
Federal Law 466. Citizens' comments on the gas law. For whom the installation of meters is still required


The mandatory installation of gas meters in apartments is canceled, and the special conditions for the functioning of the wholesale and retail electricity markets are extended (Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 466-FZ)

The mandatory installation of gas meters in apartments is canceled, and special conditions for the functioning of the wholesale and retail electricity markets are extended ( Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 466-FZ)

Firstly, the mandatory installation of natural gas meters is canceled if the maximum volume of its consumption is less than 2 cubic meters. m per hour.
Secondly, certain issues regarding the functioning of the wholesale and retail electricity markets have been resolved.
From January 1, 2015, special conditions for the functioning of the wholesale and retail electricity markets were to cease to apply in relation to certain parts of the price zones of the wholesale market (North Caucasus Federal District and the Republic of Tyva). This could lead to a sharp increase in prices (tariffs) for electricity for consumers in these regions and increase the burden on budgets at various levels. In addition, the rise in prices could provoke an increase in debt in the wholesale electricity and capacity market.
The amendments provide for a gradual reduction in the volume of electricity purchases under regulated contracts for wholesale market entities - buyers operating in these territories. A schedule is provided for reducing the volume of purchases of electricity (capacity) under regulated contracts to provide consumers not belonging to the population and equivalent categories. The amendments will allow wholesale market entities to switch to common operating conditions for electricity markets by January 1, 2023, without negative consequences.
If the indicators set by the Government of the Russian Federation (in connection with payment for supplied electricity, reducing the level of actual losses, etc.) are not met, it is planned to further reduce the volume of purchases of electricity (capacity) under regulated contracts in the amount and manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation.
A source of financing for the construction and operation of new generating facilities in Crimea has also been identified in the form of a premium to the price of capacity. It is possible to establish regulated premiums in the form of a formula or procedure for their determination. These amendments will ensure reliable and uninterrupted energy supply to Crimean consumers.
The legal status of the market council has also been clarified. It was decided not to classify it as a self-regulatory organization, since it does not meet the requirements for them. It is stipulated that the market council is a non-profit organization that is formed in the form of an association (union).
In addition, the powers of the Russian Ministry of Energy to control the activities of the market council have been clarified.
The federal law comes into force on January 1, 2015.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 466-FZ "On amendments to the Federal Law "On the peculiarities of the functioning of the electric power industry in the transition period and on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation as invalid in connection with adoption of the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"

Amend to the Federal Law of March 26, 2003 No. 36-FZ “On the peculiarities of the functioning of the electric power industry during the transition period and on introducing amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation and recognizing as invalid some legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 13, Art. 1178; 2005, No. 1, Art. 4; 2006, No. 17, Art. 1783; 2007, No. 7, Art. 834; No. 41, Art. 4848; No. 45, Art. 5427; 2010, No. 31, Art. 4156; 2011, No. 50, Art. 7343; 2013, No. 14, Art. 1643) the following changes:

1) exclude the words “during the transition period” from the title;

2) parts three to five of Article 6 are declared invalid.

Introduce into the Federal Law of March 26, 2003 No. 35-FZ “On Electric Power Industry” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 13, Art. 1177; 2005, No. 1, Art. 37; 2007, No. 45, Art. 5427; 2008, No. 52, Art. 6236; 2009, No. 48, Art. 5711; 2010, No. 31, Art. 4156, 4160; 2011, No. 7, Art. 905; No. 11, Art. 1502; No. 23, Art. 3263; No. 30, Art. 4590, 4596; No. 50, Art. 7336, 7343; 2012, No. 26, Art. 3446; No. 27, Art. 3587; No. 53, Art. 7616; 2013, No. 45, Art. 5797; 2014, No. 30, Art. 4218) the following changes:

1) in paragraph thirty of Article 3, replace the word “providing” with the words “which provides”, add the words “and which meets the criteria approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for classifying owners of electric grid facilities as territorial grid organizations”;

2) in paragraph 1 of Article 23:

a) after the words “State regulation of prices (tariffs)” add the word “, surcharges”, after the words “At the same time regulated prices (tariffs)” add the word “, surcharges”, add the words “(tariffs) and surcharges”;

b) add the following paragraph:

“In the manner and in cases determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, regulated prices (tariffs) and surcharges established by the Government of the Russian Federation or the federal executive body in the field of tariff regulation in the form of formulas or the procedure for determining such prices (tariffs) and surcharges, or components parts of such regulated prices (tariffs) and premiums and (or) values ​​on the basis of which such regulated prices (tariffs) and premiums are determined are determined and used by the organization of the commercial infrastructure of the wholesale market.”;

3) in article 23.1:

a) in paragraph 2:

in paragraph four, delete the words “defined by the Government of the Russian Federation” and add the words “in order to ensure the consumption of electrical energy by consumers not belonging to the population and (or) equivalent categories of consumers”;

in paragraph eight, the words “and (or) to the equilibrium price for electric energy” should be deleted, the words “territories of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that do not have administrative borders with other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and not related to the territories of islands” should be replaced with the words “territories of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, not having administrative boundaries with other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and not belonging to the territories of the islands - the Kaliningrad region";

add the following paragraph:

“a premium to the price of power, established and applied in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, in order to partially compensate subjects of the wholesale market - producers of electrical energy (power) for capital and operating costs in relation to generating facilities of thermal power plants built and put into operation in the territories Republic of Crimea and (or) the federal city of Sevastopol after January 1, 2016.”;

b) paragraph 8 should be supplemented with paragraphs containing the following content:

“Addition to the price of power, applied in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, in order to partially compensate subjects of the wholesale market - producers of electrical energy (power) for capital and operating costs in relation to generating facilities of thermal power plants built and put into operation in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and (or) the federal city of Sevastopol after January 1, 2016, is established in the form of the procedure for its determination.

The Government of the Russian Federation determines the subjects of the wholesale market - producers of electrical energy (power), to the price of whose power the specified premium is applied and the generating facilities of thermal power plants of which are subject to construction in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and (or) the federal city of Sevastopol, and also approves the list of those subject to construction generating facilities, their locations, their installed capacity, commissioning dates and technical requirements for them.

A surcharge to the price of power, applied in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, in order to partially compensate for the cost of power and (or) electrical energy of wholesale market entities - producers of electrical energy (capacity), whose generating equipment is located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation that does not have administrative boundaries with other subjects of the Russian Federation and not related to the territories of the islands - the Kaliningrad region, is established in the form of the procedure for its determination.";

4) in article 24:

a) paragraph 1 is supplemented with the following paragraphs:

“establishes a premium to the price of power applied for the purpose of partial compensation to subjects of the wholesale market - producers of electrical energy (power) for capital and operating costs in relation to generating facilities of thermal power plants built and put into operation in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and (or) a city of federal significance Sevastopol after January 1, 2016, and the procedure for applying the specified allowance;

establishes a premium to the price of power used to partially compensate for the cost of power and (or) electrical energy of wholesale market entities - producers of electrical energy (capacity) whose generating equipment is located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation that does not have administrative borders with other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and not related to the territories of the islands - Kaliningrad region.";

b) in paragraph 2:

paragraph twelve is declared invalid;

in paragraph nineteen, delete the words “defined by the Government of the Russian Federation” and add the words “in order to ensure the consumption of electrical energy by consumers not belonging to the population and (or) equivalent categories of consumers”;

5) in article 33:

a) in paragraph 1:

in paragraph two, the words “self-regulatory organization -” should be deleted;

in paragraph five, replace the words “in the form” with the words “in the organizational and legal form of an association (union) in the form”;

b) in paragraph 4:

add a new paragraph twenty-two as follows:

“the election of a supervisory body over the financial and economic activities of the market council and the appointment of an audit organization or an individual auditor of the market council;”;

6) Article 36 shall be supplemented with paragraphs 6 - 9 as follows:

"6. In the price zones of the wholesale market, subjects of the wholesale market - producers of electrical energy (capacity), determined by the federal executive body in the field of tariff regulation in accordance with the criteria approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, are obliged to conclude contracts for the supply of electrical energy (capacity) in the manner established by the rules of the wholesale market. :

with guaranteeing suppliers, energy supply organizations, energy sales organizations, whose buyers of electrical energy (power) include the population and (or) categories of consumers equivalent to it, to provide electricity (power) to the population and (or) categories of consumers equivalent to it;

until January 1, 2023 with subjects of the wholesale market - buyers of electrical energy (power) operating in certain parts of the price zones of the wholesale market, for which the Government of the Russian Federation has established the specifics of the functioning of the wholesale and retail markets, in order to provide electrical energy (power) to consumers, not belonging to the population and (or) categories of consumers equated to it, in relation to the volume of electrical energy (power) determined in accordance with this article and the rules of the wholesale market. The expiration of the specified agreements cannot be later than December 31, 2022.

