone else.
c) “Train into the tunnel.”
Objectives of the game: improving diving skills, opening your eyes in water, and navigating underwater.
Description of the game: the participants of the game line up in a column one at a time and put their hands on the belt of the person standing in front (“train”). The instructor holds a hoop (“tunnel”) in his hands. In order for the “train” to pass through the “tunnel”, the “train” characters take turns diving. After the “train” has passed through the “tunnel”, the players change roles. Alternatively, the “train” can pass through a plastic circle held by one of the players. The task can be complicated by placing two or three “tunnels” at some distance from each other.
d) “Round dance”.
The goal of the game is to teach students to exhale into the water while diving headlong.
The participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. At the instructor’s signal, they begin to move in a circle, repeating: “We are going, we are going, we are doing a round dance, let’s count to five, well, try to find us!”
Then everyone stops, squats and plunges headlong into the water, exhaling into the water. Then the players get up and repeat the movement in the opposite direction. It is forbidden to let go of your friend’s hands, hold each other under water, or go forward or backward. The game is repeated 4-6 times.
4.Free swimming
Swimming training involves conducting educational activities in different forms: based on interests, plot-based, in the form of relay races and competitions, based on fairy tales, for free creativity, games, thematic, with elements of sports types of swimming, complex, control and testing.
When swimming, all physical qualities develop, namely:
- flexibility;
- speed;
- dexterity;
- endurance;
- force.
Thus, swimming is a type of physical activity that develops all basic physical qualities.

Preschoolers, in what seems to be the most carefree period of childhood, go through one of the most difficult paths in their development. The world around us rapidly enters a child’s life, filling it with more and more new knowledge and discoveries. This is a particularly important period also because it is at this age that the socialization of children in society begins. They learn to interact with the world around them, control their actions and emotions, and their practical thinking develops. Preschoolers begin to identify their “I” and a separate “Society”; around the age of six, this position is finally consolidated in their minds.
Preschool is the beginning of a child’s social life, his becoming a successful person in society. Parents, teachers, and the children themselves, the preschooler’s peers, help him in this. At this age, the child’s objective world also expands; outside the home he sees many new things created by man, learns about their properties and uses. In addition, in a preschool institution, in addition to absorbing everything new and teaching him a healthy lifestyle, the child has the opportunity to discover and show his individuality. Special methods of teaching children - psychological and pedagogical techniques - specifically activate their social cognition.
To activate social cognition, a preschooler must go through and experience particularly important stages of socialization.
In this he is helped by adults and educators, who in a playful way, using special methods and techniques teach children:
1. The child needs to understand and master the so-called social distances and space. To ensure that the preschooler’s behavior is correct, teachers play games with children, the purpose of which is to teach a sense of social distance when communicating with other people and to demonstrate types of emotional relationships.
2. The concept of an event, something that once happened. Teachers deliberately create events in the children's group and teach children to highlight the main thing from a given situation, express their attitude, give their emotional assessment of what is happening, which together provides an incentive for the formation of the emotional and volitional development of preschoolers.
3. Significant adults have a great influence on preschool children. Usually these are parents, immediate relatives, family friends or educators, all those with whom the child knows well and whom he trusts. Having chosen a significant adult for himself, the child reaches out to him, seeks communication, sharing his thoughts, opinions and reasoning with him.
4. Role-playing games are very important for children, in which they play the social roles of adults, as they expand the social framework already familiar to them, giving them the opportunity to try on everyday or professional roles, develop their imagination, modulating the future.
“Success is luck in achieving something, public recognition, good results in work or study,” this definition is given by S.I. Ozhegov in his Dictionary of the Russian Language.
In modern life, in addition to luck in achieving some result, you can find several more important components of success. These are personal qualities and skills, such as: self-confidence, the ability to control one’s thoughts and feelings, adequate self-esteem and self-esteem, the ability to obtain one’s own positive result even from a negative experience, the ability to bring any task to its completion, the ability to set and solve problems . In order for an adult to have these qualities, they need to be developed from childhood. Therefore, it is a child who is harmoniously developed, accustomed to a healthy lifestyle from an early age, active and inquisitive, respecting others and himself, who can be considered a successful child.
Such children become active participants in the life of society; participate in the life of the team, study in groups, respond to requests or offer their help themselves, give and listen to advice, and are interested in the lives of adults from their environment. All these are consequences of the gradual and competent activation of social cognition, coupled with a healthy lifestyle with the help of adults: knowledge of oneself, the world around us and interaction with it.
A healthy lifestyle helps a child to be successful not only in preschool, but also at school and throughout his entire adult life.

