
The Eye of Rebirth exercises read online. Peter Kalder The Eye of Rebirth is the ancient secret of the Tibetan lamas. From the translator instead of a preface

Peter Calder Eye of rebirth the ancient secret of Tibetan lamas

Peter Calder

In 1994, Sophia published The Eye of Renaissance by Peter Kalder along with Yoga Therapy by Swami Sivananda. The circulation sold out instantly. And for two years there were numerous requests for a reissue of Peter Kalder. The 6 simple initial exercises for rejuvenation described in this book turned out to be very effective, and the book is even recommended as a teaching aid by many esoteric (and not only) schools in the country. This is how the idea of ​​this small book arose, accessible to almost everyone, from a businessman to a pensioner. “The Eye of Revival” is not only a description of the secret practice of Tibetan lamas in the recent past, leading to the reversal of the internal flow of time, the development of personal strength, the preservation and restoration of health and youth of the body, but as presented by A. Sidersky, the book looks like a fascinating work of art.

From the translator instead of a preface

"This is a great mystery,

for no matter how destroyed by time or illness,

adversity or satiety of the human body,

will revive his gaze from the Eye of Heaven,

and will return youth and health,

and will give great strength to life"…

Peter Kalder's book is the only source that contains invaluable information about five ancient Tibetan ritual practices that give us the keys to the gates of unfathomably long youth, health and amazing vitality. For thousands of years, information about them was kept in the deepest secrecy by the monks of a secluded mountain monastery.

They were first revealed in 1938, when Peter Kalder's book was published. But then the West was not yet ready to accept this information, since it was just beginning to become acquainted with the fantastic achievements of the East. Now, at the end of the twentieth century, after a hurricane of theoretical and practical information about the most diverse systems of Eastern esoteric knowledge swept over the planet, bringing fantastic revelations and opening a new page in the history of human thought, there was an urgent need to move from theory and philosophy to practice , choosing the most effective and most extraordinary methods. Every day the veil of secrecy is lifted over more and more new aspects of esoteric knowledge; with every new step in this direction, more and more grandiose prospects for the conquest of space and time are revealed to humanity. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Peter Kalder's book has once again emerged from the oblivion of oblivion - its time has come.

Why? What's special about it? After all, the practices described on its pages do not seem at all complex, and the author himself claims that they are accessible to any person...

What is the matter why it took us so many years to accept such seemingly simple and obvious things?

The thing is that we are not just talking about health-improving exercises, but about ritual actions that reverse the flow of internal time. Even now, after all the miracles we have seen, this does not fit into our consciousness. But, nevertheless, the fact remains - the method works and works exactly this way! Due to what? Incomprehensible! Such basic things... It can’t be!

However, let's not rush to conclusions, because the sacramental “everything ingenious is simple” has not yet been abolished by anyone. And the only criterion of truth in this case (as in any other) can only be practice. Anyone who tries it will see for himself that the method works. And is it really so important, due to what? The priceless treasure of the ancients is open to each of us. Absolutely harmless. Available to anyone. Incomprehensibly mysterious in its utmost simplicity. All you have to do is reach out and take it. Every day... Ten to twenty minutes... And that's it... Is it really that difficult?

And it hardly matters whether Colonel Bradford was a real person or whether Peter Calder made up this whole story in order to tell us in a fascinating way about the unique practice transmitted to him by his Tibetan teacher. Of course, we are grateful to the author for the few pleasant hours that we spend reading his story, but this gratitude cannot be compared with the deepest gratitude that we feel towards him for his gift - practical information about the “Eye of Renaissance” ” - an inexhaustible source of youth and vitality, which became available to us thanks to his book.

Chapter first

Everyone would like to live a long time, but no one wants to grow old.

Jonathan Swift

This happened several years ago.

I was sitting on a park bench reading the evening newspaper. An elderly gentleman came and sat down next to him. He looked to be about seventy years old. Sparse gray hair, sagging shoulders, a cane and a heavy shuffling gait. Who could have known that my whole life would change once and for all from that moment?

After some time we started talking. It turned out that my interlocutor was a retired colonel in the British Army, who also served for some time in the Royal Diplomatic Corps. Due to his duty, he had the opportunity to visit almost every conceivable and inconceivable corner of the earth during his life. That day, Sir Henry Bradford - as he introduced himself - told me several interesting stories from his adventurous life, which greatly entertained me.

