
Tarot horoscope: how to find out your lasso. Major Arcana Tarot Cards

According to tarot card system, every year of our life is under the auspices of a certain lasso. This also suggests that each of us was born under the influence of one or another card, which is considered the main one in our life, influences fate, determines character traits, life path and the highest purpose of a person. That's why this card is called Arcana of Fate.

This governing lasso can be calculated (online calculation of Tarot cards by date of birth is presented below on this page) - both for yourself and for any other person you are interested in, which will allow you to better know and understand each other, build more harmonious and trusting relationships. If you are interested in which Tarot card controls which year of your life, use it.

There are several methods for calculating the Arcana of Fate. This page presents the online calculation “Chain of Fate”, built on the synthesis of images and with a numerical prediction system -. In the chain of fate, six digits of a person’s date of birth are used sequentially to determine the main manager of the Arcana. The first number is the birthday number; the second number is the serial number of the month of birth; number 3 in the chain of fate is the sum of the numbers that make up the year of birth; the number 4 is the sum of the first and second numbers; the fifth number is equal to the sum of the digits included in the number 3; The sixth and main number in the Chain of Fate is the sum of the fourth and fifth numbers. When calculating, each number is reduced by the method to a figure less than or equal to 22.

Usually in chain of fate They consider only the sixth number, which determines the Birth Chart, shows a person’s task, his mission and life path, gives knowledge about a person’s karma, his past “sins,” and the level of development of the soul. In our calculation we will also consider first number of the chain- birthday number, which reveals the most noticeable qualities of a person, basic character traits, characteristics of a person’s behavior, and his life interests. The lasso associated with the birthday number is usually a kind of mask, a social role, the way others see us. This card can also tell about a person's abilities and talents.

Online calculation of Tarot cards by date of birth

Enter your date of birth (in numbers) and click the “Calculate cards” button

Day: Month: Year:

Tarot cards are secret knowledge captured in an ancient deck of cards. They are used not only to obtain predictions or advice through fortune telling, but also to characterize a person. To obtain a personal card, as a rule, the major arcana are used. By calculating the data using a simple formula, you will receive a tarot card by date of birth, which will characterize a specific character.

Life map by date of birth

To find out which card characterizes a particular person, simple mathematical calculations are performed. To do this you will need the exact date and year of birth..

A total of three numbers will be obtained as a result of the calculations. They all correspond to the major arcana, since the tarot trump cards have a serial number. You can calculate a personality map using the example of a random birthday. For example, November 15, 1991.

Calculation example:

As a result, three numbers were obtained in this layout. These are 15, 6 and 2. In the Major Arcana deck, these numbers correspond to the Devil, Lovers and High Priestess tarot cards.

Numerology by date of birth is also available online. Special services on the Internet offer the ability to automatically calculate fate cards by date of birth. Fortune telling uses the algorithm given in the example.

Decoding the symbols of fate

All major arcana of the tarot are divided into three groups. Each of them symbolizes a certain area in a person’s life. Thus, there are material, spiritual and magical arcana. The description of each of them will correspond to the characteristics of the person and his destiny.

Material Arcana

Material cards fall to practical and conservative people. These are strong and self-confident individuals.

Briefly about the owners of material cards:

  • The predominance of reason over feelings;
  • Logical thinking;
  • Down to earth, conservatism.

3 - Empress. Card number three describes a strong and strong-willed personality. He is an exemplary family man and responsible worker. A person who receives this lasso as a card of fate will almost certainly have increased sexuality and thirst for life. This is an energetic and active character. Its strengths can be considered realism and calculation. The disadvantage is the inability to restrain emotions, since the Empress is a symbol with a feminine principle.

4 - Emperor. No less powerful card. In life, this person will receive every opportunity to realize himself. A born leader and a powerful boss. A well-developed sense of responsibility and duty. Weaknesses include aggressiveness in controversial situations, stubbornness and excessive perfectionism. For women who receive the card, family will remain a priority, although it is possible that this lady is a careerist.

6 - Lovers. The card of love experiences falls to those who face numerous romances and intrigues along the path of life. The man of the Lover's Arcana is cheerful and kind. His energy is bright and attracts not only friends, but also the opposite sex. However, he rarely decides to take serious steps. Weakness is the inability to show strength of character.

7 - Chariot. Arkan describes a person who is persistent and self-confident. He loves change, moving and traveling. This is a changeable character with an easy attitude to life. Strengths: flexibility, agility of emotions. The disadvantage can be considered life's tossing and inability to concentrate on one thing. The Chariot is often accompanied by laziness and anxiety. Realization in the field of travel will bring harmony to the soul.