“Pamper the children, gentlemen! Nobody knows what the future holds."
Vladimir Nabokov

7. List of references.
1. Bolotina, L.R. Preschool pedagogy: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / L.R. Bolotina, S.P. Baranov, T.S. Komarova. – M.: Academic Project, 2005. – 240 p.
2. Wenger, L.A. Psychology: textbook for universities / L.A. Venger, V.S. Mukhina. – M.: Academy, 2007. – 446 p.
3. Vorobyova, M. Education of a healthy lifestyle among preschool children / M. Vorobyova // Preschool education. – 1998. - No. 7. – P. 5 - 9.
4. Vygotsky, L.S. Collected works. – T.4 / L.S. Vygotsky. – M.: Pedagogy, 1984. – 213 p.
5. Galperin, P.Ya. Current problems of developmental psychology / P.Ya.Galperin, A.V.Zaporozhets. – M.: Education, 1978. – 240 p.
6. Glazyrina, L.D. Physical education for preschoolers: program and program requirements / L.D. Glazyrina. – M.: VLADOS, 1999. – 365 p.
7. Davydov, V.V. Genesis and personality development in childhood / V.V. Davydov. – M.: Education, 1992. – 342 p.
8. Doronova, T.N. The main directions of work of preschool educational institutions to improve the psychological culture of parents / T.N. Doronova // Preschool education. – 2004. - No. 1. – P. 63.
9. Healthy preschooler: social and health technology of the 21st century / comp. Yu.E. Antonov, M.N. Kuznetsova and others - M.: Gardariki, 2008. - 164 p.
10. Zmanovsky, Yu.F. Raising a healthy child: physiological aspect / Yu.F. Zmanovsky // Preschool education. – 1993. - No. 9. – P.34-36.
11. Karmanova, L.V. Physical education classes in the senior group of kindergarten: methodological manual / L.V. Karmanova - M.: Nar. Asveta, 1980. – 162 p.
12. Kodzhaspirova, G.M. Dictionary of pedagogy / G.A.Kodzhaspirova, A.Yu.Kodzhaspirov. – M.: MarT, 2005. – 448 p.
13. Leontyev, A.N. Mental development of a child in preschool age / A.N. Leontyev. – M.: Pedagogy, 1979. – P. 13 - 25.
14. Lisina, M.I. Communication, personality and psyche of a child / M.I. Lisina. – M.: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1997. – 98 p.
15. Martynenko, A.V. Formation of a healthy lifestyle for young people / A.V. Martynenko. – M.: Medicine, 1988. – 224 p.
16. Makhaneva, M. New approaches to the organization of physical education of children / M. Makhaneva // Preschool education. – 1993. - No. 2. – p. 22 - 24.
17. Nezhina, N.V. Health protection of preschool children / N.V. Nezhina // Preschool education. – 2004. - No. 4. – P. 14-17.
18. Pichugina, N.O. Preschool pedagogy: lecture notes / N.O. Pichugina. – Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2004. – 384 p.
19. Psychological Dictionary / ed. V.P. Zinchenko, B.G. Meshcheryakova. – M.: Astrel: AST: Transitkniga, 2006. – 479 p.
20. Rubinstein, S.L. Development of a child’s thinking / S.L. Rubinstein. – M.: Education, 1946. – 421 p.
21. Smirnova, E.O. Child psychology: a textbook for teachers. universities and colleges / E.O. Smirnova. – M.: Shkola-Press, 1997. – 384 p.
22. Stozharova, M.Yu. Formation of psychological health of preschool children / M.Yu. Stozharova. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007. – 208 p.
23. Fomina, A.I. Physical education classes, games and exercises in kindergarten / A.I. Fomina. – M.: Gardariki, 2007. – 183 p.
24. Shapovalenko, I.V. Developmental psychology (Developmental and developmental psychology): a textbook for students. universities / I.V. Shapovalenko. – M.: Gardariki, 2007. – 349 p.
25. Yurko, G.P. Physical education of early and preschool children / G.P. Yurko. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2008. – 98 p.
26. Yumatova, A.V. Formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children / A.V. Yumatova // Preschool education. – 1996. - No. 3. – P. 12 - 14.

“And the child grows there by leaps and bounds...” In childhood, this event from a fairy tale seemed like some kind of miracle, but now grown children become parents and understand that their own child is growing up too quickly, and there is no magic here. But to be able to teach basic rules and tell children about a healthy lifestyle, without turning the necessary advice into tedious moral teachings that are boring and uninteresting, really does seem like a miracle.

