
When is St. Anastasia's day? Angel's Day and Anastasia's name day in the Orthodox calendar. Troparion of Venerable Anastasia, mother of St. Sava of Serbia

Anastasia’s name day according to the church and Orthodox calendar - History and what to give. In ancient times, the name Anastasia was translated as resurrector or resurrected. Girls named by this name have a complex, changeable character. They are gentle with family and friends, but cold with strangers. Nastyas have excellent intuition, and in some situations they are even able to predict the outcome of events in advance.

Since quite a lot of girls with this name were canonized, Anastasia’s name day is celebrated several times a year.

Days for celebrating the name days of the Orthodox

So, according to the Orthodox calendar, Anastasia’s name day is celebrated 15 times a year, namely:

  • - 4 January;
  • — March 23;
  • — April 5 and 28;
  • — May 10 and 28;
  • — June 1 and 9;
  • — July 4 and 17;
  • - 10th of August;
  • — November 11 and 12;
  • - December 17 and 26.

Name days in the church calendar are not determined by chance. In each of them, a historical event took place, during which the Great Martyr Anastasia was listed among the saints.

There are three patrons of Anastasia in the church:

  • — Pattern maker;
  • - Patricia of Alexandria;
  • - Solunskaya.

Great Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Lived in Rome (4th century AD), celebrates name day on January 4th. At that time, the formation of Christianity was taking place in Rome. Nastasya was born into a noble and wealthy family. From childhood she professed only the Christian faith, despite the fact that her husband and father were pagans. Because of her desire to help Christians, Anastasia often quarreled with her husband.

Unable to withstand the humiliation and beatings, Nastya ran away from her husband and went to travel and support Christians who were persecuted. The emperor, having learned about Anastasia and her sermons, ordered her to be persuaded towards paganism. And if this fails, then execute her. Nastasya was unable to renounce her faith, for which she was executed. Therefore, Saint Anastasia’s name day began to be celebrated on the day of her death, as a sign of memory.

REFERENCE! Patternmaker Anastasia is the patroness of pregnant women and prisoners.

Saint Anastasia Patrick of Alexandria

In the 6th century AD she lived in Alexandria. Her parents were respected aristocratic people. Anastasia, after the death of her husband, founded a monastery in secret, not far from Alexandria. At the same time, the great Emperor Justinian was widowed, and since he knew Anastasia, he immediately wanted to marry her. But Nastasya had her own way, she hid in a cave all alone for 28 years, but they found out about it only after her death. According to the church calendar, Anastasia’s name day is celebrated on March 23.

Saint Anastasia of Thessalonica

Lived in the 3rd century AD. She was an orphan and was brutally killed for her faith in Christ.

She was tortured in public and had her tongue cut out. But even after all the torture and bullying, she did not renounce the Christian faith, and in order to end her suffering, the executioner cut off her head. Anastasia celebrated her name day on November 12.

Grand Duchess Anastasia

In addition to the three Great Martyrs Anastasia, there is one more. She was canonized quite recently. On the day of her death, July 17, it is customary to celebrate her name day. She was shot in Yekaterinburg along with her family and father, Monarch Nicholas II. Above we have given the stories of Saint Anastasia.

ATTENTION! When celebrating the holiday of the name, be sure to remember the saints and think about the faith for which they died.

Character of girls named Anastasia

From ancient Greek, Anastasia is a name whose meaning is rebel or resurrected. These girls are gentle, kind and caring by nature. Moderately dreamy and religious. Because of her intuition and subtle instincts, Anastasia finds herself in healing activities.

As children, Nastya is everyone's favorite, especially among her fathers. At school, he grasps all the material on the fly and studies well. From all the subjects he chooses his favorite ones and studies them intensively. Possessing an analytical mind, he still prefers the exact sciences.

The girl's character traits begin to change with age. In her youth, Anastasia is more changeable and ready for love. But with age, understanding female wisdom, she becomes cautious and perspicacious.

Among the negative character traits, laziness can be noted, but this can be fought.

IMPORTANT! If you believe the signs, then Saint Anastasia is the patroness of pregnant women. Often, girls going to give birth prayed to these great martyrs.

What to give a girl on Angel's Day?

As a gift, you can prepare a small souvenir, for example, a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers. You can also go to church and buy an icon with the name Anastasia and congratulate your friend on her name day.