When we parted, we agreed to meet again, and soon our friendly relationship turned into friendship. Almost every day the colonel and I met at my or his house and sat by the fireplace until late at night, having leisurely conversations on a wide variety of topics. Sir Henry turned out to be a most interesting person.

One autumn evening, as usual, we sat with the colonel in deep armchairs in the drawing room of his London mansion. Outside I could hear the rustle of rain and the rustle of car tires behind the wrought-iron fence. The fire crackled in the fireplace.

The colonel was silent, but I felt some internal tension in his behavior. It was as if he wanted to tell me about something very important to him, but could not bring himself to reveal the secret. Such pauses have happened in our conversations before. Each time I felt curious, but I didn’t dare ask a direct question until that day. Now I felt that this was not just some old secret. The colonel clearly wanted to ask me for advice or offer me something. And I said:

Listen, Henry, I've noticed for a long time that there's something that's been bothering you. And I, of course, understand that we are talking about something very, very significant for you. However, it is also completely obvious to me that for some reason you want to know my opinion on the issue that worries you. If you are restrained only by doubts as to whether it is advisable to initiate me - a person in general, an outsider - into a secret, and I am sure that some secret is hidden behind your silence - you can rest easy. Not a single living soul will know what you tell me. At least until you tell me to tell anyone about it. And if you are interested in my opinion or need my advice, you can be sure that I will do everything in my power to help you, the word of a gentleman.

The colonel spoke slowly, carefully choosing his words:

You see, Pete, it's not just a matter of secrecy. First of all, this is not my secret. Secondly, I don’t know how to find the keys for it. And thirdly, if this secret is revealed, it is quite possible that it will change the direction of the life of all mankind. Moreover, it will change so dramatically that even in our wildest fantasies we cannot imagine it now.

Sir Henry was silent for a moment.

“During the last few years of military service,” he continued after a pause, “I commanded a unit stationed in the mountains in northeast India. A road passed through the town in which my headquarters was located - an ancient caravan route leading from India to the interior, on the plateau stretching beyond the main ridge. On market days, from there - from remote corners of the interior - crowds of people flocked to our town. Among them were also residents of a locality lost in the mountains. Usually these people came in a small group - eight to ten people. Sometimes among them were lamas - mountain monks. I was told that the village from which these people come is twelve days' journey away. They all looked very strong and resilient, from which I concluded that for a European, not so accustomed to hiking in wild mountains, an expedition to those parts would be a very difficult undertaking, and without a guide it would be simply impossible, and the path would only take one way no less than a month. I asked the residents of our town and other people from the mountains where exactly the place where these people come from is located. And each time the answer was the same: “Ask them yourself.” And immediately followed the advice not to do this. The fact is that, according to legend, everyone who began to be seriously interested in these people and the source of legends associated with the place from which they came, sooner or later mysteriously disappeared. And over the past two hundred years, none of those who disappeared have returned alive. “Mountain Runners” - Lung-gom-pa or “Wind Watchers” - Tibetan...

ulshat/ 01/14/2019 Whatever they say about the book... it definitely helps! A friend of mine at the age of 60 had darkened gray hair and his stomach was restored.
After 2 weeks, I started getting kidney stones and a rash appeared on my skin... I got scared and quit. I start tomorrow. Good luck to me!

Denis/ 12/17/2018 I regret that I fell for this book. As a result of training for 2 months, I somehow damaged my back, intervertebral disc, apparently, and have had pain in the lower back for 3 years.

Andrey/ 12/17/2018 I have been studying “Eye of Revival” for a year now. From the results, I note: the back pain has disappeared, and also if colds occur, they pass very quickly, 1-2 days are enough. And as many practitioners say: a charge of vivacity and strength appears, not to mention simple good health. Draw your own conclusions)

Lana/ 10.25.2018 Good day everyone! I have been doing exercises since 2005, that is, 13 years. Super. I fly like a young girl. I’m 67, no one gives me more than 55-57. Get busy. Health to everyone.

Sergey/ 10/13/2018 I see a lot of rave reviews. I will start doing the exercises described in the book

Jacques/ 09/27/2018 Wow! What an effect. I respect this gymnastics. I would like such results. I think you need to do all the exercises systematically.

1 / 09/24/2018 For those who are serious, they don’t need a teacher at all, they need fearlessness, that’s the point.

Rabia/ 07/18/2018 Good afternoon everyone. Lola’s review is not clear. How can lower back pain go away in a year if she has been doing physical therapy for only 3.5 months?