Let's sow a habit...

Parents want a healthy lifestyle for their children to become their priority. But for this the child needs to be guided. Explain, and, of course, be an example of the correct lifestyle. The habit of observing some important rules will gradually become an important link in the category of values. When children learn to take care of their health, there will be much less illness in their life.

Moidodyr pleased!

1. The basics of a healthy lifestyle for a child should begin with the bath. Historical sources claim that back in the 17th century, even for kings it was a luxury to bathe every day. But for good health, a lot depends on the condition of the skin. She, a hard worker, has to protect the entire complex organism from external enemies and monitor the body’s thermoregulation. That’s why you need to take care of her, wash your body, and your hands should always be clean, especially before your mother calls you to eat. After going outside, they wash their hands in order to wash away all the infection that tries to cling to all public places.

The basics of a healthy lifestyle for a child should start with the bath

2 . Let the child remember from childhood that creating a healthy lifestyle is constant work, caring about your life, where the opinions of others play an important role.

3. Bathing for many babies turns into torture. But if you add cute bath balls, toys, and gentle foam that doesn’t sting your eyes to your bath, this activity will turn into a very fun procedure.

4. You need to brush your teeth twice a day: This axiom cannot be appealed. The basics of a healthy lifestyle for children include oral hygiene. Insidious caries visits those teeth that are rarely brushed. for many, many years, you need to pay attention to them every day.

5. Intimate parts of the body often bother both girls and boys, but children are ashamed to admit to their parents that trouble has happened, and only when severe pain appears or it is completely unbearable to endure the itching and burning, children reveal their terrible secret, and treatment is delayed for a long time. That is why it is necessary to explain to children from early childhood that parents are the most faithful friends and helpers, and under no circumstances should you hide your illnesses from them!

You need to brush your teeth twice a day: this axiom cannot be appealed!

6. You must always have a handkerchief and children should get used to it. Coughing and sneezing in public without this small piece of tissue creates discomfort, viruses usually remain on your hands, which allows them to spread, and a handkerchief will prevent those little bandits from running amok. But children should also remember that if a person with a cold is next to him, it is better to move away from him.

Home is a fortress and a happy family

7. In order for the baby to be comfortable and cozy at home, he must take care of his room. When each item is given its own place, the work goes well. All trash must be placed in the trash bin!

8. Children should be reminded about a healthy lifestyle when the family sits down at the dinner table. Especially the baby should remember that A full breakfast is essential and will benefit you throughout the day.:

  • firstly, it will give you energy, activity and the ability to think well;
  • secondly, it will get rid of unhealthy snacks.

9. Computer games and exciting films on TV captivate to such an extent that the child’s healthy lifestyle is threatened. This is where the resourceful parental mind has to work hard! There is an urgent need to captivate the child with an unexpected event. And best of all, in nature. Shouldn't we organize one, which could be the beginning of fun adventures? And if you shoot all this on camera and make a film in the future - that’s where your imagination can run wild!

Breakfast will benefit you throughout the day

10. Healthy lifestyle habits are formed in the family. For a child, mom and dad are the most important people on earth. He absorbs their conversations, actions, and dinner - usually the ideal time when the whole family eats together and shares impressions with each other. Spend time together and in an informal setting without constant advice and moralizing, weave a lot of useful things into the conversation - the child will definitely remember them!

11. Children often complain of stomach pain, and in the doctor’s office it turns out that all the problems are caused by carbonated drinks, which all the children adore. Bad eating habits must be eliminated, but not through prohibitions, but by buying your baby tasty and healthy drinks so that he receives his daily fluid intake.

Forming a healthy lifestyle for children is the task of parents

12. Parents should not forget that physical activity of children is the right path to health. Of course, it’s very comfortable on your favorite sofa. You can take a nap, dream, read, and eat while your parents aren’t looking. The result is the same: overweight, sluggishness and low academic performance.

13. – the basis of a healthy lifestyle for a child. Children under 12 years of age usually need 10 hours at night to rest, strengthen their immune system, and gain strength. They should go to bed at the same time, then they will fall asleep quickly and the sleep will be restful, especially if there is a favorite doll or soft animal toy nearby.

Physical activity of children is a sure way to health

14. Reptiles are good in the wild, but not as pets. They have salmonella, which is dangerous to humans, so lizards, turtles and snakes are not acceptable in a home where there are children.

