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In Orthodoxy, the boy's name is Artemy his saint. The miracle worker Artemy. Rejoice, you who received much reward from the Lord God in Heaven

Artemy is usually in good physical shape, loves sports and most often leads an active lifestyle. In most cases, he has no bad habits. Artemy is active and purposeful. He likes to take part in disputes and always tries to defend his point of view. Most often he has leadership inclinations, has great zeal and hard work, is well-read, and has a huge outlook. He always values ​​discipline in his work and can quickly achieve the position of boss. Capable of empathy, helps people, loves animals very much.

Artemy most often finds family happiness in adulthood, so an early first marriage can quickly fall apart. The relationships that he begins to build after 35 years become strong and stable. Artemy usually doesn’t feel sorry for anything for his wife and children; he can shower them with gifts and give them his attention.

Fate: The most important feature of this name is, perhaps, the desire to go your own way, relying first of all on yourself. Usually Artem knows how to respect authorities, but treats them without trepidation or admiration and is always ready to show character.

The Saints: Holy Righteous Artemy Verkolsky (name day July 6), Holy Great Martyr Artemy (name day November 2).

Day of Angel Artemy

The name Artem translated from Greek means “impeccable health.” When playing with children he is calm and unobtrusive. At school he is attentive, remembers everything, studies well. Growing up, he becomes more active, mobile, takes the initiative and the role of leader in the class, but will not allow anyone to lead him.

Artemy Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • February 26 – Artemy Palestinsky
  • July 6 – Artemy Verkolsky, youth
  • November 2 – Artemy of Antioch, martyr, military leader
  • November 13 – Artema the Righteous

The holy ve-li-ko-mu-che-nik Ar-te-miy was one of the y-y-y-y-y-y-o-chi-s-in-government equal to such a king Kon-stan-ti-na Ve-li-ko-go (306-337, May 21), and then - his son and pre-em-n-ka Kon-station (337-361). Ar-te-miy, had many awards for his personal service and from-va-gu, was put in place by no one in Egypt. In this capacity, he did a lot for the spread and strengthening of Christianity in Egypt. Im-per-ra-to-ra Kon-station was replaced by Yuli-an (361-363). Im-per-ra-tor-from-the-step-nik, wishing to return paganism, waged an implacable struggle against Christianity, from directing hundreds of Christians to death. In Antiochia, he ordered to torture two bishops who would not renounce the faith of Christ. At this time, Saint Ar-te-miy came to the city and all the people accused Yuli-a-na of wickedness. The once-wrathful Apostate subjected the holy one to the same torture. After this, they lead the bro-si-li to the same place. During the prayer, when the saint was ascending to the Lord, Christ Himself appeared to him, surrounded by Angels and said: “Man-up, Ar-te-miy! I’m with you and I’ll spare you from any pain, whatever it may be.” -be-mu-chi-te-li, and I am already preparing a crown of glory for you. For how you proved Me before people on earth, so I also confess you before My Heavenly Father. So, be courageous and rejoice - you will be with Me in My King -stve". Hearing this from the Sa-mo-Gos-po-da, he began to bla-go-da-rat and glorify Him.

The next day, Yuli-an demanded that the leader Ar-te-miy recognize the pagan gods. Having met a decisive refusal, they resorted to torture. The mover moved all without a single stop. The holy one told Yulia that he would soon receive just retribution for the evil done to them by Christ -us. The renegade became furious and resorted to even more severe torture, but they did not break their will. , and then Saint Ar-te-miy was beheaded († 362).

His remains would-have-been christ-a-na-mi.

After the death of the holy great Ar-te-miya, his prophecy about a quick death came true whether Yuli-a-na Step-no-step.

Yuli-an with his army left An-tio-chia to fight the Pers. Near the Persian city of Kte-zi-fo-na he met an old Persian. He promised to betray his compatriots and be a pro-voice for Yuli-a-na’s army. The old man turned away from step and led his army into the Kar-ma-nit desert, into impenetrable places where there was no water, no food. The exhausted hunger and thirst of the Gre-co-Roman army Yuli-and-you would-need to join the battle with the fresh -mi si-la-mi per-sov.

