
Tax personal account to find out your debt. How to find out transport tax by tax identification number or surname of an individual. Check tax debt using TIN


Taxes have become an integral part of our lives. A citizen of the Russian Federation who owns, or, is obliged to pay property tax before December 1 of each year. Otherwise, penalties begin to accrue on the debt. The amount of the penalty will depend on the amount of the debt, the length of the delay and the refinancing rate.

How can you find out your tax debts?

In addition to directly contacting the Federal Tax Service, there are several alternative options to find out your debt:

  • through the taxpayer’s personal account on the official website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • via;
  • in the database of enforcement proceedings, official website;
  • through the Yandex service in the money section;
  • such a service is provided in the personal account of certain banks (for example, Sberbank, Tinkoff or VTB).

We check tax debt through the Federal Tax Service website

On the main page of the site, click “Login to your personal account” for individuals.

There are 3 ways to log into your personal account:

  1. Through login and password. Your login is yours; to receive a password, you must personally contact the tax office with an application. This is done once and makes it possible to regularly monitor all tax accruals. If you receive a password from the authorities, you should definitely change it the first time you enter your account. If you lose your password, you can restore access only by appearing in person at the tax office.
  2. Using a verified account on State Services. The system will automatically redirect you to the main page of the State Services and after logging into your personal account, you will be redirected to the Federal Tax Service website.
  3. Through an electronic signature on a separate medium.

After logging into the taxpayer’s personal account, you are provided with a list of all taxable objects with the amounts of debt or overpayment. When any changes are received by the tax office, information about the objects will automatically change.

We check the debt through the State Services portal

When you log into your personal account (provided that you have filled in all your personal data), the amount of debt will immediately be displayed on the main page.

Otherwise, you can view the debt manually. To do this, go to the service catalog and select the “Taxes and Finance” section.

On the next page, click “Tax debt”.

If you have a receipt in hand, you can indicate its UIN number. The second method is based on personal data. All you need is your tax identification number. You can find out your TIN at State Services by entering your passport details. After filling out the field, click “Find debt”.

Ready. You have received the total amount of all tax debts, and here you can immediately proceed to payment.

We check tax debt through the database of enforcement proceedings

For this method, it will be enough to enter your last name, first name and patronymic, if desired, you can have your date of birth and click the “Find” button.

It should be noted that when searching for debt on the bailiffs website, you will only see debts submitted to the court, for which a positive decision was made and a writ of execution was issued. Therefore, this method is not suitable for checking unpaid taxes at the initial stage.

How to find out debts using Yandex

We go to the Yandex Money service. In the top search line, enter the word “Taxes”, from the offered options, select the “Debt Check” service.

Just like on the State Services website, you will be required to enter your TIN or receipt number, and the system will issue all existing debts. Here you can pay them immediately.

What happens if you don't pay taxes?

Penalties will be added to the unpaid tax daily. It should be noted that over the year the amount of debt increases slightly, but further inaction carries more serious consequences.

If the debt is more than three thousand rubles, the Federal Tax Service has the right to sue. At the court hearing, a decision is made to impose a fine on the unpaid amount or apply criminal liability. Fines can be up to five hundred thousand rubles, imprisonment is provided for up to 3 years.

Important! If the amount of debt exceeds 10,000 rubles, a citizen may not be allowed to leave the country. In addition to taxes, this amount includes traffic police fines and utility bills.

If after the first court hearing the debtor is in no hurry to pay, the Federal Tax Service files the lawsuit a second time in order to be able to collect the missing amount from the citizen’s property or withdrawals from bank deposits.

Finding out tax debts by name has become much easier, because three government services provide this opportunity online. Without leaving home, you can find out your accumulated debt.

Tax debts accrued by the payer's last name accumulate very quickly, and sometimes it is very difficult to remember how much of the debt is due and when to pay.

Of course, there are receipts for this, but there are times when they do not arrive, and the debt continues to grow.

