
Good health with Gennady Malakhov on the first. Good health with Gennady Malakhov at the first Heart is not a stone

ABOUT THE PROGRAM (Timekeeping – 49 min. 46 sec.)

This issue of the cyclic program “Good Health” is called “I’ll give you the whole world!” because it is dedicated to the name and work of the singer and composer Evgeny Martynov (years of life 1948–1990). As many probably understood, the name of the program was given by the composer’s song of the same name based on the poems of Ilya Reznik. The form of the program is a classic talk show in the studio with the participation of two presenters - Gennady Malakhov and Angelina Vovk - and guests who personally knew the artist and kindly shared their memories of him with the audience.

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The invited guests were: poets Andrey Dementyev, Alexey Pyanov and Lydia Kozlova; singers Renat Ibragimov, Lyudmila Ryumina, Ksenia Georgiadi, Maria Codreanu and Svetlana Rezanova; as well as a student friend, neighbor and brother of the composer - Vladimir Vovchenko, Lev Kudinov and Yuri Martynov, respectively. The poet I. Reznik was also invited, but he fell ill the day before and was promptly “replaced” by A. Dementyev. It should be noted that the memories that made up the program as a whole almost correspond to reality, although the conversation was not without some “liberties” and, at times, inaccuracies (such as “Zhenya graduated from the conducting and choral department” - despite the fact that Martynov graduated from the department of wind and opera-symphonic conducting at the Music Pedagogical Institute).

Of course, the program featured excerpts from Martynov’s songs performed by the author. These songs were: “I’ll give you the whole world” and “Apple trees in bloom” (poems by I. Reznik), “Alyonushka” and “Father’s House” (Art. A. Dementyev), “Meeting of Friends” (Art. R. Rozhdestvensky ), “Mom’s eyes” (art. M. Plyatskovsky), “Spell” (art. N. Islam). And in the studio, the composer’s songs (they are given in abbreviated edited versions in the program) were illustrated by R. Ibragimov, M. Codreanu and S. Rezanova. These are the songs, respectively – “The Ballad of the Mother” (to the verses of A. Dementyev), “Tell me, cherry...” (art. V. Kharitonov) and “Nightingales sing, pour out...” (art. D. Usmanov) .

Now, with the passage of time, it is hardly advisable to talk about song numbers performed on the set, but not included in the television program. As, indeed, about individual “script-inconsistent” moments that amused the pavilion audience, but remained behind the scenes. For those working and filming incidents, although preserved in the memory of witnesses, did not become television history.

Producer of remastering - Vladimir Makarikhin, editor - Yuri Martynov. (2017)

Description: New program by Gennady Malakhov on Channel One called Good health will tell you how to keep your body in full health and order, what you need to eat, how to train your body and much, much more.

Name: Good health
Genres: domestic, TV shows
Country Russia
Released: 2012
Director: Channel One
Roles: Gennady Malakhov

Healthy joints for many years

1. You need to rub your joints thoroughly to feel the warmth.

2. It’s good to do passive movements for your legs: roll up a towel, place it under your knee, lift your leg and gently rock it for about 10 minutes to induce active blood flow.

3. Pay attention to nutrition. In order to remove the salts, you need to take a pear twig, a pinch of sunflower root, brew it all in a thermos with a glass flask and leave overnight.

4. Joints also hurt when the intestines are not working well. To improve its work, you need to emotionally discharge. To get rid of negative emotions, you can take a pillow and knock it out.

5. You can also make a black radish salad. To do this, it needs to be cleaned and rubbed. Also add chopped cucumber to the salad and grate the pumpkin. It is better to season the salad with lemon juice or nothing at all.

6. Radish peels should not be thrown away: they can be bandaged to a sore knee. But hold it only for a minute, otherwise a burn may occur. Each next day, add one minute, bringing the time to 15 minutes, then move in the opposite direction.

Commentary by candidate of medical sciences, general practitioner Olga Fatula: All the ingredients in the salad are good and help remove salt from the joints. Only radish raises doubts, as it contains bitterness and irritating substances. But radish can replace mustard plaster.

Easy breathing: what to do if you have a cold

Infections can be the cause of a sore throat. If there is caries, it means that microbes live in the oral cavity and multiply from sweets. This can cause a sore throat. Also, the reason may be psychosomatic, if a person wants to say something, but does not say it. First of all, you should not allow colds to occur; it is better to practice prevention. And if you get sick, be sure to get treatment to the end to avoid complications.