8 - Justice. A distinctive feature of this person is his cold mind. Even in the most unforeseen situations, he is capable of clear decisions and reasonable actions. Doesn't trust emotions. Materialist. Successfully implemented in jurisprudence. When the dark side of the personality is manifested, he is immoral. Often has a difficult fate.

10 - Wheel of Fortune. An active and optimistic hero. He is often called lucky. He himself relies on intuition, which never fails. A favorable area for implementation is finance and transportation. If the card shows itself on the negative side, the person risks becoming passive and indecisive.

14 - Moderation. He has a gentle and pleasant disposition. He is a kind soul with a huge heart. He loves animals, selflessly helps people and respects traditions. To maintain spiritual balance, owners of this lasso should know the limits of pleasure. Excessive consumption, gluttony and an idle lifestyle negatively affect karma. In a negative manifestation, a person becomes impulsive and hot-tempered. Passivity is also possible.

19 - Sun. This birthday card promises a bright and auspicious destiny. The Sun man loves attention and attracts admiring glances. There is enormous creative potential, so realizing his talent will be a key goal in life. It is important to avoid excessive arrogance, which activates the dark side of the personality. In a negative manifestation, it promises selfishness and complexes.

Spiritual Tarot Signs

Holders of spiritual arcana are dreamers and creative individuals. The realization of the talents of these characters plays a key role for them. Among this group there are practically no materialists or conservatives. Their nature is light and slightly sublime.

Briefly about the owners of spiritual symbols:

2 - High Priestess. A person with developed intuition. He deeply feels the mood of those around him, knows how to capture the essence of things and provide moral support. Card holders make excellent psychologists and teachers. Their calling is to shed light on mysteries and bring knowledge. When the dark sides predominate, the Priestess becomes pessimistic and heavy. Prone to energy vampirism and unpredictability of behavior.

5 - Hierophant. A person for whom traditions and moral values ​​are not an empty phrase. This is a strong personality, striving to guide others on the true path. An excellent mentor and family man. Implemented in the field of teaching or in a leadership position. In the negative aspect, he becomes deceitful and hypocritical.

9 - Hermit. The owner of this lasso follows a special path. His strength is in solitude. There is no need to run away from this loneliness. The strong side of nature will manifest itself in religion and philosophy. Among the negative aspects, it is worth noting problems with communications, selfishness and a pessimistic perception of the world.

11 - Strength. Strong and purposeful. Has increased sexuality and charm. However, life is full of contradictions, since the owner of the lasso often fluctuates between his desires and moral standards. For this person, change and the opportunity to achieve their plans are extremely important. Otherwise, he faces passivity and fatalism.

12 - Hanged Man. Experimenter and innovator. I came into this world to change it. Promotes all kinds of innovations and a non-standard approach to work. Extraordinary and creative. Often has his head in the clouds and is not inclined to specifics. The weak side is despondency, which periodically captures his consciousness.

17 - Star. People who receive this card live in their own fantasy world. These are dreamers and storytellers. They are characterized by spirituality and wisdom, but at the same time increased sensitivity and vulnerability. In a negative manifestation they become rude and unrestrained. There is an urgent need to realize their creative potential.

18 - Moon. This character's inner sense borders on extrasensory perception. Intuition, sensitivity and analysis are the strengths of the Moon person. Often his life path is mysterious and unpredictable. Bad habits and addictions can interfere with the execution of plans.

21 - Peace. A person with the purest karma. Prefers stability, values ​​comfort and lives at a measured pace. Implemented in public activities. The negative side is considered laziness and the desire to avoid difficulties, and, therefore, changes for the better.

Magical sphere of life

Magic arcana - the strongest cards. They can bring both high ups and severe downs into a person’s life. Characters characterized by such cards tend to go to extremes and radically change their lives. The fate of these characters was written by the cosmos itself.

1 - Mage A very capable and active person. Strong energy and high aspirations drive him through life. A born leader who knows how to manage a crowd. He is fluent in the art of oratory and is also able to instill his point of view. In its negative form, it is dangerous because it can manipulate others for personal gain.

13 - Death. Map of transformation and change. It does not symbolize physical death, but only the transition from one stage to another. The fate of such a person consists of sharp turns of fate, which there is no point in resisting. Strengths: instinct and extrasensory perception. Not a bad tactician, military man. In a negative aspect, it can pose a threat to others. Many owners of the Arcana of Death are domestic tyrants prone to drug addiction.

15 - Devil. The sexiest of the arcana. Your path is thorny and unpredictable. A person who receives this card is sure to realize himself in one of his strong areas. In a favorable case, it will be art and creativity. In a negative manifestation, the craving for forbidden and vicious pleasures will come to the fore. Promiscuous sexual intercourse is possible. A subtle psychologist and a cunning dominant. Can also be realized in acting.