Alexei/ 06/13/2018 I practiced these exercises at one time. Now I am engaged in real Taoist practices and I believe that mastering even the most beautiful technique from books, and not through “oral instruction and heartfelt transmission” from a mentor, is, at a minimum, dangerous. My advice is to look for a person, a representative of the school - and not a book.

Fanta/ 06/13/2018 I found where to ask. You need to take care of yourself. What is best for you - only you know.

Nata/ 06/12/2018 Hello everyone! Please tell me, is it possible to do the exercises if there was a displaced fracture of the radiocarpal bone in March, and now it’s... June??? Thank you for your understanding and answer! Very important!!!

Dmitriy/ 01/23/2018 The practice described in the book is the basis (but not the essence) of Taoist techniques. Performing such exercises creates harmony in the transfer of energies from the “upper cauldron” to the lower one and vice versa. In other words, you begin to feel the processes occurring in the body - listen to your body directly, and not through pain. Check out lee's materials on this topic if you're interested.
It is generally not recommended for pregnant women to perform Taoist energy practices unless you directly feel the process of energy flow. The fact is that the child’s energy is activated here, which somewhat modifies the entire system of energy conversion from chakra to chakra. In this regard, qigong is much softer - the section where torsion is used at the level of the joints, and not the spine.

Rabiyushka/ 01/07/2018 Good afternoon to all visitors to this wonderful site, as well as to all practicing Tibetans. I want to know if it’s possible to do them during pregnancy. Or are there contraindications for some, maybe someone has experience?

Evgenia/ 11/30/2017 Good day everyone. Help, tell me. 6 years ago I started doing oko, about a month later I woke up with severe dizziness, my heart was beating like crazy, my neck hurt. I was examined for a very long time, there was a hernia in the neck. They treated and healed me, but the dizziness did not leave me. I'm still in pain. I haven’t done Oko since then, but I feel that it was precisely this that provoked this condition. Does anyone know how to fix the situation?

Julia/ 11/15/2017 Excellent, wonderful gymnastics, I’ve been doing it for almost three years. I combine it with proper nutrition and drink almost 2 liters. water. There is a lot of energy, the state of happiness does not stop)), everything around is so beautiful, the cells are saturated with oxygen. Vision improves, blood pressure and weight normalize, muscles are constantly toned, osteochondrosis disappears, the back straightens, relief and curves appear, gray hair begins to darken (early gray hair), wrinkles are smoothed out, scars and blood networks are reduced, the skin looks fresh. I look 10 years younger (I'm 31). The only question is, can these exercises be done during pregnancy or can the amount be reduced during this period?

fiksa333/ 11/12/2017 Hello dear Okovtsy. I’ll say it for Nadezhda. I also had a rash on my skin after 3 weeks of classes. Then there were many things that were inexplicable. Around the 8th week everything returned to normal. I've been training for about 5 years now. There were short breaks. Do it and you won't regret it!!!

Alexei/ 09/07/2017 It’s true that after 4 months of practice you need to start getting drunk with 3 repetitions.

Hope/ 08/20/2017 Share your experience with anyone who had a similar experience. In the fourth week of classes, a dense rash appeared on the face, although nothing like this had ever happened before. Could this be due to practice?

Mirzohid/ 07/23/2017 Hello everyone. I am also working out, but I am finishing the exercise schedule. I don’t know what to do next, I want to find out in detail.

atalya/ 07/21/2017 All the youth and beauty!
I have been practicing since May 2005. 5 exercises. A year later, my husband got involved. He is now 68 but looks 10 years younger. Nobody gives him his year. I can say about myself that I haven’t been to the clinic for 12 years for serious reasons. And this year I decided to undergo diagnostics and they told me that I am one of the long-livers and my lungs are 31 years old, although I am just over 50. But I warn everyone that these practices are energetic and spiritual. They must be treated very carefully and responsibly. You need to work on yourself in the field of expanding consciousness and knowledge of the laws of the universe. Construct your thoughts correctly. And so on.

Peter Calder

Eye of rebirth

the ancient secret of Tibetan lamas

From the translator instead of a preface

"This is a great mystery,

for no matter how destroyed by time or illness,

adversity or satiety of the human body,

will revive his gaze from the Eye of Heaven,

and will return youth and health,

and will give great strength to life"…

Peter Kalder's book is the only source that contains invaluable information about five ancient Tibetan ritual practices that give us the keys to the gates of unfathomably long youth, health and amazing vitality. For thousands of years, information about them was kept in the deepest secrecy by the monks of a secluded mountain monastery.