The following recipe can help with a sore throat: Squeeze juice from two carrots and one beet, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Gargle 5-6 times a day at regular intervals

Comment from general practitioner Yuri Chernyakov: If we are talking about a sore throat, then the rinsing mechanism is the best remedy. However, apple cider vinegar is irritating, and a sore throat is already irritated. You can do this rinse without apple cider vinegar. Carrots soften, and beets have a weak antiseptic effect.

Hair is an indicator of health

The heroine of the program, Alexandra, began having problems with her hair due to stress. The girl dreams of growing beautiful and healthy hair. The hosts and guests of the program gave Alexandra advice on how to achieve what she wanted.

1. When losing hair after nervous experiences, first of all you need to pay attention to your mood and start enjoying life.

2. You can remove bad energy with clay. To do this, you need to dilute the clay and apply it on your head in the form of a helmet for an hour, five times every other day (you need to remove it as soon as the clay begins to dry).

3. You can take a tablespoon of clay, grind it into a paste, add burdock oil and rub it into your head.

4. Salad that improves hair growth: chop bell peppers, celery stalks, add a tablespoon of cottage cheese, vegetable oil and seaweed, mix everything.

5. To improve blood circulation, it is necessary to massage the scalp.

6. You should not dye your hair, as this violates the integrity of the hair.

7. Don't go without a hat.

Lose weight with appetite

Gennady Malakhov, Angelina Vovk and guests of the program share tips on how to become slim without denying yourself food. The heroine of the program, Lesya, recovered from unhappy love. Wants to lose at least 40 kilograms out of the existing 120.

1. You need to sleep at night so that your body has time to rest.

2. It is worth doing physical exercise in the morning.

3. You can take a large plate, put some food on it and eat it with your unfamiliar hand (for example, right-handed people should try holding the device in their left hand).

4. Recipe for weight loss: curry on the edge of a knife, 2 tbsp. mineral water, add 2 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, cut a stalk of celery, and add grated apple.

Comment from candidate of medical sciences, nutritionist Andrei Bobrovsky: Curry speeds up metabolic processes. 5. To normalize liver function, take a handful of dates, boil them in a liter of water, after cooling, add a spoonful of honey and drink on an empty stomach.

Health on the move

The heroine of the program, Galina Smetanina, recovered after giving birth and gained even more weight after the death of her husband. The presenters and guests of the program advise Galina what she needs to do to become slimmer and healthier.

1. You definitely need to move. Immediately after waking up, you need to do exercises with your hands and “gymnastics for the lazy.”

2. You need to do special exercises with shuttlecocks that help awaken the brain.

3. Tea for cleansing of toxins: take 10 grams of lingonberry leaf, dried oregano, blackberry leaf, dried fireweed, dried mint, dried chamomile, plantain leaf and blueberry leaf. Pour 500 ml of boiling water. As soon as the tea leaves sink to the bottom, the tea leaves are ready. This tea should be used with caution by hypotensive people, as it lowers blood pressure.

Let's defeat stroke

The heroine of the program, Elena, suffered a stroke. Elena's husband told how he helped her during the rehabilitation period.

1. Ointment for restoring paralyzed limbs: after 7 tbsp. powdered bay leaf, 1 tbsp. pine needles crushed into powder, mix, 2 tbsp fir, 15 tbsp. melted butter, stir, leave for 2 weeks. Twice a day for 5 minutes in the morning and evening, rub the limbs, smearing with ointment.

2. To recover faster, play educational games to restore memory. Remember nursery rhymes and multiplication tables.

3. It is necessary to adjust your diet. You should not eat heavy food like pilaf with meat. You can eat chicken, but it must be accompanied by vegetables, and there should be more vegetables in the dish. Low-fat fish; in general, you should eat as little fat as possible. You can eat oatmeal porridge with dried fruits. Sweets: honey. You need to eat more freshly squeezed juices, vegetables, and whole grains.

Healing with a good mood

The heroine of the program, Irina, said that her problem is being overweight and in a bad mood. The presenters and guests also discussed how to deal with insomnia, which the singer Alexander Yagya, who came to the studio, suffers from.

1. It is important to wake up in a good mood.

2. When you wake up, you can do a couple of exercises and read a good poem.

3. Tea to lift your spirits: mash 3 teaspoons of sea buckthorn in a mortar, add a teaspoon of grated ginger, 2 teaspoons of honey and 500 ml of water. Drink with gratitude and love.