16 - Tower. The card symbolizes a severe crisis, which will result in dramatic changes. The Man of the Tower is an active adventurer who simply cannot help but get involved in dubious matters and deals. Perfectly implemented in the field of real estate and architecture. The weak point is the psyche. It needs to be protected from an early age, avoiding all kinds of stress.

20 - Court. In the tarot deck, the card symbolizes the Last Judgment. The person of this arcana is wise beyond his years. Needs recognition from others, so he chooses social activities. In order to show positive qualities, you should go into a field where you need to help people. Especially if it concerns moral support. In a negative form, you should be wary of debt.

0 - Jester. An unusual fate awaits the owner of the Jester. Firstly, remarkable mental abilities. Secondly, magical knowledge. This character is a pioneer in any field. His enthusiasm and energy are strong. A love of travel will help you realize your potential. You should be wary of impulsive decisions and eccentric actions.

A fun way to discover your hidden abilities. Trump cards will help to reveal the secrets of fate. Having familiarized yourself with the meaning of cards by date of birth, you should study not only your strengths, but also the negative manifestation of the lasso.

It is the description of character flaws that will help you avoid many mistakes and failures in life.

Tarot cards provide answers to many questions of interest. Tarot arcana by date of birth allows you to calculate your personal card, identify positive and negative personality traits and suggest how to use them in life. Familiarization with the features of calculations will help you understand the characteristics of a person and other important points.

Tarot calculation by date of birth

Calculations allow you to find out your Tarot personality arcana. A personal card allows you to find out the exact information of the following nature:

  • information about previous lives;
  • further path and position in the present.

Calculation example

The Tarot personality arcana is determined by date of birth using a clear example of online calculation. Fortune telling is performed for a person born on June 24, 1986. 3 numbers appear, 3 cards that influence his personality.

First and second cards

The first card is the birth number:

  • 24 – 22 = 2;
  • 2 lasso – Priestess.

If the value is less than 22, no calculations are carried out; it corresponds to one of the arcana.

The following personal arcana by date of birth can be calculated by adding the values ​​- day, month, year:

  • 2 4 6 1 9 8 6 = 36;
  • 36 – 22 = 14 – based on the results of calculations, a value greater than the number of major arcana is obtained, 22 is subtracted from it, a smaller number is obtained;
  • 14 lasso – Moderation.

Third card

Not all Tarot readers are involved in calculating the third arcana of the Tarot personality, but it is connected with the fate of a person. If it matches other cards, then the person has 2 personal cards. It is calculated by bringing the date, month, year of birth into agreement with the arcana separately:

  • 24 – 22 = 2;
  • 1 9 8 6 = 24, 24 – 22 = 2;
  • 2 6 2 = 10;
  • 10 lasso – Wheel of Fortune.

Number meanings

Each number has a meaning:

  • 1 – card, which is responsible for character traits characteristic of the fortuneteller and influencing behavior, shows the natural talents of the individual;
  • 2 – has a secret meaning, shows undisclosed properties, purposes and qualities of a person;
  • 3 – additional meanings of the first cards, shows less formed human traits.

Analysis of the data obtained allows you to create a description of the individual, find out his character, the compatibility of traits with the need to develop hidden skills. The matrix of fate is compiled using the nodes of Tarot cards. A matrix is ​​formed after entering the date of birth online.

Decoding the Arcana

After receiving 3 numbers and determining the names of the cards by date of birth, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their decoding and finding out the personality characteristics.

Arcana 1-5

Arcana 1 to 5 have the following meanings:

  • 1 – Mage. She is a sociable person, her life is connected with communication, she is creative, she has undeveloped magical abilities; dark sides - talent for scams, deception;
  • 2 – Priestess. A gentle personality, shows care, senses the psycho-emotional mood of others, an excellent teacher, psychologist; bad points - a tendency towards pessimism, unpredictable responses, energy vampirism;
  • 3 – Empress. An excellent family man, a realist, works great and gets paid for it, a sexy personality; negative traits - does not know how to control emotions, enters into open relationships;
  • 4 – Emperor. A person who loves order, is hyper-responsible, full of energy, an excellent leader, a representative of politics; dark traits - aggressiveness, assertiveness, pickiness;
  • 5 – Hierophant. An excellent teacher, psychologist, person who is able to give advice, provides support, will listen; bad qualities - a liar is a soulless person.

The Hierophant Quest and the Fortune Resource in combination lead to a stubborn defense of interests, which has a destructive effect on a person; he becomes fixated on ideas.