15. A visit to the doctor for preventive maintenance every year is necessary, and the child must remember this for the rest of his life!

16. The child must be able to use everything that is invented for safety. This includes a seat belt in a car, goggles in a swimming pool, and a helmet for cycling. These remedies will save you from many injuries.

As you can see, introducing a child to a healthy lifestyle is not such a difficult task. Be healthy and happy!

You guys should know
Everyone needs to sleep more.
Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -
Get ready to exercise!

Brush your teeth, wash your face,
And smile more often
Temper yourself, and then
You're not afraid of the blues.

Health has enemies
Don't make friends with them!
Among them is quiet laziness,
You fight it every day.

So that not a single microbe
I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,
Wash your hands before eating
Need soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products -
Here's some healthy food
Full of vitamins!

Go for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!

Well, what if it happened:
I got sick,
Know that it's time for you to see a doctor.
He will always help us!

These are the good tips
Secrets are hidden in them,
How to maintain health.
Learn to appreciate it!

Poem about health for children
The one who rises with the sun,
Does exercises
Brushes teeth in the morning
And plays hide and seek, -
That sports man
And quite cheerful.
Try to be like that
At school or at home.
Bolubash Anastasia.

Poem about health for children
The one who rises with the sun,
Does exercises
Brushes teeth in the morning
And plays hide and seek, -
That sports man
And quite cheerful.
Try to be like that
At school or at home.
Bolubash Anastasia

In the morning you harden yourself,
Douse yourself with cold water.
You will always be healthy.
There is no need for unnecessary words here.

If you get discouraged,
Cry, whine, get bored, suffer,
You can even do it very quickly
You will lose your health.

Follow your daily routine!
The chicken has a headache today:
Yesterday an owl called her to visit,
They stayed up all night
And during the day our chicken pecks.

About teeth
I'll stop brushing my teeth
and I’ll go for a walk in the garden.
I'll ask dad, mom,
swing on a rocker.

And from the swing-carousel
I want to go to the pool
oh, how my teeth hurt...
It's time for me to go to the doctor...

The doctor will look at my teeth,
it's bad, my friend -
will drill with a drill
already a molar...

Well, if you don't,
brush your teeth in the morning,
you won't forget toothache,
you will whine in the evenings...

My advice to the guys is this:
Brush your teeth, my hands!!!
Then you will forget about doctors,
and you will be healthy.
Lydia Grzhibovskaya

Don't eat sweets!
The hippo moans loudly:
"Oh oh oh! Tummy hurts!
It’s a shame I didn’t listen to my mother -
I ate two kilograms of sweets!”

Sun, air and water
Our best friends.
We will be friends with them,
So that we can be healthy.

About nails
Who doesn't clean their nails?
And he doesn’t cut his hair,
The one of his friends
It's pretty scary.

After all, with dirty nails,
Long and sharp
They can very easily
Confused with monsters.
Andrey Usachev

We need to play sports!
I need to play sports
We must—we must toughen up!
You have to be the first in everything
We don't care about frost!

We're diving off the iceberg,
We are good swimmers.
We're almost big
We are diligent young men.

After a water bath,
Let's start rubbing.
And gymnastics again,
Let's start doing it.

Let's ride in the snow
Let's lie on the shore.
And then we dive under the water,
To get food for yourself.

Having eaten the popsicle,
After listening to my mother's song.
We go to bed together
See your dreams sooner.

In them we are adults, big,
They were brought up beautifully.
They contain hunters, athletes,
We see changes in them.

We always grow in our dreams,
We are relaxing at the same time.
Let's get healthy
We're friends, we're having fun!
Antonina Bach

Don't watch TV for too long!
There's a seal on TV
I watched cartoons all day.
And then until the end of the week
The poor man's eyes hurt.

The mouse has bad soap paws
The mouse has bad soap paws:
Just moistened it with some water,
I didn’t try to wash with soap,
And the dirt remained on the paws.
Towel with black stains!
How unpleasant it is!
Germs will get into your mouth.
Your stomach may hurt.
So, (child's name) try,
Wash your face with soap more often!
Need warm water
Wash your hands before eating!

