
Privates of the Apocalypse 2 download fb2. Boris Gromov - rank and file of the apocalypse. About the book “Ordinary Apocalypse” Boris Gromov

Privates of the Apocalypse

Boris Nikolaevich Gromov

Text provided by the publisher

Privates of the Apocalypse

Peresvet, base of the Moscow region riot police,

Red! – I scream at the top of my lungs and fall to one knee, thereby reducing the possible area of ​​damage to my mortal body. I continue to look ahead at the corridor littered with broken bricks and all sorts of small rubbish, with beige paint peeling off the walls, scraps of plaster hanging from the ceiling, and dark doorways without doors. Some of the ones left behind me have retractable shields with bullet holes sticking out of them. I don’t lower the barrel of the machine gun, just a couple of minutes ago I myself explained this to the youngsters: wherever you look, don’t let the barrel out of your attention for a moment! With my left hand I grab a new magazine from the “unloading” by touch. I use a pad to pop out the old one, and it falls at my feet with a plastic rattle. I insert a new one and again at the top of my lungs: “Green!” I get up from my knees. I put the fuse on the machine. I pick up a store lying on the dirty concrete floor. The smell of burnt gunpowder hangs in the air. Green cartridges in gray cement dust and dirt look like foreign bright spots. I turn around to face a short line of six newcomers frozen at the end of the corridor. Clean and not yet wrinkled “slides”, bright black body armor and olive, without a single scratch, helmets with visors, identical “official” unloading vests, rather stupid, it must be said, with an inconvenient arrangement of pockets. True, I’m wearing the same one now – a cheap “Tarzan”, but I also have another one – much better and much more expensive. True, I only wear it in the Caucasus; here, in the Moscow region, “Tarzan” is enough for the eyes. It’s okay, for the next business trip we’ll order the guys other ones, like NATO modular ones. In the meantime, give the “tactics” a try, and these will do.

There are still some positive aspects to business trips to the Caucasus! We train constantly, every shift, if not on the road. But we don’t have normal, serious classes very often—something is always missing. Exceptions are “rare but accurate” joint classes with Vympel groups and the period of preparation for the next six-month “Caucasian epic”. And now, there are only ten days before leaving for Chechnya. And dear Glaucus, for once being generous, gave us a whole pile of various “imitations” for training in combat coordination, and also threw in live ammunition for “sighting and bringing to normal combat.” How not to take advantage of such luck and not drive unfired young animals in conditions “close to combat”! So we drive until we go to Chechnya. Let the young people sit at the base and train. Their business trip is next year.

Is everything clear or do you have any questions?

At the beginning of the formation, a hand rises upward with the palm clenched into a fist. Well done, you learned something.

What, Sergei?

What do you think, will they send us to Moscow?

Come on. In Moscow, some nonsense has been going on since early morning. At first, when I was getting ready for work with the TV murmuring, it seemed quiet, but by lunchtime, riots began. And some strange ones. And it’s not like they were massive, they didn’t look like the rallies of the early nineties. But apparently they are serious. Because the police officers had to shoot several times. Shoot to kill, and this is already very serious. True, there is not a word about this in the news so far. And they called us from the Main Directorate at the duty station, announced their readiness for a general gathering and shared the “good news.” Okay, if “Swan Lake” was not broadcast on all channels, we will live.

Who the hell knows. Hardly. Moscow has its own riot police - three and a half thousand snouts... They will probably manage it themselves. Don’t worry, if some mess like a war happens, you won’t miss it. Will there be any questions regarding the topic of the lesson?

Bor, after changing the magazine you didn’t send the cartridge...

Smiles begin to appear on the faces of the young people: what a seasoned ensign, “castle,” but he screwed up like that.

What are you doing?

I throw the “74th” towards the nearest target, throwing down the safety flag as I go. Bam! The sound of a single shot hits your ears. Young people's faces are long. They don't understand yet. Yes, the young animals are getting smaller! Or maybe it was the case before, when only those who had served in the army, and preferably in hot spots, were accepted into the Detachment. There was almost no need to explain anything to them. They already knew everything. All that remained was to conduct combat coordination. Believe me, I know I’m one of those people myself.