Arcana 6-10

Arcana 6-10 are deciphered as follows:

  • 6 – Lovers. Positive, kind personalities, successful with the opposite sex, good friends; dark side - notorious, not ready for a relationship, weaving love affairs;
  • 7 – Chariot. An active, self-confident person who stands firmly on her feet, loves travel and change; dark sides - restless, lazy, timid;
  • 8 – Justice. Cold, calm, intelligent nature, she is perfect for working in the field of law; the dark side is the immorality of the individual;
  • 9 – Hermit. A wise personality prefers peace, consistency in everything, can be selfish and uncommunicative;
  • 10 – Wheel of Fortune. Optimistic, active, full of energy person; negative aspects - passivity, fear of change, living in the past.

Arcana 11-16

The interpretations of cards 11-16 are as follows:

  • 11 – Strength. Athletic, confident person; weaknesses - fatalist, lazy, does not want to change his life for the better;
  • 12 – Hanged Man. A reasonable, creative nature, she is characterized by wisdom; negative aspects - lives in despondency and rose-colored glasses;
  • 13 – Death. A strong personality, she is characterized by psychic skills, a military job is suitable; Death in a negative sense - bad habits, alcoholism, drug use, dependence on an abuser; the senior arcan Death has other names - Scythe, Child of Great Changes, Transformation, Lord of the Brotherhood of Death;
  • 14 – Moderation. A person who loves animals is kind, calm, inactive, can be harsh, uncontrollable;
  • 15 – Devil. A handsome man, full of sexual energy, makes you fall in love with him; The devil has a negative side - he is cunning, he harms people; the senior arcan Devil has other names - Shaitan, Child of Time, Devil;
  • 16 – Tower. A person on the move is prone to taking offense, her mood often changes, she has strength; The tower has a negative side - a person is involved in illegal affairs, risking his life in vain; the senior arcan of the Tower also has other names - Leader of the Mighty Army; Shelter.

Every card in the Tarot deck has a hidden sacred meaning. They determine the past, present, and future. They also help to reveal a person’s character and the lines of his destiny. The major arcana correspond to personality archetypes. Using them, it is easy to find out what type you are, what life events await you, and your strengths and weaknesses. Cards reveal karmic tasks and guide you towards the right goals.

How to find out your card

The Tarot deck consists of 78 cards: 22 major arcana and 56 minor ones. The magic system allows you to find out:

  • events of the past, present, future;
  • answer to a question of interest;
  • psychological portrait of personality;
  • thoughts, feelings of another person;
  • upcoming changes;
  • your personal card;
  • compatibility of partners.

Calculation of control numbers

The numbers of a person’s birth contain the matrix of fate. By calculating your main arcana, you can learn more about your character, talents, karma, purpose. There will be three personal cards, and they will determine your destiny. You can use online calculators to calculate. Let's look at how to calculate tarot by date of birth yourself.

To calculate the first number, you need to take your birthday. If it is less than the number 22, then it will be the desired result. If it is more, we subtract 22 from it. For example, you were born on May 5, 1995. The first personal arcana will be the Hierophant.

We find the second lasso by summing up all the birth numbers: 5+5+1+9+9+5=34−22=12, Hanged Man.

The third lasso can often coincide with the second, which means that you have two personal arcana, not three. To find it, you need to add up all the birth numbers separately. 5+5=10, 1+9+9+5=24−22=2, 10+2=12. Hanged. A person has only two control arcana.

The meaning of the cards

Each lasso carries its own information for a person:

  1. First lasso- the most important. It clearly reveals a person’s individual traits and talents. It contains a decoding of the task of the current incarnation.
  2. Second lasso connected to our unconscious. This is the second side of personality. Shows psychological characteristics, fears, complexes.
  3. Third lasso will tell more about the fate and life events of a person. He can tell whether the fortuneteller will have a family or not, and whether he should build a career.

It is these three major arcana that are the personal alignment of a person’s fate. They, like an astrological horoscope, very accurately describe the potential inherent in a person. There is secret knowledge that helps you change your destiny with the help of cards. For example, the author’s method of the famous tarot reader Natalia Ladini “Diagnostics and correction of fate: 22 arcana”. It allows you to change future events using tarot and numerology.

Characteristics of the Arcana

The major arcana have been created over centuries; they carry the energy of the basic archetypes of psychological personality types.