Divine retribution came here and I myself stepped away. During the battle, he was mortally wounded by an invisible hand, an invisible weapon. Yuli-an groaned heavily and, dying, said: “You’re in trouble, Ga-li-le-ya-nin!” After the death of the holy one, they brought the Ar-te- Mia and I moved from An-tio-khia to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to the Great Martyr Artemy of Antioch

By the true faith of Christ/ be strengthened, passion-bearer,/ the tormentor of the wicked king/ you have conquered with that idol’s exaltation./ Thus from the Great King, who reigns forever,/ a most luminous crown We are gifted to be victorious,/ heal all those who are sick and those who call upon you, Artemy the Great,/ pray Christ God // save our souls.

Translation: Strengthened by the true faith of Christ, you defeated the wicked tormentor king with his idol sacrifices. Therefore, from the Great King, who reigns forever, he was gifted with the bright crown of victory. Healing all those who are sick and who call on you, Artemy the Great, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to the Great Martyr Artemia of Antioch

The pious and crowned martyr,/ having conquered the enemies of victory,/ having come together, we worthily praise Artemy with songs,/ the greatest among martyrs,/ the giver of the most rich miracles,// For we pray to the Lord for all of us.

Translation: The pious and crowned martyr, who captured the trophy of victory over the enemy, gathered together, let us duly glorify Artemy, the great martyr, the generous giver of miracles, for he prays to the Lord for all of us.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Artemy of Antioch

Oh, all-validated Great Martyr Artemy, the Lord is a warrior and a strong champion of us all! Be quickly your intercessor with the Lover of Mankind, may He grant to the faithful people who honor you and come to venerate your relics, mercy and good petitions speedy fulfillment. Stand before the Throne of God in the person of the martyr, remember us all, with the troubles, misfortunes and sorrows of the present, and in this life there are many who suffer: may the coming to you cease with your help and strong struggle we are angry. We, who are edified by your sufferings, are filled with the power of the grace of Christ through you, in the patience of bearing the cross we will begin to live in the Lord through repentance to please and the unspeakable good to inherit what has been prepared. Vana to those who love God and glorify His holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever , and forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Artemy

Kontakion 1

To the chosen governor and Augustalia of the land of Egypt, the king exalted in earthly honor, who was tormented after the evil Julian and was beheaded at the head, as if he suffered greatly and endured everything victorious, but who received incorruption and the grace of miracles from God, on this day of faith we cry out in praise: Rejoice, Saint Artemis, Glorious Great Martyr of Christ.

Ikos 1

The people of Antioch marveled at your holy zeal for the name of Christ, glorious Artemy, for they could not bear to see the torment of the saints and hear the blasphemy against the Lord spewed by Julian; Even though you came from Alexandria to honor him, you were not afraid to expose him. Moreover, having been deposed from your military rank for your daring, you accepted the condemnation of wounds and death. Now, as if we are in disgrace to the tormented one, we cry out to you: Rejoice, you who endured disgrace and torment from Julian. Rejoice, clothed in glory and radiance from God. Rejoice, fiercest one who has raised up suffering. Rejoice, you who showed the greatness of faith. Rejoice, shine with the glory of patience. Rejoice, our fortress in sorrow and exhaustion. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 2

Be faithful to the king, giving Saint Artemy the wicked Julian: “For your undertakings are vain and your pride is weak to destroy Christians: even though Christ came, and the Cross was erected, and the Lord was erected on it, the pride of the wicked has fallen and the fortress of the evil one has been trampled underfoot, but Christ’s is invincible and there is an insurmountable power, by which we are protected, we will be able to resist the wiles of the enemy, crying out to God victoriously: Alleluia.”

Ikos 2

Fighting for the great Tsar Constantine, you defeated your enemies with the strong power of the godmother, Artemy the weapon; with the same power you overcame your tormentor Julian. By the vision of the cross in heaven, you were confirmed in the faith of Christ, despising the flattery of idols and the honors of military rank, you courageously fought for Christians before the apostate, and you named the warriors the leader of our faith, the Lord Christ, and you valiantly laid down your life for Him. In the same way, you have claimed from us the following title: Rejoice, having rejected the idolatrous banners of the apostate Caesar. Rejoice, thou who followed the sign of the Cross. Rejoice, and now strengthen the strength of those fighting under the banner of faith. Rejoice, strengthen the hope of the weary. Rejoice, good armorer of Christ. Rejoice, steadfast defender of the saints of the faith. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 3

“Lord, I am far from Thy patience and kindness,” you cried, Saint Artemy, having endured the first torment, “For you, Lord, for me, the most sinful, you were cut off with wounds all over your body, from your feet to your head you were not in I wish you well. I pray to Thee, Master, for Thou hast crowned me with Thy sufferings, and may Thou complete my course in confessing to Thee with the song: Alleluia.”