They were first revealed in 1938, when Peter Kalder's book was published. But then the West was not yet ready to accept this information, since it was just beginning to become acquainted with the fantastic achievements of the East. Now, at the end of the twentieth century, after a hurricane of theoretical and practical information about the most diverse systems of Eastern esoteric knowledge swept over the planet, bringing fantastic revelations and opening a new page in the history of human thought, there was an urgent need to move from theory and philosophy to practice , choosing the most effective and most extraordinary methods. Every day the veil of secrecy is lifted over more and more new aspects of esoteric knowledge; with every new step in this direction, more and more grandiose prospects for the conquest of space and time are revealed to humanity. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Peter Kalder's book has once again emerged from the oblivion of oblivion - its time has come.

Why? What's special about it? After all, the practices described on its pages do not seem at all complex, and the author himself claims that they are accessible to any person...

What is the matter why it took us so many years to accept such seemingly simple and obvious things?

The thing is that we are not just talking about health-improving exercises, but about ritual actions that reverse the flow of internal time. Even now, after all the miracles we have seen, this does not fit into our consciousness. But, nevertheless, the fact remains - the method works and works exactly this way! Due to what? Incomprehensible! Such basic things... It can’t be!

However, let's not rush to conclusions, because the sacramental “everything ingenious is simple” has not yet been abolished by anyone. And the only criterion of truth in this case (as in any other) can only be practice. Anyone who tries it will see for himself that the method works. And is it really so important, due to what? The priceless treasure of the ancients is open to each of us. Absolutely harmless. Available to anyone. Incomprehensibly mysterious in its utmost simplicity. All you have to do is reach out and take it. Every day... Ten to twenty minutes... And that's it... Is it really that difficult?

And it hardly matters whether Colonel Bradford was a real person or whether Peter Calder made up this whole story in order to tell us in a fascinating way about the unique practice transmitted to him by his Tibetan teacher. Of course, we are grateful to the author for the few pleasant hours that we spend reading his story, but this gratitude cannot be compared with the deepest gratitude that we feel towards him for his gift - practical information about the “Eye of Renaissance” ” - an inexhaustible source of youth and vitality, which became available to us thanks to his book.

Chapter first

Everyone would like to live a long time, but no one wants to grow old.

Jonathan Swift

This happened several years ago.

I was sitting on a park bench reading the evening newspaper. An elderly gentleman came and sat down next to him. He looked to be about seventy years old. Sparse gray hair, sagging shoulders, a cane and a heavy shuffling gait. Who could have known that my whole life would change once and for all from that moment?

After some time we started talking. It turned out that my interlocutor was a retired colonel in the British Army, who also served for some time in the Royal Diplomatic Corps. Due to his duty, he had the opportunity to visit almost every conceivable and inconceivable corner of the earth during his life. That day, Sir Henry Bradford - as he introduced himself - told me several interesting stories from his adventurous life, which greatly entertained me.

When we parted, we agreed to meet again, and soon our friendly relationship turned into friendship. Almost every day the colonel and I met at my or his house and sat by the fireplace until late at night, having leisurely conversations on a wide variety of topics. Sir Henry turned out to be a most interesting person.

One autumn evening, as usual, we sat with the colonel in deep armchairs in the drawing room of his London mansion. Outside I could hear the rustle of rain and the rustle of car tires behind the wrought-iron fence. The fire crackled in the fireplace.

The colonel was silent, but I felt some internal tension in his behavior. It was as if he wanted to tell me about something very important to him, but could not bring himself to reveal the secret. Such pauses have happened in our conversations before. Each time I felt curious, but I didn’t dare ask a direct question until that day. Now I felt that this was not just some old secret. The colonel clearly wanted to ask me for advice or offer me something. And I said:

Listen, Henry, I've noticed for a long time that there's something that's been bothering you. And I, of course, understand that we are talking about something very, very significant for you. However, it is also completely obvious to me that for some reason you want to know my opinion on the issue that worries you. If you are restrained only by doubts as to whether it is advisable to initiate me - a person in general, an outsider - into a secret, and I am sure that some secret is hidden behind your silence - you can rest easy. Not a single living soul will know what you tell me. At least until you tell me to tell anyone about it. And if you are interested in my opinion or need my advice, you can be sure that I will do everything in my power to help you, the word of a gentleman.