That was?
That was,
That was,
If only
Would there be no soap?
If only
There would be no soap
Tanya would be dirty
I went!
And on it would be
Like in a garden
Digged the ground
G. Novitskaya

Songs who always sing
And he lives with a smile,
There's nothing scary about that -
He will live for many years

Get sick for your health
Svetka’s throat hurts.
Gotta take pills
Very bitter taste.
Svetka is right there, like a coward,
She shook her head,
She covered her mouth with her palms.
Doesn't want to take the pill
No matter how Svetka’s mother asks.
He doesn't want anything!
“This is how I will become a doctor,
Only sweet pills
My kids will drink.”
I will forbid giving injections,
And I will free you from school.
I will say: “Accept, children,
Three sweets for a cold.
And chocolate for coughs
Take two days in a row.
Drink cow's milk
And stay healthy!”
Valentina Chernyaeva

So that there are no germs,
Everyone should live in cleanliness.
So that there are no diseases,
Believe in strength, don't be sad.

Wash your hands before eating!
The monkey sighs: “What a fate!
It seems that my eyes have become weak.
I take a white loaf from the bread bin,
And immediately it turns black!”

Poems about hardening children.
Baby you want to be healthy
Don't take bad pills
Forget the doctors' injections,
And drops from pipettes.
So as not to sniffle,
And don't cough too much
Shower yourself every day
Lei very generously.
To succeed in studies,
And there was ingenuity
All kids need
Water hardening.

Poor Doctor Aibolit
Poor Doctor Aibolit!
The third day he doesn’t eat or sleep,
Hands out pills
Naughty kids

For those who didn't wash their hands before lunch,
Who ate candy without counting,
Who walked barefoot through the puddles,
For those who didn't listen to mommy,

For those who are now belly
Doesn't let me sleep peacefully
Who has a fever?
The doctor distributes medicine

He is ready to treat all night,
So that everyone is healthy.
By Eleni Kerra

In order
Line up!
To charge

We are growing
In the sun

Our feet
Our shots
Our muscles
And eyes
Not dim.

In order
Line up!
To charge

We are growing
In the sun
Agniya Barto

Don't read lying down!
The badger lay down under the pine tree with the magazine,
The badger immediately felt sleepy.
But the cone fell from a big branch,
And a bump jumped up on the badger’s forehead.

I'm healthy and beautiful.
This is the main strength.
I don't hate kids
I listen to and respect my elders.

To be completely healthy
To be completely healthy
Everyone needs physical education.
To begin with, in order -
Let's do some exercises in the morning!

And without any doubt
There is a good solution -
Running is good for you and playing
Get busy kids!

To develop successfully
Need to play sports
From physical education
You will have a slim figure

Useful for us without a doubt
Everything related to movement.
That's why guys
We'll do exercises.

Let's play together
Run, jump and gallop
To make it more fun
We'll take the ball quickly.

Let's stand straight, legs wider
Let's lift the ball - three or four,
Rising on your toes.
All movements are easy.

We will take the jump rope in our hands
Hoop, cube or stick.
We will learn all the movements
We will become stronger and better.

To learn to jump
We'll need a jump rope
Let's jump high
Like grasshoppers - easy.

Hoop, cubes will help
We need to develop a little flexibility
Let's bend over more often
Squat and bend over.

Here's a great picture
We are like a flexible spring
Let everything not be given right away
We'll have to work!

To become an agile athlete
We will hold a relay race.
Let's run fast, together
We really need to win!

Hamster hamster
Hamster, hamster, hamster,
Striped barrel.
Khomka gets up early:
He washes his neck and rubs his eyes.
Khomka sweeps the hut
And goes out to charge.

Khomka wants to become strong.

I do physical education,
To be beautiful.
And I always smile at everyone,
To be happy.

Ice rink
I love skating
In a sequined scarf!
Shine with a smile in your eyes and lips!
And perform a triple sheepskin coat!
Either drive backwards or sideways!
Spin like a mad top!
On a turn, on a turn
I love jumping on the skating rink!
And when I land, I glide again
Forward to the zigzag turn!
And even if the skating rink is not the same,
Where mirror ice awaits you.
He lays the asphalt
And it weighs a couple of tons.
But the skating rink is very dear to me,
What a breath of fresh air!
And in the summer on hot days
It replaces my skates!
Galina Dyadina

Once the bear drank beer...
Once the bear drank beer
And his stomach twisted
I'd rather drink milk
For the paw to heal
Ivan Antonovich Bunchekh

Morning work-out
Morning work-out
One two three four five -
We are starting to get up.
Come on, quickly - don't be lazy,
Get ready to exercise!
One two three four -
Hands up! Wider legs!
And tilt here and there,
Water like a pea!
I'm not afraid of water
I'll wet myself from the bucket.
Let's toughen up
Play sports!
Danilina Anastasia