Decoding the tarot arcana by date of birth:

  1. Mag. A gifted person, marked by God. These people have very bright abilities. There may be an innate magical gift. These are sociable, creative, enterprising individuals. A magician can become the creator of his own destiny: the outcome of life depends on his choices.
  2. Priestess. A very sensitive, vulnerable person. Often endowed with special psychological and psychic gifts. They make good psychologists, doctors, and healers. There are many clairvoyants among them. This sensitive nature often falls into pessimism.
  3. Empress. This is a natural mother. Even the men of this card have a special ability to take care of others. The Empress stands firmly on the ground, earns good money, loves her family. They have high sexuality and fertility, and often suffer from an explosive temperament.
  4. Emperor. This is a born boss, a director: he likes to control everything and give instructions to others. Those born under this card need to build a career, but not forget about spiritual values. Their negative traits are authoritarianism, despotism, and stinginess.
  5. Hierophant. Fate invites this person to follow the spiritual path of development. Among them are many clergy, psychologists, mentors, gurus, and speakers. They have the gift of teaching and leading a crowd. If the Hierophant clings to the material world, he will become cunning and deceitful.
  6. Lovers. Romantic, cheerful, full of energy people. Everyone around them loves them because they are full of charm. High sexuality attracts the opposite sex to them. It is important for these people to give up on romance and start a family in time.
  7. Chariot. Decisive, courageous, very active person. He needs to be on the move all the time. Does not tolerate whiners and passive people. These people travel a lot, value their freedom highly, and can achieve a lot thanks to their tireless spirit.
  8. Justice. A reserved person with high intelligence. Always thinks everything through carefully before giving an answer. Their special gift is insight and analysis. Among them there are many lawyers, barristers, and judges.
  9. Hermit. Born sages. They draw their strength from solitude. They have strong intuition and clairvoyance. Such people need to follow only the spiritual path, otherwise they will face a lot of suffering.
  10. Wheel of Fortune. Energetic, active optimists, favorites of luck. They are really lucky, they seem to be under the protection of higher powers. But they should remember that they have to pay for everything.
  11. Force. Energetic, athletic, powerful person. He is stubborn and always achieves his goals. His task is to help the weak, to be a motivator. There are many entrepreneurs among them.
  12. Hanged. Dreamy, wise, kind nature. Among them there are many musicians and artists. It is important to learn to build your boundaries and not allow others to take advantage of you.
  13. Death. A powerful personality who endures many blows of fate. These people are not afraid of death. They often work as military personnel, surgeons, and esotericists.
  14. Moderation. A gentle and good-natured person. Children and animals adore him. Their purpose is to bring balance and harmony to the world.
  15. Devil. An incredibly gifted individual. They can choose any profession where they can influence others. Their sexual magnetism can bewitch anyone. Among them there are many sorcerers and sorcerers: dark matter attracts them.
  16. Tower. People with difficult destinies, full of disasters. Endowed with strong will and endurance. Having gone through hell on earth, they will be able to help others get out of crises.
  17. Star. The lucky ones of fate. They have a strong guardian angel who guides and protects. Spiritual, creative, subtle people. The card indicates bright talent.
  18. Moon. These are unpredictable people. They are endowed with strong intuition and see prophetic dreams. In everyday life they are caring and generous. But they can often become depressed and despondent.
  19. Sun. A man-child, born to shine on stage. They succeed in everything easily; nature has endowed them with incredible charisma. The card indicates the need to have descendants.
  20. Court. Wise, calm people. In life we ​​go through many crises. At the end of life they can become spiritual teachers. They understand the laws of the universe well and believe in karma.
  21. World. A very harmonious personality. They have a happy path because they were born with pure karma. Their task is to make others happy.
  22. Jester. People with an unusual destiny. They are very freedom-loving, often abandon their family. They can discover extrasensory abilities. Many consider them a little out of this world.

Tarot Compatibility

Using Tarot cards you can easily predict the future of your relationship with your partner. Four cards are analyzed here. The first card will show the general nature of the relationship; the second one will tell you what the first partner will get as a result; the third talks about the second partner; the fourth is the result of the relationship, how everything will end. This system for calculating compatibility is very accurate, as it is based on knowledge of numerology and magical symbolism.

To calculate, we need the birth dates of both people. First, all the digits of the date of birth are summed up, as in the method described above.

To find first compatibility number, you need to subtract the number “22” from the sum of dates of birth. For example, dates of birth of partners: 08/10/1977 and 06/5/1981. Let's sum up the numbers without reducing them to a simple series: 1+8+1+9+7+7=33, 5+6+1+9+8+1=30; 33−22=11; 30−22=8. We add the final numbers again: 11+8=19. The number 19 will be the first, describing the nature of the relationship. If the number turns out to be higher than 22, you need to subtract “22” from it. The resulting number will be the first in the compatibility description.

Second the number is calculated by adding the first number and the second personal card. 19+11=30−22=8.

Third- similar to the second, substitute the number of the second partner: 19+8=27−22=5.

Fourth the card will tell you about the outcome of the relationship, or how it all ends. You need to add all three numbers into one: 19+8+5=32−22=10. The interpretation of this card will determine what your future together will be like, whether the union will be strong and happy.