Actually,” I begin to say, “it’s too early for you.” The purpose of today’s lesson is to develop skills in working in a “troika” when replacing a magazine. While one is changing, two are covering. Plus - the basics of moving when clearing a building. But since you’ve already noticed, I’ll explain. A smart and experienced fighter always controls the amount of ammunition spent. Only beginners and amateurs shoot before the cutoff. Catch!

I throw the magazine I picked up from the floor to the big-eyed Seryoga.

What do you see?

There are two more cartridges there. Did you count them?

No. During an assault, everything happens quickly, the reaction to any event must be instantaneous. Therefore, the head should not be occupied with any heresy like counting shots. When loading magazines, I simply load three tracers after the first three rounds. Then, during the battle, I saw that the tracer had gone - the magazine was immediately changed. And there is guaranteed to be one more cartridge in the chamber. This means that if, at the moment of replacing you, some “demon” suddenly jumps out from around the corner, then you will knock him down even with an unfastened magazine. Clear?

The young animals nodded their wild little heads in unison, and the raised visors of their helmets swayed up and down.

So that's great. And now, in order of numbers, we have settled for two “threes”! And show your old uncle what you remember there. Are you sure there are no questions? If you don’t understand something, it’s better to ask now. Then it will be too late. Keep in mind that the worst “troika” does push-ups in full fifty-kopeck harness...

My menacing tirade is interrupted by the wheezing of the radio station.

Altai-11, Altai-1.

So, Captain Roman Vladimirovich Kamenkov, our valiant company commander, for some reason urgently needed his faithful platoon commander one, that is, your humble servant.

Altai-11 is in touch.

Where are you?

In the old barracks. I practice tactics with young people.

Leave tactics aside, the fighters go to the cockpit, and run to the duty room.

Got you, Altai-1.

I look around at the guys.

So, put your feet in your hands and run to the location. It looks like something happened.

An idiotic thought flashed through my head: “If only it weren’t a coup d’état!” But we just need one more putsch in addition to the trip to Chechnya!”

In the duty room, the duty officer, the assistant and the company commander are already arguing about something. Following me, a sweaty and flushed, huge, like a grizzly bear, platoon one, Lieutenant Anton Tisov, stumbles in. The fool can see that he was torturing the barbell again in the gym: good for him, he blamed the training of the young people on poor me, and he and the rest of the platoon stomped off to the gym. And I’m not offended: to be honest, lifting all sorts of pieces of iron is not my thing. But I always liked tactical training, ever since my army service. And I’m good at it, so why be modest? And I like to tinker with newbies. They don’t let your brain become ossified: sometimes they ask you something like that and you’ll break your head while you come up with an answer. But Tisov loves iron dearly. And it reciprocates him completely. I’m not a slender child either: my height is less than three centimeters “kopeck piece” and my weight is one hundred and ten kilos. But next to Antokha I begin to experience a powerful inferiority complex. Nature generously gifted a simple guy from Uryupinsk. And he himself was not bad: from his youth he put the shot, pressed the barbell, and lifted weights. So he grew up in such a way that it’s scary to watch.

We look questioningly at Roma and the elderly, mustachioed major on duty, whom the entire squad has long called simply Uncle Sanya. They both look... Well, let's say, puzzled.

What's happened?

Shit happened! – Uncle Sanya sighs. – Do you remember the old factory in Ivanteevka?

Is this the sewing room? On which last time half a thousand Vietnamese “Gasters” were tied up? The poor FAME workers were still running around like crazy, they didn’t know where to put them all. We remember. Are we going to catch them again? The owners must have hired new ones.

I answer the question, but it’s as if a stone has been lifted from my soul. The coup didn’t happen, which means we can relax a little.