How to check a debt knowing only the name of the payer?

Online debt check

You can find out your debt by last name without leaving home, because there are three government agencies that provide this opportunity for their users:

  1. Tax debts can be found through the State Services Internet resource.
  2. Individuals can view their tax debt in their personal online account of the Federal Tax Service.
  3. You can find out about overdue debts through the website of the Federal Bailiff Service.

Important:To have access to view information on these sites, you must register.

The Federal Tax Service online service provides the opportunity to find out debts without registration, knowing only the TIN.

You can find the debt for the following taxes:

  • to the ground;
  • on the income of individuals.

After registering on the Federal Tax Service portal, you can make an online appointment with the Federal Tax Service, send a tax return, pay a payment receipt, and find out your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Debts are written off in the same way.

Check with the Federal Tax Service

Both individuals and legal entities can see the amount of debt in the Federal Tax Service:

  1. Directly contacting the government agency.
  2. Online, through the website.
  3. Having received a notification from the Federal Tax Service at the registration address.

On the Federal Tax Service website you can check debts for transport and land taxes, as well as for property and income of individuals.

To see the amount to be paid, you need to go to your personal account on the official website of the service by entering your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and password (after registering first).

After which all debts will be displayed in a list. The online service allows you to generate payment documents and also transfer funds through a bank.

Registration on the website will expand the opportunities provided to individuals. To do this, you must obtain an individual password and code to enter the site from the Federal Service, as well as have a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for individuals.

Important:Within a month, the temporary password to access the site must be changed.

The amount for payments for which the payment deadline has not yet arrived can be viewed in the “Taxpayer’s Personal Account” in the “Accrued” section. If the transfer of funds for a payment was received before the payment deadline, the amount will be displayed in the “Overpayments” section.

At the moment, this online service is the most convenient to use, as it provides a lot of opportunities.

Check on the State Services portal

In order to see the payment amount for a vehicle, you must use the “Add vehicle” function, then enter all the necessary information (name, state and registration number, series).

Checking overdue debt on the FSSP portal

The FSSP provides information about overdue debts, which are transferred to the bailiffs for collection.

To check the amount of debt, the TIN is not necessary; for this you will need the full name, date of birth of the payer and his region of residence.

If there is an overdue debt, but it is not listed on the FSSP website, this means that it has not yet been transferred to the bailiffs and the amount will soon appear on the website.

Overdue debt can be written off forcibly from a bank account, as well as debt collection from existing property.

Deadlines for paying payments to the budget

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following payment deadlines:

  • transfer of funds for transport tax is made once a year until April 1;
  • The transfer of property tax funds is made in two parts. The first part is translated until September 15, the second - until November 15;
  • transfer of land tax funds is made before February 1.

Important:Art. 75 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for failure to comply with tax payment deadlines.

Ignorance of the need to pay fees and fines does not exempt you from paying them. To avoid the accrual of penalties or legal penalties, you need to monitor the timing and amount of accruals, which has become very convenient with the advent of the corresponding web resources.

How to find out tax debts, how to pay debts

The modern rhythm of life is unthinkable without services, electronic payments and the Internet. Now you can pay for each service in a few minutes, without being distracted from your business.

Payments via the World Wide Web were once perceived as something unreliable, but now this method can even be used to close tax accounts. It is important to know about yours, and this information is easy to find out through online services. This is what we will talk about next.

