
Cream cheese cake recipe at home. Cream cheese cream. Homemade Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe

  • 1 Cream cheese for cake - a simple recipe
  • 2 Cooking with chocolate
  • 3 With cream
  • 4 Cream cheese from Andy Chef
  • 5 With condensed milk
  • 6 The most budget-friendly cooking method

Creamy curd cheese, reminiscent of fatty cottage cheese ground into a paste, is very popular with confectioners and has become the basis of many creams. The cream cheese cake recipe goes well with sponge cakes, meringue and shortcrust pastry.

Just don’t confuse this product with processed cheese or replace it with cottage cheese, as this is a completely different story. Processed cheese is not suitable for making sweet creams, and cottage cheese will leave small grains in the structure, even after grinding through a sieve.

Cream cheese for cake - a simple recipe

Having prepared cream cheese to level a cake or cupcakes, you don’t have to worry that it will float even at room temperature. The total cooking time will not be longer than 10-15 minutes; even a schoolchild can handle all the processes. It is only important to choose high-quality ingredients and oil with a fat content of at least 82%.

For one small homemade cake you need to take:

  • 280 g creamy curd cheese;
  • 100 g plums. oils;
  • 80 g powdered sugar.


  1. Place soft butter, sifted powdered sugar and cream cheese in a mixing bowl.
  2. Beat all products for 5-7 minutes until smooth. Stabilize in the cold for some time before use.

To prevent the prepared cream from becoming weathered during stabilization in the cold, it can be immediately transferred to a pastry bag and cooled in it.

Cooking with chocolate

Despite the fact that many confectioners love this type of filling for its ease of preparation and stability of shape, they often bypass its chocolate version. There is a possibility that the chocolate will not color the mass uniformly, but will turn into separate drops, but this will not happen if you prepare chocolate cream cheese according to the following recipe.

List of required ingredients:

  • 300 g creamy curd cheese;
  • 100 g dark or milk chocolate without fillers;
  • 100 g plums. oils (82.5%);
  • 100 g powdered sugar.

Sequence of cooking processes:

  1. At least an hour before cooking, remove the butter from the refrigerator and cut into cubes until it is soft enough.
  2. Melt the chocolate until liquid. This can be done in the microwave in short bursts of 20 seconds, in a steam bath, or in a freezer bag dipped in hot water.
  3. Beat creamy butter, liquid chocolate and powdered sugar with a mixer for five minutes. Then add curd cheese to this mixture and stir it in with a mixer or a regular silicone spatula. Keep the cream in the cold for half an hour to stabilize and can be used for its intended purpose.

With cream

Cream cheese with cream is more capricious than its counterpart with butter. Misfortune awaits housewives while whipping cream. They either don’t whip or turn into butter, but those who have mastered this recipe will be able to decorate their cupcakes, fill cakes, layer and level cakes with the most delicate cream.

To make cream cheese with cream you need to take:

  • 400 g cream cheese;
  • 100 ml heavy cream (from 33%);
  • 50 g powdered sugar.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cool the cream and cheese well. It is preferable that they spend the night in the refrigerator. Degrease the mixing bowl and mixer beaters with vodka and place in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  2. Place all ingredients in a bowl and beat with a mixer, first at minimum speed until all components are combined, and then switch to maximum speed. After about five minutes, the mass will thicken and acquire a dense, stable structure.

Cream cheese from Andy Chef

Andrey Rudkov, better known as Andy Chef, offers his recipe for cream cheese cream for cakes and cupcakes. This cream is able to retain its shape for a long time even at room temperature. The finished product can be given a berry flavor by mixing it with a few teaspoons of fresh or frozen strawberry puree (raspberries, blueberries, etc.), without losing stability.

Proportions of products in the cream:

  • 340 g curd cream cheese;
  • 115 g plums. oils (fat content not lower than 82.5%);
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 10 ml vanilla extract.

Prepare in the following way:

  1. The technology of whipping cream itself is simple, but without proper preparation of the products you can fail. Therefore, the night before, you need to remove the butter from the refrigerator and allow it to reach a soft, creamy state at room temperature. Cream cheese, on the other hand, needs to be thoroughly cooled, leaving it on the top shelf of the refrigerator until ready to prepare.
  2. Soft butter should first be beaten together with powder at maximum mixer speed for 5-7 minutes. This will allow you to get a whiter color of the cream and dissolve all the grains of powder. Then add the cheese and beat for a while until smooth. Before filling the cake with cream, it is better to put it in a pastry bag or cover it with film and let it stand for a while in the refrigerator.

With condensed milk

Another popular cream combination is cream cheese cream and condensed milk. Since the main ingredient has a fairly dense structure, adding condensed milk to it can not only regulate the sweetness of the final product, but also its consistency. Condensed milk can be taken regular or boiled.

List of products used:

  • 500 g curd cream cheese;
  • 100-300 g of condensed (regular or boiled) milk.