I report by voice: at 2:50 pm the Ivanteevskoe Department of Internal Affairs received a call from the private security company that they were sitting at the gate there. There are three of them - the shift supervisor and two security guards, two on duty. They don’t go inside the factory building, their job is to open the gates, but then they suspected something was wrong. The Gasters, it turns out, were making some noise in the morning. The guards couldn’t really hear it, the walls were thick there, but it sounded like they were screaming. No one came running for help, so they didn’t bother. This often happens there: the Viet Cong sort things out with each other. But things did not come to serious problems. They will scream and stop. And then it’s time for lunch, but there is silence in the building, no one goes outside, and even the equipment does not make noise. So their eldest got ready and went into the building to check if everything was okay. And then suddenly he started shouting over the radio that he was being killed. Then he fell silent. But shots were heard from the building.

but I

Privates of the Apocalypse 2. THIS IS MY LAND (Boris Gromov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Boris Gromov
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Fantasy, post-apocalypse
Publisher: Creative group "SamIzdat"
Executor: Dmitry(DD)Khazanovich
Duration: 12:11:48
Continuation of the adventures of the brave riot police “ensign” in the world of “The Age of the Dead” by Andrei Cruz. The city is dead. And it was truly creepy. The horror was not caused by the disgusting smell of burning and decay hanging over its streets, not by the dusty cars frozen on the roadsides, the owners of which would never drive again, not by the empty and dark, as if blinded, by the failures of windows and shop windows, not by the small garbage that drove There is a cool spring breeze along the dirty, recently cleared of snow and ice and already dried highways and avenues.
If this were the only thing, then the surrounding landscape could be called... well, perhaps unpleasant, even scary. But what made him truly creepy was something else. Life left these streets, but it gave way not to silence and desolation. Death took possession of everything around. Death is impossible, unnatural, wrong, and that makes it even more terrible. It was she who slowly shuffled along the asphalt of roads and tiles of sidewalks with thousands, tens of thousands of pairs of feet covered with scabs, dried pus and long-coagulated black blood. It was she who looked at the bright spring sky with tens of thousands of dull eyes, as if covered with dirty white eyesores. She gnawed bones covered with viscous mucus with yellow fangs and tore with them the rotten meat of corpses. She waged a merciless hunt for the few survivors in the city.

Add. information:

Books in the series:

1. Ordinary apocalypse-
2. This is my land - this release

Thank you:
Boris Gromov for the book
Misha StarAlker for the cover.

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Marushchak Sergey , Rostov-on-Don


10-04-2018 18:32:45


Privates of the Apocalypse (Boris Gromov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
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Privates of the Apocalypse Boris Gromov

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Title: Privates of the Apocalypse

About the book “Ordinary Apocalypse” Boris Gromov

For true connoisseurs and fans of combat science fiction, Boris Gromov wrote the book “Ordinary of the Apocalypse,” which is the first book in the “This is My Land” series. This wonderful work describes the disaster that led to the appearance of zombies. This time, it will not be ordinary unprepared people who will come out to defend humanity, but specially trained brave guys from the riot police.

Boris Gromov is a true professional in military affairs, because he took part in hostilities more than once, and his youthful dream of being a journalist helped him write a fascinating work that earned positive reviews from readers and the famous science fiction writer Cruise. Despite the fact that the theme of zombies is not new, the author was able to add his own flavor, or rather knowledge, to this work.

The narration in the book “Ordinary Apocalypse” is told from the perspective of the main character, riot police warrant officer Boris. There were no signs of trouble that day. Borya, as usual, trained newcomers at the base of the riot police near Moscow in the city of Peresvet, but suddenly his superiors called him. No one could even imagine that this could ever happen. This reality most likely resembled a creepy and bloody horror film. The city turned into an abode of the dead, who wandered the streets in search of their next victim. What happened and why did the world go crazy? You can read about this in the book “Ordinary of the Apocalypse.”