The most convenient ways to find out tax debt for an individual

The easiest way to find out information is:

  1. Website "Public Services". To obtain information, you need to go to the “Government Services” section In the center, select the “Tax debt check” menu and confirm your actions by clicking “Receive”. The data for your number will be on the screen in a moment.
  2. Payment system "Yandex.Money". It's even easier to check. You need to enter your number in the “Taxes” section. Further information will be in front of you. If there is an unpaid notice, it will be displayed with an information field describing the nature of the tax charge. There may also be a Penalty for any late payment, which will also be displayed in the system.
  3. Through Sberbank Online. The service is multifunctional; to obtain information on taxes, you must first click on the “Transfers and Payments” tab. Next in the right column to the “Federal Tax Service”, where “Search and payment of taxes” will be underlined. This line is where you need to exit.
    In the menu bar, you should filter what you need, namely, check: “Search debt by TIN.”
  4. Website of the Russian Tax Service. One of the most reliable methods, but the service requires more time for registration. Therefore, it is better to talk in more detail about the website from the tax office.

Features on the Federal Tax Service website

On the Internet, the service is also called the taxpayer’s personal account at .

After completing the registration procedure, you can find out the following:

  1. Information on property and transport taxes. Amounts to be paid to the budget. Recalculations or overpayments are also possible, which will also be displayed in your personal account.
  2. Print a tax notice, receipt.
  3. Pay off the debt, redistribute the overpayment.
  4. Choose software for completing tax returns. Applies to individuals.
  5. Monitor desk audit data.
  6. Remotely contact the tax authority.

Find out information by last name

Often the cherished individual tax figures are not known, but the information needs to be clarified. To do this, enter personal data on the following sites:

  1. Bailiffs: The resource will require date of birth and full name.
  2. State Services Portal. But general registration will be required, which takes time.
  3. Extended tax service. The personal account, as described earlier, contains all the data on a specific individual. You only need to register once, and the usual queues at the tax office will be a thing of the past.

Without TIN

Obtaining accurate data with a tax number, as it turned out, is not difficult. But what to do without a computer and TIN? Everything is very simple:

In any unclear situation regarding payments, please contact to the nearest Federal Tax Service. Without a TIN, it’s easy to find out everything after registering with State Services, where you can even find out your individual tax number. Also, if desired, they will learn about debts through bailiff database.

What exactly is on the FSSP website

The portal must contain information about the debts of an individual, and not only taxes.

After registering on the site, the user is faced with 2 options:

  • or the list field is empty – there is no debt:
  • or there is specific data in the form of a table with information on the debtor, enforcement proceedings, details of payment documents, the subject of execution and data on the supervising bailiff.

Everything is available for the debtor, there is even a telephone number for contacting the bailiff.

Interestingly, you can now pay any debts online. They pay by card, money from a mobile phone and electronic wallets.

State Services website

This service, of course, is something incomprehensible to many. It is unlikely that people who are accustomed to periodically standing in line at government organizations will immediately experience the simplicity and reliability of state-level electronic systems.

It is difficult to find out data through the GosUslug portal only before registration. But then – a few seconds, and all the numbers are in front of the user.

It is important to initially transfer accurate information about yourself and your documents to the server, but finding out your tax debt will then become a habit. So, the user will have access to:

  1. Accurate information on the availability of fines.
  2. Information on all taxes for a certain period.
  3. Judicial debt.
  4. Payment history.
  5. Real-time support service.
  6. Data on services of municipal organizations.
  7. Map with all government organizations.


You can obtain the necessary information both through the portals of government organizations and through commercial banks and companies making virtual payments.
Since personal information should not be made public, there may be delays after payment, noticeable on any site or service.

It is more correct and reliable to obtain information on those sites where, oddly enough, registration is the most annoying. For example, for State Services it is sometimes faster to physically confirm your data than to wait for a response from the server.

But then the user receives not just a reference site, but the right to use municipal programs and information out of turn. It turns out that Internet technologies at the state level simplify the service.

Video instructions

How to independently verify tax debts? Watch the video.

The main tax paid by individuals is traditionally considered personal income tax. However, the responsibility for transferring it to the budget lies entirely with the employer, the source of payment of taxable income. He acts as a tax agent in this situation. If the employer treats its obligations in good faith, then the individual most likely will not have personal income tax debts.