The colonel spoke slowly, carefully choosing his words:

You see, Pete, it's not just a matter of secrecy. First of all, this is not my secret. Secondly, I don’t know how to find the keys for it. And thirdly, if this secret is revealed, it is quite possible that it will change the direction of the life of all mankind. Moreover, it will change so dramatically that even in our wildest fantasies we cannot imagine it now.

In this article I will talk about a unique gymnastics - the eye of rebirth. This gymnastics was first revealed in Peter Kalder's book, The Eye of Rebirth. Gymnastics is a set of five simple physical and breathing exercises that have an unimaginable effect on our physical and energetic state. The Eye of Revival is an ancient technique that was revealed to Peter Calder by Tibetan lamas. This set of movements will help you heal your body and improve the functioning of energy channels.

The Eye of Revival is an esoteric set of exercises that has a powerful influence on a person’s energy and the development of extraordinary abilities. Perhaps you ask me: “Why do we need this? After all, we are quitting smoking, and not embarking on the study of esotericism and bioenergy.” I agree with you. However, no matter how hardened a pragmatist a person is, he cannot deny what is a scientific fact. And science in our time has already proven the presence of a human aura - subtle energy bodies that make up a person. Moreover, they even learned how to photograph them. And it’s no longer a secret that a person needs energy not only from food, but also from the world around him for normal life. For example, you can take a situation: remember your feelings when you walked through a clean forest, breathed fresh air, and communicated with wild nature. After this, you receive a huge boost of energy, and your overall tone improves significantly - your mood improves, headaches go away, etc. This is a very simple example of the fact that a person does not live off food. I will not discuss the topic of bioenergy for a long time. If you are interested in this issue, then at the end of the article I will provide links to download books by Peter Kalder - you can familiarize yourself with the material. I recommend that you read this article carefully and take responsibly everything that is written in it. If something is not entirely clear to you, then you can find all the answers in the books below. If you start practicing according to this system, your health and life will move to a different, better level.

Our life, health and destiny directly depend on our energy state. Energy is the main engine of life. The amount of energy a person has directly affects the quality of his life, and, most importantly, his state of health. As vital energy decreases, a person becomes lethargic, slow, indifferent to life, often experiences depressive states, is despondent and loses the meaning of life. Inside a person there are meridians (channels) through which vital energy flows. Energy threads, figuratively speaking, pass through our entire body and form a protective aura field that holds vitality, like a vessel of water. If the protective field is weak, then the energy begins to leave the body and dissipate in the surrounding space. If, figuratively speaking, your “battery” runs out of charge, then at the right moment it will not be able to produce the necessary energy, and all internal organs will begin to work somehow - at half capacity. This is where despondency, irritation and the beginning of all health problems come from.

For most people, energy channels have practically stopped working due to the fact that they have ceased to be stimulated. Modern man leads a sedentary lifestyle and practically does not monitor the condition of his physical body. Only a small percentage of the total population engages in sports. The proverb “A healthy mind in a healthy body” works the other way around – with a healthy mind, the body will be healthy. Back in ancient times, a system of movements was developed that helped strengthen the human physical body by increasing its energy potential. Through certain movements in the energy body, successive processes of energy movement along energy channels begin to occur, while energy fills the aura and physical body of a person. As a result, the body begins to literally rejuvenate and become healthier. The system consists of many blocks of exercises, each of which has its own goal. This block of exercises makes the energy of life – sexual energy – very powerfully activate, restoring sexual health in men and women. With daily practice, both male diseases (prostatitis and impotence) and female diseases (frigidity, infertility and other diseases associated with the female genital organs) are cured. Moreover, the most interesting point is the fact that when healing occurs. And the practice of these movements continues, the excess energy previously used by the body to treat the disease begins to heal and rejuvenate the entire body as a whole.

The most important condition for a successful start is that in the first month from the start of practice you need to abstain from sexual relations. This is justified by the fact that a person is already energetically exhausted, and to start the entire process of healing and rejuvenating the body, he needs extra energy. It is better to exercise in the morning or evening. The best time is at sunrise and sunset. First, you need to perform three repetitions of each exercise, and every week add two repetitions until you reach twenty-one repetitions in each movement. After you have practiced these exercises twenty-one times a day for at least four months, you can begin to build a second series, starting with three times and, as with the first, adding twice a week .

Exercise one

This exercise is aimed at activating energy channels in the body, which for the vast majority of people are in a passive state. This causes stagnation in the movement of energy along the meridians of the body and, as a result, the development of diseases.