Ikos 3

The evil king gave the command to his squire to capture you, the glorious military leader, Artemy, and take away your high-ranking belt, and take off your vestments, and torture you naked. They, having tied your hand and nose, stretched your body into four and beat you with ox sinews along the ridge and belly, as if their strength had become impoverished. You were as insensible as you were, like everyone standing around, and you were so amazed at Julian himself. Receive from us this laudable surprise: Rejoice, invincible in faith. Rejoice, insurmountable in hope. Rejoice, you who set your nose on the stone of patience. Rejoice, you who courageously corrected your steps. Rejoice, rejoicing in suffering. Rejoice, glorified in reproach. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 4

When the holy confessors Eugene and Macarius were tormented, then you, Blessed Artemie, were moved by zeal for God, and you prayed, so that God would not show you that you are not exactly unworthy of your suffering undertaking, but may your original song also be corrected before Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Beaten by the sinews of an ox and dragged along the ground, you were in no way faint-hearted, but rejoicing and having fun, enlightened by the suffering of Christ, you completed the feat of martyrdom to the end with goodness. Thus you are worthy of the blessing of this one: Rejoice, you who crushed the meager vessel of your flesh. Rejoice, the light of faith and the power of courage revealed from him. Rejoice, in his weakness the power of the Lord has been perfected. Rejoice, for the tormentor seemed to be patient with him. Rejoice, for God has accepted your sacrifice of torment. Rejoice, for the Good One has given you the lot of salvation. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 5

“You suffer for Me, Artemy, take courage and rejoice,” said Christ, appearing to the saint in prison, “you will be with Me in My Kingdom.” Having heard this, the martyr was healed from his wounds, and his soul was filled with Divine consolation, remaining in prison, blessing God and singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

And hunger and thirst tormented you in prison, blessed Artemy. But you, who offered yourself the bounty of the Most Blessed Lord, asked for only one thing, and even your very soul, as if the Lord Christ would accept a living sacrifice from you with your remaining blood. And your zeal was not in vain: for the Lord commanded His Angel to nourish you in prison and preserve you, and then He Himself appeared, strengthening you, and teaching us to proclaim to you: Rejoice, you who were fed by the hand of the Angel in prison. Rejoice, strengthened by the bread of animals from heaven. Rejoice, you were healed from your wounds by the Lord’s visit in chains. Rejoice, filled with consolation by the appearance of Christ. Rejoice, joyful of the Lord in prison. Rejoice, having ascended to Him to receive the crown of glory prepared for you. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 6

“Since the Masters of my suffering are many, and that I, the unworthy, have endured more than Him,” cried blessed Artemy, “He was nailed to the Cross because of sin for my sake, without knowing sin himself, he brought flattery into his mouth. I rejoice and am glad, enlightened by my Lord through the sufferings that ease my illnesses.” Thus the saint, conversing within himself, sang to God all night together with the sufferers Eugene and Macarius: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The suffering Artemie, the wicked king, betrayed you to the cruelest torment, when he returned with shame from Apollo of Daphnia and heard the mockery and prophecy of his destruction from you, and burst into flames with green rage. In the same way, for these sufferings, we bless you with the multitude of faces: Rejoice, for through you God, wondrous in His saints, appeared in His tongue. Rejoice, for through you the sweetest name of Christ has been glorified. Rejoice, thou who art not afraid of the fury of torment. Rejoice, in the hope of Christ you laughed at idols. Rejoice, in spirit we prophesy the future to the prophet. Rejoice, dear bearer of the Spirit of the Lord. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 7

The wicked Christian Julian did a lot of mischief, lying to him, as if he had burned the temple of Apollo Daphne. When this liar uttered numerous reproaches against Christians before Artemy, Saint Artemy responded: “God-empty wrath and fire from heaven consumed your idol and burned its temple; I laugh at your madness, as you serve a soulless God, I am comforted by his fall and I rejoice in all of these, even the Christ of miracles, Who deserves to be sung loudly: Alleluia.”