5. Instead of sugar and sweets, you can eat dried fruits.

Comment by psychologist Igor Vagin: Often the cause of various diseases is depression. One must be able to work with joy, as it eradicates depression

The heart is not a stone

The heroine of the program, Karina, suffered many blows of fate in the 90s, after which she began to have heart problems. In addition, she started smoking.

1. Smoking is extremely harmful both in general and for the heart in particular.

2. When you have the urge to smoke, you need to chew some oleoresin along with it.

3. Cinnamon also discourages the desire to smoke.

4. You can chew one wormwood seed.

5. Anti-smoking remedy: 5g oregano, 5g tansy, 5g blackberry flowers, 100 ml boiling water, 50 ml carrot juice, 50 ml pumpkin juice.

6. You need to wear a special bracelet, the main component of which is buckwheat, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Buckwheat should be taken whole, unshelled. Wear the bracelet for two hours, then take it off.

7. The heart loves movement.

8. You need to walk on sea pebbles, this stimulates the heart, because there are many points on the foot that are responsible for one or another organ. If there are no stones, you can thoroughly stretch your feet with your hands. The central part is responsible for the heart; it must be massaged carefully and gently.

Sugar under control, issue dated 12/13/2012

The heroine of the program, Tatyana, discovered 10 years ago that her sugar levels had doubled. Tatyana took up physical exercise: she began going to the pool, dancing and the gym, and also began rubbing herself with a damp towel in the morning after a shower.

1. In order not to want to eat 20 candies at once, you need to cut one candy into several parts, eat part of it, and wrap the rest until next time.

2. Exercise with a newspaper: take off your shoes and try to tear the newspaper with your feet, then crumple it.

3. Exercise “Shadow Boxing”: try to beat an invisible partner.

4. Healthy candies: Cut out figures from beets and roll them in sesame seeds.

5. It is necessary to replace sugar with natural products: honey, dried fruits, stevia.

6. Move more.

The whole truth is in your feet, issue dated 12/14/2012

The heroine of the program said that she has problems with her legs, they hurt and swell. The second heroine's legs have increased in size.

1. If you stand for a long time, you sometimes need to mark time.

2. Recipe for foot ointment: a tablespoon of wormwood herb and a tablespoon of sour milk, grind thoroughly.

3. You need to pay attention to nutrition.

4. Infusion of Antonov apples. Peel the apples, pour boiling water over them, leave overnight, chop and eat the resulting puree.

5. For compresses on your feet, you can make “over the knee boots” from the tops of old felt boots. Take a crumb of white bread, crumble it, add apple cider vinegar (do not use regular vinegar), sprinkle with baking soda, mix everything, apply to cotton wool, apply to the calves, put a felt boot on top. Keep the compress for 15-30 minutes.

6. You can do physical exercises to strengthen your legs: vertical scissors, cycling, etc.

7. You can gently massage your feet from bottom to top in a special way.

8. Salad to normalize intestinal function: pour two spicy cloves with one-fourth cup of boiling water and leave to infuse. Take 100 g of cottage cheese, mix with 2 tbsp. pumpkin, add 1 grated apple, add 1 tbsp honey. Pour clove infusion into the salad. The recipe should not be taken by those with stomach ulcers.

Getting slimmer for the New Year, issue dated 12/17/2012

The heroine of the program, Olga, wants to lose 3-4 kg in order to wear a beautiful dress, which is still a little too small for her, and besides, her beloved male sailor will soon return from the voyage.

1. You need to change your taste habits. Instead of sweets, you can eat raw pumpkin with honey.

2. It is worth doing special physical exercises.

3. Slim salad: finely chop 100g cabbage, add 100g celery, 15g dried cranberries, 1 tsp honey, mix and place the resulting salad in half a grapefruit. If you don’t have any, you don’t have to add cranberries, just like honey. The main thing is cabbage and grapefruit.

Comment from nutritionist Yulia Bastrigina: The fatter a person is, the more kilograms he can lose in a week without harm to health. If you have 10-15-20 extra kilos, then you can lose 4 kilograms in a week. The main thing to remember is the law: fats burn in the flames of carbohydrates, but not sweets, but quiche, brown rice. Beans are a very interesting product; it is better to use them as an independent dish, since they contain vegetable protein; you should not combine beans with meat or fish. It can be eaten with leafy vegetables.

Diet from nutritionist Yulia Bastrigina: On the first day, rice and fish (not fried), be sure to eat vegetables. Second day: Using cayenne pepper, make a salad, add cinnamon or turmeric, it is useful to eat bell pepper. Third day: either buckwheat with kefir, or buckwheat plus beet salad with unrefined, cold-pressed sunflower oil, plus fresh grapefruit. If you don’t add salt to all this and do exercises, you can lose about 3 kilograms.