Cooking method:

  1. Place cheese and a tablespoon of condensed milk into a bowl. Start beating the mass with a mixer, adding condensed milk one spoon at a time.
  2. After bringing the mass to the desired consistency and adjusting its sweetness, you can begin decorating the confectionery.

The most budget-friendly way to cook

This layer uses creamy curd cheese, which cannot be called a cheap product, especially considering the amount required for the layer and coating of one small cake, and it can often only be purchased in large supermarkets. But there is a budget-friendly way to make cream cheese for a cake.

In this case you will need:

  • 800 g of non-acidic sour cream with a fat content of 20%;
  • 100 g of sweet powder made from ground sugar.

Operating procedure:

  1. You need to make a bag from a piece of gauze. The gauze is placed in six layers in a colander. Sour cream is poured on top, cheesecloth is tied into a knot and placed directly in a colander over an empty bowl or pan and placed in the refrigerator for a day.
  2. After time, whey will appear in the container under the colander, and sour cream will remain in the gauze bag. This product will perfectly replace creamy curd cheese in cream. Further preparation boils down to whipping weighed sour cream with powdered sugar. The output will be 460-500 g of finished cream. And the byproduct (whey) can be used to bake delicious pancakes.

Cream cheese is essentially a cream based on soft cheeses and cottage cheese. They supplement it, as they please, with berry puree or nuts, although simply by combining cheeses of different flavors you can get a result that is completely different from the basic one.

The advantages of cheese and curd creams are their density and rare stability. They are used, among other things, for complex design figures, since they are rightfully considered a very convenient means of decoration.

Recipes for cream cheese cake - general principles of preparation

Cream cheese is a creamy cheese mass that is used to soak cakes, level their surface and decorate the surface of the dessert. In the preparation of cheese cream, soft curd cheeses and cottage cheese are used. The fat content of fermented milk products is selected according to your taste, the main thing is that the cottage cheese is not too grainy and dry. From soft curd cheeses for cream cheese, you can take either expensive ones: Mascarpone or Philadelphia, or their budget counterparts: President, Hochland or Viola.

Cream cheese cake recipes are simple and easy to prepare. The cheeses are beaten with a mixer until fluffy, adding sugar in the form of sand or powder, after which the other ingredients are gradually mixed in, which, like the sweetener, are introduced into the cream in small portions. The result depends not only on strict adherence to prescription recommendations, but also on the quality and freshness of the products used. The temperature of the products plays an important role in the quality of whipping cream. If the recommended temperature conditions are not observed, the mixture may not whip up and will separate during the cooking process. The proportions of products may vary within certain limits at the discretion of the confectioner. It is worth noting that cream cheese should contain a lot of cheese.

To prepare cream cheese, butter or cream is often added to the main products. Butter makes it more stable, and cream gives it a more delicate creamy taste.

Butter cream cheese is used to decorate a ready-made cake. To create certain decorative details, it is tinted with food colors, mixing them into the ready-made cream.

Butter cream cheese - a recipe for a cake made from two types of soft cheese

Cream cheese cake, which uses two types of cream cheese: Philadelphia and soft Mascarpone. Most often they are layered with sponge cakes made from honey dough. This creamy cheese mass holds its shape well and is suitable not only for layering, but also for decoration.


Five tablespoons of homemade powdered sugar;

Vanilla essence - a teaspoon;

250 gr. soft Mascarpone and cream cheese, Philadelphia variety

Cream with a fat content of at least 35% – 350 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Place both types of cheeses in a deep bowl and mix with a mixer turned on at the lowest speed. Two minutes will be enough for this stage.

2. To break up the powder that has accumulated in lumps, transfer it to a sieve, then pour it into the whipped cheeses and continue the process, increasing the speed from medium to high, until the cream base becomes fluffy.

3. Without reducing the speed, pour cold, almost ice-cold cream into the cream. Add them gradually, adding literally two spoons each time.

4. The finished cream cheese can be used immediately; if you need a thicker one, place it in the refrigerator for an hour.

Cream cheese - recipe for cream cheese cake

This cheese mass can be used not only for layering cakes. It can be used to fill any cakes and decorate various desserts. The preparation process is also simple, the main thing is that the dairy products are well cooled, and the proportions of the products can be changed, taking into account your own preferences. If cream cheese is used for decoration, there must be a lot of cheese in it, otherwise the mass will not retain its shape.


Curd cheese, “Kaymak” variety - 400 gr.;

Fine sugar - 100 gr.;

100 ml high fat cream.

Cooking method:

1. Place the package of cream and the bowl of mixer whisks in the freezer for twenty-five minutes. Then remove, pour the cream into a cooled container and beat until fluffy, unstable peaks are obtained.