Arcana of love

Compatibility by date of birth according to Tarot:

Attention, TODAY only!

Tarot cards began their history as a tool for card games and everyday fortune-telling, but over several centuries they turned into one of the most valuable tools of the Western magical tradition, having acquired close connections with Kabbalah, astrology, and magical rituals. But they never found a unified system, and in modern Tarot cards many points of view and systems simultaneously coexist. The names of the cards, their designs, the order of the cards in the deck - everything is questioned, rethought and changes from deck to deck.

At the risk of incurring the ire of both proponents of the Thoth Tarot and fans of older, more traditional decks, I would like to offer my perspective on the proper ordering of both the Major and Minor Arcana of the Tarot.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the order of the Arcana of Strength and Justice. It is widely believed that White swapped these Arcana cards in his Tarot deck, placing Strength as the eighth card and Justice as the eleventh card. The point of view is based on the words of White himself, who writes about Strength: “For reasons that seem to me quite satisfactory, this card has changed places with the Justice card, which usually appears at number eight. Since this change does not contain anything that would be of significant significance to the reader, there is no need to go into explanations. These words left the question open - why did he change the cards? What are these reasons? The answer is that White didn't change anything. Changing the order of cards in the deck is only a consequence of the difference in astrological and Kabbalistic correspondences, and the question of changing the order of cards should be asked to two people - Mathers and Crowley.

Strength is number 11, and Justice is number 8 - the traditional version in which the cards are found in the oldest decks, in the Marseille Tarot, in decks of the French school. It was Mathers who changed the order of the cards, making Strength the eighth Arcana. Compare cards - The Tarot of Marseilles, published in the 18th century, considers Justice to be the eighth Arcana. Next, the Tarot of the Golden Dawn, created according to Mathers' version - the eleventh. The same is true in the White Tarot, but the Thoth Tarot again considers this Arcana the eighth.

Eliphas Levi, the first to bring into reality the idea of ​​​​the connection between the Tarot and Kabbalah, simply arranged the cards and Hebrew letters in order, starting with the Magician. The Fool, Arcana number zero, turned out to be the penultimate card associated with the letter Shin. The zero Arcana, standing between the twentieth and twenty-first, is a bit of a strange option from a mathematical point of view, and the next master working on the Tarot, McGregor Mathers, accepted the option proposed back in the 18th century by Court de Gébelin - if the Fool stands at number zero, then he should open deck, since zero is what comes before one, what was before the beginning of everything. Mather correlated the cards with Hebrew all in the same direct sequence, in order, but he started not with the Magician, but with the Fool, to whom he assigned the letter Aleph, the Magician - Bet, and so on, until the World card, corresponding to the letter Tau.

Kabbalistic correspondences entail astrological ones, since each Hebrew letter has its own connections with the Planets, Elements and Zodiac. The classic Kabbalistic text Sefer Yetzirah, an extended mystical commentary on the first chapter of the Book of Genesis, describes the elements of the universe that were created by one letter or another. The three mother letters - Aleph, Mem, Shin, are associated with the three Elements, Sefer Yetzirah directly states that these three letters in our Universe are Air, Water and Fire, and Aleph calls the “breath” between Fire and Air, which gives an extremely clear picture interaction of the Elements, when Air becomes the result of the union of Fire and Water. It is further said that the Creator made the letter Aleph reign over the breath and created air from it; Mem reigned over the water; Shin reigned over the fire.

These three letters determine the correspondences of the Tarot Arcana associated with them. So the Fool (the eccentric, spontaneous, light, agile Fool) becomes the card of Air. The Hanged Man, requiring extreme immersion into the depths of oneself - the Water card. Judgment associated with decisive actions and sudden shocks - the Fire card.

The seven double letters - Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Pe, Resh and Tau - are associated with the seven Planets. The correspondences here are somewhat more complicated, since there are several different versions of the Sefer Yetzirah text, which differ, among other things, in the description of the correspondence of the letters to the Planets. For the Tarot, perhaps not the most academically reliable, but the most logical option was chosen.

The Path of Beth is connected with the creative Word, the expression of Will; Arcanum Magus is, in fact, a magician, as well as a sage, a deceiver, an intellectual. This is a very striking set of features that clearly connects it with Mercury. The High Priestess, who commands secret knowledge, as well as mysteries, secrets, and ambiguities in general, is assigned to the mysterious and ambiguous Moon, which sometimes wanes and sometimes waxes, appears in the sky and disappears. The Empress, meaning holidays, joy, love, carnal pleasures, becomes undoubtedly Venus, the patroness of love and pleasures. The Wheel of Fortune, which promises a white streak, good luck, and prosperity, is associated with Jupiter, which bestows earthly blessings. A tower, destructive, violent, prone to breaking and destroying - obvious Mars. The Arcana Sun already by its name quite clearly defines its correspondence, but its meaning also fully corresponds to the symbolism of the Sun. The world is associated with heavy and inert Saturn.