Starting position for first exercise- standing straight with arms extended horizontally to the sides at shoulder level. Having taken it, you need to start rotating around your axis until you feel a slight dizziness. In this case, the direction of rotation is very important - from left to right. In other words, if you were standing in the center of a large clock face lying on the floor, facing up, you would need to rotate clockwise. For the vast majority of adults, turning around half a dozen times is enough to start feeling dizzy. Therefore, to begin with, it is recommended that beginners limit themselves to three revolutions. If after completing the first exercise you feel the need to sit down or lie down in order to get rid of dizziness, be sure to follow this natural requirement of your body. During the initial development of these exercises, it is very important not to overdo it. Try never to cross the line beyond which mild dizziness becomes very noticeable and is accompanied by mild attacks of nausea, since the practice of subsequent exercises in this case may cause vomiting. As you practice all five exercises, you will gradually find over time that you can rotate more and more in the first exercise without causing yourself to become noticeably dizzy. In addition, to “push back the limit of dizziness,” you can use a technique that is widely used in their practice by dancers and figure skaters. Before you start spinning, fix your gaze on some stationary point directly in front of you. As you begin to turn, do not take your eyes off your chosen point as long as possible. When, due to the rotation of your head, the point of fixation of your gaze leaves your field of vision, quickly turn your head, ahead of the rotation of your body, and as quickly as possible again “capture” your landmark with your gaze. This method of working using a reference point allows you to quite noticeably push the limits of dizziness.

Exercise two

Immediately after the first exercise, the second exercise is performed, which fills the channels with energy, increasing the speed of its rotation and giving it stability. It's even easier to do than the first one. The starting position for the second exercise is lying on your back. It is best to lie on a thick carpet or some other fairly soft and warm bedding.
The second exercise is performed as follows. Stretching your arms along your body and pressing your palms with your fingers tightly connected to the floor, you need to raise your head, pressing your chin firmly to your sternum. After this, raise your straight legs vertically up, while trying not to lift your pelvis from the floor. If you can, raise your legs not just vertically up, but even further “towards you” - until your pelvis begins to lift off the floor. The main thing is not to bend your knees. Then slowly lower your head and legs to the floor. Relax all your muscles and then repeat the action again.
In this exercise, coordination of movements with breathing is of great importance. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, completely ridding your lungs of air. While raising your head and legs, you should take a smooth, but very deep and full breath, and while lowering, exhale the same way. If you are tired and decide to rest a little between repetitions, try to breathe at the same rhythm as during the movements. The deeper the breathing, the higher the effectiveness of the practice.

Exercise three

Exercise three should be performed immediately after the first two. And just like the first and second, it is very simple. The starting position for him is kneeling. The knees should be placed at a distance of the width of the pelvis from one another so that the hips are positioned strictly vertically. The hands rest with the palms on the back of the thigh muscles just under the buttocks. Then you should tilt your head forward, pressing your chin to your sternum. Throwing our head back and up, we protrude our chest and bend our spine back, leaning our hands slightly on our hips, after which we return to the starting position with our chin pressed to our sternum. After resting a little, if necessary, we repeat everything from the beginning. These are the movements of the third exercise.
Like the second exercise, the third requires strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing. At the very beginning, you should exhale as deeply and completely as in the first. When bending back, you need to inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale. The depth of breathing is of great importance, since it is the breath that serves as the link between the movements of the physical body and the control of etheric force. Therefore, it is necessary to breathe as fully and deeply as possible when performing exercises. The key to full and deep breathing is always the completeness of exhalation. If the exhalation is completed fully, the naturally following inhalation will inevitably be equally complete.

Exercise four

When you first start learning the fourth exercise, it may seem very difficult to you. However, after a week of training, its implementation will become as easy for you as the previous ones.
To perform the fourth exercise, you need to sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you with your feet located approximately shoulder-width apart. With your spine straight, place your palms with clasped fingers on the floor on either side of your buttocks. The fingers should be pointing forward. Lower your head forward, pressing your chin to your sternum. Then tilt your head back and up as far as possible, and then lift your torso forward to a horizontal position. In the final phase, the hips and torso should be in the same horizontal plane, and the shins and arms should be positioned vertically, like table legs. Having reached this position, you need to strongly tense all the muscles of the body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to the starting position with your chin pressed to your chest. Then - repeat it all over again.

And here the key aspect is breathing. First you need to exhale. Rising and throwing your head back, take a deep, smooth breath. During tension, hold your breath, and when lowering, exhale completely. While resting between repetitions, maintain a constant breathing rhythm.