2. Prepare powder from sugar in a coffee grinder and pour it into a bowl with the cheese, beat.

3. Without stopping whipping, add whipped cream into the cheese, adding small portions. Beat at the lowest speed.

Chocolate curd cream cheese - recipe for sponge cake

An easy-to-make cream cheese that will not only be a good addition to a biscuit cake, but can be used to make almost any dessert. In order for the curd and cream cheese to bind well, they must be at equal temperatures and preferably at room temperature. Warm up food in advance in the air.


280 gr. homemade, high-fat cottage cheese;

Creamy fresh cheese, soft variety Mascarpone - 200 gr.;

White, 100-gram bar of non-porous chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Remove all foods from the refrigerator first so that they warm up evenly to room temperature. Otherwise, the difference in the temperature of the products will lead to the fact that the cream will not whip up, but will separate.

2. Grind the cottage cheese in a meat grinder, then grind through a sieve and add the cheese to the mixture.

3. Slowly melt the chopped chocolate in a water bath and set aside to cool.

4. Beat the cheeses until smooth and, without stopping the process, add melted chocolate to them, spoonful at a time.

5. Place the cream cheese in the general compartment of the refrigerator for an hour and a half, and only then use it for its intended purpose.

Nut cream cheese - cake recipe (with gelatin)

The stable cheese mass with gelatin does not saturate any cake layers well, so it is best used to level the surface of the cake. If you do try to layer a cake with this cream, soak the cake layers in advance. Gelatin is added after soaking in water and dissolving by heating in a water bath. It is recommended to cool the gelatin mass before mixing with products.


Grated lemon zest - 1/3 tsp;

Heavy cream - 250 gr.;

Granulated gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.;

250 gr. Sahara;

A little more than half a glass of walnut kernels;

Vanilla sugar - 1 gr.;

Fat homemade cottage cheese - half a kilo.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the gelatin by filling it with half a glass of drinking, cold water. When the granules swell, place the bowl in a water bath and, while heating, dissolve, then cool.

2. Rub the cottage cheese through a thin metal sieve so that there are no grains in the cream. Heat the nuts in a dry regular frying pan and cool.

3. Transfer the grated curd mass into a deep bowl, add sugar and vanilla, beat.

4. Almost at the end of whipping, when the grains of sugar are evenly dispersed in the cottage cheese and the mass becomes fluffy, add gelatin and add lemon zest.

5. In a separate clean bowl, whip the cream until fluffy. Adding the whipped cream mixture to the cottage cheese in small portions, gently stir it in with a spatula.

6. Pour finely chopped nuts into the finished cream and refrigerate for an hour and a half.

Creamy berry cream cheese - recipe for cake with butter

According to the recipe, berry puree is added to the cream cheese. It can be prepared from fresh or frozen berries. Before chopping, it is recommended to thaw fruits that have been frozen thoroughly in the air and allow excess moisture to drain off. To do this, place the berries in a colander, under which a deep plate is placed.


Powdered sugar - 90 gr.;

Half a kilo of aromatic fresh berries, preferably black currants - 500 g;

340 gr. soft curd cheese;

Vanilla powder - 1 tsp;

Butter, high-percentage butter - 125 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Cool the curd cheese well, and, on the contrary, soften the butter, cutting into small pieces.

2. Add the powder to the slightly melted butter and beat using a mixer at medium speed for about six minutes.

3. Using a blender, prepare a puree from fresh or well-thawed berries and carefully mix it into the already whipped mass.

4. For soaking the cakes, berry cream cheese is suitable immediately after preparation, and it is better to cool it before covering the entire cake.

Buttercream cheese - recipe for cake decoration

Thick cream cheese made from soft cheese with butter is most often used to decorate the top of the cake, as well as its sides. After hardening, it does not flow even when the cake is kept warm for a long time. When applied, apply in an even layer. To prevent the mass from separating when whipping, use only natural oil with a high percentage of fat content.


Half a cup of homemade powdered sugar;

Two spoons of fresh vanilla sugar;

120 gr. frozen cream or natural, 72%, butter;

Soft cheese Viola, or similar - 340 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the butter, softened in the warmth, place it in a large bowl and start beating with a mixer, gradually adding about a spoonful of powder.

2. When all the powdered sugar has been added, continue beating, adding small pieces of cheese to the butter (no more than a dessert spoon at a time).

3. Add vanilla sugar and distribute it evenly throughout the cream, beating for a minute with a mixer.

4. The cream cheese will be ready as soon as you add all the cheese and the mass becomes airy.

Cream cheese recipes for cake - technology tricks and useful tips

If the finished cream is not sweet enough, add sifted powder to it. It is not recommended to add granulated sugar to the desired sweetness, since its crystals will no longer dissolve and will crunch on the teeth.

For whipping, you can use a mixer or, at your discretion, a blender. The main thing is not to oversaturate the mass with air, otherwise it will not fit well on the cake.

It happens that a cake made according to one recipe may look sloppy to one housewife, but to another - like a real work of art. When crumbs from the cakes get under the icing, it goes on unevenly, and all the imperfections immediately become noticeable. Cream for leveling the cake under glaze and mastic will help to properly form the cakes, make the dessert neat, appetizing, pleasing to the eye with grace and beauty.