The beginning and end of the period for supply of electrical energy (power) under these contracts must fall within one calendar year.

7. The Government of the Russian Federation determines the terms of the contracts for the supply of electrical energy (power) specified in paragraph 6 of this article, taking into account the requirements for:

sale of electric energy (power) to one or more guaranteeing suppliers, energy supply organizations, energy sales organizations, the number of buyers of electric energy (power) of which includes the population and (or) equivalent categories of consumers, as well as subjects of the wholesale market - buyers of electric energy (power ), operating in certain parts of the price zones of the wholesale market, for which the Government of the Russian Federation has established the peculiarities of the functioning of the wholesale and retail markets, in the amount of up to 35 percent of the electrical energy (power) produced by each of the producers specified in paragraph 6 of this article. This volume is determined in accordance with the rules of the wholesale market based on the volume of electrical energy (power) of generating companies in the consolidated forecast balance of production and supply of electrical energy (power) within the Unified Energy System of Russia for the year in which electrical energy (power) is supplied by relevant agreements;

sale of electrical energy (power) under the contracts specified in paragraph 6 of this article at prices (tariffs) determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. From January 1, 2015, subjects of the wholesale market - buyers of electric energy (power) operating in certain parts of the price zones of the wholesale market, for which the Government of the Russian Federation has established the specifics of the functioning of the wholesale and retail markets, electric energy (power) to provide consumers, not belonging to the population and (or) categories of consumers equated to it, is purchased in the following shares of the production and supply of electrical energy (power) indicated in the consolidated forecast balance within the Unified Energy System of Russia for the year in which the supply of electrical energy (power) is carried out, the volume of consumption of electrical energy by each of such buyers of electrical energy (power), reduced by the volume of consumption of electrical energy (power) by the population and (or) equivalent categories of consumers, indicated in the consolidated forecast balance of production and supply of electrical energy (power) within the framework of the Unified energy system of Russia for the year in which electrical energy (power) is supplied:

9. The shares of purchase of electrical energy (power) by the wholesale market entities specified in paragraph 8 of this article are further reduced in the manner and in cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation, if the persons specified in this paragraph do not meet the following criteria established by the Government of the Russian Federation:

fulfillment by the specified wholesale market entities of obligations to pay for electric energy (capacity), electric energy transmission services;

achievement by territorial grid organizations operating in the relevant territories of the indicators established for them to reduce the amount of actual losses of electrical energy at electric grid facilities;

compliance of the regulated prices (tariffs) established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation in the relevant territories, including for electrical energy (power), for services for the transmission of electrical energy, to the level determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

conclusion of an agreement on the procedure for implementing the criteria established by the Government of the Russian Federation and compliance by the parties to this agreement with its terms.

In order to ensure proper fulfillment of their obligations to electric power industry entities by buyers of electric energy (capacity) operating in certain parts of the price zones of the wholesale market, for which the Government of the Russian Federation has established the specifics of the functioning of the wholesale and retail markets, the Government of the Russian Federation may establish other criteria.

An agreement on the procedure for implementing the criteria established by the Government of the Russian Federation is concluded in the manner, within the terms and on the conditions established by the Government of the Russian Federation, between a wholesale market entity - a buyer of electrical energy (power) operating in a separate part of the price zone of the wholesale market, for which the Government of the Russian Federation The Federation has established the features of the functioning of the wholesale and retail markets, a territorial network organization operating in such a territory and meeting the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation for territorial network organizations performing the functions of a guarantee supplier, federal executive authorities authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in area of ​​state regulation of tariffs and the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the specified wholesale market entity operates, and must contain the conditions established by the Government of the Russian Federation, including the procedure for interaction between the parties to such an agreement in order to ensure compliance with their criteria established by the Government of the Russian Federation Federation.

Control over compliance with the terms of such an agreement by all its participants is carried out by a federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.”