Ikos 7

Unable to bear to hear your righteous words, holy Artemy, the lawless Julian, becoming very angry, commanded the stonecutter to cut the great stone, so that in the midst of its parts you would be bent. And for this, prepared for this, the falling stone will erase your whole body, and your inner being will disintegrate, and all your members will be broken. And without seeing a great miracle, how in such a bend in the middle of the stones you remained alive. We marvel at God’s power, which strengthened you, and cry out: Rejoice, thou trampled bunch of Christ’s grapes in the winepress. Rejoice, living sacrifice, blood poured out to the Lord above the stone. Rejoice, martyr, whose whole body bends like a soul. Rejoice, living tablet, on which the confession of faith was written in blood. Rejoice, you mixed stone with your blood, like clay. Rejoice, you have dedicated yourself to living in the building of the Church of Christ. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 8

Your eyes have been worn out from torment, holy one, and your face has been erased, but your soul is still strong and your tongue speaks well, even in your oppression you called on God, your Helper, and in trust in Him you cried out: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The ghost mail you king, when you see the terrible sight and human nature happening; Moreover, I exhort you to worship the idol, so that they will have mercy on you and will not hand you over to torment in hell. You, laughing at the king, answered: “As idols themselves cannot escape fire, with them you, the king, will be betrayed to endless fire.” For a hedgehog, as a blasphemer, the king condemned you to death. We, having descended upon you to the place of beheading, will bind your head with crowns of praise as follows: Rejoice, sufferer, bent among the stones. Rejoice, confessor, not overcome in the strength of faith. Rejoice, you who spoke the truth without fear before the kings. Rejoice, for this you have received truncation by the sword after all the sufferings. Rejoice, you who willfully bowed your sacred head under the sword. Rejoice, having crushed the heads of invisible enemies with your patience. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 9

You were crushed with wounds all over your body, as if people were afraid to look at you: bent like a woman, broken bones, and all your inner devastation. You considered such suffering to be a minor illness, hoping in the Lord that you suffered for what was wrong, to have eternal peace, teaching you not to be faint-hearted in suffering, but to still send gratitude to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

“Behold, the wounds of Christ are marked on your body,” the saint said to himself, “for that remains, and I will give my very soul for Christ with the blood that remains in me.” And you offered yourself to the bounty of the Lord, you fearlessly confessed Christ before men, and you joyfully accepted the beheading for being unworthy. For this reason, for your surpassing love for God, we praise you: Rejoice, quick to hear the Gospel of Christ. Rejoice, ready executor of His great commandments. Rejoice, you who showed strong love for the Lord Christ. Rejoice, and joyfully betrayed your soul with blood for Him. Rejoice, strengthen our weakening with your kindness. Rejoice, you heal our illnesses with your wounds. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 10

Armed with firm faith, you despised the tormenting fury, and you accepted the condemnation of beheading with joy, and led to death, you walked with merry feet, crying out to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

By the truncation of your head, you have sealed your martyr’s feat, strengthen with your prayers also us, who have bowed our heads under the yoke of Christ, through all our lives we will fight the good fight, learn from you to love the Lord, crying to your face: Rejoice, mighty one, girded the sword of faith at your hip to overcome the tormentors. Rejoice, protected by the helmet of salvation from the Lord. Rejoice, well adorned with the belt of glory from Him. Rejoice, protecting with the shield of your prayers all those who come running to you. Rejoice, take up arms for the Lord’s sufferers fully armed. Rejoice, unwaveringly accompanying those who walk the narrow path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 11

Preparing to drink the vial of suffering to the end, you bowed to the ground at the place of truncation and strengthened your spirit with prayer to God. And hearing a voice from heaven saying: “Go down with the saints and receive the reward prepared for you,” you bowed your head under the sword, joyfully offering up to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

We all praise you, passion-bearing saint, and we honor your honest sufferings, which you endured more than human nature, and you claimed the Kingdom of Heaven. In the same way, we rise to cry out to you: Rejoice, you who have accepted exhaustion and self-mutilation. Rejoice, you who revealed the height of the spirit in torment. Rejoice, you who protected yourself with a shield of hope. Rejoice, having exhausted the insolence of the tormentors with your firmness. Rejoice, for the Angels stood before his torment with amazement. Rejoice, for his sufferings people honor with tenderness. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 12

At the price of your blood you have claimed the Kingdom of Heaven, Artemy, the great sufferer of Christ. Guide us also through your intercession in the heavenly abode, so that, enjoying with you the portions of the righteous, we will glorify God with you in song: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