Exercise five

The starting position for it is to lie down in a bent position. In this case, the body rests on the palms and balls of the toes. The knees and pelvis do not touch the floor. The hands are oriented strictly forward with the fingers closed together. The distance between the palms is slightly wider than the shoulders. The distance between the feet is the same. We start by throwing our head back and up as far as possible. Then we move to a position in which the body resembles an acute angle, with its apex pointing upward. At the same time, with the movement of the neck, we press the head with the chin to the sternum. At the same time, we try to keep the legs straight, and straight arms and torso to be in the same plane. Then the body will appear to be folded in half at the hip joints. That's all. After this, we return to the starting position - lying down in a bent position - and start all over again.

After a week of practice, this exercise becomes the easiest of the five. When you have completely mastered it, try to bend your back as much as possible when returning to the starting position, but not due to the extreme bend in the lower back, but by straightening your shoulders and maximizing the deflection in the thoracic region. Do not forget, however, that neither the pelvis nor the knees should touch the floor. In addition, introduce a pause into the exercise with maximum tension of all the muscles of the body in both extreme positions - when bending and when lifting to the “corner”.
The breathing pattern in the fifth exercise is somewhat unusual. Starting with a full exhalation while lying in a bent position, you take as deep a breath as possible while “folding” your body in half. This results in some approximate resemblance to the so-called paradoxical breathing. Returning to the point-blank position, bending over, you exhale completely. Stopping at the extreme points to perform a tense pause, you hold your breath for a few seconds after inhaling and after exhaling, respectively.

A very important condition for the implementation of this complex is that Under no circumstances should you skip gymnastics! Even if you miss one day, everything will go down the drain! It will not be possible to do gymnastics 2 times the next day instead of missing yesterday. Moreover, the amount of exercise should be strictly like this, as described in the method. The amount of exercise should increase strictly according to the described plan. The Eye of Rebirth is a very powerful system that can radically change your health. However, like any truly powerful effective technique, it can cause harm if used incorrectly. Read this paragraph again very carefully - this is extremely important. This system will help you regain the health lost due to smoking, restore your lungs and overall health.

If you are interested in this technique, as promised, I provide a link to download the book

Peter Calder

The Eye of Revival - the ancient secret of Tibetan lamas

From the translator instead of a preface

"This is a great mystery,

for no matter how destroyed by time or illness,

adversity or satiety of the human body,

will revive his gaze from the Eye of Heaven,

and will return youth and health,

and will give great strength to life"…

Peter Kalder's book is the only source that contains invaluable information about five ancient Tibetan ritual practices that give us the keys to the gates of unfathomably long youth, health and amazing vitality. For thousands of years, information about them was kept in the deepest secrecy by the monks of a secluded mountain monastery.

They were first revealed in 1938, when Peter Kalder's book was published. But then the West was not yet ready to accept this information, since it was just beginning to become acquainted with the fantastic achievements of the East. Now, at the end of the twentieth century, after a hurricane of theoretical and practical information about the most diverse systems of Eastern esoteric knowledge swept over the planet, bringing fantastic revelations and opening a new page in the history of human thought, there was an urgent need to move from theory and philosophy to practice , choosing the most effective and most extraordinary methods. Every day the veil of secrecy is lifted over more and more new aspects of esoteric knowledge; with every new step in this direction, more and more grandiose prospects for the conquest of space and time are revealed to humanity. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Peter Kalder's book has once again emerged from the oblivion of oblivion - its time has come.

Why? What's special about it? After all, the practices described on its pages do not seem at all complex, and the author himself claims that they are accessible to any person...

What is the matter why it took us so many years to accept such seemingly simple and obvious things?

The thing is that we are not just talking about health-improving exercises, but about ritual actions that reverse the flow of internal time. Even now, after all the miracles we have seen, this does not fit into our consciousness. But, nevertheless, the fact remains - the method works and works exactly this way! Due to what? Incomprehensible! Such basic things... It can’t be!

However, let's not rush to conclusions, because the sacramental “everything ingenious is simple” has not yet been abolished by anyone. And the only criterion of truth in this case (as in any other) can only be practice. Anyone who tries it will see for himself that the method works. And is it really so important, due to what? The priceless treasure of the ancients is open to each of us. Absolutely harmless. Available to anyone. Incomprehensibly mysterious in its utmost simplicity. All you have to do is reach out and take it. Every day... Ten to twenty minutes... And that's it... Is it really that difficult?