It is worth noting that not all girls are currently religious. Therefore, when choosing a gift, be careful.

Below we have compiled a list of small gifts that can be given to Anastasia on Angel’s Day:

  • - photo frame with a picture of a girl;
  • - a table clock;
  • - jewelry box;
  • — keychain or key holder;
  • - a bouquet of flowers from soft toys.


This is just a small part of the gifts that can be given for Anastasia’s name day. Congratulations and cards should also be prepared in advance.

According to the church calendar, Anastasia’s name day is usually celebrated on November 11. This name is quite popular in Russia; according to statistics, it ranks second. Therefore, having decided to name your daughter Nastasya, familiarize yourself with the name days of her name. And our article will help you with this.

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The name Anastasia has been used in all centuries: it was worn by girls both among the poor population and aristocrats. Therefore, even now this name comes across quite often. In general, this name has very deep and ancient roots, and its very origin is stated in ancient Greece and, what is very surprising, it came from a slightly different, male name. There are many dates associated with this name in the church calendar.

Let's look at when St. Anastasia's day is according to the church calendar and what fate should be expected for a person bearing this name.

Angel Anastasia Day according to the church calendar 2015

All dates of Anastasia’s name day in the year:

  • On March 23, the name day of Anastasia Patrikia of Alexandria is celebrated.
  • On April 5, the name day of the Venerable Martyr Anastasia is celebrated.
  • April 28 is the name day of the holy martyr Anastasia of Rome.
  • On May 10, they celebrate the name day of the martyr Anastasia, who was killed by the Bolsheviks during the dispersal.
  • protesting believers (date of death: 1922).
  • May 28 is the name day of St. Anastasia of Latria.
  • June 1 marks the name day of the martyr Anastasia, who accepted death in agony for her open faith in Christ.
  • June 9 is the day of the martyr Anastasia, who boldly professed the Christian faith, for which she was killed in great agony.
  • July 4th is the name day of St. Anastasia, who took monastic vows in 1196.
  • July 17 is the date when the name day of Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanova is celebrated.
  • August 10 is the day of the Venerable Martyr Anastasia Kamaeva.
  • On November 11, the name day of the martyr Anastasia Lebedeva and the venerable martyr Anastasia of Thessalonica is celebrated.
  • December 17 is the name day of the novice and martyr Anastasia Titova.
  • On December 26, the name day of the ascetic Anastasia is celebrated.
  • January 4 is a day dedicated to the Great Martyr Anastasia, who often visited Christian prisoners during Christian persecution in Rome (burnt at the stake in 304).

Now, looking at this list of dates, you can easily find out when Anastasia’s name day is in 2015 and congratulate your friends and relatives Nastya on this holiday in time.<

Anastasia: the meaning of the name, character and fate

It was previously stated that the name now in question originated in Greece. It is translated as “the one who returned to life,” and initially this name sounded like Anastas.

Most Nastyas are very dreamy people. From a young age, girls with this name are drawn to beauty, because from birth they are destined to be beautiful, smart and kind.

Parents may have some difficulties with Nastya. The fact is that parents, from the very childhood of their daughter, need to teach her to clean up after herself, to be hardworking and to help them in everything. This is the secret of Anastasia’s good fate.

Nastya is a very fragile nature. She always needs the support of loved ones and family. After all, usually these girls are defenseless against evil people and are easily deceived.

The best professions for girls with this name would be an artist, a doctor, or a kindergarten teacher.

Name day is a special day. As Saint John of Kronstadt said, we celebrate the day of the angel so that our heavenly patrons remember us and pray to the Lord for the health of our soul and body. Name day is the most important day of the year, when you should direct all your thoughts to God and thank him for everything. It will be good if Anastasia’s angel day takes place in church. This is the best time to think about the eternal and the transitory. It is worth thinking about what is good for the soul and what is not so good.

John of Kronstadt said many wise things regarding prayer, righteous life and love for God. He advises everyone who turns to their patron saints for help to think more about eternity and try to lead a modest lifestyle, one might even say ascetic. Let the day of Angel Anastasia pass in thinking about this. We should also not forget about helping our neighbors. John recommends that we all learn from our patrons sincere love for the Almighty, detachment from worldly vanity, correct prayer, fasting, and selflessness. You should also pay attention to how the saints experienced illness, troubles and grief: they did not complain about their hard life, but emerged from difficult situations with dignity.