The Lord Christ opened the heavenly palace and gave you the crown of glory worthily: and now in heaven you rejoice with the angelic ranks. Likewise, we, grateful people and martyrs, cry out to you in songs: Rejoice, commander, overcome by no one in courage. Rejoice, warrior for Christ, inexhaustible in strength. Rejoice, great sufferer, who has astonished human nature with your torments. Rejoice, indestructibility of the spirit revealed in bodily destruction. Rejoice, you did not doubt in your trust in the Living God. Rejoice, enjoy the portion of the righteous in heaven. Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 13

Oh, most glorious Great Martyr of Christ Artemy! We sing of your suffering, we honor your enduring death, with fervent prayer flowing to you: strengthen us with patience in the struggle of bearing the cross, enduring trials and suffering through all of life to the end, not despondent, but cheerfully remaining in singing to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Oh, all-validated Great Martyr Artemy, the Lord’s warrior and strong champion of all of us! Be quick to intercede with Christ the Lover of Mankind, so that the faithful people who venerate you and come to venerate your relics may receive mercy and speedy fulfillment of good petitions. Stand before the Throne of God in the person of the martyr, remember us all, with the troubles, misfortunes and sorrows of the present, and in this life there are many who suffer: may the evil that comes to us cease with your help and strong struggle. We, who are edified by your sufferings, fulfilled by the power of the grace of Christ through you, will begin to live in the patience of bearing the cross, in order to please the Lord through repentance and the ineffable good inheritance that is prepared for those who love God and glorify His holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever , and forever and ever. Amen.

The Holy Great Martyr Artemy came from a noble Roman family, had the rank of senator and was one of the outstanding military leaders during the reign of Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great (306 - 337, commemorated May 21/June 3), and then his son and successor, Constantius (337 - 361 ). Together with Saint Constantine, he observed the miraculous sign of the Cross in heaven and was confirmed in the Christian faith. Saint Artemius was close to the imperial house, and Constantius considered him his best friend and gave him the most honorable assignments. Thus, he was instructed to transfer the relics of the holy apostles Andrew and Luke from Achaia to Constantinople. Artemy received many awards for excellent service and courage and was appointed governor of Egypt. In this position, he did a lot to spread and strengthen Christianity in Egypt.

Emperor Constantius was replaced on the throne by Julian (361 - 363). The apostate emperor, wanting to return paganism, waged an irreconcilable struggle against Christianity, sending hundreds of Christians to death and boldly mocking shrines. In Antioch, he ordered the torture of two learned presbyters - Eugene and Macarius, who did not want to renounce the faith of Christ. At this time, Saint Artemy came to the city on his service. He heard how the wicked Julian blasphemed the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with his foul lips and, filled with jealousy, fearlessly denounced Julian (“the vile king”) in front of everyone of inhumanity and fight against God. The angry Apostate ordered the saint to be subjected to severe torture, saying: “I will destroy him not with one execution, but with many executions.” And the saint was handed over to the executioners. But the martyr Artemy showed truly superhuman patience during the terrible torture. He did not utter a single groan, not a single sound, did not show a single sign of his suffering. After this, the great martyr was thrown into prison along with the martyrs Eugene and Macarius. All night in captivity they glorified Christ, who made them worthy to suffer for their faith. Martyr Artemy continually prayed: “I thank You, Master, for crowning me with Your suffering! I pray, bring me to the end along the path of confession, do not let me turn out to be unworthy of this deed destined for me, for I have placed my trust in Your bounty, most kind Lord, Lover of Mankind!”

The next morning, Julian the Apostate called the martyrs and, without interrogating them, separated them: he kept Artemia with him, but sent Eugene and Macarius to Oasim of Arabia - an area where no one survives for more than a year. There the presbyters soon achieved a blessed death (February 19/March 3), and Artemy suffered much torment. At first, Julian the Apostate asked the martyr to make a sacrifice to Apollo, promising to make him the high priest, that is, the second person after himself in the state. He also accused the saint of murdering his brother, the Christian Gallus. However, the martyr Artemy indignantly refused to renounce Christ and rejected the false accusation. Then the enraged apostate ordered the martyr to be stripped, his sides pierced with red-hot awls, and sharp tridents pierced into his back. The saint again silently endured terrible suffering. They took him to prison and began to starve and thirst him. The martyr Artemy prayed to God without ceasing.