However, the average citizen may well be considered a payer of other taxes, at least property tax and transport tax. An apartment, a car, a summer cottage - for all these objects an individual is also obliged to pay the budget. In this case, independent determination of the tax amount is not required. The payment must be transferred based on the calculation sent by the tax office. But often the receipts simply do not arrive. This, however, does not mean that the tax itself is not charged. It turns out that the citizen is forced to independently monitor his own tax obligations. The main ways of how and where to find out the tax debt of individuals will be discussed in our article.

Checking tax debt of an individual with the Federal Tax Service

The traditional and, perhaps, well-known way to find out whether controllers have any complaints is to contact the tax office directly. To do this, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The tax debt of individuals is determined by the last name and individual taxpayer number, however, it is not necessary to have a TIN with you - the controllers themselves can find this detail simply based on the full name and passport data.

If an individual has a registered ]]> personal taxpayer account ]]> , then he can track data on tax debts directly on the Federal Tax Service website. To register a personal account, you must first contact your tax office. You will be given a one-time password with a limited expiration date, which can then be changed to a more convenient one, and the login will be the individual’s TIN.

Tax debts of individuals on the government services website

Data on debts to the budget are reflected in the personal account of the government services website. Checking tax debt linked to last name and TIN is carried out on the website automatically upon login, if the citizen has personal data saved in this service. Also on the website you can check the tax according to the TIN of an individual by ordering a separate electronic service, that is, filling out the necessary fields and clicking the “find debt” button.

To use this method of checking debts to the budget, you need to know your TIN. If this number has been assigned, but for some reason is unknown, for example, the certificate itself has been lost, then you can clarify it on ]]> the Federal Tax Service website ]]> by filling out a request form with information on your full name, date and place of birth and passport data.

A debt found on the government services website can be immediately paid using a bank card.

Find out tax debt by last name on the bailiffs website

Another way to clarify your own tax debt is provided by ]]> the bailiffs website ]]>. Actually, on it you can find not only debts to the Federal Tax Service, but also any other collections, provided that they were transferred to the bailiffs for record keeping.

The website checks tax debts by last name, date of birth, as well as indicating the city of registration of the individual. No other data is required to control debt.

Checking debt through a bank

Finding a credit institution that would not provide its bank card holders with Internet access to accounts is now, perhaps, impossible. An individual’s personal account is something that goes without saying. Expanding the range of electronic services, many banks have included the ability to check tax debts by name and other data of the cardholder. These include, for example, Sberbank, in whose card access account you can use the service of searching for data on debts to the budget by TIN or by document index - UIN, which is indicated on each receipt with the accrued amount of tax, which is presented to an individual by the Federal Tax Service. This is a rather convenient method, since the found debt can be immediately paid from the card account.

Most other large Russian banks provide similar services.

When the debt is no longer there: data processing delay

Regardless of how individual tax debt is verified, there is one important point to remember. The listed amounts of payment of taxes and fees must go to the budget, and the Federal Tax Service must process the data. Thus, if the amount of the debt is paid, this does not mean that the next day the individual will have zero debt. The debt may remain “hanging” for some time, and depending on the resource through which the information is verified, this time may differ slightly.

The government services website, for example, itself issues a warning about such a delay in updating data, urging the payer to independently track the amounts that have already been transferred when re-transmitting taxes. But, naturally, there is no connection between the government services website and the personal accounts of bank accounts, so the exchange of information about transfers occurs between them only after the debt itself has been cleared to zero, that is, only after the data on a particular payment has been received by the budget and processed tax inspectorate.

In accordance with Article 6.1 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings,” the Federal Bailiff Service creates and maintains a data bank of enforcement proceedings in electronic form. According to the public part of the Data Bank is published on the official website of the FSSP of Russia.