Injury-free New Year, issue dated 12/18/2012

The heroine of the program, Nadezhda, does not like the New Year holidays, as they remind her of an injury she received many years ago.

1. If you pull something, it is advisable to apply bandages soaked in oak bark.

2. You can do a special exercise “Applause with your hips.”

3. Warming ointment recipe: 5 g burdock root, 5 g lilac flowers, 5 g coltsfoot flowers, 5 g chestnut flowers, 5 g finely chopped pomegranate peel, pour 200 ml of alcohol (70%), leave for 2 weeks in a dark glass jar. Apply the ointment for rubbing, then wrap it in cotton, a scarf and leave for a couple of hours. It is advisable to do this before bed so that you do not have to go outside immediately after the procedure.

Intestines. Get out of the deadlock, issue dated 12/19/2012

The heroine of the program, Marina, said that she has problems with her intestines, although she believes that she eats right.

1. You need to reduce portions.

2. It is worth doing special exercises: clasp your little fingers and stretch them in different directions.

3. You cannot restrain your emotions and worry, this affects the functioning of your intestines.

4. For atonic constipation, you can make balls from beets; for this you need to squeeze the juice out of the beets, roll into balls with the addition of honey. Or use another recipe: take anise, fennel, dill, coriander and caraway seeds, grind in a mortar, eat half a teaspoon with food.

5. Exercises: lie on your stomach on a cushion and roll back and forth. You can also lie on your back and alternately pull your legs bent at the knees towards your chin. In addition, you can do the “dog walking” exercise.

6. Kefir for a lazy intestine: 100 ml of kefir, 20 g of sprouted wheat, 1 fresh cucumber, 2 stalks of celery, a clove of garlic or 1 tbsp. honey. You can eat it for breakfast or even lunch.

7. Recipe for good bowel function: a teaspoon of baked apple, prunes, a little honey and kefir. Mix. Can be eaten for breakfast or dinner.

Commentary by nutritionist A. Korobkina: Constipation is a consequence. One of the reasons may be poor nutrition, another may be gastrointestinal diseases. There may also be psychological reasons. The physical exercises shown must be combined with proper nutrition. The diet must contain products containing fiber, pectins, dietary fiber, lactic acid bacteria, these are fruits, vegetables, potatoes, cereals, cereal porridges, durum pasta

Live long, issue dated 12/20/2012

The heroine of the program, Vera, feels the approach of old age, she does not have enough time for herself.

1. The desire to live and get positive impressions from life is important

2. Tibetan recipe for prolonging life: garlic, sweet food, mix, pour a bottle of vodka in a dark bowl. Infuse for a month. Drink on an empty stomach before breakfast, start with 5 drops, adding a drop every day. Increase to 30 drops, then reduce one drop per day.

3. It is important to train your memory.

4. The bed should not be too soft. It is advisable to sleep on your right side. If your legs hurt, you can slightly raise the bed on the side of your legs. If your blood pressure is high and your head hurts, you should do the opposite. If your back hurts, you can lie on your stomach with a pillow under your stomach.

5. Recipe for colon cleansing: squeeze juice from carrots, potatoes, and spinach.

Commentary from general practitioner Elena Ivanova: It is important to live not only long, but also of high quality. A person ages because metabolic processes slow down with age. It is important to move, at least just go for a walk for 30-40 minutes a day. It is important to eat well and properly. It is important to eat a lot of different vegetables and fruits (if you have diabetes, you should not eat sweet fruits). To look good, a woman needs to sleep at least 8 hours. If you have insomnia, you should drink a glass of boiled milk with honey at night or take a walk. Green tea prolongs life and youth.

6. Recipe for longevity: egg shells, lemon juice, honey. Eat 1 teaspoon daily. The bones will be strong. You can drink it with water, milk or rose hips.

7. Cocktail for a good mood: 100 ml orange juice, 100 ml pumpkin juice, 50 ml ginger juice, 30 g fresh ginger.

Survive in spite of, issue dated 12/21/2012

The heroine of the program, Daria, was seriously injured. Over the course of 6 years, Daria underwent 20 operations.

1. The guest of the program, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Bubnovsky, said that at one time he himself experienced what it means to recover from a serious injury. Sergei showed Daria some exercises that can be done for rehabilitation. Sergei said that only strength exercises can help a person stand up.