What is cake leveling cream?

The opinion that mastic itself, lying on the cakes in a thick layer, can hide the shortcomings of the cakes, is erroneous. All flaws will appear as soon as it covers the product, so it is very important to first level the relief and edge of the cake, preparing it for decoration. A thick layer of buttercream - base, leveling - ideally glues the crumbs on the surface. By then applying a second layer, you can ensure that the glaze or mastic lays down in a perfectly even, uniform layer, maintaining its beautiful appearance for at least 72 hours.

What cream is best for leveling a cake?

The ideal coating is a cake mastic cream that can level the cakes and prevent the mastic from leaking or deforming. The light texture of sour cream and yogurt masses does not cope with this task. Dense, pliable mixtures (custard, butter) perfectly level the dessert and give the cakes a smooth, neat appearance. For leveling desserts, creams made from condensed milk with butter and ganache are suitable for glazing; for mastic – ganache, custard, and “Cheese”.

It is important to remember that the curd and cream mixture must be cooled before use, so it will become more manageable, but the butter mixture, on the contrary, needs to be warmed at room temperature for several hours. Cake leveling steps:

  1. Level the cakes, cutting off any unevenness on the sides, layer and assemble the cake, place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes so that the dessert “sets.”
  2. The first layer of cream is the thickest, applied, carefully distributed, leveled with a pastry spatula (plastic, metal), spatula (special spatula) or a knife with a blunt end. It is convenient to distribute the curd mass over the surface using a pastry bag with a round nozzle.
  3. Let the dessert cool for 15-20 minutes.
  4. If necessary, apply another layer of leveling compound, thinner. Cool again.
  5. If you run a slightly heated spatula over the surface before laying out the mastic, the coating will melt slightly and become even more homogeneous.

Curd with cream

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 302 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Easy-to-prepare curd-butter cream is suitable for leveling, layering, decorating cakes, and filling cupcakes. Lightweight, delicate, it holds its shape perfectly. The original taste will give the baked goods a zest and uniqueness. The recipe allows you to change the amount of sugar depending on the preferences of the cook (if the biscuits turn out to be too sweet, you can use less powder).


  • curd cheese – 540 g;
  • cream 30% – 120 g;
  • powdered sugar – 70 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the well-chilled cream with a whisk for about 5 minutes, or with a mixer for 2 minutes.
  2. As soon as the cream increases slightly in volume, becomes foamy and a little thick, begin to add the curd cheese in parts, continuing to beat the mass.
  3. Gradually add powdered sugar, beat until smooth.
  4. Before use, place the cream in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. When leveling the cake, the first layer of curd and butter cream is applied in a thick layer, leveled with a pastry spatula, and cooled for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. The next layers can be made less abundant, but before each new stage of leveling, the cake is cooled for 10 minutes.

Cheese cream made from kefir and fermented baked milk

  • Time: 1 day and 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 121 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Homemade cheese cream is suitable for filling and lining cakes. It turns out thick, dense, and due to the fat content of the ingredients, it holds its shape well. It will not be possible to prepare such a creamy mass quickly: according to the technology, it needs to be kept for at least a day. Some housewives leave the cream under the press, but this is not necessary. A huge advantage of this dessert is its low calorie content and lack of sugar in the composition.


  • kefir 3.2% – 440 ml;
  • Ryazhenka 4% – 480 ml;
  • sour cream 25% – 430 ml;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix the products: sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a tablespoon.
  2. Add pre-squeezed lemon juice to fermented milk products and stir.
  3. Line the strainer with a cloth (muslin cloth is ideal) and place it on a stable bowl or large saucepan.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a strainer, leave for 24 hours in a cool place, excess liquid will drain during this time.
  5. After a day, place the mixture in a convenient container and mix thoroughly.
  6. This cream can be used to level the cake after cooling it for an hour in the refrigerator.

Chocolate cheese cream

  • Time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 327 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Chocolate cheese cream is ideal for leveling cakes, decorating cakes or cupcakes, or layering sponge cakes. In terms of cost, it is cheaper than ganache, incredibly tasty, and can be stored for up to 3 days. To prepare the composition correctly, you need to take into account some nuances: do not allow the cheese to freeze during storage (otherwise the cream will end up with grains) and do not overbeat the cream until it turns into butter.


  • creamy curd cheese – 600 g;
  • cream 33% – 1 l;
  • powdered sugar – 200 g;
  • chocolate – 360 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat 450 ml of well-chilled cream in a bowl with a mixer for 7 minutes, starting at medium speed, gradually increasing it.
  2. Add powder to the whipped cream until fluffy and beat with a mixer for a minute.
  3. Combine the curd cheese with the sweet cream mixture and mix with a mixer.
  4. Heat the remaining 550 ml of cream in a saucepan until it boils over medium heat, pour into a bowl with pre-crumbed chocolate, let stand, stir the mixture until smooth. The chocolate should dissolve completely.
  5. Combine the two resulting mixtures (cream cheese and chocolate), mix with a mixer at medium speed until smooth.
  6. Let the cream cool for an hour in the refrigerator.