Part 1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 48, Art. 5711; 2011 , No. 29, Article 4288) add the words “or the maximum volume of natural gas consumption of which is less than two cubic meters per hour (in relation to the organization of accounting for natural gas used).”

Paragraph twenty-one of paragraph 12 of Article 1 and subparagraphs “c” and “d” of paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of July 26, 2010 No. 187-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Electric Power Industry” and the Federal Law “On the Features of the Functioning of the Electric Power Industry” during the transition period and on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation as having lost force in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 31, Art. 4156) to be declared invalid .

The president
Russian Federation
V. Putin

Moscow Kremlin


On January 1, 2015, the Federal Law (No. 466-FZ dated December 29, 2014) came into force, according to one of the norms of which owners of apartments and houses who use only gas stoves are exempt from the obligation to install gas meters.

Previously, such an obligation for all users of gas equipment, including owners of apartments and houses equipped only with gas stoves, was established by the Federal Law “On Energy Saving” (No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009). The date of entry into force of the requirement for the mandatory installation of gas meters has been postponed several times. January 1, 2015 was the last date by which the law required users to install natural gas meters.

In practice, fulfilling this requirement turned out to be unprofitable for a significant part of consumers, since the costs of owners who use only gas stoves for installing meters at current tariffs practically do not pay off. Basically, only companies that install meters en masse benefit. They, in fact, fueled the excitement last year, frightening the population with the approaching date of entry into force of the rule on the mandatory installation of metering devices.

Lawmakers eventually turned their attention to a problem that was disturbing public opinion. The law they adopted at the end of December actually abolishes the obligation to install gas meters for homeowners equipped only with gas stoves.

The corresponding norm, however, expressed in a somewhat specific form, is contained in Article 3 of Federal Law No. 466 of December 29, 2014, which has a very long title that means nothing to the general public: “Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Features” functioning of the electric power industry during the transition period and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and invalidating certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.” This article, in particular, amends Part 1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Energy Saving” of 2009, which establishes a list of objects that are not subject to requirements regarding the need to organize accounting of energy resources used. In addition to dilapidated, emergency facilities, facilities subject to demolition or major repairs as of January 1, 2013, facilities with low power consumption of electrical and thermal energy, this list includes facilities “the maximum volume of natural gas consumption of which is less than two cubic meters per day.” hour".

Gas stoves that consume no more than 2 cubic meters fall under this definition. m of gas per hour.

When combining devices (stove and gas water heater, stove and gas boiler), gas consumption, as a rule, exceeds this norm (you can check the consumption volumes in the technical data sheets of the devices), therefore, in these cases, the legal requirements on the need to install gas meters remain relevant.

Is it necessary to install a gas meter in 2015? On December 29 last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved amendments to the Law “On Energy Saving”.

Since 2009, the benefits of installing gas meters have been talked about frequently and convincingly. Experts' calculations were also supported by consumer reviews, who felt savings even with small expenses.

On December 29 last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved amendments to the Law “On Energy Saving”, according to which the installation of gas meters for consumers using natural gas in a volume of less than two cubic meters per hour is considered optional.

Let’s consider whether those exempt from such an obligation should refuse to keep track of their expenses.

Amendment to Law No. 466-FZ

To begin with, the following points should be clarified: On December 29, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No. 466-FZ, which makes the installation of gas meters optional if the maximum volume of natural gas consumption is less than two cubic meters per hour. The two cubic meters in question can be used for more than just cooking, or at least the Law doesn’t say anything about it. But there is also draft Law No. 656291-6, which was submitted to the State Duma by deputies of the Ivanovo region. It is precisely this bill that proposes extending the deadline for installing gas meters until January 1, 2019, and also that the requirement to install individual meters for natural gas used will not apply to owners of residential premises in apartment buildings equipped with the only gas-consuming device - a gas stove. Draft Law No. 656291-6 will be considered by the State Duma no earlier than July 2015.

The decision to install or not to install individual meters for natural gas consumption is now made by the owners of residential premises, but when making such a decision, one should not forget about the increasing coefficient, the application of which came into force on January 1, 2015.

Today, the current legislation tells us that in case of natural gas consumption of less than two cubic meters per hour, the installation of metering devices is not mandatory, but at the same time, in the absence of an installed metering device, an increasing factor will be applied in the calculation .