It is noteworthy that this order of connection between cards and Planets was discovered by two authors - Mathers published it in his work “The Book of T”, and Paul Case independently came to the same conclusions and published them in the book “Tarot: The Key to the Wisdom of the Ages”, which serves a clear confirmation of at least the logic of this system. These are not the fabrications of one person, but a natural and objective result obtained independently by different researchers.

The remaining 12 letters are simple, they correspond to the Signs of the Zodiac and the Sefer Yetzirah again clearly and unambiguously compares one with the other: the Creator reigned the letter Ha over speech and created the Sign of Aries from it; Vav reigned over meditation and created Taurus from her; Samekh reigned over sleep and created Sagittarius from her, and so on.

This is where the difficulty arises. The card of Strength shows the taming of a lion, which obviously serves as an indication of a connection with Leo, which is quite consistent with the nature of the card. Leo is a fixed fire Sign, the Element of Fire in its stable, vibrant form, which is quite consistent with the forceful, energetic nature of the Strength card, more accurately called Lust. Justice, also known as Balance, not only corresponds externally to Libra, due to the presence of scales in the card’s drawing, but also the meaning of the card suits Libra, the cardinal Sign of Air, much more than Leo.

Kabbalistically, the letter Lamed corresponds to Libra, and Tet to Leo. This is where the question arises about the correct order of Tarot cards in the deck. In the Hebrew alphabet, the sequence of letters clearly coincides with the order of the cards in the deck - Aleph (Fool), Beth (Mage), Gimel (Priestess), and until the very end the order is not violated, except for one problematic place, Arcana 8 and 11. If we accept the older one variant of the French Tarot, in which Strength is number 11, then it turns out that the order of the letters is disrupted: the letter Tet is in the alphabet earlier than Lamed, and the cards are vice versa.

The same problem arises in the Zodiac - the Sign of Leo comes before the Sign of Libra, and if you arrange the cards in the order of their Zodiac signs, taking Strength as Arcanum number 11, then it turns out that the order is violated, creating a strange loop.

But nothing like this will happen if we accept that the Arcana of Strength is the eighth Arcana, and the Arcana of Justice is the eleventh. Then the cards will simply fall on the Zodiac circle without any difficulties. In addition, their order will coincide with the Hebrew alphabet, which means the order of the paths on the Tree of Life, and the cards in the deck, read from the World to the Fool, will coincide with the Path of the Serpent, which describes the order of the paths of the Tree during the spiritual ascent from Malkuth to Kether.

It is this principle that is adopted in the Golden Dawn Tarot system and all Tarot decks of the English school, including the most famous representative - the White Tarot deck. But, as a dedicated magician, cursed to keep the secrets of the Order, White could not allow himself to openly explain the essence of the astrological attributes of the Tarot cards that formed part of the secret of the Order. It was the inability to publish the Order deck and everything connected with it that forced White to create his own deck of cards. But he never dared to directly break his oath, and openly say that Strength at number 8 and Fool at number 0 is the order of cards in the Golden Dawn, allowing one to bring together Tarot, Kabbalah and astrology.

So the person who suddenly changed the order of the cards is not White, but Crowley, who returned the old-fashioned order of the Marseille Tarot to the Thoth Tarot. He again assigned Lust number 11 to the Arcana (keeping, however, the Fool at the beginning of the deck), and returned the strange loop in the zodiac to its place. His second famous permutation, changing the letters of the Arcana Emperor and Star, creates a second loop to balance the first, but is it possible to consider the ideal solution to return one distortion of order to the system in order to then balance it with a second?

Positions of the 8th and 11th Arcana, as well as the connection between Tzadi and the Emperor, are now often taken for granted, but it must be admitted that this is due, first of all, to the influence of Crowley’s authority. "Master dixit." However, a careful reading of the descriptions of the cards in the Book of Thoth shows that Crowley himself could not fully accept this rearrangement.

There is another difficult point, which, in my opinion, should influence the understanding of the structure of the deck and the order of the cards, but this time in relation to the Minor Arcana. The figured Tarot cards are extremely diverse in their names, and in order to avoid confusion, I will immediately make a reservation that all the names refer to the Thoth Tarot deck - Knight, Queen, Prince and Princess.