  • Time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 165 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Custard recipes differ in consistency and composition: some confectioners use butter and condensed milk. The proposed option is suitable for leveling, layering cakes, filling eclairs, tubes, biscuits, and pastries. Its neutral taste can be enriched by adding vanilla, cinnamon, berry or mint liqueur, or rum. It is important to use fat milk (not lower than 3.2%).


  • milk – 400 ml;
  • sugar – 160 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar – 5 g;
  • starch – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs into a small saucepan or saucepan, add granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, and mash with a fork.
  2. Add starch to the egg-sugar mixture and mix thoroughly with a silicone spatula. Pour in the milk and stir with a whisk until smooth.
  3. Heat the saucepan with the mixture over low heat, stirring continuously, without bringing to a boil. As soon as the cream begins to thicken, keep it on the heat for a minute, continuing to stir, then turn off the stove.
  4. It is advisable to cool the cream for at least an hour in the refrigerator before use.

From oil-based condensed milk

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 460 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Thanks to its thick consistency, butter cream with condensed milk holds its shape perfectly and is suitable for leveling cakes, greasing biscuits, wafer rolls, and shortbread. If desired, when mixing the ingredients, housewives add coconut flakes, vanillin, cognac, and liqueur. Cookies add extra density to the composition, so you don’t have to add it if you’re making it with boiled condensed milk.


  • butter – 180 g;
  • condensed milk – 1 can;
  • classic cookies “Jubilee” – 5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Let the butter sit at room temperature for an hour or two.
  2. Beat the butter cut into small pieces with a blender or mixer at high speed until the mass becomes homogeneous and fluffy. This takes approximately 5 minutes.
  3. Add condensed milk to the butter and beat with a mixer for 3-4 minutes.
  4. After crushing the shortbread cookies, add them to the mixture and mix well with a mixer until the crumbs are evenly distributed.
  5. Leveling the cake under the mastic is done with a knife with a blunt end or a pastry spatula, after which the cake is sent to the refrigerator. After half an hour you can start decorating.

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 171 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Unpretentious French meringue is suitable for decorating cakes, muffins, lining cakes, and as an independent dish. Prepare it quickly, but it is necessary to do this immediately before use to avoid settling. Egg whites at room temperature will beat more easily, the mass will come out fluffier and more tender.. If you turn the container with whipped meringue over and it loses its shape, you should continue to beat the mixture.


  • chicken egg white – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 55 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully separate the white from the yolk and pour sugar or powdered sugar into a separate container.
  2. The mixing bowl and mixer whisks must be fat-free and perfectly dry.
  3. Beat the whites with a mixer, starting at low speed, gradually bringing it to maximum.
  4. After 6 minutes of beating the egg whites, without stopping the mixer or reducing its speed, begin to gradually pour in the sugar. Beat for ten minutes.
  5. When the sugar has dissolved and the meringue becomes thick and glossy, turn off the mixer. The cream is ready.


  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Combining the properties of butter and protein creams, Swiss meringue fits perfectly, hardens quickly, and is ideal for leveling under mastic, for filling eclairs, cupcakes, and tartlets. Thanks to the technology of heating in a water bath, desserts with such filling can be safely offered to children. If desired, vanillin is added to the composition or colored with food coloring.


  • chicken egg white – 100 g;
  • sugar – 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the mixed whites with sugar in a water bath, bring to 60°, stirring constantly.
  2. After removing the mixture from the heat, beat with a mixer at maximum speed for 7-8 minutes. During this time, the cream will cool down and take on a dense, shiny shape.
  3. The meringue is ready to use.


  • Time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 176 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Italian airy meringue is denser than French or Swiss. It holds its shape perfectly, is very stable, dense, and does not require subsequent heat treatment. This cream is suitable for layering, leveling, decorating cakes, for macarons or meringues. Lime juice, vanilla, coffee or orange zest will perfectly complement the flavor of the meringue.


  • chicken egg white – 100 g (2-3 pcs.);
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • water – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix water and sugar in a saucepan and place over medium heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook for 6 minutes, so the syrup reaches the desired temperature (115-118°).
  2. By the time the syrup boils, it is necessary to separate the whites from the yolks, mix them with a pinch of salt and begin to beat until a light foam forms.
  3. In a thin stream, begin pouring hot (118°) syrup into the whites whipped to soft peaks. It is important to avoid contact with the stream of syrup on the mixer beaters, which are running at minimum speed at this moment.
  4. Having completely combined the syrup with the whites, increase the mixer speed to maximum, beat for another 7 minutes until stiff peaks form, until the meringue has cooled to 35 degrees.