School sports
Our boys are “athletes”
After all, at every break
There is no way to stop them:
They're practicing again!
...Training, training -
For sports, knowledge, dexterity.
Here at the start Kolya and Tolya,
That they're rushing through the school like a rocket,
Oleg catches up with them -
This sport is called "RUNNING".
Sports running is CROSS,
There is a huge demand for it!
Boy Borya is friends with BOX,
That's why with a swollen nose:
Yesterday he had a fight with Vasya,
That he was “colored” in the game.
If there is a crowd of fighting -
It's not a fight, but a FIGHT.
But not at all “free”
And fist-school.
Gleb is a famous “champion”
In sports "School BIATHLON" -
For shooting, but very nasty:
At animals, with a slingshot!
He's shooting at the school of birds,
And, unfortunately, it hits.
There are other sports -
TENNIS, just not on the court:
Like in PING-PONG he jumps briskly
A ball on the tables, on the books.
If hats fly above us,
Or pencil cases, or folders -
This is not a party at all
This is school THROWING!
Each other is RACE RACING,
Where you need a strong back.
The rider must hold on
To reach the finish line.
Floors of wet soil,
Which is not at all beautiful
And obviously dangerous!
These are the sports...
Where are the prizes - not cakes at all,
No medals, no recognition.
Instead of a cup - censure!
Natalie Samoniy

In winter we play games
Or we're rolling down the mountain,
We improve health
Let's relax from the heart!

Sport is very important for life...

He gives health to everyone.
In gym class
We'll find out about him.
We play basketball
Both football and volleyball.
We are doing exercises
We squat and run.
Sport is very important for everyone.
He is health and success.
We do exercises in the morning -
We will always be healthy.
Sabri Nadya

The one who believes in himself,
In kindness and beauty,
Never and in health
Will not remain in debt.

Health Day
The whole class was on their ears -
We had a health day.
The bear pumped his biceps -
He hit the wall with a barbell.
Svetka got the jump rope
And she started jumping in circles.
Vovka got hold of a weight -
He beat her nuts very well.
Quarter of the class, I'm with them
They mounted the horse.
Many tried to jump,
Some flew away, some stayed.
Bars are like grapes -
There are eleven guys there.
Eight boys got into a fight -
They tried to take the ball away.
Everyone laughed and made noise -
They wanted to be healthy.
Suddenly the teacher entered the class -
The incentive to jump has faded away
Everyone stood in line
We were waiting for it to come out again.
How to get healthy here
After all, it’s boring to fight in front of adults.
Sergey Zhivoy

About the benefits of sports and physical education
For health, not for fun
We were woken up at five in the morning,
So that we achieve success,—
That's what the doctors said.
Let's start training -
Jogging is available to everyone
Without skill and dexterity
And no experience at all.
Have you reached it? Let's continue,
There's no time to stand
We comply with the standards -
We need to lift the weights,
Fall on the asphalt, do push-ups
Forty-eight times in a row
And at the same time smile,
Everyone is happy about physical education.
After these exercises
Take a deeper breath,
And without fear and doubt
Dive into a river or pond.
For those who can't swim,
Don't yell over trifles! —
It won’t save or warm you,
It's better to give free rein to your hands.
After these exercises
We can no longer be defeated
And germs, no doubt
They won't make us sick.
By Eleni Kerra

Cleanliness is the key to health...
Cleanliness is the key to health
Cleanliness is needed everywhere:
At home, at school, at work,
Both on land and in water.

Hands must be washed with soap,
To be healthy.

There is no need to put your hands in your mouth.

Every time we eat,
We think about health:
I don't need greasy cream
I'd rather eat carrots.

Do physical exercise
To maintain health,
And try out of laziness
Run away quickly.

From plain water and soap
Microbes are losing their strength.
So as not to give life to microbes,
There is no need to put your hands in your mouth.

Do your exercises
If you want to be healthy.
Douse yourself with cold water—
You will forget the doctors.

We love to play sports:
Run, jump, tumble.
And winter will come—
Let's all get on skis.

We're running for recess
We'll definitely have fun.
We'll go to class later,
We'll rest there for a while.

If trouble suddenly strikes,
Call for help then.
101, 102, 103—
Dial the number quickly.

If something suddenly happens,
You can call:
Give the exact address
And call for help.

Physical exercises help
Relax during lessons.
So that we can continue to work
And study only with an “A”!

Don't drink Coca-Cola...
Don't drink Coca-Cola
She's not useful
You better eat cabbage
I will share it with you.