All in the same Order of the Golden Dawn, the Princesses were considered in a special way connected with the Aces and were called “the thrones on which the Aces sit.” The Aces, the first rank of cards, are connected on the Tree of Life with Kether, the first Sephira, and begin the sequence of Number cards. What does this have to do with Princesses? To answer, you will have to remember the astrological and Kabbalistic attributes of the Face Cards and Aces.

Each Tarot suit is associated with its own Element. Each Ace in its suit embodies the power of Kether, the purest and most sublime source of this Element, but the Ace also embodies the powers of the fifth Element, it is the Spirit of its suit. The four ranks of Figure cards are also associated with the four Elements and the letters of the Tetragrammaton. Knights - Fire and the letter Yod, Queens - Ha and Water, Princes - Vav and Air, and Princesses - Earth and Ha finite. The pentagram has not four, but five elements, and its full formula is the Pentagrammaton, IHShVH, where Shin, corresponds to the Spirit embodied in the Aces.

And if the four letters of the Tetragrammaton are the four ranks of Figure cards, then the Pentagrammaton is all the ranks of Figure cards and Aces, like the Element of Spirit above them. From this point of view, the Ace and the Figure cards in each suit form a complete pentagram, in which the Ace embodies the Spirit, and the Princesses are its opposite, the densest element itself - the Earth.

The Earth Element is the basis of the Elements, their complete combination and the most visible embodiment; the Earth carries within itself the power of all the Elements. Likewise, the Princesses, in the most crude and tangible form, express the power of each Ace; they are the final expression (and degeneration) of the Element of the suit, while the Ace is its source. That is why the Princesses were called the thrones of the Aces.

They form such a pentagram in each suit, and each Figure card becomes a combination of two elements - the Element determined by the suit and the Element determined by rank. The Queen of Swords is the Water (Queen) of the Air (Swords), the Princess of the Disks is the Earth of the Earth. Each face card represents a Sub-Element, a part of the Element corresponding to one of the elements, while the Ace is the embodiment of the power of the Element as such. And if the Ace of Swords is Air, then the Queen of Swords is the watery part of Air, the watery part of the Ace. The face cards are the elemental “quarters” of the Aces.

This exactly corresponds to the system of interaction of elements in Enochian magic - each Ace corresponds to one of the elemental Tablets, while the Face Cards represent the corners of these Tablets. The Tablet of Fire corresponds to the Ace of Wands, its water angle to the Queen of Wands. All other Number cards also have their place on the Tablets, but it is completely unrelated to the position of the Aces.

In the Tablet of the Union, four rows correspond to the four Elements, five columns correspond to the five Elements, including the Spirit.

The intersection of rows and columns forms combinations of Elements in twos - which means that Figure Cards and Sub-Elements appear again. The left column represents the Spirit manifested in the various Elements and corresponds to the Aces, again closely associated with the Face Cards.

The same connection will manifest itself on the Tree of Life. The Tetragrammaton has its associations not only with the Elements; it is quite traditional to compare these letters with the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life, in which Yod, embodying the Father, correlates with the Sephira Chokmah, Ha, the Mother - with Binah, Vav, the Son, the likeness and reflection of the Father on a lower level - with Tiphareth, the likeness and reflection of Kether, and the final Ha - the Daughter, balancing the Son - with Malkuth. The corresponding ranks of Figure Cards will be associated with these same Sephiroth. And, as before, above the Figure cards of each suit rises the Ace, associated with the Sephira of Kether and controlling both the Numeric and Figure cards at the same time.

The traditional understanding of the Ace as the first of the Number cards is beyond doubt, but many features connect the Aces specifically with the Figure cards. And if each Number card represents a refraction of the power of the Ace as it descends into lower and lower Sephiroth, then the Figure cards are the components of the Ace, reflecting its various sides.

And now, at the risk of incurring righteous anger, especially from fans of the Thoth Tarot (which I consider the most advanced deck in existence), I will allow myself to suggest the order of cards in the deck, which I consider correct.

1 - Fool, as the zero Arcana opens the deck.

2 - The Major Arcana should follow the order corresponding to the Kabbalistic and astrological attributes, with Strength/Lust in the eighth place in the deck and Justice/Balance in the eleventh. At the same time, Tzadi is, after all, a Star, which means that neither one nor two bends arise in the Zodiac.

3 - Aces must be assigned to a separate Ace Arcana. They generate Figure cards as an Element and its constituent Sub-Elements, and then Numeric cards as options for the refraction of the power of this Element in various Sephiroth. Therefore, the natural order of cards in the deck is as follows - Major Arcana, Aces, as a separate Arcana with unique properties, then Figure cards and Number cards (from Twos to Tens).

You can learn more about the practical application of Kabbalistic and astrological correspondences of cards in reading layouts and studying cards by contacting the author directly through the website of the School of Tarot and Magic “