Milk chocolate and cream ganache

  • Time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 476 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Many pastry chefs who work with fondant prefer to line the cake with dark, white or milk chocolate ganache. This cream is suitable as a candy filling, fondant, glaze. Butter gives the ganache additional gloss and plasticity, although some people cook without it. An important condition for the manufacturing technology is to prevent the cream from boiling.


  • milk chocolate – 300 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • cream 33% fat – 200 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. After pouring the cream into a saucepan, place it over medium heat and wait until it boils: as soon as small bubbles begin to appear on the surface, turn off the cream.
  2. Grind the chocolate bars by hand or using a food processor.
  3. Pour hot cream over the chocolate pieces and stir the mixture with a whisk until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Cover the pan with cling film and let cool for 7-8 minutes.
  4. Place butter, pre-warmed at room temperature, cut into small pieces, into the warm chocolate-cream mixture. Stir vigorously until it is completely melted and the mixture becomes smooth.
  5. Leave the ganache in the refrigerator for several hours (preferably overnight), take it out an hour before decorating the cake, and leave it to warm up at room temperature.

Colored ganache

  • Time: 10 hours and 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 469 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Multi-colored ganache is prepared on the basis of white chocolate, the quality of which is very important for the final result (poor quality chocolate may not dissolve at all). It is recommended to take fat-soluble food coloring of the desired color, but water-soluble or gel are not suitable. Berry purees should also not be used: there is a chance that the cream will curdle.


  • white chocolate – 600 g;
  • heavy cream – 300 ml;
  • food coloring – 1-3 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cream into a saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring until it begins to boil. You can't boil it!
  2. After removing the cream from the heat, add white chocolate, previously crushed by hand or with a knife. Stir the mixture with a silicone spatula until smooth.

- which one to choose, because there are so many of them? And how to make sure it works?! We'll help you choose and teach you how to cook!

Hi all! Those who are just starting to make cakes often ask me: “What cream is suitable for this sponge cake? What do you recommend? So, to make it easier for everyone, I decided to create this article and describe here, of course, not all, but many creams that go well with sponge cakes.

What should the cream be like to “fit well” with the biscuit? Based on my experience, I will say: it must be quite stable in order to confidently stay inside. Too liquid cream will flow out under the weight of the cakes, especially if they are heavy, well-soaked, or cooked with natural butter, with chocolate, etc. However, the cream for the layer should not be too dense (as for leveling), otherwise it will be dry and, perhaps, , not gentle enough. The golden mean is what we need!)

All recipes, as always, have been repeatedly tested by me personally, as well as by site readers. They are guaranteed to work. However, the creams, of course, taste different, and I will try to describe the features of each as objectively as possible, so that you can imagine as clearly as possible what you will get and make the right choice. After all, to each his own.

So, let's go!

Cream cheese, or cheese cream

Roughly speaking, there are two cream cheeses: and. For the filling inside the cake, I recommend using. better suited for leveling a cake: in general, both of these creams are stable, but they are stronger with butter.

Today, cream cheese is one of the most beloved creams by both confectioners and their clients. He's really good. It behaves obediently in cakes and goes well with fruits, berries, caramel, condensed milk and any other additives. Quick and easy to prepare. There are a million options for proportions. It seems like there are so many confectioners, so many proportions) The ones I use are . But you can add more cream and also play with the amount of powdered sugar.

If you have never tried cream cheese, then I must warn you: the taste of the cream has a slight salty tint due to the actual cheese from which it is made. Many people really like this taste: salt seems to set off, emphasizes the sweetness of everything else, it sounds very piquant) Unusual, surprising, fresh, if you like. But for some it is so unusual that it causes rejection. Therefore, cream cheese has both ardent fans and opponents, those who categorically do not like it. If you have tried cheesecake, in a cafe or at a party, but a real one, made with cheese and not cottage cheese, then the taste of cream cheese will be familiar to you.

As for the cheese. Of course, for cream cheese it is not “Rossiysky”, not “Poshekhonsky”, not “Yantar” cheese or even “Omichka”, but curd cheese like “Philadelphia”. True, this particular brand cannot be found in Russia today, and confectioners take available analogues: “Hochland”, “Violetta”, “Kremette”, “Kaymak”, etc. This is not processed cheese! This is cream cheese, that is, without additives like dill, tomatoes, etc. Some people make it with ricotta, but, as for me, this is something else, not cream cheese. Yes, curd cheese from different manufacturers differs slightly in consistency, degree of salinity, color and other characteristics, so you may have to try several different cheeses to choose the one that best suits you.

You can also add a few spoons of fruit or berry puree, good cocoa powder, melted chocolate or chocolate chips to standard cream cheese. You will now have a new cream) Do not overdo it: two or three tbsp. l. will be sufficient.