Today, the main argument in favor of abandoning meters for consumers is its initially low cost. At the same time, let's not forget about the quality of the meters that we install in our apartments. Of course, the choice of metering device is everyone’s business, and the decision is made independently. You can purchase a meter at a low cost, of dubious production, but how long will such a meter last, a month, two, maximum a year, while a high-quality meter is installed for at least 10 years, and its average cost is 6,000 rubles. Even if it is paid according to the standard - 10.4 m3 per person - the bill does not seem impressive. For example, for a family of 3 people it will be about 205 rubles. With a meter - about 34 rubles, 6 times cheaper.

With monthly savings of 170 rubles and an average cost of installing a metering device of 6,000 rubles, its payback period will take 2-3 years. Over the next 9 years until the meter is verified, the consumer's benefit only grows, every six months. Indeed, according to the strategy for reimbursement of government costs for utilities, an increasing factor will be applied to the accounts of households that are not equipped with metering devices. From January 1 of this year it was 1.1, and after 2 years it will be consistently increased to 1.6. This means that for the same family of 3 people, the gas bill in 2017 will reach 300 rubles. Exactly 10 times more than the neighbor with a gas meter.

Is it really profitable to pay according to the standard? Today, the power to answer this question is left to the 14 million homeowners who use less than two cubic meters per hour of natural gas (cooking only). In total, according to Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Andrei Chibis, today 18 million households may fall under sanctions. This is exactly how many apartments in our country are still not equipped with gas meters, and 4 of them are still required to do so.

Today in Russia there are about 60 million private and multi-apartment residential buildings, where heating and water heating is possible only with gas. Even with the low price of this resource, utility bills in such households reach 1,500 rubles. The price is impressive, which is why prudent property owners have almost completely equipped their homes with gas meters in the 5 years since the adoption of the Energy Saving Law.

Currently, only about 4 million households using gas to heat their homes, heat baths or heat water have not complied with the requirement. According to the new law, the installation period for metering devices for them has been extended until 2019. The only question is whether a thrifty owner will want to pay for services for so long at the average standard with an ever-increasing increasing factor.

Time will tell whether we will be happy about the amendments to the bill. But for residents of apartment buildings, this is definitely a reason to think: whether their legal refusal to install gas meters will become a convenient reason to include their neighbors’ gas debts in their “utilities”.

The decision to abandon the widespread installation of smart gas meters by increasing tariffs is correct. Many people installed meters themselves [...]

Citizens' comments on the gas law

Is it necessary to install a gas meter in 2015?

Is it necessary to install a gas meter in 2015? On December 29 last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved amendments to the Law “On Energy Saving”.

Since 2009, the benefits of installing gas meters have been talked about frequently and convincingly. Experts' calculations were also supported by consumer reviews, who felt savings even with small expenses.

On December 29 last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved amendments to the Law “On Energy Saving”, according to which the installation of gas meters for consumers using natural gas in a volume of less than two cubic meters per hour is considered optional.

Let’s consider whether those exempt from such an obligation should refuse to keep track of their expenses.

Amendment to Law No. 466-FZ

To begin with, the following points should be clarified: On December 29, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No. 466-FZ, which makes the installation of gas meters optional if the maximum volume of natural gas consumption is less than two cubic meters per hour. The two cubic meters in question can be used for more than just cooking, or at least the Law doesn’t say anything about it. But there is also draft Law No. 656291-6, which was submitted to the State Duma by deputies of the Ivanovo region. It is precisely this bill that proposes extending the deadline for installing gas meters until January 1, 2019, and also that the requirement to install individual meters for natural gas used will not apply to owners of residential premises in apartment buildings equipped with the only gas-consuming device - a gas stove. Draft Law No. 656291-6 will be considered by the State Duma no earlier than July 2015.

The decision to install or not to install individual meters for natural gas consumption is now made by the owners of residential premises, but when making such a decision, one should not forget about the increasing coefficient, the application of which came into force on January 1, 2015.

Today, the current legislation tells us that in case of natural gas consumption of less than two cubic meters per hour, the installation of metering devices is not mandatory, but at the same time, in the absence of an installed metering device, an increasing factor will be applied in the calculation.