Anastasia's Angel Day falls on January 4, April 28, March 23, November 11 and 12. Name days are celebrated on the day that follows shortly after the birthday.

Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

The saints set an example for us, show us how to live. Let's remember the martyr Anastasia the Patternmaker, whom the church honors on January 4.

This great woman was born in Rome. Her father worshiped pagan gods, and her mother believed in Christ, but did not tell anyone about it - in those days it was dangerous to talk about it. The girl’s teacher in her youth was the righteous and reasonable Chrysogonus, who professed Christianity.

When Anastasia's mother died, her father forced the unfortunate woman to marry Pomplius. He was a pagan, and the girl was very bitter that she was forced to live with him.

Godly deeds

Anastasia had deep compassion for the prisoners who were condemned for their faith in Jesus. She often put on rags so that everyone would take her for a beggar, and entered the dungeons with her maid. If you bear the name of this saint, think about what you are willing to do for the sake of your neighbors. By the way, we already know when Anastasia celebrates Angel Day. We discussed the date of this holiday above. The girl brought food to the prisoners, treated them, and often ransomed them for considerable sums of money. When her husband learned all this from the maid, he beat her and forbade her to leave the house. But the girl found consolation in correspondence with her teacher, who asked her not to lose heart and to remember more often the suffering that Christ suffered on the cross. This was supposed to give her strength. The teacher wrote to Anastasia that her husband would die while traveling by sea. Soon Pomplius went to Persia, but never arrived at his destination - he drowned. Freed from the tyranny of her husband, Anastasia began to give away everything she had to the poor.

The saint began to wander around the world. Not long before this, she acquired some medical knowledge, and then put it into practice, helping prisoners. It is not for nothing that the saint began to be called the Pattern Maker - she made great efforts to deliver many Christians in trouble from their bonds. On the day of the angel, Anastasia (the date, as we remember, is determined by her birthday) must pray that the heavenly patroness will save her from misfortunes.

Arrest and imprisonment

After some time, Anastasia met the young and righteous Theodotia, whose husband had also recently died. The girl began to help the saint in her good deeds. But in those days there was persecution of Christians, they began to be persecuted. Anastasia was captured while she was in Illyria. One day the guards decided to take her to the ruler of the region. He, of course, invited her to renounce her faith and began to describe in vivid colors what suffering awaited her if she did not do this. But everything was limited only to words, and soon the ruler of the region sent her to Ulpian, who was at that time the Capitoline priest. He was a very cruel person; he enjoyed making fun of people. He confronted the saint with a choice: if she renounced Christ, she would have a luxurious life, wealth, countless treasures, the best clothes, and otherwise, terrible torment and terrible torture. But he failed to persuade Anastasia to betray her faith - she preferred suffering.

On the day of the angel of Anastasia, you should reflect on the courage of this girl. What would you do in her place? But the saint was not destined to die so early - an incident occurred that prolonged her life. The priest was impressed by the beauty of the girl and decided to rape her, but he did not even manage to touch her - he instantly lost his sight. Terrible pain in his eyes forced him to run out of the house screaming, he headed towards the pagan temple, begging the gods to heal him, but suddenly he fell to the ground and died. Anastasia and Theodotia thus escaped captivity.


The saint was not free for long; she was soon captured again and decided to drown her in the sea. But again a miracle happened: people managed to escape and went ashore. However, soon after this the unfortunate people were destined to die. Saint Anastasia was also executed: four pillars were driven into the ground, a fire was lit between them, and the unfortunate woman was stretched over the fire.

Just as during her lifetime the saint helped suffering people, so now she continues this good work. Don't forget to pray on January 4th if you bear her name. Also on the day of the angel (name day), Anastasia should set the festive table and invite everyone who is dear to her to visit.

Anastasia is a beautiful ancient name, the meaning of which is “resurrected” or “resurrectionist”. It is believed that women with this name are very complex and changeable natures, tender with loved ones and cold with strangers or enemies.

At the same time, Anastasia’s excellent intuition is often noted, and sometimes even their ability to foresee and predict certain events.

Anastasia’s name day can be celebrated several times a year, since for one reason or another quite a lot of women with that name were included. Each Anastasia has her own holiday - the closest name day after her birthday.