Mascarpone cream

Another wonderful cream, also based on cheese, although now it’s mascarpone. As you know, its taste is delicate, delicate, exceptionally creamy. This cheese is not salty, but rather, on the contrary, slightly sweetish, closer to neutral. So it turns out the most delicate and super creamy! I love him very much and can recommend him with a clear conscience. The cream behaves perfectly in a cake, especially if you assemble the cake in a ring and leave it to stabilize overnight. However, I recommend collecting all cakes only in a ring and be sure to give them time to settle, at least a few hours, or better yet, overnight.

The main rule for preparing this cream is that the cheese and cream must come directly from the refrigerator! Otherwise the cream may separate. Just as in the previous case, you can add fruit and berry puree to the cream, the berries themselves or pieces of fruit, various syrups, nuts (better caramelized, they will crunch better), melted chocolate, chocolate chips or cocoa powder. Experiment!

But keep in mind that it is better to lightly boil the puree with sugar and cool it, and only then add it to the cream, this way the cream will be safer, and with it the cake will have a longer shelf life. Raw berries and fruits turn sour quite quickly inside the cake, so if you add them, keep in mind that the cake will need to be eaten as soon as it sits, that is, literally within a few hours! Better yet, add canned fruits or boil fresh ones with sugar for just a few minutes, cool and only then use for the cake.

Proportions and technology for preparing cream in pictures -.

Sour cream

Another great cream for your sponge cakes!

It is very easy to make, but you need to prepare: there must be sour cream! Only with such sour cream the cream will be strong, stable and will stick perfectly inside the cake. If you use regular sour cream, unweighed, even with high fat content (in our stores the maximum is 30%), the cream will be liquid and can only be used for cakes with a large number of thin cakes such as or. Such cream will not hold between sponge cakes. But based on weighed sour cream, the cream turns out, although delicate, but quite suitable for a sponge cake. Moreover, you remember: you need to assemble the cake in a ring and give it time to brew in the refrigerator for at least several hours. During this time, the cream will get stronger and will not go anywhere.

Cream Sundae

It was under this name that I once found this cream. This is exactly what I remembered, wrote down, tried and later published here. Out of habit. But in fact, the more accurate name is sour cream custard. Why am I focusing on this? The fact is that, judging by my blogging experience, this cream does not remind everyone of ice cream (and I don’t want your expectations to be deceived), which, of course, does not in any way detract from its other advantages. And there really are a lot of them! Thanks to a decent amount of butter, the cream is stable enough for both filling the cake and for the outer coating. It can be used both for a multi-layer honey cake and for a sponge cake, suitable for both vanilla and chocolate cakes, and can be combined with any additives. The taste of sour cream is quite noticeable, as is the taste of butter, so all products must be of the highest quality! No spreads, margarines or cheap “type of oils”, no sour cream products, only natural, fresh ingredients. As much as you can find.

Detailed recipe and cooking technology with photos - .

Cream Charlotte

But this cream is already a real oil cream. But for oil it’s very good! Of course, if you use only high-quality products and, first of all, real butter, and not margarine or an incomprehensible product that says butter, but in reality it is something terrible with an oily smell.

Charlotte cream is a Soviet heritage, it was used in many confectionery products of those years, for example, in the famous. But you, of course, can use it for other cakes, those that you come up with yourself.

What is so attractive about any buttercream? It sets very quickly in the refrigerator, and the cake with it turns out strong, which is very good for transportation and creating complex designs, so-called 3D cakes. If you have noticed, American and Australian confectioners almost always use buttercream to layer the cake layers, even if it is something other than Charlotte. Firstly, apparently, they taste so good, and in general - this is the way it is, and secondly, it’s really convenient to work with butter cream: the cake comes together quickly and even without a ring, it doesn’t need to be infused, there is practically no shrinkage, I kept it in the refrigerator for an hour and can be leveled.

But it has one minus, but it is significant: not everyone likes this cream, it’s still too greasy. And speaking specifically about Charlotte, it’s sweet too. However, according to my observations, lovers of those old, Soviet pastries are simply delighted with it!

Tip: be sure to add cognac! Just believe me: it will be much tastier and more aromatic.

Swiss meringue buttercream

This cream, of course, is more suitable for leveling cakes, but, as I already wrote, if for some reason you want to use butter cream for filling a cake, then you can easily use this one. The taste is like butter cream, and that says it all. However, you can add cocoa powder or berry puree to it, it will be more interesting. And also, don’t neglect the cognac, the taste of the cream will greatly benefit from this, and you increase the shelf life a little.

Chocolate ganache

One of my favorite creams, if, of course, you can call it that, because the word “filling” is more suitable. After all, you can fill anything with ganache: cake, cupcakes, macarons and any other cakes, sweets, etc. Ganache can also be used to level the cake. It's all a matter of proportions; they will be different for each type of product and the chocolate itself.

I'm already talking about ganache. Even though the article was written a long time ago, I still completely agree with it, the main thing is true. But the proportions - I repeat! - will differ depending on what exactly we are preparing. In general, you can invent your own, in which the ganache will completely suit you in taste, consistency and behavior. The main thing to remember is that the more cream and less chocolate, the less strong the ganache will be. For leveling, you need a stronger ganache; for filling, a more delicate one is suitable.