Calculating savings with a gas meter

Today, the main argument in favor of abandoning meters for consumers is its initially low cost. At the same time, let's not forget about the quality of the meters that we install in our apartments. Of course, the choice of metering device is everyone’s business, and the decision is made independently. You can purchase a meter at a low cost, of dubious production, but how long will such a meter last, a month, two, maximum a year, while a high-quality meter is installed for at least 10 years, and its average cost is 6,000 rubles. Even if it is paid according to the standard - 10.4 m3 per person - the bill does not seem impressive. For example, for a family of 3 people it will be about 205 rubles. With a meter - about 34 rubles, 6 times cheaper.

With monthly savings of 170 rubles and an average cost of installing a metering device of 6,000 rubles, its payback period will take 2-3 years. Over the next 9 years until the meter is verified, the consumer's benefit only grows, every six months. Indeed, according to the strategy for reimbursement of government costs for utilities, an increasing factor will be applied to the accounts of households that are not equipped with metering devices. From January 1 of this year it was 1.1, and after 2 years it will be consistently increased to 1.6. This means that for the same family of 3 people, the gas bill in 2017 will reach 300 rubles. Exactly 10 times more than the neighbor with a gas meter.

Is it really profitable to pay according to the standard? Today, the power to answer this question is left to the 14 million homeowners who use less than two cubic meters per hour of natural gas (cooking only). In total, according to Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Andrei Chibis, today 18 million households may fall under sanctions. This is exactly how many apartments in our country are still not equipped with gas meters, and 4 of them are still required to do so.

For whom is the installation of meters still required?

Today in Russia there are about 60 million private and multi-apartment residential buildings, where heating and water heating is possible only with gas. Even with the low price of this resource, utility bills in such households reach 1,500 rubles. The price is impressive, which is why prudent property owners have almost completely equipped their homes with gas meters in the 5 years since the adoption of the Energy Saving Law.

Currently, only about 4 million households using gas to heat their homes, heat baths or heat water have not complied with the requirement. According to the new law, the installation period for metering devices for them has been extended until 2019. The only question is whether a thrifty owner will want to pay for services for so long at the average standard with an ever-increasing increasing factor.

Time will tell whether we will be happy about the amendments to the bill. But for residents of apartment buildings, this is definitely a reason to think: whether their legal refusal to install gas meters will become a convenient reason to include their neighbors’ gas debts in their “utilities”.


Once again I am convinced of the desire of ENERGY WORKERS to receive excess profits from inflated gas standards (in this case).
Other suppliers (water, electricity, heat) have already assessed their mistakes in installing meters and these are just the beginning. In the case of gas, installing a meter in a city apartment pays for itself within 3 years, depending on the number of registered residents!
The journalists have once again confirmed their corruption!

Deputy Elena Nikolaeva, speaking about the 50-year payback period for a gas meter, considers the most extreme option of using gas exclusively for cooking: one person is registered and lives in the apartment and the cost of installation is 7-10 thousand rubles.
The truth, as always, is in the golden mean. A family of 3-4 people installing a meter for 800-1000 rubles (installation cost in most regions of the Russian Federation) pays for it in 4-5 years.
50 rubles per person - 150 rubles for three people
saving 30% (50% for those who are especially frugal) - 50 rubles per month for a family of 3 people
saving 600 rubles per year for a family of 3 people
saving 2,400 rubles in four years for a family of 3 people
saving 3,000 rubles in five years for a family of 3 people

Meters must be installed and this should not even be discussed!
Only with flow metering devices will the consumer feel protected.

Installed a year ago, we pay about 2.5 times less. It cost 3 thousand rubles. It will pay for itself in about 3 years, the verification period is 2026.

The real cost with installation is 700 rubles, that’s why they were allowed not to install it, companies can steal the surplus themselves and write off the overspending on the residents. And taking into account Russian laziness, you can suck money from the residents for a long time, so it’s not a matter of humanism of this law, but in thieving practicality.

These are comments on the amendment to the law - amendments to Federal Law No. 261 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” dated November 23, 2009. The amendment proposes to give owners of apartments and other residential premises that use gas exclusively for cooking the right to refuse the mandatory installation of a gas consumption meter. For other categories of dwellings, whose residents use gas not only for cooking, but also for space heating and other needs, the document proposes to postpone the deadline for the mandatory installation of a meter from January 1, 2016 to January 1, 2019.