2. Comment from candidate of medical sciences, nutritionist Elena Baykova: Oatmeal should be eaten to prevent thyroid diseases. Instant porridge does not regulate metabolic processes, it contains a lot of sugar, which turns into fat, it should not be consumed by diabetes, diseases of the pancreas, cardiovascular system, or simply overweight girls.

Does your back hurt? No problem!, issue dated December 24, 2012

The heroine of the program, Marina, was forced to leave her job due to back pain.

1. You need to do special relaxing exercises for your back after work: lie on your back, press your knees towards you and roll for a couple of minutes.

2. When lifting weights, you need to use the strength of your legs, and also distribute the weights evenly in your right and left hands.

3. Grinding recipe: grate horseradish on a fine grater, add grated potatoes and a spoonful of honey. Place on gauze, smooth, wrap and apply to the lower back (if it hurts), wrap with a scarf. Remove if you feel warm. Take a little horseradish, in a ratio of 1 to 7 or even 1 to 10, so that there is no burn. Before applying, the back can be anointed with oil.

4. Recipe for strengthening bones. You need to boil the cartilage and chop it, add crushed dried eggshells. Pour freshly squeezed orange juice or sauerkraut juice over the mixture.

Comment by Doctor of Biological Sciences, herbalist Mikhail Lushchik: This recipe is reminiscent of Armenian khash, only different bones are used. This is useful for people with gout and rheumatic diseases.

Cleansing. The path to health, issue dated December 25, 2012

The heroine of the program, Larisa, wants to cleanse her body, but does not know how to do it correctly.

1. In the morning, you can suck sunflower oil like candy until it turns white.

2. To cleanse the liver, you need to take a tablespoon of oil in the morning, preferably olive oil.

3. Various teas can be used to stimulate bowel function. For example, this composition: buckthorn bark (you shouldn’t get too carried away with it), hay leaves, green tea, hibiscus, you can add a finely chopped apple, pour boiling water over everything, as soon as the tea leaves have sunk to the bottom, you can add water and take half a glass twice a day day before meals about 15-30 minutes. Course 5 days.

4. The liver can be cleansed using imaginative thinking. You need to put your hand on the liver area, imagine the liver, then imagine how it contracts. This exercise should be done 5 minutes a day for a week.

5. You can do twisting exercises using mops.

6. Tibetan recipe for cleansing the body using rice. The rice must be pre-soaked: take 3 tbsp, add cold water. On the second day, you need to take another glass and again pour 3 tbsp there. rice, on the third day pour another glass, and change the water in the first two. On the fourth day, prepare the fourth glass, and change the third. And so on until the sixth glass. On the day when the sixth glass is prepared, the water is drained from the first and boiled porridge is boiled, which must be eaten without oil or salt. On the eighth day you need to eat porridge prepared from the contents of the second glass, and so on. This should not be done for more than a week. This recipe cleanses connective tissue well.

On the air of the new program, viewers will see the return to the screen of the ideologist of various self-healing systems Gennady Malakhov. Guests of the program and presenters will share interesting recipes and useful tips with the audience. As the presenter of the program noted Angelina Vovk, during filming she herself learned a lot of new and useful things. In addition, she believes that the new program will also be useful to representatives of the younger generation - it is devoted to a wide range of issues and should be of interest to different categories of viewers.

Angelina Vovk, presenter: “I go out after the program and write down recipes for wonderful salads that help a person not only lose weight, but also improve health. There are so many interesting things here! If you instill this in young souls from an early age, then life will be easier for them. We are all different. Some people accept traditional medicine, others love Gennady Malakhov And Angelina Vovk, someone doesn’t really want to see us. We will extract positive aspects from criticism. And to those who don’t like us, we will send good health wishes.”

About your co-host Angelina Vovk responds with great enthusiasm.

Angelina Vovk, presenter: “Name Gennady Petrovich I have known for a long time, long before he appeared on television. I bought books Gennady Malakhov. Since I am interested in folk wisdom and folk advice, especially in those moments when it’s hard, I turn not only to doctors, but also look for folk methods. And when I had the opportunity, I watched the program "Malakhov +". Gennady Petrovich- a positive, attentive, personable person. And I’m glad that I was offered to work in a team with such a person for whom the meaning of life is to help people and share folk wisdom.”

As the authors of the program noted, "Good health" will be very different from the previously released program "Malakhov +"- the new program will not focus on traditional medicine, it will also cover psychological issues, family climate problems and narrowly oriented medical topics. The creators and presenters of the project are not afraid of possible criticism - Gennady Malakhov, emphasized that the program will express the points of view of different specialists: both representatives of official medicine and traditional healers.