And so, during his fervent prayer, Christ Himself appeared to the martyr, surrounded by Angels, and said: “Take courage, Artemy! I am with you and will deliver you from all the pain that your tormentors inflicted on you, and I am already preparing for you a crown of glory. For just as you confessed Me before men on earth, so I will confess you before My Father in Heaven. So, be courageous and rejoice - you will be with Me in My Kingdom.” Hearing this from the Lord Himself, the saint rejoiced and began to warmly thank and glorify Him.

The next day, Julian again demanded that the Great Martyr Artemy recognize the pagan gods. Having met a decisive refusal, the emperor ordered a huge stone to be thrown onto the holy sufferer, which flattened him and crushed him with terrible force. The ascetic endured everything without a single groan. To the amazement of everyone, the great martyr even stood up on his shattered legs and predicted to Julian that he would soon receive just retribution for the evil he had inflicted on Christians. The enraged Julian ordered the saint to be killed. Before his execution, while praying, the Great Martyr Artemy heard a voice from heaven: “Come in with the saints to receive the reward prepared for you.” After this, Saint Artemius was beheaded by the sword (362 or 363).

His remains were reverently placed in an ark by the deaconess of the Antiochian Church, Arista, anointed with precious aromas, sent to Constantinople and buried with honors by Christians. Many miracles flowed from them.

After the death of the holy Great Martyr Artemy, his prophecy about the imminent death of Julian the Apostate came true. Julian and his army left Antioch to fight the Persians. Near the Persian city of Ctesiphon he met an old Persian. He promised to betray his compatriots and be a guide to Julian’s army. But the old man deceived the Apostate and led his army into the Karmanite desert, into impassable places where there was neither water nor food. Exhausted by hunger and thirst, Julian's Greco-Roman army was forced to engage in battle with fresh Persian forces.

Divine retribution overtook the Apostate himself here. During the battle, he was mortally wounded by an invisible hand, an invisible weapon. Julian groaned heavily and, dying, said: “You have won, Galilean!” Julian was buried without a funeral service as an apostate.

The godly and righteous youth, blessed Artemy, was born in 1532 (from the creation of the world in 7040) from meek and pious parents. His father's name was Cosmos, his nickname was Small, and his mother was Apollinaria; both of them were pious and virtuous and lived in the north of Russia near the sea, not far from the Kevrol country near the so-called Pinega river, in a village called Verkola, engaged in agriculture. From these spouses Artemy was born, like a bright star; brought up in true faith and morality, from childhood he loved God and revered his parents. In the fifth year of his life, having accepted (into his heart) the fear of God, he began to move away from childhood habits, began to hate children's games and all sorts of fun; became diligent to the Church of God and was obedient to his parents in everything; began to show diligence and get used to agricultural work, heeding the word of the Lord Himself to Adam: “By the sweat of your brow thou shalt bear thy bread,” and the words of the Apostle Paul, who says: “It is fitting for a laborer to first partake of the fruit,” and also: “He who has not labored, let him yast." Artemy, with his prudence and humility, which exceeded his young age, surprised all his neighbors: he revered his parents, was unquestioningly obedient to them in everything: he loved the Lord God, performed long prayers, asking the Lord for mercy. And then one day, when he was twelve years old, while cultivating the land, he went, according to custom, with his father to work in the field, namely to harrow the land. When both of them were working in the field in this way, suddenly, at God’s discretion, a strong wind blew, the sky became covered with clouds, it became dark as night, a terrible thunderstorm arose and heavy rain poured down. At the same instant, a thunderclap broke out with an extraordinary crash and noise over the place where righteous Artemy was located; This blow horrified the righteous youth Artemy, and he died of horror, betraying his spirit into the hands of the Lord. It was 1544 (7052) years, the month of June had 23 days. Body of St. Artemy was taken from the field and laid in the forest in an empty place above the ground, unburied, but only a wooden frame was placed over his body; enclosed by trees and covered; this place was far from the church. But the Lord said: I will glorify those who glorify Me, and again: a city cannot hide on top of a standing mountain; and so God was pleased to glorify his saint in the following way: one of the clergy, deacon of the church of St. Nicholas, a reverent and religious man named Agathonik, walking in the forest and collecting earthly fruits, saw a shining light in the place where the body of the saint (Artemia) lay. This was in 1577. The cleric, approaching the designated place, saw the body of the blessed one completely intact and unharmed, despite the fact that 33 years had passed since the death of Blessed Artemy; In addition, the saint’s body seemed radiant to the cleric. The cleric went to the village and told the priest and the peasants who lived in that village about everything he saw. These last, going to the place where the body of St. Artemy, and having found everything exactly as the cleric told them about it, they glorified God, who glorifies his saints, and, taking the body of the saint, they brought it to the village and laid it in the porch of the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. That year, by God's permission for the sins of people, a terrible and severe shaking illness (a type of fever) raged, from which some approached death, and others died. But the Lord God punishes us with many sorrows and illnesses so that we turn to him and repent of our sins; We constantly sin and anger God with evil deeds. Despite this, the merciful Lord God, desiring salvation for his creation - the human race - from the torment of the devil and glorifying his saint, the holy, god-wise and righteous Artemy, places him in his native country of Kevrol - like a lamp shining with wondrous and glorious miracles.