The surviving people were in panic. They had to constantly hide, get supplies and weapons to survive in such conditions. The riot police were lucky about this. Their bases were equipped like fortresses, they underwent special training and were ready for anything. But they can’t just sit in their shelters and wait for the zombies to destroy all the people, so they have no other choice but to save all the survivors.

Boris Gromov described his heroes very colorfully in his work. We can also learn a lot about the life of the riot police guys, about weapons, military equipment and strategies. The author also created a realistic atmosphere of a dying world after a terrible virus that turned not only people into dead people, but also some animals. The events in the novel develop very dynamically, intriguingly and captivating from beginning to end.

Reading the book “Ordinary Apocalypse” is very easy and interesting, thanks to the author’s skill and detailed description of everything that is happening around. As the story progresses, all the characters, places and events come to life and it seems that you are watching high-quality science fiction. This work will not leave its reader indifferent; you will receive a lot of different impressions and unforgettable emotions.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Ordinary of the Apocalypse” by Boris Gromov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For aspiring writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

When the world we are all familiar with suddenly goes crazy; when the most terrible and bloody fantasies of horror film creators turn into reality; when the state collapses, unprepared and unable to withstand a threat that is completely impossible from the point of view of any sane person; when the dead suddenly rise to feed from the living, most of those who were able to survive will immediately have many new things to do: get weapons and suitable transport, stock up on food, find shelter... But there are others. They are perfectly prepared. Their bases are initially small fortresses. They have weapons and even armored vehicles at their disposal. They also took an oath. So what will they do in the new, cruel and bloody world?

On our website you can download the book "Ordinary of the Apocalypse" Boris Nikolaevich Gromov for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

The literary world can offer works of the fantastic genre for every taste. Boris Gromov is a bright star on the creative Olympus. The writer writes dynamic and memorable stories that literally draw you into what is happening on the pages of the book.

The book “Privates of the Apocalypse” is a fascinating work by the author. The story is based on a popular apocalyptic plot: a tragedy of unprecedented proportions has occurred on Earth. Therefore, if you are interested in stories in which people try to survive after the end of the world, start reading the science fiction novel by the author of “Privates of the Apocalypse.” You are guaranteed not to regret the time spent; on the contrary, you will enjoy a good book, and perhaps think about important moments of our time.

The book “Privates of the Apocalypse” was created for real men, because it belongs to the genre of combat fantasy and talks about the difficult everyday life of special forces representatives. So, the world in which we are accustomed to living quietly and calmly collapsed under the onslaught of terrible monsters. What awaits the survivors? There are many different dangers and hardships. The inhabitants of the Earth are being bullied by disgusting creatures; chaos and confusion reign on Earth.

The plot of the creepiest horror movie has become reality. Just yesterday, everything that was happening on the streets could only be seen in the movies. Today all this has become everyday life for survivors. But the worst thing is not this, but the fact that the authorities were unable to cope with the surging danger and people gradually began to run wild, revealing their true essence. What is the reason for this? You will find the answer on the pages of the book. Who will now save the world from extinction? A team of brave men who are not ready to come to terms with the destruction of their usual way of life and the needless deaths of loved ones. They will be able to find strength and opportunity to resist chaos and those who are happy to take advantage of the current situation.

You will find it very interesting to read the book. Boris Gromov has significant experience in writing science fiction stories. His stories always turn out to be holistic, harmonious, fascinating and very concise. In the vastness of the novel, you will not find unnecessary descriptions of technological innovations in the fictional world, tedious descriptions of fight scenes, or other events. In his books, everything is extremely clear and simple, but at the same time exciting and original.

Unusual intrigue, brave heroes, amazing adventures, an unpredictable ending - all this awaits readers in the author’s action movie. The ranks of Thunder fans are growing, book lovers are enthusiastically getting acquainted with the plot of each new story.

Boris Gromov plans to release a continuation of the story. But first you need to read the book "Private Apocalypse".

On our literary website you can download the book “Ordinary Soldiers of the Apocalypse” (Fragment) by Boris Gromov in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.