The information specified in Part 3 of Article 6.1 of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings” is publicly available until the day of completion or termination of enforcement proceedings, with the exception of information about the return of the enforcement document to the claimant on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Part 1 Article 46 of the Federal Law, or on the termination of enforcement proceedings on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 6 and 7 of Part 1 of Article 47 of the Federal Law, which are publicly available for three years from the date of completion of the enforcement proceedings.

According to Part 3 of Article 6.1 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings,” the requirements contained in executive documents issued on the basis of a judicial act, the text of which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is not subject to publication, are not published in the publicly accessible part of the Data Bank. posting on the Internet.

To work with the bank, you need to select a subsection - search by individuals or search by legal entities. The section “Territorial Bodies” indicates the region of official registration of an individual, the place of stay or location of his property, the place of registration of a legal entity with the Federal Tax Service, the location of his property or the address of his representative office or branch (for example, Altai Territory).

In accordance with Article 33 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings,” enforcement proceedings may be transferred to another division of bailiffs. By decision of the Director of the Federal Bailiff Service - the chief bailiff of the Russian Federation, enforcement proceedings may be transferred to the Department for the Execution of Particularly Important Enforcement Proceedings. In this case: in the section “Territorial Bodies” it is indicated - the Department for the Execution of Particularly Important Enforcement Proceedings.

The date of birth for an individual is not required to be filled out. If the data matches, for more accurate identification you can fill in the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

If you have information about the number of the enforcement proceedings, you can obtain information from the database of enforcement proceedings through the section “Search by number of the enforcement proceedings”.

If you have information about the number of the writ of execution, you can obtain information from the database of enforcement proceedings through the section “Search by number of the writ of execution”.

The FSSP of Russia does not store or transfer to third parties personal data entered by users into the search form.

The service “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” is provided only on the official website of the FSSP of Russia at http:// and sections of the territorial bodies of the FSSP of Russia located in third-level domains r**..

using the service Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings on the official website of the FSSP of Russia online through the electronic payment systems of Promsvyazbank, QIWI (no commission), Tinkoff (no commission), ROBOKASSA, OPLATAGOSUSLUG.RU, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, PAYMO, Syst emy City, RFI Bank. The payment system PLATAGOUSUSLUG.RU also allows you to pay debts from a mobile phone account and through Euroset stores, and the Yandex.Money payment system through mobile phone stores;

using the “FSSP” application for mobile devices online through electronic payment systems;

through your personal account in the Sberbank Online bank by selecting the “FSSP of Russia” service (for users of Sberbank of Russia bank cards);

through instant payment terminals and ATMs;

using the service Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings on the official website of the FSSP of Russia, print a receipt for payment and pay directly at the bank.

The entry in the Data Bank will be deleted or changed (in case of partial repayment of the debt) within 3 to 7 days from the date of payment, since the funds must be transferred to the deposit account of the bailiff department, distributed, and transferred to the recoverer.

If you have any additional questions, you can contact the bailiff department directly at the specified address or telephone number in order to obtain information about the receipt of funds or about taken and possible enforcement measures, such as, for example, a temporary restriction on travel outside the Russian Federation.

To clarify the nature and basis of decisions taken to collect administrative fines and tax payments, the FSSP of Russia suggests contacting the authorized body that made the relevant decision, or obtaining information on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, or the Federal Tax Service.

You can obtain information about the progress of enforcement proceedings by contacting the Unified Portal of State Services at:

Users of the social networks “VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki” have the opportunity to obtain information about the presence/absence of debt through a special application “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”.

You can also obtain information about the presence/absence of debt from mobile devices using the following portable operating systems: Android, iOS and Windows Phone. The application is easy to find and install on the appropriate systems from the Windows application “stores” on Windows Phone, from Google Play on Android, from the App Store on iOS, by typing “fssp” in the search.

Applications for social networks and mobile devices allow you not only to receive information about the presence/absence of debt in enforcement proceedings once, but also to subscribe to receive this information constantly. By subscribing, you will receive notifications about new debts or changes to existing ones.