At that time, the son of a resident of the village of Kevrolsky named Kallinik fell ill with the then raging shaking disease. Callinicus greatly grieved for his son and prayed to the All-Bountiful God, calling on His Most Pure Mother, the holy wonderworker Nicholas and the righteous Artemy for help, asking for their prayers to God for the deliverance of his son from a serious shaking illness. Then Callinicus went to the relics of Saint Artemy, venerated his coffin and, taking part of the coffin cover, which consisted of birch bark, came to his house and laid it on the chest of his sick son; the patient suddenly recovered. The father, delighted by the miraculous healing of his son, gave thanks to the Lord God and His holy saint Artemy, went and told Christians about

the miracle that happened over his son. Those who heard about this soon joyfully flocked to the tomb of St. Artemia; everyone took with them birch bark from the coffin,

He placed it on the chests of the sick, who through this were freed from their illness and became healthy - and then joyfully hurried to the Church of St. Nicholas, gave earnest thanks to God, sang prayers and glorified the saint of God, St. Artemia the miracle worker. The Lord God, through the prayers of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saint Righteous Artemy, looked upon his servants: from that time on, the disease stopped in that country. From the relics of Saint Artemy, many miracles were performed: the blind received their sight, the lame began to walk, the deaf received hearing, those possessed by all sorts of ailments were healed - both men and women; there were so many miracles that it was impossible to write them all. Let us mention here one miracle, especially remarkable and wondrous, which happened in 1583 (7091). There was one man named Paul whose face was turned back and his eyes were closed, so that he could not see anything. He remained in such a terrible situation for a considerable time. Praying to God, this man called on the wonderworker Nicholas for help; Remembering the newly-minted saint Artemy, the patient with tears asked for his help - and immediately became healthy. Having returned to his previous healthy state, he rejoiced, went and told all the Christians about the wondrous miracle. The Christians, who saw and heard about the miracle, glorified God and Saint Artemy, who performed such a glorious miracle, built a chapel to the church of St. Nicholas, with faith transferred from the porch to the chapel and with honor placed the miraculous relics of the righteous in it, lovingly kissing his hand and praying to him earnestly. Then, after a general council, the appearance of the relics of the saint and miracles were described, and it was given to the saint who was then in charge of the throne to know about all this. Sophia to His Eminence Macarius, Metropolitan of Veliky Novgorod. This hierarch, who had previously heard everything and read what was written (about St. Artemy), sent from himself the son of the boyar Malgin and his comrades, ordering them to take with them also the abbot of the Krasnogorsk monastery (Kholmogorsky

district) Macarius, for examination in the established order of the relics of the newly-minted wonderworker Artemy. Those sent, having arrived in Verkola, acted according to the bishop’s decree and reported everything in detail and faithfully to the Metropolitan. Saint Macarius, having carefully examined the testimony about the saint, ordered to write a service for him, describe his life and miracles, build a temple in his name and lay his holy body in it with due honor. With the blessing of the saint, the body of St. Artemy was transferred from the chapel to the church of St. Nicholas in 1610 (7118), December 6th day. At that time, through the prayers of the wonderworker Artemy, God granted healing to many people suffering from various ailments. Their names are indicated in the miracles in order from the very beginning. The priests ordered that the previous tomb be converted into icon boards and the image of the righteous wonderworker Artemy painted on them, and this was spoken of in miracles.

Holiness and piety do not depend on the age of the believer. Through prayer at the icon of the holy youth Artemy Verkolsky, many people received healing from serious illnesses.


The unusual story of the life and posthumous miracles of the youth Artemy made him one of the most revered Orthodox saints.