If you don't eat onions,
You will catch a hundred diseases, friend,
Won't you eat garlic?
Then the cold will knock you off your feet.

Eat your vegetables, my friend.
You will be healthy!
Eat carrots and garlic
Be prepared for life!

Don't drink soda
After all, she brings you harm,
Better drink kvass -
It tastes many times better!

I got up early today
And I got a carrot.
You can eat a sandwich
It will only make your stomach hurt.

Eat vegetables and fruits -
They are healthy products!
Candies, gingerbreads, cookies
They ruin your teeth's mood.

Nadya ate kirieshki
and salted nuts,
her stomach hurt
It would be better to eat porridge. Here!

Every day early in the morning
Eat banana and orange
To make your face look pretty
There were no more wrinkles.

So that illness does not overtake you,
On a winter morning
In food, you eat:
Green onions and garlic.

Let us grow to heaven
“Hercules” porridge will help,
And to improve vision -
Blueberry jam.

Teeth are like flowers in a garden bed...
Teeth are like flowers in a garden bed
Remember! and without further ado
Keep them all in order
Gardener of your teeth!

True, of course, anything can happen.

Yesterday we played doctors.
Romka had his teeth pulled out.
And the next morning his mother -
She led them all - insert!

Or maybe it's the birds.
Here are the little sparrows flying

Good life for them guys
Never among the sparrows
The teeth in the beak don't hurt!

To be healthy and strong,
We need to develop.
For both body and soul
Play sports.

Sport - is life
Sport is very important for life.
He gives health to everyone.
In gym class
We'll find out about him.
We play basketball
Both football and volleyball.
We are doing exercises
We squat and run.
Sport is very important for everyone.
He is health and success.
We do exercises in the morning -
We will always be healthy.
Sabri Nadya

If you smile,
You will always be kind
You have nothing to fear -
You will live to be a hundred years old!

You need to sunbathe in moderation!
A polar bear was basking in the sun,
In the summer he decided to turn brown,
And the polar bear turned brown
That brown skin is peeling off from him!

I jumped and ran,
She frolicked and jumped.
And she grew up a little,
She became a champion.
I ate and slept a lot,
Suddenly I went to shaping.
And now I understand
That I have gained health.

In winter we play games
Or we're rolling down the mountain,
We improve health
Let's relax from the heart!

All parents want their babies to grow up strong and happy. Unfortunately, not all modern children can boast of good health. Pediatricians say that today's children get sick more often than their peers 10-15 years ago. And they are no different in physical endurance either. Why is this happening? The average child sits a lot at homework, on the computer, moves little, eats irregularly and irrationally. Bad habits in children also have a negative impact. As a result of all this, by adolescence they develop chronic diseases and physical inactivity. A healthy lifestyle will help you avoid these problems. It is very important for a child, as it is the basis of his physical well-being in the future.

First steps to health

Children should be taught to strive to be healthy from the first years of life. Children should get into the habit of washing their hands, bathing regularly, brushing their teeth, doing morning exercises, spending time in the fresh air, and keeping their clothes tidy. Parents teach these basic things to a child even before he goes to kindergarten. As children grow older, caregivers and teachers become involved in caring for their health. The “Healthy Lifestyle” project exists today in all domestic educational institutions. For each age category, their own programs are developed. Despite the fact that there are many of them, they have the same goal - to preserve and strengthen the physical, psychological and spiritual health of the child, to accustom him to the rules of hygiene and self-care, and to instill the concept that there can be nothing more valuable than excellent health.

How do they work with children in preschool institutions?

Children in kindergarten should begin with explanations about what is harmful and beneficial for a growing organism. Children need to be given an idea in an accessible form about the structure of their body, the characteristics of the body, and instill in them self-hygiene skills. A child of kindergarten age is taught to identify when he is sick and to complain to the teacher or parents. Much attention is paid to the physical development of preschool children. They are not only taught the need for daily exercise, but also explained why it is needed and how it affects the human body. All work with children is carried out in a playful way, because this is how they best absorb knowledge and gain new skills. Successful implementation of the program is only possible if teachers interact with the children’s parents.

Main areas of programs

Healthy lifestyle programs in kindergarten consist of several important and closely related areas. These include therapeutic and preventive activities, physical development and wellness procedures, taking care of psychological well-being, proper diet and injury prevention.

Keeping babies healthy in practice

Therapeutic and preventive work in kindergartens consists of teaching children a daily routine, the ability to determine their well-being, and observe hygiene requirements. To do this, in preschool institutions they create a comfortable regime in groups, conduct daily walks and pay attention to the active children’s hardening.