And it hardly matters whether Colonel Bradford was a real person or whether Peter Calder made up this whole story in order to tell us in a fascinating way about the unique practice transmitted to him by his Tibetan teacher. Of course, we are grateful to the author for the few pleasant hours that we spend reading his story, but this gratitude cannot be compared with the deepest gratitude that we feel towards him for his gift - practical information about the “Eye of Renaissance” ” - an inexhaustible source of youth and vitality, which became available to us thanks to his book.

Chapter first

Everyone would like to live a long time, but no one wants to grow old.

Jonathan Swift

This happened several years ago.

I was sitting on a park bench reading the evening newspaper. An elderly gentleman came and sat down next to him. He looked to be about seventy years old. Sparse gray hair, sagging shoulders, a cane and a heavy shuffling gait. Who could have known that my whole life would change once and for all from that moment?

After some time we started talking. It turned out that my interlocutor was a retired colonel in the British Army, who also served for some time in the Royal Diplomatic Corps. Due to his duty, he had the opportunity to visit almost every conceivable and inconceivable corner of the earth during his life. That day, Sir Henry Bradford - as he introduced himself - told me several interesting stories from his adventurous life, which greatly entertained me.

When we parted, we agreed to meet again, and soon our friendly relationship turned into friendship. Almost every day the colonel and I met at my or his house and sat by the fireplace until late at night, having leisurely conversations on a wide variety of topics. Sir Henry turned out to be a most interesting person.

One autumn evening, as usual, we sat with the colonel in deep armchairs in the drawing room of his London mansion. Outside I could hear the rustle of rain and the rustle of car tires behind the wrought-iron fence. The fire crackled in the fireplace.

The colonel was silent, but I felt some internal tension in his behavior. It was as if he wanted to tell me about something very important to him, but could not bring himself to reveal the secret. Such pauses have happened in our conversations before. Each time I felt curious, but I didn’t dare ask a direct question until that day. Now I felt that this was not just some old secret. The colonel clearly wanted to ask me for advice or offer me something. And I said:

Listen, Henry, I've noticed for a long time that there's something that's been bothering you. And I, of course, understand that we are talking about something very, very significant for you. However, it is also completely obvious to me that for some reason you want to know my opinion on the issue that worries you. If you are restrained only by doubts as to whether it is advisable to initiate me - a person in general, an outsider - into a secret, and I am sure that some secret is hidden behind your silence - you can rest easy. Not a single living soul will know what you tell me. At least until you tell me to tell anyone about it. And if you are interested in my opinion or need my advice, you can be sure that I will do everything in my power to help you, the word of a gentleman.

The colonel spoke slowly, carefully choosing his words:

You see, Pete, it's not just a matter of secrecy. First of all, this is not my secret. Secondly, I don’t know how to find the keys for it. And thirdly, if this secret is revealed, it is quite possible that it will change the direction of the life of all mankind. Moreover, it will change so dramatically that even in our wildest fantasies we cannot imagine it now.

Sir Henry was silent for a moment.

“During the last few years of military service,” he continued after a pause, “I commanded a unit stationed in the mountains in northeast India. A road passed through the town in which my headquarters was located - an ancient caravan route leading from India to the interior, on the plateau stretching beyond the main ridge. On market days, from there - from remote corners of the interior - crowds of people flocked to our town. Among them were also residents of a locality lost in the mountains. Usually these people came in a small group - eight to ten people. Sometimes among them were lamas - mountain monks. I was told that the village from which these people come is twelve days' journey away. They all looked very strong and resilient, from which I concluded that for a European, not so accustomed to hiking in wild mountains, an expedition to those parts would be a very difficult undertaking, and without a guide it would be simply impossible, and the path would only take one way no less than a month. I asked the residents of our town and other people from the mountains where exactly the place where these people come from is located. And each time the answer was the same: “Ask them yourself.” And immediately followed the advice not to do this. The fact is that, according to legend, everyone who began to be seriously interested in these people and the source of legends associated with the place from which they came, sooner or later mysteriously disappeared. And over the past two hundred years, none of those who disappeared have returned alive. “Mountain runners” - Lung-gom-pa or “Wind Contemplatives” - Tibetan messengers and cargo carriers - spoke from time to time about fresh human skeletons gnawed by wild animals in one of the distant gorges, but this was somehow connected with mysterious disappearances or no - unknown. They said that at least fifteen people had disappeared from the town over the past twenty years in this way, and only five or six skeletons had been found. Even if these were the bones of one of the missing, it is not known where the rest went.