For example, to at least have something to focus on. For the inside of the cake, I can recommend 1:1 for milk chocolate, 1:1.5 (chocolate-cream) for dark and 1.5:1 for white. This is for relatively dense fillings. In fact, you can take a lot, just significantly less chocolate! Just beat it well afterwards! Then, most likely, it will not be ganache, but cream stabilized with chocolate; it will be tender with a light chocolate taste. Less strong, of course, but very tasty, as I like to say - like melted ice cream. But it all depends on what else you have in the cake, how sweet and dense your cakes are, etc. So don’t take these words as truth, just experiment!) After all, if you decide to come up with your own cake, then you need to be prepared to samples and to the fact that you will not immediately find your ideal relationships between the components!

Well, one more piece of advice, or rather a rule: be sure to let the ganache sit in the refrigerator for several hours. So, by the way, you will see what it will be like in the cake. If it is too dense, you can add cream and a little butter (it will add plasticity).

That's all for today!)

I think you can already choose from this list cream for sponge cake, which suits you!

I don’t recommend using meringues, even if they are stable, for filling the cake. Who doesn’t know, it’s just the name that’s so interesting; in fact, it’s a well-known protein custard. It is still too dry to be inside the cake, so it is good to use for finishing.

However, there are many more creams that are perfect for sponge cake, and I will definitely talk about them in one of my next articles.

Stay tuned!) And happy creativity to you!

Cake cream

Don't know how to make real classic cream cheese? See the recipe for step-by-step preparation with detailed photos and videos.

1 hour

200 kcal

5/5 (6)

Our family respects Western cuisine along with Slavic. From time to time, my mother prepares the best dishes from Europe or the USA, among which cupcakes and cheesecakes occupy a worthy place. I think many housewives do the same, but I am sure that everyone has an acute problem with the right cream.

The most famous is chocolate cream cheese, which is prepared not only for cupcakes according to the classic recipe, but also for cakes and eclairs - with cream and the addition of a layer of Mascarpone cheese. In addition, cream cheese is used to level the cake and for this purpose sour cream and butter are added to the recipe.

We will now consider only the most popular and easy-to-prepare types: chocolate cream cheese with cream and cream cheese filling, which are prepared according to a family signature recipe for cupcakes, cakes and other pastries.

Option with cream

Kitchen appliances: Prepare deep, volumetric bowls with a capacity of 300-900 ml (one of them must be iron), several tablespoons and teaspoons, a piece of gauze about 1 m long, a sieve, measuring cups or scales, a whisk and definitely a blender for whipping our cream.

You will need

So, what is cream cheese made from, what is its composition? On the Internet you can often find a funny expression “cream cheese cake cream” - for a cook familiar with this cream, it is something like “butter”. Or: “Which chis should be put in cream chis”? In general, the name speaks for itself - the mysterious “chis” is nothing more than cheese, which is the main highlight of this cream. Some housewives, to make it more dietary, replace cottage cheese directly with cottage cheese. This cream is perfect for covering a sponge cake; the filling for eclairs can also be made from it, but strictly speaking, it is no longer cream cheese. The main answer to the question of how to prepare cream cheese with cream according to a classic recipe at home is to use not ordinary cheese, but to mix the mixture with Mascarpone - this option is good for filling and decorating cakes made from delicate sponge cakes.

Your amazing classic cream is ready! I am often asked: how to make cream cheese more chocolatey in taste and color at home, when professional equipment is not available?

The fact is that instead of regular chocolate, you need to add dry chocolate powder, but it is sold only in specialized stores. Standard cream cheese for cakes and cupcakes, prepared according to the classic recipe, has only a slight chocolate tint.

Video recipe for making cream cheese with cream

Real cream cheese at home - watch the video of the step-by-step recipe:

Option with curd cheese

Cooking time: 60 minutes.
Number of persons: 10-12.
Calorie content per 100 g: 200 kcal.

You will need

  • 600-700 g of curd cheese;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 150 g powdered sugar.

To ensure that your cream cheese made from curd cheese and sour cream is not too liquid, choose products, according to the recipe, only with the highest fat content. They are rarely found in stores, so it is better to choose the ingredients at the market.

Cooking sequence

Your delicate cream cheese is ready! Now feel free to spread it on your cake or fill small pastries - the result will be great! You can also add melted chocolate to this cream, but I prefer lemon juice, especially if I’m going to fill sochniki, cheesecakes or eclairs with cream.

Video recipe for making cream cheese with cream cheese

Perfect cream cheese - step-by-step preparation of the most delicious and aromatic cream in the world!

At the very end, I would like to invite you to try several recipes for products that this cream will go well with. Let's start with the famous one - cream cheese will give it additional tenderness and structure, and the taste will amaze even experienced sweet tooths.