Gennady Malakhov, presenter: “This includes official medicine, folk medicine, psychology, family climate, and so on, so that all people would be interested in watching and receiving advice on health and how to cope in life. No one will say that we are talking nonsense. This is a program for all people. This is a project about joy and about the positive knowledge that modern man needs."

Leading the launch of a new project Gennady Malakhov waiting with impatience and enthusiasm.

In a programme "Good health" A variety of issues will be raised: treatment of throat diseases, proper breathing, skin and hair care. Invited guests - famous TV presenters, pop stars, public figures - will give valuable advice and share their own experiences. Specialists - highly qualified doctors - will give comments on what they hear - thus, viewers can be confident in the reliability of the proposed treatment methods.

Year of issue : 2012-2013
A country : Russia
Genre : TV show, TV show
Duration : 167+ issues
Translation : Russian (Original)

Director : First channel
Cast : Gennady Malakhov

Description of the Series : “Good health!” program is devoted to a wide range of issues and will be of interest to a wide variety of audiences. “This is a program for all people,” said presenter Gennady Malakhov. “This is a project about joy and positive knowledge that modern man needs.” Unlike Gennady Malakhov’s previous program “Malakhov +”, the new program will not be limited solely to traditional medicine and narrow health issues. “This includes official medicine, folk medicine, psychology, family climate, and so on, so that all people would be interested in watching and receiving advice on health and how to cope in life,” said Gennady Malakhov. Viewers of the new program will find useful tips, as well as interesting recipes. As host Angelina Vovk said, she herself learns a lot of new things thanks to the program: “I go out after the program and write down recipes for wonderful salads that help a person not only lose weight, but also improve their health.”

According to the host of this television project, this project can be truly useful for a wide audience, representing a wide variety of categories and groups of people. The thing is that it raises truly useful and very important topics that should not be ignored by modern citizens who care about the health of both their own and those around them. The program “Good Health” is characterized by a number of educational stories, revealed in detail by Gennady Malakhov. Here you can see joy, positive knowledge, and many other factors and facts. The most convenient way to watch this program online is on our electronic page. If we compare the new product with the previous format, we can argue about a much wider range of issues being discussed and considered. The presenter will no longer dwell on such an issue as traditional medicine, because the width of the information flow will become even more serious. There is a place for both official and folk medicine. The psychological factor, which is closely intertwined with the family climate, will not be missed. All people will experience a clear interest and will be able to enjoy useful advice regarding health and lifestyle.

The format is filled with wonderful recipes that describe in detail both the procedure and the elements necessary for this. If you listen to the presenter, you can conclude that all people will be able to learn a lot of new, important and useful things. Even the presenter herself, after each episode, records each recipe for various salads that help speed up the process of improving health. And other advice, recipes and instructions should not be ignored, since they are all based on long-term human experience, which speaks for numerous medications and other elements of pharmaceutical activity.

Program "Good health!" is devoted to a wide range of issues and will be of interest to a wide variety of audiences. “This is a program for all people,” said presenter Gennady Malakhov. “This is a project about joy and positive knowledge that modern man needs.”

Unlike Gennady Malakhov’s previous program “Malakhov +”, the new program will not be limited exclusively to traditional medicine and narrow health issues. “This includes official medicine, folk medicine, psychology, family climate, and so on, so that all people would be interested in watching and receiving advice on health and how to carry on in life,” said Gennady Malakhov.

Viewers of the new program will find useful tips, as well as interesting recipes. As host Angelina Vovk said, she herself learns a lot of new things thanks to the program: “I go out after the program and write down recipes for wonderful salads that help a person not only lose weight, but also improve their health.”

Angelina Vovk noted that the program would certainly be of interest to the older generation, but also advised young people to take a closer look at the new program: “There are so many interesting things here! If you instill this in young souls from an early age, then it will be easier for them in life.”

TV presenters are not afraid of possible criticism of the project. “We are all different. Some people accept traditional medicine, some love Gennady Malakhov and Angelina Vovk, others don’t really want to see us,” noted Angelina Vovk. “We will extract positive aspects from criticism. And for those who doesn't like it, we will send well wishes." Gennady Malakhov, in turn, emphasized that the program will reflect different opinions: both representatives of official medicine and traditional healers, so “no one will say that we are talking some kind of nonsense.”

Project producer - Ilya Krivitsky