Nastyas born in winter will most likely celebrate December 17 or 26, or January 4. Anastasia's spring name days fall on March 23, April 5 or 28, and May 10 or 28. The name day of Anastasia, whose date of birth falls in the summer, is celebrated on June 1, 9, July 4, 17, and August 10. Nastya, who celebrates her birthday in the fall, will celebrate Angel Day

The dates on which Anastasia’s name day falls were not chosen at all by chance, since on these days certain events took place with Anastasia, canonized as saints; as a rule, they correspond to the dates of their death or simply church holidays dedicated to these saints. For Anastasia, the church most often recognizes three patrons: Anastasia the Pattern Maker, Anastasia Patricia of Alexandria and Anastasia of Thessalonica.

Anastasia the Pattern Maker, patroness of Nastya, who celebrates name days on January 4, lived in the 4th century AD. in Rome, during the formation of Christianity. She, born into a noble family, professed this religion from childhood, although her father was a pagan and married her to a pagan. The marriage was unhappy: Anastasia’s husband did not approve of her desire to help Christians who were persecuted and imprisoned. She had to endure a lot of beatings and humiliation, so she left her husband and went wandering to support her fellow believers. When the emperor became aware of Anastasia’s affairs, he ordered either to persuade her back to paganism or to execute her. Anastasia did not agree to renounce her faith and was executed. The Pattern Maker is the patroness of prisoners and pregnant women.

Anastasia Patricia of Alexandria lived in Alexandria in the 6th century AD. and was
daughter of an aristocrat. Soon after her marriage, she became a widow and secretly founded a monastery near Alexandria. After Emperor Justinian was also widowed, he, who had known Anastasia when she was still married, wanted to find her and marry her, but she hid for 28 years in a cave in complete solitude. The truth was revealed only after her death. The name day of Anastasia, who enjoys the patronage of this saint, is celebrated on March 23 according to the new style.

The Martyr of Thessalonica lived in the 3rd century AD. She was an orphan and was subjected to public torture for her faith in Christ, during which her tongue was cut out. But even after this she did not reject her faith. The executioners cut off her head, ending the torment. Anastasia Solunskaya's name day falls on November 11-12.

There is another famous Anastasia, also canonized, although quite recently. Her day falls on July 17, the date of her death. We are talking about Grand Duchess Anastasia, daughter of the last Russian monarch, Nicholas II. Anastasia and her family were shot in Yekaterinburg when she was 17 years old.

This is the story of the famous Anastasias who were canonized. It is always worth remembering them when thinking about the meaning of the name day holiday.

For some people, Angel's Day becomes an even bigger holiday than their own. In this article we will talk about Anastasia’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar. If you know anyone with this name, be sure to congratulate them!

What is Anastasia’s name day?

As a rule, there are always several dates that you can celebrate. In this case, the day of the angel or the name of Anastasia is celebrated on January 4 (the name day of Anastasia the Patterner) or in November on the 11th (the name day of Anastasia of Rome).

It is advisable to go to church on this day and reflect on the spiritual side of life. It is on the day of the angel that you should turn to your patrons and thank them, and maybe ask for something. Most often, Anastasia’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar is celebrated in January. Saint Anastasia the Patterner, like all saints, is an example of life wisdom. It would not hurt to find out how the life of your patron went and why the name day of this saint is celebrated by the church.

Day of the Angel Anastasia: Saint Anastasia the Patterner

Since many consider the date of Anastasia’s name day to be the fourth of January, we will look at the life story of this particular saint.

Anastasia was born into a family where her mother believed in Christ, and her father worshiped pagan gods. According to history, the saint began her life in. Why was she called the pattern maker? The fact is that, by the will of her father, the girl was given in marriage to a pagan tyrant who beat the girl. This was a punishment for the fact that she secretly helped prisoners who were imprisoned for being Christians. After the death of her husband, Anastasia began to wander, distributed property to the poor and gradually acquired medical knowledge.

The further life of the saint was devoted to helping people. They wanted to execute her twice for her faith and offered to renounce it. But the girl was saved twice. The first time the offender was deprived of sight, then miraculously she escaped drowning. But the saint’s life was cut short in agony at the stake. Celebrating Anastasia’s name day has a deep meaning, because even in agony the girl did not renounce her faith, did not betray it for promises of wealth and luxury.

When celebrating Angel Anastasia's day, be sure to set the table and invite your closest ones. By the way, watch your friends with this name. As practice shows, these people are almost always merciful and quite smart, true friends.