Physical education and health improvement for preschoolers includes morning exercises and exercises after naps, running, sports games, and finger exercises. Children and parents are encouraged to play sports together. Teachers not only teach their students to engage in physical activity, but also tell them about the rules of safe behavior during physical education.

In order to avoid problems with the mental health of children, teachers give them moments of silence and musical breaks throughout the day. This allows the children to relax and relieve nervous tension.

A healthy lifestyle for a child has a close relationship with the quality of food he eats. In order to help him grow up healthy, educational institutions regularly promote the benefits of balanced nutrition.

The level of childhood injuries is increasing every year. In order to reduce it, adults conduct explanatory conversations with students about how to avoid accidents, how to behave in case of fire, etc. In order to prevent car accidents, children are taught from an early age to cross the roadway correctly and explain to them the consequences of violating the rules traffic.

Health of elementary school students

Problems with a healthy lifestyle for children begin after they enter school. A child who crosses the threshold of the classroom is no longer treated like a child. Changing daily routines, new requirements, lessons and other factors leave their mark on primary school students. Most often, it is during this period that children experience digestive disorders, scoliosis, insufficient motor activity, blurred vision, and mental disorders.

Health programs in primary school

Projects to encourage healthy lifestyles, designed for elementary school students, have several important goals. Firstly, they are aimed at developing in the younger generation a caring attitude towards their own body. Secondly, such programs contribute to the adaptation of children in society, which in the future will allow them to avoid such harmful habits as smoking, drug use, and alcohol. The implementation of such projects is possible with close cooperation between the teaching staff and the students’ parents.

Teaching a healthy lifestyle to primary school children consists of several main areas. Teachers instill in students the concept of the value of good health, that it is much easier to maintain than to restore later. Primary school age is the best time to expand children's knowledge about health. Conversations and games are held with them on topics related to hygiene rules, the need to play sports, toughen up, and eat rationally.

Education of primary school students

During this period, prevention of the child’s development of bad habits begins, which will continue throughout his entire time at school. He is taught to resist the negative influence of older comrades, to have his own strong position in relation to factors negatively affecting health. Students are involved in various types of useful work, which will help them develop their abilities and subsequently realize themselves in life. Much attention is paid to schoolchildren: they are regularly given morning exercises and physical education lessons, and children are also strongly encouraged to attend sports sections. The healthy lifestyle program consists of working not only with students, but also with their mothers and fathers. At meetings, teachers educate parents on issues related to their involvement in sports, proper nutrition, prevention of bad habits, etc.

Work of teachers with teenagers

After graduating from primary school, the main focus of educational work with students remains a healthy lifestyle. 5th grade and all subsequent ones are the time when most children are familiar with sports and the basics of good nutrition, and have a persistent negative attitude towards addictions. The task of teachers is to provide schoolchildren with more detailed information about a healthy lifestyle. For this purpose, educational conversations are regularly held with children about the benefits of sports and physical activity, the prevention of viral and cold diseases, and the rules of caring for one’s own body. Teachers continue to work against children's addiction to alcohol, tobacco and drugs. The “Healthy Lifestyle” project in middle and high schools also includes age-appropriate sex education for students. Teenagers are introduced to the basics of sexual behavior, various sexually transmitted diseases and ways to avoid contracting them.

The importance of environment in human upbringing

A healthy lifestyle for a child of any age is inextricably linked with his family. If his immediate circle (parents, grandparents, older brothers and sisters) play sports, take care of themselves, eat right, and do not have bad habits, then the student will see a positive example before him, and it will be much easier for him to grow into a full-fledged person, not subject to diseases and harmful addictions. In problem families where adults abuse alcohol, smoke, and take drugs, it is unlikely that it will be possible to raise healthy children. It is also important who the child communicates with regularly. Children often fall under the bad influence of friends who have bad habits. To avoid this, adults need to carefully monitor who their offspring is friends with and prevent his communication with dubious persons.

Participation in groups

A healthy lifestyle should be the norm for a child. Parents, educators and teachers are equally responsible for it. Every person must understand from childhood that his well-being depends on him, and he must make every effort to remain strong for as long as possible. Healthy lifestyle groups, which are popular today among people of any age, will help him with this. Such organizations are a kind of clubs of interest, where participants get together to get information that interests them, conduct joint training, go on a hike, and so on. If a child begins to attend such a group, he will definitely grow up healthy, as he will be surrounded by like-minded people.