Earthly path

In 1532, in the northern village of Verkola, located on the banks of the Pinega River, a boy was born into a simple peasant family, who was named Artemy. Being sincere believers, the parents raised their son in an atmosphere of reverence for traditional Christian values ​​and love for the Lord. From the age of five, he preferred the humble reading of prayers and all possible help in the parental household to carefree children's games.

Holy Righteous Artemy Verkolsky

One day, a twelve-year-old boy was working in the field with his father. Suddenly the sky darkened and a strong thunderstorm began. Artemy began to pray fervently, and at that moment lightning struck him. The villagers decided that this was God’s punishment for any sins, and refused to bury the boy on consecrated ground.

His body was left in the forest, covered with branches and birch bark. Thus ended the earthly journey of Artemy Verkolsky.

Finding the relics

32 years after the death of the boy, the clergyman of the local church saw a glow in the place where the restless body lay. Coming closer, the priest saw that it was untouched by decay. The relics of the youth Artemy were transferred to the church, placed in a coffin covered with birch bark boards, which was placed in the outer vestibule. In 1610, the remains of the righteous young man were transferred to the main building of the temple and placed in a special shrine.

Artemy Verkolsky was canonized in 1619 with the blessing of Metropolitan Macarius of Novgorod. 30 years after the start of official veneration, a monastery was built in Verkola, dedicated to the holy righteous youth, in which his relics were kept until 1918.

Interesting: the inhabitants of the monastery hid the relics of Artemy from the Bolsheviks before the closure of the monastery. After its revival in the 90s. The search for the shrine was carried out for some time, but it ended in vain.

Today, in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, an icon of St. Artemy with a particle of his relics is kept.

Miracles and healings

After the miraculous discovery of the relics, many miracles and healings began to occur from them.

  1. A few years after the installation of the relics in the St. Nicholas Church, a fever epidemic broke out in the area. Through prayer at the remains of the righteous man, many sick people received healing, and the epidemic soon ended.
  2. The intervention of the righteous Artemy helped restore the sight of the Kholmogory peasant Hilarion. The holy youth appeared to him and, making the sign of the cross, ordered him to go to the Verkola church to venerate his incorruptible relics. The healed man fulfilled the order and told the Verkol people about the miraculous phenomenon.
  3. Voivode Afanasy Pashkov stopped in Verkola on the way to his destination, but left the village without venerating the holy relics. Soon his son Jeremiah was overcome by a fatal illness. Then the governor vowed to go to the relics of Artemy Verkolsky on a pilgrimage. At the same time, the youth Jeremiah stood up and asked his father when they would set off on the road. Athanasius served the dinner and even erected a small chapel in honor of the Holy Martyr Artemios of Antioch at the place where the holy relics were found.
  4. Through prayer to the Lord and the righteous Artemy Verkolsky, sailors who were caught in a strong storm on the open sea were saved from death on the way to Arkhangelsk.


The first icons of Artemy Verkolsky were painted on birch bark boards that covered the coffin with the discovered relics.

Icon of Artemy Verkolsky

There are three main versions in Orthodox icon painting:

  1. On the individual icon there is a half-length image of a young man. He is wearing a white casual shirt. In his left hand he holds an unfolded sheet with the words of the akathist. In his right palm he squeezes the main symbol of Christianity - the cross. Sometimes, along with the cross, the youth holds an olive branch - a symbol of eternal peace.
  2. Individual icons depicting the righteous youth are interesting due to their varied backgrounds. Some of them contain an image of a temple, symbolizing a monastery. Others depict scenes from the earthly life of the holy youth.
  3. A special place in the iconography of St. Artemy is occupied by hagiographic icons, the marks of which are dedicated to the miraculous phenomena that occurred after the discovery of his holy relics.

What to pray to the holy righteous Artemy Verkolsky

Numerous testimonies confirm the great power that prayer in front of the icon of the holy youth Artemy has. It helps in the following cases:

  • presence of severe physical illness;
  • partial or complete loss of vision;
  • life-threatening situation associated with natural phenomena;
  • making an important decision.
Important! The icon depicting the young holy righteous Artemy is important for Orthodox people. One should remember about spiritual development and strive for unity with the Lord from a very early age. Only sincere Faith and humble righteous life in accordance with Christian commandments bring a person closer to the Kingdom of God.

Righteous Artemy Verkolsky